30 attractions of Balaklava recommended for visiting

The best attractions in the vicinity of Balaklava

Cape Fiolent

Cape Fiolent

This beautiful natural landmark appeared as a result of volcanic activity. A piece of land protruding into the sea is mentioned in the legends of Ancient Greece. In later times, Pushkin and Goethe wrote about him. And Aivazovsky and Serov were depicted on the canvases.

People come here for the picturesque area and sea views. You can visit one of the best Jasper Beach in the vicinity of Balaklava.

Address: Balaklava, Cape Fiolent; GPS: 44.49781, 33.48941

Opening hours: daily

Free admission

St. George's Rock

St. George's Rock

The island in the form of a rock is located in the sea near Cape Fiolent. From Jasper Beach to the island it is very close - about 150 m. Many people are happy to swim to it. People often approach the rock by boats or speedboats.

According to legend, in ancient times, St. George the Victorious appeared here to Greek fishermen in distress and created a miraculous salvation. In honor of this, a monastery was built on the shore.

To mark the anniversary of the miracle, a cross was erected on the rock. As usual, it was removed by the Bolsheviks. In 1991, a new one made of metal appeared. In 2022, it was demolished by a storm. In 2022, a marble cross was installed on a metal frame.

If you climb the rock, you can see a stunning view of the sea and the St. George Monastery.

Address: at Cape Fiolent, near Jasper Beach; GPS: 44.50666, 33.5062

Opening hours: daily

Free admission

Batiliman tract

Batiliman tract

Translated from Greek, Batiliman means “deep harbor”. This place is ideal for a complete relaxation. Juniper groves creating healing air, a clean sea with clear water, picturesque cliffs of the coast - what else is needed to relax and gain strength. The southern coast of Crimea begins from the tract.

The tract needs to be visited for relaxation. It's very good here with children. On the shore there are recreation centers and campsites, local beaches with infrastructure. There are routes for climbers and underwater cliffs for scuba divers.

Address: the tract is located between Cape Aya and Laspi Bay southeast of Balaklava; GPS: 44.41925, 33.67813

Opening hours: daily

Free admission

Sevastopol trail

Sevastopol trail

Local hikers and cyclists have been testing themselves on this trail for many years, enjoying the scenery and sights they encounter. In 2015, the “Great Sevastopol Trail” was officially registered.

The route, 117 km long, is divided into 8 sections and runs in a semicircle through mountainous terrain. Along the entire route the route has the necessary equipment for safe passage.

A visit to the trail will be remembered as a great walk with muscle training among magnificent mountain and sea views. The project website will help you choose the optimal route for you.

Address: start of the trail from the central beach of Balaklava

Opening hours: daily

Free admission

Official website: https://bst-sev.ru/

Cape Aya

Cape Aya

Here is one of the largest Crimean nature reserves. The cape has untouched nature, secluded beaches, clear sea, bizarre rocks. Nature in this place has been preserved due to difficult accessibility.

The highest point of the Blue Rock has a height of 559 m. At the top of the cape there is a crater of unknown origin.

The cape is visited in order to be among pristine mountains and forests. You can have a great swim and sunbathe.

Address: at the junction of the Southern and Southwestern coasts of Crimea between Balaklava and Laspi Bay; GPS: 44.42726, 33.65646

Opening hours: daily

Free admission

Object No. 221

Object No. 221

The secret facility was built as a reserve command post for the Black Sea Fleet in the 1970s. The unfinished structure was abandoned after the collapse of the USSR and fell into disrepair. Almost the entire command post was supposed to be underground. Underground tunnels and rooms were carved into the rocks, which are stunning in their size.

The object will be of interest to extreme sports enthusiasts and stalkers. Here you can see and capture fantastic views. This is unlikely to be seen anywhere else.

Address: Balaklava, Alsou tract; GPS: 44.51775, 33.70146

Opening hours: daily

Free admission

Balaklava St. George Monastery

Balaklava St. George Monastery

According to legend, the monastery was built by Greek sailors in the 9th century on the occasion of a miraculous rescue from a storm off the local shores. One of the oldest monasteries in Crimea is located near Cape Fiolent. Over its many years of history, it was destroyed more than once, but it was certainly reborn. The last time this happened was in the 90s of the last century. Now the monastery is active.

The visit will be interesting for believers. There are architectural monuments here - a monastery building and a cave temple.

Address: Sevastopol city, Cape Fiolent, Crimea

Opening hours: daily

Free admission

Official website: georgievsky-mon.church.ua

South and North Forts

South and North Forts

Some of the most famous fortifications of Balaklava - the South and North forts - were built at the end of the 19th and in the first half of the 20th century. The construction work was headed by engineer Polyansky. Mount Asceti is the location of the Southern Fort, the Northern Fort was built on Mount Kefalo-Vrisi.

In the forts it is interesting to see the architecture and strength of the fortifications. Experience seekers will enjoy the views of the sea and rocky coast from the forts.

Address: st. Bogdan Khmelnitsky, Sevastopol; GPS: 44.50448, 33.6076

Opening hours: daily

Free admission

19th gun battery

19th gun battery

It was located on Cape Kuron, a strategically important place from which the sea approaches to Sevastopol were covered. Before the First World War, a battery of long-range cannons was installed here. It was called the 19th gun battery, and next to it there were barracks and service premises.

The battery's guns defended the city during the Great Patriotic War. Nowadays, only the remains of concrete structures can be seen in place of the guns.

People come here to see the remains of the object and admire the views of the sea - this is one of the best viewing platforms of the sea and Balaklava Bay.

Address: located between Cape Kuron and Mytilino rock; Balaklava district, Sevastopol, Crimea

Opening hours: daily

Free admission

Object 100

Object 100

Balaklava played an important role in the defense of the Crimean coast. In the 50s of the last century, the Utes underground cruise missile complex was built in the vicinity of the city. It remained on combat duty until 1993, having replaced three types of combat missiles during this time.

Now the facility is unguarded and in a dilapidated state. Anyone can take a walk here.

Object 100 is a unique military facility and it is unlikely that you will be able to see something like this anywhere. Recommended for military history buffs.

Address: 5 km northwest of the village of Reserve; GPS: 44.49411, 33.63855

Opening hours: daily

Free admission

Barrel of Death

Barrel of Death

The structure is part of the South Fort. This is an observation post built of concrete, which at the end is made of armor-piercing metal, shaped like half a barrel. The metal walls had slits for observation and loopholes for shooting.

The most important strategic location allowed effective observation of the enemy from the barrel of death. The point was actively used in the first and second world wars.

The building will impress fans of military fortifications. And everyone else will enjoy the sea views.

Address: Balaklava district, Sevastopol; GPS: 44.49235, 33.61983

Opening hours: daily

Free admission

Chorgunsky bridge-aqueduct

Chorgunsky bridge-aqueduct

The structure, designed to imitate the water conduits of Ancient Rome, was built a year before the Crimean War in 1853. It was supposed to supply fresh water to ship docks.

The water supply was partially destroyed during the Crimean War and later during the construction of the railway. Currently, several of its sections have been preserved. One of them is the Chorgun Aqueduct, located on the Chernaya River near Balaklava in good condition. Until the end of the 20th century, it was used to supply water to the fields.

The unusual object is of interest to everyone for inspection. It is located in a place with excellent nature, where you can organize a picnic.

Address: Balaklava district, Chernorechye village; GPS: 44.54206, 33.66378

Opening hours: daily

Free admission

Kadykovsky quarry

Kadykovsky quarry

The quarry is located northwest of Balaklava. Fluxed limestone was once mined here. The development of the field ended, and the mined-out quarry was filled with water. The combination of beautifully colored water and unusual coastal topography made the place popular. Due to the fact that the shore is formed by easily crumbling soil, going down to the reservoir and swimming in it is prohibited.

People come here to take fantastically beautiful pictures and admire the lake.

Address: Kadykovsky quarry, Balaklava; GPS: 44.51791, 33.5666

Opening hours: daily

Free admission

Genoese fortress Cembalo

Genoese fortress Cembalo

In the XIV-XV centuries, a colony of Genoese was located on this site. Then the Chembalo fortress appeared, partially preserved to this day. Mount Castron is the site of a fortification with 8 towers.

A little lower there was a settlement, also hidden behind the fortress walls. Cembalo survived several eras, protecting various military garrisons. Unfortunately, recent wars have left only some of the structures.

The fortress, glorified by Adam Mickiewicz, will be of interest to history buffs. Lovers of beautiful views will also find something to see.

Address: Balaklava, Mount Fortress

Opening hours: daily

Free admission

Balaklava Bay

Balaklava Bay

The bay is the main attraction of the city. Thanks to its features and location, it has always attracted those associated with the sea. Its strategic importance was important for ships and submarines in the 20th century, and even in earlier times.

No more than 450 m wide, the bay is sheltered from the winds by mountains and is hardly noticeable from the sea. The military left here and now the bay is a paradise for yachts and boats. Due to their large number, swimming in the reservoir is prohibited. An embankment runs along the bay.

The place that gave birth to Balaclava is recommended for everyone to visit. You can admire the bay from the embankment or take a boat trip.

Address: Balaklava, bay; GPS: 44.50046, 33.59962

Opening hours: daily

Free admission

South and North Forts

Southern Fort
On the territory of Balaklava there are buildings from different eras.

  1. The South Fort dates back to the 19th-20th centuries. The object is located on Mount Asceti.
  2. The northern fort was built on Mount Kefalo Vrisi.

The construction of these structures was first carried out by the British (during the Crimean War), then by Russian builders (engineer Polyansky supervised the construction work).

To this day, only some structures have survived; most of the buildings have been lost. We recommend booking an excursion program to interesting places:

  • unusual “barrel of death”;
  • protective walls;
  • ditches that are dug directly into the rocks;
  • concrete adits with reliable shelters

In addition to exploring historical and military sights, you can enjoy the natural beauty of Balaklava. In the vicinity of the forts there are several observation platforms from which beautiful views of Balaklava Bay and the surrounding rocks open.

What to visit in Balaclava for free

Temple of the 12 Apostles

Temple of the 12 Apostles

Built on the foundations of a church from 1375. The temple survived the Crimean War and the times of the USSR, when secular institutions were located here. In 1990, it was returned to the church and consecrated in honor of the Twelve Apostles.

The temple, unusual in architecture for the Crimea, is built of limestone. Another feature is that there are no paintings inside, which is not typical for the Orthodox Church.

It will be of interest to architecture connoisseurs, pilgrims, and believers.

Address: st. 9th May, Sevastopol

Opening hours: daily

Free admission

Nazukina embankment

Nazukina embankment

It is actually the main street of Balaklava. The first version of the embankment was built at the end of the 19th century using city funds. Architecturally interesting houses are located on the embankment. Here are most of Balaklava's entertainment venues, piers, a diving center, and a city beach.

The embankment is named after I.A. Nazukin - hero of the revolution.

Everyone will enjoy a walk along the bay; there is any kind of entertainment here. You can enjoy the bay and views of the mountains and the Chembolo fortress.

Address: Balaklava, Nazukina embankment

Opening hours: daily

Free admission

Yusupov's hunting lodge

Yusupov's hunting lodge

One of the richest families in Russia loved Crimea. The Yusupovs had several buildings on the peninsula. One of them is located on the Tavricheskaya embankment on the western side of Balaklava Bay.

Built in 1890 by an unknown architect, the structure is called a hunting lodge. The owners here never had time to shoot game, having emigrated from Russia after the revolution.

The building in closed Sevastopol was not guarded, there was no restoration. It is currently privately owned and awaiting better days.

The object is attractive to tourists interested in architecture and Russian history.

Address: Tavricheskaya embankment of Balaklava

Opening hours: daily

Free admission

Temple of the Twelve Apostles

Interior of the temple
The Temple of the Twelve Apostles is one of the most important religious and historical monuments of the Crimean resort of Balaklava.

  • Historians claim that the first church was founded here by the Genoese in the fourteenth century.
  • After its destruction, at the end of the eighteenth century, an Orthodox church was built in its place.

At the end of the last century, large-scale reconstruction work was carried out, and currently the temple is a functioning religious site.

The Temple of the Twelve Apostles became a place of pilgrimage. It contains particles of the relics of Orthodox saints.

The temple is an architectural treasure of Crimea. The building was built in the classical style typical of the Russian Orthodox Church (cross-domed style, and individual elements of Italian and Greek architecture were also used). The walls of the religious building are made of Inkerman limestone and natural marble.

Where to go in Balaklava and what else to see

Object 825GTS (Balaklava underground museum complex)

Object 825GTS (Balaklava underground museum complex)

More recently, during the Cold War years, a secret submarine maintenance facility was built in Balaklava. It is located in Mount Tavros, has two exits to the bay and is capable of withstanding a direct hit from an atomic bomb.

The 602 m long canal could simultaneously accommodate 6 submarines. The total area of ​​the underground shelter facility is 9600 m2, and the water surface area is 5200 m2.

The complex did not last long. Built in 1961, it was closed in 1993. Now there is a “Cold War Museum”.

The unique structure will be of interest to almost anyone. Even if you don’t want to look at the museum exhibition, the unique underground complex will amaze everyone. There are no such open-access facilities anywhere in the world.

Address: Balaklava, Tavricheskaya embankment, 11

Opening hours: daily from 9 to 21

Entrance: with audio guide for adults 700 rubles, for children from 7 to 13 years old 350 rubles.

Official website: www. museum-sevastopol.ru

Museum of the History of Balaklava

Museum of the History of Balaklava

Opened in 2015, the Balaklava History Museum tells the story of its eventful past. First of all, this is the time associated with the Crimean War. The exhibitions present documents and historical artifacts - evidence of heroic history. In the halls you can see both permanent stands and temporary exhibitions.

The museum is private. It was created by entrepreneur and history buff Sergei Gontar.

The convenient location of the museum on the embankment allows you to visit it during a walk. It will be interesting to everyone interested in Balaclava.

Address: Balaklava, st. Nazukina, 5

Opening hours: daily from 10 to 19. Break from 13 to 14

Entrance: adults 300 rubles, children 150 rubles.

Official website: www. historybalaklava.ru

Champagne "Golden Beam"

Another association with Balaklava is the wines of Zolotaya Balka. Its vineyards spread across endless fields between 5 km and Balaklava. Let me say right away that their sparkling wines are much tastier than regular ones. It has always been believed in Sevastopol that buying Zolotaya Balka champagne is a great success. Both white and rose wines from the ZB Frizzante and ZB Moscato series are good.

Premium wine line - Loco Cimbali

You can taste the white immediately after your walk. For example, ordering it with a portion of red mullet or horse mackerel is also a local specialty. And if you like it, buy a couple of bottles for home at the store on May 1 Square.

However, everyone already knows that on the outskirts of Balaklava, on the street. Krestovskogo 66, new owners. Without ordering an excursion, a company store is available, as in the center of Balaklava. But you can expand your acquaintance and attend a tasting or a golf cart tour around the territory. More details at www.zbtour.ru.

The Zolotaya Balka festivals are held on the territory of the champagne house. For the atmosphere and the opportunity not just to try, but to find out which wineries have appeared on the peninsula over the past 6 years, Crimeans and Sevastopol residents have managed to fall in love with them.

In calendar order they are arranged as follows:

  • gastronomic festival “Oh yes, Food!” — first weekend of May;
  • musical ZBFest - at the junction of July and August. Sergei Shnurov and the Leningrad group, Polina Gagarina, Vadim Samoilov and Agatha Christie, Garik Sukachev and others visited its stage;
  • wine festival WineFest - in early October. Almost Oktoberfest on Sevastopol scale, but not a beer hall.

WineFest, a festival in honor of the harvest, attracted 25 thousand guests in its first year. Something similar was so lacking in Crimea and Sevastopol. It should take place for the fifth time in 2022. More details on the website balaklava-winefest.ru.

The best beaches of Balaclava

Shaitan Beach

Shaitan Beach

The beach is quite small. 20 m long and 10 m wide. But it is very cozy, in a bay surrounded by rocks. Moreover, it is very close to the city. Despite this, it is not easy to get to. You need to go along mountain paths, and to the beach you have to overcome the difficult descent along the steps of a metal staircase. Well, as usual in Balaklava, you can be transported from the bay to the beach by water.

It’s not worth planning a visit here for a long time. There is no infrastructure. But visiting to swim and capture the views is very appropriate. The beach cove is a great place for snorkeling. There are rocks at the bottom; special shoes are needed to enter the water.

Address: next to Balaklava Bay near the Shaitan-dere gully; GPS: 44.49389, 33.60286

Opening hours: daily

Free admission

Vasili Beach

Vasili Beach

One of the best beaches in Balaklava is Vasili Beach. It is located near Cape Fiolent near Vasilyeva Balka. High cliffs protect the coast from the winds and decorate the landscapes. The length of the beach is about 300 m. There are small pebbles and golden sand under your feet.

The entry into the water is gentle at first, then the depth begins quite sharply and you need to keep an eye on the children. The inaccessibility of the beach makes it less crowded during the season.

You can have a good rest on the beach and admire the views. If you have enough strength, you should go down the stairs to the beach. The views are breathtaking. If you don’t want to strain your muscles, water transport from Balaklava is available.

Address: Vasili beach near Tavricheskaya embankment; GPS: 44.49224, 33.57812

Opening hours: daily

Free admission

Silver and Gold beaches

Silver and Gold beaches

Locals also call Silver Beach the nearest one, since it is not far from the embankment. It is a 400 m long bay surrounded by rocks. Famous for its clean water and healing air. Many people relax on the beach with tents. There is a cafe and sun loungers for rent. Crowded during the season.

Few people dare to walk to Golden Beach. Distance from Balaklava 6 km. Most people get here by boat from the embankment. The length of the beach is 800 m. You can stay in a mini-hotel and guest house nearby.

The beaches are recommended for a good holiday at sea.

Address: Balaclava, Silver beach. Balaclava, Golden Beach; GPS: 44.48784, 33.61696

Opening hours: daily

Free admission

Central beach of Balaklava

Central beach of Balaklava

If you walk along the Nazukina embankment, then at its end you can see the central beach. It is made artificially. This is a concrete platform of about 100 m2. The amenities here are minimal, but there are benches, shelters and a toilet.

The water is not the cleanest due to numerous boats, but is quite acceptable for swimming. Those who find it difficult or don’t want to get to the best places rest here. Descent into the sea along concrete steps.

On the beach you can refresh yourself with sea water without leaving the city.

Address: Balaklava, emb. Nazukina

Opening hours: daily

Free admission

Fig Beach

Fig Beach

The Inzhir tract is the location of the beach of the same name. This is a rare place where the sea, green nature and beaches combine. In the surrounding area there are underwater caves and grottoes that divers love.

People come here to relax in nature. There is everything for this: clean air, places for tents, infrastructure, campsites, the sea.

Address: between Cape Aya and Balaklava Bay; GPS: 44.54645, 33.43117

Opening hours: daily

Free admission

Jasper Beach

Jasper Beach

The rocks of Cape Fiolent shelter a cozy bay where a popular beach is located. From here you can clearly see St. George's Rock. There is clean water, good accessibility, and good infrastructure. Convenient entrance to the sea. Sun loungers can be rented. There are several options for water transport rental. The length of the beach is 450 m.

Suitable for a complete relaxing holiday. A boat constantly runs here from Balaklava.

Address: Balaklava, Yashmovy beach, near Cape Fiolent; GPS: 44.50666, 33.5062

Opening hours: daily

Free admission

"Barrel of Death"

“Barrel of Death”
This is a fortification facility that is part of the city’s Southern Fort. The structure was built during the First World War and served as an observation post.

The barrel has a rounded structure, which is lined with sheet metal. Through holes made in the walls, you can shoot and observe the immediate surroundings. The diameter of this ancient structure is almost two meters.

The barrel is located on the top of the mountain. The structure rises above a huge abyss, so you can look at the object from the shore. Travelers strive to get here in order to see the original structure with their own eyes (the concrete walls adjacent to it, which were intended to protect the fort, are also of interest). If you wish, you can look into the inside of the barrel and enjoy the views of the coast and sea.

Viewpoints of Balaklava

Viewpoints of Balaklava

The hills surrounding Balaklava offer views of the city and the sea coast from different points. The most interesting views open:

  • from the Chembalo fortress;
  • from Cape Fiolent;
  • from Cape Aya;
  • from the North Fort;
  • from the 19th gun battery.

You need to visit the observation decks to admire the views of the most beautiful bay of Crimea, the city and the sea coast. From here you can bring a whole collection of photos with stunning views.

Location and availability vary depending on location selected.

Chembalo Fortress

A significant cultural and historical heritage of the city is the defensive fortress of Cembalo, built by the Genoese in 1343. The building is located on Fortress Hill and is the main tourist attraction of the city.

The history of the name of the resort is also connected with the defensive complex. Once upon a time, there were two cities in the fortress: Upper - for officials and treasurers and Lower - for ordinary residents. They were surrounded by a complex of 8 defensive towers. It was almost impossible to get into the fortress, built on steep cliffs. However, in 1475 the Turks captured it and named the settlement Balyk-Yuve (Balaklava).

For a long time the fortress was in good condition, but during the liberation of Crimea in 1945 it was badly damaged. Today, only the earliest towers of the fortress remain on the steep cliffs of Balaklava Bay.

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Nazukina embankment

Its length is about 1 km. Built in the middle of the 19th century. and was called simply and unpretentiously - Embankment. The original version of the flooring was wooden. At the end of the century the covering was made of stone. The work was carried out under the leadership of the Sevastopol merchant Afanasy Christopoulo.

A small part of that pavement has been preserved. The square was enclosed in a metal frame and an explanatory sign was placed.

The embankment received its modern name in the middle of the last century. It was renamed in honor of the submariner Ivan Nazukin, an active revolutionary and Bolshevik.

There are many cafes, restaurants, piers for yachts and pleasure boats on the embankment. This is a favorite walking place for residents and guests of the city.

On the sea terrace there are architectural monuments in the style of the magnificent Spanish Renaissance of the late 19th - early 20th centuries.


can you go with children in Balaklava Central beach of Balaklava, Monument to Lesya Ukrainka, Object 825GTS (Balaklava underground museum complex), Museum of the History of Balaklava.

What can you see in Balaclava for free? Monument to A.I. Kuprin, Temple of the 12 Apostles, Yusupov's Hunting Lodge.

2 main attractions of Balaklava that are definitely worth a visit? Tavricheskaya embankment of Balaklava, Nazukina embankment.

Monument to Kuprin

At the beginning of Nazukin Street there is a bronze monument to the Russian writer Alexander Kuprin. Kuprin loved Balaklava very much and called it a “quiet blue haven.” It was here that he worked on his main story, “The Duel.”

The monument was made in 2009 by local sculptors Konstantin Tsikhiev and Georgy Grigoryants. The decision to install it was made in 2005. Several masters competed for the title of chief sculptor, but the famous Sevastopol artist Stanislav Chizh won the competition.

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How to get there

The easiest way to get to Balaklava is from Sevastopol. To do this, you need to take bus number 17 or minibuses 17, 20, 25, 26 and drive fifteen stops to the final stop “5th km of Balaklava Highway”. Then you need to transfer to bus No. 119, 33, 9 or minibuses 9, 94. There are also buses from Yalta and Alushta to Balaklava.

Cat on the embankment

Where to live here

Accommodation in Balaklava is quite varied. Everyone will find a place to stay that is convenient in price and comfort. Here you will find cozy living rooms at home. Comfortable hotels and boarding houses offer many services and rooms of varying prices. Any hotel is ready to accept tourists into its rooms. There are wonderful recreation centers and a variety of offers that abound in the private sector. For the required number of days, you can rent housing: an apartment, a room or a house with payment agreed upon daily.

Where to eat delicious food here?

It is not surprising that people come to a place with such a name not only for the amazing museums and other attractions. People come here to try the delicious Black Sea fish. Restaurants in Balaklava serve freshly prepared seafood, freshly caught from sea water. Walking along the picturesque shores, you can find many tempting restaurants offering to taste freshly fried mullet, eat crispy horse mackerel, aromatic red mullet, or treat yourself to a rich fisherman’s fish soup (also known as the famous Balaklava-style fish soup). You can also eat oysters here. It's really delicious!

Interesting! Experts say that the Crimean oyster has always been valued above the best French varieties for its sweetness and tenderness. This difference in taste was explained by the composition and properties of the Black Sea waters. Therefore, modern restaurateurs and oyster breeders are confident that along with the cultivated population of these delicious mollusks, their unique taste has also returned.

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