Novorossiysk on the map of Russia. Location, where it is located, attractions

History of the city of Novorossiysk

similar to the history of many of today’s settlements in the Black Sea region, from Anapa to Sochi and Adler. Almost all of these cities and towns originate from Russian fortresses created here from the late 20s to the late 30s of the 19th century. These outposts were created to strengthen the influence of the Russian Empire in the Black Sea region and repel the opposition of the local Adyghe-Circassian population.

The annexation of the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory to Russia in the first half of the 19th century was accompanied by military actions of several Russian-Turkish wars and the Caucasian War. During these events, military outposts of the Russian army were created on the coast. The territory of today's Novorossiysk was inhabited back in Paleolithic times. The first real city here was a settlement of Greek colonists.

The city of maritime glory Novorossiysk has a very interesting and complex history

A little about Novorossiysk

Novorossiysk on the map of Russia is located on the shore of a natural ice-free bay of the Black Sea called Tsemesskaya. The distance from it to Krasnodar is about 100 km. The city extends for 25 km. along the bay into which the river running through it flows. Tsemes. According to the latest census, the population of Novorossiysk is about 273 thousand people.

National composition of residents, thousand people:

  • Russians – 212.9;
  • Armenians – 8.2;
  • Ukrainians -5.8;
  • Tatars -2.2;
  • Greeks - 2.2;
  • the rest – 7.2.

The climate in the Novorossiysk region is dry subtropical, similar to the Mediterranean environment. During the cold season, atmospheric masses of temperate latitude predominate here, and in the warm season, air of tropical latitudes prevails. In the time period from November to March, cool air masses coming from the North Caucasus Plain often bring with them heavy winds.

Novorossiysk has the status of a hero city.

At the same time, the temperature drops sharply (by 10-15 0C). The average temperature in summer is 24 0C, and in winter 3 0C. In summer the water warms up to 30 0C, and in winter up to 12 0C.

Post-war life of the city

Few surviving buildings remained in Novorossiysk after a year of terrible fighting. The country's authorities decided to rebuild the city; the city's architect was Boris Iofan.

Ruins of the Novorossiysk industrial zone. Photo:

Today the city is the largest seaport in Russia, the center of the cement industry, and one of the largest transport hubs in our country.

The entire rich history of the city is reflected in a huge number of memorable places - this is Heroes Square near the seaport, and the Central Street of Soviets, and the beautiful embankment.

The rich history of this beautiful city can be studied and retold endlessly.

How to get to Novorossiysk

Novorossiysk is closely connected with many Russian cities, and therefore you can get here in different ways:

Kind of transportFeatures of the trip
AirplanePlanes arrive at the airport of Anapa, Sochi or Krasnodar. It is then better to get to your destination by minibus or bus.
TrainThe station is located away from the city center and receives trains from many Russian cities.
BusApart from local routes, the hero city has transport connections with major Russian centers.
AutomobileYou should go by car to Rostov-on-Don, then turn to Krasnodar, and from there move past Krymsk to the road junction, and soon the tourist will be at his destination.

Fact 2. “Bearded” disaster

The city's advantageous geographical position meant it would develop quickly. But the founders of the city lost sight of a very important circumstance that greatly overshadowed the rosy plans.

We are talking about bora, a strong wind that occurs when a cold stream of air overcomes an obstacle in its path and falls down with enormous force. From the city side, the bora looks like a giant beard crawling down from the mountains.

At the initial stages of the construction of the city and port, the destructive power of this natural phenomenon was greatly underestimated. But very soon the elements showed their character: for several days in a row, roars, whistles, icing, and hurricane winds tormented the city.

This phenomenon still causes trouble for local residents. Nevertheless, an interesting fact about Novorossiysk is that the bora is the calling card of the city.

Where to stay in Novorossiysk

To choose accommodation in the hero city, you should pay attention to the following hotels:

  1. "Durso" is located on the Black Sea coast in the picturesque Durso Bay, and operates all year round. The beach area extends 80 m from the hotel building. The club-hotel has 12 rooms with all amenities, the cost of which starts from 3,000 rubles/day per person.
  2. "Novorossiysk" built near the city's business district, some distance from busy highways. The hotel is ready to welcome guests throughout the year. There is a beach and park area nearby. There are standard cozy rooms and apartments. The price includes a buffet breakfast. The minimum price for accommodation is 2500 rubles/day per person.

  3. "Old Bridge" is open all year round. The hotel, located in the old part of the city, stands out for its comfort. Tourists will have to pay from 800 rubles per night. per person For a fee, guests will be provided with 3 meals a day.
  4. "Tavria" is located in the sleeping part of the hero city. There is a convenient transport connection near the mini-hotel. Travelers have the opportunity to rent a standard room here with all amenities at reasonable prices (for a 2-bed room, prices start from 1,200 rubles per day per person).

Where to eat in Novorossiysk

Among Novorossiysk public catering outlets it is worth highlighting the following establishments:

  1. Rafferty will appeal to lovers of European cuisine and those who want to try real Caucasian dishes. The restaurant will delight you with well-cooked kebab, served with national sauces. For European food, it is advisable to order fresh salads or seafood dishes. Live music playing here in the evening will be a pleasant accompaniment.

  2. “Our yard” is located in a small building decorated with wood. In this convenient cafe you should try amazing shish kebab, as well as unusual European salads and branded desserts. Most foods are prepared using coals. The most popular delicacies here are pizza and Italian pasta. Prices in the cafe are moderate.
  3. Fans of Mediterranean food will love the Jules Verne restaurant, which specializes in seafood dishes, seasonal salads and fruit desserts. This catering outlet stands out for its rather high prices, which fully compensates for the original design and ideal quality of food.

The Crimean War is a sad page of history

1853 is the date of the beginning of the Crimean War, which was very difficult for Russia. Our country was opposed by a powerful coalition of several European states. At the beginning of 1855, the enemy squadron approached the shores of Novorossiysk. The Russian fleet at that time was completely blocked in Sevastopol , while the coastal guns had a very short range. Therefore, the command made the only correct decision at that time: while the enemy was firing from afar with destructive fire along the coastline, all our guns were silent. When, confident of complete victory, the enemy troops approached closer to the shore, our guns hit them with all their might. Taken by surprise, the enemy ships chose to urgently retreat. This battle was won by us.

But, unfortunately, the war itself was lost; under the conditions of defeat, the Black Sea Fleet and fortifications on the coast were destroyed. The city was abandoned by the Russian garrison, as well as many local residents.

Architectural landmarks

Novorossiysk occupies a unique place on the map of Russia and has a special form of cultural and historical heritage:

  1. Ruins of the Turkish bastion Sujuk-Kale. The history of the structure is interconnected with the presence of the Turks in this area. In 1772, a Turkish defensive stronghold, Sujuk-Kale, was founded on the coast of the bay, which retained its purpose until the end of the 18th century. During the reign of Catherine 2, this fortress became part of the range of strategic Russian interests. Here the Russian fleet won several significant victories. During its existence, the bastion was repeatedly destroyed and completed. At the end of the 18th century. Sujuk-Kale was significantly expanded. In the 19th century these lands finally began to belong to Russia, and the history of the existence of the ancient structure raises disputes about the date of the emergence of the Black Sea hero city.
  2. Admiral Serebryakov Embankment stretched for 2.3 km along the Tsemes Bay and received its name from one of the founders of the city, L. M. Serebryakov. The coastal line starts from the street. Novorossiysk Republic and rushes to the street. Suvorovskaya. This place is intended for walking and has a large number of architectural objects.

  3. The building of the Palace of Culture is located on the street. Sovetskaya, 9 and is noted as one of the most beautiful city buildings. The unique monument of the Stalin era was officially opened in 1937. The building has an antique portico, which is divided by an arch. The palace is decorated with stucco, luxurious column capitals and elaborate cornices. Above the main entrance there is a bas-relief with the city's coat of arms.
  4. Marine terminal building has an unusual architectural solution. Its left extension is decorated with a round superstructure in the form of a “flying saucer”. From its windows there is a panoramic view of the beach, mountains and urban development. Currently, various exhibitions and events are held in the large halls of the station.

  5. Heroes Square acts as a kind of starting point for the development of Novorossiysk. At this place at the beginning of the 19th century. the formation of the city began. During its existence, the square changed its name several times, and the final name was approved in 1943, in memory of the heroes of the Second World War. Several thematic monuments have been installed on its territory.

Greek Colony of Bata

Based on ancient written sources and mentions of the first Russian settlers of Novorossiysk about the ruins of a certain ancient Greek city, scientists believe that in the 6th century BC. on the site of today's Novorossiysk there was the Greek city of Bata.

Once upon a time, on the site of Novorossiysk there was the Greek city-state of Bata

Archaeological evidence of its existence was found in later times during construction work during the Soviet period at the bottom of Tsemes Bay, etc.

Bata, like all Greek metropolises of that period, was a trading city-colony. The local colonists had well-developed agriculture, fishing, and various crafts. Trade was also going well. Mainly bread and fishery products were exported, while wines, olive oil, and ceramics were imported.

Bata was one of the easternmost Greek colonies

In the 5th century BC. Almost all the Greek city-states of the Black Sea region were united into a single Bosporan kingdom, which later became part of the Roman Empire. Bata found itself on the very southeastern border of this state entity.

The remains of this semi-mythical city have not been found and there is no direct evidence of its location. But it is believed that it was located on the site of the Seaport, whose structures concreted the possible remains of a Greek settlement. But the fact that there was an ancient Greek trading pier in Tsemes Bay is clear from the ancient anchors and amphorae found in the bay.

All ancient artifacts can be seen today in the Novorossiysk Museum

Fortified fortresses were built around Bath, which were supposed to secure the approaches to ancient Gorgippia (today's Anapa). One of these fortresses was located on the site of the village of Myskhako. All these Greek settlements were subsequently destroyed by the nomadic tribes of the Alans, Goths and Huns in the 2nd and 3rd centuries. Since then, the settlement of this region began by the ancestors of the Adyghe and Circassian peoples, who gave the name to the local river - Tsemez (translated as “swampy forest”). And the river, in turn, gave the name to the bay itself - Tsemezskaya.


Tourists planning to visit the hero city should see the following monuments:

  1. "Sailor with a Grenade" installed on Lenin Ave., because it was here that the 1st defense line ran in 1943. The opening of the monument in 1972 is dedicated to the fact that 29 years ago the city was liberated from the Nazis. The height of the monument is 3 m, and its width is 4 m. It is presented in the form of a high obelisk, on which a sailor holding a grenade is carved. On the reverse side of the pedestal there is a map with all the defense lines and the names of the military units that defended this land.

  2. Admiral M.P. Lazarev is considered the founder of the city, and in 1996 the official opening of a monument dedicated to him took place. The bust of the great naval commander was made at a local shipyard and installed on the city embankment.
  3. Complex "Defense Line" is located on the eastern coast of Tsemes Bay near. The memorial ensemble was opened in 1978 and is dedicated to the defenders of the country who stopped the Nazis on the way to the Caucasus. The memorial is made of iron and concrete, and on one side of it all the Novorossiysk awards are presented. In the center of the complex there is a map with the actual line of defense of those years. From a reverse angle you can see 4 hands tightly holding machine guns. Memorial plaques with inscriptions are installed on a separate pedestal.

  4. Monument to torpedomen of the Second World War rises on the city embankment in memory of the Black Sea sailors. The sculpture stands on a pedestal that looks like a wave. On such torpedo ships, under powerful enemy fire, an attack took place in 1943, followed by the landing of paratroopers, and for 5 days. the city was liberated from enemies.

  5. An obelisk dedicated to the founders of Novorossiysk is installed on the embankment in the Historical Park. It was opened in 2001. All figures are made of bronze and stand on a granite pedestal, the height of which is 4 m. The names of all the founders of the hero city are engraved on the pedestal.

Soviet development of Novorossiysk

Novorossiysk, as a fairly large and developed industrial city, took an active part in both Russian revolutions. During the revolution of 1905

The Novorossiysk Republic was created here, which existed for a very short time.
During the February Revolution of 1917, power in the city passed into the hands of the Provisional Government, which was liquidated at the end of November of the same year. And on December 1, 1917,
Soviet power was proclaimed in the city.

Many people gathered in the church square for revolutionary rallies

In connection with the outbreak of the Civil War and the offensive of the White Guard troops and interventionists, it was decided not to return the ships of the Sevastopol Fleet that arrived at the port of Novorossiysk in the summer of 1918, but to scuttle them in Tsemes Bay. About 20 ships and vehicles ended up at the bottom of the bay on June 18-19. Some are still there today.

In June 1918, about 20 ships of the Russian fleet were sunk near Novorossiysk

At the end of August 1918

Novorossiysk passed into the hands of the White Guard. From the Novorossiysk port, which in the spring of 1920 became the main evacuation base, mass emigration of participants in the “white” movement and civilians who did not want to live under the Soviets began. Episodes of such evacuation can be imagined from the films “Running” and “Two Comrades Served.” The “Exodus” Monument installed on the Embankment reminds of these historical events, which is like an illustration of the final fragment of the film “Two Comrades Served.”

In the spring of 1920, thousands of emigrants left Russia forever from the port of Novorossiysk

Nicholas II's sister Olga and her children, Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna, politician Pyotr Struve, and the famous General Denikin also emigrated from Novorossiysk. On May 1, 1920, a May Day demonstration took place in the already “red” Novorossiysk.

After the establishment of peaceful life, Novorossiysk began to develop not as a resort, but as an industrial port city. Factories operated here, a port functioned, by the end of the 30s illiteracy was completely eliminated, and at the same time most of the ships sunk in 1918 were raised from the bottom of Tsemes Bay.

On the eve of the Second World War, dozens of industrial enterprises operated in Novorossiysk

Religious sites

To get acquainted with the religious sites of Novorossiysk, it is worth visiting the following temples:

  1. Church of the Life-Giving Trinity stands on the street Proletarskaya, 13 and belongs to the Russian Orthodox Church MP. Initially, a wooden structure was built here at the end of the 19th century, but over time the small church could not accommodate all the parishioners and in 1906 a new stone building was consecrated. During Stalin's time, holding services here was prohibited, and in 1957 the sanctuary was blown up. Six years later, a cinema was built on this site, and only in 1996 did the authorities allow the building to be used for church purposes. Currently, the building and the entire surrounding area belongs to the Holy Trinity Parish.

  2. Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary located at: st. Vidova, 26. Its construction began at the end of the 19th century. and after the completion of construction work, the structure was consecrated as the Sorrow Church. During Stalin's times, the parish was closed, and in 1942 services were resumed. Since the end of the Second World War, this has been the only Orthodox church in the city. The building is a small one-domed rectangular temple with a vestibule and a refectory. In 2011, a fire broke out and destroyed the building, and restoration work is now underway to rebuild the cathedral.

  3. The Church of Russian Confessors and New Martyrs is located on the street. Pionerskaya, 1 and was consecrated in 2002. It contains a large number of relics of holy saints, and in the altar there is a piece of the Lord’s Cross. The church has a library, a Sunday school, a missionary center and a chapel service. The temple complex was built in the same style and attracts tourists with its appearance.


Museum lovers in the hero city should visit the following historical places:

  1. Cruiser named after M. Kutuzova was built at the Nikolaev Shipyard in 1951, and 4 years later it became part of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. Since 2002, a museum has been located here, allowing tourists to get acquainted with the history of the Black Sea Fleet and the life of sailors. The ship is installed on the embankment. Serebryakova, 2A.

  2. The exhibition of military equipment is located near the Sudzhuk Spit and is part of the Malaya Zemlya ensemble. The main exhibits are Soviet military equipment from the Second World War. The peculiarity of most of the exhibits is that they were raised from the seabed.
  3. The Cement Production Museum is located on Sukhumskoe Highway, 60. In it, visitors will learn about the development and successes in this industry. In 10 large halls there are more than 50 thousand exhibits demonstrating the history of the appearance of cement and models of the equipment involved in its production.
  4. House-museum of the writer N. Ostrovsky stands on the street Vlasenko, 21. The playwright spent the most difficult period of his life in this building. Finding himself bedridden, he studied on his own. In this house Nikolai Alekseevich met his future wife R. Matsyuk. During the Second World War, the building was destroyed and subsequently restored. In 1983, a museum was opened here, where the life of the writer is presented and his works are exhibited.

  5. The historical museum reserve was founded in the hero city in 1916. All its exhibits were lost during the war. And after the liberation of Novorossiysk, the ensemble began to be restored literally from scratch. Currently, the complex includes the following objects: a group of various stationary exhibitions; an exhibition entitled “Weapons and equipment of the Second World War”; memorial composition “Death Valley”; ensemble dedicated to the heroes of the Civil and Patriotic War.

The historical reserve is located at: st. Soviets, 58

Fact 9. The most unusual museum in the city

There are so many amazing museums created in different countries: shoes, toilets, dance, and carriages. But in Novorossiysk they offer a look at the most unusual museum in the city - the Cement Museum.

Its exhibition will appeal to those who love unique and atmospheric places. By visiting the cement industry museum, you will learn a lot of interesting things about the history of cement, concrete and brick. Boring? No, reviews from visitors are usually full of delight.

We will be glad if our article helped you learn something new about this wonderful maritime city. We wish you bright impressions and a pleasant trip!

The most interesting and unusual places in Novorossiysk

Novorossiysk is easy to find on a map of Russia, because this city is considered popular both among Russian residents and tourists from other countries.

Travelers are recommended to see unusual places in the hero city:

  1. Wide beam is a picturesque and environmentally friendly place that attracts vacationers. The settlement extends on the Abraus Peninsula on the slopes of the Caucasus Range. The folded mountainous terrain surrounds Shiroka Balka with unique landscapes and cozy areas for tourists. Oaks, junipers, field ash and hawthorn grow in the tract.

  2. Hermitage of Theodosius of the Caucasus is located in the village. Gorny (20 minutes drive from Novorossiysk). There is a well with holy, clean water that heals diseases. This area is inhabited by monks who have completely devoted their lives to serving God. The desert is especially crowded on May 8, the day of veneration of St. Theodosius.
  3. Cape of Love can be found on the central city embankment. Legend has it that in ancient times there was a slave trading bazaar on this site, and a couple of lovers threw themselves into the sea because they did not want to be separated. A little later, in the 20th century. a high school student killed his beloved and shot himself. There is also a monument erected on the cape to the sailors who died during the storm. This presence of tragic episodes with elements of romance gave the name to this place, shrouded in mysticism and mystery.
  4. Gorge with waterfalls On Lunacharsky, tourists will find it almost in the city center. Walking along a narrow path, you can see water jets, overhanging cliffs and a small stream.

  5. The “Explosion” monument stands at the “Death Valley” memorial composition, where the bloodiest battles for the liberation of Novorossiysk took place. The monument consists of many fragments, shells and mine blanks. The configuration of the sculpture is similar to an explosion. Its weight is 1.3 tons, and this figure means that this is exactly how much combat metal was sent to each soldier during the entire period of the defense operation on Malaya Zemlya. The complex opened in 1974.


In 1866 it received the status of the city of Novorossiysk. The population in those days did not even reach a thousand. This year, just under 450 people officially lived here. However, 15 years later, the number of people registered in the city grew rapidly and already exceeded 7,000. In the 90s of the twentieth century, this figure almost reached 200,000 people. Further, the growth was no longer so rapid. In some years there is even a decline (2000, 2004-2008, 2011), but these are insignificant figures, within one thousand.

At the turn of the 21st century, Novorossiysk (population in 2000 – 203,300 people) was already showing weak annual growth. If previously it was more than 14,000, now it is within 5,000. Now almost 267,000 people permanently live here. In terms of population, it ranks 75th among other Russian cities.

Where to go with a child in Novorossiysk

You can choose the following places for walking with children:

  1. Planetarium will help develop your horizons about celestial bodies and learn the secrets of the solar system and distant galaxies. Many programs of this institution are specially prepared for children. Planetarium address: st. Sovetov, 53.

  2. Exhibition of military equipment from the Second World War located on Lenin Ave. This open-air museum will introduce tanks, a naval gun and a howitzer that were in use during the war. In addition, parts of warplanes and ships, as well as antique ship anchors, are exhibited here.

  3. Park named after Frunze will give you the opportunity to enjoy a family vacation. In this area there are neat alleys, a gurgling fountain, and various animal sculptures. The park area has a small pond, sports grounds and playgrounds for children. Park address: st. Tolstoy.

What to see in Novorossiysk in 1 day

Novorossiysk on the map of Russia is located in a tourist area, and in 1 day you can see the following attractions:

  1. The cruiser "Mikhail Kutuzov" will allow you to see the side of a real ship. The ship served in combat for a long time and was decommissioned in 1992.
  2. Embankment named after Admiral Serebryakov has a large number of monuments. The one-way route will take about 1 hour.
  3. Malaya Zemlya is imbued with the exploits of Soviet soldiers. It is advisable to book a tour at this place.
  4. Observation deck at the entrance to the hero city it offers a magnificent view of the Tsemes Bay.

  5. St. The Novorossiysk Republic is conducive to a leisurely walk, during which you can enjoy architectural monuments and sparkling fountains. This is where the city's gastronomic center is located.


Myskhako is a suburban village located six kilometers from the city.
Myskhako is located outside Tsemes Bay, on the seashore, at the foot of Mount Koldun, which offers views of Novorossiysk and its surroundings all the way to Kabardinka.

Myskhako is notable for the fact that local residents, tired of the city bustle, come here to relax. Many people build dachas here, and some of the houses are not inferior in beauty to the famous villas of the French Riviera. The townspeople are attracted by the clean, albeit narrow, but well-maintained beaches of the village, where you can ride a boat or catamaran, and go diving or spearfishing.

Myskhako has some of the best vineyards in Russia .
The history of winemaking in the village goes back about a hundred years. Agro-produced wines, famous for their unsurpassed quality, are supplied to the Kremlin. Tourists from all over the coast come to taste and purchase the famous Myskhak wines. There are no sanatoriums or boarding houses in Myskhako, but you can rent accommodation of any degree of comfort: from just a room in a guest house to an entire villa.

The village has cafes, restaurants, sports grounds, and indoor tennis courts.

Vacationers can visit the Death Valley memorial complex, take a trip on an excursion steam locomotive to the beautiful Guam Gorge, or by jeep to the Mezmaya waterfalls .

What to see in 2-3 days

You should start exploring Novorossiysk from the embankment named after. Serebryakov, on which there are many monuments. If you wish, you can combine the walk with a beach holiday. At the beginning of the journey, it is better to visit the cruiser "Mikhail Kutuzov". The next day you can explore the sights of the central city part.

It is recommended to visit the following places:

  • an art gallery called “Prima-South”;

  • city ​​museum-reserve;
  • Cathedral of the Holy Assumption;

On the 3rd day you should pay attention to the following objects:

  • a cement museum that will introduce guests to the development of cement production;
  • literary house-museum of N. Ostrovsky;
  • memorial complex "Defense Line";
  • To see the panorama of the city, it is advisable to go to the observation platform “Seven Winds”, located at the peak of St. Andrew’s Pass.

Attractions in the vicinity of Novorossiysk

In the vicinity of Novorossiysk there are interesting places that travelers should see:

  1. A small resort village called Abrau-Durso. It got its name in honor of r. Durso, which flows between mountain ranges. Residential buildings have been erected close to the sea, and a little deeper there are plantations planted with grapes, from which the famous champagne that bears the name of the village is made. There is a champagne factory and a small museum here. An introductory and tasting excursion will introduce guests to the history of the development of local winemaking, and in the ancient dungeons you can see the process of producing sparkling wine.

  2. The equestrian theater is located in the village of Abrau-Durso and is the only indoor arena in the Russian Federation. Its theater area is about 1500 m2. He will show guests various shows and theatrical performances. Theatrical performances take place in comfortable conditions, regardless of the weather. The complex has a restaurant and a hotel building.
  3. At approximately the same distance between the city of Novorossiysk and the city of Anapa there is the Semigorye estate, near the farm of the same name. In a picturesque area near a pond there is a 2-story house with a summer veranda. In the basement below there are 2 wine cellars. Elite white wine is stored in one of the underground halls, and red varieties in the other. The estate has rooms for fans of agritourism. Here you can fish, paint local landscapes and have picnics in nature. On the lower tier of the main building there is a restaurant with a wine list and an original menu. Through the windows there is a picturesque panorama of the Anapa Valley.

Fact 6. Champagne bath

Surely many have heard about Abrau-Durso champagne. Despite the fact that the name has French notes, sparkling wine is produced in the village of Abrau-Dyurso near Novorossiysk.

That is why Lake Abrau has become the center of wine tourism. There are restaurants and cafes here where you can taste the products of the famous champagne wine factory.

And the nearby spa offers beauty treatments using champagne.

What to bring from Novorossiysk

Novorossiysk can be found on the map of Russia in the southern part, and this influenced the development of industries thriving in warm regions. You can buy gifts in souvenir stalls or in company stores.

To choose gifts, you should pay attention to the following products:

  1. Champagne made in Abrau-Durso.

  2. A wine with delicate notes, made in .
  3. Fragrant Krasnodar tea grown on local plantations. The collected raw materials are processed and brought into a marketable form at 2 large tea enterprises (Adler and Dragomys).
  4. Traditional churchkhela, medicinal herbs and any types of honey.
  5. Souvenirs with memorable inscriptions.

The Pogrebok wine shop, which is part of the winery, is popular among travelers. His address: st. Industrial, 19. And in the local shopping center you can find everything that will please the soul and satisfy the needs of city guests. It is located on sh. Anapskoye, 2.

Novorossiysk is located in a unique place on the map of Russia, and therefore it is considered the largest port city in the southern Russian lands. It has many different attractions that tourists should see.

Article design: Oleg Lozinsky

Fact 5. Emerald wonder

Not far from Novorossiysk there is the largest freshwater lake in the Krasnodar Territory - Abrau. In summer it warms up to +28°C, so there are always a lot of vacationers here.

Oaks, lindens and maples grow on its banks, and the water has an amazing emerald color. At the end of the 70s of the twentieth century, the reservoir was recognized as a natural monument.

Since then, movement on motor boats and speedboats has been prohibited on the lake, which is partly why the water of Abrau is so clean. Abrau is home to crayfish, freshwater crabs, trout and some other rare fish species. For children and adults, a holiday on this lake will be very pleasant and calm.

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