Sights of Serpukhov: what to see in Serpukhov

Serpukhov is a city near Moscow in which many ancient houses, churches and monasteries have been preserved. The most popular sights of Serpukhov are the Cathedral Mountain with the ancient Trinity Church and the monument to the Soldier-Liberator, the ancient Vysotsky Monastery, the Vladychny Convent, and the Cathedral of St. Nicholas Bely. And also a historical and art museum in the beautiful old Maraev mansion, which is one of the best in the Moscow region.

In the vicinity of Serpukhov there are also interesting sights: the Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve, Drakino Park, Berendeevo Kingdom, an ostrich farm and others.

A few facts about Serpukhov

Hotel and shopping and entertainment complex "Korston"

  • Serpukhov is located on the Nara River, in the south of the Moscow region. The Nara divides the city into two parts and flows into the Oka, not far from the city.
  • Serpukhov was founded in 1339 and was initially called Serpokhov; only in the 16th century did the modern name come into use.
  • It is not precisely established where the name of the city came from, perhaps from the name of the Serpeika river.
  • The symbol of the city is the peacock.
  • The population of Serpukhov is about 125.4 thousand people.
  • The distance from Serpukhov to Moscow is 100 km, to Kaluga -100 km, to Tula - 90 km.

About the history of the city of Serpukhov

The settlement is one of the most beautiful in the Moscow region. It was first mentioned as a city in 1339. Previously, Serpukhov was a volost center. At the end of the 14th century. The first wooden Kremlin was built here, but the fortification did not save the citizens: it was besieged and robbed twice.

At the beginning of the 17th century. Serpukhov takes upon himself the main blow to protect Moscow from the advance of enemy troops. In 1521, it fell under the onslaught of the Crimean Khan Mehmed I. After this event, the authorities decided to build a white-stone Kremlin, where the main regiment of the Russian army would be stationed.

Station building

Address: Serpukhov, Station Square, 1.

In 1868, the tallest civil building, the railway station, was built in Serpukhov according to the design of the architect Fyodor Karlovich Knorre. The station is located at the Serpukhov station of the Kursk direction of the Moscow Railway. The building is not unique; stations in Tula, Kursk, and Ponyri, which were destroyed during the war, were built according to Knorre’s design. Now you can see the twin of the Serpukhov station only in the village of Skuratovo, Tula region.

In front of the station, a fountain was built with a sculptural composition of princes Dmitry Donskoy and Vladimir the Brave on horses standing on a rock. The total height of the composition is 10 meters. The author of the monument is Serpukhov sculptor Ilya Dyukov. The fountain was inaugurated on June 12, 2022.

Where to eat in Serpukhov – Cafe “Red frog”

A few meters from the arch of the Church of the Crucifixion, a strange sight caught my attention. I was even scared, to be honest, because out of the corner of my eye I saw little people making some movements.

Cafe "Red Frog" in Serpukhov

A second later I realized that these men were not real, but mechanical dolls that stood and moved near the cafe. I immediately remembered that I had seen this cafe on the list of recommended places to eat in Serpukhov. We decided to come in, especially since we were already hungry.

Cafe “Red frog”, I don’t know why it had such a name, I didn’t recognize it, it’s decorated in a medieval style. Unfortunately, the photos didn't work out inside; it was a bit dark.

So, you'll have to take my word for it. The cafe is small, there are a few tables, there is an opportunity to eat outside, which is what we wanted to do at first. But this idea was quickly abandoned. Firstly, the tables on the street are very close to the road, and secondly, they smoke there and it’s just not cozy.

The inside of the cafe is quite nice, there is pleasant music playing, the dishes are made of clay, and the cutlery is served in individual bags. There are not many staff, at least when we were there, there was only one, sweet and friendly lady who greeted guests, took orders and served.

We tried a few dishes, my husband and I took solyanka, and the child agreed to pockets of chicken breasts with oranges and country-style potatoes. Everyone liked everything. My child is picky, but even he ate almost everything.

So, we can fully recommend the Red frog cafe in Serpukhov!

Cathedral Mountain

Address : Serpukhov, Krasnaya Gora street

Cathedral Mountain (Red Mountain) is the historical center of the city, Serpukhov began from here. Once upon a time there was an ancient Serpukhov Kremlin; now only fragments of the wall remain. On the territory of the Kremlin there is the Trinity Cathedral with a hipped bell tower, built in 1696.

In addition to the church, there are private residential buildings and a memorial dedicated to the Great Patriotic War: a monument to the Liberator Soldier with an Eternal Flame and a mass grave.

Behind the Trinity Cathedral there is an observation deck from where a beautiful view of Serpukhov opens. The most spectacular thing is the architectural ensemble of three beautiful old churches, following each other: Uspenskaya, Ilyinskaya and Trinity. The churches are located at the foot of the hill on Volodarsky Street. The domes of other ancient churches of Serpukhov are also visible here. You can climb to the Cathedral on foot or by car, there is a road.

Ensemble of Posad churches

A little ahead, on the site of the former guard tower of the Serpukhov Kremlin, there is an observation deck. It offers a view of Serpukhov's calling card - an ensemble of three churches. Trinity, Assumption and the Church of Elijah the Prophet.

On the opposite side there is a view of the riverside part of the city.

In good weather you can even see the Vysotsky Monastery from here, but in bad weather you can only see an ugly private fence.

The Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was built in 1744 on the site of an old wooden church. The temple is made in pseudo-Russian style, made of red brick with white carved trim. Be sure to get closer to the Assumption Church to admire the beautiful filigree carvings on the white stone trim.

The Church of Elijah the Prophet was built in 1748, instead of a wooden church, which is considered the oldest church in Serpukhov Posad. In 1844-1847 The dilapidated Elias Church is being rebuilt, replacing the domes and decorating the façade with stucco.

The Church of the Life-Giving Trinity was built in 1670 on the site of a wooden church that burned down in 1669. Trinity Church was poorer than its neighbors, so there were no major reconstructions. In the 1990s. a complete restoration was carried out.

Monument to the Soldier-Liberator

Address: Serpukhov, st. red mountain

Since childhood, everyone knows the famous monument to the Soldier-Liberator by sculptor E. V. Vuchetich in Berlin’s Treptow Park - a Soviet soldier with a sword in one hand, holding a rescued German girl with the other hand. A model of the monument, made in Berlin, was sent to Serpukhov in 1964.

The monument stood for many years near the city hospital named after N. A. Semashko. On June 22, 2009, it was moved to Cathedral Hill, on the territory of the memorial. The height of the Berlin monument is 12 meters, the height of the Serpukhov monument is 2.5 meters. At the foot of the monument burns the Eternal Flame, framed by a symbolic black wreath, charred from the war.

Cathedral of St. Nicholas Bely

Website: Address: Serpukhov, st. Kaluzhskaya, 26/12.

The Church of St. Nicholas the Bely was built in the 17th century. on the site of a wooden church - it was the first stone church in Serpukhov. Built from hewn blocks of local limestone, the St. Nicholas Church received the name St. Nicholas Bely, which has remained in use to this day.

In 1835-1857, the temple was significantly rebuilt in the Moscow Empire style by architects I.T. Tamansky and F.M. Shestakov, in this form, it has survived to this day.

During Soviet times, St. Nicholas Church was closed (1929), the bell tower was partially destroyed, and some of the icons were burned. It was at this time that the miraculous icon “The Inexhaustible Chalice,” which was kept here after the closure of the Vladychny Monastery, disappeared. The temple was used as a pasta factory; during the war, laundries were located here, then a chemical warehouse. In 1995, the temple was returned to the church as a courtyard of the Vysotsky Monastery, and in 1998 it again became a parish church.

Dome of St. Nicholas Church

The restoration of Nikola Bely was carried out in 1995-2005. In 2003, a five-ton bell for the temple was cast from an alloy of bronze, silver and copper in the Yaroslavl region. It is the largest city bell. In 2005, the temple was solemnly consecrated.

Historical Buildings

There are many beautiful old buildings in Serpukhov, but most of them are in disrepair. Therefore, it is imperative to look at them before these fragments of the former Russia finally sink into oblivion. For example, Gostiny Dvor (Lenin Square), which was once the center of city life, is now in desperate need of restoration. Inside it there are shops and cafes, and nothing reminds of its former greatness.

The building of
the Zemskaya Administration (Sovetskaya St., building 31/33, residential building) was luckier - this house is looked after, regularly painted in the traditional bright blue color. On Sovetskaya Street there are mostly modern buildings, so the building really stands out from the background of ordinary gray houses.

The station (Privokzalnaya Square, 1), designed by the famous Knorre, is still in operation. It was built in the mid-19th century, but to this day the building serves regularly and greets guests of the city with its strict and unique appearance.

Serpukhov Historical and Art Museum

Website: Address : Serpukhov, st. Chekhova, 87. Ticket price: 400 rubles, pensioners - 280 rubles, schoolchildren and students - 240 rubles, preschoolers - free.

The Serpukhov Historical and Art Museum (SIHM) is called the small Tretyakov Gallery; it is considered one of the best art museums in the Moscow region. In the ancient merchant mansion of the Maraev merchants and manufacturers, you can see Western European art of the 16th-19th centuries and works of Russian artists of the 18th - early 20th centuries. The front wing of the mansion was built according to the design of the famous architect Roman Ivanovich Klein in 1896.

Monument to Anna Maraeva in front of the museum building

At the end of the 19th century, the widow Anna Vasilievna Maraeva acquired part of the art collection of the Moscow collector Yu.V. Merlin, presumably as an investment. After the revolution, the paintings acquired by Maraeva became the basis for the creation of the museum.

The Serpukhov Museum was created in 1918. Exhibits came here from the surrounding noble estates (Rai-Semenovskoye, Semenovskoye-Otrada, Rozhdestvenskoye-Telyatyevo, Ostafyevo), monasteries and churches, as well as from Moscow and some towns near Moscow.

White Hall

In addition to paintings, the museum presents a historical exhibition with a model of the Serpukhov Kremlin. The interiors of the old mansion are interesting, the most beautiful and ceremonial of them being the White Hall, decorated in the Empire style. The hall is divided into two parts by snow-white columns. In the first, smaller part of the White Hall there is salon painting, in the second part there are paintings by Ivan Aivazovsky “Tide” and “In the Fog”.

The Serpukhov Museum presents the works of many Russian artists of the 18th - early 20th centuries, the most famous names of them: Rokotov F.S., Levitsky D.G., Savrasov A.K., Levitan I.I., Shishkin I.I., Aivazovsky I.K., Lagorio L.F., Polenov V.D., Vasnetsov V.M. and many others. There are also works by famous Italian, Dutch, French, German and Spanish masters.

Where to go in Serpukhov and what else to see

Cathedral of St. Nicholas Bely

Cathedral of St. Nicholas Bely

The cathedral was founded in 1833 - construction lasted about 25 years. In 1929 it had to be closed. Until 1995, a pasta factory operated in the building. At the end of the 90s, the cathedral was restored and festively consecrated.

Inside, the cathedral is decorated with all kinds of paintings and carved wooden details. Here is a rare icon “Helping Childbirth”, which has healing properties. From the territory of the shrine there are beautiful views of the surroundings of Serpukhov. In addition, it is interesting to look at the cathedral in the evening - the lights turn on, emphasizing its architectural features.

Address: st. Kaluzhskaya, 26/12, Serpukhov

Opening hours: from 7:00 to 18:00

Cost: free

Official website:

Historical and Art Museum

Historical and Art Museum

The museum was opened in 1920 on the basis of the meeting of the Maraev manufacturers. During the 20-30s, thanks to city funds and estates, the museum was replenished with works of great Russian figures: N.A. Yaroshenko, A.A. Kharlamova, I.I. Levitan and others.

The museum displays sculptures, paintings, ceramics, furniture and household items from the 19th and 20th centuries. His pride is the work of Russian avant-garde artists. Also, many of the museum’s exhibits are the only specimens not only in the city, but also in Russia. They are definitely worth seeing when visiting this beautiful city.

Address: st. Chekhova, 87, Serpukhov

Opening hours: Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday from 10:30 to 17:00, Friday from 10:30 to 20:00, Saturday from 10:30 to 19:00. The ticket office closes half an hour before the museum closes.

Cost: adults - 400 rubles, children and students - 240 rubles, pensioners - 280 rubles.

Official website:

Peacock Museum

"Peacock Museum"

The coat of arms of Serpukhov depicts a peacock, which signifies victory, pride and glory. A small exhibition was dedicated to this bird, which then grew into a small but cozy museum.

Various information, sculptures, figurines and images of a peacock are collected here. In the museum you can learn more about the origin of coats of arms and add your own drawing to the exhibition collection. Coffee is offered during the tour.

Address: st. Gorkogo, 5, Serpukhov

Opening hours: Thursday from 12:00 to 20:00, other days from 10:00 to 18:00, Monday - closed

Cost: for children – 30 rubles, for adults – 50 rubles.

Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The church was built in 1910 at the request of the merchants Maraevs, namely the mother of the family. Since 1912, divine services have been actively held, but in 1988 the church was transferred into the ownership of the historical and art museum. Nowadays, services are held occasionally, and classes are organized for schoolchildren.

The eye is attracted by the bright red brick walls and the majestic hipped bell tower. The property of the church is the original iconostasis, dressed in dark wood with gilded details.

Address: st. Chekhova, 81, Serpukhov

Opening hours: Tuesday from 13:00 to 19:00, Saturday from 10:00 to 19:00, Monday - closed, other days from 10:00 to 17:00

Cost: adults – 250 rubles, pensioners – 180 rubles, children – 150 rubles.

Church of All Saints

Church of All Saints

The temple was built in the 1870s according to the design of K.V. Grinevsky. The role of the temple was to bury the dead. But in the 1920s the temple had to be closed, and then it was used as a warehouse. 70 years later, following requests from citizens, renovation work began on the church. In 1995, the temple was consecrated, and he continued work.

In 2010, one of the largest bells weighing 6 tons was installed. The temple was built in the Russian-Byzantine style with elements of Russian architecture, which tourists will really like.

Address: st. Kaluzhskaya, 112, Serpukhov

Opening hours: approximate schedule of services: 7:30 and 16:00

Cost: free

Official website:

Trinity Cathedral

Trinity Cathedral

The first prototype of the cathedral was built in 1380. In the following centuries, the church was rebuilt, and now it is shaped like an octagon on a quadruple with a hipped bell tower and a refectory.

The refectory is made in the Baroque style with a distinctive window shape and decoration, which distinguishes the cathedral from other churches. Also, there is a museum of artifacts discovered on the territory of the city’s Kremlin. By visiting this place, you can plunge into the history of the birth of the city and its attractions!

Address : Krasnaya Gora, 12, Serpukhov

Opening hours: Friday and Saturday at 17:00 and 9:00 respectively, check the website for more details

Cost: free entry

Official website:

Museum of Printing

Museum of Printing

The Printing Museum was created entirely with public money. The idea to open a museum came about after the merger of the city’s printing house and the Serpukhov news agency. The exhibition is located in 2 rooms, which reflect the stages of newspaper production.

The museum hosts fascinating excursions, the halls contain objects for editorial activities from different centuries, and the office of the editor of the Kommunist newspaper is presented.

Address: Mishina passage, 2/7, Serpukhov

Opening hours: Saturday and Sunday from 12:00 to 16:00, excursions at 13:00 and 15:00, weekdays by appointment

Cost: from 50 rub.

Musical and Drama Theater

Musical and Drama Theater

The Serpukhov Theater is the only music and drama theater in the Moscow region. It was founded in 1915 by the merchant and singer of the Bolshoi Theater A.A. Govorov.

The theater is exquisitely decorated inside, beautiful chandeliers and velvet seats complete the interior. The theater often announces new productions in different genres with famous actors.

Address: st. Chekhova, 58/27, Serpukhov

Working hours: Monday – closed, other days from 12:00 to 19:00

Cost: ticket price varies between 400 – 2500 rubles. depending on location and premiere

Temple of Seraphim of Sarov

Temple of Seraphim of Sarov

The temple was built in 1915 at the expense of A.I. Konshina. At first the church was intended for doomed patients, but during Soviet times the temple was closed. At the beginning of the 21st century. it has been partially reconstructed.

The temple is unusual in its architecture, similar to a fortress with towers. It is made according to the type of Novgorod churches, popular in the 16th century.

Address: st. Pushkina, 45, Serpukhov

Opening hours: closed entrance, can be viewed from outside

Park of Culture and Leisure named after. Oleg Stepanov

Park of Culture and Leisure named after. Oleg Stepanov

The park of culture and recreation was created in 1875 on the territory of former warehouses and sheds for various goods. Nearby is the city theater. At the beginning of the 20th century. the park was awarded a new status and named in honor of Oleg Stepanov, a hero of the Second World War.

The park has a developed infrastructure, flower beds and attractions are installed, and entertainment programs and concerts are often held here.

Address: st. Staroslobodskaya, 18, Serpukhov

Opening hours: 24 hours a day

Cost: free

Temple of the Savior Not Made by Hands

Temple of the Savior Not Made by Hands

Construction of the temple continued in 1893-1896. financed by merchant V.F. Astapov based on the design of Roman Klein. During Soviet rule, the temple was partially destroyed; now it is being repaired.

The exterior of the temple resembles the “Russian style” in the form of red brick, a dark green roof and white borders on arches and windows; on the walls you can see interesting details of 19th century frescoes. A refectory and a Sunday school are open at the church.

Address: st. Chernyshevsky, 50, Serpukhov

Opening hours: Monday – Thursday from 9:00 to 13:00; Friday from 9:00 to 13:00, from 15:30 to 17:30; Saturday from 8:00 to 13:00, from 15:30 to 18:00; Sunday from 8:00 to 13:00

Cost: free

Official website:

Train Station

Train Station

The railway station was designed in 1866 by Fedor Knorre, during the period of rapid development and spread of railways. The station became one of the tallest buildings in the Serpukhov district.

The building with its characteristic high windows, arches and a distinctive bright burgundy roof looks aristocratic and elegant. The “Gates” of the city are in no way inferior to its other attractions.

Address: Station Square, 1, Serpukhov

Opening hours: 24 hours a day

Church of the Intercession

Website: Address : Serpukhov, st. Chekhova, 81 b. The cost of an excursion ticket is: 250 rubles, for pensioners - 180 rubles, for schoolchildren and students - 150 rubles, for preschoolers - free.

The Intercession Old Believer Church was built in 1910 next to the Maraev estate according to the design of the Moscow architect Mecheslav Piotrovich. In 1906, Anna Maraeva’s 26-year-old daughter Anfisa fell from a horse and died after receiving severe injuries. The Church of the Intercession was built with her dowry. Maraeva donated a family collection of icons from the 15th to 19th centuries to the temple, which can still be seen today. The temple houses a branch of the Serpukhov Historical and Art Museum; you can visit it as part of an excursion.

The peculiarity of the Church of the Intercession is the absence of an altar. The Maraevs belonged to the Old Believers - non-priests who did not recognize the spiritual authority of priests and bishops. Near the temple there is the grave of Anna Maraeva’s eldest daughter, Alexandra Ledneva.

All Saints Church

The Church of All Saints is located next to the Vysotsky Monastery, outside the monastery wall. The temple is notable for the fact that it was built, like the house of Anna Maraeva, by the famous Moscow architect Roman Klein. The customer of the church is the Serpukhov merchant Nikolai Nikolaevich Konshin, it was conceived as the ancestral tomb of the Konshin family.

The Church of All Saints is not like traditional Serpukhov churches. Built in neo-Byzantine style.

Vysotsky Monastery

View of the Vysotsky Monastery from the Nara River

Website: Address: Serpukhov, Kaluzhskaya st., 5/3.

The Vysotsky Monastery is located on the banks of the Nara River and is one of the oldest Russian church buildings. Founded in 1374 at the behest of local prince Vladimir the Brave. The name comes from the place chosen for the construction of the monastery - Vysokoye.

Conception Cathedral

The main temple of the monastery is the Conception Cathedral; it was built at the end of the 16th century. on the site of a stone temple from 1381, surrounded by covered galleries. One of the most beautiful buildings in Serpukhov is also located on the territory of the Vysotsky Monastery - this is the gate church-bell tower of the Three Great Hierarchs above the western gate. It was built in 1840 in the classicism style, the first tier is a three-arched gate, of which the central arch is the Holy Gate. The second tier is the Church of the Three Saints, on the third tier there is a bell tower, on which a clock by the German master Winter was hung in 1883.

Currently, the monastery is active, here is a list of the Inexhaustible Chalice icon, another list is in the Vladychny Convent of Serpukhov. It is believed that the icon is miraculous and cures alcoholism.

Next to the monastery there is an observation deck on the Nara River, the dam and Serpukhov. If you go down to the river, you can see a small pond where geese and ducks live. The towers and walls of the monastery have been preserved.

Attractions in the vicinity of Serpukhov

Pavlenskoye Lake

Pavlenskoye Lake

The lake is located not far from the Oka and is connected to it by a small channel. In essence, a reservoir is a river bay. The depth of the lake reaches 4 meters and the length is 2 km.

People come here to admire the beauty of the landscape, swim and fish. The lake is home to bream, roach, perch, etc. The shore is pleasant, sandy, and in some places rocky areas allow you to see the bottom and marine life.

Address: Pavlenskoye, Moscow region; GPS: 54.88333, 37.44527

Farm "Russian Ostrich"

Farm "Russian Ostrich"

The farm was founded in 1999 and since then has been successfully breeding and keeping African ostriches in harsh Russian conditions. The farm area is 3 hectares. During the excursion, you can feed ostriches and other animals, make a toy or figurine, attend master classes and mini-lessons.

In addition to interesting animals and an educational program, there is the opportunity to try nutritious meat and an omelet made from huge ostrich eggs.

Address: village Starye Kuzmenki; GPS: 55.04344, 37.40951

Opening hours: in winter from 10:00 to 16:00, in summer from 10:00 to 17:00

Cost: regular excursion time – 1 hour, 350 rubles.

Turovo Estate

Turovo Estate

Previously, Turovo belonged to Dmitry Artsybashev, a Decembrist and politician. After Dmitry was sent to the Caucasian War, the estate was transferred to Serpukhov. Only a small outbuilding, decorated with medallions and a mezzanine, has survived to this day.

Turovo is made in the style of classicism and fits perfectly with the nature of these places. Important buildings are the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the towering bell tower.

Address: Oktyabrskaya st., 5, Turovo village; GPS: 54.87742, 37.82429

Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary

Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary

The church is located in the village of Podmoklovo near Serpukhov. Construction was completed in 1754. Until 1936, services were held, but then the church was closed. It began operating normally in 1992.

The Shrine of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary is a building from the Peter the Great era in the Western European Baroque style, which was popular in the 16th century. It is worth paying attention to the well-designed architecture of the church. Inside the temple you can buy souvenirs and interesting literature.

Address: Podmoklovo village; GPS: 54.86694, 37.34664

Opening hours: weekdays – closed, Saturday from 16:00 to 18:00, Sunday from 9:00 to 11:00

Cost: free

Official website:

Dam on Nara

Dam on Nara

The dam was built over the course of 1 year, and was opened in 1931. The main materials are cement and concrete. The dam performs several functions: it supplies residents with water and controls the river level.

In summer there is a picturesque view of the banks of the Nara, the atmosphere is inspiring and relaxing.

Address: Nara, Moscow region; GPS: 54.90353, 37.41488

Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve

Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve

The area of ​​the reserve is about 4945 hectares, the area of ​​the reservoir on the territory is about 12 hectares. This is one of the smallest nature reserves in Russia and the only one in the Moscow region.

The reserve features hundreds of species of mammals and plants. The flora and fauna are so diverse that neither adults nor children will be bored. This place is also considered the cleanest near the capital.

Address: Danki, Moscow region; GPS: 54.91112, 37.57181

Working hours: from 9:00 to 15:00, seven days a week

Cost: adults – 400 rubles, children – 200 rubles, disabled people, orphans – 50% discount, preschoolers – free

Estate Pushchino-on-Oka

Estate Pushchino-on-Oka

The estate is located on the banks of the Oka River in the city of Pushchino. In 1578-1699 the estate belonged to the Pushchins. The estate has quite a rich history, as its owners often changed. Of the entire ensemble, only the house and parts of the staircase have survived to this day.

The estate will be of interest to lovers of active recreation. A trail runs through its territory; its length reaches 4 km. There is a small pond nearby where you can rent a boat or motorboat.

Address: Pushchino, Moscow region; GPS: 54.83997, 37.60352

Estate Pushchino-on-Nara

Estate Pushchino-on-Nara

The estate was built at the end of the 16th century. on the banks of the Nara S.I. Vyazemsky. It belonged to the princes of the same name. The estate was occasionally restored and updated, but its original appearance has survived to this day. Its appearance changed only in Soviet times: it was dismantled for building materials.

On the pediment of the estate you can see elements of complex decor and a Greek portico, fragments of a fountain and outbuildings. The landscape of the ancient building is complemented by linden alleys.

Address: Pushchino, Moscow region; GPS: 54.93876, 37.36067

Bison nursery

Bison nursery

The bison nursery is located on the territory of the Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve. It was created to preserve the bison population. About 200 hectares of land have been allocated for the nursery.

The bison nursery is a great place to see how bison live in their natural environment. There are fascinating excursions here, and there is a place nearby to have a snack and buy souvenirs.

Address: located on the territory of the Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve; GPS: 54.91112, 37.57181

Opening hours: weekdays from 09:00 to 17:00, weekends from 09:00 to 18:00, excursions every day from 9:00 to 16:00

Cost: adults - 400 rubles, children (6-17 years old) - 200 rubles.

Prinarsky Park

Website: Address: Serpukhov, Teatralnaya street. Opening hours: daily from 06:00 to 22:00.

Prinarsky Park opened in Serpukhov in 2014. Along the Central Alley of this landmark of Serpukhov you can go to the dam and the Vysotsky Monastery. On the alley you can see a monument to Saints Peter and Fevronia - the most publicized saints in Russia; monuments to them can be seen in almost every city. The park has children's playgrounds and benches, the "Happiness Is" cafe, and gazebo houses with barbecues that are for rent.

Places where celebrities of yesteryear lived

In Serpukhov and its surroundings there are memorable places where famous people lived. In the city itself, this is the Memorial House-Museum of photographer N.P. Andreeva (1st Moskovskaya St., 39). While the museum is closed for renovations, if it opens before your arrival (check by calling 72-78-59) - the exhibition tells about the development of photography in our country and about the life path of the master. Fans of this art will be pleased with a very good selection of old photographs.

If you have time to go outside the city, you can look at the estate of Vyazemsky , the poet’s uncle (Serpukhov district, Pushchino village, Pushchino station on the Tula direction of commuter trains). The place where the writer’s friends, including Pushkin, used to stay is now being destroyed. Majestic ruins remain.

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Vvedensky Monastery

Vvedensky Cathedral

Website: Address: Serpukhov, st. Oktyabrskaya, house 40.

The Vvedensky Vladychny Convent is located 3.5 kilometers from the Vysotsky Monastery on the other bank of the Nara River. It was founded in 1360 as a monastery and became a monastery for women in 1806. The miraculous icon of the Mother of God, the Inexhaustible Chalice, healing from alcoholism, appeared, according to legend, in the Vladychny Monastery.

Since ancient times, peacocks have been bred in the monastery, which is why the peacock became a symbol of Serpukhov. There are many flower beds and greenery in the monastery. Baked goods and honey are sold here. Next to the monastery there is an Orthodox classical gymnasium in the name of St. Varlaam of Serpukhov, where children study from grades 1 to 11 according to a general education program with an Orthodox bias.

Church of the Crucifixion

The Crucifixion Cathedral is now in a dilapidated state, however, services are still held there. At the same time, restoration work is underway.

Crucifixion Cathedral during reconstruction

We came here quite by accident, on the way to the monastery, driving past, we saw a dilapidated arch and decided to go in, because we had seen the bell tower from afar.

Crucifixion Church - gates and bell tower

I hope that by our next visit to Serpukhov, the Church of the Crucifixion will be completely restored, and these photographs will be just a memory.

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