Podolsk Sights, photos, descriptions, what to see in 1 day

Sights Ancient estates Museums Vacation spots Reviews, stories and routes of tourists Excursions to Podolsk for one day Where to stay in Podolsk

Quarters on the banks of the Pakhra River, bearing the legacy of Tsarist Russia and the austerity of the Soviet era, surrounded by many industrial enterprises, interspersed with public gardens and forest parks - this is one of the largest cities in the Moscow region - Podolsk.

Podolsk is located south of Moscow, 15 km from the Moscow Ring Road and not far from the M-2 Crimea highway, connecting the region with the southern regions. Proximity to the capital and a major highway is an important point that determines the development of the city both now and once influenced the fate of the small village of Podol.

In 1781, Catherine the Great granted the village the status of a city. At the same time, the coat of arms of Podolsk was formed, which then changed its appearance more than once, but the two crossed pickaxes remained unchanged. They pay tribute to the past dignity of the village and symbolize its original occupation - the extraction of limestone.

Even before the establishment of Soviet power, Podolsk was actively involved in industrial life: factories appeared - a brewery, a brick factory, famous throughout the country for Singer sewing machines and others. At the same time, educational and cultural institutions were built and commercial enterprises opened.

Lenin Avenue Photo: © Nomad

During the Soviet period, after an initial slight decline, manufacturing enterprises were revived with even greater force: old ones were modernized and new ones were built, capturing ever larger areas and absorbing neighboring villages. At the same time, the population is growing, new residential areas and a corresponding culture are being formed.

On the streets of Podolsk you can still find both stories, merchants of the 18th-19th centuries. and Soviet XX century. They overlap each other, complementing and forming their own unique image of the city.

You can go for a walk around it yourself by studying this guide or city guide. A guided tour will tell you in more detail about all the transformations. For residents and guests of Moscow and the Moscow region, a trip to Podolsk is an interesting option for a weekend tour, in which you can combine an educational program and various recreational opportunities.

Banks of Pakhra in the vicinity of the city Photo: © Nomad

Where is the city

Podolsk is located in the south of the Moscow region, 15 km from the Moscow Ring Road. It is located on the banks of the river. Pakhra, which is the right tributary of the Oka River.

There are three ways to get from the capital to the city:

  1. By car you can get to the city along the Warsaw or Simferopol highway. Travel time from the turn off the ring road is 30-40 minutes. During rush hours, you should choose the Simferopol highway, as it is less congested with traffic and has a large number of exits in the Podolsk area.
  2. On the territory of the Podolsk city there are 4 railway stations, through which trains travel to Moscow and settlements in the north of the region. Podolsk residents are advised to travel to the capital by trains departing from the nearest stations.
  3. The Podolsk bus station can be reached by buses that depart from the Dmitry Donskoy Bulvar and Yuzhnaya metro stations.

Where to stay in Podolsk

Podolsk near Moscow is located only 17 km from the Moscow Ring Road, and therefore is often visited during a day trip from Moscow. If you have a goal and desire to combine exploring the city and relaxing, country club hotels in the vicinity of Podolsk will be a good option for this. The best of them have 3 and 4 stars, a location near the lakes and many leisure services for guests: “FishPoint Family Resort (Golden Carp)”, “Fisherix”, “Ivanhoe Hotel Jungle”.

There are several hotels on the territory of Podolsk itself. One of them - “Green” - is located in the historical building of the merchant Tolkushin’s cinema, which was mentioned above. For independent tourists who value the comforts of home, apartments are suitable as a more budget-friendly accommodation option - there are more than enough of them in Podolsk.

  • Podolsk Hotels
  • Hostels for Budget Travelers
  • Flats and apartments

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Weather, best time to travel

Podolsk is located in the temperate continental climate zone. Therefore, it is better to explore the city’s attractions in the summer, when the average temperature is 16-23 °C. In this case, you need to take care of having an umbrella, because in summer this area receives the most rainfall.

In winter, there is less precipitation, but due to the mild climate and the proximity of a large metropolis, which increases average temperatures, there is slush on city streets and country estates instead of snow.

You can clarify the climate picture of the region in the following table:

Precipitation, mm433432435078887462605551
Average temperature, °C-9-8-3512162318104-1-6

Religious buildings

Podolsk, whose attractions are very diverse, attracts with a large number of temples. They relate both to past historical eras and to modern times.

Trinity Cathedral

The main architectural dominant of the historical part of Podolsk is the cathedral in the name of the Life-Giving Trinity. The majestic cathedral, built according to the design of Osip Bove, is a five-domed temple with a three-nave refectory and a high bell tower. The yellow building, decorated with white decorative elements, is clearly visible from anywhere in the city.

The interior of the cathedral is filled with many gilded elements and white stucco, and the walls and vaults are decorated with bright paintings. The main shrine of the Trinity parish and the entire city is the revered copy of the icon of the Mother of God of Jerusalem. The temple holds daily services, and its doors are open until 19.00. It is located at Sobornaya Square, 3a.

Znamenskaya Church

In the village of Dubrovitsy, located in the north-west of the Podolsk urban district, there is one of the most beautiful churches in Russia - the church in the name of the Icon of the Mother of God “The Sign”. The building, unique for Russian temple architecture, was made in the early Italian Baroque style, commissioned by Prince Boris Aleksandrovich Golitsyn at the end of the 17th century.

The cruciform building, made of white stone, is decorated with a tall bell tower, which is crowned with a gilded metal crown. The outer walls of the temple are decorated with sculptures depicting evangelists, apostles and angels. The interior walls are covered with white stucco, which reflect biblical scenes.

The interior decoration is a large five-tier carved iconostasis, covered with gilding and blue enamel. The temple is an active religious organization. Services are held there every day. The church is open for parishioners and tourists from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Church of the Resurrection

On the high bank of the river. Pakhra at st. Krasnaya, 24 stands the oldest religious building in Podolsk - the Resurrection Church. At this place in the middle of the 16th century. a wooden building appeared, which burned down in the 20s. XVIII. A stone temple was erected in its place 40 years later. Before the construction of the Trinity Cathedral, the Resurrection Church was the main city church.

After the consecration of the temple on Cathedral Square, the church, which was badly damaged by the French, received cemetery status. A dilapidated building at the end of the 19th century. renewed by the townspeople. During Soviet times, no services were held in the temple; the bells and crosses were melted down. During the Great Patriotic War, tanks were assembled in the building, and then various production workshops.

Podolsk, city attractions. Church of the Resurrection.

Spiritual life was revived in the temple in the late 90s. Today, the snow-white church is a decoration of the city, where you can be in silence, contemplating the surrounding beautiful landscape.

Reviews, stories and tourist routes

The invariable top attractions of Podolsk, according to tourists' reviews, is the Church of the Sign in the Dubrovitsy estate, although the route usually includes other places. In an attempt to convey the incredible impression and joy of meeting the temple, the stories are full of laudatory epithets. Those who have been planning to visit Podolsk for a long time report that being content with looking at the photo was an unforgivable mistake, because in reality the church is even more amazing. You can only check whether it is true or not yourself.

If you haven't gotten inspired yet, here are some user contributions to help:

  • story “Podolsk and around” by Oleg N.
  • story “Italian miracle in Russian snow” from Anna Abrosimova
  • Photo album “Dubrovitsy” from Katerina Solosyatova

All tourist reviews about Podolsk on Tourist. RU


Podolsk, whose sights tell the story of various historical periods of Russian history, has several large museums. Many of them are located in historical buildings that are monuments of urban architecture.

Museum of Local Lore

A museum telling the history of Podolsk and its environs appeared in the city in the early 70s. last century. Thanks to the townspeople, local scientists and municipal leadership, the exhibition quickly expanded.

Currently, the museum collection consists of many exhibits, which can be divided into the following thematic blocks:

  • nature;
  • archeology;
  • life and crafts of Podolsk residents;
  • development of the settlement.

The exhibition is housed in two buildings located at the following addresses:

  • Sovetskaya sq., 7 (main building);
  • st. Parkovaya, 1 (branch in the Ivanovskoye estate).

The entrance ticket for an adult visitor is 100 rubles. Preferential visiting conditions are provided for privileged categories of the population and minor children. Tourists should note that photographing the exhibition is a paid service that costs 200 rubles.

Federal Museum of Vocational Education

The main building of the Ivanovskoye estate houses an exposition of the only museum in Russia dedicated to vocational education.

The following compositions are displayed in the exhibition halls:

  • history of the development of vocational education from Peter I to the present;
  • history and modernity of original Russian crafts;
  • history of the Ivanovskoye estate.

The cost of a full entrance ticket is 100 rubles, and a discounted ticket is 50 rubles.

Slavic Kremlin

To the southeast of Podolsk, near the village of Aleksandrovka, there is a unique private ethnographic museum - the Slavic Kremlin. It was built by the famous traveler and researcher of Slavic culture Vitaly Sundakov.

On 2 hectares of land, fenced with a palisade, traditional Slavic buildings were erected:

  • princely mansion;
  • peasant hut;
  • pagan temple;
  • tent mill (original 19th century).

Access to the territory is allowed only on the days of Slavic holidays and festivals, as well as by agreement with the owner of the property. Arriving for the holiday, guests can explore the hut and the mill, go to the temple, and stroll through the folk crafts fair. The largest building, the tower, is closed to public visits, as Vitaly Sundakov and his family live there.

But sometimes excursions are held inside, during which tourists find themselves in the wonderful world of early Slavic culture. Entrance to the site is free on festival days. Free parking is available at this time.

Singer plant

The history of Podolsk is inextricably linked with industry. In the city itself and in the surrounding area there were many factories and enterprises supplying many industries: from energy to the food industry.

However, the name of the city is invariably associated with the Singer plant, which specializes in the production of sewing machines and their components. During its existence, the plant was nationalized and bought out, and experienced several ups and downs.

Currently, another plant operates on the Singer territory, also producing sewing machines.

Access to the site itself requires special passes, however, you can enjoy the majestic buildings along the embankment from the outside.

Address: st. Bol. Serpukhovskaya, 37, Podolsk, Moscow region.

Singer plant


Podolsk, whose sights reflect its history, has many monuments and memorable places. Some of them, despite their youth, have become city symbols.

Monument to Catherine II

In the park, laid out opposite Station Square, which is one of the busiest places in the city, a monument to Catherine II appeared in 2008. Sculptor Alexander Rozhnikov immortalized in bronze and granite the most important event in the history of the settlement - the moment of signing the decree granting the village of Podol the status of a city and renaming it Podolsk.

A quotation from this decree is located on a bronze tablet located at the base of the granite pedestal. Looking at the figure of the empress, dressed in a dress with a long hem, townspeople and tourists recall the urban legend that tells how the great ruler, driving through the village of Podol, wet her outfit in a puddle.

Allegedly after this event the place received the name Podol.

Monument to the Singer typewriter

At the beginning of the 20th century. The world famous company Singer, which produces sewing equipment, opened the only factory of this type in Russia in Podolsk. This enterprise was of great importance for the city, as it provided employment to 5,000 people. On the occasion of the 230th Birthday, a monument to the Singer sewing machine, which glorified the city throughout the country, was erected opposite the Museum of Local Lore.

The author of the monument is Alexander Rozhkov, who immortalized in one object both the memory of an important production for the city and a story about the history of the city. A machine cast from bronze is installed on a low pedestal lined with granite. On its working surface lies a large canvas on which the main attractions and interesting places of Podolsk are embroidered.

The images are skillfully executed bas-reliefs. According to reviews from tourists and city residents, the monument encourages them to go to the Local History Museum located opposite to continue their acquaintance with the history of the city and the unique plant.

Monument to Podolsk cadets

At the intersection of Kirov and Parkovaya streets there is a monument that immortalizes one of the saddest pages in the history of Podolsk. The monument, made of stainless steel, depicts three young soldiers - cadets of Podolsk military schools, who, at the cost of their own lives, did not allow German troops to reach Moscow in the fall of 1941.

By the beginning of October 1941, the Germans reached the capital from Maloyaroslavets. The main city of the USSR was only 190 km away along the Warsaw Highway, which was left practically unprotected. A group of 20,000 German troops quickly advanced in the Moscow direction. In this situation, the command decided to send 3,500 Podolsk cadets to reinforce the remnants of the 43rd Army.

The young people fought courageously, holding off the enemy for 7 days while awaiting the arrival of reserve units. Most of the cadets died in this battle. In 1975, the city authorities decided to perpetuate these events and the feat of the young soldiers. The metal monument features sculptures of three soldiers, two of them holding machine guns, and the third a banner fluttering behind them.

Don't miss the most popular article in the section: Metro Nizhny Novgorod. Diagram, map, description.

On the reverse side of the banner there is a diagram of the military operations of the Podolsk detachment. The complex also includes a stele with a commemorative inscription and a cannon. City events dedicated to the Great Patriotic War are held at the monument.

Holy spring of Paraskeva Friday

The source is not located in Podolsk itself, but several kilometers away, in the village of Erino. There are legends about how the icon of Paraskeva, originally located in the Church of the Intercession, miraculously appeared several times at the edge of the forest, near the source. After several unsuccessful attempts to return the image to its place, one of the priests had a dream in which the saint herself asked to move the icon to the forest, closer to the source.

Soon a small chapel was erected on that site, where all believers could pray and take water, which, according to the locals, can cure any disease.

Address: pos. Erino, Podolsky district, Moscow region.

Holy spring of Paraskeva Friday

Architectural structures

Podolsk, whose sights attract tourists interested in the history of the Moscow region, is surrounded by numerous noble estates. Many of them are in a ruined state, but there are also well-preserved or restored objects.

Dubrovitsy Estate

To the west of Podolsk in the village of Dubrovitsa, located on the banks of the Pakhra and Desna rivers, there is an estate of the same name, which belonged to the princes Golitsyn before the Revolution. The first owners of this land in the 17th century. Boyar Morozov appeared, who gave her as a dowry to his daughter, who married Prince Golitsyn.

In the next century, the estate for some time belonged to the favorites of Catherine II, Grigory Potemkin and Alexander Dmitriev-Mamontov. By the beginning of the 20th century. The Golitsyn princes collected a rich collection of works of art in their domains. The main house was furnished with luxurious furniture and had a large library.

Today, the estate palace, which is an architectural monument of the classical period, houses the All-Russian Institute of Animal Husbandry and the regional registry office. The remains of frescoes in the Armorial Hall remind us of the former splendor of the interior decoration.

The main treasure of Dubrovitsy is the famous Znamenskaya Church, built at the end of the 17th century. Boris Golitsyn. Also, lovers of quiet walks can take a walk on the banks of the Pakhra River or in the Linden Park, organized in the 18th century. according to the French model. Entrance to the church is open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. There is free parking next to the estate.

Ostafyevo Estate

The Ostafyevo country estate, located in the village of the same name north of Podolsk, is a historical place that belonged until 1918 to the noble families of Vyazemsky and Sheremetev. Many famous people of the 19th century visited here. A.S. Pushkin, N.V. stayed in the manor house, built in the style of classicism. Gogol, A.S. Griboedov, wrote his main work N.M. Karamzin.

At the end of the 19th century, the Pushkin Museum opened here, which existed until the 30s. XX century During the Soviet years, in a quiet picturesque place, various organizations were located that were actively rebuilding estate buildings. The status of a museum was returned to the Ostafyevo estate only in the late 80s. By this time, most of the exhibits were lost and transferred to other organizations.

Today, the Ostafyevo estate-museum is a popular recreational and educational place for residents of the Moscow region. Monuments to writers that appeared here in the pre-revolutionary period have been restored on the territory of the park.

The main building houses exhibitions on the following topics:

  • history of the estate;
  • life of N.M. Karamzin;
  • estate interior of the 19th century.

In addition to the main exhibitions, there are temporary exhibitions and various educational events are held. You can enter the territory of the manor park from 8 to 22 in the summer, and from 8 to 20 in the winter. In this case, you must pay an entrance ticket, the cost of which is 50 rubles.

A private visit to the museum costs from 100 to 400 rubles, and photography throughout the estate is possible with a special ticket costing 100 rubles.

Merchant houses on Lenin Street

The development of the city and the expansion of modern buildings lead to the loss of urban architectural monuments of the 19th century. But in the area of ​​Pobeda Avenue, buildings belonging to the 2nd floor development have been preserved. XIX - early XX century Two-story small houses made of stone and wood are reminiscent of what the city looked like at the beginning of its economic development.

Most of the surviving buildings are made of red brick and covered with light whitewash, on which white decorative details stand out.

The buildings that have been preserved in the best condition or have been successfully restored include the following objects:

  • house of the merchant Borodachev (Pobeda Avenue, 93);
  • house of the merchant Tolkushev (Pobedy Avenue, 138);
  • house of the merchant Kananykin (Pobeda Avenue, 146);
  • house of the merchant Solodkov (Karl Marx St., 33);
  • house of the merchant Robinov (Lenin Ave., 100).

Today these buildings house shops and various government agencies.

Natural attractions

Podolsk, whose attractions include not only architectural monuments, but also green areas, is considered one of the greenest cities in the Moscow region. There are both large parks and small squares and alleys.

Park named after V. Talalikhin

On the right bank of the river. Pakhra is the largest park named after the Hero of the Soviet Union - Viktor Talalikhin.

In addition to the green zone with birch and linden alleys, the park has the following facilities:

  • children's attractions and playgrounds;
  • sports grounds;
  • the stage where the first rock concert in the USSR took place;
  • cafe;
  • petting zoo;
  • rental of sports equipment.

Entrance to the park is free. The cost of children's entertainment varies from 50 to 200 rubles. The main city park is located in the central part of the city at st. Working, property 5b.

Dubrava Park

In the Klimovsk microdistrict on the street. Pobeda, 3 there is Dubrava Park. This green area is popular among lovers of active recreation, fishing and leisurely walks. The administration plans to transform the territory and create an eco-reserve, in which an area will be allocated for children's attractions.

Currently there is a small children's playground and a few simple attractions.

Catherine Square

Opposite the Podolsk railway station there is a park dedicated to Empress Catherine II. Benches and lanterns are installed along its alleys. In summer, the square is decorated with flowering flower beds. Here you can take a walk, run with your child, or sit on a bench. Sometimes literary readings and street musician concerts take place here.

Recreation places

The introduction to Podolsk will be complemented by its popular holiday destinations. In the surrounding area there are several forest parks and untouched forests; in the city itself there are public gardens and walking areas, entertainment venues with quests, trampolines and other activities. Much of the above can be found anywhere in the country, so we will only indicate unique places where adults and families with children can leisurely spend part of a one-day trip around Podolsk.

Talalikhina Park

The main park of Podolsk is the Talilikhin Park and Park, located north of the railway station on the right bank of the Pakhra. The location of part of the territory on a hill allows you to rise slightly above the buildings and appreciate the panorama of the city. At the entrance to it from the street. The worker installed a bust of V. Talilikhin, a military pilot who shot down enemy planes in 1941 near Moscow and was subsequently awarded the title of Hero of the USSR.

Hidden among the lush greenery is a children's playground and children's attractions - carousels, swings, a Ferris wheel and trampolines. There are sports courts, a stage and a dance floor, which serve as a venue for festive city events. In summer it’s good to walk here, ride a bike along the paths or sunbathe on the wild beach near Pakhra. In winter, go ice skating or join in the traditions by plunging into the Epiphany font.

Read more: Talalikhin Park in Podolsk

Belyaevsky Beach

Those who come for a walk in the summer will not refuse the coolness of the river. One of the largest beaches near the center of Podolsk runs along Belyaevskaya Street. The low bank along Pakhra is rich in emerald vegetation, framing the sparkling mirror of water. In the western part of the panorama one can see the top of the Znamenskaya Church in Dubrovitsy.

The sandy and grassy shore is equipped with a small number of wooden sun loungers, a changing room, and a toilet. During the season there is a cafe on it. In addition to barbecue, vacationers' leisure time is diversified by a sports and children's playground, and boat rentals. It is worth noting that there is a steep path leading from the street to the shore.

Read more: Belyaevsky Beach

Belyaevsky Beach Photo: © Elena Mukhlyarits

Ski resort "Krasnaya Gorka"

The Moscow region is not famous for its high mountains, but Podolsk has its own ski resort located near the dam, on the steep left bank of the Pakhra. This is the best option to diversify your route by spending a couple of hours active skiing, snowboarding or tubing. The length of the ski slopes is 100–380 meters, and is well suited for beginners; in addition, there is a ski school for adults and children. If you happen to drop by, rentals will come in handy: everything you need for the appropriate equipment is available for rent. And, of course, you can warm up and refresh yourself in the cafe on site.

Read more: ski resort "Krasnaya Gorka" in Podolsk

Slope of the “Red Hill” Photo: © Alexander P.

Modern objects interesting to visit

Podolsk, whose sights can be explored for a single day, offers tourists a variety of entertainment.

Club "Ivanhoe"

Country Club "Ivanhoe" is a modern complex for relaxation in any company. Here you can hold business negotiations, relax with friends and family, or enjoy an individual vacation in nature.

To organize your free time, the following facilities are located on the club’s territory:

  • Ivanhoe restaurant;
  • cafe "Kazachok";
  • horse Club;
  • karting;
  • children's room and playground;
  • billiards and bowling;
  • picnic areas equipped with barbecues;
  • Hotel "Jungle".

The cost of the holiday depends on the individual conditions of visiting the complex, which can be clarified by calling the administrator on duty. The Ivanhoe club is located at 41 km of the Simferopol highway. A large colorful sign points to it.

Shopping center "Red Rows"

The building of the Krasnye Ryady shopping center is an architectural monument of the 19th century, which was successfully restored at the beginning of the 21st century. Just like 200 years ago, there are a variety of shops and shops, as well as public catering outlets.

Quest Fort Boyard

An interesting entertainment for adults and children is located in the center of Podolsk on Lenin Avenue, 130. A quest based on the legendary game “Fort Boyard” will help you spend an interesting evening after a working day or traveling to city attractions. The entertainment lasts 1-1.5 hours. To participate in the game you need 2 people.

The cost ranges from 700 to 1500 rubles per person. The organization operates from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m.

Where to go with a child

Podolsk has a lot of entertainment not only for adults, but also for children. From them you can choose an activity suitable for the time of year and age of the child.

Entertainment complex "Gorod"

The children's entertainment center “Gorod” is a three-story labyrinth for children from 3 to 12 years old. In it you can go through an obstacle course, ride a roller coaster, shoot from air cannons and dive into a pool with balls. Center staff are on the playground with the children. There is a cafe on the territory of the center where you can not only have a snack, but also fully feed your children lunch or dinner.

The cost of an hour's stay in the labyrinth is 350 rubles, but it is more profitable to pay 550 rubles. and have fun all day long. “City” is located in the “Yubileiny” shopping center at st. Yubileinaya, 32b

Club "Favorite"

A visit to the Favorit equestrian club is an excellent opportunity to relax and spend time in nature with the whole family.

The club provides the following paid services:

  • pony and horse riding (price to be confirmed with the administration);
  • fishing (600 rubles - cost of the tour + cost of the catch);
  • archery and crossbow shooting (500 rubles for 20 shots);
  • rental of gazebos and picnic houses (from 700 rubles per hour).

Sandboxes are provided for small children. The equestrian club is located in the village of Borodino at Varshavskoye Highway, possession 1.

Pleshcheyevo Estate

The architectural complex is located almost on the outskirts of the city, so it is more convenient to visit it first. The estate at different times served as a shelter for Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky and Ivan Aivazovsky, and the local landscapes and calm river surface served as inspiration for Claude Debussy. At one time, the Women's Sniper School was based on the territory of the manor house. Currently, Pleshcheyevo is not in the best condition: the restoration of the outbuilding and several residential premises has been completed, the remaining buildings are closed for repairs. However, it’s definitely worth a trip there to enjoy the silence and picturesque views.

the entrance is free

Address: st. Pleshcheevskaya, 53, Podolsk, Moscow region.

Pleshcheyevo Estate

Self-guided route for 1 day

Podolsk, the sights of which are of interest to an increasing number of tourists, can mostly be explored in 1 day, traveling on foot.

The described route is suitable for tourists who decide to get to the city by public transport:

  1. Acquaintance with the city's attractions will begin with an acquaintance with the monument to Catherine the Great in the park of the same name, located opposite the Podolsk railway station.
  2. Not far from the square is the main city park, named after the pilot Talalikhin. After walking along its alleys, you can go to the banks of the Pakhra River.
  3. The Church of the Resurrection is located on the edge of the park area. Here you can rest in silence and enjoy the view of the river.
  4. Along the embankment you need to go to Lenin Avenue, where merchant houses built in the 19th century have been preserved.
  5. By turning right at the Krasnye Ryady shopping center, in a few minutes you can walk to the Trinity Church, next to which there is a monument to the Miloradovich grenadiers.
  6. Square of Generations is located within walking distance from Cathedral Square.

  7. In the Ivanovskoye estate, located on the banks of the Pakhra River, you can visit a branch of the Local History Museum and the Museum of Professional Education.
  8. The Dubrovitsy estate is located a 30-40 minute walk from Ivanovsky. If you move along the river bank, you can have a picnic and have a snack with food purchased in the city or brought with you. In the estate itself, the Znamenskaya Church, the linden park and the estate palace, which can only be viewed from the outside, are of interest.
  9. The monument to Podolsk cadets is reached from Dubrovitsy by bus route 65, which stops opposite the monument.
  10. L. Tolstoy Boulevard is a modern pedestrian zone on which there is a light and musical fountain, created based on the novel “War and Peace”.
  11. The local history museum will help consolidate and supplement the information obtained during the walk. When leaving the museum, you should pay attention to the unique monument to the Singer sewing machine.
  12. Returning to Station Square, you can see the memorial dedicated to the Great Patriotic War and the monument to the Podolsk worker.

Since the walk will take the whole day, you should take care of snacks or choose a suitable catering establishment.

Where to eat

Podolsk, whose sights can be explored for several days, offers tourists to visit a variety of food outlets - from chain fast food establishments to cozy restaurants with live music and a relaxed atmosphere.

Both adults and travelers with children can choose a suitable lunch option here:

NameAddressKitchenAverage check, rub./person.Peculiarities
Restaurant "Churchkhela"Etc. Lenina, 107/49 Georgian and European250-300● location in the shopping center “Red Rows”;
● free Internet access;

● live music in the evenings.

Cafe "Uyut"St. B. Serpukhovskaya, 23A Caucasian, European, Russian150-200● fast service;
● the ability to prepare takeaway orders;

● availability of meatless dishes.

Cafe "Anchor"St. Fedorova, 16 European, Russian.600-1000● the presence of individual gazebos and a summer veranda;
● delivery of complex orders from 10 people (200 rub./person).
Restaurant "Kazachok"Simferopol highway, 42nd kilometer, 1k9 (RK “Ivango”)European, Ukrainian, Russian.800-900● Internet access;
● summer veranda;

● live music.

Burger No. 1St. Red 9/48 fast food700● Internet access;
● convenient location in the city center.

How to move more conveniently

The city has an extensive network of public transport, represented by the following means of transportation:

  • city ​​bus (48 rubles);
  • trolleybus (48 rub.);
  • minibus taxi (from 46 to 90 rubles).

Taxi services operating in the city can offer both economy class cars and luxury vehicles. The minimum cost of a trip around the city is 150 rubles. Podolsk is a small town near Moscow, which, despite its proximity to the capital, has not lost its charming provincial spirit.

Its attractions tell about the historical events that took place in these parts and the people who left a bright mark on the city's history.

Article design: Ilchenko Oksana

Fountain of Natasha Rostova's first ball

The location of this fountain was not chosen by chance - the boulevard where it is located is named after Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. The composition consists of the figure of Natasha and Prince Bolkonsky, who are located in the middle of the fountain. Despite the fact that the sculpture is made of granite, the heroes do not seem to be made of stone at all - they are about to spin around in a dance. The fountain is equipped with lighting and music, so it is best to visit it in the evening.

Address: st. Kirova, 31, Podolsk, Moscow region, Russia

Fountain of Natasha Rostova's first ball

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