Kingisepp. Sights, photos and descriptions of what to see in one day

In 1384, the Yam fortress was founded on the Luga River - for a long time Kingisepp had exactly this name. Throughout the history of the city, it was renamed several more times. Kingisepp is the surname of the Baltic communist, after whom Yamburg was named at the beginning of the last century. During the First World War the city suffered significant destruction. Many landmarks in the old city were damaged or destroyed. Authorities and residents spent decades restoring their cultural heritage. Reconstructions were carried out based on the original designs, but taking into account the details inherent in modern architecture. New monuments appeared. At the moment, Kingisepp is an important cultural center of the Leningrad region. Almost every place here is permeated with the spirit of heroism and patriotism. The city is endowed with a special flavor of small peoples living on this territory in different historical periods. Those wishing to get acquainted with ancient sights and modern objects should visit Kingisepp.

The importance of the city in the modern world

City with an area of ​​44 square meters. km, is the administrative center of the Kingisepp district and an important economic and cultural center of the Leningrad region. The distance to the borders of Estonia is 25 km, to St. Petersburg – 130 km. According to the Novgorod chronicles, the history of Kingisepp began in 1384.

The first mention is associated with the construction of the powerful Yam fortress at the intersection of the trade route between Novgorod and the Baltic states, which was renamed Yamburg in 1703. During the Civil War, the city was occupied by Red Army troops. In 1922, Yamburg was renamed Kingisepp in honor of Victor Kingisepp, an Estonian communist. During the Great Patriotic War, the city was captured by the Nazis.

For the courage and powerful resistance of local residents, Kingisepp was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree. Kingisepp is a member of the international organization Neue Hanse, created with the aim of developing trade and tourism in the former cities and trading partners of the medieval Hanse.

Ruins of Yam Fort

The history of the city of Kingisepp begins with the fact that at the end of the 14th century Fort Yam was built (to strengthen the borders of Novgorod). The fort was surrounded by a stone wall with towers and had a deep moat. The walls of the fort have seen more than one siege. For a long time the fort and Kingisepp passed from one country to another, until under Peter I they were returned to Russia forever. The ditches around the fortress in Kingisepp, filled with water, have survived to this day - now they are ponds.


60% of the Kingisepp district is occupied by forests, 12% by swamps. The ecological situation in this area is favorable. The content of harmful substances in the soil and air does not exceed the norm.

The EuroChem enterprise, which produces agricultural fertilizers, is located in the Kingisepp district. When taking water samples in the immediate vicinity of the plant, elevated levels of phosphorus and copper were detected.

Flora and fauna

In the Kingisepp district there are 3 reserves: Kurgalsky (60 hectares), Kotelsky (more than 10 thousand hectares) and “Oak forests near the village of Velkota” (375 hectares). At the end of 2022, the “East of the Gulf of Finland” nature reserve was opened, covering the island part and the marine area of ​​the Vyborg and Kingisepp districts.

Rare birds live on the territory of the reserves:

  • scoter;
  • common eider;
  • cormorant;
  • golden eagle;
  • black-throated loon;
  • White-tailed eagle.

Among the animals there are:

  • gray seals;
  • ringed seals;
  • ferrets;
  • foxes;
  • wild boars;
  • the Bears;
  • garden dormouse (rodents).

A large area is occupied by broad-leaved forests.

The most common trees are:

  • black alder;
  • oak;
  • maple;
  • rough elm;
  • cordifolia linden;
  • ash;
  • hazel.

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How to get there

Transport links with neighboring cities are quite developed. The Moscow-St. Petersburg-Estonia railway and the St. Petersburg-Tallinn highway pass through Kingisepp.

By plane

The nearest city where the airport is located is St. Petersburg (130 km from Kingisepp). The cost of a plane ticket Moscow-St. Petersburg-Moscow is from 4,400 rubles/1 adult economy.

From Bus Station No. 2 of St. Petersburg to Kingisepp there are buses 841 (the final one is the old Kingisepp station) and 851 (to the city of Slantsy with a stop in Kingisepp). The fare starts from 300 rubles/1 person. Travel time is from 2 to 3 hours.

By train

The Moscow-Tallinn Baltic Express train stops in St. Petersburg and Kingisepp.

Travel time Moscow-Kingisepp - 10 hours 47 minutes, tickets cost from 1182 rubles; St. Petersburg-Kingisepp – 2 hours 37 minutes, from 552 rubles. Electric train 6661 departs from the Baltic Station in St. Petersburg at 18.05 (time may change), heading to Ivangorod via Kingisepp. Ticket prices start from 335 rubles.

By car

By car you can get to Kingisepp along the federal highway A-180 (Narva).

Main attractions

Kingisepp, whose attractions are not numerous, attracts with its cozy, well-groomed streets and squares. The tourist flow in the city is small. Visiting most places is free or available at a fairly low cost.

Religious buildings

One of the notable buildings of the city is St. Catherine's Cathedral. The order for construction was given in the 18th century by Empress Catherine II. The project was developed by Antonio Rinaldi. The five-domed temple with a multi-tiered bell tower and decorative elements in the design of the room create the impression of a palace hall. The cathedral is active. Located on the street. Voskova, 27B/6.

Construction of a building on the street. Bolshaya Sovetskaya 8 began in 1910. The construction was intended for the city government. The building is designed in the Romanesque style characteristic of Western Europe. For this reason, the building is called the “town hall”.

During the years of the city's occupation by the Germans, a concentration camp was located within the walls. The town hall suffered significant destruction during the liberation of Kingisepp by Soviet troops. Currently the town hall is used as an office building.

On the right bank of the Luga River, fragments of the Yam fortress from Peter the Great's time have been preserved. Under Catherine II, the walls of the bastion were dismantled according to the decree of the empress. Of the surviving fragments, there were embankments with a length of 600 m and the ruins of towers.


Kingisepp Museum of History and Local Lore is located on Karl Marx Avenue 1. The exhibition is open from 10.00 to 17.00. Closed: last Monday and Thursday of every month. Ticket price: 100 rub. – all expositions, 50 rubles. – 1 hall.

The museum building, built in 1910, is an object of cultural and historical heritage. Initially, the building served as premises for the Yamburg Commercial School. The main focus of the exhibitions is to demonstrate the characteristics of indigenous peoples, in particular the Vod and Izhora peoples.

The collection includes:

  • Houseware;
  • decorations;
  • weapons from the Middle Ages;
  • Russian and Swedish coins of the 16th-20th centuries;
  • ceramic and glassware of the 19th-20th centuries.

Additionally, temporary thematic exhibitions are held. Izhora Ethnographic Museum is located at: Kingisepp district, Ruchi village, st. Central, no. 80. Open from Thursday to Sunday from 12.00 to 16.00. You can get to the place by buses 75, 83 or by car along the A-121 highway. The museum was created with the aim of introducing contemporaries to the culture of endangered peoples.

2 halls display exhibits from stone tools to modern products. The museum annually hosts holidays (“Fisherman’s Day”, “Preserving - Reviving”) and craft fairs. The honest museum of the indigenous peoples of the Vodskaya Pyatina in the village of Monastyrki, Kingisepp district, is located in 2 buildings.

The first contains items reminiscent of the events of the Great Patriotic War. The presented copies were given to the owner as a gift by veterans. The hut of 1898 displays artifacts of the Votic, Russian, and Izhora peoples. There is no fixed ticket price. You can get to the village by car along the A-180 highway. Distance – 40 km.

Natural attractions

Kingisepp (the city's attractions also include park areas) is popular for its monument of landscape gardening art "Romanovka" on the left bank of the Luga River (Komsomolovka Street). In this place the estate of General Bistrom was located. The territory is decorated in English style. Every year the park is the venue for city holidays and festivals. Free admission.

The “Summer Garden” on the right bank of the Luga River is one of the favorite places for relaxation of local residents. A quiet, secluded park in the city center overlooking St. Catherine's Cathedral was used as a regimental garden before the revolution. The pond in the park served as the moat of the Yam fortress.

Memorial Park "Grove Five Hundred" on the street. Zhukov, according to local historians, received its name in connection with the tragic events of the execution of 500 Bolshevik supporters in the grove.

In the 50s, a mass grave of soldiers who participated in the liberation of the city during the Great Patriotic War was created in the park. A stone was laid in memory of former prisoners of fascist camps. The park area is equipped with benches for relaxation. There is an observation deck overlooking the river.


The “Bronze Lion” statue was installed in 1841 at the burial site of K.I. Bistrom, a hero of the Patriotic War. The monument is located on the territory of the Romanovka park (Komsomolovka street), on the site of the former estate of the general. In the city center near the river bank on the street. Oktyabrskaya erected a monument “Cranes”, dedicated to the soldiers who died in Chechnya and Afghanistan.

The monument in the form of a white arch with birds flying into the sky symbolizes memory and hope. A sculptural bust of the Estonian communist revolutionary, after whom the city was named, is located at the intersection of Karl Marx and Zheleznodorozhnaya streets. Kingisepp V. fought for the establishment of Soviet power in Estonia, for which he was executed.

Monument to soldiers "Cranes"

The monument is simple, laconic and this is its “zest”. Installed in memory of fallen soldiers, particularly in Afghanistan. The idea of ​​​​creation appeared quite a long time ago, but came to life only in the early 2000s.

The funds were allocated by the city administration and residents of Kingisepp. On solemn, memorable days, an eternal flame is lit nearby. Anyone can come, just stand for a few minutes, pay respects and honor the memory of the victims.

Location: Oktyabrsky Boulevard.


Kingisepp is suitable for lovers of active recreation. After sightseeing, you can go to the Kopanskoye recreation center (90 km from the city). Buses 75/83, 85/83, 56/60 go to your destination from the city station. There are 6 cottages on the territory, accommodating from 4 to 8 people (from 5 thousand rubles/day). It is possible to order a bathhouse (3000 rubles/2 hours).

Guests can use the equipped sandy beach and take a boat ride on the lake (from 200 rubles/1 hour). The place is suitable for fishing, hunting under water and on the shore (for a fee). There is an outdoor play area for children.

The PAZh equestrian club in Romanovka Park offers not only horseback riding (from 150 rubles/1 hour), but also physical education and health services (hippotherapy - from 450 rubles/1 hour), horseback riding with a photo session (1500 rubles/ 40 min, client's camera). Classes are available for children and adults.

Source of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine

An amazing place with indescribable energy! Clean air, unity with nature, beautiful landscapes, small chapels and a local fluffy cat await everyone to visit.

You can simply draw water from the source, or take a dip in the plunge pool, wander around the well-groomed area and feel a surge of strength. There is also a unique chapel, inside of which there is a stone with traces of the Mother of God and the baby.

Interesting places to relax with children

In 2016 on the street. A monument to the heroes of I.A. Krylov’s fable was unveiled near the Oktyabrskaya building. "A Crow and a fox". A specially designated area around a tall tree is covered with rubberized flooring. Several benches are equipped. Nearby there is a stand with the text of the fable.

In the building of the Olympus Ice Arena:

  • training sessions are held for hockey players and figure skaters;
  • Individual training is organized (from 200 rub./1 hour);
  • sports and cultural events take place;
  • there is a designated area for skating (children's ticket - 200 rub./1 hour, adult ticket - 300 rub./1 hour);
  • there is a gym equipped (children's ticket - 150 rubles, adult - 200 rubles).

Address: Kingisepp, 7th microdistrict. Opening hours: 10.00-22.00 daily.

Ski club "Start" in the park "Romanovka" on the street. Komsomolovka 10 not only provides year-round training, but also provides the opportunity to rent ski equipment. During the snow-free period, you can go roller skiing. Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 15.00 to 20.00, Saturday - 12.00-17.00, Sunday closed.

In the village of Luzhitsy (50 km from the city) there is a private museum of Vodskaya culture. You can get to the place by regular buses 53/54 (Kingisepp-Ust-Luga-Koskolovo). In 2 huts, summer and winter, the life of the leaders was recreated. One of the exhibitions is dedicated to fishing. In a specially designated area, a library is organized and Votic language training is provided.

The tour is led by the museum curator and is popular with adults and children. There are no fixed working hours. To visit the house, you must contact the owner by phone. Every year in July, the Lusatian Fundraiser festival is organized in the courtyard of the estate.

Catherine's Cathedral

A landmark of the city of Kingisepp is the famous Orthodox Church, which has a solemn appearance. It has light walls and blue domes. The temple was built in the 17th century in honor of Catherine of Alexandria. The structure has a cross shape and has 4 rounded towers located diagonally. The bell tower with the main entrance completes the appearance of the temple. In the courtyard of the cathedral there are old crosses from an abandoned cemetery. There is also part of the tombstone of the daughter of a merchant from Kingisepp.


Due to the low popularity of the city among tourists, Kingisepp does not have a wide variety of excursion programs.

Fortresses of the North-West

The excursion program includes visits to the sights of 3 cities that are important for the safety of state borders:

  • in Koporye – visit to the 13th century fortress of the same name;
  • in Kingisepp - Yam fortress, Catherine's Cathedral;
  • in Ivangorod – visit to the fortress of the 15th-16th centuries and the exhibition of the Small Powder Granary.

Duration 10-11 hours. The excursion is carried out in a group of up to 25 people. Ticket price for 1 adult from 1270 rubles.

Kingisepp-Pilovo-Vistino-Luga Bay

The excursion includes transfer from and to St. Petersburg. Duration up to 12 hours.

In Kingisepp you can visit:

  • city ​​center with a sightseeing tour;
  • St. Catherine's Cathedral;
  • Summer Garden;
  • local history museum.

In Pillovo - an excursion to the chapel of the Pochaev Mother of God, in Vistino - a visit to the Izhora Museum.

At the end of the tour:

  • walk in the Kurgalsky reserve;
  • trip to the chapel of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • walking along the Gulf of Finland.

Excursions to the Kingisepp Museum of History and Local Lore

You can order a tour from the museum staff. The table shows the main list of services. The duration of all programs is from 45 minutes to 1 hour.

Excursion typePrice
city ​​tour1000 rub./1 person
dedicated to a temporary exhibition210 RUR/up to 7 people + entrance fee
ancient settlement of Yam fortress50 rub./1 person
virtual fortress Yam350 RUR/up to 7 people + ticket price
making folk dolls, weaving50 rub./1 person + purchase of material (up to 150 rub.)
interactive quest “The Secret of the Old Fortress of Yam-Yamburg”50 rub./1 person (pre-registration required, only available in summer)

Summer Garden Park

This garden can be considered a long-liver. The park owes its appearance to the servicemen of the 146th Tsaritsyn Regiment. It was defeated even before the revolution . During its existence, the garden has changed several names.

This quiet, shady park with ponds, ducks and walking paths is a good place to relax and walk.

Summer Garden Park

Route for exploring the city on your own in 1-2 days

Kingisepp, whose attractions, despite their small number, play an important role in studying the history and culture of the country, can be explored in 1-2 days.

On day 1, you can explore memorable places on the right bank of the Luga River along the following route:

  • St. Catherine's Cathedral (Voskov St., 27B/6);
  • monument to partisan heroes (Karl Marx Ave.; 150 m);
  • Kingisepp Museum of History and Local Lore (Karl Marx Ave. 1; 100 m);
  • Summer Park (Zhukov St.; 350 m);
  • monument “Cranes” (280 m; Oktyabrskaya street);
  • monument to Crow and Fox (500 m; Oktyabrskaya street).

Sights: worth a look at the monument to the Crow and the Fox. You can start day 2 by getting to know the important places on the left bank:

  • Grove of Memory (Narvskoye Highway);
  • Romanovka Park (200 m);
  • monument to K.I. Bistroma (Komsomolovka St.; 280 m);
  • in the remaining time you can visit the “Ski Base” and “Equestrian Club”.


The small provincial Kingisepp can boast of a long and glorious history, but not an abundance of tourists. The fact is that nothing of the historical heritage has been preserved here. Alas, only ramparts and low fragments of walls remain from the medieval fortress in the city. The rest of the development in the center mainly dates from the first half of the 19th century. At that time, Kingisepp was built according to a regular plan, and the most notable objects of this development were the Gostiny Dvor in 1835 and the arena in 1836.

Two things can attract travelers to Kingisepp: firstly, the wonderful cathedral of the Catherine era and, secondly, the location near Ivangorod and the state border. True, for the sake of the second, it makes direct sense to choose Ivangorod itself to visit.

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The number of hotels in Kingisepp is limited. Private guest houses and apartments are popular among tourists.

Hotel Luzhsky Bereg 2*

The hotel is located in the Romanovka park area. Distance from the center – 1.8 km. Free parking is available for guests. On the territory there is a terrace for relaxation and a restaurant.

All rooms have:

  • private bathroom;
  • TV;
  • 1 or 2 separate beds;
  • closet;
  • free wifi.

Some rooms have a balcony and a refrigerator. Room rates for 2 adults per night from 2,600 rubles. (Is breakfast included).

Hotel St.Ar 2*

The hotel is located 1.3 km from the center at the address: Krikkovskoye sh. 20. Mini-hotel, has 10 rooms ranging from 18 sq. m. Each room is divided into an area for sleeping and relaxing with a seating area. The room has its own bathroom and TV.

Guests can use:

  • electric kettle;
  • ironing facilities;
  • washing machine;
  • hairdryer;
  • refrigerator.

The cost of accommodation for 2 adults is from 2800 rubles/night (breakfast is included in the price).

City Apartments

This object is an apartment located in a residential building.

Apartment with an area of ​​36 sq. m include:

  • fully equipped kitchen;
  • bedroom;
  • living room;
  • bathroom;
  • balcony;
  • toiletries.

Address: st. Bolshaya Sovetskaya, 24. Distance from the city center 200 m. Cost of living from 2200 rubles / 2 adults.

Barracks of the Tsaritsyn Regiment

The buildings are an architectural and historical monument. Initially they were built as a guest courtyard. Their construction began during the reign of Catherine the Great, when the city received “district” status .

Later they were handed over to the military. Unfortunately, not all of the buildings have been preserved; only the northern part of the complex can be seen. Nowadays there is a sports school in the Manege building.

Barracks of the Tsaritsyn Regiment

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