Map of Kurchatov in detail with streets, houses and districts

Kurchatov on the map of Russia: geography, nature and climate

Kurchatov can be found on a map of Russia 38 kilometers west of Kursk near the Seim River.

The city stretches along the coast of the Kursk Reservoir, the cooler of the nuclear power plant. Part of Kurchatov is located in the water protection area.

The climate is temperate, with high rainfall.

The coldest month is January, the warmest month is July.

The Kursk Reservoir is a habitat for rare species of plants and birds listed in the Red Book.

The city has many green spaces, landscaped parks and recreation areas for the population.

Routes on the map of Kurchatov. Transport infrastructure

P-199 highway connects Kurchatov with Kursk.

The railway line connecting Kursk and Lgov passes through Kurchatov. Long-distance trains to Adler, Kursk, Voronezh, and Liski pass through the railway station.

There are two stations in the city: Kurchatov - for long-distance trains and electric trains; platform 428 kilometer (locally called “Uspenka”) - only for commuter trains.

By bus you can get from Kurchatov to Kursk, Rylsk, Sumy, as well as suburban settlements.

Sights of the city of Kurchatov

A map of Kurchatov with houses will help the traveler to find his way around the city and visit interesting places: on it you can mark the addresses of the locations of attractions.

  1. Museum of Local Lore . The halls will tell about the nature of the region, archaeological finds, history and people, folk crafts and scientific discoveries.
  2. Orthodox Church of Seraphim of Sarov and All Kursk Saints.
  3. Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, built on the site of an old wooden church destroyed during the years of Soviet power.
  4. Monument to I.V. Kurchatov , the famous physicist, pioneer of work in atomic science. Located on the central square of the city.
  5. Monument to the Unknown Soldier , erected in honor of the fallen soldiers-liberators of the village of Uspenka during the Great Patriotic War.
  6. The sculpture “Peaceful Atom” is a symbol of the use of atomic energy only for peaceful purposes.
  7. Sports complex "Energetik".
  8. Monument "Black Tulip" . Dedicated to the soldiers who died in the Afghan war.

Single-industry town statistics: Kurchatov is aging and migrating

Public hearings were held in Kurchatov on the draft decisions of the Kurchatov City Duma “On approval of programs for the comprehensive development of social, communal and transport infrastructures of Kurchatov for 2019-2035.” Three voluminous documents reflect the modern agenda of the city of nuclear scientists, and also contain plans for its modernization and development. According to the authorities, almost 5 billion rubles are required to restore the worn-out infrastructure of the single-industry town.

At the meeting with residents, the speakers briefly and without unnecessary details outlined the essence of the documents. But in order to familiarize yourself with the situation in more detail, we suggest that you turn to the primary sources. The documents that the city administration and deputies worked on during 2022 are available on the official website of the municipality.


Having crossed his 50-year mark, Kurchatov noticeably lost his leading position. First of all, as a young and developing city. This is evidenced by statistical data announced by the deputy head of the city, Sergei Rudakov.

Sergey Rudakov, main speaker of public hearings

The migration population decline for 2022 amounted to 423 people. Note that this trend applies not only to last year. Residents have been leaving the city for eleven years in a row. Since 2000, the population of Kurchatov has decreased by 10,700 people.

Dynamics of changes in the population of Kurchatov since 1979

Note that the population decline occurs even against the backdrop of a large-scale construction campaign at the federal level. Despite statements by the authorities that the construction of Kursk NPP-2 will attract thousands of new workers to the city, so far there has only been an outflow of labor resources.

The average resident of the city of nuclear scientists has also noticeably aged. Today he is 40.33 years old. Only 55.4% of the population is of working age. The mortality and birth rate statistics are quite indicative. If until 2022 the demographic data had positive dynamics, then in the last two years the number of deaths began to exceed the number of newborns.

The demographic situation of the city of power engineers is most clearly shown by the birth and death rates. Against the backdrop of global indicators, a noticeable lag in Russian demographic policy becomes obvious.

Local officials see the reasons for the unstable demographic situation, of course, in the corrupting work of the media:

“The formation of new stereotypes of lifestyle and consumer standards by the media leads to a decrease in the quality of family education, aggravation of conflict between generations, and the severing of family ties. All these reasons led to a sharp decline in the birth rate and a decrease in the number of families wishing to raise three or more children.”

There is some good news in the official report. Thus, for the first time in modern history, Kurchatov will not be closed, but preschool institutions will be built True, these are not full-fledged kindergartens, but only extensions to existing institutions. To fill four nursery groups for 40 people, aged from two months to three years, it is planned to build extensions to kindergartens No. 2 and No. 12. These expenses have already been included in the federal funding program.


The report is replete with numbers and optimistic conclusions, which are not always correct. For example, they write about the pool: “In the Energetik sports complex there is a swimming pool with Olympic-standard lanes. Regional and all-Russian competitions are held here.” The last statement is not true, since in order to hold official competitions, the sports complex must be included in the register of sports facilities of the Russian Federation.

Excerpt from the program with false information

The owner of Energetika, the Rosenergoatom concern represented by the Kursk NPP, is not yet going to do this, citing the impossibility of financing a non-core institution. Let's say more. In all of Kurchatov there is not a single sports facility included in the register. However, in the program for the comprehensive development of social infrastructure, there is no information about plans to change the sad statistics.


One of thirty-three Kurchatov supermarkets.

In 2022, there were 693 individual entrepreneurs and 214 small businesses in Kurchatov. The consumer market consists of 387 objects. The largest share in the turnover of large and medium-sized enterprises is made up of supermarkets. In the city of 40 thousand 33 stores of large retail chains: Thunder ( 10 Magnit stores), Red and White stores Europe stores 5 Pyaterochka stores), Best Prize ( 2 Fix Prize stores ), Armada shopping center, Grinn Corporation JSC, Euroset stores 1 Svyaznoy store. The next one is currently being prepared for opening.


The most painful areas for 50-year-old Kurchatov are the outdated utility infrastructure. of heating networks alone is 60.84 km. 68% of pipes need replacement. The total amount of funds needed to modernize the heat supply system is 2.648 billion rubles.

The water supply system is built on the use of Kurchatovsky and Dichnyansky water intakes. Moreover, the license to use Kurchatovsky expires in September 2021. Here, too, the main problem is the moral and physical wear and tear of fixed assets. During 2014-2017, not a single well was drilled and no new water supply networks were built. Repair of networks per year was no more than 1.5 km. Existing water supply networks are operating at the limit of resource reliability. 83% of water pipelines are completely worn out and require replacement. In the municipality, the networks are worn out at 78%.

Another problem is outdated technological schemes for water purification. As a result, the content of some chemical elements in water intake in certain periods exceeds the norm by up to two times. Due to the dilapidation of water pipelines, water readings for iron deteriorate.

The plans include replacing steel pipes with non-metallic ones, reconstructing water intakes and many other measures worth 1.136 billion rubles.

The sewerage system covers 160 residential buildings and 290 other consumers. Wastewater disposal in 2022 - 2.8 million cubic meters. The actual wear rate of sewer networks is 80%. 328 million rubles are needed for its reconstruction and modernization. In addition, the power lines supplying the treatment facilities are in disrepair. In 2022, residents of old microdistricts living on the upper floors have already felt the “effect” of emergency situations.

The storm sewer system in Kurchatov does not meet modern requirements. All runoff from roads today is discharged into open water in an untreated form. The city planning project provides for the construction of treatment facilities for surface wastewater. However, no money has been planned for this work yet.

In the field of municipal solid waste management, the main problem is the deterioration of the fleet of garbage containers, which today are managed by management companies, and the lack of equipped container sites.

power grid includes 71 substations, 226 km of power lines, 77 km of street lighting lines. The level of physical wear and tear of networks is 40-50%. Depreciation of transformer substations -70%. To restore the electrical system of the city, power engineers require 810 million rubles.

In the program for the comprehensive development of the transport sector, the main direction is to increase the level of road safety and the accessibility of transport services for the population. The program includes the construction of an overpass across the railway, a bus station with a pedestrian bridge across the railway tracks, the installation of six more traffic lights on the Kursk-Rylsk highway, repairs of public roads of the road fund and the street road network. In addition to these objects, the document also identifies a number of others, the construction of which is expected to be carried out in the period 2013-2022:

1) Expansion of the Dichnyansky water intake with the construction of a water pipeline in the Kurchatovsky district of the Kursk region;

2) Construction of a storm sewer system with treatment facilities;

3) The third line of the pressure sewer sewer from KNS-5 to the gravity flow of the city of Kurchatov;

4) Construction of a road network with sidewalks in new neighborhoods of the city;

5) Construction of an ice palace with engineering infrastructure;

6) Construction of a highway in the 7th and 10th microdistricts of the city of Kurchatov;

7) Construction of a garage complex in the 7th microdistrict of Kurchatov;

8) Construction of preschool institutions in the 7th microdistrict of Kurchatov;

9) Construction of trade and entertainment facilities in the 7th microdistrict of Kurchatov;

10) Construction of a hotel in the 7th microdistrict of Kurchatov;

11) Construction of a gas boiler house in the 7th microdistrict of Kurchatov;

12) Construction of treatment facilities in the 7th microdistrict of Kurchatov;

13) Construction of an electrical substation in the 7th microdistrict of Kurchatov.

“The numbers you heard here are big, but in fact there is no provision for them yet,” the chairman of the City Duma, Alexey Suzdalev, . That is, we can talk about financing in 2022, and not about the distant future - until 2035.”

The hearing participants recommended that the head of the city of Kurchatov send the draft updated comprehensive investment plan for the modernization of the single-industry town for approval to the City Duma.

PS. On November 29, deputies will begin considering Kurchatov’s budget for 2022. utility bills, taxes and salaries will be 100% financed . The rest: 30-31% of needs. According to rough estimates, the shortage of funds will amount to 160 million rubles.

Main streets of Kurchatov

On the detailed map of Kurchatov you can see not only large highways, but also small streets.

  1. Garden Street . It is part of the P-199 highway. The main street dividing the city into two parts. Length -2.5 kilometers. It starts from Mira Street, stretches past microdistricts 5 and 6, intersecting with Energetikov Street. There are many green spaces along Sadovaya. It ends at the intersection with Embankment Street, nearby is the old city cemetery and the Church of John the Baptist.
  2. Street of Cosmonauts . Length – 1 kilometer. It originates from Molodezhnaya Street. It goes around microdistrict 2 from the Kursk Reservoir. Intersects with Pionerskaya. It ends at the intersection with Gaidar Street.
  3. Energetikov Street. Length – 1.7 kilometers. It starts from the intersection with Stroiteley Street and goes around the 4th microdistrict. It runs past the park area in which the temple in honor of St. Seraphim of Sarov is located. Separates microdistricts 5 and 6, then goes out onto Sadovaya not far from the city hospital complex. At the intersection with Naberezhnaya Street there is the Emerald City Park.
  4. Embankment street . Length – 1.2 kilometers. It starts from the intersection with Energetikov Street, goes around the 6th microdistrict and goes out onto Sadovaya Street.
  5. Communist Avenue. Length – 950 meters. It starts at Nikolaev Square, at the intersection with Molodezhnaya Street. It closes 1 microdistrict from the north, passes by the district administration, ends in the area of ​​Freedom Square at the intersection with Sovetskaya Street near the Palace of Culture and the Energetik sports complex.
  6. Molodezhnaya Street. Length – 570 meters. It goes around the 1st microdistrict from Nikolaev Square, intersects with Kommunistichesky Prospekt, and in the 2nd microdistrict it turns into Cosmonauts Street. On Molodezhnaya Street there is the Kurchatov Museum of Local Lore.


The history of the city of Kurchatov is relatively young. At the end of September 1966, the Council of Ministers of the USSR signed a decree on the construction of the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant. The first team of builders arrived at the construction site in the spring of 1968. The construction workers were temporarily housed in mobile trailers at the Lukashevka station, as well as in the homes of local residents. First of all, the residential settlement PDU was built at an accelerated pace, which subsequently accommodated more than a thousand people. The new village was surrounded by a huge number of small settlements that had stood on this land for centuries: Zatolokino, Uspenskoye, Glushkovo, Leonovo and others. The workers' settlement was originally designed for 18 thousand residents. At the entrance to modern Kurchatov (where its first streets originate) there is a memorial arrow in honor of the first builders of the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant. One of the first streets of the future city was Leningradskaya, which received its name in honor of the Leningrad architects who designed the city. At the end of December 1971, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, the workers' village was given the name Kurchatov. In January 1972, the construction of the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant was declared an All-Union Shock Komsomol construction project. Kurchatov received city status in 1983. April 25 is considered the city day. Having received a new status, Kurchatov retained its previous name.

Despite the almost complete absence of the history of the city, the residents of Kurchatov do everything possible to capture the memory of certain events. After all, it is the modern residents of the city who will create its history. Several memorial plaques were installed in Kurchatov dedicated to the oldest worker of the KuNPP Nikolaev Tom Petrovich, Hero of the Soviet Union Mishin E.V., etc. In the 1990s, several new monuments appeared in Kurchatov, including the “Black Tulip” (dedicated to internationalist soldiers), a monument in honor of the 50th anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Kursk. In 1996, a monument to I.V. Kurchatov was erected, in whose honor the city received its name.

In 1998, a significant event took place in the cultural life of the city - the Kurchatov City Museum of Local Lore opened, which in the early 2000s included the previously existing museums of pottery art and the history of the city. Today the local history museum has more than two thousand exhibits. Kurchatov's education is represented by six secondary schools, an art school and a branch of the Samara Technical College. The city has a cinema "Prometheus", a sports complex "Energetik", a swimming pool, 5 libraries, a stadium with 5 thousand seats, and a sports organization "Albatross". The city's healthcare includes a maternity hospital, a hospital, an antenatal clinic, a clinic and a dental clinic. The first square of Kurchatov was called Komsomolskaya. At the end of the 80s, it was renamed T. P. Nikolaev Square. The architectural appearance of the central part of the city is determined by Freedom Square. The city territory is divided into industrial and residential zones.

Modern Kurchatov is considered one of the most comfortable and beautiful cities in the Kursk region. In 2004, 2006 and 2011, Kurchatov received an award as the most comfortable city. Thanks to the clear layout and wide streets, Kurchatov is quite easy to navigate even for those visiting the city for the first time.

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