What to see in Tver: Paris, Leaning Tower of Pisa and Swallow's Nest

Everyone who has been to Tver describes this city as calm and interesting. This is a city of contrasts, the main feature is the small houses in the city center - they are not behind the fence, but level with it. Of course, it’s worth visiting Trekhsvyatskaya Street: there are an abundance of cafes, shops, bars, musicians are always playing, in a word, it’s very cozy and there’s always something to see. The embankments of Stepan Razin and Afanasy Nikitin are simply endless! But this is not all that is worth seeing in Tver. If you are going on an excursion to this city, be sure to remember the places from our list - delight is guaranteed!

City Garden

This place is popular among both locals and tourists. The garden was founded in 1931, and currently fits well into modern realities. There are fenced tennis alleys, benches where you can sit down to rest, as well as landscape areas. In warm weather there are attractions, so there is something to do with children.

Tver Imperial Travel Palace

This luxurious mansion was built in the 18th century on the territory where the St. Petersburg Highway passed. The palace was rebuilt several times and its style was changed. The interior of the building is amazing: there are fireplaces and marble columns, luxurious chandeliers and expensive furniture. At the moment, the imperial palace is an art gallery.

Botanical Garden

Lovers of peace and beauty can recommend the botanical garden, located on Shevchenko Street, 16. It is a 10-minute walk from the Rechnoy Vokzal stop, its doors are open to guests every day. The garden is divided into several sectors: a regular park, a vegetable garden, a greenhouse, a pond and a forest. Beautiful benches, flowerpots and even buffets are placed throughout the garden - a delight to the eye!

How to get to Tver

By car

The distance between Moscow and Tver is 185 km along the highway. Approximately 3-4 hours on the road (depending on the starting point and traffic jams). You need to take the M11 (Moscow-St. Petersburg). There is a toll section on the road.

By train

Electric trains and high-speed “Swallows” depart from Leningradsky Station in Moscow.

  • Travel time: 2-2.5 hours – train / from 1 hour 40 minutes – “Swallow”
  • Travel cost: from 450 rubles.

The fastest (and equally expensive) way to get to Tver is by Sapsan - in just over an hour. Prices: from 1100 rub.

Stepan Razin Embankment

Be sure to charge your phone and free up memory on it, because... you'll want to take a lot of photos on the Stepan Razin embankment! The embankment, as you already understood, is named after the famous Don Cossack and is a favorite place for walks for local residents and tourists. In the warm season it is so pleasant here - you want to sit on a bench, look at the river and relax with your thoughts.

Sights of Tver: what else to visit in Tver?

We told you about the main attractions of Tver briefly. If after visiting them you still have free time, devote it to exploring such fascinating places and objects as:

Obelisk of Victory

Memorial complex in honor of the Victory in the Second World War In
the winter of 1970, the opening of the obelisk took place, timed to coincide with the date of the liberation of the city from the Nazis. The monument is topped with a bowl with the Eternal Flame (the torch does not burn all year round, but in the evening hours the bowl is illuminated by spotlights). The lower part of the majestic 45-meter granite pillar is decorated with cast iron slabs with bas-reliefs.

Monument to Afanasy Nikitin

Monument to the first Russian traveler to India Afanasy Nikitin in Tver.
The famous traveler, who opened trade routes with Turkey, India and Persia, stands in bronze on the city embankment. The hero is dressed in a ceremonial caftan, which in former times was worn by rich merchants.

Monument to Mikhail Tverskoy

Equestrian monument to Mikhail Tverskoy on Sovetskaya Square in Tver
The object was created quite recently - about 10 years ago. Tverskoy is famous for its victory over the Khan's army. In 1317, he refused to obey the Mongol-Tatars, for which he was sentenced to execution. Wanting to save the Tver principality from the khan's revenge, the prince himself came to him and courageously accepted death.

Monument to I.A. Krylov

Monument to the famous Russian fabulist I.A.
Krylov in a small park in Tver Krylov lived in Tver for quite a long time, and even wrote several well-known works here. His granite figure was installed in the central part of the city in the park, also named after the fabulist. The great Russian writer stands on a pedestal decorated with memorable words. There are also pylons with images of the most beloved and famous characters from the fables “The Wolf and the Crane”, “The Lion and the Wolf”, and other instructive works by the author.

Monument to A. S. Pushkin

Monument to A.S. Pushkin on the embankment of Mikhail Yaroslavich
Alexander Sergeevich traveled through the city many times, and stopped in Tver for several days at least 4-5 times. It was here that the most significant events of his life happened to him. For example, the failed duel with Sollogub. Mentions of the city can be found in various stories and poems by Pushkin. By the way, local authorities order monuments to Alexander Sergeevich to be erected relatively often; this one was erected in 1937-38 in memory of the anniversary of the death of the famous poet.

Monument to Mikhail Krug

Monument to Mikhail Krug in his hometown of Tver
Krug was born and raised in Tver. A wonderful author and performer of his songs was brutally murdered in his own home. But his memory continues to live in the hearts of the people of our country. The 250-kilogram figure in bronze was created more than 10 years ago. Looking at her, you might think that the chansonnier simply sat down to rest on a bench. There is a guitar in his hands, and a hat lies next to him. There are no signatures on the monument. The creators left free space on the right side of the bench so that those who wish to take a photo with the figure could sit next to it. We remind you that the author-performer of the chanson was buried in his hometown - Tver. The memorial sculpture was made with donations from citizens. By the way, many representatives of the intelligentsia spoke out sharply against its installation. But in the end, Krug fans held on to victory.

Botanical Garden of Tver State University

The picturesque French Garden in the Botanical Garden of Tver State University.
Approximately 2 thousand species of herbs and 350 species of shrubs and trees are planted on a vast area. Initially, the territory was the property of the Church of the Adolescents, but it was bought by a merchant family, and then transferred to the city state university.

Official website: https://garden.tversu.ru/

City Garden

Flower beds in the City Garden of Tver
An area of ​​9 hectares, located in the center of Tver. There are gardens, squares and parks here. In previous years there were several fortifications and the Kremlin. Subsequently, the forts were abolished, and later the site was completely landscaped. During the Second World War, Tver suffered significantly, all the plantings in the park area were destroyed, and the territory was trampled. However, gradually the trees were replanted, recreation areas were developed and alleys were created. The garden looks towards the city embankment - in the direction where the sculptures of Krylov and Pushkin rise. Both locals and guests of Tver love to relax here, so it’s never empty or boring.

Official website: https://gorsad-tver.ru/

Starovolzhsky Bridge

Starovolzhsky Bridge is the first permanent bridge across the Volga in Tver.
An exquisite engineering structure created about 120 years ago using then innovative technologies. During the Second World War, the bridge was blown up, but three decades later it was reconstructed, making it another historical value of the city. The design looks impressive and powerful, evoking involuntary respect for its creators.

White Trinity Church

The White Trinity Church is one of the main attractions of Tver. It is located on Troitskaya Street, 38, not far from the Gavan hostel. This temple is also called the Life-Giving Trinity. The church is the oldest stone building surviving in Tver. It was built in 1564. Initially, the temple had 3 domes, but in the 17th century it was slightly rebuilt and it had 7 domes, and now there are 6.

Where is Tver on the map of Russia

The city is located on the banks of the Volga, where two more rivers named Tvertsa and Tmaki flow into it. Tver is located relatively close to the capital of our country - Moscow, the distance is 177 kilometers. It is located between the two capitals Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The city was founded in the first half of the 12th century, in 1135. A century later, the Tver principality appeared, which could equally compete in its strength with the Moscow one. Moreover, in the 14th century, Tver was the capital of the ancient Russian lands. The city is now aiming for a population of half a million people. Tver City Day is celebrated in the summer - at the end of June.

The city is distinguished by the fact that there are a lot of bridges, about 30 in total, many gardens and many fountains. The visiting cards of the city are the Imperial Palace and the Trinity Church. The city also has an interesting botanical garden, and the part of the city that will appeal to younger people is the graffiti in the city. It is in Tver that the annual festival of this street art takes place, when artists come to the city not only from all over Russia, but also from abroad.

Afanasy Nikitin Embankment

You certainly won’t get bored on the Afanasy Nikitin embankment. And what amazing views here! The embankments in Tver are simply endless. There is a very large square, there are several cafes and restaurants (so you can easily satisfy your hunger!), a river station and a pier, and behind the old bridge there is a large sandy beach.

What to see in Tver first?

It would take forever to list all the interesting places in Tver. If your trip is not so long, be sure to visit:

Singing fountain

Singing fountain in the evening on Komsomolskaya Square in Tver
From the bowl of the light-and-music structure, beautiful sounds of symphonic compositions pour out, jets of various colors and shades rush up 15 meters. The diameter of the bowl is 14 meters. Every tourist should see this incredible water show: such sights of Russia are unforgettable.

Official website: https://tverigrad.ru

Afanasy Nikitin Embankment

The Afanasy Nikitin embankment stretches along the left bank of the Volga.
On the embankment you will see a monument to the great Tver traveler A. Nikitin. The length of the picturesque area is 2.5 km. After reconstruction, a New Bridge was built here and the River Station was opened. If you don’t know what to visit in Tver, but want to spend your day admiring the beauty of nature and architectural masterpieces, come here.

Stepan Razin Embankment

View of the Volga from the Stepan Razin embankment in the center of Tver
One of the most colorful and peaceful points of the city. The embankment with asphalt paths located along the shore is excellent for walking to the City Garden and the Travel Palace.

Trekhsvyatskaya street

Trekhsvyatskaya Street is a popular place for recreation and folk festivals for residents of Tver.
The main pedestrian route of the city, created back in the 18th century. Many excursions to Tver start from here. If you want to watch the performances of street musicians, visit all kinds of souvenir shops and cafes, come and come here. Note that hotels in Tver of various star ratings are located right here.

River Station

View from the Volga to the Tverskaya River Station on the Afanasy Nikitin embankment
Our list of “the best sights of Tver” would be incomplete without this colorful building from 1938. The facade of the building is reminiscent of an ancient elegant temple and an architectural object in the brilliant Stalinist Empire style at the same time. The roof is decorated with a belvedere with a high spire. Several tiers of the round house are complemented by an elegant colonnade and side pylons.

See the beautiful places of Tver in this wonderful video!

Travel Palace

View from the Volga embankment to the Tver Imperial Travel Palace. The main two-light hall on the second floor of the Tver Imperial Travel Palace.
What should every architecture fan see in Tver in 1 day? This palace is from the 18th century, made in pompous Baroque and Classical styles. At one time, the building served as a residence for many reigning persons. Today within its walls you can see a painting gallery and museum exhibitions. Samples stored here: sculptures, objects of applied art, paintings painted by the greatest Russian and foreign masters.

Official website: https://gallery.tver.ru/palace/

Proletarka's Courtyard

One of the buildings of the Morozovsky town complex (Proletarka courtyard) in Tver
Quarter of the 19th century, equipped for the workers of the textile factory of the Morozov family. All buildings are built of red brick. The style of the buildings is “romanticized” modernism. Despite the fact that restoration work has not been carried out here for many years, people still live in dilapidated dormitories with collapsing facades and broken glass.

Official website: https://www.tztver.ru

House of the Red Commanders

The House of Red Commanders is an architectural monument of the Stalin era on the Stepan Razin embankment.
The building was built in 1935, in former times it served as a military pedagogical institute, a hospital and a military headquarters. Today it houses a dormitory for students of the Military Academy of East Kazakhstan region named after. G.K. Zhukov and the hotel.

Official website: https://tverlife.ru

Cinema Zvezda

View of the facade of the Zvezda cinema building with a large screen in the center of Tver.
A house with several round-shaped towers is decorated with exquisite rotundas. The white and red cladding of the facade, as well as the portal with a 3-corner pediment located at the central entrance, attracts attention. The auditoriums feature modern video equipment. These best attractions of Tver will make your vacation both educational and fun - screenings of new cinema releases are held here as often as in any other cinema.

Official website: https://zvezda-kino.ru/

Ascension Cathedral

Cathedral of the Ascension of the Lord at the intersection of Sovetskaya Street and Tverskoy Prospekt in Tver.
A noble, airy and light building, erected in the 17th century. Throughout the history of its existence, it was rebuilt more than once, and, in the end, it became what you can see it now - stone. In the 20th century, the temple was transferred to the patriarchate, and church services began to be held there again.

Official website: https://vosnesenie.ru/

White Trinity Church

The White Trinity Church is the oldest surviving stone building in Tver.
The peculiarity of this temple is that it has survived and not been reconstructed. Date of creation: 16th century. In addition to the exterior, the interiors of the halls were also preserved. The centuries-old paintings on the walls are of great value. However, the interior decoration is not pretentious and luxurious, but rather colorful.

Official website: https://sobor-tver.ru

Church of the Three Confessors

View from the Volga embankment of the bell tower and the Church of the Resurrection of Christ (Three Confessors)
This architectural monument was created on the site of a former wooden church. The style direction is baroque, later elements of early classicism and empire were added to it. Unfortunately, during the Soviet era, the unique frescoes of the church were destroyed. However, guides in Tver still recommend visiting this attraction as one of the most historically important.

Official website: https://hram-triispo.ru/

Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord

Belfry of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord
Catholic Church, the head of which is Metropolitan Archbishop Paolo Pezzi. A Catholic community appeared in the city in the 19th century. The temple for her was opened more than 150 years ago.

Official website: https://catholic-church

Tver Mosque

The building of the Tver Cathedral Mosque is a house of prayer for Tver Muslims.
The presence of a mosque for Muslims in an Orthodox city may seem strange. However, more than a hundred years ago, during the revolutions, approximately 300 people preaching this religion lived in Tver. It was at their request that a house was built with a tower and domes, as well as some details of the Russian architectural style. In the 20th century, the mosque turned into a cafe, but was later restored and returned to Tver Muslims.

Official website: https://mechet.wordpress.com/

Nativity of Christ Monastery

The abbot's building of the Orthodox women's monastery of the Nativity of Christ in Tver.
The approximate date of construction of the complex is the 16th century. On the territory you can immediately see 6 active churches open to parishioners.

Official website: https://www.xrm-tver.com/

St. Catherine's Convent

View from the right bank of the Volga to the St. Catherine's Convent of Tver.
Formerly a wooden building from the 17th century, it was completely rebuilt into stone only at the end of the 18th century. During Soviet rule, the landmark was destroyed and deteriorated. Only in the 2000s was a decision made about its large-scale restoration, thanks to which several temples in the complex, the bell tower and the monastery itself were restored.

Official website: https://aikaterina-mon

Tver Academic Drama Theater

Entrance to the Tver Regional Academic Drama Theater
If you don’t know where to go in Tver, but are interested in art, buy a ticket to the performances of this theater. The building, built back in 1745, delights with its porticoes and columns. The spacious auditorium can accommodate 800 guests. The premieres are completely different - from modern to classic. Honored and People's Artists of our country perform on the local stage.

Official website: https://www.tatd.ru/

Museum M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrin

A two-story mansion from the late 18th century - the M.E. Museum.
Saltykov-Shchedrin in Tver The museum is located in a former noble mansion. Once upon a time, the writer himself lived here, working as a vice-governor and doing literary work. The collections contain approximately 8 hundred samples, including illustrations for works and manuscripts created by Saltykov-Shchedrin himself. In addition to excursions, scientific conferences and literary evenings are organized here.

Official website: https://www.museum.ru

Museum of Tver Life

Exhibits of the Museum of Tver Life
The exhibits of the complex, opened in 1970, tell about the traditions and history of the city, as well as the life of its population. You will see weaving looms, ancient samovars, jewelry from the 16th century, clothing, textiles, various utensils and other ancient items.

Official website: https://tvermuzeum.ru

Goat Museum

Sculpture at the Goat Museum in the center of Tver
Many urban legends tell us about a goat that got entangled in the ropes of a bell and thus announced to the residents of Tver about the danger that threatened them. The animal is a symbol of Tver for the reason that for 5 centuries, objects made from its skin were supplied to all corners of the country. The exhibition features over 3,500 figurines of goats made of straw, wood, wool, ceramics and other materials. The guides talk about the samples in a poetic, humorous form.

Official website: https://museum-goat.rf/

River Station

This place is wonderful in every way, and you will understand it yourself when you find yourself here. The River Station is a traditional Tver place that shows the history of the city. Such places are of interest to creative people: artists, writers, photographers. It’s unlikely that you will be inspired by a building that is gradually collapsing, but you will definitely enjoy walking around the grounds and taking photos of the area!

Lenin Square

Since 1935, the octagonal square has been renamed Lenin Square, and it is located in the historical center of the city. The unusual shape of the square. It is built in the form of an octagon, on the sides of which there are several similar buildings, forming a beautiful ensemble. Lenin Square is one of the most beautiful places in Tver, be sure to visit it!

Museums of Tver

Museum of Tver Life

Located next to the monument to A. Nikitin.

The museum recently opened after reconstruction. The collection is located in several buildings. One of them is the mansion of the Arefiev merchants, the oldest civil building in Tver . It was built by P. M. Arefiev on the site of a burnt wooden house, where, according to legend, Peter I stayed in 1707.

In the second, wooden building, programs dedicated to the traditions of Tver tea drinking are held (can be ordered in advance).

  • Address: st. Gorky, 23A.
  • Website: tvermuzeum.ru

Goat Museum

The only Goat Museum in Russia opened in Tver in 2008. His collection will give you a positive mood, and a tour of the collection will turn a seemingly playful exhibition into a deep thematic immersion.

Visit by appointment (the museum is private). We recommend booking a tour - this will make your visit more complete and vibrant.

  • Price: 100-150 rub.
  • Address: st. Zhigareva, 5

Plyushkin Museum

Another museum to lift your spirits, also private. Appeared in Tver in 2022. This is a museum of things from the past that can evoke nostalgia in adults and surprise in children. Many exhibits can be touched.

We recommend this place for families with children. A sightseeing tour is included in the cost of visiting.

Tver State United Museum

The museum, founded in 1866, consists of several branches. The main building is located on Sovetskaya Street and is an architectural monument. In the halls of the museum you can see the development of the city's industry, features of folk crafts, and thematic exhibitions. It's very beautiful outside - you'll probably want to take photos.

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