Severodvinsk. Where is it located on the map of Russia, attractions, photos with descriptions

The first mention of this region as an inhabited area dates back to 870. After Batu's invasion, the development of the White Sea lands became expedient. V. Tatishchev himself in his book “Russian History” mentioned the lands at the mouth of the Northern Dvina as the Pomeranian province.

The city is located on the site of the ancient Nikolo-Korelsky monastery. Now it has been restored and part of the building has been transferred to the current church. In addition to the monastery, there are many churches, a cathedral, and chapels on the territory of Severodvinsk. All these objects are displayed on the map of Severodvinsk with houses.

In 1917, the monastery was completely abandoned, and a few years later the authorities liquidated the divine orphanage, creating a colony there for child criminals.

By decree of the Council of Labor and Defense of the USSR in 1936, the construction of a ship production plant and a settlement town was organized at the memorial site. The first official name of Severodvinsk is Sudostroy. Later the city was given the name Molotovsk.

The convenient and advantageous location of the city, as evidenced by Yandex maps of Severodvinsk, made it possible to quickly go through all stages of development. The development was greatly influenced by the presence of camps near the city, including the tragically famous Solovki. It was with the help of convicts that the main infrastructure units were built between 1938 and 1953:

  • Roads,
  • Residential buildings,
  • Port,
  • Factories.

Of the 50 thousand prisoners, about 9 thousand people died during the construction of the city.

Since 1957, the city was renamed Severodvinsk. Now it is a center of nuclear shipbuilding. Even the crisis situation in the country's economy did not destabilize the work of the city's leading enterprises.

The importance of the city in the modern world

The city, washed by the White Sea, has always been a strategically important place in the history of Russia due to its convenient port location. In 1938, the village was upgraded to a city, giving it the name Molotovsk in honor of Commissioner V.M. Molotov. During the Great Patriotic War, the main supplies of cargo from allied countries were carried out to Molotovsk.

On the map of Russia, the city of Molotovsk only became Severodvinsk in 1957, which would later earn the title of the center of nuclear shipbuilding in the entire state. The city is located in the Arkhangelsk region, northwest of Arkhangelsk, and has an area of ​​only 120 km², which is slightly more than half the area of ​​Arkhangelsk itself.

Despite the small size of Severodvinsk, the city has large shipbuilding factories that participate in government orders, and many other production organizations, mainly in the furniture and fishing industries.

The name Severodvinsk was given to the city due to its location. Its shores are washed by the Dvina Bay, which flows into the White Sea, and then, in turn, flows into the Barents Sea and, finally, into the Arctic Ocean. The city has a central Victory Square, which is traditionally located on Lenin Avenue in the very center of the city.

Transport accessibility

The high population density of Severodvinsk ensures high demand for all types of transportation. The most popular ones are railway ones. They connect the city with neighboring settlements, as well as megacities located in other regions of the Russian Federation. Ten years ago, the municipal leadership stopped the movement of commuter electric trains. The reason for this decision is unprofitability.

The exception is the settlement of Nenoksa. Trains are served by Severodvinsk railway station. Layskaya station is also operational. Highways go to Onega and Arkhangelsk. Traffic on federal highways is intense. There are congestion in the direction of the administrative center. There are rumors that Arkhangelsk and Severodvinsk will be reorganized into a single agglomeration.

There is no municipal public transport in the settlement as such. Transportation is carried out by private companies. The local motorcade was declared bankrupt and ruined in the 2000s. Commercial firms are located on its territory.

There are ports in the city. They accept river and sea vessels. The marinas are in demand in the summer and are busy serving tourist groups. Passenger ships depart from their berths to Solovki. The commercial port is currently not functioning. Local authorities are developing project documentation and economic justification for its restart.

Distinctive features of the city

Severodvinsk is one of the cities with a complex ecology and cold climate, which negatively affects the standard of living and population. Despite the growing production every year and, in connection with this, financial wealth, the population of Russia is in no hurry to move to the shores of the Arkhangelsk region.


The climate in Severodvinsk is cold and humid. Since the city is located on the coast, wind from the sea increases humidity to 70%, cooling the air. Winter in the nuclear capital is moderate, the temperature does not drop below -20°, staying around -15-11° below zero. Full spring begins in mid-May, with frosty weather still prevailing until the end of April.

In July, the average temperature is +15-+20°, summer lasts only 3 months, in mid-September the cold autumn weather is already +7° and the rains begin. The first frosts begin in mid-October during the day and in early October at night.


Severodvinsk is considered a critical city in terms of the environmental situation. The reason for this is the concentration of the nuclear industry and the dismantling of submarines. On Mironova Gora in the city itself there is also a storage facility for nuclear and radiation waste. However, the reservoirs are regularly checked for pollution levels and remain suitable for swimming and fishing.


According to the population census, most recently conducted in 2022, 183,996 people were registered as officially residing in Severodvinsk. The city's demographic peak was recorded in 1990, with 255,000 people registered at that time.

The population in Severdvinsk is decreasing every year

Since then, the birth rate has fluctuated up and down, and from 2010 to this day the population has been declining, approximately 1-2 thousand people per year.

Strategic development

To improve the demographic situation and increase the population of Severodvinsk, the authorities pay special attention to the development of the economic sector. Local industry is included in the federal strategic development plan for the region. The program began operating in 2010. Investment will end in 2020. The volume of additional financing amounted to forty billion rubles. Construction of a new shipyard is underway. The goal of the development plan is to create new industries for the single-industry town.

The regional government actively supports the population of Severodvinsk, who have expressed a desire to engage in private entrepreneurship. Small business, according to officials, is the guarantor of the well-being of the economic situation in the city.

How to get there

Severodvinsk on the map of Russia does not have many direct routes to the capitals of different regions. The most reliable option is to get to Arkhangelsk, which is located half an hour from Severodvinsk, and from there take a bus. There is only 1 direct flight to the White Sea coast - and this is a train from Moscow.

By plane

Planes do not fly to the city of Severodvinsk itself, since it does not have an airport. But you can use the services of Arkhangelsk Airport, which daily sends planes from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vaskovo and Kotlyar (the last 2 cities are in the Arkhangelsk region). The flight from Moscow to Arkhangelsk is 2 hours, from St. Petersburg – 1.5 hours. Ticket prices from Moscow from 3025 rubles, from St. Petersburg – from 4196 rubles.

Having flown to Arkhangelsk, you need to take a taxi or take a bus to the bus station, it is located only 13 km from the airport, and from there take an intercity bus to Severodvinsk.

By train

The railway station in Severodvinsk is located at st. Zheleznodorozhnaya, 3b, contact phone. Only 1 train goes directly to the city - from Moscow. The flight operates every other day. The entire journey takes 1.5 hours, the price of a ticket in a reserved seat is 2,212 rubles, in a compartment – ​​3,194 rubles.

From other cities you can arrive by train via Arkhangelsk. Trains arrive in this direction from cities such as Moscow, St. Petersburg and Minsk.

By bus

A bus from other cities to Severodvinsk also goes from Arkhangelsk. The bus station is located on Dzherzhinsky Avenue, 2. Having arrived at the station, you need to find bus No. 133 on the Arkhangelsk - Severodvinsk route, which runs every 20 minutes. starting from 6.00, last departure from 22.00. Travel time is about half an hour, ticket price is 150 rubles.

Ancillary enterprises

Today, there are several industrial complexes operating in the city. They are engaged in food production. These are bakeries, dairy and meat plants. Products are sold in large hypermarkets and small shops. However, the trade and food industries are still not significant sectors of the economy of Severodvinsk.

The most popular stores among local residents are Yuzhny, Belomorsky, Grand, City, Morskoy, and Sputnik. Severodvinskaya CHPP-2 is recognized as the main supplier of electrical energy in the city. Its capacity is 410 MW. It uses natural gas as fuel. Power supply to Severodvinsk enterprises is provided by auxiliary CHPP-1. It operates on coal.

In terms of its power, CHPP-2 is second only to the thermal power plant located in Arkhangelsk. Its capacity is 450 MW.

Main attractions

Severodvinsk on the map of Russia looks like a small town compared to other production centers, but even here there are many institutions of cultural and industrial value for the entire country. The history of the city goes back a little over 80 years, but you can find many historical monuments and interesting tourist attractions here.

Nikolo-Korelsky Monastery

The first mentions of the monastery were recorded in chronicles in the 14th-15th centuries as the last point in the city before access to the sea. Since then, the monastery has gone through a rich history, was destroyed and rebuilt several times, until it finally came into the possession of the Russian Orthodox Church in the 90s.

However, the monastery, as well as the temple attached to it, are not open to the public, since they are the property of the Northern Machinery Enterprise, and services are held only on certain days and hours.

In 2009, Patriarch Kirill himself presided over the extra-vigorous Liturgy. You can visit the temple every Thursday from 12 to 13 pm, every Saturday and Sunday. On the night from Saturday to Sunday, a night service is held, which begins at 16.00, and the temple is open until 11.00 on Sunday morning.

Severodvinsk Museum of Local Lore

The idea of ​​creating a museum was born from the idea of ​​culturologist A.I. Patokin, who created the first collection of exhibitions. The museum, as an association, moved from building to building until it settled in a building on the street. Pionerskaya, 10, where in the 40s there was a military hospital and later a maternity hospital.

Since then, the halls have housed more than 30,000 exhibitions on various topics , ranging from the history of the region from the beginning of time to personal collections. The museum is the largest in the entire Arkhangelsk region.

You can visit the museum every day except Mondays from 10 am to 5 pm. The organizers conduct personal, group and outdoor excursions. In the museum building, a tour for adults costs from 60 to 300 rubles, for children 40-150 rubles. Entrance to the museum is free.

Kudemskaya narrow gauge railway

In 2010, the narrow-gauge railway connecting Severodvinsk and White Lake was included in the top 10 most beautiful railways on the planet in the Forbes list. The railway was built in the 40s and performed both passenger and production functions. The peculiarity of the track is that the width between the internal heads of the edges is 750 mm, while the standard for Russian tracks is 1524 mm.

Today, out of the original 108 km of tracks, only 43 km are in use, also carrying cargo and passengers.

To ride from Vodogon station in Severodvinsk to White Lake, you need to take bus No. 101 or 103 and get to the Vodogon stop, then follow the tracks to the railway stop with the same name. The train to White Lake runs every day except Tuesday and Thursday at 16.00, 17.00 and 18.30.

Production Association "Sevmashpredpriyatie"

The absolute pride of Severodvinsk, Sevmashzavod, is important not only for the residents of the city, but also for the country as a whole. It was at this plant that the first nuclear submarine in the USSR was built.

At the moment, the company is engaged in the construction of a wide variety of types of ships: military, passenger, fishing, capable of transporting cargo up to 100 thousand tons. Sevmashpredpriyatie employs 28,000 people, that is, 15% of the city’s population. In total, with all divisions, the enterprise occupies 3 km².

paddle steamer

The cruise ship, named after N.V. Gogol, was built in 1911. It is the oldest surviving steamship in all of Russia. At the beginning, the ship was used to transport passengers along the Northern Dvina, during the Civil War it served as a river hospital, and in the 70s it was converted into a river recreation center.

Over the years, the Gogol has gone through many reconstructions and has retained only the steam engine and boilers from its original set of parts. At the moment, the steamer is moored at the River Fleet Pier, near the northern part of the street. The first berths and is used as a retro cruise ship. Its length is 70 m, width 14 m with a capacity of 140 people.

Nenoksky complex of temples

A complex of several temples is located in the village of Nenoks, which was founded in the 14th century. It is located 40 km from Severodvinsk and houses a unique attraction that has no analogues in Russia. The complex includes the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Bell Tower and the Church of the Holy Trinity.

All of them are made exclusively from wood. Is it possible to look at the cultural value? taking the train at the Severodvinsk railway station. Transport runs to Nenoka daily at 7.00 and 17.30, travel time takes 1 hour 30 minutes.

Church of the Ascension of Christ

The temple, built in the 18th century, went through a history typical of Russian churches with fires, impoverishment, restoration with public money, the Bolsheviks giving the temple for storage and returning to the fold of the church in the 90s. John of Kronstadt himself made donations for the restoration of the temple.

Today, the church has been restored and is open to parishioners and visiting Christians from 8.00 to 20.00. It is located at st. Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, 2 on Yagry Island, near Kambalitsky Bay. The parishioners of the temple set up a children's Sunday school on the territory, and also regularly engage in educational anti-sectarian activities.

Monument to Richard Chancellor

Richard Chancellor was an English navigator and, of sorts, a trading agent in the service of King Edward IV of England. Chandler went in search of new trade relations in Rus'. Thanks to his efforts and the established connection with Ivan the Terrible, England and Moscow established friendly trade relations in 1553.

3 years after this, Chancellor died, and at the place where his ship arrived, that is, in the Dvina Bay, a stone was erected in his honor. Now this stone is located on Yagry Island on the embankment near the street. Northern.

Monument to Alexander Zryachev

Alexander Zryachev is an important person for Severodvinsk, who devoted 20 years of his life to shipbuilding on the shores of the White Sea.

A monument to his part was installed on the embankment on Yagry Island between the street. Northern and Primorsky Boulevard. A tugboat and one of the city's embankments were also named in his honor.

Composition “Peace and Labor”

The sculpture was installed in the city of Severodvinsk in 1988 on the square. Pashayev 3 km from the central square. It consists of 3 flagpoles connected into a cone, decorated with 9 figures of men and women, symbolizing Peace and Labor, Mentoring, Shipbuilding and Peaceful Fire.

In fact, the statue was erected in honor of the shipbuilders, but over time it became a symbol of the city, and postage stamps, local TV channels began to adorn its image, and even an initiative was voiced to place the image on banknotes.

Memorial sign of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945

The monument in the form of an open book and a figure of a crossed anchor, bayonet and hammer was installed in 1988 in an open area in Veterans Square between the street. Sovetskaya and st. Plyusnina.

The figure in the center symbolizes the selfless work of Soviet sailors who fought for the fleet during the Great Patriotic War. Next to the stele, the Eternal Flame burns around the clock, and on the back of the monument there are only 3 words written: “We remember, we remember, we remember.”

Embankment of the White Sea Island and Yagry Island

The embankment, named after Alexander Zryachev, is considered the best in Severodvinsk. It is located on the island of Yagry and extends only 1 km.

Some time ago, on the shores of the White Sea, to which the embankment adjoins, the sale of alcohol and barbecue was banned in order to maintain public order. The place is always kept clean, and at certain times of the year you can see white nights here as the sun rises again a couple of hours after sunset.

Memorial "Grieving Mother - Motherland"

This attraction is part of the complex of monuments on the street. Richard Chancellor. A memorial was erected in memory of 103 soldiers who died in Karelia. Other monuments were erected to those who died on the submarine Kursk and the dead liquidators of the Chernobyl accident. The complex is located 8 km from Victory Square. You can get to it in 15 minutes, crossing the Nikolskoye estuary.

Monument to M.V. Lomonosov

The copper monument to Mikhail Vasilyevich was erected in Severodvinsk back in 1958. It is located at the intersection of the street. Lenin and st. Lomonosov.

On a pedestal made in the traditional style of the 18th century, the scientist stands at full height, holding a scroll in his hand. As planned, this scroll is a project for the development of the North of Russia, which includes the Arkhangelsk region.

Place of honor - Eternal Flame

The eternal flame is installed near the monument to Victory in the Great Patriotic War. It is located in Veterans Square, between the street. Sovetskaya and st. Plyusnina. The ceremonial lighting of the Eternal Flame took place in 2010 in Arkhangelsk on the square. Mira. The veterans of the Arkhangelsk garrison themselves delivered him to Severodvinsk in open cars.

Square of victory

Victory Square is the central geographical part of Severodvinsk. According to tradition, its center is decorated with a monument to Lenin.

All important events of the city take place on the square, and within a radius of 1 km from it there are such attractions as the City Museum of Local Lore, the Cultural Center, the chapel of Prince Alexander Nevsky, the Veterans Square, the monument to M.V. Lomonosov, the Stroika cinema and other entertainment establishments.

Chapel of the Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky

The chapel located on the square. Victory near the city hall, was dedicated to the fallen soldiers who fought for Rus', as well as the 55th anniversary of Victory Day in 2005. The building is a single-dome structure with a small internal hall. The stained glass windows are decorated with images of Prince Alexander Nevsky.

On the day of the opening, the mayor of the city presented the chapel with an icon of Nevsky, which now lies opposite the iconostasis in the building itself. A visit to the Orthodox church is available to every resident of Severodvinsk and tourists every day from 8.00 to 20.00.

Temple in honor of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

The temple built on the street. Lebedeva, 16a in honor of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, began its history in the village of Melandrovo, Arkhangelsk region. In the 16th century, there was a wooden church in the village in which this icon was kept. When communist reforms regarding churches began in the 30s, the temple was closed and destroyed.

The icon was saved by the family of Valentina Yakovleva, a former parishioner of the temple, who kept the icon for many years, until in 2001 Yakovleva’s descendants gave the icon to priest Vladimir Vorontsov, who organized the construction of the temple in honor of the found relic.

Construction was completed in 2008, and since then the temple has been open to visitors every day except Monday and Tuesday. You can get to your destination by taking bus No. 16 or 17 to the “ATS” stop.


It is recognized as the main city-forming enterprise. It specializes in assembling nuclear submarines. Its engineers are engaged in the repair and modernization of cruising ships of domestic and foreign production. They carry out orders for the construction of civilian sea liners, ocean-going vessels, and cargo ships. It employs the lion's share of the male population of Severodvinsk.

The second important plant in the region is the Zvezdochka ship repair enterprise. His specialty is the restoration of diesel and electric submarines. In its hangars, civil, military and cargo ships are modernized. At the moment, there is an unspoken agreement between the leaders of both industrial complexes. Sevmashpredpriyatiye assembles ships and nuclear submarines. The Zvezdochka plant dismantles icebreakers and ships.

Rest in Severodvinsk

Severodvinsk on the map of Russia is marked by a wide selection of not only local monuments and museums, but also ordinary modern entertainment: cinemas, billiard rooms and game rooms where you can spend your leisure time, and in the evening take a taxi and go to the nearest cozy hotel.


There are only 3 cinemas in the small town, and all of them are located in the city center. or “Stroyka”, a cinema in the Central Department Store and “Russia”, 5 minutes from Victory Square.

CinemaAddressCash desk phone numberAverage ticket price
DM "Builder"st. Lenina, 47 8200-250 rub.
TSUMst. Lomonosova, 81, 5th floor 8,
140-220 rub.
"Russia"st. Karla Marksa, 22 8,
+7 (8184) 537 103
250-2000 rub.

Children's centers

There are several children's institutions of various types open in Severodvinsk; in some of them you can leave children for the day while parents go on an excursion or to a restaurant. For more detailed information please call.

Name of establishmentDirectionAddressTelephoneOpening hours
"Boombastic"children's entertainment centerMorskoy Ave., 70+7Mon.-Fri.
12.00-21.00; Sat.-Sun. 10.00-21.00
"Alenka"children's development centerst. Lomonosova, 107, block B-2 +7Mon.-Sun.
"Orange"children's development studiost. Lomonosova, 100 8Mon.
14.00-20.00; Sat. 9.00-20.00
"Fidgets"kids club
  • st. Captain Voronin, 36;
  • st. Professional, 7;
  • st. Trukhinova, 3;
  • st. Dzerzhinsky, 11-a.
"Fairy tale"kids clubst. Turgeneva, 10 8Mon.-Fri.
10.00-19.00; Sat.-Sun. 11.00-18.00

Entertainment centers

Active recreation is also provided in Severodvinsk for every taste: jump on a trampoline, play billiards or walk around the shopping center, trying the local cuisine.

InstitutionDirectionAddressTelephoneWorking hours
"Smile"trampoline parkArkhangelskoe highway, 77, building 28Mon.-Fri.
12.00-22.00; Sat.-Sun. 10.00-22.00
Billiard roomEntertainment Centerst. Karla Marksa, 63a 8
Entertainment Planetentertainment centerst. Tortseva, 29 8
"Northern"Entertainment Centerst. Pionerskaya, 6 8Mon.-Thu. 12.00-23.00;
Mon.-Sat. 12.00-6.00

Sun. 15.00-23.00


Nightlife in Severodvinsk offers guests of the city discos, billiards, DJ events, bars and other recreational entertainment for those who do not sleep.

InstitutionDirectionAddressTelephoneOpening hours
"Love"night club, banquet hall, billiardsst. Pionerskaya 6a +7Mon.-Thu. 12.00-21.00;
Fri.-Sat. 12.00-6.00;

Sun. 15.00-21.00

"Malibu"night club, bar, restaurantst. Zheleznodorozhnaya, 52 8Mon.-Sun. 18.00-6.00
"Wasabi"night club, sushi bar, bowling alleyst. Yuzhnaya, 1 8Mon.-Sun. 12.00-4.00


When you come on vacation, you can use the services of professional guides who will take the city guest to all significant places and organize a quality trip around the city, which includes everything.

"Near the White Sea"

A long excursion for 3 days includes meeting guests at the railway station, escort to the hotel, a program for visiting the sights of Severodvinsk, lunch and transportation. The tour takes place in three cities, along the route Severodvinsk - Arkhangelsk - Malye Karely. The excursion lasts 3 days and 2 nights, includes breakfast and lunch in a cafe along the route.

On the first day, the group is met by guides at the railway station and transported around Severodvinsk by bus, showing places significant for the city. After breakfast in a cafe, tourists will go to the Museum of Local Lore, then to the monument to Richard Chandsler. After lunch, a visit to the Solzen salmon factory is planned, transfer to Arkhangelsk, accommodation in rooms and dinner at your discretion.

On the morning of the second day there will be a tour of Arkhangelsk, a visit to Gostiny Dvor and a lunch break, included in the price of the trip. After lunch in Malye Karely, the group will be sent to look at algae and try marmalade and jelly at the Algae Factory. In the evening, tourists will be shown the Northern University and the Maritime Museum, and will be accommodated in a hotel until the morning.

On the third day, the walking tour in Arkhangelsk will continue, the group will visit the Museum of Folk Crafts and the Arkhangelsk Roe Gingerbread. Next, lunch is planned at the local cafeteria “Bagel”. After the “Bablik” the visit to museums will continue, in the evening the group will be returned to the Severodvinsk railway station for the train. Tour price from 7700 to 9700 rubles. depending on the chosen hotel class.

Severodvinsk. From kocha to submarine

A one-day excursion for schoolchildren, telling about the history of shipbuilding, about the first Koch ships built at local factories, intended for travel across the Arctic Ocean. The tourist will be able to visit one such boat on the territory of the museum, look at the life of sailors of those years, and find out what the submariners heard inside the boat.

The excursion costs 900 rubles. per person and includes transport, guide services, entrance ticket to the museum and accompaniment. The address of the travel agency is located in Arkhangelsk at Chumbarova-Luchinsky Ave., 30, office 13. From this place the group goes to Severodvinsk and Yagry Island.


Severodvinsk on the map of Russia is distinguished by its hospitable hotel business, which includes a huge range of additional services, including a separate car with a driver from the airport to the hotel. The guest does not even need to look for addresses and taxi drivers, he just needs to call the specified number, and they will come for him, take him to the hotel, arrange him and also feed him breakfast.

"Nord Sky"

HotelWhat is includedAddressTelephoneRoom rates per night
Mini-hotel “Nord Sky”
  • transfer within 45 km (RUB 1,200);
  • Wi-Fi;
  • breakfast;
  • LCD TV;
  • iron;
  • hair dryer;
  • fridge;
  • mini bar.
Belomorsky Ave., 62, section 2+7-909-555-22-66
  • Single occupancy -3500-5000 rub.;
  • double – 4500 – 6000 rub.
Hotel "Park Hotel"
  • transfer from and to the airport;
  • Wi-Fi;
  • computer;
  • hair dryer;
  • electric kettle;
  • fridge.
st. Tortseva, 29 +380 44 594 75 95
  • standard – 2800 rub.;
  • junior suite – 3120 rub.;
  • luxury – 3600 rub.
Hotel "Volna"
  • Wi-Fi;
  • laundry;
  • restaurant;
  • photocopier/fax;
  • room cleaning;
  • transfer from and to the airport;
  • children's TV channels;
  • breakfast.
st. Georgiy Sedov, 8 81850 - 4400 rub.;

What to bring

In Severodvinsk there are many unique goods, analogues of which can only be found in rare places in Russia. Therefore, when going home after visiting the nuclear capital, it would be nice to bring tasty, healthy and rare gifts with you.


The fishing industry in the port city has always been characterized by high levels of quality, freshness and low prices. Don't miss the opportunity to buy fresh seafood at local fish stores.

buy fresh fish, as well as tiger shrimp, tuna, crab meat, cod caviar and much other seafood in Severodvinsk at the following addresses:

  • Truda Ave., 14, a;
  • st. Yubileinaya, 45;
  • st. Sergo Ordzhonikidze, 10;
  • st. South, 167;
  • st. Lomonosova, 118a;
  • st. Lesnaya, 52.

Northern berries

In the North there are many berries that are absent in southern latitudes. When planning a trip to the Arkhangelsk region, you should take with you a directory of local berries and find out what they look like or ask local mushroom pickers about such rare northern berries as:

  • cranberry;
  • cowberry;
  • bearberry;
  • blueberry;
  • blueberry;

  • crowberry;
  • physalis;
  • cloudberry.

Items with marine symbols

In the shipbuilding center, the most popular souvenirs are related to maritime themes and symbols. Entering the souvenir shop, you can notice a wide variety of telescopes, copper and bronze anchors for keychains and for wall hangings in the form of clocks. Severodvinsk sea gifts are distinguished by the labels of submarines, seagulls over the sea and the main symbol of the city - the composition “Peace and Labor”.

There are quite a lot of port cities on the map of Russia where you can see the sights and relax. Coming to Severodvinsk, at any time of the year you can find suitable entertainment for yourself, in the summer you can soak up the sun and take a walk in the park, and in the winter you can feel the harsh climate of the North, which has become one of the symbols of Russia.

Article design: Mila Friedan

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