Ostashkov. Sights, photos of the city, what to see in one day

Where is the city

Ostashkov, whose attractions attract many tourists, was founded in the 14th century. It is located on the southern coast of a lake called Seliger, which is located 190 km from the city of Tver. Geographic coordinates of the city: 57°08′48″ N. and 33°06′27″ E. Its height above sea level is 210 m.

According to the latest census, in 2022, the city has a population of 16,318. The area of ​​the city is 3,198 km². Former names of the city of Ostashkov: Klichen and Trestyanka settlement.

Local residents are called:

  • ostashi;
  • ostash;
  • Ostashkovites;
  • Ostashkovite

Today the head of the city is Titov Alexey Alekseevich. The city was first mentioned in a letter sent by Prince Olgerd of Lithuania to Patriarch Philotheus of Constantinople. Olgerd wrote about it as a border town of the Moscow principality, called Klichen.

The main events that happened to the city in different periods of time:

1393the city of Klichen was captured and burned by the Novgorodians
XV – XVIII centuriesthe city is the center of the Klichansky region of Rzhev district
1587Russian governor imprisoned in Ostashkovsky prison
1610There is a raid of Polish troops on the city of Ostashkov
1651 – 1653 Construction of a new fort has begun in the city
1676The new fort is being destroyed
1711There is a huge fire in the city
1772 – 1775The Ostashkovsky region becomes the center of the Ostashkovsky district, the province of Tver, the governorship of Novgorod
1775the city passes into the Tver governorship
1776Tver governorship becomes Tver province
19th centuryOstashkov is a recognized leading city in the region
1929 – 1935Ostashkov is part of the Western Region
1935 – 1990the city is part of the Kalinin region
1941 – 1943during the Second World War there were fierce battles near the city
01/12/1965Selizharovsky region was formed

Ostashkov, whose attractions are historical structures and buildings, is in 767th place in terms of population among the other 1,115 cities in Russia. There are various ways to get to the historical city. The city of Ostashkov does not have its own airport.

The nearest airports are:

CityDistance to city in km
Novgorod, Yuryevo village255,1
Velikie Luki288,9

You can get to Ostashkov by rail. The railway station is located on the Station Square of the city. Open daily and around the clock. Railway station telephone numbers: 8 (48235) 2-17-05 and 8 (48235) 2-17-06. Single reference number.

There is a bus station next to the railway station, at Privokzalnaya Street, building No. 14. The bus station is open daily from 6.00 am to 7.00 pm, lunch break from 10.30 am to 12.30 pm. Bus station phone number 8 (48235) 5-05-41.

Water maze

Seliger is an ideal place for water trips. Since the lake has a complex structure, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the structure of the water system. This will allow you to better navigate the area. The islands, of which there are more than 160, contribute to the unusual appearance of the lake! In addition, Seliger includes a dozen reaches and 12 lakes. This is a real water labyrinth.

In summer you can always see tourist sites on the shore

The largest stretch is considered to be Polnovsky. It reaches 16 kilometers in length and four kilometers in width. The average depth is 9 meters. According to these criteria, there are no equals to it on Seliger. It is followed by the 14-kilometer Berezovsky Reach. There are places here where the depth reaches 16 meters. Near the village of Zaluchye it forms a beautiful bay, which is called Zaluchienskaya Luka. The Kesaritsa peninsula juts deep into the bay.

Next in size is the Volokhovshinsky reach, 10 kilometers long and 7 meters deep. It ends with a narrow channel connecting it with Troitsky Reach, which is known for a large number of islands. The largest of them is called Zhuravka. The Kravotynsky reach has a restive character. The wind often whips up big waves here. Sosnitsky reach is 8 kilometers long and eight meters deep. Near the village of Sosnitsa it narrows greatly.

Seliger is a great place for fishing

Seliger includes lakes Chernoe, Svyatoe and Dolgoe. They are located outside the village of Dubov. In the east there are lakes Glubokoe, Berezovskoe and Seremo. Near the village of Zaplavye lies Lake Khresnoe. Between the villages of Kartun and Berezovsky Ryok are squeezed the Sobensky lakes - Glushitsa, Serebryanoye and Ryasivoe. Behind the village of Svetlitsa lakes Stroynoye and Svatitsa splash. Near the village of Botovo there is Lake Velichko, and near Selizharovsky Reach there is Lake Rakitino. All together this is Seliger!

The Upper Volga lakes stand apart. Hiking routes are also laid along them. They are located southwest of Seliger. There are four lakes in total - Volgo, Peno, Sterzh and Vselug. They are connected into a single system by the Volga, which pierces the reservoirs right through. The length of the lake chain reaches 90 kilometers.

Sterzh means “quiet lake”. The water there is really calm and very clear. The lake is very narrow: with a length of 12 kilometers, it is up to one and a half kilometers wide. The stem passes into Lake Vselug, which means “water in the meadow.” Its length is 14 kilometers, width is 4 kilometers and depth is 10 meters. The bottom of the lake is sandy, and on the banks there are green meadows and pine forests. The water surface is decorated with two islands - Baklan and Novosolovetsky. Seliger and the Upper Volga lakes connect near the village of Selizharovo.

Mushrooms and berries are found in abundance in coastal forests

In addition to traditional tributaries, Seliger has three main internal rivers. This often confuses beginners - where can the rivers inside the lake come from? The Polonovka River is a bridge between the Kravotynsky and Sosnitsky reaches. The Nepri River connects the Ostashkovsky and Troitsky reaches. The princess originates in the eastern lakes.

Weather, best time to travel

Due to the distance from the equator, the climate in the city of Ostashkov is sharply continental.

Average temperature indicators calculated taking into account the last few years:

monthday °Cnight °Сsunny days

According to the comfort rating, the most successful months for traveling to Ostashkov are July and August.

Average climatic conditions in Ostashkovo:

monthprecipitation in mmwind speed in m/srainy days

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Climate and Ecology

The climate of the city and region is characterized as moderate continental. The average annual air temperature is 4.4 °C. Severe frosts and sweltering heat are quite rare. Winter in the city lasts for more than five months. A stable snow cover forms in late November - early December and reaches a maximum height of 40-60 cm in early March. The duration of the period with stable snow cover is 4-5 months. The average temperature in January is -9 degrees, but several days a year the temperature can drop to -25 degrees or lower. Winter ends in late March or early April.

Spring begins in early April and lasts about two months. The weather in the spring months is usually sunny and dry, but the temperature rises very slowly.

Source of the Volga

Summer lasts three months: from June to August. The weather in summer is usually warm, but humid and changeable. The average temperature in July usually ranges from +17 to +19 degrees.

Autumn begins in early September. The weather in autumn is usually rainy and cool, although the temperature drops slowly. The average temperature in October is +5 degrees. Winter comes in November.

The ecological situation of the city is considered quite acceptable and the city even has the status of a resort city. All the large-scale factories of the city, which at one time had a negative impact on the ecology of the city, have sunk into oblivion: a creamery, a brewery, a bakery, and a tannery on the verge of closure. Thanks to this, the ecological situation of the city is quite favorable for permanent residents to live in the city and for the relaxation of visiting guests.

Religious buildings

Ostashkov, whose attractions are numerous ancient monuments, has a sister city in Estonia, which is called Maardu.

Chapel of Nil Stolobensky

The chapel is a modern brick structure, erected in honor of the 60th anniversary of the victory in the Second World War.

Ostashkov. You should start seeing the sights from the chapel of Nile Stolobensky.

The chapel was erected in 2005 in memory of those killed in the Great Patriotic War. The chapel is located in South Lane, next to the main post office building.

Bogorodetsky Zhitenny Convent

The monastery is located at the address: Ostashkov, st. Uritsky, house No. 1. Previously, in this building there was a monastery for men, erected in the name of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Smolensk in the city of Klichen.

The burial of famous citizens of the city and clergy is organized within the walls of the monastery. During Soviet times, the monastery building was destroyed and devastated. In 2002, the building was restored and turned into a monastery for women.

Ascension or Znamensky Cathedral

In Ostashkovo there is a unique Cathedral of the Ascension, which is considered the main religious attraction of the city. Its location: st. Workers town, house number 1.

It is located on the site of an ancient convent, which was located on the shores of Lake Seliger. The cathedral has long been the custodian of the relics of St. Nile and is considered the main pilgrimage site for Orthodox believers.

Cathedral of the Life-Giving Trinity

Location of the cathedral: st. Pechatnikova, house No. 4. The cathedral, built in the Baroque style, is located near the Cathedral of the Resurrection. The date of its foundation is 1685. Today, the cathedral houses the main museum of the city of Ostashkovo. Inside the cathedral, church objects and numerous ancient frescoes are preserved.

What to bring

In addition to standard souvenir products - magnets, thimbles, mugs and T-shirts - juniper products are brought from Ostashkov, for example, coasters, jewelry, decorative panels, etc. These fragrant items are made from wood from local coniferous forests.

Guests who come to Ostashkov in the summer season usually take with them a lot of delicious delicacies - berries (blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries, wild strawberries), mushrooms (ceps, chanterelles, boletuses), fish. Seliger eel is especially prized; it is sold smoked or raw. All these gifts of nature can be purchased at the market or collected and caught yourself.

Travelers often bring home handicrafts: wooden toys and dishes, lace, embroidery and the famous “ostashi” - boots with rough leather tops, which are now rarely used for their intended purpose, but guests are happy to buy them as a souvenir.

The most interesting museums

Numerous museums are located on the territory of Ostashkovo and in its surroundings.

Museum of Local History

The museum is located at the address: Ostashkov, st. Volodarsky, house No. 19. Museum opening hours: Wed. Fri. Sat. Sun. – from 11.00 to 17.00, Thursday. – 13.00 to 21.00, Monday and Tuesday are days off. The cost of a ticket to the museum is 100 rubles. The location of the museum is Trinity Cathedral.

The exhibits on display here are:

  • paintings and sculptures;
  • ancient objects of life and everyday life;
  • devices for crafts and fishing.

For an additional payment of 50 rubles, you can climb to the upper bell tower and view Ostashkov from a “bird’s eye view”.

Museum of Forgotten Things

Location of the private museum: Ostashkov, st. Volodarsky, house No. 29. Museum opening hours: Thu. Fri. Sat. from 10.00 to 16.00. A ticket to the museum costs 100 rubles. Here are collections of retro and steampunk styles. There are many items dating from pre-revolutionary and Soviet times. The founder of the museum is Igor Afanasenko.

There are 3 thematic halls here:

  • wooden exhibits;
  • things from the USSR;
  • retro-futuristic things.

Ostrog Museum

The address of the museum is: Ostashkov, Leninsky Prospekt, building No. 158. The museum is located in the building of a former prison. There is an exhibition here telling about the life of the repressed.

Tourists are invited to walk along the prison corridors and visit the prisoners' cells. The most tragic place in the museum is considered to be the execution room.

Monuments and Monuments

In the city there is a monument to the brave fighter who fought in Belarus - Konstantin Sergeevich Zaslonov. Ostashkov is the small homeland for the partisan leader. The monument is located on the station square in the city center. A memorial plaque is installed next to the sculpture. In former times, a house stood on this site in which the Zaslonov family lived.

Memorial "Ksty"

The memorial is located on the shores of Lake Peno. It is installed on the site of a village that was completely burned by the German invaders. The mournful memorial depicts the wall of a burnt house.

Next to her, kneeling, is a crying woman holding a baby in her arms. Sculptor of the memorial I. Brodsky, architect I. Pokrovsky. The memorial was opened for the 40th anniversary of the Victory. For the 65th anniversary of the victory, the memorial was completely restored.

Pyramid of Hunger

One of the many pyramids built by the famous inventor Alexander Golod is installed in Ostashkovo. It promotes the amazing properties of quartz pyramids and the unique effect on people of quartz models installed inside the pyramid.

Under the dome of the pyramid there is a cosmic swing. According to the author himself, when riding on a swing, you can feel a state of weightlessness.

Cuisine and restaurants of Ostashkov

There are not many catering establishments in Ostashkov, but almost all of them offer decent cuisine and a warm welcome. The most expensive restaurants are located in the city center and on the banks of the Seliger River; their cuisine varies from European and Caucasian to Japanese; almost all of them offer local specialties, such as Seliger eel.

You can eat on a budget in a cafe; the range of dishes there is usually standard, European, but the quality is very decent. A simple and inexpensive snack is local fast food, represented by pies with all kinds of fillings, from meat and mushrooms to berries and herbs, pasties and other pastries.

Lunch in a cafe costs 500-600 RUB per person, and dinner in a restaurant with a glass of wine will cost 1000-1200 RUB per person.

Those who are planning to save money should pay attention to the canteens, where you can dine for 150-200 RUB or even go to the market; they sell very tasty pies, homemade dairy products and goods from which it is easy to prepare something yourself.

Architectural structures

On the streets of the city you can see interesting architectural structures.

Valian pillar

The architectural structure is located on the territory of the city at the address: Adrianova Lane, house No. 5. This is a square building with a spire, built in the Baroque style. The structure was installed on the site where the southern trade gate was located in ancient times. In 1711, in one of the many fires, the ancient gate burned down.

Ostashkov Town Hall

The Town Hall is an architectural monument of the 18th century and one of the oldest buildings in Ostashkovo. Previously, it was the center of the economy, politics and social life of Ostashkovo.

Over the past centuries, the building has undergone refurbishment and restoration. The modern appearance of the building is somewhat different from the original. The Town Hall is located at the address: Pechatnikova Street, building No. 7.

Fire Tower

The old fire tower is located in the city of Ostashkov at the address: Sovetsky Lane, building No. 17 (formerly Torgovaya Square). The observation tower was built in the very center of the city in 1869. Currently, the tower is an architectural monument of antiquity and is recognized as an object strictly protected by law. The 1st floor of the building is built of brick in the neoclassical style.

Ostashkov Hotels

There are not many hotels in Ostashkov, so it is better to book them in advance, especially for those who plan to go in the summer. All hotels provide guests with good service, cozy rooms, many have breakfast, parking and free Wi-Fi. Cottages and guest houses on the banks of the Seliger River are very popular.

A room for two in a 2-3* hotel will cost 1,200-1,600 RUB per day, a place in a hostel can be found for 400-500 RUB per day, and cottages are rented out for 8,000-10,000 RUB, but people usually stay in them with a group of 5- 6 people.

The most expensive housing is in the city center or on the shores of Lake Seliger.

At recreation centers you can stay in wooden houses without amenities, and in some places you can even pitch your own tent. There are several campsites on the islands, where they charge from 150 to 400 RUB per day for renting a place (with minimal amenities). Khachin Island is especially popular among travelers with tents. Many local residents rent out apartments; these are usually good accommodation starting at RUB 1,500 per night.

Natural attractions

Ostashkov, whose attractions are unique natural attractions, received city status on May 28, 1770.

Museum of Nature of the Seliger Region

The Natural Museum was founded in 1986. Its exhibition is dedicated to the beauty of the Seliger region.

Here are located:

  • a unique collection of rare butterflies living in this area;
  • collection of bird nests and masonry;
  • stuffed rare animals listed in the Red Book.

Here you can hear a story about the unique deep-sea world of Seliger.

Source of the Volga River

In the vicinity of the city of Ostashkov there is the source of the largest river in Russia, called the Volga. The river begins with a stream 1 m wide. Near the source there is a chapel and a font with blessed water.

Lake Seliger

The lake is located on the P-89 highway, a few km from the city of Ostashkov. It is a whole system of reservoirs connected by rivers. The total area of ​​the lake is 260 m², its average depth is about 7 m, the depressions reach a depth of up to 25 m. There are a huge number of sanatoriums, medical boarding houses and tourist centers on the coast of Seliger.

Modern objects interesting to visit

Ostashkovo is home to many modern shopping malls.

Seliger shopping center

The shopping center is located at the address: Panfilov Lane, building No. 4 “a”.

The shopping center has various thematic departments and individual stores:

  • photo production center;
  • grocery supermarket "Magnit";
  • Shop MTS;
  • "Aden" car insurance services;
  • Andersen clothing store;
  • pharmacy "Rigla";
  • phone repair services;
  • ATM;
  • jewelry repair and manufacturing;
  • money transfer service "Unistream".

TC "House of Life"

The shopping complex is located at: Leninsky Prospekt, building No. 160.

There are shops on the territory of the shopping complex:

  • Magnet cosmetics;
  • wedding products;
  • photo studio;
  • shoe repair department;
  • salon;
  • Argus store;
  • drapery.

Trading house "Golden Style"

The trading house is located: Leninsky Prospekt, building No. 71. The trading house presents a huge amount of jewelry made of gold and silver.

Interesting places to relax with children

In the city and in its surroundings you can find entertainment prepared for joint recreation with children.

Ecocomplex SDL

The eco-complex is located in the village of Petrikovo, Ostashkovsky district. Here you can have an interesting time playing bowling. On weekdays the complex is open from 15.00 to 22.00. On weekends and holidays from 10.00 to 22.00. The bowling alley has 6 lanes.

The cost of visiting the bowling alley is from 600 rubles. up to 1,400 rub. depending on the time and day of visit. Also, the complex has 2 air hockey tables. The cost of 1 game is 90 rubles.

"Teterin's film"

You can have an interesting time with your child by visiting the cinema. The Teterin Film cinema is located at 5 Rabochaya Street. The cinema is open daily from 10:00 am to 11:00 pm. The cinema has 2 cinema halls that support 2D and 3D cinema formats. Ticket prices range from 99 to 299 rubles. depending on the movie offered and the time it was viewed.


You can spend your time interestingly and usefully in the swimming pool. The pool is located at the address: Ostashkov city, Novaya street, building 54. The pool has 25 and 50 meter pools with warm water and hydromassage.

Enterprises and work in Ostashkov

On the island not far from the city there is a little-known but very important Zvezda plant, which produces parts for the ISS Mir. The tannery is operating, but not at full capacity.

The Luch plant is operating, but the number of jobs there is not the same as when entire dormitories were built for the workers of these plants.

One of the high-paying places remains the much-needed Bologoe-Velikie Luki railway.

Now the majority of city residents work in non-productive sectors, such as trade. It’s good that new production facilities are even opening, the Dorkhan door factory, for example.

It is a pity that many leave the city in search of well-paid work, some permanently, some on a rotational basis, but as they age, most of the young people who leave return back. This affects the love for that quiet small Motherland, which left its mark on the character and temperament of each of those who left the city and its environs.

Self-guided route for 1 day

In order to have an interesting and useful time in Ostashkovo, it is advisable to think in advance about the route for exploring the city on your own.

City tour in 1 day:

  1. Excursion to the city's local history museum.
  2. Inspection of the Valsky Pillar.
  3. Visit to Ostashkov Town Hall.
  4. Excursion to the Seliger Nature Museum.
  5. A trip to the Pyramid of Hunger.
  6. Visit to Trinity Cathedral.
  7. Excursion to the Holguin Convent.

  8. Visit to the fish museum.
  9. Excursion to the Museum of Forgotten Things.

Where to eat

Numerous cafes with a variety of cuisines invite local residents and city visitors to have a bite to eat.

Cafe "Center"

The cafe is located at the address: Ostashkov city, Sovetsky lane, building No. 2/4. The cafe's opening hours are from 9.00 to 22.00, on Friday and Saturday until 02.00. The average check in the cafe is from 1,664 rubles. up to 3,328 rub.

Cafe "Poncho"

The address where the cafe is located: Ostashkov, Lenin Avenue, building No. 118. The cafe's opening hours are from 9.00 to 20.00, closed on Sundays.

The cafe is famous for its excellent pastries, pies and shawarma.

"Seligersky courtyard"

Cafe location: Ostashkovsky district, Zalesye, house No. 21. The cafe's opening hours are from 9.00 to 21.00, on Friday and Saturday until 00.00. The average bill in the cafe is from 3,328 rubles.

Cafe "Firebird"

Location of the cafe: Ostashkov city, Volodarskogo street, building No. 152. The cafe is open from 11.00 to 22.00. The average bill in the cafe is from 666 rubles. up to RUB 1,664

"Soviet cooking"

The culinary shop is located on Leninsky Prospekt, in building No. 35. Cooking hours are from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., on Saturday and Sunday until 3:00 p.m.

Coffee house "Lazurnaya"

The coffee shop is located on Novy Proyezd, in building No. 1. The coffee shop is open from 11:00 am to 02:00 am. The coffee shop is famous for its delicious pies and rich pastries.

Grill-bar “Wood-fired”

The grill bar is located on Leninsky Prospekt, at building No. 69. The bar is open from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. The average bill in the cafe is from 266 rubles. up to 1,531 rub.

The grill bar is famous for its delicious pizza and grilled chicken.

Restaurant "Ukha"

The fish restaurant is located at the address: Ostashkov city, Rudinskaya street, house No. 2. The restaurant is open from 12.00 to 00.00. The average check in the restaurant is from 666 rubles. up to RUB 1,664 The restaurant serves cuisines: European, Russian and vegetarian food.

Cafe "Juice"

The cafe is located at the address: Ostashkov city, Leninsky Prospekt, building No. 61. The cafe is open from 11.00 to 23.00. The average bill is from 133 rubles. up to 466 rub. Cuisines served here include European, Italian and vegetarian food.

The cafe has:

  • free Internet;
  • takeaway food;
  • table reservations;
  • food delivery to your address;
  • Payment by card is possible.

How to move more conveniently

The most popular public transport in the city of Ostashkov is buses. Buses leave at 06.30 am and end at around 11.30 pm. Buses run at intervals of 30 minutes. There are also many suburban routes connecting settlements in the vicinity of the city.

A taxi ride is considered a very convenient way to get around the city. Also, during your stay in the city, you can rent a car without a driver.

Ostashkov undoubtedly deserves special attention. Monuments, cathedrals and buildings on its territory, recognized as architectural landmarks of the city, are considered especially interesting.

Author: Olga Zhanskaya

Article design: Oleg Lozinsky

Rent a Car

Travelers planning to explore only Ostashkov can do without a car. But if you want to travel around the area and visit Seliger, it makes sense to rent it. Most often, cars are rented from small companies or from local residents; you can find advertisements in advance on the Internet. In addition, some large international companies (Hertz, Avis, Sixt) operating in Moscow and other big cities can deliver cars to Ostashkov for an additional fee, but sometimes it is more convenient and profitable to take them in the capital and get there on your own.

There are only a few paid parking lots in the city, so it is better to book a hotel with its own parking lot. The condition of the roads in Ostashkov is average, in some places new surfaces are being laid, in others it remains mediocre, the same can be said about the surrounding area. There you can often find holes and swelling of the asphalt.

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