Naro-Fominsk. Sights, photos with descriptions of what to see in 1 day, routes

Religious sites

Naro-Fominsk, whose attractions are famous for a large number of temples and churches, offers visitors a tourist route through religious sites.

They are:

  1. Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The facility was founded in the 19th century during the 40th anniversary of the victory in the Patriotic War. At the beginning of the 20th century, poor people were received in the church building, and during the Second World War the facility was robbed. The military events affected the condition of the church; its walls were marked by shelling, and everything inside was destroyed. After the war, the building was restored and turned into a historical museum telling about the events of past years. Only in 1989 a religious site appeared here again; a cross and domes were installed on the building. Today there is an evening school here, which can be attended by both adults and children. On the territory of the church there is a library and a carpentry workshop. The Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is located on Victory Square, and you can visit it on any convenient day.
  2. Church of St. Michael the Archangel. The church was erected in 1790. Prince Shirinsky-Shakhmatov was buried in the church. During Soviet times, there was a store here; after the collapse of the USSR, the building gradually collapsed. Thanks to the attention of local residents, the church was restored. Today rituals and services are held here. The facility is located in the village of Arkhangelsk.

  3. Sergievskaya Church. The facility was built by order of Lopukhin, a local boyar. The church is located on the shore of a pond, which Lopukhin also ordered to dig. During the Soviet period, the work of the church was suspended; they wanted to build a farm in its place. Since the early 2000s, restoration work has been carried out here, and today rituals and services are held in the church. The facility is located in the village of Mogutovo. You can visit the temple on weekdays from 9 to 5 o’clock.

Zosimova Pustyn

In 1826, Elder Zosim founded a monastery, which was built with donations from the Lepeshkin merchants from Moscow. Zosim is a representative of the old noble family of the Verkhovskys (Smolensk province). After his death (1833), the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity was erected over the elder’s grave.

The construction of the monastery was finally completed in 1856. In 1928 the monastery was closed. Many of its buildings were destroyed. Initially, on the territory of the monastery there were: the Temple in honor of John the Baptist, located at the refectory, the gate church of the icon of the Mother of God, and the Trinity Cathedral.

In 1999, the monastery was reopened, however, the gate temple was not preserved. In March 2000, the monastery was returned to the Russian Orthodox Church.


In Naro-Fominsk and its surroundings there are dozens of museums telling about the events of the past:

  1. Museum of History and Local Lore. The facility was founded in 1973 on the territory of St. Nicholas Church. Since the early 90s of the last century, the museum was moved to Marshal Zhukov Street. Today the museum offers more than 20 thousand exhibits. In the local history museum you can learn about the history of Naro-Fominsk, about past figures of the city and the life of ordinary working peasants. At the military exhibition you can get acquainted with the events of the Second World War: See valuable material evidence. Photos. Front-line things of soldiers. Front letters. You can visit the museum on any day except Sunday and Monday. Cost: from 150 rub.

  2. Vereisky Museum of History and Local Lore. The facility is located in the city of Vereya, in the Naro-Fominsk region. The museum was founded at the end of the 20th century on the initiative of local historians. The building in which the museum is located formerly belonged to a local merchant. It is located on the banks of the Protva, not far from the Nativity Cathedral. The museum displays military exhibits, photographs, and personal belongings of soldiers. There is a historical and ethnographic hall on the territory. At the exhibitions you can learn about the past of the Naro-Fominsk region, its development and situation during the Second World War. The cost of excursions is from 100 to 1000 rubles, visits take place on weekdays.
  3. Tank Museum in Kubinka. The museum was created in 1938. The museum is presented in the form of a park with an exhibition of military equipment used in various historical times. The park displays about 350 types of armored vehicles from around the world. The exhibition is located in Kubinka and can be reached along the Minsk Highway. You can visit the museum any day except Monday. The exhibition is open from 10 am to 6 pm.

Today, on the territory of the museum there is a cafe, bicycle rental and various souvenir shops. The ticket price varies between 400 rubles.

Dimitrievskaya Church

Many city attractions are still of great interest to historians. Naro-Fominsk attracts researchers with its ancient religious buildings. A special place among them is occupied by the Demetrius Church in Dubrovo.

It was built in the 14th century by Dmitry Donskoy, in honor of the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica. The stone temple, which now stands on the banks of the Protva, was built by the priest-brothers Pshenichnikov (1896) in the pseudo-Russian style, according to the design of the architect A. Nikiforov. This is a single-domed quadrangle with a refectory, connected to the base of a tent-roofed (two-tier) bell tower.

In 1930 the temple was closed. Since 1994, a large-scale restoration has been carried out here, and in 2003 the cathedral was completely restored.


In the vicinity of the city there are preserved estates belonging to active figures from different times:

  1. Lyubanovo estate. The object was built in the 20th century by the architect Behrens. The owner of the building was Karl von Schliepe. It is located on the banks of the Nara River. The building was made in Art Nouveau style, and to this day its residential part remains decorated. The kitchen, bedrooms and bathhouse with laundry room have been preserved here. On the territory of the spectacular building there is a park and a ruined grotto. At the beginning of the 20th century, there was a hospital for revolutionary figures in the estate. Dzerzhinsky was treated for tuberculosis here for a long time. After a while, the hospital was closed, and in its place a school for local children was formed. Today the estate is at the disposal of the municipal library. You can visit the building on weekdays; it is located in the village of Lyubanovo.

  2. Staro-Nikolskoye estate . The building was erected in the 17th century. The owner of the property was Rtishchev, but after 1780 the owners changed regularly. Every year something new was added to the building's design. Today, the ancient gates, an outbuilding, and the architectural features of a two-story house have been preserved on the territory of the estate. In Soviet times, there was a store here; in 2011, there was a serious fire in the house and the building was badly damaged. Restoration work was carried out for about a year; the authorities wanted to preserve the original appearance of the estate. Today there are various exhibitions and expositions here, offering insight into the events of past years. In the future, it is planned to organize an exhibition telling about the history of the Staro-Nikolskaya estate. The ancient property is located in the Naro-Fominsk region, in the village of Pervomaiskoye. Visits are available on weekdays.
  3. Spas-Kositsy estate . The facility was founded in 1761 for Count Shuvalov. Following its installation, a small church was built here. Today it is the only building remaining on the property. The historical place is considered an architectural monument. The remaining temple was practically not restored; today it is in a dilapidated state. Despite this, church rites and services are performed here to this day. During World War II, German soldiers kept Russian hostages in the church and wanted to burn them. Domestic soldiers took timely measures, and the villagers were soon freed from captivity. A memorial was erected in honor of the brave and courageous deed of the soldiers.

You can get to the estate on weekdays; it is located in the village of Spas-Kositsy.

Sights of the Naro-Fominsk region

Sights 10, Temples 5, Museums 3, Estates 3, Monuments 1


Russia, Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk district, Novikovo village


Russia, Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk district, Kalininets


Russia, Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk district, Kalininets village


Russia, Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk district, Berezka gardening partnership


Russia, Moscow, Ignatovo village


Russia, Moscow, Krekshino village


Russia, Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk district, Kalininets village


Russia, Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk


Russia, Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk district, Chichkovo village


Russia, Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk district, Kryukovo village


Russia, Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk district, Vesna gardening partnership


Russia, Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk district, cottage village Kedrovoye


Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk district, Vereya st. 19 January, no. 2


Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk district, Vereya, st. 1st Embankment, 14/1




Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk district, Vereya, st. K. Marx, 2


Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk district, Vereya city, Sovetskaya square, 18


Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk district, Vereya city, Sovetskaya square, 18


+7 (49634)67-019


Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk district, Vereya, sq. Soviet


Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk district, Vereya, st. Kirovskaya


+ 7(4967) 65–16–44


Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk district, Vereya, st. 2nd Sovetskaya, 10



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Sources: https://www.domotdiha. ru/ru/moskovskaya/narofominskiy/infrastructure_availability

Sculptures and monuments

Dozens of monuments and sculptures have been erected in Naro-Fominsk:

  1. Monument to General Efremov. The monument is dedicated to the Soviet leader and leader. Brave and courageous Efremov fought against German troops, but at some point the Russian army was defeated. In order not to show obedience, Efremov wanted to commit suicide. Other chiefs of staff followed his example. In the early 90s of the 20th century, M. G. Efremov was awarded the title of Hero of Russia. The attraction is located on Victory Square in Naro-Fominsk.

  2. Monument to Latvian riflemen . The monument was erected in the 20th century after the end of the Second World War. Latvian soldiers fought against the German invaders, supporting the Soviet army. In 1941, Latvian soldiers fought for the liberation of Naro-Fominsk. In honor of the brave soldiers, a monument was built, which was updated in 2005. Today there is a park near the monument; on holidays people come here with flowers to honor the memory of the victims. The object is located in the village of Metropolitan.
  3. Sculpture “Emelya on the stove”. The monument was made by sculptor Novoselov. An unusual object is located on Marshal Zhukov Street. The sculpture appeared in 2008, depicting the hero from the Russian fairy tale Emelya, who lies on the stove, and next to him stands a suitcase with a pike looking out. According to some beliefs, when you are near the monument, you need to make a wish and throw a coin into the pike’s mouth.
  4. Sculptural composition “Hearts of Lovers”. The monument appeared in 2008 in Naro-Fominsk on Marshal Zhukov Street. This monument is dedicated to lovers and is considered the first thematic monument in the vicinity of Moscow. The sculpture is made in the shape of two hearts, inside of which there is a couple in love. According to local tradition, newlyweds must visit this place on their wedding day so that happiness and harmony always reign in the marriage.

  5. Monument "Black Tulip". The monument is dedicated to the soldiers who fought in Afghanistan. The monument is made in the shape of a tulip; it appeared on the city street in 1991. During holidays and rallies, caring residents bring flowers to the monument. The Black Tulip monument is located in the Memory Square on Rizhskaya Street.

City of Military Glory

The main attractions are related to the war. In the mid-autumn of 1941, when German troops were attacking Moscow, Naro-Fominsk took the greatest blow. Fierce battles took place here, the enemy was stopped on the Nara River. In 2009, for past heroic events, it was awarded the status of “City of Military Glory.”

There is something to see on the military topic here:

  • At the place where the liberation began, a monument to the T-34 tank was erected.
  • A year after Naro-Fominsk was awarded the status of “City of Military Glory,” a 12-meter marble stele was unveiled on the central Victory Square in memory of this event. Below on the signs you can read the following information: the decree of the President of the Russian Federation on assigning the city status, a story about the feat of the townspeople during the war years, information about the dead residents and destroyed buildings. The stele, although modest, looks majestic.
  • On December 26, 1941, the city was finally liberated by Soviet troops, commanded by General Efremov M.G., one of the central streets was named after him and a pedestal was installed.


The city has parks, squares and alleys and:

  1. Vorovsky Park. The park was founded in the 20th century after the Second World War. Today, various city events take place here; the park has a dance floor, benches, and beautiful alleys. During the celebration of Maslenitsa, festive rituals and folk festivals are held here. In Vorovsky Park there is a sports complex where anyone can go ice skating. You can find a place on Vorovskogo Park street.

  2. Victory Park. The park is dedicated to the soldiers who died during the war. There are military monuments and objects here, including a monument to fallen Soviet pilots, made in the form of an airplane. The park has a cozy atmosphere; locals come here to relax, relax and look at the beautiful fountain. You can find the place on Profsoyuznaya Street.

Interesting and unusual places

In Naro-Fominsk there are interesting art objects and places for extreme recreation:

  1. The building of a former silk factory. The object is famous for the composition “Lenin and the People” executed on it. The silk factory was built back in the 19th century. Today the building is an architectural monument of the city. The composition, made in a revolutionary theme, complements the architecture of the ancient building and is considered one of the main historical sites of the city. You can find the former plant in the city center on Marshal Zhukov Street.
  2. Wannawake Park. The park is presented as a platform for water ski lovers. The facility is located in the village of Shapkino on the shore of a reservoir. Here you can try your hand at water skiing, go to training with experienced specialists and learn new skills. The extreme sport began to gain its popularity not so long ago, but Wannawake Park has already gained particular popularity. The facility is located 15 km from Naro-Fominsk.
  3. House with toys. The facility is located in the settlement of Zosimova Pustyn, next to the convent. The owner of the house collects soft toys and decorates his home, fence and trees in the yard with them. N. Panferov, the owner of the site, invites all the children to see the collection of toys that many local residents help him collect. The unusual house is located 25 km from the city.

Natural attractions

Naro-Fominsk, whose sights are rich in natural objects, is open for visits at any time of the year:

  1. Springs on Protva. This is a unique object that includes a system of streams and waterfalls (up to 5 m high). All local streams and springs flow into the Protva River. The waterfalls are surrounded by picturesque views that do not lose their beauty in any weather. Access to the reservoir is only possible on foot, so you will need to leave your car at the garden farm. There are springs near the settlements of Zolotkovo and Merchalovo.

    Naro-Fominsk has a unique facility, springs on Protva.

  2. Elagino Park. The park was built for lovers of active recreation. Here you can ski, snowboard, ski lifts and simply enjoy the picturesque views. There is a restaurant on site, from the windows of which you can see a steep slope. Ski rental is available. Extreme walks are accompanied by music and lighting design, which creates a favorable atmosphere for relaxation. You can visit the park with children; there are various attractions for them. The facility is located in the village of Elagino, 10 km from the city.

  3. Mound of Glory . The mound is presented in the form of an observation deck, which reaches 15 m in height. The roof at the top of the mound is equipped for viewing the area; you can get to the top using a ladder. The view from the roof opens onto an abandoned landfill, which was given over to local residents working in agriculture.

The observation deck offers beautiful views of the vegetation, so graduates of local schools often come here to watch the sunrise. The mound is located in the village of Kalininets, within 25 km from the city.

Don't miss the most popular article in the section: Metro Nizhny Novgorod. Diagram, map, description.

House with toys

Many visitors to the city will be interested in unusual sights. Naro-Fominsk has an amazing house on its territory. Locals call it the “Wizard’s House.” The small building itself and the buildings adjacent to it are hung with toys, color pictures, and mirrors. The history of this house is amazing. Nikolai Panferov (owner of the “magic” house) recalls that it all started with one toy, once brought to a summer cottage and hung on the fence. The collection began to grow spontaneously, and this process continues to this day. Sometimes tourists come to the house and give toys. Children from orphanages are frequent guests here.

Where to go with a child

Naro-Fominsk, whose attractions attract many tourists, offers family holiday options:

  1. Borbuysky public garden. The square was built in 2007, most of its territory is filled with wooden figures for children, playgrounds, attractions and slides. Before entering the park, tourists are greeted by a bronze beaver with whom you can take a photo. The park has beautiful alleys and benches where you can relax after a long walk. The facility is located in the city on Kalinin Street.

  2. "Serpentine". This is an entertainment center located on Lenin Street. The complex is designed for family holidays. On its territory there are shops, cinemas, children's play areas. In “Serpentine” every child can find entertainment according to their interests. And you can end a productive day in the cozy Origami restaurant, which offers a wide range of Japanese cuisine. This is a large entertainment complex offering tourists to play bowling, sing karaoke and take part in various tournaments. There is a special room here for children who want to try their hand at bowling tournaments. There is a cafe, restaurant and dance floor on site. And for maximum comfort, all competitions are accompanied by musical compositions.

The best establishments according to visitors



  • Moskovskaya street, 15
  • +7 (49634)…Show phone
  • Mon-Fri 9:00–16:00


: Ice cream parlor


Travel agency Leisure and Tourism

  • Marshal Zhukov street, 24A
  • +7 (49634)…Show phone
  • Mon-Fri 10:00–18:00


: Travel agencies, Children's excursions

  • Yuzhny microdistrict, Lenina street, 25A
  • +7 (985) 1…Show phone
  • daily, 8:00–22:00


: Aerobics for children - sections and schools, Children's health centers, Sports and entertainment centers for children, Fitness clubs for children

33 Penguins

  • Svoboda Square, 2, bldg. 1
  • 8 (800) 10…Show phone
  • daily, 10:00–22:00


: Cafe, Ice cream parlor


  • Kalinina street, 4
  • +7 (49634)…Show phone
  • Mon-Fri 12:00–0:00; Sat 12:00–5:00; Sun 12:00–0:00


: Entertainment centers

ZkidZ Club

  • Marshal Zhukov street, 13
  • 7 (925) 05…Show phone
  • daily, 10:00–22:00


: Sports and entertainment centers for children


  • Tunnelny proezd, 7A
  • +7 (49634)…Show phone
  • Mon-Thu 12:00–23:00; Fri, Sat 12:00–1:00; Sun 12:00–22:00


: Cafe


  • Marshal Zhukov street, 10
  • +7 (49634)…Show phone
  • daily, 10:00–22:00


: Theaters


  • st. Marshala Zhukova, 10
  • +7 (49634)…Show phone
  • Mon-Fri 10:00–18:00; Sat 10:00–17:00


: Children's exhibitions


  • Kubinskoe highway, c5
  • +7 (968) 8…Show phone
  • daily, 10:00–23:00


: Cafe


  • Shibankova street, 89A
  • +7 (49634)…Show phone
  • Mon-Wed 16:00–2:00; Thu 16:00–4:00; Fri, Sat 16:00–6:00; Sun 16:00–4:00


: Cafes, Entertainment centers

Ice Palace Naro-Fominsk

  • Profsoyuznaya street, 36B
  • +7 (925) 0…Show phone
  • daily, 6:00–0:00


: Skating rinks


  • Yuzhny microdistrict, Lenina street, 14
  • +7 (49634)…Show phone
  • Mon-Thu 12:00–0:00; Fri, Sat 13:00–1:00; Sun 12:00–0:00


: Cafe

Naro-Fominsk Museum of History and Local Lore

  • Marshal Zhukov street, 8
  • +7 (49634)…Show phone
  • Tue-Fri 10:00–17:30; Sat 11:00–18:30


: Museums


  • Yuzhny microdistrict, Lenina street, 8
  • +7 (963) 6…Show phone
  • daily, 10:00–22:00


: Cafe


  • Yuzhny microdistrict, Lenina street, 8
  • +7 (929) 6…Show phone
  • daily, 9:00–22:00


: Entertainment centers


  • Kyiv highway, 1, bldg. A
  • +7 (496) 3…Show phone
  • daily, 9:00–22:00


: Cafe


  • Peshekhonova street, 11A
  • +7 (965) 3…Show phone
  • Mon-Thu 9:00–0:00; Fri, Sat 9:00–1:00; Sun 9:00–0:00


: Cafe, Pizzeria

Central Park

  • Vorovskogo Park street
  • +7 (49634)…Show phone
  • daily, around the clock


: Parks of culture and recreation

Elite Ice

  • Svoboda Square, 13A
  • +7 (999) 9…Show phone
  • daily, 9:00–21:00


: Ice cream parlor



  • Yuzhny microdistrict, Lenina street, 8
  • +7 (964) 5…Show phone
  • Mon-Thu 10:00–0:00; Fri 10:00–2:00; Sat 12:00–2:00; Sun 12:00–0:00

“I went with a friend to eat and chat. We sat down on the veranda. I was surprised that the waitress brought a bottle of wine already open and poured champagne…” – only 1 review Categories

: Cafe

What to visit in one day

If your time in the city is limited, you can create an approximate route to the sights, which is presented in table form:

Morning (from 8 to 10 o'clock)Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
Morning (from 10 to 12 o'clock)Museum of History and Local Lore.
Lunch (from 12 to 4 o'clock)
  • Vorovsky Park.
  • Victory Park.
  • Monument "Black Tulip".
  • Sculpture “Emelya on the stove”.
  • Former silk factory.
Evening (from 4 to 8 o'clock)Entertainment complex "Serpentine"

What to visit for a tourist in 2-3 days

With a couple of days at your disposal, the number of places to visit increases.

Approximate route for the first days:

  1. Museum of History and Local Lore.
  2. Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. Sergius Church.
  3. Elagino Park, Mound of Glory.
  4. War monuments, sculptures.
  5. House with toys, springs on the Protva River.

The last day can be devoted to entertainment and go to Vialand to sing karaoke and play bowling.

What to bring from Naro-Fominsk

In themed stores and souvenir shops you can purchase:

  • Various dishes.
  • Key rings.
  • Wall calendars depicting the city.
  • Handmade icons and dolls.

Naro-Fominsk and its surroundings are rich in religious sites, ancient buildings, memorial monuments and other interesting sights that can be visited at any time of the year.

Article design: Oleg Lozinsky


  • 1 Epiphany Church (Vereya)
  • 2 Ascension Church (Burtsevo)
  • 3 Temple of the Entrance to Jerusalem (Vereya)
  • 4 Demetrius-Thessaloniki Temple (Dubrovo)
  • 5 Elias Church (Aprelevka)
  • 6 Elijah Temple (Vereya)
  • 7 St. John the Baptist Church (Afineevo)
  • 8 Church of Constantine and Helena (Vereya)
  • 9 St. Nicholas Cathedral (Naro-Fominsk)
  • 10 St. Nicholas Church (Ateptsevo)
  • 11 St. Nicholas Church (Kamenskoye)
  • 12 Church of the Intercession (Petrovskoe)
  • 13 Church of the Intercession (Tashirovo)
  • 14 Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord (Spas-Kositsy)
  • 15 Transfiguration Church (Slepushkino)
  • 16 Seraphim Temple (Selyatino)
  • 17 St. Sergius Church (Mogutovo)
  • 18 Trinity Church (Martemyanovo)
( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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