Makushino, Kurgan region, Russia

district[1] / municipal district[2]
Makushinsky district Makushinsky municipal district
FlagCoat of arms
55°12′ N. w. 67°15′ E. village HGYAO Country Russia Part of the Kurgan region Adm. centercity MakushinoHead of the districtVorotyntsev Viktor DemyanovichChairman of the district DumaVorotyntsev Viktor DemyanovichHistory and geographyDate of formation1924Area3,480 km²
  • (6th place)
Time zoneMSK+2 (UTC+5)PopulationPopulation ↘14,999[3] people. (2020)
  • (1.86%, 13th place)
Density 4.31 people/km² Nationalities Russians - 88.7%, Kazakhs - 8% Official language Russian Digital identifiers Telephone 35236 OKATO 37 220 Official website Media files on Wikimedia Commons

Makushinsky district

- administrative-territorial unit (district) in the Kurgan region of Russia. As part of the organization of local self-government, within the boundaries of the district there is a municipal entity with the status of a municipal district (from 2005 to 2022 - with the status of a municipal district).

The administrative center is the city of Makushino.

History[ | ]

The district was formed on February 29, 1924 as part of the Ural region. On January 17, 1934, it became part of the newly formed Chelyabinsk region, and on February 6, 1943, it became part of the Kurgan region. In 1963 the district was abolished, and in 1964 it was restored again.

In accordance with the Law of the Kurgan Region dated July 6, 2004 No. 419[4], the district was given the status of a municipal district. 19 municipalities were formed on the territory of the district: 1 urban and 18 rural settlements (village councils).

On July 3, 2022, the municipal district was transformed into the Makushinsky municipal district[5].

As part of the corresponding administrative-territorial district, all village councils were abolished and the district was given the status of a district, including settlements united by a common territory[6].


From the foundation to the beginning of the 20th century

In 1797, the peasant Fyodor Tikhonovich Makhnev with his sons Alexei, Nikifor, Fyodor and grandson Yakov, aged eight, built a hut in the “newly established village”. According to documents of the Tobolsk Treasury Chamber for 1812, there were already 50 households in Makushino, in which 193 male residents and the same number of female residents lived.

In the List of populated places of the Tobolsk province for 1871, the state-owned village of Makushina appears in the Kurgan district near Lake Makushin. The village had 204 households and 956 residents of both sexes - 476 males and 480 females. In 1895, the first train passed through the Makushino station of the new railway.

In 1897, a small wooden church of the Entry of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple was built in the village, and from then on Makushino began to be called a village. Of the 1,093 village residents, 54 people were exiles. There were only 28 literate people. The main occupation of the population was growing bread, 4 people were engaged in shoemaking, 4 in carpentry.

In 1897, the Makushinsky School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was opened, in which, according to 1916 data, there were 125 students (63 boys, 62 girls). In 1903, a butter factory was founded. Four eastbound trains passed through the station daily. Near the station there were 40 villages with a population of about 30 thousand souls.

According to information from 1904, on the zemstvo tract at Lake Makushinsky there were: a church, a chapel, a zemstvo station, a volost administration with a savings bank and postal operations, a school, a library, a grain store, a state-owned wine shop, a pharmacy, 12 trading stores, a railway station, weekly markets, 2 fairs.

The List of populated places of the Tobolsk province for 1912 shows: the village of Makushinskoye at Lake Makushino, the Makushino station of the Siberian Railway at Lake Makushino and the village of Makushinsky at the railway station, all 140 versts from the district town of Kurgan. The villages were part of the Makushinsky volost. In the village of Makushinskoye there were 1,294 inhabitants (650 men and 644 women), there were: a church and a chapel, a library, a school, a bread store, a tavern, an inn, a wine shop, 77 trading stores, 25 windmills, an oil mill, 2 factories ( plant), 6 forges, postal and zemstvo stations, 3 fairs (market). Makushino station had 275 residents (125 men and 150 women), and there was a school here. In the village of Makushinsky there were 200 inhabitants (96 men and 104 women), there were 3 trading shops.

Makushino after the revolution

On February 29, 1924, the Makushinsky district was formed, the center of which became Makushino. In 1926, the area was divided into 3 police stations. On April 21, 1927, a company was launched in the area to combat moonshine, which created great obstacles in carrying out agricultural work.

In the summer of 1928, the Makushinsky state farm was organized, which was allocated 41,832 hectares of land for construction. In 1929, the construction of the Makushinsky repair plant began, the village became a peasant-worker village.

Until 1930, mail delivery in the region was carried out 3 times a week. Since 1930, mail began to be delivered daily, and in that year the circulation of the district newspaper reached almost 1,295 copies. There were 2 stationary postal enterprises in the area; postal services covered 47% of settlements. 8 village councils and 2 collective farms were provided with telephones, and more than 120 telephone points operated. In 1931, a branch of the State Bank was organized on the basis of the credit partnership; Nikolai Trofimovich Kurlov worked as its manager.

In 1933, Makushinskaya MTS was formed (the first director was Alexey Spiridonovich Ivanov). The MTS farm was located on the site where there once was an old agricultural products store - on Red Square Street (near the outpatient clinic).

In 1934, Makushino became part of the newly formed Chelyabinsk region and was part of it until the formation of the Kurgan region in 1943.

In 1938, the collective farm “Rabotnik” operated in Makushin, located on the territory of the current veterinary hospital, its chairman was Ekaterina Izotova, and the secretary of the party cell was Mikhail Bykov. On the site of Bazarnaya Square there were collective farm fields.

According to information from 1939, the population of Makushin was 8,700 people, the population of the district was 32,900 people. According to the plan of the district executive committee in 1939–1942. it was planned to build a House of Culture, an editorial building, a stadium, and a pioneer camp.

A few days before the war, on June 15, 1941, the first regional competitions of trade union-Komsomol cross-country participants were held in the village of Makushino, in which 54 athletes took part. The winners at a distance of 1,000 meters were graduates of the Makushinskaya secondary school, Komsomol members Balakin and Kuvaev with results of 3 minutes and 8 seconds. During the war, in 1942, orphanages were located in the Makushinsky district, the number of pupils in which was 730 people.

April 17, 1944 By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, Makushino was classified as a workers' settlement.

In 1946, the Makushinskaya hatchery station was founded, which provided daily young animals to the farms of the region, one state farm in the Petukhovsky district and individual farms. In 1966, 20 years after its founding, 840 thousand chickens were bred at the station.

In 1948, Makushinskaya MTS completed the construction of a new power plant, which made it possible to ensure uninterrupted operation of repair shops, machine tools and MTS electric motors. In addition, electricity came to cultural institutions in the village of Setovnoye, to the apartments of workers and employees. In 1949, the workers of the railway junction fulfilled the annual plan for loading and unloading cars ahead of schedule, and the downtime of cars was reduced by 3% compared to the plan.

According to 1950 data, 3 MTS, 52 collective farms and 5 state farms operated in the region. 3,083 households were united into collective farms. In May 1951, the Makushinsky butter plant was commissioned and put into operation. In 1954, a repair plant was created on the basis of the workshops of the Makushinsky state farm. In November 1956, the inter-district “Raiposbyt” was organized in Makushin.

In 1959, the population of the village of Makushino was 13,731 people, the district - 33,900 people.

In 1960, a consumer services plant was opened in the village. In the spring of 1961, a children's music school was opened. In 1962, the bakery was put into operation. From 1963 to 1964 The territory of the Makushinsky district was part of the Petukhovsky district; in March 1964, the district was restored.

In city status

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR dated February 23, 1963, the workers' village of Makushino was given the status of a city. A vocational school was opened in 1963. In 1964, the Makushin inter-collective farm construction organization was organized; the mobile mechanized column PMK-37 carried out construction work on state farms. In 1966, gasification began in the city and region. In the same year, the Makushinsky Medical School opened.

In 1967, the population of the city of Makushino reached 15 thousand people. In 1968, a monument to Komsomol heroes was erected in the city. In 1969, the first graduate of the medical school took place - 96 graduates, nurses, set out on an independent path in life. The director of the school at that time was Elena Konstantinovna Rechkina. By 1970, the population of Makushin had decreased and amounted to 12,900 people. In 1974, the first meeting of labor veterans was held in the city.

In 1980, seven railway workers from the Makushino station were awarded the title “Honorary Railway Worker”. In 1982, the Makushino station and the Makushinsky state farm were included within the city limits. In 1988, the new railway station welcomed its first passengers.

In 1991, it was 25 years since the opening of the Makushinsky Medical School; during these years, 2,290 specialists became its graduates, of which 142 graduated with honors.

In 1992, the privatization of housing began. During the year, 349 apartments were privatized in the city. As of January 1, 1993, more than 200 peasant farms were registered in the region.

In 1997, the city of Makushino celebrated its 200th anniversary.

Population[ | ]

36 619↘32 854↗35 706↘34 716↘30 042↘25 775↘23 978
↘21 643↘18 116↘18 050↘17 637↘17 093↘16 491↘16 110
↘15 896↘15 645↘15 468↘15 236↘14 999


51.2% of the district's population live in urban areas (the city of Makushino).

National composition

Russians predominate. The Kazakh population is also noticeable, mainly descendants of those who settled in the region in the 1920s-1930s.

Territorial structure[ | ]

As part of the administrative-territorial structure, the region was divided into administrative-territorial units: 1 city of district subordination and 14 village councils.[19][20]

As part of the municipal structure, the municipal district of the same name included 15 municipalities, including 1 urban settlement and 14 rural settlements[21].

MunicipalityAdministrative centerNumber of settlementsPopulation (persons)Area (km²)
1e-06Urban settlement:
1Makushino cityMakushino city1↘7749[3]68,00[22]
1.000002Rural settlements:
1.000003Basque village councilvillage Baskovskoe1↘179[17]92,10[22]
2Zolotinsky village councilvillage of Zolotoye3↘351[3]138,61[22]
3Kazarkinsky village councilKazarkino village4↘608[3]332,59[22]
4Konovalovsky village councilKonovalovo village3↘648[3]148,51[22]
5Kureinsky village councilvillage of Bolshoye Kureynoye5↘457[3]335,50[22]
5.000004Martin village councilMartino village1↘216[17]127,30[22]
6Morshikha village councilMorshikha village3↘551[3]201,04[22]
7Mokhovsky village councilMokhovoe village1↘167[3]88,21[22]
8Obutkovsky village councilObutkovskoe village4↗641[3]311,81[22]
9Pionersky Village Councilvillage of Pionerskoye3↘761[3]252,50[22]
10Sadovodsky village councilvillage of Sadovod3↘496[3]187,38[22]
11Saratov village councilKlyukvennoye village3↘449[3]183,96[22]
12Setovninsky village councilSetovnoye village2↘505[3]119,78[22]
12.000005Slevinsky village councilvillage of Slevnoe1↘182[17]134,42[22]
13Stepnovsky village councilStepnoe village3↘514[3]81,10[22]
14Trebushinnensky village councilTrebushinoye village2↘280[3]332,66[22]
14.000006Tryukhinsky village councilvillage of Tryukhino2↘166[17]182,99[22]
15Chebakovsky village councilChebaki village2↘822[3]155,50[22]

By Law of the Kurgan Region dated June 27, 2022 N 65, all settlements of the abolished Baskovsky, Martinsky and Slevinsky village councils were included in the Chebakovsky village council[23].

By Law of the Kurgan Region dated June 27, 2022 N 66, all two settlements of the abolished Tryukhinsky Village Council were included in the Kazarkinsky Village Council[24].

Settlements[ | ]

There are 47 settlements in the Makushinsky district.

List of settlements in the region
1Antipinovillage↘89[9]Kazarkinsky village council
2Basquevillage↘179[17]Chebakovsky village council
3Bolshoye Krivinskoevillage↘21[9]Zolotinsky village council
4Bolshoye Kureynoyevillage↘546[9]Kureinsky village council
5Borodinkavillage↘85[9]Saratov village council
6Brosvillage↘93[9]Chebakovsky village council
7Grenadiersvillage↘116[9]Setovninsky village council
8Village named after Budyonnyvillage↘42[9]Morshikha village council
9Tenth Octobervillage↘33[9]Morshikha village council
10Zhuravlyovkavillage↘225[9]Sadovodsky village council
11Zaboshnevillage↘9[9]Trebushinnensky village council
12Goldenvillage↘390[9]Zolotinsky village council
13Kazarkinovillage↘477[9]Kazarkinsky village council
14Maplevillage↘188[9]Stepnovsky village council
15Cranberryvillage↘417[9]Saratov village council
16Konovalovovillage↘711[9]Konovalovsky village council
17Kopyrinovillage↘111[9]Obutkovsky village council
18Koshelevovillage↘57[9]Kazarkinsky village council
19Krasnotalvillage↘29[9]Obutkovsky village council
20Makushinocity↘7680[25]Makushino city
21Maloe Krivinskoevillage↘33[9]Zolotinsky village council
22Maloe Kureynoyevillage↘55[9]Kureinsky village council
23Martinovillage↘216[17]Chebakovsky village council
24Morshikhavillage↘608[9]Morshikha village council
25Mokhovoevillage↘167[3]Mokhovsky village council
26Neverovskoevillage↘218[9]Saratov village council
27New Grovevillage↘78[9]Pionersky Village Council
28Obutkovskoevillage↘526[9]Obutkovsky village council
29Peganvillage↘81[9]Kureinsky village council
30Pionerskoevillage↘766[9]Pionersky Village Council
31Pokrovkavillage↘96[9]Kazarkinsky village council
32Pokrovkavillage↘22[9]Kureinsky village council
33Privolnoevillage↘44[9]Konovalovsky village council
34Profinternvillage↘38[9]Kureinsky village council
35Expansevillage↘83[9]Konovalovsky village council
36Recordvillage↘63[9]Stepnovsky village council
37Gardenervillage↘321[9]Sadovodsky village council
38Setovnoyevillage↘524[9]Setovninsky village council
39Slevnoevillage↘182[17]Chebakovsky village council
40Stepnoevillage↘424[9]Stepnovsky village council
41Suslovovillage↘62[9]Pionersky Village Council
42Trebushinoyevillage↘361[9]Trebushinnensky village council
43Tryukhinovillage↘108[9]Kazarkinsky village council
44Drummervillage↘103[9]Obutkovsky village council
45Chebakivillage↘304[9]Chebakovsky village council
46Cleanvillage↘31[9]Kazarkinsky village council
47Yasnye Zorivillage↘132[9]Sadovodsky village council

In 2007, the village of Malaya Umreshevo was abolished[26]


Until 1831, the village of Makushina was listed in the parish of the Sretenskaya Church in the village of Morshikhinskoye, from 1832 it became part of the parish of the Kazan Church in the village of Suslovskoye, and from 1863 it was transferred to the new parish of the Nativity Church in the village of Obutkovskoye, located 12 miles away. By decree of the Holy Governing Synod of July 29, 1898, an independent parish was opened at the railway church at Makushino station, which included one village of Makushinskoye.

It is unknown when the chapel was built in the village of Makushina in honor of the Midsummer of the Resurrection of Christ, but according to information from 1877, it was “very dilapidated.” By decree of the Tobolsk spiritual consistory of June 4, 1881, it was allowed to build a new one instead of the dilapidated chapel in honor of the same holiday, which was performed in 1882. Divine services were held there on the day of the chapel holiday, November 8, and during Lent. However, it soon turned out that the building was built poorly, the chapel was cold and small in space. Probably, at the beginning of the century, a new, more convenient chapel was built in its place in the village of Makushinsky, which, according to information from 1913, is listed as built in the name of the Archangel Michael of God.

After the release of the Supreme Manifesto on freedom of religion in 1905, Baptists appeared in the Makushinsky parish. They held open conversations and organized meetings, and distributed books and brochures to literate residents “free of charge and almost by force.” Station bartender Vinivitin became an active propagandist of false teaching [12].

In 1911, an Orthodox temperance society was established in the village [13], and a branch of the book warehouse of the Tobolsk diocesan brotherhood of books, brochures and leaflets with religious, moral, anti-schismatic and anti-sectarian content was opened [14].

During the years of Soviet power, the Makushinsky parish was liquidated and the temple was lost.

At the beginning of the 21st century, church life was revived in the village, a temple was built in the name of Archangel Michael.


  • Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple (invalid)
  • Michael the Archangel
  • Michael the Archangel, chapel (inactive)
  • Midsummer of the Feast of the Resurrection of Christ, chapel (ed.)

Notes[ | ]

  1. from the point of view of the administrative-territorial structure
  2. from the point of view of the municipal structure
  3. 123456789101112131415161718
    Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2022 (Russian). Date accessed: October 17, 2022. Archived October 17, 2022.
  4. LAW OF THE KURGAN REGION dated July 6, 2004 No. 419 “On granting municipalities the status of a city district, municipal district, rural settlement, urban settlement, on the location of representative bodies of municipal districts, rural settlements, on establishing the names of representative bodies of municipalities, heads of municipalities , local administrations (executive and administrative bodies of municipalities)"
  5. Law of the Kurgan Region dated June 23, 2020 No. 49 “On the transformation of municipalities by merging all settlements that are part of the Makushinsky district of the Kurgan region into a newly formed municipal entity - the Makushinsky municipal district of the Kurgan region”
  6. Law of the Kurgan Region dated June 30, 2020 No. 56 “On Amendments to the Law of the Kurgan Region “On the Administrative-Territorial Structure of the Kurgan Region””
  7. All-Russian population census 2002. Volume. 1, table 4. Population of Russia, federal districts, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, districts, urban settlements, rural settlements - regional centers and rural settlements with a population of 3 thousand or more (unspecified)
    . Archived from the original on February 3, 2012.
  8. The size of the permanent population of the Russian Federation by cities, urban-type settlements and regions as of January 1, 2009 (unspecified)
    . Retrieved January 2, 2014. Archived January 2, 2014.
  9. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 All
    -Russian population census 2010
    . Population of the Kurgan region (unspecified)
    . Retrieved June 21, 2014. Archived June 21, 2014.
  10. Kurgan region. Estimated resident population as of January 1, 2009-2015
  11. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities. Table 35. Estimated resident population as of January 1, 2012 (unspecified)
    . Retrieved May 31, 2014. Archived May 31, 2014.
  12. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2013. - M.: Federal State Statistics Service Rosstat, 2013. - 528 p. (Table 33. Population of urban districts, municipal districts, urban and rural settlements, urban settlements, rural settlements) (undefined)
    . Retrieved November 16, 2013. Archived November 16, 2013.
  13. Table 33. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2014 (unspecified)
    . Access date: August 2, 2014. Archived August 2, 2014.
  14. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2015 (unspecified)
    . Access date: August 6, 2015. Archived August 6, 2015.
  15. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2016 (Russian) (October 5, 2018). Retrieved May 15, 2022. Archived May 8, 2022.
  16. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2022 (Russian) (July 31, 2017). Retrieved July 31, 2022. Archived July 31, 2022.
  17. 12345678
    Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2022 (Russian). Retrieved July 25, 2018. Archived July 26, 2022.
  18. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2022 (Russian). Retrieved July 31, 2019. Archived May 2, 2022.
  19. Law of the Kurgan Region “On the administrative-territorial structure of the Kurgan Region” (Russian).
    _ Access date: July 30, 2022.
  20. Charter of the Kurgan Region (Russian).
    _ Access date: July 30, 2022.
  21. LAW OF THE KURGAN REGION dated July 6, 2004 N 419 “On granting municipalities the status of a city district, municipal district, rural settlement, urban settlement, on the location of representative bodies of municipal districts, rural settlements, on establishing the names of representative bodies of municipalities, heads of municipalities , local administrations (executive and administrative bodies of municipalities)" (Russian).
    _ Access date: July 30, 2022.
  22. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
    Kurgan region.
    Total land area of ​​the municipality (Russian).
    _ Access date: July 30, 2022.
  23. Law of the Kurgan Region of June 27, 2022 N 65 “On the transformation of the municipalities Chebakovsky Village Council, Baskovsky Village Council, Martinsky Village Council and Slevinsky Village Council, which are part of the Makushinsky District of the Kurgan Region, by merging them and amending some laws of the Kurgan Region” (Russian). ).
    _ Access date: July 30, 2022.
  24. Law of the Kurgan Region dated June 27, 2022 N 66 “On the transformation of the municipalities of the Kazarkinsky Village Council and the Tryukhinsky Village Council, which are part of the Makushinsky District of the Kurgan Region, by merging them and amending some laws of the Kurgan Region” (Russian).
    _ Access date: July 30, 2022.
  25. The permanent population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2022 (Russian). Retrieved April 27, 2022. Archived May 2, 2022.
  26. Law of the Kurgan Region dated October 5, 2007 N 294 “On the exclusion of rural settlements from the administrative-territorial division of the Kurgan Region” (Adopted by Resolution of the Kurgan Regional Duma dated September 25, 2007 N 2575) (Russian).
    . Date accessed: August 16, 2022.
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