Population of Tatarstan - current statistics and information


At the beginning of 2022, in the Republic of Tatarstan, the population reached 3,902,642 people. As statistics show, the number of Russian citizens living in this region has been constantly growing over the past 12 years. Although, until 2008, the number of people inhabiting this region was decreasing.

So, for 2022:

  • There are 1,655,166 men living in this region.
  • Women – 2,239,341.

If we talk about the distribution of the population by gender, then there is parity. That is, the female population is slightly larger than the male population. Of the total number, there are no more than 66 thousand people, which is primarily due to the longer life expectancy of women.

By city

If we consider the structure of the population, then according to statistical data, the share of the urban population has always prevailed over the rural population in the period after the collapse of the USSR. And it is gradually increasing.

Thus, in 1991, up to 73% lived in urban agglomerations, while by 2022 this figure reached almost 77%.

If we consider the largest cities and the number of citizens who live here, this is what the picture looks like:

  • Kazan became the only city with a population of over a million. As of 2022, more than 1,257,000 people live here.
  • The next largest city is Naberezhnye Chelny. In this agglomeration, the list of population shows an indicator of 534,000.
  • Next come Nizhnekamsk, Almetyevsk, Zelenodolsk. The population here ranges from a little over 200,000 to 100,000 people.
  • Lower figures are demonstrated by such small cities of Tatarstan as Bugulma, Elabuga, Leninogorsk, Chistopol, Zainsk and some others.


Zainsk: maps

Zainsk: photo from space (Google Maps) Zainsk: photo from space (Microsoft Virtual Earth)

Nearest cities. Distances in km. on the map (in brackets along roads) + direction. Using the hyperlink in the distance , you can get the route (information courtesy of the AutoTransInfo website)
1Sarmanovo37 (88)IN
2Nizhnekamsk39 (42)WITH
3Kamskie Polyany40 (51)Z
4Almetyevsk47 (57)YU
5Elabuga51 (90)WITH
6Lower Maktama54 (64)SE
7Naberezhnye Chelny54 (69)NE
8Jalil55 (72)SE
9Novosheshminsk56 (90)SW
10Mamadysh59 (149)NW
11Mendeleevsk69 (104)WITH
12Aktobe73 (88)SE
13Muslyumovo74 (114)IN
14Cheremshan79 (115)SW
15Menzelinsk82 (126)NE
16Leninogorsk82 (99)YU
17Aznakaevo83 (102)SE
18Grakhovo (Udmurt Republic)83 (182)WITH
19Chistopol87 (109)Z
20Aksubaevo92 (174)SW
21Bugulma98 (109)SE
22Alnashi (Udmurt Republic)102 (142)WITH
23railway station Shentala (Samara region) 102 (293)YU
24Kizner (Udmurt Republic)113 (225)WITH
25Bakaly (Republic of Bashkortostan)113 (250)IN
26railway station Klyavlino (Samara region) 114 (230)YU
27Chelno-Vershiny (Samara region)114 (273)SW
28Sosnovka115 (237)NW
29Vyatskiye Polyany117 (222)NW
30Krasnaya Polyana (Kirov region)118 (229)NW

a brief description of

Located in the Kama region, on the river. Stepnoy Zai (tributary of the Kama), near the railway of the same name. station, 287 km east of Kazan, 55 km southwest of the Naberezhnye Chelny pier.

Territory (sq. km): 58

Information about the city of Zainsk on the Russian Wikipedia site

Historical sketch

Founded in 1652-56 as a border fortress on the Zakamskaya line - a military line from the Volga to the mouth of the river. Ik.

The Kazan suburb of Zainsk became part of the Kazan province in 1708. At the end of the 19th century. - a suburb of the Ufa province.

After 1917 - the village of Zainsk, since 1935 the center of the Zainsk region.

To supply oil and gas fields in the southeast of Tatarstan, the construction of the Zainskaya State District Power Plant began in 1956. The first stage was commissioned in 1963, and the power plant reached full capacity in 1972.

The modern city of Zainsk was formed in 1978 by the merger of the working settlements of Zainsk (PGT since 1957, 8.8 thousand inhabitants, 1959; 5.1 thousand inhabitants, 1970), Novy Zai (PGT since 1962, 15.1 thousand inhabitants. , 1970) as well as surrounding villages and hamlets.

Name by river Zay; zay - ancient Tatar "river".

[To unravel the story of Zainsk and Novy Zay in more detail]


Plants: auto aggregates, KamAZ production plant, reinforced concrete structures, experimental modular metal structures. Construction plant. Food enterprises - sugar factory, etc. Lespromkhoz.


In the Zainsky district there are deposits of gravel, clay, rubble stone, etc.

Main enterprises


NGDU "Zainskneft" OJSC "Tatneft"
423520, Republic of Tatarstan, Zainsky district, Zainsk, Neftyanikov Ave., 37

Museums, galleries, exhibition halls

Museum of Local Lore of the Zainsky Municipal District of the Republic of Tatarstan 423520, Republic of Tatarstan, Zainsky District, Zainsk, st. Ordzhonikidze, 55 Phone(s): (885558) 6-63-68

Population by year (thousands of inhabitants)


If we consider the dynamics of the population of the republic, here is how these figures have changed over the past almost 100 years:

  • In 1926 – 2,594,032 people.
  • In 1933 – 2,784,000 people.
  • In 1959 – 2.850.000.
  • In 1970 – 3.131.000.
  • In 1987 – 3.568.000.
  • In 1990 – 3.653.000.
  • In 2000 – 3.789.688.
  • In 2010 – 3.786.488.
  • For 2022 This figure for the population reached 3,902,642 people.
  • In 2022 there is a noticeable decrease – 3,894,507.


Considering key population statistics, it is worth noting that the highest density (or rather composition) is observed around such large cities of Tatarstan as Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny, Nizhnekamsk and some others. This is due to several factors simultaneously:

  • Natural features of the territory.
  • Distribution of economic benefits.

Thus, the largest agglomeration is Zelenodolsk, which is home to more than 1.2 million people.

The second largest urban agglomeration is located on the banks of the Kama River. This is how the Nizhnekamsk-Naberezhnye-Chelny agglomeration was formed, which includes about 1 million people.

If we talk about the average population density of citizens throughout the territory of the republic, it is equal to 57.52 people per sq. km.


Zainsk was founded in 1652 as a fortress on the Staro-Zakamsk defensive line. Its first settlers were 100 archers, resettled with their families from the Chelny fort, as well as captured Polish nobles (81 people), transferred in 1654 from Smolensk (in Zainsk, in the so-called “Soldiers’ Cemetery” of the 17th century, several ancient tombstones have been preserved ).

1670s Zainsk is called a suburb in official documents. In the second half of the 17th - first half of the 18th century. was repeatedly attacked by the Nogais and Bashkirs (in 1707, the latter was captured and burned).

From 1708 it was part of the Kazan province, from 1744 – the Orenburg province. According to the first revision of 1719, there were more than 300 households and 895 male souls in Zainsk. In 1731, the servicemen of the Zainsk garrison were included in the Sheshminsky landmilitsky regiment and transferred to the New Zakamskaya and Orenburg fortified lines that were under construction. In the 1730s. instead of them, Zainsk was settled by retired soldiers, chief and non-commissioned officers of the Life Guards; by the beginning of the 1770s. there were about 1 thousand male souls in 512 households.

During the Peasants' War of 1773–1775. On January 15, 1774, Zainsk was surrendered to the troops of E.I. Pugachev without a fight, and on January 17 it was taken by storm by government troops under the command of Yu.B. Bibikov.

According to the fifth revision of 1795, residents of the suburb were listed as Cossacks and enjoyed benefits; at the beginning of the 19th century. were transferred to the category of state peasants.

In the 1790s. Zainsk became a volost center and in 1865, together with the Menzelinsky district, became part of the Ufa province. Historically, it was one of the important administrative centers of Eastern Trans-Kama region.

No later than 1719, a wooden Church of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord was built in Zainsk (the first priest was I. Kirillov). In 1826, to replace the dilapidated one, a stone church was erected at the expense of parishioners (closed in 1935, used as a printing house for the newspaper “Red Zai”, a sewing workshop, an X-ray room of the city hospital, the House of Pioneers; restored in 1991–1992; a monument to the cult architecture in the style of classicism); in 1881 - the stone Church of the Epiphany (closed in the 1930s, since 1940 its building housed the regional House of Culture, in 1960–1970 - the Mayak cinema; a monument of religious architecture, in a dilapidated state ).

In 1845, a two-year parochial school was opened, in 1867 - instead of it, a men's two-year four-year school of the Ministry of Public Education (since 1869 in its own building, burned down in 1888, rebuilt in 1894; in 1895 . 75 boys studied; since 1903, the zemstvo; in 1910, a new stone building was built for it - an architectural monument), in 1875 - a single-complex (later three-complex) zemstvo girls' school with three years of education (in 1896, 38 girls studied) , in 1913 – pro-gymnasium.

In 1876, a zemstvo hospital with 10 beds was opened (the first doctor was M.A. Komarov), in 1885 a building with 25 beds was built (the house of the zemstvo doctor of the late 19th century has been preserved; an architectural monument), in 1896 - a folk hospital library.

In the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries. in Zainsk there was a police camp, a volost administration (the building of the late 19th century has been preserved, an architectural monument), a number of institutions serving neighboring volosts (hospital, judicial, veterinary and conscription stations), a postal and telegraph office, and a zemstvo station.

According to information from 1870, there were also a windmill and 2 water mills, 14 shops; there was a market on Tuesdays; by the beginning of the twentieth century. – 2 manufacturing shops, 11 grocery shops, 7 Kalash shops, 2 wine and beer shops, 4 forges, 3 grain grinders, an oil mill. The population was mainly engaged in agriculture, livestock breeding, beekeeping, matting and cooperage.

During the Civil War, residents of Zainsk took an active part in the “fork” rebellion of 1920; the “main” headquarters of the rebels was located here, which included former officers Nikonov, Krapivin, Shimanovsky, Yusupovsky, and sergeant major Milovanov. The formation of rebel “fronts” was announced: Chistopol-Kazan led by Sedov, Menzelinsky - Milovanov, Bugulma-Samara - Vasyakin. The rebels did not have a clear program and put forward various slogans: “Down with the communists!”, “Long live free trade!”, “Down with the civil war!”, “For peasant power!”, “Down with the communists, long live the Red Army!” and others.

In Zainsk, at the hands of the rebels, the leaders of the Soviet government of the Zainsk volost, soldiers of the food detachment from Kerensk, Moscow, Petrograd and several Red Army soldiers of the detachment of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission of the Menzelinsky district (the common grave of the victims of the rebels has been preserved; a monument was erected on it in 1925).

National composition

Considering the national composition of the urban and rural population in a given district, it is worth highlighting the following prevailing nations:

  • Tatars – more than 53%.
  • Russians – 39%.
  • Chuvash – more than 3%.
  • Udmurts, Mordovians, Maris, Ukrainians, Bashkirs, Azerbaijanis and some other nationalities are less than 0.6%.

As can be seen from the above list, the main nationalities are Tatars and Russians. The remaining ethnic groups are represented by such insignificant groups that they do not influence the overall formation of the picture.

Administrative and municipal status

Within the structure of administrative units, Zainsk serves as the administrative center of Zainsk District, even though it is not part of it.[1] As an administrative division, together with the settlement of Karmalka, included separately as the city of republican significance of Zainsk

- an administrative unit with a status equal to that of a district.[1]
As a municipal entity, the city of republican significance Zainsk is part of the Zainsky municipal district as the Urban Settlement of Zainsk


The composition of the population is unevenly distributed across the territory of Tatarstan. The settlement looks like this:

  • Russians are settled mainly in Kazan, Zelenodolsky, Verkhneuslonsky, Daishevsky, Spassky, Tetyushsky, Alkeevsky, Elabuga, Leninogorsky, Cheremshansky districts.
  • The Chuvash mainly live in the Aksubaevsky district.
  • If we talk directly about the Tatars, there are no clear distinctions here, since this ethnic group is the largest in number among the rest.

Thus, according to the latest census, in the Territory of the Republic of Tatarstan there are:

  • 1 city with more than 1 million citizens.
  • 3 cities where the number of people living exceeds the 100,000 mark.
  • 8 urban agglomerations with an indicator in the range of about 50,000.
  • 26 settlements of Tatarstan, with a population of about 10,000 citizens.

You can find a complete list of cities and villages in Tatarstan in alphabetical order and find population data on the official website of the government of the republic.

Team Nomads

Zainsk (Tat. Зәй, Zəy) is a city (since 1978) in Russia, the administrative center of the Zainsky district of Tatarstan. The city is located on the Stepnoy Zai River (a tributary of the Kama), 287 km from Kazan. The city arose as a fortress of the Zakamsk guard line - a military line from the Volga to the mouth of the Ik River. The fortress was founded in 1652, its construction was completed 4 years later.

City of Zainsk

In January 1774, the fortress was taken by the Pugachevites.

In 1920, the famous Fork Uprising took place in its vicinity. In 1956, in connection with the construction of the Zainskaya State District Power Plant, the working settlement of Novy Zai arose, which in 1962 received the status of an urban-type settlement. On April 5, 1978, it was merged with the old settlement of Zay, and received its current name.

Energy Enterprises: Zainskaya GRES - a branch of Generating Company OJSC; Zainsky District of Electric Networks (RES) - a division of the Nizhnekamsk Electric Networks branch of Grid Company OJSC; Zainsky section of the Kama branch of Tatenergosbyt OJSC.

Zainsk city at night, from Bald Mountain

Industry The volume of shipped goods of own production, work and services performed in-house in manufacturing industries in 2009 was 4.53 billion rubles. CJSC "TATEK" (Tatarstan Electrotechnical - Plant of modular metal structures LLC "Mefro Wheels Russia Plant Zainsk" - plant for the production of wheels for heavy vehicles LLC "StroyOfficeService" LLC "Plant TECHNO" Reinforced concrete structures plant Zainsk brick plant Zainsk industrial and construction plant Zainsk forestry enterprise Food industry JSC Zainsky Sugar Factory Zainsky Dairy (closed in 2012) Zainsky Bakery Zainsky Cracker City of Zainsk

Zainskaya GRES Today, in terms of capacity, Zainskaya GRES is one of the 40 largest power plants in the country. In Tatarstan, Zainskaya GRES provides more than 30% of the electricity demand. Since the start of operation, the power plant has generated 560 billion kWh of electricity—that’s how much all of Russia now consumes in six months. At today’s gala event, held at the Energetik Palace of Culture, the staff of the Zainskaya State District Power Plant was congratulated on the anniversary by the General Director of OJSC “Generating Zainskaya State District Power Plant has been and remains the flagship of the Tatarstan energy system for five decades,” said I. Khalikov. “The construction of the station was a significant event in the life of the republic, laying the foundation for the development of many of its industries.” According to Ildar Khalikov, Zainskaya GRES is still one of the largest power plants in the country, providing 30 percent of Tatarstan’s electricity needs. At the same time, as the Prime Minister of Tatarstan emphasized, for all 50 years Zainskaya GRES remained a forge of specialists for the republic’s energy sector. People who gained professional experience here work not only in Tatarstan, but throughout Russia.

City of Zainsk

Museum of Local Lore of the Zainsky Municipal District of the Republic of Tatarstan Zainsky Museum of Local Lore Telephone: (885558) 6-63-68 Address: 423520, Republic of Tatarstan, Zainsk, st. Ordzhonikidze, 55 Directions: Bus “Naberezhnye Chelny - Zainsk”; city ​​bus, route No. 4 to the Mayak stop. Operating hours:* Daily from 9.00 to 17.00, except Sunday and Monday. Please note: by prior arrangement only

Internet: www.museum.ru/M2676 - official page

Memorable dates and annual events: date of foundation - 30.11.1984 date of opening - 08.05.1985 May 18 - International Museum Day

Description: The museum has 8 exhibition halls, where the remains of mammoths, collections of decorative and applied arts, numismatics, household utensils, rare documents, photographs, memorial items of famous Zainians, a collection of paintings by Zainsk artists are presented. The section of the exhibition - “Zakamskaya guard line (line)” presents the history of Zainsk from the middle of the 17th century. Among the exhibits: a model of the Zainsk fortress, the largest of the six fortresses of this line, a photocopy of the “Mandate of Memory” to the governor I. L. Turgenev, sent to Zainsk for service in 1675 by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (the original is stored in the scientific library named after N. I. Lobachevsky Kazan State University), a list of residents of the Zainsk fortress according to the first census of the population, the composition of the Zainsk garrison, part of the Novosheshminsky landmilitsky regiment in the 30s of the 17th century), a photocopy of the “Journal or daily notes” of captain Nikolai Rychkov 1769-1770 ., photocopy of the “Case of Captain Mertvetsov (commandant of the fortress), Second Major Lopatin and Major Savinich...”, which presents investigative documents on the surrender of the Zainsk fortress to the Pugachevites in January 1774, etc. In the section reflecting the history of the region after 1917, there are interesting materials about the peasant uprising in Zainsk, which went down in history under the name “fork” (February 1920). Presented here are authentic photographs, documents, and memoirs of eyewitnesses of events telling of cruelty against the first communists and “food detachments.” The ethnographic section presents the clothing, life and culture of Russians, Tatars, Kryashens (baptized Tatars), Chuvash. City of Zainsk

Building(s): The museum building is a former trading and residential building of the merchant of the 1st guild I. N. Beketov. Built in 1902. Two-story red brick. The main entrance is from the street. The front porch is long along the entire façade of the building. The building is an architectural monument of local significance

Local attractions: Church of the Exaltation of the Cross. Built in 1826 on the site of a wooden church that stood on the territory of a wooden fortress erected in 1652 - 1654. Earthen fortifications (scarps) on the approaches to the fortress, built on the right high bank of the Zay River in 1652 - 1654. School Mountain is a protected area in the old part of the city, where in the 17th - 18th centuries. there was a wooden fortress “Zainsk”. From here you can enjoy a panoramic view of the water reservoir, the state district power station and new areas of the city. "Crocodile Mountain". Located 3 km from the historical city center.

City of Zainsk

HISTORY OF THE CITY OF ZAINSK Decree of the Tsar on the construction of the city of Zainsk. Decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich on the construction of the Zakamsk defensive line and the city of Zainsk:

“In the past, in 1652, in the sovereign tsar of the Great Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich ... a letter was written in Kazan to the boyar and governor Prince Nikita Ivanovich Odoevsky and his comrades, and Stepan Zmeev and his comrades sent from Moscow to inspect the Zakamsk zasechnaya land with a painting and a drawing. And along that Zakamsk line it was ordered to build cities and housing, and standing forts, and all sorts of abatis, and earthen, and wooden fortresses from the Volga and to the Iku River, and along the Iku River down to the Kama...” (LOCAL ORDER, KN. 156) ;

About the founding of the city of Zainsk: “The Zai River flows from the steppe to the Russian side and flows into the Kama River. From the Zai River from the bridge to the city of Zainskov, two hundred and seventy fathoms. The city of Zainskaya was rubbled with taras, and in it there is a tower with a roadway gate... The length of the city from gate to gate is fifty-eight fathoms, across - one hundred and four fathoms...” (LOCAL ORDER, KN. 156);

About the first residents of Zainsk: “And one hundred serving people in Zainsk, Chelny Riflemen, were transferred and placed in military service. Yes, there are eighty-one Smolensk Cossacks. And the lands were allotted to them for courtyards, for vegetable gardens and for threshing floors and arable land and hayfields according to the sovereign’s decree against other towns of service people.”

The names of the first servicemen in Zainsk are Ivan Bartashov, Ivan Shestakovsky, Olesko Ivanov, Lopatin Semyon, Savelyev Butvokha, Erem Barytsky, Fedor Veselkovsky, Semyon Ivanov, Novitsky Ivan, Savin Danilo, Fedor Andreev, Kolotinsky Ilya.

City of Zainsk. Chapters of history. ZAINSK, a city of republican subordination, the center of the Zainsky district of Tatarstan. Located on the Stepnaya and Lesnaya Zai rivers. To the nearest pier Nab. Chelnov 60 km. Railway station on a branch from the Ulyanovsk-Ufa line. The road is connected to the towns of Nab. Chelny, Nizhnekamsk, Almetyevsk and other cities in the southeast of the republic. The population is mixed. on January 1, 1992 it was 39.3 thousand people.

City of Zainsk

Historical reference. Founded in the spring of 1652 as a fortress on the Zakamsk defensive line, intended “to protect the Trans-Volga and Trans-Kama residents from attacks by Kalmyks, Nogais, Byashkirs, Kyrgyz and Karakalpaks” (Ivenin, Description of the Trans-Kama Lines, p. 57 St. Petersburg, 1851). In the “Construction Books of the Zakamskaya Line” for 1652-1656. contains a description of the city of Zainsk. The fortress occupied an area of ​​about three hectares and had the shape of a rectangle with six wooden towers. Of these, four are blind corners, and two in the middle are roadways with gates.

The walls were made of double pine logs, between which small gravel was filled. The thickness of the walls was more than four meters and the height with the superstructure (damages) was up to eight meters. Two settlements, Ovchinnaya and Polskaya, settled near the walls. “The circle of the city and settlements in an area of ​​762 fathoms were built in two rows. The first settlers were one hundred Chelny Streltsy with their families, who settled in 81 courtyards of Ovchinnaya Sloboda. Soon (1654) captured Polish nobles were transferred here from Smolensk - 81 people, also with their families, who settled in 5) a courtyard in a separate settlement, calling it Polish.

Already in 1656, 181 families lived in Zainsk. The fortress was repeatedly attacked by the Nogais and Bashkirs. One of them (December 1707) ended tragically. The fortress was taken and burned. According to the results of the first audit of 1719 (population census), in Zainsk there were 895 “male souls of every rank, down to the very baby” and there were just over three hundred households. In the 30s of the 18th century, in connection with the construction of the new Zakamsk line and the Orenburg fortified line, most of the service people were transferred to new places. And retired soldiers, non-commissioned officers and retired guards began to settle in half-empty Zainsk. In 1769, an expedition of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences led by Captain N. Rychkov was in Zainsk. She studied the economic activities of the local population, their way of life, and created the first geographical map of Trans-Kama. On the route of the expedition “there was the suburb of Zainsk,” wrote N. Rychkov in his “Daily Notes,” “which had its name from the Zaya River flowing here. Its villagers are also retired soldiers... The castle or fortress of this suburb is surrounded by a wooden wall. There are several towers and loopholes along it, and it stands on an elevated place, and the houses of the inhabitants, of whom there are more than four hundred, are built along the mountain where the Zay River flows. It has one wooden church and several shops for trading” (“p. 37”). On the eve of the peasant war (1773), under the leadership of E. Pugachev, in Zainsk there were already 512 households of retired soldiers, in which about one thousand male souls lived. Zainsk and the surrounding villages took an active part in it. More than 20 villages and hamlets created their own armed units. Under the influence of the rebellious peasants, the retired soldiers who made up the main garrison of the fortress surrendered Zainsk without a fight (January 15, 1774). But the triumph of the rebels was short-lived. Two days later (January 17, 1774) a government detachment led by Colonel Yu. Bibikov approached. Zainsk was taken by storm. The previous order was restored in the surrounding area. According to the fifth revision of 1795, residents of Zainsk were classified as Cossacks and enjoyed benefits. At the beginning of the 19th century they were transferred to the category of state peasants.

Railway station Zainsk.

ZAINSK—the railway station on the Bugulma-Krugloye Pole-Agryz branch is located 126-127 kilometers from the Bugulma railway station. Belongs to the Kuibyshev railway of the Ulyanovsk branch, located within the city of Zainsk. Prehistory. The first attempt to build a railway here is associated with the name of the Stakheevs, famous grain merchants of the Kama region. In 1914, the partnership “I. Stakheev and Co., the Kama-Vyatka Trade Partnership and some other companies petitioned the Russian government to build a railway from Bugulma to the rich grain village of Chelny, on the river. Kama, where up to 8 million poods of bread were purchased during the season (pood = 16 kg). However, fearing the Stakheevs' monopoly on the grain trade, a stream of letters was sent to the government from representatives of local business and official circles protesting against these plans. This time the Stakheevs' petition was rejected.

However, in 1917 the situation changed. The Moscow-Kazan Railway was annexed to the Putilov-Stakheev-Batolin concern. The Stakheevs could begin to implement their plans. But October 1917 struck. The second attempt to begin construction of the road was planned shortly before the Great Patriotic War. But there was no time for her here. In the post-war period, the construction of this branch was not connected with bread, but with the rapid development of the oil and gas industry in the southeast of Tatarstan. Construction of the road began in 1951. The general contractor is Ufimtransstroy. The filling of the roadbed in the Zainsky district was carried out by two mechanized columns, which were based in Zainsk and Svetloe Ozero. The tracks were laid by construction and installation trains No. 189 and 243 of Ufimtransstroy. In 1952, the road was extended to the station. Letter.

By 1955, tracklayers laid the rails to the Zaya River, near the station. Tokmak. Construction of the bridge was delayed. In 1956, temporary operation of the road began. The first building of the railway station began to be built from the side of Old Zainsk, but then they realized that such a layout would limit the further expansion of the station, i.e. the increase in additional trains. d. ways. City of Zainsk

And only in 1960, SMU-9 “Kuibyshevgidrostroy” began to erect the station building in the place where it is now located. The first head of the Zainsk station was Shkorbatov. The main share of the burden (construction, development of new management systems, labor organization, etc.) fell on the head of the station, A. I. Legonkikh, who worked here for 20 years (1958-1978).

The Bugulma-Krugloye Pole road was put into permanent operation in 1960. As operation progressed, the railway control system also improved: from a rod control system in 1957 to an automatic blocking system in 1972. Since 1975, dispatch centralization has been introduced. Currently, the station has 11 tracks, including three for trains going to Kamskie Polyany, a nuclear power plant.

monument to spacecraft

Along the Bugulma - Krugloye Pole road, millions of tons of cargo were transported for the oil workers of Zakamye, the builders of the Zainskaya State District Power Plant, for the petrochemists of Nizhnekamsk, and then the Kama Automobile Plant in Nab. Chelny and other new buildings of the Nizhnekamsk territorial-industrial complex. After the construction of the dam and the blocking of the Kama River in 1978, along which the highway and railway line passed, the connection of the Bugulma - Nab roads was carried out. Chelny and Agryz - Kama River. Currently, not only freight trains, but also passenger trains travel along the Bugulma - Agryz road: Moscow - Nab. Chelny, Ufa - Kazan, Krugloe Pole - Bugulma. Nab. Chelny—Nizhnekamsk—Ulyanovsk. In summer, flights to the south are added. In total, 48 pairs of trains for various purposes pass through Zainsk station per day. The station has a container platform for 9 districts of south-east Tatarstan. The length of the railway within the Zainsky district is 55 km.

Zainskaya GRES In the 50s, the oil industry developed at a rapid pace in the southeast of the Republic, construction began on the Nizhnekamsk petrochemical plant, in Kazan and a number of other large enterprises. There was a shortage of electricity in the Republic. There was an urgent need for the construction of a state district power station. It was built at an accelerated pace and already in 1963, 2 power units with a capacity of 200 MW each were launched. Our energy system has gone from being underpowered to overcapacity.

With the launch of the Zainskaya GRES, the 220 kV Zainsk-Kazan power transmission line (Kinderi substation) came into operation. The Kazan energy hub received a new quality by joining the country's Unified Energy System. At Europe's largest thermal power plant, Zainskaya State District Power Plant, all 12 units with a total capacity of 2,400 MW were commissioned in record time - from 1963 to 1972. In some years, 2 units with a capacity of 200 MW were commissioned. The power plant was commissioned with an “excellent” rating, an extremely rare case in construction practice. This is the merit of the outstanding power engineer of our energy system, Nikolai Aleksandrovich Banykin, who worked as director of the Zainskaya State District Power Plant from the beginning of its active construction until its full commissioning. Zainskaya GRES is one of the first power plants with 200 thousand kW (200 MW) power units designed to operate on high-sulfur fuel oil.

Considering the large reserves of the Orenburg high-sulfur gas and the proximity of its field to the republic, the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1969 decided to transfer the Zainskaya State District Power Plant to burning gas from the Orenburg field. For the development and implementation of a set of organizational and technical measures for the combustion of sulfur-containing gases, a group of workers from the Zainskaya State District Power Plant, research and design institutes was awarded a prize from the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Currently, Zainskaya GRES belongs to a subsidiary of OJSC TatEnergo - OJSC Generating Company, which includes all power plants in Tatarstan.

Coat of arms of Zainsk The city of Zainsk was formed in 1978 from the village of Novy Zay. Zainsky district was formed back in 1935. In 1995, by order of the Rodnik club, badges with the Zainsk emblem were issued. This emblem was never approved as a coat of arms. Here is an unofficial description of this coat of arms, reconstructed from an image by Yu. Kalinkin: “In a green field there is a golden power plant building with three chimneys with smoke, accompanied on the right by a golden chimney of a thermal power plant with a through smoke column, on the left by a golden power transmission pole with wires. At the scarlet end, separated by a narrow azure belt, there are five silver rhombuses. In the free part of the shield is the coat of arms of the Republic of Tatarstan.”

Materials from the heraldic archive of Yu. Kalinkin The coat of arms of Zainsk was approved in 1995. Authors: Nazipov R.G., Shamsetdinov R. The coat of arms of the Zainsk region and the city of Zainsk is a heraldic shield in the form of a tulip flower, personifying the awakening of spring nature and symbolizing the revival of the city. The central image of the coat of arms is half an image of a winged leopard on a red background (part of the coat of arms of Tatarstan). On the right is a sheet of paper and a quill pen on a green-red background, meaning that there have been outstanding writers in the area since ancient times (Kul Gali).

Below on the left is an image of a tomga - a sign of the ancient Turkic peoples on a green background. This means that the city of Zainsk has an ancient history. Below on the right is a state district power station - one of the largest power plants in Russia. The image of a fish symbolizes the richness of nature. Symbolic meanings of colors: red - maturity, energy, strength, life, vitality of the region and the city of Zainsk; green - the greenery of spring, fields, the rebirth of all living things; white - purity of thoughts and intentions; blue - wealth of water reserves.” Materials from the article by G. Bushkants in the magazine “Herboved” No. 82; drawing taken from the website "Geraldika.Ru" The coat of arms of the Zainsky municipal district of Tatarstan was approved by decision of the Council of the Zainsky municipal district dated December 26, 2006 No. 99.

Description of the coat of arms: “In a four-part scarlet and green field there is a golden flaming sun (without an image of a face), with rays shown only in scarlet and abstracted from the disk; in the greenery, the sun is accompanied: in the upper quarter - by a special golden figure (tamga), formed by three shingles in a column, connected at the top by a bar, with two rounded corners at the top, and the side shingles at the bottom are gammed to the sides, while the middle one is bifurcated; and in the lower quarter - with a silver scroll and on top of it the same feather, placed in the left baldric.” Justification of the symbolism of the coat of arms of the Zainsky municipal district.

Zainsk City Day

The coat of arms of the Zainsky district reflects the natural, economic, historical and cultural features of the region in the language of symbols and allegories. The central figure of the shield is the sun (an image of light, energy, heat) symbolizes the developed energy complex of the region, the desire for progress and prosperity. The scroll and quill pen represent the rich traditions of the spiritual culture of the region, famous for the names of famous writers, poets, educators, scientists, educators and artists. The ancient Turkic sign - tamga, is a generalized symbol of the continuity of generations, historical memory, patriotism, and concern for the historical and cultural heritage of the region. The green parts superimposed on the sun indicate the natural wealth of the area and developed agricultural production. The color scheme of the coat of arms (red, green) symbolically reflects the multinational and multi-confessional composition of the residents of the area. Gold is a symbol of harvest, wealth, stability, respect and intelligence. Silver - purity of spring water, perfection, nobility, mutual understanding. Green color is a symbol of nature, health and growth in life, hope. Red color is a symbol of courage, strength and beauty, holiday. Author's group: The development of the coat of arms was carried out by the Heraldic Council under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan together with the Union of Heraldists of Russia consisting of: Ramil Khairutdinov (Kazan), Radik Salikhov (Kazan), Ilnur Minnullin (Kazan), Konstantin Mochenov (Khimki), Oksana Afanasyeva (Moscow), Vyacheslav Mishin (Khimki), with the participation of Rinat Fardiev (Zainsk), Gamir Tazetdinov (Zainsk), Marcel Khuzin (Zainsk).”

Festival of National Cultures, Zainsk

___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Source of information and photos: Team Nomadic https://kam.ru/ V.V. Ermakov “Chelny History” https://zainsk.tatarstan.ru Wikipedia website https://zainsk24.ru https://www.museum.ru/M2676 https://www.rt-online.ru/

Area and territories

Assessing the area of ​​this region of the Russian Federation, it is worth highlighting the following facts:

  • The total area is 67,847 sq. km.
  • Thus, the republic ranks 44th among all other regions of the Russian Federation.

The territory contains such natural areas as:

  • 2 large rivers - Volga and Kama. The territory is rich in water resources.
  • The territory is a plain, which is covered mainly by steppe. And, only 19% of the territory is deciduous forest of oak, aspen, birch, linden and some other types of trees.
  • The climate is moderate continental, with hot summers and fairly harsh winters.
  • There are quite a lot of mineral resources here, which allows the region’s economy to develop quite dynamically. For example, oil, coal, dolomite, limestone, shale, copper, bauxite are mined here.

Description of the area The area is located in the south-eastern part of Tatarstan along the Stepnoy and Lesnoy Zaya rivers. The length of the region from north to south is 55 km, from west to east – 47 km. The nearest pier Naberezhnye Chelny is 60 km away.

photo tatfrontu.ru

The territory of the district is the northern tip of the Bugulma-Belebeevskaya Upland. The soils are chernozem. The Zainskoye oil field is part of the Volga-Ural oil and gas region.

There are large reserves of natural bitumen that have not yet been touched. In the depths of the region there is also gravel, clay, rubble stone, etc. On the Stepnoy Zai River, the Zainsky Reservoir was built, where a fishery farm is organized. 28.2% of the region is covered with forest, mainly deciduous. Their main massifs are located in the west and northeast of the region.

The city of Zainsk is located at the confluence of the Stepnoy and Lesnoy Zay rivers, near the railway station of the same name on the Agryz-Akbash line. Center of Zainsky district. Highway - Almetyevsk-Naberezhnye Chelny. The distance to Kazan is 287 km. The Naberezhnye Chelny-Almetyevsk highway passes through 3ainsk.


Population: 55 thousand 133 people. More than half of the population is Tatars - about 34 thousand, Russians - about 22 thousand, Chuvash - about 1 thousand, Ukrainians - about 300 people. Bashkirs - 100 people. and others. The urban population is 72%.


photo Agrosila Holding

The main industries of the region are electric power (the largest in the Volga region Zainskaya State District Power Plant), CJSC TateK, OJSC KAMAZavtotekhnika, OJSC Zainsky Plant of Metal Structures Timer, a branch of LLC PLANT TECHNO, food industry enterprises (JSC Zainsky Sugar Plant , Zainsky Grain Receiving Enterprise, OJSC “Zainsky Grain, LLC “Agro”, State Budgetary Institution Zailes.

Agriculture In the region, spring wheat, winter rye, barley, buckwheat, peas, and sugar beets are cultivated. The main branch of livestock farming is meat and dairy cattle breeding.

Education In the region there are Zainsky Polytechnic College, 51 general education institutions, with 5944 students; Small Academy of Sciences for schoolchildren, 27 preschool institutions, Children's Art Center named after Abdulla Alisha, Children's art school, music school.

Health Care The Central District Hospital operates in the district - a multidisciplinary institution designed for 268 round-the-clock hospital beds, including 111 day hospital beds and 1080 visits per clinic shift for examination and treatment of patients.

photo "KAZAN OWL"

The central district hospital includes the following structural units: dental department, antenatal clinic, pediatric department, emergency department, clinic, 24-hour hospital, day hospital, Begishevskaya outpatient clinic. 53 paramedic and midwife stations serve the rural population.

Culture In the area there is the Zainsk Museum of Local Lore, a central library named after Subbukh Rafikov, a youth center in Zainsk, a youth center in Zainsk-2.

photo www.culture.ru

Sports There are 85 facilities on the territory of the city of Zainsk, including the Yashlek Ice Palace, the Energy stadium, a sports and recreation center with a swimming pool, municipal institutions of additional education, children's youth sports schools "Zay", "Skier" and “Yashlek”, 4 hockey courts, 2 shooting ranges, 14 gyms, 39 sports grounds, 20 grounds with gymnastic elements.

photo by Maxim Abramov (news.sportbox.ru)

On the territory of rural settlements there are 85 sports facilities, 20 of them are gyms in educational schools, 7 hockey rinks, 4 stadiums and 6 fields for playing football, 48 sports grounds for playing volleyball, basketball, as well as grounds with gymnastic elements .

Coat of arms of the Zainsky municipal district “In a four-part scarlet and green field there is a golden flaming sun (without an image of a face), with rays shown only in scarlet and abstracted from the disk; in the greenery, the sun is accompanied: in the upper quarter - by a special golden figure (tamga), formed by three shingles in a column, connected at the top by a bar, with two rounded corners at the top, and the side shingles at the bottom are gammed to the sides, while the middle one is bifurcated; and in the lower quarter - with a silver scroll and on top of it the same feather, placed in the left baldric.”

The coat of arms of the Zainsky district reflects the natural, economic, historical and cultural features of the region in the language of symbols and allegories.

The central figure of the shield is the sun (an image of light, energy, heat) symbolizes the developed energy complex of the region, the desire for progress and prosperity. The scroll and quill pen represent the rich traditions of the spiritual culture of the region, famous for the names of famous writers, poets, educators, scientists, educators and artists.

The ancient Turkic sign - tamga, is a generalized symbol of the continuity of generations, historical memory, patriotism, and concern for the historical and cultural heritage of the region. The green parts superimposed on the sun indicate the natural wealth of the area and developed agricultural production.

The color scheme of the coat of arms (red, green) symbolically reflects the multinational and multi-confessional composition of the residents of the area. Gold is a symbol of harvest, wealth, stability, respect and intelligence. Silver - purity of spring water, perfection, nobility, mutual understanding. Green color is a symbol of nature, health and growth in life, hope. Red color is a symbol of courage, strength and beauty, holiday.

Author's group: the development of the coat of arms was carried out by the Heraldic Council under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan together with the Union of Heraldists of Russia consisting of: Ramil Khairutdinov (Kazan), Radik Salikhov (Kazan), Ilnur Minnullin (Kazan), Konstantin Mochenov (Khimki), Oksana Afanasyeva (Moscow), Vyacheslav Mishin (Khimki), with the participation of Rinat Fardiev (Zainsk), Gamir Tazetdinov (Zainsk), Marcel Khuzin (Zainsk).

Approved by decision of the Council of the Zainsky Municipal District of December 26, 2006 No. 99. Included in the State Heraldic Register of the Russian Federation under No. 2877. Included in the State Heraldic Register of the Republic of Tatarstan under No. 96.

Flag of the Zainsky municipal district “The flag is a rectangular panel with a width to length ratio of 2:3, divided in the form of a cross into four equal parts: 2 red and 2 green alternately. The green part at the shaft bears a white image of a scroll with a feather, the other green part bears a yellow image of a tamga, at the crossing there is a yellow disk of the sun, the rays of which are shown only on the red parts of the panel.”

The flag of the Zainsky district was developed on the basis of the coat of arms of the region, which, through the language of symbols and allegories, reflects the natural, economic, historical and cultural features of the region.

The central figure - the sun (an image of light, energy, heat) symbolizes the developed energy complex of the region, the desire for progress and prosperity. The scroll and quill pen represent the rich traditions of the spiritual culture of the region, famous for the names of famous writers, poets, educators, scientists, educators and artists.

The ancient Turkic sign - tamga, is a generalized symbol of the continuity of generations, historical memory, patriotism, and concern for the historical and cultural heritage of the region. The green parts indicate the natural wealth of the area and developed agricultural production.

The color scheme of the flag using red and green symbolically reflects the multinational and multi-religious composition of the residents of the area. Yellow (gold) is a symbol of harvest, wealth, stability, respect and intelligence. White (silver) - purity of spring water, perfection, nobility, mutual understanding. Green color is a symbol of nature, health and growth in life, hope. Red color is a symbol of courage, strength and beauty, holiday.

Author's group: the development of the flag was carried out by the Heraldic Council under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan together with the Union of Heraldists of Russia consisting of: Ramil Khairutdinov (Kazan), Radik Salikhov (Kazan), Ilnur Minnullin (Kazan), Konstantin Mochenov (Khimki), Oksana Afanasyeva (Moscow), Vyacheslav Mishin (Khimki).

Approved by decision of the Council of the Zainsky Municipal District of December 26, 2006 No. 98. Included in the State Heraldic Register of the Russian Federation under No. 2878. Included in the State Heraldic Register of the Republic of Tatarstan under No. 97.


Due to the fact that the region is economically well developed, it is attractive from the point of view of internal migration. So, one example of 2022 shows what an attractive place this part of Russia occupies for its residents.

During this calendar period, 4,419 people came here as internal migrants. But it is worth noting that there are also those leaving, 31,550 people. Some of them are internally displaced, while others. immigrate outside the country.

But, despite this, Tatarstan still remains quite attractive from the point of view of economic development.

“The fortress city stands on the Steppe Zai”: an employee of the Zainsky museum spoke about the history of the city

(From the history of the status and power structures of the city of Zainsk (before 1917) Continued. Start HERE

For your information, today, thanks to this plan of 1801, it is possible to determine with an accuracy of one meter the place where the fortress stood, which laid the foundation for our city.

The management of cities (suburbs) in ancient times was concentrated in the hands of governors - governors, who were appointed by princes. (A voivode in Ancient Rus' in its original meaning was the commander of a princely squad; from the 15th century, the governors of the sovereign in cities began to be called voivodes.) Upon their appointment, voivodes received a mandate (mandatory memory, letter), which spelled out the main tasks of the voivode, their job responsibilities .

Genuine, eloquent evidence of this form of government is the “Commemoration of Voivode I. L. Turgenev with his appointment as a Voivode in Zainsk” dated June 16, 1675 and the “Act of Voivode Turgenev’s acceptance of the city of Zainsk” dated March 28, 1676.

The texts (full copies) of these most valuable documents were sent to our museum on January 31, 1987 by Boris Petrovich Repeykov. He was in 1940-1944. studied at the Faculty of History and Philology of KSU and at the same time worked there as a teacher in the military department, then graduated from the Republican Higher Party School and in the late 1940s. worked in the Zainsky district committee of the CPSU (b). (https://tatfrontu.ru/person/repeykov-boris-petrovich)

In his accompanying letter, B.P. Repeikov, in particular, wrote: “Both documents refer to the period of the completion of the creation of the Russian multinational centralized state and the strengthening of autocracy in Russia in the 17th century. They contain a detailed description of the fortified city, the functions and methods of activity of the governor, and his main task. The first document was drawn up in 1675 in Kazan by the Tsar’s protege Yuri Ivanovich Romodanovsky based on a letter from Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich... Both documents about the Zainsk town give, however, not a complete, but extremely vivid picture of the economic and social structure of the environs of Kazan and Zainsk, especially in the second half of the 17th century century. In general, important material for the study of the Zakamsk line.” (In 2002, at the request of the Zainsk Museum of Local Lore, employees of the Scientific Library of KSU named after V.I. Lenin - now KFU - kindly allowed us to photograph the primary sources of these ancient manuscripts.)

I bring to your attention these documents (their complete copies) in the form in which they came to us through the thickness of time, and as they were subsequently read by historians. It seems to me that this will allow us to “hear the living speech” of people from the distant 17th century, to feel its special flavor and uniqueness.

So, we read “Instructive Memory”. “Summer 7183 (1675) June on the 16th day (Reference: 7183 - “from the creation of the world”, 1675 - “from the Nativity of Christ.”) Great Sovereign Tsar and Grand Duke Alexei Mikhailovich of all Great and Small and White Russia The autocrat ordered the tenant, Ivan Levontievich Turgenev, for his services and for the death of his parents, to be in his great sovereign's service in the Kazan suburb of Zainsk, a tenant on Zakharyin's Stepanovo place. And to change him to Ivan evo Stepan March on the first day of 7184 (1676) and the great sovereign, a letter about that to Kazan to the boyar and governors to Prince Yury Ivanovich Romodanovsky and his comrades was sent with him to Ivan and Ivan, having arrived in Kazan, the great sovereign tsar and great Prince Alexei Mikhailovich of all great and small and white Russia, the autocrat, gave a letter to the boyar and governors, Prince Yurya Ivanovich and his comrades, and according to that great sovereign’s letter, the boyar and governor, Prince Yurya Ivanovich and his comrades, told him Ivan to go to Zainsk and Ivan, having arrived in Zainsk, to receive from Stepan Zakharyin the city of Zainsk and the fort and the city and prison keys and in the city and in the fort there is an outfit and the great sovereign in the treasury is potion and lead and all sorts of cannon reserves and money and in the granaries all sorts of supplies and in the retreat hut of the former great sovereign there are orders and letters and Kazan decree letters and books of income and expenses and money and bread of all sorts of the great sovereign's affairs that are on the face of both the servants and tenants of all ranks of people on horseback and on foot, name lists and the city and prison buildings, paintings and everything with it, and according to the name lists of all ranks of people, revise everyone on to inspect the face and the guard spinning and hiding places and in what number he Ivan will come to Zainsk and how much money Stepan Zakharyin the great sovereign has in the treasury and along with potions and lead and all sorts of cannon reserves and the great sovereign will take all sorts of business and Ivan will write to everyone about it in Kazan to the boyar and governor Prince Yury Ivanovich and his fellow servicemen, send name lists with his own hand, and in the sovereign treasury in money and bread and in all income according to receipts and expenditure books, he should not count Ivan evo Stepan, but he was ordered to count them in Kazan from then on places like him Stepan was ordered to be in Zainsk and that they would respect him and then he would be sent to Kazan to the sovereign’s treasury and being he Ivan in the service of the great sovereign, do all sorts of things according to this great sovereign’s order and according to previous orders and according to Kazan’s formal replies.

(To be continued) Lyudmila Simonova, researcher at the Zainsk Museum of Local Lore

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