Rasskazovo, Tambov region, Russia

Coat of arms of Rasskazovo
A countryRussia
Subject of the federationTambov Region
Urban districtRasskazovo
Population▼ 45,484[1] people (2010)
Telephone code+7 47531
Official sitelink
OKATO code68 401
First mention1698
ChapterKolmakov Alexey Nikolaevich
City with1926
CoordinatesCoordinates: 52°40′00″ N. w. 41°53′00″ E. d. / 52.666667° n. w. 41.883333° E. d. (G) (O) (I) 52°40′00″ n. w. 41°53′00″ E. d. / 52.666667° n. w. 41.883333° E. d. (G) (O) (I)
Center height150 m
Vehicle code68

Rasskazovo is a city in Russia, of regional subordination, the regional center of the Tambov region, founded in 1698.

The city is located in the central part of the Oka-Don (Tambov) plain, on the Lesnoy Tambov River (the right tributary of the Tsna), at the confluence of the Arzhenka River, 10 km from the Platonovka South-Eastern Railway station, 40 km east of Tambov .

Description of the coat of arms: The coat of arms of the city of Rasskazovo is a heraldic French shield. At the top of the shield is the Tambov coat of arms. At the bottom there is a silver skin on a scarlet field, on which there is a ball of black wool (yarn). Twenty-four golden ears surround the skin around its circumference. The scarlet color of the field symbolizes the hard work of the population. The ears symbolize the fact that the first settlers were engaged in agriculture and achieved very high success in this matter. The main elements of the coat of arms - a skin and a ball of wool - symbolize the first industries that brought industrial glory to the city. The coat of arms was approved by a session of the City Council on April 27, 2011 and was first used at the industrial exhibition (fair) of Rasskazovsky manufacturers, which took place on May 1, 2011 at the Festival Park shopping center in the city of Tambov. In the future, the image of the coat of arms will be used on street signs and municipal buildings.

Description of the flag: The flag of the city of Rasskazovo will appear for the first time at festive events on May 9, 2011.


  • 4 km south of Rasskazovo there is an island section of the forest “Soulless Bush” (an area of ​​over 100 hectares), on the territory of which part of the ancient Astrakhan salt tract has been preserved. According to legend, E.I.’s troops were hiding in this forest. Pugacheva.
  • Church of St. John the Evangelist (1879)
  • Palace and park ensemble of the former estate of the Aseev manufacturers (1906)

Source: News of the Tambov Scientific Archival Commission, No. 55, 1913, article by S.A. Bereznegovsky (1797-1868) “On the Pugachev Rebellion”; also Essays from the history of the Tambov region, issue No. 2, 1883, essay by I.I. Dubasov (1843-1913) “Pugachevshchina in the Tambov-Shatsky region.”


Physiographic location

Located in the central part of the Oka-Don (Tambov) plain, on the Lesnoy Tambov River (right tributary of the Tsna), at the confluence of the Arzhenka River: 10 km from the South-Eastern Railway Platonovka railway station, and approximately the same distance from the former Rasskazovo station (currently closed; now it is the Rasskazovo stopping point on the Rada - Platonovka section, 40 km east of Tambov).

Time zone

The city operates on Moscow time, time zone MSK (UTC+3)[8].


The city has a temperate continental climate, with moderately cold, snowy winters and warm, fairly humid summers. The minimum amount of precipitation falls in March and averages 31 mm. The greatest amount of precipitation falls in July - an average of 67 mm. The hottest month of the year is July, with an average temperature of +20.2 °C. The coldest month is January with an average temperature of −9.8 °C[9].

City `s history

The village of Rasskazovo has been known since 1698, when Morshansky peasant Stepan Rasskaz built his home here and peasants began to settle around it, mainly from the Tambov villages of Kulikovo and Morsha.

In the 18th – early 20th centuries it was famous for its handicraft industries: knitting stockings, tanning leather, producing candles and soap. The sheepskin and fur trade was developed in the surrounding villages. in 1754, cloth factory production arose in Rasskazov.

City status since 1926.

The modern city of Rasskazovo is an industrial satellite city of Tambov.


Village Rasskazovo

The first settlers on the territory of the modern city of Rasskazovo appeared at the end of the 17th century. “Children of the boyars” received plots of land on the banks of Lesnoy Tambov for faithful public service. And by the end of the 18th century, all the land given as a reward for service belonged to a dozen small landowners. The founder of the city is considered to be the peasant Stepan Rasskaz. Despite his low origins, Stepan was considered a very rich man. He managed to obtain a plot of fertile land next to the estates of the “nobles.” The story founded a settlement called Lesnoy Tambov.

The first mention of this village dates back to documentation from 1699. At the beginning of the 18th century, the village received a double name - Lesnoy Tambov, Rasskazovo also. The village grew quickly due to its favorable location, the presence of a river and a forest. Even the destructive raids of the Kalmyks could not prevent the growth of the settlement. Since 1704, palace peasants from Ryazan, Moscow and Tula districts began to be resettled in the village. After the Church of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian was built in Rasskazovo, the village became a village and received its third name - Theological. The names Lesnoy Tambov and Bogoslovskoye did not catch on, as they were not unique. The name Rasskazovo (or Rasskazovshchina) was assigned to the settlement.

Rasskazovo was considered a large village. According to the census of 1719, 3.5 thousand people lived in it. Since the palace peasants were obliged to pay taxes to the treasury, crafts and agriculture intensively developed in Rasskazovo, which, in turn, led to the development of trade. Rasskazovsky peasants regularly exported meat, bread, livestock, livestock products, etc. to Tambov fairs. In the second half of the 18th century, the annual Peter's Fair opened in Rasskazovo itself.

Industrial development of the village in the 18th century

The favorable location of Rasskazovo attracted “trading people”. The first industrial enterprises appeared in the village already in the middle of the 18th century, while in other, larger settlements of the Russian Empire, industrial development was observed mainly in the 19th century. The first enterprise of Rasskazovo was a distillery built by the Moscow merchant Afanasy Demidov. Mentions of this plant can be found in documents dating back to 1744. The company did not last long and closed after the death of its founder. In those same years, independent settlements began to form on the left bank of Lesnoy Tambov: Tulyany (Big and Small), Bogoslovka, Kurilovka, Salmanovka.

In 1754, Voronezh merchants Olesov and Tulinov received the right to build a cloth factory in the village of Bogoslovka. The construction of factory workshops began on the left bank of the river. A cloth and knitting factory stands on this site today. In addition to textile production, a glass factory appeared on Rasskovskaya land. Olesov and Tulinov were considered quite progressive owners. Both came from factory workers, so they well understood the needs of enterprise workers. Houses were built for the workers of both factories. Enterprise employees had the opportunity to receive education and use the services of a doctor. The owners paid workers sick benefits. Olesov and Tulinov quickly found a common language with the local residents. Factory workers respected their employers.

Pugachev revolt

In 1774, the residents of Rasskazovo faced a serious test - the Pugachev riot. Every day, Pugachev’s henchmen came closer to Tambov, practically encountering no resistance. In August 1774, one of the rebel detachments approached Rasskazovo and set up camp. The detachment was awaiting reinforcements for further actions. Many Tambov residents left the city upon learning of Pugachev’s approach. Residents of Rasskazovo also felt uneasy. They understood that the Pugachevites would plunder their farms. The factory owners were also afraid of the rebels' actions. Tulinov and Olesov decided to use a trick to avoid aggression from the Pugachevites. The manufacturers sent gifts to the rebel camp. Then they invited the best fighters to the village and promised to swear allegiance to the “sovereign.” At the same time, a peasant militia was created in Rasskazovo. A small military team was dispatched from Tambov.

On August 21, the best fighters of the detachment and their leader Kirpichnikov arrived in the village, where they were given a hospitable reception. Then a magnificent feast was organized in the courtyard of the cloth factory. At night, the drunken Pugachevites were captured. The rest of the squad tried to come to the aid of their comrades. However, the bridge collapsed in front of the rebels. They opened fire on the Pugachevites. The prisoners were sent to Tambov, and all their property went to the factory owners. The descendants of Olesov and Tulinov were awarded titles of nobility for their loyalty in serving the fatherland of the founders of Rasskazov enterprises.

Rasskazovo at the end of the 18th – beginning of the 19th century

At the end of the 18th century, Rasskavsky land was granted to the Arkharov brothers. Most of the village of Rasskazovo found itself in serfdom. In 1801, some peasants were resettled to a new location. Thus, new settlements were founded: the villages of Ivanovka and Nikolskoye. The Arkharovs founded a park in Rasskazovo (today the City Garden) and built an estate. Dams and mills were built in the village. A cloth factory was erected on the site of the modern Biochemical Plant.

At the turn of the 18th–19th centuries, significant changes took place in Bogoslovka. The factories of Olesov and Tulinov were bought by Matvey Malin, whose son married Tulinov’s daughter. In 1811, Alexander Poltoratsky moved to Rasskazovo. His son married Tulinov's granddaughter. Malina merchants owned the factory until 1858. From their surname came the name of one of the microdistricts of the modern city. Several generations of the Poltoratskys lived in Rasskazovo, who were not only landowners and factory owners. Some representatives of the Poltoratsky family held government positions.

Nikolai Arkharov died in 1814. A year later, his brother Ivan died. The estate went to Ivan’s daughter and his granddaughter. However, the heiresses preferred to live in St. Petersburg, where they led an idle and luxurious life. They refused to manage the estate, seeing nothing in Rasskazovo other than a source of constant and considerable income (village residents were subject to new taxes every year). In 1836, Ivan Arkharov’s daughter, Marya, dies. The estate, which was in decline by that time, passed on to her son. A guardianship council was established over the estate. Residents of Rasskazovo turned to the tsar with a petition to return them to the state department.

Second half of the 19th century

In 1852, Rasskazovo again had a private owner. The estate was bought by Lieutenant Alexander Antsiferov. The new owner was extremely cruel. He wanted to establish his own order in the village. The Rasskazovites, despite their serfdom, are accustomed to living freely, according to their own laws. They didn't like the new owner. Antsiferov lived on the estate for only 3 years, and then was shot. Burmistr Antsiferov was stabbed to death.

After the death of Alexander Antsiferov, the estate was divided between his sisters: Maria Bulgakova, Evgenia Mosolova and Tatyana Vetchinina-Picher. Maria's heir was her son Alexander Bulgakov. After the death of his mother, he begins to establish a household. Horse and sheep breeding farms, a mill, a winery, and an orchard appeared in Alexander's possessions. In the 1860s, the annual Theological Fair was established on the Bulgakov estate, held on the territory of today's stadium and market. In 1912, Alexander divided his possessions between his heirs, and died a few years later.

In the List of populated places of the Tambov province, according to information from 1862, Rasskazovo is listed as the owner's village of Razskazovo

Tambov district near the Arzhinka and Tambovka rivers. The village had 704 houses and 4,866 residents of both sexes - 2,401 males and 2,465 females; there were an Orthodox church, a fair, a postal station, a cloth factory, 2 potash factories and 60 tanneries. On Sundays, markets were held in the village.

In 1861, serfdom was abolished. Peasants begin to unite into societies. This is how the 1st and 2nd Ragozinsky, Poltoratsky, Bibikovsky and Bulgakovsky societies appeared. Rasskazvo becomes the center of the volost of the same name. Liberation from serfdom led to the rapid development of trade and crafts in the Rasskazovskaya volost. New enterprises are beginning to open, attracting workers from other volosts. The population is constantly growing. The village is gradually turning into a large industrial center of the Tambov province. Until 1917, 13 new schools were built in the volost, and literacy courses for adults appeared. Hospitals and pharmacies are opening. At the end of the 1880s, electricity was installed in the parish. In Rasskazovo itself, several consumer, insurance and credit societies operated, and branches of various banks were opened. Public organizations appeared in the village, for example, a fire brigade. Libraries and theaters opened.

Early 20th century

At the beginning of the twentieth century, Rasskazovo continued its development: a telephone and cinema appeared in the village. During the First World War, evacuation hospitals operated on the territory of the volost. The population of the village and volost grew steadily. By the revolutionary year of 1917 it had increased to 27 thousand people. Back in the 19th century, leather, grain, wine and other manufactories were founded in Rasskazovo, which attracted new residents to the village. The industrial growth of Rasskazovo worried Tambov factory owners, who were afraid of competition. Tambov industrialists did everything possible to ensure that railway construction bypassed Rasskazovo. At the beginning of the twentieth century, thanks to the efforts of Rasskav merchants, a narrow-gauge railway was built into the village, along which steam locomotives moved to one of the local factories.

The literacy of the population of Rasskazovo has always been at a high level. This fact can be considered one of the peculiarities of the village, since in many, even quite large settlements of the Russian Empire, there were few literate people. The second, no less interesting feature of Rasskazovo was its religious composition. One-sixth of the village consisted of sectarians: Subbotniks, Khlysty, Molokans, etc.

The beginning of the new century brought many trials to the residents of Rasskazovo. The war with Japan and several years of poor harvests led to sharp increases in food prices. Working conditions at local enterprises were very difficult. In 1905, the first strikes began. Uprisings and pogroms were avoided thanks to the timely intervention of government troops. Factory owners made significant concessions: workers' wages were increased, construction of new housing for factory workers began, and workshops began to be renovated at enterprises.

Revolution and civil war

The concessions made by the factory owners did not reduce the number of dissatisfied people among the proletariat. The news of the February revolution brought hopes for an improvement in life. The storytellers were inspired, which led to an increase in social activity. However, by autumn the euphoria gradually wears off. The population lost confidence in the new government. Strikes began.

The October Revolution was greeted by residents of Rasskazovskaya volost quite indifferently. People have already become disillusioned with the revolution. Nationalized enterprises were gradually closed, which led to a sharp increase in the number of unemployed. Stores were emptying, and the rise in food prices did not stop. In May 1918, a rebellion broke out in the volost. The Red Army detachment was disarmed, its commanders were killed. The parish council was dissolved. On the night of May 23, military personnel arrived from Tambov. A huge number of residents of Rasskazovo were arrested and then shot.

Riots and unrest in Rasskazovo itself and the volost did not subside even after the arrests and executions. The erroneous food policy of the new government led to the complete ruin of the peasants, who died en masse from hunger. In 1920, a new uprising broke out under the leadership of Alexander Antonov, the former chief of the Kirsanovsky district police. The first attempts to capture Rasskazovo were unsuccessful. It was possible to take the village only in 1921. After the village was captured, the population of Rasskazovo attacked the food warehouses left by the Red Army soldiers. Antonov freed the concentration camp prisoners, took several hundred prisoners, and then left Rasskazovo.

The news that the village had been captured displeased Lenin. Vladimir Ilyich was well acquainted with the industrial potential of Rasskazovo, which he wrote about more than once in his works. On Lenin's initiative, additional military forces were sent to the Tambov province. It was necessary to create a special army to combat the constantly spreading banditry. A few months later, the peasant uprising was brutally suppressed.

City status

The revolution and the civil war that followed brought only destruction and devastation to the village of Rasskazovo. The population in Rasskazovo decreased to 17 thousand people. It was only in 1923 that the main Rasskazovsky enterprises were able to organize their work. However, they were unable to reach the pre-revolutionary level of production. Of the thirteen Rasskav schools, only five were able to resume work. During the years of the revolution and civil war, schools were closed, as teachers were considered counter-revolutionaries and equated with kulaks and clergy. One of the clearest evidence of the destructiveness of revolutionary and military upheavals is the opening of five orphanages (before the revolution there was only one). In 1923, Rasskazovo was equated to urban-type settlements. City status was granted in December 1926.

The economic development of the city increased significantly under the NEP. Numerous unions, cooperatives, trusts and artels begin to work in Rasskazovo. However, relative economic prosperity lasted only until the early 30s. In the 1930s, a decree was issued to liquidate such enterprises. Many workers and organizers of trusts and artels were repressed.

In 1930, a radio center appeared in Rasskazovo. Then a club theater named after S. Kirov was built. By 1937, the water supply system was completed. The narrow gauge road was replaced by a wide gauge one. From the early 20s to the 30s, several churches were closed in Rasskazovo and surrounding settlements: some were used for household needs, others were destroyed. Church cemeteries were also closed or desecrated. Military actions prevented the complete destruction of the Church of St. John the Theologian. The church was only partially dismantled. Since 1945, services have resumed here. In 1947, the church was consecrated again.

The Great Patriotic War

Thousands of residents of Rasskazovo went to the front in 1941 to defend their homeland from the Nazi invaders. During the war years, mostly women worked in city enterprises. Residents of the city sent parcels with clothes and tobacco to the front, and collected money for the creation of new military equipment. Several evacuation hospitals were opened in Rasskazov and its environs.

The enterprises had to work around the clock. The Arzhen factory was able to deliver 10 tons of yarn in April 1943. Members of the Pyatiletka artel decided to build the aircraft at their own expense. By the end of the year, the artel planned to save 500 thousand decimeters of leather. Artel "Energy" produced unscheduled products worth 10 thousand rubles. The products were donated to the Red Army Fund. In November 1944, fundraising began for the construction of torpedo boats, which were to be called “Rasskazovsky Komsomolets”. In just one day, at least seventy thousand rubles were collected. Then, in a matter of days, more than three hundred thousand rubles were collected. During the 4 years of the war, the storytellers contributed more than 4 million rubles to the Red Army fund.

Life in the city during the war years was not easy. Prices have increased significantly. Manufactured goods and food products could only be purchased using cards. However, the standards issued were not enough. The state provided support to those most in need. For example, military families were given benefits worth 6 million rubles over 4 years. Pensions worth 3 million rubles were paid to disabled veterans of the Patriotic War. In addition, single and large mothers received benefits. In addition to money, those in need were given shoes and clothing.

Despite the difficulties of wartime, city enterprises continued to produce products. It was during the war years that Rasskazovo began to be considered a major industrial center. There was a need to separate the city into an independent administrative-territorial unit. In May 1943, Rasskazovo was classified as a city of regional subordination.

Post-war years

After the end of the war, 10 of the best fighters of the city and region received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. In peacetime, it began with the restoration of the national economy. Over the several post-war decades, many new enterprises opened in the city, which became known not only in the region and country, but also abroad. As at the beginning of the twentieth century, the city is becoming a rapidly developing industrial center. Some of the enterprises that opened in the pre- and post-war years have already closed: the low-voltage equipment plant, the Arzhensky cloth factory, the Rasskazovskaya cloth factory, the knitting factory and others.

More than a dozen secondary, vocational and specialized schools and colleges appeared on the territory of Rasskazovo. New kindergartens and nurseries are opening. 2 recreation parks were opened in the city. Almost every enterprise had its own club, stadium or sports complex. Most streets in the city now have asphalt and lighting. The population increased to fifty thousand people.

In the early 90s, the devastation of the Civil War returned to Rasskazovo. Many businesses, schools, hospitals and kindergartens were closed. City recreation areas and parks gradually turned into dumping grounds. Most of the architectural monuments were destroyed. Despite the fact that the “dashing 90s” are long gone, the city has still not managed to overcome the consequences of the economic crisis.


  1. 12
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Throughout its history, Rasskazovo developed primarily as a center of cloth production.

The most famous enterprise was the Arzhensky Cloth Factory named after the Red Army (before the 1917 revolution - the Cloth Factory of the brothers M.V. and V.T. Aseev), liquidated in 2004 and destroyed in 2022.

The second enterprise in terms of the number of workers was an agricultural enterprise - the State Pedigree Poultry Farm (now OJSC PPZ Arzhenka), which has been in bankruptcy proceedings since 2016.

In the 1990s, many enterprises in the city (especially those related to light industry: the production of woolen fabrics, leather production) either completely disappeared or sharply reduced production volumes[30].

In the 2000s, in the Rasskazovsky district, near the village of Nikolskoye, the largest deposit of ilmenite-rutile-zirconium sands in Russia was discovered[31].

The main enterprises of the city include:

  • Tannery; (It does not work)
  • Biochemical plant;
  • Spetsstroymashremont;
  • Metal structures plant "SVS-Tekhnika"; (It does not work)
  • Plempttice; (It does not work)
  • Rasskazovsky Electrotechnical Plant.

Famous people

  • Sergeev-Tsensky, Sergei Nikolaevich - writer[34].
  • Markov, Moisei Aleksandrovich - physicist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences[35].
  • Cherkasov, Evgeniy Aleksandrovich - lieutenant, commander of battery No. 19 BM-13 (Katyusha) in the 19th Army of the Western Front [36] [37].
  • Kotov, Alexey Ignatievich - Participant of the Great Patriotic War, guard captain, commander of the mortar company of the 239th Guards Rifle Regiment.
  • Lenkov, Alexander Sergeevich - Soviet and Russian theater and film actor. People's Artist of Russia (1997)[38].
  • Komyagin, Alexander Valerievich - Hero of the Russian Federation[39].
  • Ovchinnikov, Vyacheslav Viktorovich - Russian military leader, Colonel General, Doctor of Law.
  • Pankov, Sergei Ivanovich - Soviet military leader, participant in the Civil War, the battles for Rasskazovo, the suppression of the Tambov Uprising, the Great Patriotic War. During the Great Patriotic War, Pankov was a major general.
  • Popov, Boris Petrovich - Hero of the Soviet Union[40].
  • Guseva, Klara Ivanovna - Olympic champion in speed skating, born[41] in the village of Picher, Rasskazovsky district[42].
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