The city of Yeysk: where it is located, economy, areas, recreation and attractions for tourists

One of the popular resorts in Kuban is the city of Yeysk, located on the shores of the Azov Sea, 170 km from Rostov-on-Don and 250 km from Krasnodar.

The city is located on the Yeisk Peninsula, washed on both sides by the sea. On the one hand, this is the Beysug Estuary and the Sea of ​​Azov, on the other, the Taganrog Bay and the Yeisk Estuary, into which the Yeya River flows. Sand spits Yasenskaya, Yeiskaya, Kamyshevatskaya, Dolgaya extend from the peninsula into the sea.

Near the city there is Lake Khanskoye, whose sulfate mud is used in sanatorium treatment.

It is believed that Kuban begins with Yeisk, as the northernmost city of the Krasnodar Territory.


The fame of the southern resort was created by Yeysk’s excellent climate; one of its features is the absence of sudden temperature changes. Where the city of Yeysk is, the mild winter does not last long, snow usually falls for 1-2 weeks, but frosts do occur.

But summer begins in May and ends at the end of September. The average air temperature in May and September is +17, in the summer months +25. With an air humidity of 60%, this represents comfortable weather. In summer there are thunderstorms and a refreshing wind often blows.

In May they begin to swim, because... the water warms up to 18 degrees. In June-August, the water temperature off the coast is at least +23…+26. In September, the water and air temperatures become equal, and the velvet season begins.

Population of Yeysk

In 2022, the population of the city of Yeysk was 83 thousand people. The dynamics of the number of residents shows steady growth until 2012, with local periods of decline in certain periods. Since 2012, there has been a steady decline. Total losses in recent years amounted to 5 thousand people. Yeysk ranks 199th out of 1,113 cities in Russia in terms of population.

The population density of Yeysk is 577 people/km2.

The national composition is dominated by Russians (92.92%). They are followed by Ukrainians (2.47%), and in third place are Armenians (0.93%). The share of other nationalities is even smaller.

History of the city of Yeisk

A convenient port on the Yeisk Peninsula in the Middle Ages was often used by sailing Genoese traders, sheltering from the storms of the Sea of ​​​​Azov. A small town appeared at the end of the 18th century. as a residence for Khan Shan-Girey, supported by Russia. It was here that a manifesto was voiced in 1783, which secured the rights of the Russian Empire to Crimea and Kuban. In 1848, Prince M. Vorontsov supported the proposal of Ataman G. Rasp to build a port city.

In a couple of years, the city was thoroughly rebuilt, but soon suffered greatly during the Crimean War.

During the Civil War, fierce battles took place for Yeysk; it was a symbol of the “red” power.

In the 30s, industry began to develop in Yeisk, a military pilot school appeared, from which about 300 Heroes of the Soviet Union emerged.

During the Second World War, Yeysk was occupied; restoration began immediately after the Nazis left in 1943.

Yeisk and Poddubny

The history of Yeisk is inseparable from the life story of Ivan Maksimovich Poddubny (1871 - 1949) - one of the most outstanding professional wrestlers in the world. Here he lived the last 22 years of his life. Paying tribute to his services in classical (French, Greco-Roman) wrestling, during his lifetime he was called “Champion of Champions.” Over the 40 years of his career, he certainly lost some fights, but did not lose a single championship or tournament. Ivan Maksimovich was born in the Poltava province. His entire family was famous for its heroic strength. One of the ancestors in the Battle of Poltava showed remarkable abilities, taking the Swedish soldiers at the bayonet. At the height of the battle, he captured the banner of one of the enemy units. As a reward, the hero was given a silver box with a large sum of money. At the end of the war, he started a farm on them in the Poltava region.

Like his ancestors, Ivan was also not deprived of strength. Since childhood, he had to do hard peasant work. At the age of 22, he went to work in Crimea, to work as a loader in the Sevastopol port. Many of his colleagues were surprised at the newcomer's natural strength. He hefted a huge box onto his shoulders, which was beyond the strength of three loaders, and carried it along the trembling gangway. The freight company where Ivan worked soon moved to Feodosia. There, fate brought him together with two students of nautical classes who were avid athletes. They spent a long time convincing Ivan to take up sports. They told the biography of the famous athlete Karl Abs. Ivan was interested in their proposal and training began. Many “things” were new to him. Despite his natural strength, he trained hard. In 1896, the Beskaravayny circus came to Feodosia. At the end of each performance, anyone from the audience was invited to repeat some moments of the performance of the circus actors. Poddubny tried and didn’t succeed in everything. What I liked most was the belt wrestling. He was offered to work in the troupe as an athlete. From then on, his wrestling career began.

Monument to Poddubny I.M. in Yeisk park

Subsequently there were many tournaments from which he emerged victorious. Many awards and prizes were won. The whole world knew him. For fight organizers, he was an inconvenient athlete, he never agreed to an agreement (fixed fights), and always fought honestly. His main principle was: “let him lay it down if he can” (meaning “put it on his shoulder blades”). No one has been able to surpass his athletic performance. This is a very worthy example for athletes around the world to follow.

Ivan Maksimovich was completely out of politics. During the civil war, he did not side with anyone (neither the whites, nor the reds, nor the greens), but, whenever possible, continued to engage in the struggle. Afterwards he worked at the Moscow State Circus. Then he went on tour to Germany, and from there to America. In 1926, all the newspapers in the world published the following publications: “Ivan Poddubny defeated all the best wrestlers of the new world and won the title of American champion.” At that time he was 55 years old. In all fights, he asked to be recorded as a Russian wrestler. In 1939, for outstanding services in the development of Soviet sports, Ivan Maksimovich Poddubny was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. He toured and performed in the circus arena until 1941. When the war began, Ivan Maksimovich was already 70 years old. He lived in Yeisk. When the Germans approached, it was not possible to evacuate for various reasons. Ivan Maksimovich was never afraid of anything and did not change his principles during the occupation. He walked around the city without taking off the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. His worldwide fame was so great that the Germans did not pay attention to such moments. One day a car drove up to his house and a German officer got out. When Ivan Maksimovich opened the door of the house to find out what was the matter, the officer rushed to him with hugs. It turned out that it was a German wrestler with whom Poddubny had fought several times before. Ivan Maksimovich was an idol for him. They remembered the past. Ivan Maksimovich touched upon the topic of food shortages in the conversation. The body is large and at least some calories were needed so as not to die of hunger. After this meeting, the Germans allowed him to open a billiard room. He didn't work for the Germans. From the proceeds I bought food, which I used to help neighbors and many large families. This saved some from imminent death by starvation. When the Red Army arrived and he was taken away for trial, at first they did not believe that he went through the entire occupation with a Soviet order on his chest. Witnesses were interviewed who confirmed this fact. Poddubny was released.

After the liberation of Yeisk, Ivan Maksimovich again led an active life, passed on his experience to young people, and carried out extensive correspondence. At the same time, he always signed: “Russian hero Ivan Poddubny.” In 1945, the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Athletic Society was celebrated. THEM. Poddubny was awarded the title of Honored Master of Sports of the USSR.

Tomb of Poddubny I.M. in Yeisk park

Ivan Maksimovich Poddubny died on August 8, 1949 from a heart attack. The grave is located in the park that bears his name. This is the largest park in Yeysk. Guests of the city love to visit it. Not far from the grave there is a museum named after I.M. Poddubny. The world glory of Ivan Maksimovich is the glory of Russia, which he always remembered. The Germans offered him to move to Germany and train their athletes there. In response, he said: “I am a Russian wrestler. I will remain that way." Ivan Maksimovich became an example of sports longevity. How many boys wanted to become as strong as him. Sports tournaments are held in his honor, feature films and documentaries are made. People remember the great man, who can rightfully be considered the “Golden Fund of Russia”.

Architectural features

Yeysk was built according to the general plan, which was personally approved by Emperor Nicholas I. According to the plan, the streets were located perpendicular to each other. In the architectural appearance of the city center you can find all the styles that Russian architects used.

The houses of the city of Yeisk in the central region represent unique examples of architectural art of the 19th-20th centuries, about 330 buildings are architectural monuments.

Townspeople remember the names of merchants - owners of mansions in which banks, pharmacies, shops, and hairdressers were located. Among the houses that attract attention are Gostiny Dvor, the Main Post Office, and the house of the district administration.

Some streets still have cobblestone paving. At the end of the 19th century. The city authorities figured out how to pave the roads: all ships moored in the port had to bring stone as ballast, which was used for the road surface. The streets of the city of Yeisk allow you to get an idea of ​​the ancient appearance of the city; it is worth taking a walk along Sverdlov, R. Luxembourg, and the Taganrog embankment. Of interest is Shmidt Street, which has only an odd side, while the even side is in Mariupol, located across the strait.

Today, officially, there are several districts in Yeisk, including a military town, a port and industrial zone, the Solnechny microdistrict, New Massif, Shirochanka.


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According to the results of the All-Russian Population Census of 2022, the permanent population of Yeisk is 83 thousand 127 people. During the holiday season, the city's population increases significantly due to vacationers.

Geography of Yeysk

The city is located at the northeastern end of the Yeisk Peninsula, at the base of the Yeisk Spit. The coast of the city is washed from the east by the waters of the Yeisk Estuary and from the west by the waters of the Taganrog Bay of the Sea of ​​Azov.

Yeysk is the northernmost city of the Krasnodar Territory, its geographical coordinates are 46°41'00" N. w. and 38°17'00" E. d.

Distance from Yeysk:

✅to Rostov-on-Don – 198 km

✅to Krasnodar – 247 km

✅to Moscow – 1000 km

✅to St. Petersburg — 1981 km

The Yeisk climate is temperate continental, with mild winters and hot summers. Spring, as a rule, finally takes hold in the Yeisk region in mid-April, when the trees are covered with young foliage, and flowers and fruit trees bloom in city parks and gardens. By mid-May, sea water warms up to an average of +17.5 C, which allows the swimming season to open.

Summer in Yeisk is very warm and sunny, the average daily temperature in July is +30 C, relative humidity is about 60%.

The summer heat is softened by sea breezes. There are usually few rainy days, and the precipitation itself occurs, as a rule, in the form of short showers and thunderstorms. The average sea water temperature in June is +24.2 C, in July +27.9 C, in August +25.7 C.

The beginning of autumn in Yeysk is the so-called “velvet” season. The water temperature in September is +18.6 C, which allows you to extend your vacation on the coast until the end of the month. Autumn in Yeysk is characterized by sunny, relatively warm, but windy weather.

About Yeysk - history

The emergence of Yeisk was not accidental. In the 19th century, the south of Russia needed a new trading port; the fertile Kuban steppes, rich in grain, required a strong trading point.

In 1847, the initiative to create a port city at the base of the Yeisk Spit was taken by the ataman of the Black Sea Cossack army, Grigory Rasp. The idea was actively supported by the Viceroy of the Caucasus, His Serene Highness Prince Mikhail Semenovich Vorontsov, the result of whose activities was the Decree of the Sovereign Emperor Nicholas I of March 5, 1848:

“Desiring to teach the residents of the Stavropol province and the Black Sea troops new means to successfully and profitably sell agricultural products abroad and thereby promote the development of all industries in this region, on the Sea of ​​Azov, near the so-called Yeisk Spit, to open a port and establish a city, and call it the port city of Yeysk .”

Soon after the manifesto, a trading town grew up on the high shore of the Azov Sea.

The founding day of Yeysk is considered to be August 19, 1848

(August 31, 1848, new style).

The population of the young city grew rapidly. If in 1850 the city had 2,366 inhabitants, then in 1861 there were 22,447 inhabitants, and in 1912 45,578 people lived in Yeisk.

During the Crimean War of 1853-1856, Yeysk suffered greatly from shelling by the English squadron operating in the Sea of ​​Azov.

The most tragic events for Yeisk unfolded on October 22-24, 1855, when the city was attacked by an amphibious assault under incessant shelling. The landing party was dropped into the sea, but in general, during the war, every tenth house in Yeisk burned down.

In the second half of the 19th century, several educational institutions were opened in Yeisk, and most of the streets were paved. Since 1875, regular lighting has appeared in Yeisk.

By the beginning of the 20th century, Yeysk turned into a major center of international trade and became the cultural center of the South of Russia. In 1904, on the initiative of the city authorities, the port was reconstructed, and in 1911, a railway connection was opened. Since 1912, the resort business has been developing in the city. Based on the reserves of hydrogen sulfide water and mud from Khan Lake discovered in the city, a balneological resort arose that exists to this day. During the First World War, the importance of Yeysk as an international port fell: mainly rear army transport passed through it.

After the October Revolution of 1917, power in Yeisk changed hands a total of six times. Only in March 1920 was Soviet power finally established in the city.

In 1921, the Yeisk sanatorium began to function. In the 1920s and 30s, the city developed as an industrial center. During this time, (), "Selkhozzapchast" (Machine Tool Plant) and others were built. Since the early 1930s, the naval pilot school has been relocated to Yeisk, training more than three hundred heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia. In 1939, Yeisk became a city of regional subordination within the Krasnodar Territory and the administrative center of the Yeisk region.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, general mobilization began in Yeisk, as in all settlements of the USSR. Already in October 1941, German bombers from the Taganrog Bay carried out raids on the city. The occupation of the city lasted from August 1942 until early February 1943. At this time, the German Nazis carried out mass arrests and executions of Yeych residents. After liberation, Marines were stationed in the city. Daring raids behind enemy lines contributed to the liberation of such coastal cities of the Azov coast as Mariupol, Taganrog and Berdyansk.

After the end of the war, the railway station, seaport, social infrastructure, main plants and factories were restored in a short time. Every year more and more vacationers came to Yeysk, especially in the summer. The warm waters of the Taganrog Bay and the Yeisk Estuary, as well as the healing mud, attracted people from all over the country. In city parks of culture and recreation, various attractions produced in Yeisk were installed. There were concert venues, several cinemas, many cafes and restaurants in the city, several hotels operated, and the Yeysk sanatorium continued to develop. During Soviet times, the city was actively built: new residential microdistricts appeared, such as 2nd, 38th, “Solnechny”, “Military Town”.

Sights of Yeysk

Guests of our city will be interested in visiting places of historical significance for the city.

Gostiny Dvor is the historical center of the city. It just so happens that the center of southern settlements is always a generous bazaar. But the residents of Yerevan, more than a hundred years ago, were already thinking about the beauty of their city, and they tried to trade decorously, carefully, and beautifully. This is how the idea of ​​building Gostiny Dvor appeared, the prototype of which was the St. Petersburg Gostiny Dvor. Many shops and shops were united under one roof, and in the center there was a market square.

There are no buildings similar to the Yeisk Gostiny Dvor in the south of Russia. And as a worthy successor of traditions, the Yeisk market is still bright, rich, hospitable and multifaceted.

Gorky Park

A stone's throw from the bustling city center is the park named after. M. Gorky.

This is a park of comfortable benches and playgrounds, smooth alleys and quaint corners. Semicircles of paths are lined with cheerful tiles; the foliage of graceful bushes and trees brings coolness. Here grandmothers with strollers share their impressions, and young people make romantic dates.

Park named after Poddubny

Park of Culture and Leisure named after. Poddubny is the main and oldest park of the city, which was planted even before the revolution and remains a favorite vacation spot for citizens and guests of the city.

The park is equipped with a wide variety of fun and safe attractions. And yet, the main thing in the park is its special greenery, lace of foliage, unique flower beds, which landscape designers work on every year to create.

On the territory of the park there is the grave of the Russian hero-wrestler Ivan Maksimovich Poddubny, our famous fellow countryman. The words are carved on his monument

“He could defeat everyone in the world, but he could not defeat only death.”

Here is the only museum in Russia that houses a permanent exhibition introducing the life of the great athlete and promoter of a healthy lifestyle.

Monuments in Yeysk

In the old part of the city there are ancient houses with memorial signs reminding of the historical events that took place in them during the Civil War and the era of revolutionary changes. Yeysk is directly connected with all the tragic events of the people during the wars. These events are reflected in all sorts of memorials and landmarks that commemorate them.

At the entrance to the city, the “Yeisky Collective Farmer” tank is installed on a pedestal, and on the Central City Beach there is an armored boat “Yeisky Patriot” on a pedestal.

These combat vehicles contributed to the Great Victory of the Soviet people over fascism. During the Great Patriotic War, the tank and armored boat were built at the expense of Yeych residents and directly participated in the hostilities.

The tank was shot down in 1944 in Belarus, and the armored boat was raised from the bottom of the Danube River.

Monuments to Sergei Bondarchuk and Nona Mordyukova

Our fellow countrymen are such famous people as director Sergei Bondarchuk and honored film actress Nona Mordyukova. The fate of these two great people from the world of Soviet cinema was closely connected with Yeisk.

Sergei Bondarchuk, while still a schoolboy, played his first performances in Yeisk. Here he worked as an actor on the stage of the local drama theater from 1937 to 1938.

Bondarchuk is the director of such world-famous films as “The Fate of a Man,” “War and Peace,” “The Steppe,” and “They Fought for the Motherland.” For the film adaptation of Leo Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace,” the director was awarded an Oscar, which was the first among Soviet directors.

Nonna Mordyukova also spent her youth in our city. Here she learned to play the piano and guitar, and as a young girl ran with her friends to dances and to the movies. From Yeisk she went to the capital to study “to be an artist.”

In memory of the popularly beloved artists, monuments were erected in the city center, near the Premier cinema (formerly Zvezda), in 2007 and 2008. Their common author is sculptor Irina Makarova.

The image of Nona Mordyukova, captured in the monument, is a collective image of those Russian women that she created on the screen. The people's actress is depicted crouching on the steps of a house, holding a basket of ripe apricots. There are a great many of these fruit trees in Yeisk, and they grow here on almost every corner.

The total height of the monument to Sergei Bondarchuk is two meters. The director is depicted in a chair, on the back of which hangs a soldier's overcoat - the faithful companion of a common soldier. According to the author, the overcoat is a symbol of the great director’s memories of the war. After all, he was a participant in it, and devoted many of his works to the theme of the common soldier.

There are still a lot of interesting things that can be told about the sights of Yeysk, its history and monuments... But, as they say, it’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times! Come to our hospitable city to see everything with your own eyes!

Yeysk Schools

Educational institutions are located throughout Yeysk. There are city schools in all districts. There is a high percentage of graduates entering prestigious universities in the country. Educational institutions of various specializations are represented in Yeysk:

  • 12 municipal budgetary educational entities;
  • 1 evening;
  • 4 boarding schools, of which 3 are correctional, 1 is for orphans;
  • Cossack cadet corps, which is the largest in the Krasnodar region;
  • 1 gymnasium;
  • 2 art schools;
  • 2 Youth and Youth Football Schools;
  • Youth and Youth Sports School for children of the Olympic reserve.

The “Network City” system operates in educational institutions; in Yeisk, all schools are covered by it. Electronic journals and diaries are available to children, parents and teachers on a variety of mobile devices.

The “Network City” system in Yeisk allows you to control the educational process, which leads to an increase in the educational level.

The city offers training in 4 colleges, 2 vocational schools, as well as university branches.

The best areas of Yeysk to live

The resort is divided into eight districts, which in turn are divided into small neighborhoods. The most inconvenient places to live are considered to be the Yeisk Spit and the Port part. In the first case, due to customized tourist facilities (hotels, inns, cafes), in the second case, due to the presence of an enterprise with emissions into the atmosphere.

When moving to Yeysk for permanent residence, preference should be given to the best areas of the city:

  • Central;
  • Microdistricts Field of Tears and Field of Miracles;
  • 37-38 microdistricts;
  • 2nd microdistrict.

Inspection of the area always begins from the center. It’s easier to get here, any kind of transport is available. There are many historical monuments and interesting places that attract citizens. Residents of Yeisk are proud that their city has many objects from the Tsarist and Soviet eras, and there are houses in the Old Slavonic style. The architecture of the Russian people is everywhere, which is already being diluted with modern buildings. The Center is quite noisy; there are many shops, cafes, bars, and restaurants. Housing cost from 1.5 million rubles.

The Field of Tears and Field of Miracles microdistricts were originally built to accommodate the local elite. This number included officials and military personnel. All amenities (water, gas, heating, etc.) were provided in apartment and private buildings. In addition, the infrastructure was well developed - parking, markets, sports clubs, areas for walking. You can purchase real estate in these microdistricts from 3 million rubles. Apartments and townhouses for sale.

In 37-38 microdistricts there are more new buildings, where different segments of the local population are trying to move. Based on reviews from those who have moved and moved into new residential complexes, it is clear that young families want to move here. After all, it is important for them to have more free space for independent arrangement. Modern apartments are still sold as studios and without divisions into rooms.

Also pay attention to the 2nd microdistrict, private houses are sold inexpensively here. The architecture of the buildings is quite different, as they were built according to personal requests. The land plots have all the necessary buildings and garden plantings. As in the entire Krasnodar region, vegetables, herbs, fruits, and citrus fruits grow well on Yeisk land.

If you want to be closer to the sea, then consider housing options in coastal towns and villages. Like Vorontsovka, Shirochanka, Aleksandrovka. The cost of land in these places for living starts from 30 thousand - 40 thousand rubles.

On holiday in Yeysk

In Yeysk there are sanatoriums, boarding houses, many hotels, recreation centers, hotels and campsites; since 2006 the city has resort status.

About 400 thousand people come to the city of Yeysk (Krasnodar Territory) every year for vacation. The main directions of the resort city:

  1. Yeysk is often chosen by families with children, because the warm, shallow sea with sandy beaches is an excellent place to spend a vacation with kids.
  2. Mineral waters and therapeutic hydro-carbonate-sulfate and magnesium-calcium muds attract those who want to improve their health. The effectiveness of mud therapy in Yeisk is not inferior to foreign clinics.
  3. The climatic features of the region are optimal for kitesurfing, windsurfing, and yachting. Kitesurfing competitions and a yacht festival are held annually in May.
  4. Horseback riding, hiking, parachute jumping, fishing and hunting - all this can be done in Yeysk.

What is needed to move to Yeysk for permanent residence in 2022

If you can’t live in the region and want to move closer to the sea and sun, go to Yeisk for exploration. It is advisable to take a closer look at life here in the cool and summer seasons before finally moving to permanent residence. You need to check how suitable the climate is, what you can do, whether it is comfortable to live with children and in what area.

Of course, you will immediately enjoy the warm spring and hot summer, seascapes, green parks. Don't focus only on these factors. The most important issue is employment. There is no permanent job, it will be difficult to enjoy the beautiful nature and southern climate. In 2022, vacancies are published for drivers, salespeople, accountants, installers, sales managers, cooks, and waiters.

Yeisk beaches

The beach line stretches for 2.5 km along the western and eastern sides of the city; the beaches are divided into wild and comfortable. The well-maintained ones, which are located on the Yeisk Spit, have the infrastructure necessary for recreation. Wild ones are located along the railway line along the shore of the estuary.

The water in the sea is most often cloudy, but this is not mud, but a significant amount of silt impurities that are beneficial to health.

The best beaches in Yeysk:

  1. Central. 500 m of the beach line are located in the Taganrog Bay, so there are waves here. The beach is fine sand mixed with shells. At a distance of 60-70 m from the shore, the depth does not exceed 1.5 m. There are lifeguards on the beach, there is a first-aid post, toilets, changing cabins, rental of sun loungers and umbrellas.

  2. Children's, or Goat, or Melyaki. A small, only 300 m, beach is located to the left of the city port in Taganrog Bay. This territory has the shallowest sea, so the water warms up already in May. The waves bring a huge amount of sand, in which kids love to play. There are shops and cafes on the beach, and there is a water park nearby.
  3. Another beach in the Taganrog Bay is Kamenka, the name indicates that the kilometer-long coastal strip consists of small stones, which turn into sand at a distance of 2 m from the shore. The depth of the sea is 1.5 m. There is a cafe, a dolphinarium and an aquarium on the beach.
  4. The next beach on the bay is Vista. It is also quite rocky, with a gentle slope into the sea. There is a playground for children, a cafe, and recreational goods for sale. Vista turns into the Precipice beach, strewn with large pebbles.
  5. On the spit there is the oldest well-maintained beach in the city - Molodezhny. It attracts lovers of active recreation; there is a car camping site, a volleyball court, bars, clubs, and discos. The peculiarity of the beach is a sharp entrance to the water and strong undercurrents. There is a windsurfing and kitesurfing school on Molodezhny.

Along the shore of the Yeisk Estuary there are both comfortable and wild beaches, including nudist ones. The bottom is usually shallow and covered with silt.

Jobs and salary levels in the city

One of the main issues that worries those moving for permanent residence is the job situation and the average salary in the city (by the way, in another article we already talked about the cost of living in Russia). For those wishing to find a job in Yeysk, there are the following options:

  • Industrial enterprises. Industry in the city is developing, and production volumes are gradually increasing. There are more than 50 enterprises operating in Yeysk, including the seaport, but the wage conditions at many of them leave much to be desired.
  • Trade sphere. You can almost always get a job in trade. There are many supermarkets and shopping centers open here, as well as a huge number of small grocery, clothing, and furniture stores.
  • Budget institutions.

There are no wage debts at Yeisk enterprises, but there is nothing special to delay. The average salary in the public sector is 10,000–12,000 rubles. In industry it is slightly higher – 17–18 thousand rubles. For this reason, there are very few people from the North Caucasus, citizens of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan in the city: earnings are too low. But the official unemployment rate is only 0.5%, which is lower than in many Russian regions.

With the arrival of summer, the situation changes for many residents. The beach season begins, which lasts from May to October. The sea here is warm, since it is shallow, and local humane prices contribute to the influx of vacationers. Trade is reviving, summer cafes are opening. The best profits are made by the owners of mini-hotels, who at one time managed to inexpensively buy land plots near the sea.

Some townspeople live on the money they earn in the summer for a whole year. Seasonal price surges and daily rental of housing allow you to save a good amount. Those who open a small business also earn normally. By the way, bank loans are often issued for this. Working at city enterprises is not particularly popular among locals.


There are more than 600 monuments in the Yeisk region, among them:

  • monuments to famous people whose lives were connected with the city (N. Mordyukova, S. Bondarchuk, V. Vysotsky, Prince Vorontsov, A. Pushkin, etc.);
  • military-patriotic memorials (armored boat, tank, etc.);
  • religious.

There are museums in Yeysk:

  • historical and local history;
  • memorial I. Poddubny;
  • art.

In the city center there is a variety of entertainment that is interesting for both children and adults:

  • Shark Reef Oceanarium;
  • dolphinarium;
  • crocodile canyon;
  • Nemo water park with 15 water slides and 7 swimming pools;
  • ice palace "Snezhinka";
  • children's;
  • Premier cinema.

In the village of Morskoy there is an ethnographic complex “Kubansky Farm”.

In summer, excursions are organized to the Long Spit, where you can windsurf, kitesurf, fish, and the Island of the Seven Winds, inhabited by many birds.

Department of Housing and Utilities

In general, the situation with housing and communal services in Yeisk is not bad. The city is electrified and gasified. Sewerage is available in most areas, although not everywhere. The only negative is the water supply. Due to wear and tear of the water supply system, interruptions in the supply of water (both cold and hot) often occur. There is not enough pressure, so on the upper floors of multi-story buildings, water may not flow well into the taps. In some areas the water is turned off at night.

The situation is better in the private sector. The same applies to new housing complexes. Pumps and small boiler rooms are installed there. Special containers are installed in areas where water is accumulated and, if necessary, pumped from there into the resident’s water supply system. Private owners are also lucky with heating: it is autonomous, which allows you to regulate the temperature in the room yourself.

As for the price tags on housing and communal services receipts, they are quite significant.

City parks

The city of Yeysk is considered the greenest in the Krasnodar region. The largest and oldest is I. Poddubny Park, where there is a museum dedicated to him and the grave of the legendary wrestler is located.

The vast territory presents all types of attractions produced by the local factory. The 150-year-old park is a wonderful place to relax; there are fountains, benches, playgrounds everywhere, alleys with elegant flower beds, and concerts are held on summer stages.

Nearby there is a park named after. Gorky, decorated with small architectural forms, monuments, in the center of it is the St. Michael the Archangel Church. On the temple grounds there is a pond with swans and pens where poultry live.

Squares in the city of Yeysk are located in the center and on the outskirts.

Primorsky Park is located near the Taganrog embankment.

There is a round park in the city - Nikolsky, this oldest park in the city is famous for its spring.

Reviews about Yeysk

Unlike reviews of many other Russian cities, in which a negative connotation predominates, in the case of Yeisk the positive is dominant. It is especially noteworthy that users note the large amount of greenery in the city, tranquility and comfort. All this is clearly visible in numerous photographs of this locality. Nowadays, not every Russian city can boast of environmental comfort, but Yeysk is just like that. It is important that the city does not succumb to the general negative trend for the country and maintains its identity.

They write that the water in the city is good, although perhaps not everywhere. Local residents also speak positively.

There are small complaints about employment and medicine, but they are not comparable to what is written about other Russian cities.

Public transport

It is convenient to get around the city of Yeysk by minibus. The fare is 15 rubles.

Minibuses go to all areas, there are 7 directions, the most popular:

  • to city beach No. 2, 8;
  • to Kamenka beach No. 14, 7, 4;
  • to the park named after Poddubny No. 11, 7, 4, 1.

All routes pass through the central market. 2 routes are served by city bus.

Transport services are also provided by taxis, the cost of a trip around the city is 50-150 rubles.

Is Yeysk suitable for moving?

The urban population has been growing for many years due to visitors. Many northerners are deciding whether to move here permanently. In addition to the southern climate and the sea, they are attracted by the opportunity to provide children with good development and education: accessible kindergartens, schools, a palace of culture, an opera theater, a children's art school, technical schools, university branches, a military aviation institute, stadiums, swimming pools, 5 sports schools for children, Ice Palace.

With medical care, things are worse. Although there is a central district hospital, a military hospital, clinics, and dentistry, residents complain about queues and the rudeness of the staff. If possible, it is recommended to contact paid clinics.

They are embarrassed by high prices for utilities, low salaries, and poorly organized transport. The administration's official website posts regular warnings about power and water outages.

Some people are annoyed by angry mosquitoes, the smell of hydrogen sulfide, strong winds and low-flying planes. But is there an ideal place? Everywhere there are pros and cons, it is important to correctly assess their ratio.

How to get to Yeysk

It is convenient to get to the city of Yeysk (Krasnodar Territory) by various means of transport.

  1. Trains depart from the railway station to Moscow, St. Petersburg and daily trains to Starominskaya-Timashevsk.
  2. The bus station is located on the street. Kommunisticheskaya, 18. Every day buses make trips to the cities of Armavir, Belaya Kalitva, Geledzhik, Gukovo, Maykop, Novorossiysk, Novo- and Staroshcherbinovskaya, Pyatigorsk, Rostov-on-Don, Stavropol, Taganrog, Tikhoretsk, Shabelskoye. 6 flights depart to Krasnodar every day.
  3. The most convenient way to travel to Yeysk is by car. From the M-4 highway outside Rostov-on-Don, you can turn onto R-268 and drive about 160 km.

The airport is under reconstruction and is currently used only for cargo transportation. Therefore, many vacationers choose a composite route: they fly to the airport of Krasnodar or Rostov-on-Don, then take a bus to Yeysk.

Improvement. Environmental threats

While the improvement of the tourist center and embankments is on par, in other areas not everything is so rosy. For example, the asphalt surface of the roads is in poor condition.

Environmental threats of concern:

air pollution on the Krasnodar-Eysk highway;

launch of an oil loading terminal;

deterioration of treatment facilities;

spontaneous landfills.

The city administration imposes fines on violators of landscaping rules and regularly holds environmental cleanups.

Airfield [edit]

Main article: Yeysk Airport

Yeysk has a mixed military-civil airfield (ru: Yeisk (airport)), home to the Cold War-era Yeisk Military Institute and the 10th Mixed Aviation Division (4th Air Army) in the 1990s.

After the disbandment of the 10th Mixed Aviation Division, the headquarters of the 1st Guards Stalingrad Svir Mixed Aviation Division arrived. Also based at the airfield is the aviation group of the Yeisk Higher Military Institute, armed with L-39 aircraft.

In addition, the 959th Bomber Regiment, which was part of the 1st Guards Mixed Aviation Division, was previously based at the airfield. The 959th Bombardment Wing was formerly the 959th Training Aviation Regiment. [8] In September 2009, in connection with the transfer of the airfield from the Navy Air Force, the regiment was disbanded, and its composition became part of the Su-24 aircraft redeployed to the Morozovsk airfield (6970th air base, 7th brigade of the Aerospace Defense ).

On February 1, 2010, the 859th Naval Aviation Training Center opened at the airfield under the leadership of Major General Alexei Serdyuk. To ensure the educational process, training units will be redeployed from the Ostrov airbase (Pskov region) and the village of Kacha. More than a thousand people will be attracted to the service center from previously disbanded and civilian personnel.

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