What to see in Ryazan in 1 day - 17 most interesting places

Ryazan is one of the oldest cities in Central Russia. Being the capital of the principality of the same name, which officially became part of the Russian state only in the 16th century, it developed and lived according to its own scenario. History is full of tragic events and dizzying ups, the memory of which is preserved in museums and architectural monuments. In addition, the name of S.A. is inextricably linked with this city. Yesenin, who sincerely loved his small homeland. There are a lot of attractions here and it is simply impossible to see them in one day, on your own or with a tour. But still, if you plan the route correctly, you can get an idea of ​​the city, its past and present. We'll tell you what you can see in Ryazan in 1 day on your own.

Ryazan Kremlin

The Kremlin is the historical and actual center of the city, its soul and heart. This is the calling card of the city, its main attraction. And this is where you need to start your acquaintance walk. Today, its territory is a museum-reserve, which includes 18 objects built in the 11th-18th centuries.

At the time of its foundation, in 1095, the Kremlin was a wooden fortress surrounded by an earthen rampart (which has survived to this day) and a moat with water. Local peasants and fishermen settled around it. Stone construction began quite late in the city. The Glebov Tower was the first to be rebuilt in the 16th century. The architectural dominant of the Kremlin is the Assumption Cathedral. The oldest building is considered to be another cathedral, the Nativity of Christ Cathedral. Also interesting is Oleg's Palace - a civil building in which bishops lived for a long time.

It is located at Kremlin, building 15. You can get there by any public transport that goes to the Sobornaya Square stop. The doors are open to visitors on any day except Monday from 10-00 to 18-00. There are 6 expositions on the territory of the Kremlin, the entrance ticket to each is paid separately and costs from 50 to 130 rubles. A single one will cost 315.

Nativity of Christ Cathedral

The Nativity of Christ Cathedral is the oldest building in the Kremlin. The approximate date of its foundation is 1483. True, then it was called differently - Uspensky. It was renamed in 1680, after another huge temple was built nearby and the “central” status passed to it. Initially, the cathedral was built not only as a religious center, but also as a tomb for princes and their wives. Unfortunately, in the 18th century the vault collapsed and the tombs were destroyed. After the restoration, the tradition resumed, but now the highest ministers of the church were buried here.

It is here that the relics of the main saint of the Ryazan land, Vasily of Ryazan, rest. The Nativity of Christ Cathedral is active. Anyone can look at its interior decoration and frescoes of the 19th century, which were partially restored. True, you will have to “adapt” to the schedule of services - it is posted on a stand near the temple.

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  • What to bring from Ryazan - TOP 15 souvenirs
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Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery

Another attraction of the Kremlin is the active Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery. Experts cannot say when his story began. The first official mentions date back to 1522. However, at that time, “the morning gospel began with the bell of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery.” This means that it has already existed for quite a long time and managed to earn a certain status. Unfortunately, Soviet times became difficult for the monastery. The cemetery, where noble Ryazan residents had been buried for hundreds of years, was completely destroyed, and a beautiful garden was destroyed.

Despite the fact that in 1935 the complex was transferred to the jurisdiction of the district museum, for a long time the premises, even the central Epiphany Church, were used as residential premises. Restoration began only in 1996. Unfortunately, most of the heritage has been lost. Currently, the monastery is active, so tourist access to it is limited. But, nevertheless, everyone can enjoy the magnificent architecture of the ensemble.

Assumption Cathedral

The Assumption Cathedral is the architectural center of the Ryazan Kremlin. Its construction began in 1677 - by this time the old temple had ceased to meet the needs of the townspeople, and an alternative was needed. The work took quite a long time and was completed in August 1702. The fate of the Assumption Cathedral was not easy. Already in 1703, its middle head was broken by the wind. What followed was a series of misfortunes. In addition, the political and economic status of the city has changed. By the end of the 18th century, the temple was in such a state that the townspeople were afraid to even walk past. Services were no longer conducted there.

The merchants Gavriil Ryumin and Pyotr Malshin gave him a new life in 1804. Soviet times were also difficult - from a religious Assumption Cathedral it turned into an administrative and political center. It housed a variety of government organizations. Currently the cathedral is operational. In the summer, services are held there every day; in winter it is impossible to get inside. And there is something to see there - the eight-tiered iconostasis, which has miraculously survived to this day, amazes the imagination of even seasoned travelers. But the paintings on the walls, alas, have been lost.

What to see in Ryazan on your own

General view of complex of architectural monuments of Ryazan Kremlin located on hill in Russian city of Ryazan
When visiting any city, especially when there is very little time, you want to walk through the most important and significant places for history and the city in just 1 day. Excursions are a fairly long process; it’s faster to go through everything on your own. There are many historical places and places of recreation; there is a lot to see in Ryazan.

Sights of the Ryazan region:

  • Ryazan Kremlin
  • Aquapark
  • Boris and Gleb Cathedral
  • Gingerbread gallery
  • Kazan Convent in Ryazan
  • Museum of Airborne Forces in Ryazan
  • Long-Range Aviation Museum at the Dyaghilevo airbase
  • Museum-reserve "Estate of S. N. Khudekov"
  • Museum of the History of the Youth Movement
  • Museum of the History of Ryazan Candy
  • Fairy tale museum "Zabava"
  • Pavlov's Estate Museum
  • Ryazan embankment

This is only a small list of attractions, but it is already enough to completely occupy your day or two days.

Sights of Ryazan on the map

Palace of Prince Oleg

The largest civil building on the territory of the Kremlin, which was built in stages over the 18th-19th centuries - first, under the leadership of the architect Yu.K. Ershov, the first two floors appeared, then G.L. Mazukhin supplemented them with a third. It was built for bishops - for a long time their cells, home church, and economic services were located here.

Many people are confused by the name of the building. In fact, it has absolutely nothing to do with Prince Oleg, the grandson of Yaroslav the Wise. Except that a coat of arms with his image hung on the façade for a long time. Currently, the palace premises house an interesting exhibition From Rus' to Russia, as well as the exhibitions Old Ryazan and The Legend of Evpatiy Kolovrat. The entrance ticket costs 130 rubles. Opening hours are the same as for the entire Kremlin - from Tuesday to Sunday from 10-00 to 18-00.

Skopino ceramics

Many people are interested in knowing what goods Ryazan is famous for producing. The city is famous for its ceramic production. In the vicinity of the city of Skopin there are deposits of clay, which is suitable for pottery production. Since the 12th century, local residents have been making various household products from it: vases, vessels, jugs. Tourists can purchase jugs for liquids made from Skopino clay, frames for mantel clocks, teapots, candlesticks and many other products in the city’s company store, located on the territory of the Skopino artistic ceramics factory.

Glebov Bridge and Cathedral Bell Tower

Glebov Bridge is another reminder of the affairs of bygone days. Today it simply connects the territory of the Cathedral Park with the Kremlin, but once its purpose was much more serious. For hundreds of years, the bridge successfully performed a defensive function - during sieges, the crossing was raised, thereby blocking the enemy’s path to the Kremlin walls. The exact date of construction of the bridge is unknown, just as it remains a mystery how many times it was reconstructed.

But much more is known about the Cathedral Bell Tower, the “Ryazan skyscraper”. Its construction began in 1797 and ended only in 1840. During this time, three architects changed, but despite this, the building in the classicist style turned out to be very harmonious - some even believe that this bell tower can be called the most beautiful in Russia. Glebov Bridge is located next to the Kremlin, the Cathedral Bell Tower is on its territory. Therefore, getting to them is not difficult. How long the inspection will take depends only on you.

Cathedral Square

Next to the historical center, the Kremlin, is the administrative center - Cathedral Square (at different times it was also called Ilyinskaya and Sovetskaya). The first building here was erected in 1786 - it was the governor's office (now a shoe factory). True, its architecture has only been partially preserved. Much later, in the 19th century, the Youth Theater was built.

A new attraction of Cathedral Square is the monument to Prince Oleg, the creation of the famous modern sculptor Zurab Tsereteli. It was installed in 2007. You can get to Cathedral Square by any bus or trolleybus, the route of which passes through the stop of the same name. It is convenient to combine the walk with a visit to the Kremlin and Cathedral Park.

Streets of Ryazan

Leaving the Kremlin and the Cathedral Park, tourists find themselves on Sobornaya Street.

Sobornaya Street

Sobornaya Street is considered one of the most beautiful in Ryazan due to its preserved pre-revolutionary houses.

Leaving the park through the central entrance you can see the monument to Grand Duke Oleg Ryazansky. Installed in 2007 under the leadership of the President of the Russian Academy of Arts Zurab Tsereteli.

The reign of the Grand Duke is the era of the greatest power of the Ryazan Principality. During the years of his reign, Oleg Ryazansky became famous not only as a first-class warrior, but also as an excellent diplomat.

The main department of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for the Ryazan region is located in an old Soviet building.

Construction of the museum center of the Ryazan Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve is in full swing. The work is expected to be completed in 2022.

Trolleybus traffic is well developed in Ryazan: the “mustached” routes essentially cover the entire city. But the Ryazan tram ceased to exist in 2010.

In Ryazan you can still ride the buses of our childhood - the Ikarus 280 model.

Minibus taxis are the scourge of almost all poor regional centers of Russia, to which Ryazan also belongs.

Let the image of a red pedestrian hit at a Ryazan traffic light be a warning for you.

We continue to walk along Sobornaya. On the left side is the Ryazan City Library named after. Gorky. One of the oldest libraries in Russia, occupying a leading position among regional libraries in the country. Founded on January 2 (14), 1858, it is to this day a major scientific, informational, educational, and methodological center, which is visited annually by tens of thousands of readers.

In 1968, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Gorky’s birth, a stele with a bas-relief of the writer was unveiled near the library building.

Postal Street

The next attraction of Ryazan on the course: the pedestrian street Pochtovaya. To get there, turn onto Lenin Street and follow to the postal square with the monument to Evpatiy Kolovrat.

A very famous person in Ryazan: Ryazan boyar, governor and Russian hero, hero of the Ryazan folk tale of the 13th century, during the invasion of Batu.

Perhaps the most noticeable building on Pochtovaya Street (though in its non-pedestrian part) is the building of the Arbitration Court of the Ryazan Region. The architectural monument was built in 1840 according to the design of the Ryazan provincial architect S.A. Shchetkina. For about a hundred years, a state bank was located here.

Pochtovaya Street in Ryazan is often called Podbelka by local residents (after its previous name “Podbelskogo”). This is a favorite meeting and walking place for city residents. Tourists really have nothing special to do here except go to cafes, of which there are a great many. On the postal street there was no place for the usual Arbat monuments, fountain, zero kilometer, or street musicians.

The abundance of benches and lanterns on the street is pleasing. There is nothing more to brag about.

Lenin Square

Poshtovaya Street ends with Lenin Square with a monument to the leader. It is considered the main square of Ryazan.

The history of this monument is interesting, which was dismantled in 1993 by order of the mayor of the city, putting in its place a cross, which was later replaced with a structure depicting the symbols of Ryazan. Then trolleybus drivers jokingly announced the stop as follows: “Square without Lenin.”

In 1997, by decision of the new city government, the monument was restored to its original form.

Several main streets and the impressive Pervomaisky Avenue originate from the square.

City shopping arcades

The central Lenin Square is decorated with beautiful and elegant shopping arcades, built according to the 1794 design of the provincial architect Ivan Sulakadzev.

Lenin Square was previously known under the names Khlebnaya and Novobazarnaya and was by no means considered the center of the city. They traded bread and flour here. Subsequently, the number of retail outlets increased and the untidy market with wooden temporary buildings needed to be put in order. This is how Ivan Sulakadzev’s Trading Rows project appeared.

The two-story historical buildings are typical for a merchant city. On the ground floor there were shops and shops, and on the second there were residential apartments. In the ensemble of the City Trade (Bread) Rows, only two buildings out of six have survived today.

Currently, Trade Rows have not lost their function: there is a Trade Complex with shops of various types (from clothing to souvenirs), cafes and restaurants.

Next to the shopping arcades, the city administration has built a small park with a fountain.

There is a Russian spirit here, it smells like Russia! Even the buses are named after the epic heroes “Ilya Muromets”.

Memorial to Ryazan residents who fell in local conflicts

In Ryazan they honor the memory of fellow warriors who died in Soviet and post-Soviet times, otherwise they would not have erected such a large-scale memorial!

The complex was built on the square named after Army General V.F. Margelova. The opening took place in June 2000.

The monument to the soldiers is made in the form of a ring on high granite pillars with marble slabs below the ring. The names of 248 Ryazan soldiers who gave their lives on the battlefield, remaining faithful to the oath, are engraved in gold on the slabs.

I want to live so that I can give to my Motherland the last driving impulse of my heart, so that even when I die I can say that I am dying for the Motherland.

M. Jalil

A little further there is a monument to Vasily Filippovich Margelov, hero of the Soviet Union, army general.

At the very end of the square is the Monument to Tadeusz Kosciuszko - a bas-relief depicting Soviet and Polish soldiers holding a sword. Opened in memory of the first Polish division named after. Tadeusz Kosciuszko, who studied in Ryazan.

Cathedral Park

The most convenient way to get to Cathedral Park is from Cathedral Square, through the main entrance with columns. Literally one step - and the bustle of the city is left behind, calm and tranquility reigns in the territory. The main pedestrian path leads to the Kremlin and the Embankment. If you have time, you can wander through the alleys and discover a lot of interesting things.

One of the attractions of the park is a small chapel with a fountain, built in honor of the 900th anniversary of the city. Next to it is the Church of Elijah the Prophet. In Soviet times, its façade was decorated with a bas-relief of Stalin, and lectures were held inside. Then they wanted to open a registry office here, but in the end the building was transferred to the local diocese. And, of course, you can’t pass by the beautiful Church of the Savior on the Yara.

Anticafe "Joy"

Still don’t know where to go in Ryazan with a child? Visitors are always welcome at the anti-cafe “Joy”.

There are many positive reviews from visitors about this establishment. The anti-cafe has a pleasant atmosphere; the inside is very cozy: good design, high ceilings. The room is divided into several zones. One of them, the largest, is intended for children. There are many different toys, board games, markers and drawing boards.

In addition, there is a children's room where you can change your child's clothes if necessary, even wash clothes.

Church of the Savior on Yara

Probably, everyone who decides to walk around the Kremlin simply cannot help but notice the Church of the Savior on the Yara standing on the edge of a cliff above the Trubezh River. Slender, five-headed, it seems to float in the air and amazes with its lightness and beauty and serves as a decoration of the Cathedral Park. In addition to its architecture, the Church of the Savior on the Yara is interesting because it is the oldest of all operating in the city. The first services were held here in 1626. True, in those days the building was wooden.

A stone temple appeared on this site in 1695. Unfortunately, not much of the interior decoration of the church has been preserved - it was almost completely destroyed during Soviet times. The Church of the Savior on the Yara is located at 14 Petrova Street, literally a 5-minute walk from the Kremlin. You can visit it completely free of charge. However, you need to take into account that the temple is active and services are held in it every day.

Monument to Sergei Yesenin

S.A. Yesenin unwittingly became one of the symbols of the city. Which, in general, is not surprising. After all, he loved his small homeland very much, and to this day it reciprocates his feelings. On October 2, 1975, the day when the poet could have celebrated his 80th birthday, a monument in his honor was erected in the center, not far from the Kremlin. To this day, fans of Sergei Alexandrovich’s work and just tourists often come here.

The monument itself is very unusual. Firstly, the author of the sculpture, Alexander Kibalnikov, positioned it not vertically, as is customary, but horizontally. Yesenin himself is like a giant emerging from the earth. The poet's arms are wide open, his shirt collar is unbuttoned, and he, of course, is reading poetry. The place to install the monument, on the banks of the Trubezh River, was not chosen by chance. Firstly, it offers a magnificent view of the surrounding area. Secondly. Very close by is a park where the poet’s favorite birch trees grow. An inspection of the monument to S. Yesenin can be combined with a visit to the Kremlin - they are very close.

Souvenirs from Yesenin's homeland

What is Ryazan famous for? Souvenirs from Yesenin's homeland. This is the village of Konstantinovka. Fans of Yesenin’s work can pick up collections of poems, albums and other souvenirs related to the activities of one of the best Russian poets of the early 20th century in the store at the Yesenin Museum in Konstantinovka. They are also sold in Ryazan at the “House of Books” (Moskovskoe shosse, 16).

Monument to Evpatiy Kolovrat

Evpatiy Kolovrat is a Russian hero, whose courage and strength are legendary. His name is mentioned in “The Tale of Batu’s Ruin of Ryazan” - it was during the Tatar-Mongol invasion that he showed himself as a talented commander and fearless warrior. Some historians even said that Batu tried to lure Kolovrat to his side, but, naturally, without success. The memory of the national hero is immortalized in literature and even modern computer games.

In 2007, a monument was erected in the center in his honor. Construction was carried out entirely with public funds. The author of the project, Oleg Sedov, managed to skillfully bring his idea to life - the red granite monument symbolizes the earth, and Evpatiy Kolovrat himself looks courageous and majestic on horseback. The monument to the national hero is located in the city center, at the intersection of Poshtovaya Square and Astrakhanskaya Street, literally a 15-minute walk from the Kremlin.

Sculpture “Mushrooms with eyes”

The famous saying that in “Ryazan there are mushrooms with eyes” is known to many residents of our country. On August 2, 2013, it materialized - a very unusual sculpture appeared on Svodoby Street, the authors of which were Vasily and Polina Gorbunov. The opening was timed to coincide with the city’s next birthday. The bronze boletus with a beard quickly became one of the tourist brands of Ryazan. And the shop located next to it is a place for meetings and dates.

Finding the sculpture is not difficult - it is located in the Lower City Garden, on Svoboda Street. The nearest stop is the Pavlov Monument. You can get there by trolleybuses No. 5, 6, buses No. 1, 5, 7, 11, 13, 15, 17, 21, 48, 57 or by minibus.

Rope park "Child of the Jungle"

Among the places to go in Ryazan with a child is a rope park called “Child of the Jungle.” Active kids will be especially happy to have the opportunity to feel like a real Mowgli.

"Jungle Child" is the first ropes course in Ryazan. It was opened in 2014. Then there were only three levels of difficulty: children, teenagers, adults. Now the park has expanded significantly and many other extreme entertainments have been added. Make both your child and yourself happy.

Airborne Forces History Museum

Ryazan is traditionally associated not only with the Kremlin and S.A. Yesenin, but also with the airborne troops. First of all, because it is here that the Higher Airborne Command School is located, the history of which began back in 1918. Currently, it has its own museum, where everyone can learn about the past and present of the Airborne Forces. The museum employees are former paratroopers and combatants. They know first-hand what they are talking about, so the excursion turns out to be lively and exciting.

As for the exhibition itself, the museum has a fairly large collection of uniforms, parachutes and equipment of paratroopers. Those who are not interested in the past of the airborne troops can “flip through the pages” of new history and look into the halls dedicated to Chechnya, Afghanistan, and Yugoslavia. The Airborne Forces Museum is located at Margelov Square, building 1. You can get to it by any bus or trolleybus that goes to the Detsky Mir stop. Visitors are welcome here every day from 10-00 to 17-00. The entrance ticket costs 80 rubles.

Gastronomic tourism

Many people are interested in what Ryazan is famous for. Souvenirs, food – that’s what this city can boast of. Gastronomic tourism offers gourmets to taste the national food of the Ryazan region. It is included in the menu of many city restaurants and cafes. Thin unleavened pancakes in Ryazan are called blintzes. Among Ryazan gourmets, the lamb dish is very popular, which is fried lamb meat or baked pork (zucchini).

Guests of Ryazan should definitely try the aromatic porridge with the addition of natural honey (medushka). Among the soft drinks they offer is kulaga. This is Ryazan jelly, made from bread and beets with the addition of rowan berries. All national dishes are prepared according to ancient recipes.

The restaurant of the Sova Hotel (Shabulina Passage) is especially popular, where the menu includes Sergei Yesenin’s favorite dishes. On Koltsova Street, the Khlebnaya Ploshchad tavern offers lunch from Ryazan cuisine of the 19th century. The Sikera bar-museum, located on Seminarskaya Street, specializes in preparing different types of drinks according to ancient recipes.

Ryazan Regional Drama Theater

Founded in 1787, it is considered one of the oldest in Russia. True, it was called differently then - the Opera House, and was located in a wooden building. The core of the troupe consisted of courtyard and freed young men and women, and the repertoire was rich and rich. In addition to them, visiting artists often performed on the theater stage. Including the world famous ones - Stanislavsky, Chaliapin, Gilyarovsky.

In 1961, a new building was built for the theater, which became one of the calling cards of the city. The “citadel of art” is located at Teatralnaya Square, building 7-a, in the city center. There is a public transport stop nearby, which can be reached by many city buses and trolleybuses. The ticket price depends on the production and the chosen location.

Museum-Estate of Academician I.P. Pavlova

Ryazan is the birthplace of not only S.A. Yesenin, but also the most famous physiologist in the world, academician I.P. Pavlov. The house with a mezzanine where he was born and raised is perfectly preserved to this day. In addition to the house itself, the estate, built in the 19th century, includes a summer gazebo, a bathhouse, an orchard, and a common courtyard. Everything here is very simple and cozy. Sometimes it seems that the door is about to open and the owners come out to meet you. In addition to typical civil architecture, guests can enjoy an excellent exhibition of more than 600 exhibits. Here you can find personal belongings, letters, photographs of Ivan Petrovich. The interiors have also been restored.

The museum-estate is located at 25 Pavlova Street. You can get there by bus or trolleybus, which goes through the House of Artist stop. From Tuesday to Friday, guests are welcome here from 9-00 to 18-00, on Saturday and Sunday - from 10-00 to 18-00. Monday is a day off. The entrance ticket costs 100 rubles. Schoolchildren, students and pensioners receive a discount.

Architecture of Ryazan

For architecture lovers, it is recommended to take a walk along Lenin Street (formerly Astrakhanskaya), Novoslobodskaya, Seminarskaya, Sobornaya, Pavlova. Here you can see many beautiful examples of classicism, constructivism, modernism and even wooden architecture!

Building of the Ryazan State University named after. S.A. Yesenina.

The building of the former Noble Land Bank and Peasant Land Bank (Lenin St., 22). It is a ceremonial mansion with a lavishly decorated main facade, above the central part of which rises a dome with a fanciful finish.

Wooden house of horse breeder and former mayor Nikolai Ignatievich Rodzevich. In fact, the house is made of stone, only covered with wood.

The Malshinskaya almshouse is an architectural monument of the early 19th century, located at Mayakovsky Street, building 41.

A building with new finishing, which they tried to fit into the historical buildings.

For comparison with what is currently being built - the completely ridiculous modern building “Teapot House”, which is located at the exit from Cathedral Park.

Summer Club of the Noble Assembly

The history of the wooden house in the city park, decorated with intricate carvings, began in 1901, when the Temperance Society began to think that residents needed a publicly accessible place to relax. In 1904, a whole complex of summer-type buildings appeared. Theater troupes performed on the stage of the summer club of the noble assembly, films were shown, and in winter the stage turned into a skating rink. Nowadays, not much has survived from the complex - only the central pavilion. In which the regional scientific and methodological center of folk art is located.

The building is interesting to tourists solely in architectural terms. The summer club is located in the city park, at 72 Uritsky Street. The nearest public transport stop is the Art Museum, trolleybuses No. 3.10, buses No. 18.23, and minibuses pass through it. Entrance to the park is free.

Central Park of Culture and Leisure of Ryazan (CPKiO)

The Ryazan region has been rich in forests since ancient times, and therefore, since the times of the USSR, the city has acquired three sculptures of moose, one of which is located at the entrance to Central Park.

Next to the park is the CSK Stadium, one of the largest sports facilities in the Ryazan region.

At the time of our visit, the park looked unkempt, broken down, “like after a bombing,” but repair work was underway, so there is hope for a bright future for this vacation spot.

Welcome to the main park of the Ryazan region!

Rope town.

A small swamp with an unpleasant smell wafting from it.

The only respite in the park is the Ryuminsky Pond; young people really gather here, and I hope not only to drink beer.

There are several destroyed buildings in the Ryazan Central Park of Culture and Culture. One of them is near the Ryuminsky pond.

The building is littered with garbage, and the graffiti is not very interesting.

Another place where people gather is the park stage, where various local festivals are held from time to time. The dance floor, as can be seen in the photo, was also destroyed, like the rest of the area.

The Central Park of Culture and Culture of Ryazan greatly spoils the impression of visiting the city as a whole.

Judging by the latest reviews (August 2016), the park has recently begun to develop: sports grounds, a rope course, benches and marked bike paths have appeared. The center has attractions for children and a playground.

Starozhilovsky stud farm

Starozhilovsky stud farm is one of the most interesting attractions of Ryazan, which often remains in the shadow of other, more famous ones. It was founded in the 1890s by order of Baron von Derwis. The architect was Fyodor Shekhtel, an adherent of the Gothic style and a lover of red brick construction. Initially, the complex consisted of 12 buildings, but only a horse yard, a residential building and a church have survived to this day.

If we talk about horses, today the population is not too large, about 300 individuals, mainly Russian and Trakehner breeds. The times when Baron von Derviz raised elite Arabian horses for the army, alas, are in the past. During Soviet times, the plant experienced a lot of repression, which led to its decline. The revival began only in the 1990s and continues to this day - difficult and slow. You can learn about the history of the plant by visiting the museum - the guides here truly love their job and the story will definitely not be boring.

Starozhilovsky stud farm is located 50 kilometers from the city, in the village of the same name. You can get to it by commuter bus from the bus station or by train; the nearest station is five kilometers from Starozhilovo. Entrance to the complex is free. For a nominal fee you can ride a horse or book an excursion.

Route around Ryazan for 1 day on the map

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