Where is the city of Kirov? Kirov: history, population, economy, features

  • July 27, 2019
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Kirov is a regional center in the northeast of the European part of Russia. Where is Kirov? The city is located 896 km northeast of Moscow, on the Vyatka River. It is the administrative center of the Kirov region. The number of inhabitants is 512,954 people. This is the industrial, scientific and cultural center of the Urals. A city with a long history. It dates back to 1181. It was the easternmost city of Ancient Rus'.

Kirov is divided into 4 districts. The height of the central part is 150 meters. The head of the city is Elena Vasilievna Kovaleva.

Geographical features

Many people are interested in the question: where is the city of Kirov? This regional center is located in the valley of the Vyatka River, in the middle part of its course, on the Russian Plain. Part of the Volga Federal District. Located in the taiga forest zone. Kirov is located in the Moscow time zone.

The climate is determined by where the city of Kirov is located. It's continental and cool. Characterized by frequent incursions of cold air masses from the Arctic Ocean located in relative proximity. Therefore, severe frosts are common in winter, and sudden cold snaps in summer. The city itself is noticeably warmer than the surrounding area. Annual precipitation is 677 mm. Most of them fall in the summer.

Within the city limits there are agricultural lands and specially protected natural areas.

History of the city of Kirov (Vyatka).

The first nationalities on the territory of today's capital of the Kirov region were formed in the 7th-10th centuries AD. In 1374, the first city was formed on the banks of the Vyatka River; it was founded by the Novgorod Ushkuiniki (robbers). The name of the city comes from the Khlynovitsa river.

Since then, Khlynov managed to visit the patrimony of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality, experience the invasion of the Tatars, and was eventually annexed to the Moscow principality.

Trifonov Monastery

On September 11, 1780, by decree of Catherine II, Khlynov was renamed Vyatka and removed from the Kazan province (before that it was also part of the Siberian province, and before the reform of Peter I an independent district town). In 1797, the Vyatka governorate was transformed into a province, which contributed to the further growth of the city. Various industries were developing, trade routes were developing. By the end of the 19th century, Vyatka was a developed trade and craft city.

The city received the name Kirov in memory of S.M. Kirov by decision of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, this happened on December 5, 1934.

View of the Diorama

Ecological problems

The main air pollutants in Kirov are industrial enterprises. The most common pollutants are carbon monoxide, dust and formaldehyde. The quality of water in the Vyatka River does not meet accepted standards. The main water pollutants are enterprises and household wastewater. The Institute of Microbiology of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has highly dangerous strains of viruses, which, in the event of an emergency, may be released.

Program of events in 2022

Figure 2. Festive concert

The city administration has officially approved the holiday program for residents and guests of Kirov. The celebrations will take place on Wednesday, June 12, in several public places.

Traditionally, the main concert program will take place on Teatralnaya Square and Oktyabrsky Prospekt.

Theatre square:

From 10:00 to 21:00 – city festival “Tasty Vyatka”. It will be represented by the city's most beloved and famous restaurants and cafes. Visitors will enjoy an extensive culinary program, master classes and secrets from the best chefs. 11:50 – ceremonial start of the “Team-645” motor rally. From 12 to 13:20 - congratulatory speeches from the leaders of the city and region, launching of balloons, singing of anthems. From 13:20 to 17:00 – performances by creative groups from the city of Kirov.

October prospect:

From 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. – sports marathon “Asphalt Ring”: training races, City Karting Cup, Duathlon Championship. From 18:00 to 21:00 there will be a concert of invited pop stars. 21:00 – festive fireworks.

Alexander Garden:

From 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., performances by creative groups from the city of Kirov, specially prepared for the holiday. From 11 to 20 o’clock – intellectual game “An Hour with Cappuccino” in the Chess House. From 12 to 15 o'clock there is a street theater festival for children.

From 17:00 to 22:00 – live performance by cover bands of the city with the “Retro FM” program.

The traditional holiday crafts fair will be held from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the city’s main pedestrian street, Spasskaya. Festive events will also take place in all major parks of the city: Kirov Park, Kochurovsky Park, Gagarin Park and Apollo Park, as well as in the botanical garden.

Population of Kirov

The city's population grew rapidly during the Soviet era, stabilized in the 1990s, and then began to grow again. At the moment, moderate growth continues. In the list of cities of the Russian Federation, Kirov ranks 37th in terms of the number of inhabitants. Representatives of the female sex in Kirov are 56%. Among the residents, 96.6% are Russian. In second place are Tatars with a share of 0.79%, and in third place are Ukrainians (0.57%). The share of the working-age population is 63%. 237.9 thousand people officially work.

There is a large proportion of elderly people in Kirov. This is largely due to the fact that young people are actively leaving. Mostly they go to St. Petersburg or abroad. Residents of Kirov are distinguished by their friendliness.

Where to go to work, or city-forming enterprises of Kirov

Some Kirov residents prefer to study and work in their hometown. In principle, you can find a good bread place here. There are several, “Mayak”, the same Biokhim, who are interested in the influx of young specialists and provide them with luxurious working conditions. This includes a good salary by Kirov standards, and all kinds of cash grants, and subsidies for the purchase of housing. Let us repeat - young people are trying to leave Vyatka, and if the “golden” head nevertheless decides to stay at the Kirov enterprise, they will groom and cherish it.


To get paid well, you need to work on the resource. This is either communications, production, construction, government or similar things. Therefore, organizations in which it is beneficial for Kirov residents to work belong to similar areas. True, recently the central offices of strong Kirov organizations have been moving to Nizhny Novgorod - closer to the capital. For example, Rostelecom is a provider of telephone and Internet services in Kirov. A state-owned enterprise. Its employees receive a flat salary (from 20 thousand rubles + bonuses) and do not face the problems of delays and non-payments. Many would like to work there, but there is a strict selection and age limit.

And recently there have been layoffs at the company. Half of the processes were automated, and the organization of telephone services was transferred to Nizhny.

Those who are employees of organizations responsible for supplying basic communications to homes: electricity, water and gas also earn good money. These are Kirovelektrosvyaz, Vodokanal and Kirovregiongaz. In the cases of these companies, again there are no delays in monthly payments, paid vacations and sick leave are provided.

Some Vyatka construction organizations (for example, Severstroy) can also be called stable places of work. But when applying to such companies, you need to look at their track record - unfortunately, a lot of enterprises remained in debt to their employees - and the courts and bailiffs could not help the deceived people in any way - confiscations and inspections showed that the company was bankrupt and it never had anything did not have!

For those who do not have a higher education or who are not attracted to work in a technical company, the doors of large stores and shopping centers in the city of Kirov are open. People will always eat, so joining the local grocery chain Globus is a good step. The official salary there is small, but an ordinary salesperson receives about 15 thousand in an envelope.

Globus shopping center in Kirov

Payments are stable, since the company has large income. Lately, the Moscow Pyaterochka has been trying to interrupt it. Capital entrepreneurs bought several areas in the city center. They say they pay the same. Working conditions are not very different from Globus, but, probably, Kirov’s Pyaterochka is in the red for now. For a long time she resisted and did not want to sell the products of local dairy, bread and meat production, so they did not particularly go to these stores. Moreover, the quality of services did not differ from Globus, but the packages (at the ready of the local grocery chain) at the checkout of Muscovites were paid.

Now “Pyaterochka” has worked on its mistakes and on its shelves there are products of the local bagel and confectionery plant - “BKK”, meat production “KMK” and fermented milk products of the “Vyatushka” brand.

By the way, it is also profitable to work in the above companies. Every year, Kirov products take some places in all-Russian competitions and are sold not only in the 43rd region, but in neighboring regions. This means that the employees of these enterprises are loaded to capacity, but also receive a corresponding, far from small salary.

In general, there are many companies in Kirov. And, if young people went into production, and not into managers, there would be no shortage of labor. Everyone would receive a decent income, and not measly handouts for sitting in the office. Kirov is not Moscow. Resales and telephone marketing will not work in a small town. In a quiet province, to achieve success, you need to work on the resource - this is the easiest way to earn a living.


Kirov is an important transport hub. This is especially true for railway transport. The city is connected by railways to Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Perm, and Vologda. City transport is represented by buses and trolleybuses. The road network is well developed. The total length of bus routes is 695 km, trolleybus routes are 92 km. Of the total number of transport units in the city, there are 545 buses, 120 trolleybuses, and only 39 minibuses.

Coat of arms

The coat of arms of Kirov is presented in the form of a golden French shield. From the azure cloud comes a right hand with a red sleeve, which holds a drawn bow. The weapon is pointed to the left and downward of the viewer. At the top there is a widened scarlet cross.

Above the shield is a five-pronged tower crown with a golden laurel wreath, symbolizing the status of the city district. An image without part of the fortress is allowed.

The artistic composition was approved by decision of the Kirov City Duma of the fourth convocation dated August 27, 2008 No. 19/4. Included in the State Heraldic Register of the Russian Federation under No. 4321.

Housing and communal services situation and infrastructure

This question interests everyone who wants to move to another city for permanent residence. In Kirov, things are not going well with this. The cost of services may be inflated, and their quality leaves much to be desired. Many houses are in need of major repairs, which have not been done since Soviet times. Some homes still use bottled gas. There is confusion with the calculation of payments for housing and communal services. And where in Kirov there are no problems with housing and communal services, it is in private expensive mansions.

The roads in the city are also not in the best condition due to lack of major repairs.

There are not enough preschool institutions in Kirov. Therefore, many children cannot register there. In contrast, the city's provision of schools is good. Lyceums stand apart. These are elite educational institutions, but admission to them requires passing tests or exams. But all graduates of these educational institutions enter good Russian universities.

Climate and ecology of Kirov

The Vyatka climate is worth talking about separately. Of course, Kirov is a northern city, and winter here lasts from October to March, but in the summer it is possible to grow something. There are few temperature fluctuations in the spring (rather, it freezes at around 15 degrees and does not move further), and the seedlings do not freeze, but develop into a high-quality fruit-bearing plant. In the summer it rains a lot, so the crops do not dry out, and summer residents reap a good harvest.

But only gardeners are happy about this weather - ordinary people, and especially young people want a hot summer. It’s just that in June and July there are stable thunderstorms, and in August there are real downpours. Meteorologists forecast normal weather every week, but it turns out to be rain and wind.

Smoke from thermal power plant

The ecology is also in trouble. No matter how hard you try, you can’t change the water in Vyatka. And the river here is dirty and scary. The bottom is not visible even where the water is waist-deep, chocolate wrappers float, and the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station finds some sticks from time to time.

But this is a debated side of the issue. They don’t talk much about discharges from local factories, but they exist. The Kirovo-Chepetsk biochemical plant (Kirovo-Chepetsk is a suburb of Kirov) daily dumps industrial waste into Vyatka. Due to wood processing industries, a large amount of sawdust and wood chips enter the river, and the water becomes contaminated with wood decay products.

The match factory is not lagging behind its colleagues and is actively polluting the only drinking water reservoir! Yes! In Vyatka they not only swim, they also drink! Of course, there are treatment facilities. And local residents were assured of the special power of chlorination. From time to time, respectable guys appear on local television, claiming that the water from the tap can never be purer! But for some reason, the filters become unusable in less than a couple of months; after a few hours, sediment forms in the carafe with liquid, and the bathtubs turn yellow immediately after purchase.

Someone came to the rescue in time and made a business out of the bad Kirov water - they began selling “clean” water in 5-liter flasks. Automated water kiosks are located in all areas of the city. Supposedly this is water from the local mineral spring “Nizhne-Ivkino”. Well, yes, it tastes much nicer than “municipal” H2O, you can drink it without boiling and safely give it to children. 5 liters of this miracle water cost 12 rubles. You can take it for cooking and tea, but you still have to wash in your own chlorinated one.

However, all problems with water are blocked by air. The Kirov region is a forest region. It's wonderful to breathe and live here. About five years ago, the city was strained by a biochemical plant, and when the wind blew from Chepetsk, local residents were ready not to go out, just so as not to hear the “aroma.” But recently the stinking streams have stopped, either the wind is no longer blowing from that direction, or the plant employees have repaired the cleaning mechanisms. So in Kirov you can breathe easily and freely - an ideal place for retirees - here you have both nature at your side and the city with all its delights in the form of supermarkets and cinemas.

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How Kirov residents make art out of everyday life

The anthem of such new Kirov residents may well be the story of Denis Osokin, a poet with Vyatka roots, writer, screenwriter of the films “Ovsyanki”, “Heavenly Wives of the Meadow Mari”, a frequent guest and friend of Vyatka:

This is how Kirov residents turn the city streets into a different reality. For example, there is a disadvantaged area in Kirov - Veresniki. Every spring, the Vyatka River floods, the barracks of Veresnikov are flooded, and the streets turn into impassable swamps.

If you come to Kirov in May, you can watch the locals gracefully soar above the water.

What do handmade Kirov residents do about the problem? — they create an object of modern art out of the situation, make a film in the genre of video dance, quite in the spirit of Green’s romance and longing for the sea.

There, in Veresniki, lives the famous Vyatka fashionista, whose whole life is an artistic gesture.

This is pensioner Evgeny Kazakovtsev. He regularly organizes performances for Kirov residents, walking through the city streets in handmade costumes of Jean Marais, Stradivari, Marshal Blucher, the chess king, pioneer, spring, and sailor.

Victor Kazakovtsev’s walk instantly destroys the frame of everyday life and turns the routine life of Kirov residents into theater: people invariably smile at the Vyatka fashionista, take pictures with him, ask about life and tell Victor that they saw him on Chinese TV news or in the next talk show on federal Russian channels.

The Vyatka fashionista collects all the looks himself, buys ready-made items at a second-hand store, alters them, adds accessories: a cane, plastic cups, medals and badges, ties and spats, and decorates suitcases with funny inscriptions.

“I have a duty to the people, to the Earth and Heaven, to be in different images,” Victor tells everyone. “Society likes to look at a well-dressed person, so I make people happy and give them impressions.”

Dinosaurs from Kotelnich

Another official brand of Vyatka is dinosaurs.

In the Kirov region, in the city of Kotelnich, there is a large-scale location of fossil animals of the Permian period - pareiasaurs. Almost 20 species of ancient animals were unearthed there, some were found for the first time, and there are no others similar to them in the world.

The finds are 260 million years old, but they are perfectly preserved: entire skeletons stand on their limbs right in the dense clay rock. Excavations were carried out for many years and collected a huge collection for the Vyatka Paleontological Museum in Kirov. If you wander into this museum, look at the skeletons of herbivorous reptiles pareiasaurs, insectivorous tiny emerolethers, turtle-like dicynodonts, predatory reptiles therocephalians and gorgonopsians.

If the theme of dinosaurs has hooked you, go on vacation to Yurkin Park, it takes 20-30 minutes to get there from the city center, you can get there by bus for 22 rubles or by taxi for one and a half to two hundred.

A ticket to the park costs 200 rubles (for adults), 100 rubles (for children over three years old). This park is the largest in Russia in terms of the number of huge moving dinosaurs. If you wish, you can hang out there for the whole day: ride a roller coaster (150 rubles) and regular roller coasters, ice skate, go fishing, climb on a climbing wall (100 rubles), eat delicious food and buy dinosaur souvenirs; children can dig for dinosaurs and mine gold on a miniature mines (100–200 rubles).

By the way, tourists with children like to buy dolls from the famous Kirov factory “Vesna” as a souvenir. They are valued for being Made in Russia; they are indeed of high quality and inexpensive (from 100 to 3,500 rubles). Toys from the Vesna factory are in great demand throughout the country; more than a million of them are produced per year; more than five hundred types of dolls are made there.

There are amazing tours at the factory, be sure to check them out. It’s terribly funny to watch how hundreds of doll heads, arms and legs are boiled, how eyes are inserted into them and hairs are sewn on. If you also turn on horror mix in your headphones, then suspense is guaranteed.

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