The city of Biysk: geographical location, climate, economy, attractions

History and geographical location

In 1709, Peter I issued a Decree, according to which the Bikatunsky fort was required to be founded at the confluence of the Biya and Katun rivers. This task was completed. The Bikatun fort was founded to protect the southeastern borders and trade routes of the Russian Empire. In subsequent years, the fortress was destroyed, restored, and rebuilt several times. At the end of the 17th century it was elevated to the rank of “regular” cities. This is how Biysk appeared.

Several centuries have passed since its founding. During this time, the city turned into a large industrial and scientific center. It has an advantageous geographical location. Biysk is located in the southeastern part of the Altai Territory. Barnaul is 163 km north. This is the capital of the Altai Territory. Near the city there is the confluence of the Biya and Katun. Water resources are used in the housing and communal services sector, agriculture, industry and tourism. Rivers have a negative impact during spring floods. The areas of Biysk located next to them are slightly flooded during this period.

Train Station

Biysk railway station is a station in the Altai region of the West Siberian Railway, which is the terminus on the line from the Altaiskaya junction station. Type of railway station - passenger and freight. The railway station is located at st. Shukshina, 9. Opening hours: every day from 5:00 to 24:00.

The railway station receives and sends long-distance trains to the following directions: Novosibirsk, Moscow, Krasnoyarsk, Alma-Ata. Suburban trains are also serviced at the railway station.

Climatic conditions

The climate of the city of Biysk is sharply continental. It is characterized by the following features:

  • cold winter with stable snow cover;
  • short dry spring with late return of cold weather;
  • short warm summer;
  • short autumn with early frosts.

Snow cover usually forms in November-December. At this time the temperature is about –15 °C. January is characterized by severe frosts. The lowest temperature this month was recorded in 2001. It was –51.8 °C. In February, frosts give way to winds. In March the snow begins to melt, and in April everything gradually dries out. The first grass and leaves appear on the trees in May. Hot days begin in June and July. The highest temperature was recorded at the end of July 2012 – +38.9 °C. In August the mornings become cool. During the day the temperature is quite comfortable. With the beginning of September comes autumn. The average temperature this month is about +12.2 °C, and in the next month it is only +3.8 °C.

Biysk on the map of Russia: geography, nature and climate

If you look at a map of Biysk from a satellite, you can see that the city lies on both banks of the Biy River, between which there are 3 bridges. The right part is characterized by meadow terrain, while the left part, lying in a lowland, is adjacent to a pine forest. Relative to the regional center - Barnaul, Biysk is located 163 km southwest. The closest borders are with Mongolia (617 km) and Kazakhstan (210 km).

Biysk is located in a zone of temperate continental climate in a forest-steppe zone, but this territory is characterized by severe cold winters and hot summers. Studying the topographic map, it becomes clear that severe frosts are explained by the location in the funnel between mountain ranges, which contribute to a decrease in precipitation and weakening winds in the area. The lack of wind also affects high temperatures in summer, increasing the amount of precipitation during this period.

  • The average temperature for the year is 3 °C, the maximum is +38.9 °C, the minimum is 51.8 °C.
  • Average air humidity – 71%
  • Average wind speed – 2 m/s

Economy of Biysk

The economy of the city of Biysk has one peculiarity. The locomotive of its development is the industrial complex. It is developing at an accelerated pace. Among the existing enterprises in the city are:

  • Biysk oleum plant. Operating since 1965. Manufactured products include industrial explosives, sulfuric acid, and civil goods. The plant has many awards. One of his achievements is victory at the all-Russian competition “Best Russian Enterprise” among enterprises of the military-industrial complex.
  • Biysk Boiler Plant. Its history began back in 1942. The main activity is the production of steam and hot water boilers of low and medium power, boiler and auxiliary equipment for municipal and industrial energy.
  • Biysk fiberglass plant. It was founded in 1991. Today the plant produces fiberglass reinforcement, construction dowels, fiberglass rods for polymer electrical insulators, sports equipment, etc.


We will share a song for happiness with you. Let everyone pull up in any distance. Let's all celebrate our beloved city on the Biya River together today. A dazzling solar disk floats to the sound of the bells and the blue sky. We glorify the son of Russia tirelessly, We glorify our city named Biysk! And Biysk rushes up into the floors, And the winds sleep on the roofs of centuries. It has been dear to all townspeople since birth, placed here by Decree of Peter. A dazzling solar disk floats to the sound of the bells and the blue sky. We glorify the son of Russia tirelessly, We glorify our city named Biysk! We raised today's Biysk like an eaglet, seeing it off with hope. To the glory of Siberia, to the glory of Russia, to your glory, our great people! A dazzling solar disk floats to the sound of the bells and the blue sky. We glorify the son of Russia tirelessly, We glorify our city named Biysk!

Words by S. Inozemtsev, music by M. Aparnev.

Approved by the City Duma on October 23, 2008.

Altai biopharmaceutical cluster

In the city of Biysk, which has the status of a science city, there are pharmaceutical companies that produce unique medicines with antiviral, immunomodulatory, and anti-inflammatory properties. On the basis of these enterprises, the Altai biopharmaceutical cluster was formed. The partnership allows us to implement innovative projects in the field of production of medicines, sanitary and hygiene products of a new generation.

The Altai pharmaceutical cluster includes leading enterprises of the Russian market of pharmaceutical products and dietary supplements:

  • CJSC "Altaivitamins";
  • JSC "Evalar";
  • JSC "Vostokvit";
  • small and medium-sized businesses, etc.

Routes on the map of Biysk. Transport infrastructure

The settlement is connected with other cities by the following roads:

  • “Chuysky tract” or highway P256 - The road connecting the Russian Federation with Mongolia was built before the First World War.
  • Highway 01K-05 of regional significance of the Altai Territory Biysk - Martynovo - Eltsovka - border with the Kemerovo region. Part of the former regional highway R-366 Biysk – Martynovo – Kuzedeevo – Novokuznetsk with a length of 286 km. On the territory of the Kemerovo region it continues with the regional highway 32R-176 Biysk - Martynovo - Kuzedeevo - Novokuznetsk with a length of 84.9 km.
  • Regional road 01K-11 of the Altai Territory Biysk - Karabinka - border of the Altai Republic.
  • Regional road 01K-06 Biysk - Belokurikha.
  • Highway 01K-10 of regional significance Katunskoye - Krasny Yar - Altaiskoye - border of the Altai Republic. Previously it was part of the R-369 Biysk-Altaiskoye-Cherga highway. Old Chuisky tract.

There is a railway through the city, it is marked on the map with a dotted line, the local station of which is the end point; trains depart from it daily to Moscow, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk and other cities.

There is no airport in the city; the nearest airport is in Barnaul, which is served by express trains.

The bus station is located next to the railway station, on Vasily Shukshin Square.

In the city, municipal transport is represented by buses, served by 38 individual entrepreneurs and three legal entities, and electric transport, which runs on 18 routes.

Educational field

Biysk is a city where decent educational institutions are located. They make it a major educational center in the south of the Altai Territory. A significant higher educational institution in the city is the Biysk Technological Institute (a branch of the Altai State Technical University). It was founded in 1959. Today the university is a modern institution with six faculties. Scientific activities are actively developing there. Both teachers and students participate in the development of innovative projects.

Another university in the city is Altai State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University named after. Shukshina. It has existed since 1939. The goal of this university is to train specialists in education and the social sphere of a new type. In addition to universities, Biysk has a variety of technical schools and colleges that train workers and mid-level specialists.

Official website of the municipal formation of the city of Biysk

The city of Biysk was founded in 1709 by personal decree of Emperor Peter the Great at the confluence of the Biya and Katun rivers as an outpost of the Russian state.

For information

During the Great Patriotic War, industrial enterprises and design bureaus were evacuated to the city, on the basis of which the city's mechanical engineering complex was formed.

In the 50-60s of the twentieth century. a group of enterprises of the military-industrial complex was created.

In the 70-80s of the twentieth century. the city has developed as a multidisciplinary scientific and industrial center, successfully implementing the tasks of strengthening the country's defense capability and producing high-tech products.

Currently, the city of Biysk is one of the largest science cities in the Russian Federation with a population of 213.6 thousand people (as of January 1, 2016). The status of a science city of the Russian Federation was assigned to the city of Biysk, Altai Territory, by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 21, 2005 No. 688

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2015 No. 1487, the city of Biysk retained the status of a science city of the Russian Federation and approved the directions of scientific, scientific, technical, innovative activities, experimental developments, tests, training, which are priorities for the city of Biysk as a science city of the Russian Federation:

— nanosystems industry;

— life sciences;

— promising types of weapons, military and special equipment;

— energy efficiency, energy saving, nuclear energy.

Biysk is the second most important city in the region, a large industrial, scientific, educational and cultural center. Significant scientific and technical potential is concentrated here: highly qualified personnel, modern technological and experimental base, social and production infrastructure that ensures scientific research and development and obtaining scientific and technical results that are significant at the world level. The city's organizations account for 70% of the volume of innovative products produced in the region, 72% of the volume of scientific research and development performed.

Within the framework of the City Socio-Economic Development Strategy, three priority areas of development have been identified:

1. Development of biopharmaceuticals and food production.

2. Development of the tourism industry.

3. Development of production of composite materials.

The scientific and production complex of the city of Biysk is a city-forming complex and consists of scientific, industrial and educational organizations.

Enterprises of the city's scientific and production complex carry out research, development and production of finished products in the following areas:

— medical preparations (biostimulants, food additives, extracts, balms, transdermal therapeutic systems, drug substances, tablets made from natural environmentally friendly raw materials);

- medical equipment;

— perfumery and cosmetic products (creams, shampoos, perfumes, colognes, lotions);

— development and production of special-purpose products;

— physical and technical processes, measurement and automation equipment (ultrasonic and strain gauge sensors, transducers, measuring systems, flaw detection complexes, automated workstations);

— polymer composite materials;

— fire extinguishing systems and means.

New technologies are being developed in the city to strengthen the country's defense capability, and projects related to the use of nanotechnology are being implemented.

The basis of the research and production complex is JSC “Federal Research and Production. A leading enterprise in the military-industrial complex as a supplier of products based on highly efficient solid fuels and casings made of composite materials in order to create power plants based on them for weapons systems of all types of troops and space systems.

Fundamental research and applied developments in the field of creation and use of high-energy substances, development of fine organic synthesis to ensure promising developments in the rocket and space, defense industries and Rosatom are carried out by the Institute of Chemical-Energy Technologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The research and production complex includes CJSC Altaivitamins, a pharmaceutical enterprise that develops and produces more than 100 types of products based on natural ingredients, and CJSC Evalar, which is the all-Russian leader in the production of dietary supplements.

The science city of Biysk is the home base of two successfully operating clusters: the Altai biopharmaceutical cluster, focused on solving the state strategic task of import substitution of medicines, and the Altai polymer composite cluster, which creates favorable conditions for the production and widespread use of modern and effective composites, structures and products made from them.

The Biysk business incubator operates in Biysk, which is the winner of the National Award in the field of business incubation and innovative entrepreneurship “Young Lions -2015” in the category “Best Classic Business Incubator”.

Currently, the personnel potential of the city's scientific and industrial complex is formed mainly on the basis of the Biysk Technological Institute. Educational programs in the city of Biysk are also implemented by the Altai State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University named after. V.M. Shukshin, branches of well-known universities of the country, the Biysk Lyceum, 7 colleges and technical schools, 29 secondary schools, including those with in-depth study of disciplines in areas of priority for the city’s enterprises; the federal experimental site “Creation of an integrated center for continuous education” is successfully functioning in the city.

The length of the promising SRT set will be up to 40 km, the fuel supply capacity through it will be up to 1 thousand tons per day, which is 15-20% more than that of existing pipelines.

MOSCOW, February 17. /TASS/. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is developing a third-generation main prefabricated fiberglass pipeline for supplying fuel to troops; its delivery to units, with proper organization of production at defense enterprises, is possible from 2022. This was announced by the head of the Main Directorate of Rocket Fuel and Fuel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Colonel Vladimir Demirov.

“In accordance with the decision of the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, General of the Army Dmitry Bulgakov, the Federal Autonomous Institution “25 State Research Institute of Chemmotology of the Ministry of Defense of Russia”, within the framework of a state assignment, is conducting research on the creation of a promising set of collapsible pipeline (CPT) with a linear part based on pipes made of high-strength composite materials,” - he said at a military-historical conference dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the creation of the pipeline troops and the 81st anniversary of the formation of the fuel service.

Information on capital investments through the science city at the expense of the federal and regional budgets for 2007 - 2022.

2022 – 68.47 million rubles.

2021 - 103.86 million rubles.

2020 - 74.71 million rubles.

2019 - 86.72 million rubles.

2018 - 83.41 million rubles.

2017 - 119.3 million rubles. (including budget funds of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation).

2016 – 82.60 million rubles. 2015 – 97.45 million rubles. 2014 – 109.64 million rubles. 2013 – 117.21 million rubles. 2012 – 119.83 million rubles. 2011 – 124.3 million rubles. 2010 – 117.79 million rubles. 2009 – 295.7 million rubles. 2008 – 331.9 million rubles. 2007 – 312.1 million rubles.

Total: 2 176,52

million rubles

Additionally, the city of Biysk as a science city of the Russian Federation from the budget of the Altai Territory for the period 2006-2016. funds received in the amount of 70 million rubles.


In 2022, the city of Biysk as a science city of the Russian Federation was allocated from the regional and federal budgets in the amount of 68,465,600.00 rubles. (68.47 million rubles)


— for major repairs of sports facilities (continuation of renovation of the building of the former cinema "October" to accommodate a wrestling hall) - 5.92 million rubles.


— for major repairs of street lighting lines – 1.0 million rubles.


— for the purchase of road and municipal equipment and equipment to ensure the operability of municipal water supply and sanitation networks - 37.64 million rubles.


for educational facilities (development of design and estimate documentation for major repairs of city school buildings)

13.03 million rubles.


- for cultural objects (reconstruction and modernization of the House of Technical Creativity named after Ya.F. Savchenko (planetarium), design and survey work on the object "Restoration and adaptation of the building of a cultural heritage site of regional significance "Firsov Passage" on Lva Tolstoy Street, 146 - 9.18 million rubles


for city engineering infrastructure facilities -
1.70 million rubles.

In 2022, the city of Biysk as a science city of the Russian Federation was allocated from the regional and federal budgets in the amount of 103,864,000.00
(103.86 million rubles) including:

- for major repairs of sports facilities (continued renovation of the sports school building No. 2, the Dolphin swimming pool bowl, the Progress stadium and the building of the former Oktyabr cinema to house a wrestling hall) - 22.7 million rubles.


— for major repairs of street lighting lines — 2.5 million rubles.


— for the purchase of road and municipal equipment (including attachments and pumping equipment), pumps and pumping equipment for equipping the pumping station of municipal wastewater networks - 26.42 million rubles.


for educational facilities (purchase of technological equipment and furniture for organizing school meals and renovation of school premises No. 1) -
9.42 million rubles.

— for cultural objects (major repairs and modernization of the House of Technical Creativity named after Ya.F. Savchenko (planetarium), installation of plastic windows in the central children's library and the “Exhibition Hall”) - 41.17 million rubles.


for city engineering infrastructure facilities -
1.65 million rubles.

In 2022, the city of Biysk, as a science city of the Russian Federation, was allocated and disbursed from the regional and federal budgets in the amount of 74,711,100.00
(RUB 74.7 million) including:

- for major repairs and design of roads of the street network - 25.0 million rubles.


— for the construction, reconstruction, major repairs, design of sports facilities (sports and recreation complex on Razin Street, Progress stadium, sports school No. 2, Dolphin swimming pool, the building of the former Oktyabr cinema to house a wrestling hall), as well as the purchase of inventory and equipment for city sports facilities - 17.6 million rubles.


— for major repairs of street lighting lines — 13.1 million rubles.


— for the renovation of the building of the city local history museum and the purchase of bactericidal recirculators, office equipment and video surveillance systems for cultural institutions — 2.6 million rubles.


for educational facilities (construction and design of kindergartens, purchase of technological equipment and furniture for organizing school meals, purchase of fire doors) -
16.4 million rubles.

In 2022, the city of Biysk, as a science city of the Russian Federation, was allocated and disbursed from the regional and federal budgets in the amount of 86,720,650.00
(86.72 million rubles) including:

- for major repairs and design of roads of the street network and road infrastructure facilities (Skladskaya lane; overpass at 146 km; overpasses No. 1 and No. 2 on Merlina Street; communal bridge) - 16.4 million rubles.


— for construction, reconstruction, major repairs, design of sports facilities (physical education and health complex on Razin Street, Progress stadium, sports school No. 2, major renovation of premises to accommodate the sports and health complex "Peresvet" (sports complex "Zarya"), as well as the purchase of sports equipment and furniture for him, the purchase of inventory and equipment for city sports facilities - 14.4 million rubles.


- for major repairs of street lighting lines - 3.12 million rubles.


— for the repair of municipal cultural facilities (Children’s art school, Children’s music schools No. 1 and No. 2; Children’s art schools No. 4 and “Sovremennik”; Family reading library) .

;for repair and restoration work of the Biysk Museum of Local Lore named after V.V.
Bianki (Lenina St., 134), development of design documentation for fire safety measures for the buildings of the City Palace of Culture and Drama Theater - 37.35 million rubles

for educational facilities (overhaul of school No. 20, overhaul of the swimming pool for kindergarten No. 8, purchase of household appliances, household appliances for the kitchen, kitchen utensils for MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 27", replacement of wooden window units with PVC window units in buildings general educational institutions (schools No. 5; No. 17; No. 33; No. 19; No. 33; No. 15; No. 5; Gymnasiums No. 1; No. 2; No. 11) -
14.4 million rubles.


1. Completion of construction of a kindergarten for 200 places on the street. Sadovaya;

2. Major repairs of the roof of the building of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Gymnasium No. 1”.


1. Start of construction of a kindergarten for 200 places on the street. Sadovaya;

2. Major repairs of the roof of the building of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 1”.


1. Construction of a kindergarten for 200 places in microdistrict 23;

2. Major repairs of the roofs of secondary school buildings No. 6; No. 7; No. 8 and Gymnasium No. 11;

3. Major renovation of the building of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 66”;

4. Major repairs of windows in kindergarten buildings No. 7;10;24;39;40;42;54;62;64;67;69;73;81;82;85.


1. Construction of gas distribution pipelines from GRP-1, GRP-3, GRP-4, GRP-5, GRP-6, GRP-7, GRP-9, GRP-48 (beyond the river part of the city), GRP-18 and GRP-46 (upland part of the city);

2. Construction of storm sewer networks (Mashinostroiteley St., Stakhanovskaya St.);

3. Connecting four new wells at water intake No. 1 to the power supply and collecting water pipeline;

4. Major renovation of the building on the street. Krasnoarmeyskaya, 75 for a kindergarten;

5. Major renovation of the building of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 46;

6. Major repairs of the roof of the building of the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 20”.


1. Reconstruction of the building of the municipal educational institution “Elementary secondary school No. 38” (Sosnovy lane, 1) for a kindergarten;

2. Repair of the facade of the City Palace of Culture building;

3. Construction of gas distribution pipelines to residential buildings from GRP-10/1 (beyond the river part of the city); GRP-13, GRP-18 and GRP-46 (upland part of the city);

4. Construction of a gas distribution pipeline to residential buildings from GRP-27 within the boundaries of Sevastopolskaya, Udarnaya, Martyanova streets and lane. Field;

4. Construction of a gas distribution pipeline to residential buildings from GRP-29 within the boundaries of Martyanova, Udarnaya, Trofimova, Merlina streets.


1. Completion of the reconstruction of the municipal stadium "Stroitel" (now "Yubileiny");

2. Construction of low pressure gas distribution pipelines from GRP-14 and GRP-20 (upland part of the city);

3. Purchase of the “Electronic Archive” software and hardware complex.


1. Reconstruction of a kindergarten for 220 places (at 232 Rifle Division St., 6/1);

2. Completion of the construction of a deferrization station at water intake No. 2 (Sotsialisticheskaya St.);

3. Completion of the construction of a deferrization station at water intake No. 3 (Sorokino village, Mayskaya street);

4. Completion of repairs to the communal bridge across the Biya River;

5. Construction of intra-block gas pipeline networks within the boundaries of the streets: Voronezhskaya, Ermaka, Kalinina, 2nd Kalinina and lane. Donskoy;

6. Reconstruction of the municipal stadium "Stroitel" (Lipovogo lane): restoration of the football field under artificial turf, restoration and reconstruction of the stands and premises under the stands. Renamed to Yubileiny Stadium.


1. Major repairs and reconstruction of the street. Ugolnaya - Chekhova - Sibirskaya - Irkutskaya from st. Trofimova to lane. Muromtsevsky;

2. Construction of a deferrization station at water intake No. 2 (Socialist St.);

3. Construction of a deferrization station at water intake No. 3 (Sorokino village, Mayskaya street);

4. Start of repair of the communal bridge across the Biya River;

5. Construction of a storm sewer station (Trofimova St.).


1. Construction of a sludge dewatering station (city sewerage treatment plant, Vikhorevka district);

2. Construction of water supply networks within the boundaries of Krasnooktyabrskaya, Andreevskaya, Lermontova, Grazhdanskaya, Lnokombinat streets, lane. Sokolovsky;

3. Construction of facilities for deferrization of water at local wells (Novy village, Novy KhPP village, Neftebaza village No. 1, Neftebaza village No. 42, Odintsovka village, Fominskoye village, Mostostroiteley street, Malo-Ugrenevskaya street);

4. Major renovation of the street. Sevastopol.


1. Repair and reconstruction of city streets (Vasilyeva, Socialist, Krasnooktyabrskaya, Irtyshskaya, Revolyutsii, Dekabristov, Radishcheva, Pribytkova streets);

2. Major repairs of intra-block passages and areas of the AB quarter (road with a platform near the Biysk Lyceum, area near the Zarya Sports Complex and Rodina MC);

3. Major repairs of the overpass across the railway (Voronezhskaya St.);

4. Construction of intra-block gas pipeline networks within the boundaries of Sotsialisticheskaya, Saratovskaya, 2nd Kalinina streets, per. Kim;

5. Bank protection of the village of Sorokino;

6. Purchase of special equipment for municipal utilities of the city (3 garbage trucks with a capacity of 45 m3 and 1 vacuum machine with a capacity of 10 m3);

7. Reconstruction of the bacteriological laboratory at the Central City Hospital;

8. Major renovation of the ambulance station building (Krepostnaya St., 7);

9. Major renovation of the ambulance station building (Leningradskaya St., 91/2);

10. Reconstruction of the bacteriological laboratory at the Municipal Hospital No. 4;

11. Major repairs of the roof of the City Palace of Culture building;

12. Major repairs with inspection and strengthening of roof structures and repair of the facade of the Dolphin swimming pool building;

13. Waterproofing the basement of the municipal educational institution “Basic secondary school No. 1”;

16. Renovation of the building to create a Science City Development Center;

17. Major renovation of the House of Technical Creativity named after Ya.F. Savchenko (Socialist St., 2/1);

18. Major renovation of the youth building (Radishcheva St., 26/2);

Information posted by:
Department of Strategic Development and Economics

State of Medicine

It is impossible to be a modern and successful city without developed healthcare. In a science city it is at the proper level. Clinics and state-owned hospitals provide medical care to people in the city of Biysk. It is especially worth noting that the procedure for making an appointment with a doctor is now being improved. They are actively introducing modern technologies. For example, you can now sign up for the Biysk Consultation and Diagnostic Center remotely through the public services portal.

There are many private medical clinics in the city that operate legally and have all the necessary documents for medical activities. Dental clinics and offices are actively developing. In private clinics, modern materials, the latest equipment and new technologies are appearing, allowing for better treatment.

Places worth visiting

Museum of Local Lore named after. V.V. Bianki is the place in the city of Biysk where you can get to know the history of the settlement and its cultural heritage. The institution was opened in 1920. One of the founders was V.V. Bianchi. It is his name that the museum bears today. The work of this institution began with the receipt of several collections from the zemstvo government and the natural history office of the Altai People's University. Subsequent work made it possible to increase the number of exhibits.

Today, the museum’s collections contain collections of stuffed animals and birds of Altai, herbariums, unique collections of weapons, samovars, shamanic tambourines and other interesting items. Important documents of the past, works of artists from Biysk and the Altai Territory are offered to visitors. The museum has a special music and exhibition salon. It regularly hosts interesting evenings, lectures and concerts, festive events, and thematic excursions.

For lovers of performances and acting productions, a city drama theater has been created in Biysk. The prehistory of this institution began back in 1887, when Narodnaya Volya member L.P. Yeshin organized the first theater group of lovers of dramatic art. This later led to the creation of the theater. The official date of its foundation is 1939. Today the theater stages performances for both children and adults. A special advantage of the institution is the availability of a variety of costumes and decorations. They provide a high aesthetic level of theatrical productions.

City attractions

Biysk is a modern city with a huge number of shops, shopping centers, entertainment, but it also has historical places and cultural attractions. Monuments and ancient buildings can be found in almost every district. Most of the attractions are concentrated in the historical center. In this area of ​​the city of Biysk there is a park named after. Garkavogo is a favorite place of many townspeople. Here you can admire the equestrian monument to Peter I. It was installed in 2010. Nearby is a sculpture of Peter and Fevronia, which is a symbol of long and faithful love, a strong family.

The most important and important attraction of the city is the square in memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War with an eternal flame. About 25 thousand Biy residents defended their homeland from the fascist invaders. Unfortunately, half of the people were not destined to return back to Biysk - our fellow countrymen died on the battlefields.

Coat of arms

The coat of arms of Biysk is presented in the form of a French shield. It is divided horizontally into two equal parts. At the top is the Tomsk (vicarious) coat of arms. On a green field there is a silver horse galloping to the left of the viewer. The animal embodies power and rapid development.

At the bottom there is a golden mountain on a blue background. In its depths there is a shaft and drifts of a mountain mine. They symbolize the territory's richness in mineral resources and their processing.

The regulation on the coat of arms of the municipality was approved on March 28, 2008 by the City Duma.

Interesting buildings

In the old center of the city of Biysk on Sovetskaya Street there is a marvelous architectural structure - the majestic white stone Assumption Cathedral. The first work on its construction began at the end of the 19th century. The building was made in pseudo-Russian (Byzantine) style. The erected temple functioned until 1932. Then it was closed for several years. Grain was stored in the building during this period. The re-opening of the church took place in 1947. Today the cathedral is operational.

It is impossible to tell about all the interesting buildings, because there are so many of them. Let's take a closer look at the building of secondary school No. 4 in the city of Biysk, the photo of which is presented below. This educational institution with the status of a school was opened in 1904 by order of Nicholas II in the historical part of the city (Kazanka). In 1911, the educational institution acquired a new building on Arkhiereyskaya Street (now Shevchenko). During the war, an evacuation hospital operated here, as evidenced by the memorial plaque. Today the building houses a school. In 2004, it celebrated its centenary.

At first glance, Biysk seems to be a simple and unremarkable city. In reality this is not the case. Today it is considered the locomotive of innovative development of the region and the country as a whole. Important enterprises and organizations operate there, there are effective educational institutions, and history and culture have been preserved. The administration of the city of Biysk will do everything necessary for its development. Systematic work will make it possible to preserve and effectively use production, scientific and technical potential, and create comfortable conditions for the life and creativity of city residents.


Biysk Planetarium

Address: st. Socialisticheskaya, 2/1 Phone: Website: Opening hours: Mon-Fri 09:00-17:00 Cost: children—70 rubles, adults—130 rubles.

Residents of Biysk call their planetarium a “dome”, the reason for this is the shape of the building in which it is located. Its premises are decorated with images of the night sky and scenes of space exploration.

In the windows, instead of ordinary glass, stained glass windows with panoramas of galaxies are installed. In the halls there are models of spaceships made by students of the local astronomical club.

The equipment was donated to the planetarium by the first cosmonauts who trained here. The devices were brought from Germany, from the Zeiss plant. Yuri Gagarin learned to navigate in outer space using them.

Using the telescope, visitors can see more than 6,000 stars at an altitude of 500 kilometers.

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