Norilsk. Where is it located on the map of Russia, attractions, photos of the city

The importance of the city in the modern world

In the 20s of the last century, the first expeditions to study Siberian deposits were sent to the Taimyr Peninsula under the leadership of Nikolai Urvantsev.

A scientist with a capital S, passionate about the Arctic, who convinced the capital’s leadership to send an expensive geological exploration expedition to Taimyr, and after 2 years of research presented a complete picture of the area with deposits of platinum, gold, and nickel, Norilsk residents consider him the founder.

So, in 1939, a working settlement of the same name was created near the Norilskaya River, which became a city in 1953. The urban district includes two settlements: the city of Norilsk and the urban village of Snezhnogorsk, whose area is 4,500 square meters. km (450900.85 ha).

The territorial location united the city-districts into “Big Norilsk”:

  • Kayerkan;
  • Talnakh;
  • Oganer Residential Education;
  • village of Snezhnogorsk.

Norilsk on the map of Russia can be seen above the Arctic Circle, at the 69th parallel: 69.35 north latitude and 88.20 east longitude. The city border approaches 70 degrees north latitude and borders the Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets municipal district.

Norilsk is located on one of the largest peninsulas - Taimyr.

Therefore, outside this peninsula, locals call the land “mainland”. The distance between the city and the regional capital is 1550 km. There are roads and railways from Norilsk only to the port city of Dudinka. In summer, when navigation is available, the northern city can be reached along the Yenisei River.

The journey will take from 3.5 to 6.5 days, depending on which direction the ship is going, the price category is within 31,000 rubles. (luxury cabin) up to 23,000 rub. (1st class cabin). This route is made mainly as an excursion. In Krasnoyarsk, travel companies offer 7-9-day tours along the route “Krasnoryask-Norilsk” with the aim of looking at the Siberian beauties, impenetrable taiga and tundra.

The cost of the tour as a holiday in a five-star hotel abroad is from 70,000 rubles. for 1 person. Norilsk residents also use river transport, carrying multi-ton cargoes of industrial and food products to Norilsk for the long winter. There is constant air traffic through the Alykel airport.

From Norilsk you can fly directly to the following cities:

Arrival cityTravel timeTicket price (category: economy class)
Krasnoyarsk2.5 hoursfrom 10,000 rub.
Moscow4.5 hoursfrom 15,000 rub.
Novosibirsk3 hoursfrom 12,000 rub.
Saint Petersburg4 hours 20 min.from 15,000 rub.

Other destinations are reached with transfers, mainly through Moscow, travel time is from 1 day.


  • 1 Name
  • 2 History
  • 3 Administrative and municipal status
  • 4 Demographics 4.1 population
  • 5 Religion
  • 6 Geography and natural environment
      6.1 Climate
  • 6.2 Norilsko-Talnakh nickel deposit
  • 6.3 Pollution 6.3.1 Diesel spill in May 2020
  • 7 Economics
  • 8 Culture
  • 9 Famous people
  • 10 See also
  • 11 Recommendations
  • 11.2 General sources
  • 12 external link
  • Distinctive features of the city

    Norilsk is a special city, from its remoteness from the mainland to the technology of residential construction. Such features seem ordinary to local residents, but surprising to tourists.


    There are many northern cities on the map of Russia. They all have their own climatic characteristics. Norilsk is considered one of the windiest cities in the world. Wind movement is often recorded as 30-40 meters per second, and in winter it develops into a snowstorm. The expression “3 months of summer, the rest is winter”, by the way, is perfectly suitable for the city.

    Above-zero temperatures occur only in June, July, and August. There are summer days when the air warms up to 32 degrees, but summer is often rainy. The rest of the time the temperature is low, reaching -56C in the winter. May and September are no exception. Winter is always snowy, up to 2 million tons of snow falls, and this is the main problem of off-roading in the city.

    Abnormally low temperatures often cause suspended days, where students and preschool children do not attend educational institutions until favorable weather conditions are established. Often, for primary school children, school holidays last for several months.

    They are also allowed to stay until the beginning of the school year for the entire month of September so that they can spend longer at seaside resorts or in cities with a milder climate.


    Norilsk is without a doubt the largest industrial center in Russia. Due to the extraction of natural resources, industrial complexes and factories have been built in the city, which cause enormous environmental damage. By throwing waste into water bodies, treatment plants cannot cope with water filtration.

    Norilsk is a very dirty city, as there are factories there that emit hazardous waste.

    This is the reason for poor drinking water in the city and unsuitable water bodies in the area. Forests of little value for production and sale are not cut down and “bald” or yellowish coniferous trees can be seen.

    Over the city, local residents constantly observe smog due to the prohibitive content of harmful substances in the atmosphere, which exceeds the norm by 5 times. The most polluted air is felt in the Central region (Norilsk itself), near which all industrial complexes are located. The satellite city of Talnakh is farthest from production, and the environment is considered better.

    In recent years, the solution to the environmental problems of the northern city has been under the control of the federal government. Factories are being modernized in terms of measured emissions of pollutants.

    However, today Norilsk is among the world's hundred and ten environmentally-dirty cities in Russia.

    There is an increased percentage of people with pulmonary diseases, allergies, mental disorders; oncology is 2 times higher.

    Population (numbers, peoples)

    The local peoples of Norilsk include the Dolgans, Nenets and Entsy. However, they make up a smaller percentage. The majority are Russians, Ukrainians, and Azerbaijanis. In total, according to population data in 2018, the number was just over 180,000 people, a constant “increase” is made by citizens who arrived for long-term rotational work.

    Norilsk has a social program to facilitate the resettlement of citizens from the Far North to cities with more favorable living conditions. Preferential rights are given to pensioners, disabled people, people who were born and (or) began their working career in the city during Soviet times and do not have other living space outside Norilsk.

    Houses on stilts

    Norilsk is built on a surface with permafrost, which goes 300-500 m underground. Construction of residential buildings is not an easy task for city builders. When heat enters, the soil thaws, and the building may crack and subsequently collapse.

    However, in the late 50s, the pile foundation method was discovered, which consisted of building houses on stilts, which in turn were placed in wells drilled into the permafrost in advance.

    The method made it possible to reduce the labor costs of constructing the foundation by 10 times, and their cost by 2 times.

    Since the beginning of the 60s, all houses in Norilsk have been built using this method. This experience of Norilsk builders was adopted by Dudinka, Yakutsk, Vorkuta and other northern cities.

    Flora and fauna

    Norilsk on the map of Russia is located on the Taimyr Peninsula. It is impossible to talk about the flora and fauna of Norilsk separately from Taimyr. Here are its large-scale nature reserves, untouched wild nature, and impenetrable forest-tundra.

    Brown bears, wolves, and foxes live in the forest belt nearby. Predators do not enter the city, but they can be found at dachas and countryside camp sites that are empty in winter. Old-timers claim that until the 80s there were deer on the roads.

    In the central part of Norilsk there is Lake Dolgoye. Previously, it served residents of the city as a source of drinking water, a place for beach recreation, and fishing. Nowadays this reservoir is used for technological purposes at the city thermal power plant. But fishing lovers visit various other lakes, of which there are hundreds in the Norilsk area.

    The following fish are caught for sale or for their own fishing needs:

    • sturgeon;
    • whitefish;
    • burbot;
    • pike;
    • cod;
    • muksuna;
    • omul

    There are hundreds of species of plants. Directly within the industrial zones, everything is contaminated with waste.

    However, Siberian frost-resistant seed plants include:

    • needles;
    • larch;
    • moss;
    • various kinds of lichens;
    • "roasting" bushes.

    polar night

    The polar city of Norilsk is a region of the Far North, which is characterized by short daylight hours in winter. The polar night is accompanied by twilight in the daytime, where the sun does not emerge from the horizon, or its thin stream is visible, and daylight hours do not exceed 4 hours.

    The polar night in Norilsk lasts from 43 to 45 days, from late November to mid-January. During this period, temperature changes occur, which have the same name “polar night syndrome”; residents complain of drowsiness, lethargy, and jet lag associated with a lack of oxygen and a lack of vitamin D obtained from sunlight.

    Natural conditions

    The city is located on hilly terrain with an average altitude of 980 m above sea level.

    Norilsk is not only the northernmost city in the world, but also one of the coldest. This is due to the climatic zone where Norilsk is located. Winter is extremely frosty with an average January temperature of –28 °C. Frosts are often combined with strong winds. The total number of days with negative temperatures is 280. At the same time, as many as 130 days with blizzards are recorded! There are no thaws in winter. The absolute minimum is –53.1 °C.

    Summer, on the contrary, is short: lasts from the end of June to the end of August. However, it is cool and cloudy. Warm summers don't happen often. The record maximum temperature is +32.2 °C. As for winds, the city is among the 5 windiest cities in the world.

    Another problem for residents is the clearly defined polar rhythm of the solstice: a long polar night in winter and a long polar day in summer. Of course, living in such conditions is very uncomfortable. People may develop depression and vitamin deficiency. In addition, the polar night is accompanied by very harsh weather and the need to heavily heat the room, which is why the air in the apartment will be too dry. However, even under these conditions, the city's population is not decreasing.

    The severity of the climate leads to the need to periodically cancel school classes and lengthen vacations for primary school children. In September, children are allowed to spend time in more comfortable regions to restore their health.

    Transport of Norilsk

    In Norilsk there are no railway tracks at all, including a tram. There are only roads in the city; outside the city there is tundra.


    The most common public transport is the bus. Route stops can be seen frequently and everywhere. Due to the climatic characteristics of the northern city, stops are located no further than 500 meters from residential buildings. The municipality has identified about 30 routes, the starting time depending on the destination is 4-6 a.m., almost all routes run until midnight.

    The frequency of municipal transport is from 15 to 30 minutes. A trip to neighboring areas from the central one will cost 40 rubles. Social tickets are also available for certain categories of residents at a reduced price.


    Minibus taxis are presented mainly in directions to and from Alykel airport, which is located 50 km from the city. The trip will cost a little more than in municipal vehicles, but the minibus copes with its task better: it has a short travel time and is more maneuverable on the roads. It is possible to get to both the central region of Norilsk and Talnakh.


    There are about 23 taxi services in the Norilsk district. They are represented by both federal networks (Yandex taxi) and local ones with colorful names - “Northern City”, “Zapolyarye”, “White Leopard” and others. Since the area of ​​Norilsk itself is small and not burdened with traffic jams, the wait does not take more than 7 minutes. any time of the day.

    The price of a trip around central Norilsk with an economy class taxi is from 80 rubles, to the airport - within 1,000 rubles, to other areas of the city - from 250 to 450 rubles, depending on the distance from the city center.

    Rent a Car

    You can rent a car either from private hands or through car rental companies. Car owners are considering daily, weekly and monthly rentals.

    The price per day for a small car (Mazda Demio) will be from 1,000 rubles, with a larger engine and a later release date - from 2,000 rubles. Auto centers offer passenger cars for personal and business needs - from 2,500 rubles. and minivans - from 3,000 rubles. per day.

    Car owners guarantee:

    • technical serviceability;
    • clean, odor-free interior;
    • MTPL insurance without restrictions;
    • accident insurance;
    • unlimited mileage for the rental period.


    MMC Norilsk Nickel, a mining company, is the main employer in the Norilsk region.[40]

    The city is served by Alykel Airport and Valek Airport. There is only a freight railway, the Norilsk Railway, between Norilsk and the port of Dudinka. There is a road network around Norilsk (for example, A-382 which is connected to Dudinka and Norilsk Alykel Airport), but no road or rail links to the rest of Russia. Essentially, Norilsk and Dudinka function as an island. Cargo transportation by boat across the Arctic Ocean or along the Yenisei River.[41]

    Since 2022, Internet connection speeds have improved thanks to the installation of a 957 km (595 mi) communication cable along the Yenisei River to Krasnoyarsk.[42]

    Main attractions

    Norilsk is rich in attractions in moderation. They are mainly associated with the memory of the formation of the city, geological exploration work, and difficult times of exile.

    "The first house of Norilsk"

    The very first house in Norilsk is a museum exhibit. A wooden one-room log house built in 1921, which was built by the first expedition of N. Urvantsev for wintering. Inside the house there is a museum of the life of the founders of those years. The house is located in the center of Norilsk.

    The museum and exhibition complex "Museum of Norilsk", which includes the first house of geologists, is open from Tuesday to Sunday from 11 to 19 hours, on Friday the working hours are shifted from 13 to 21 hours. Price for visiting the first house in Norilsk: 120 rubles, schoolchildren, preschoolers and pensioners have benefits.

    Norilsk Industrial Institute

    Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Norilsk State Industrial Institute" produces specialists mainly in mining engineering. As additional specialties: management and economics. Training is provided on a full-time and part-time basis on a paid basis.

    The price of annual training in technical specialties reaches 207,000 rubles. per year full-time and 65,000 rubles. by correspondence, respectively. There are quota places with a certain system of discounts for applicants.

    The institute building is located in the center of Norilsk, all information is presented on the website, including:

    • class schedule for students;
    • ads;
    • regulations;
    • admission rules for applicants;
    • Open days.

    Temple of All Who Sorrow Joy

    The Cathedral of the Icon of the Mother of God of All Who Sorrow Joy is located in the center of Norilsk and can be reached by minibus. It is difficult not to notice, since it is a large building with the corresponding attributes - domes, arches, columns.

    Construction of the temple lasted from 1991 to 1993. Represented by church architecture and decoration. Divine services and liturgies are held as scheduled, admission is free.

    Noord-Kamal Mosque

    The Nurd Kamal Mosque is celebrated as the northernmost mosque in the world. The building was built in 1998, construction lasted 5 years at the expense of the ethnic Tatar entrepreneur M. Bikmeev. Architecture of Islamic orientation.

    Taking into account the climatic features of the location, the traditional round shape of the tower, from which one is called to prayer, was replaced with a quadrangular one during the design process, which allows for better heat retention and being windproof. The mosque is located on the outskirts of the city, public transport is represented by 9 routes. Opening hours: daily from 8 am to 10 pm, admission is free.

    Norilsk Polar Drama Theater named after Vl. Mayakovsky

    Norilsk Polar Drama Theater named after. V. Mayakovsky has been running for the 78th season. Offers performances for children and adults. It is an indispensable place to visit for people on a long stay in Norilsk. On weekdays, evening performances begin at 7 p.m., on weekends at 6 p.m.

    Monument to the Victims of Norillag

    The most memorable landmark of the city is the monument to the “Victims of Norillag”, which was opened in the early 2000s. This is a writhing figure of a man in the light in a rectangular masonry in a vertical position, entwined with a wreath of intertwined hands.

    It represents the Norilsk forced labor camp, founded in 1935 and which existed for more than 2 decades. More than 400 thousand people became victims of the totalitarian regime who passed through Norillag. The monument to the repressed is located in the city center.

    Zapolyarnik Stadium

    The Norilsk Zapolyarnik stadium has been functioning smoothly for 8 years after reconstruction. Designed mainly for playing football. The field is equipped with materials that meet modern standards. Accommodates 1000 spectators.

    Strength training and wrestling classes are also held in the stadium building. Skate rentals are available in winter. Open daily, from 7 to 23 hours, skate rental - from 150 rubles, with your own equipment - free.

    Monument to the chair

    An unusual monument, which has significance only in the conjectures of residents and visitors of the north, is located in the city center on Leninsky Prospekt. It is a large reinforced concrete chair on a pedestal with steps.

    Norilsk Golgotha

    A terrible place because of its history - within the boundaries of the cemetery of Norillag prisoners who died from exhausting labor in unbearable climatic and social conditions, the memorial complex “Norilsk Golgotha” was created. The number of those buried is unknown, but all the remains were collected and buried.

    The monument was built at the foot of Mount Schmidt and is a complex of buildings:

    • Orthodox chapel;
    • stele with information board;
    • monuments to Poles, Jews, Balts.

    Due to the distance from the city district, you can get to the monument individually by taxi.

    Monument to a girl geologist

    The main focus of the city is geological exploration and processing of minerals. The initiators decided to create a monument that personifies the unbreakability of the harsh conditions of the Russian people in female form.

    The bronze figure of a girl stands on a pedestal, which can be reached by stairs.

    The monument is located near Lake Dolgoye and is a favorite place for newlyweds. The most convenient way to get to the pedestal is by taxi.

    Memorial "Black Tulip"

    The “Black Tulip” memorial was created in memory of the soldiers called up from Norilsk to the Afghan, Chechen and other local wars. Depicted as a black tulip flower in an arched frame, on top of which is an eight-pointed star - a symbol of military valor.

    The monument is located in the center of Norilsk, 4 public transport routes lead to it.

    Gorge "Red Stones"

    The Red Stones gorge is located in Kharaely - a mountainous area, not far from the Talnakh region. The indescribable beauty of the waterfall forms a transparent lake, up to 9 meters deep. The reservoir is surrounded by mountains, the stones of which have a red tint, hence the name of the same name. The rocky terrain attracts not only vacationers, but also climbers. You can get to the gorge by individual transport or on foot.



    1. ^ a b c d f
      Law No. 10-4765.
    2. ^ a b
      Mikhail V. Kozlov;
      Elena Zvereva; Vitaly Zverev (July 28, 2009). Impacts of point pollutants on terrestrial biota: a comparative analysis of 18 contaminated sites
      . Springer Science & Business Media. paragraph 63. ISBN 978-90-481-2467-1.
    3. ^ a b
      Federal State Statistics Service of Russia (2011).
      “All-Russian Population Census 2010. Volume 1" [All-Russian Population Census 2010, vol. 1]. All-Russian Population Census 2010 [All-Russian Population Census 2010]
      (in Russian). Federal State Statistics Service.
    4. "26. The size of the permanent population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2022.” Federal State Statistics Service. Retrieved January 23, 2022.
    5. ^ a b c
      Law No. 12-2697
    6. "On the calculation of time." Official Internet portal of legal information
      (in Russian). June 3, 2011. Retrieved January 19, 2022.
    7. Post office. Information and computing center of OASU RPO. ( Post office
      Search for postal facilities ( Search for postal facilities
      ) (in Russian)
    8. telephone codes (in Russian). Retrieved February 7, 2016.
    9. ^ a b
      "Norilsk, Siberia". NASA. November 30, 2015. Retrieved February 8, 2016.
    10. “Norilchanka, No. 8 (67) 03.03.05” (in Russian). Archived from the original on April 23, 2005. Retrieved July 20, 2009.
    11. “Life behind closed doors in the Arctic... fun!”
    12. ^ a b
      On the rails of history In the archive September 29, 2007 Wayback Machine (in Russian) (“Riding on the rails of history”),
      Polar Truth
      No. 109 (July 28, 2007)
    13. "Information Bureau of the Northern Sea Route." Archived from the original on February 15, 2016. Retrieved February 8, 2016.
    14. People of Norillag (in Russian).
    15. Minerals Yearbook 1978-79 Volume III Area Reports: International, US Department of Mines, pp. 985, 1979.
    16. “Norilsk - Mountain Hell” (PDF). Retrieved February 8, 2016.
    17. Significant population growth between the 2002 and 2010 censuses. Explained by the merger of the cities of Kayerkan and Talnakh into Norilsk in December 2004.
    18. Fiore, Victoria (November 8, 2022). "A toxic, closed city at the end of the world." Atlantic Ocean
      . Received March Twenty-first, 2022.
    19. Walsh, Brian (4 November 2013). "See the 10 most polluted places in the world (and find out how they got that way...)." Time
      . ISSN 0040-781X. Retrieved October 25, 2022.
    20. "The Arctic Mosque remains open, but the number of Muslims is declining." Reuters
      . April 15, 2007
    21. Paxton, Robin (15 May 2007). "The Arctic Mosque remains open, but the number of Muslims is declining." Reuters
      . Retrieved February 28, 2015.
    22. Nikolay I. Shiklomanov; Marlene Laruelle (30 October 2022), "A Truly Arctic City: Introduction to a Special Issue on the City of Norilsk, Russia", Polar Geography
      (4), pp. 251–256, doi:10.1080/1088937X.2017.1387823, S2CID 135434266
    23. "Norilsk climate". Weather database. Retrieved May 16, 2022.
    24. "Climate Norilsk". MeteoBlue. Retrieved May 16, 2022.
    25. "Norilsk, Russia - Monthly weather forecast and climate data." Weather Atlas. Retrieved May 16, 2022.
    26. John W. Walter (2014), "Nickel", Natural Resources of the Earth
      , Jones & Bartlett Publishers, p. 165, ISBN 9781449632342
    27. “Report on Mineral Reserves and Resources.” MMC Norilsk Nickel. November 3, 2008
    28. Kramer, Andrew E. (July 12, 2007). “For one business, polluted clouds have a silver lining.” New York Times
      . Retrieved July 12, 2007.
    29. "10 places most in need of environmental cleanup." October 14, 2015. Retrieved January 29, 2022.
    30. “Catalog of publications :: Federal State Statistics Service.”
      _ Retrieved January 29, 2022.
    31. "The poisonous truth of a mysterious Siberian city." BBC News
      . April 5, 2007. Retrieved September 14, 2007.
    32. "Norilsk Nickel's Potanin says his company should be an example for the environment -"
      . December 21, 2016. Retrieved January 29, 2022.
    33. “Norilsk Nickel on the Kola Peninsula” (PDF).
      . 2022. Retrieved November 7, 2022.
    34. "Environmental Impact - Environmental Protection - Strategic Report - Norilsk Nickel Annual Report 2016."
      . Retrieved January 29, 2022.
    35. “The Russian company allows the “red river” to spill.” BBC News
      . September 12, 2016. Retrieved January 29, 2022.
    36. Meeting on eliminating diesel fuel leaks in the Krasnoyarsk Territory
      , Kremlin, June 3, 2022.
    37. “Putin declared a state of emergency after a huge fuel spill in the Arctic Circle.” The keeper
      . June 3, 2022. Retrieved June 4, 2022.
    38. Scarbo, Svetlana (June 2, 2022). “An emergency in Norilsk after the leak of 20,000 tons of diesel fuel into the Arctic river system.” Siberian times
    39. "Putin in Russia declares state of emergency after 'Arctic Circle' oil spill." BBC News. June 4, 2022
    40. "World's Worst Polluted Places 2007". Blacksmith Institute. September 2007. Retrieved August 10, 2010.
    41. Andrew Higgins (December 3, 2022), "The Temptation of a Better Life Amid Cold and Darkness," New York Times
    42. “Fiber optic internet has arrived in Russia’s most remote Arctic tundra town.” Independent. September 28, 2017. Retrieved February 18, 2022.
    43. "Museums in Norilsk". Travel Advisor
      . Retrieved March 26, 2015.
    44. "Norilsk Polar Drama Theater". Travel Advisor
      . Retrieved March 26, 2015.
    45. "City cultural center of Norilsk". Travel Advisor
      . Retrieved March 26, 2015.
    46. "Sports and entertainment complex Arena". Travel Advisor
      . Retrieved March 26, 2015.
    47. "Sights of Norilsk." Travel Advisor
      . Retrieved March 26, 2015.
    48. Waldemar Januszczak (20 January 2008). "Darker than it seems." Times Online
      . London. Retrieved January 26, 2008.
    49. Vladimir Bure.
    50. "Prayer League of Father Walter Ciszek."
    51. Shoemaker Barefoot: Profiting from the New Russia
      , Arcade Publishing, 1993, p. 43, ISBN 9781559701822
    52. "Alexander Novak."
    53. "Alex Shikov | Superconductivity News Forum.”
    54. Ottesen, K.K. "Pussy Riot's Nadya Tolokonnikova reflects on the reasons for her rebellion." Washington Post
    55. "Bio - Yurchenko Natalya Vladamirovna." Natalya Yurchenko

    General sources

    • Law Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Law No. 10-4765 of June 10, 2010 “On the list of administrative-territorial units and territorial units of the Krasnoyarsk Territory,” as amended. Law No. 7-3007 of December 16, 2014 “On amendments to the administrative-territorial district of the Bolsheuluisky district and amendments to the region “On the list of administrative-territorial units and territorial units of the Krasnoyarsk Territory””. Entered into force on July 1, 2010. Published: “Gazette of the highest bodies of state power of the Krasnoyarsk Territory”, No. 33 (404), July 5, 2010 (Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Law No. 10-4765 of June 10, 2010 On the register administrative-territorial units and territorial units of the Krasnoyarsk Territory
      As amended by Law No. 7-3007 of December 16, 2014
      On changing the administrative-territorial structure of the Bolsheuluisky District and amending the regional law “On the register of administrative-territorial units and territorial units of the Krasnoyarsk Territory”
      . Effective July 1, 2010).
    • Law Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Law No. 12-2697 of December 10, 2004 “On granting the municipal formation of the city of Norilsk the status of an urban district,” as amended. Law No. 5-1826 of November 21, 2013 “On amendments to the Laws on establishing boundaries and granting the status of municipalities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.” Came into force ten days after official publication. Published: “Gazette of the highest bodies of state power of the Krasnoyarsk Territory”, No. 34, December 19, 2004 (Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Law No. 12-2697 of December 10, 2004 On assigning the status of a city district to the municipal formation of the city of Norilsk
      As amended by Law No. 5-1826 of November 21, 2013.
      On amendments to the regional legislation on establishing boundaries and giving the corresponding status to municipalities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory
      ... Valid for ten days after official publication.)
    • “Norilsk Golgotha” (in Russian) “Memorial”, regional branch “Siberia”, publishing house: “Klaretianum”, Krasnoyarsk, 2002.

    Holidays in Norilsk

    Due to harsh weather conditions, local residents and guests of the city spend most of the calendar year in winter activities. Since ancient times, this has been the sport of skiing and the now widespread sport of alpine skiing.

    Ski resort "Ol-Gul"

    The base is located near the lake of the same name Ol-Gul, taking into account the characteristics of skiing, this place was not chosen in vain - there is no wind, there are small slopes, it is impossible to get lost. During the season, it is visited by more than 10,000 fans of this sport. The two-story building can accommodate 1,000 people.

    Designed for competitive sports events, training athletes and weekend walks.

    Vacationers and athletes visit the base with their own sports equipment; there is also a rental of skis, sleighs, snowmobiling services, and in the summer - roller skates and bicycles. You can get there by personal transport or by bus. Opening hours on weekdays are from 10 to 18, on weekends work extends to 20 hours. The approximate cost of renting cross-country skis is from 150 rubles.

    Ski resort "Otdelnaya Mountain"

    The ski resort is located in the Talnakh region of Norilsk. The construction of the Otdelnaya Mountain base began in the 60s. Currently, there are 7 slopes equipped here, differing in difficulty with special markings. The length of the slopes varies, the longest is 1500 m, the lift is of one type - manual.

    Also at the foot of the mountain there are “children’s” and slopes for beginners, which have a flatter location. You can get to the sports and entertainment complex by bus. Equipment rental and classes with an instructor are available.

    The base is open from 16:00 to 22:00, on weekends work starts from 12:00. There is a heating café and a sanitary area in the premises. There are no hotels or rooms for non-residents in the complex.



    The population of Norilsk is 175,365 (2010 Census)[3].[17] After the fall of the USSR, the population decreased by 40,000 people, but this was compensated for by the subsequent merger of the cities of Kayerkan and Talnakh into Norilsk, with a permanent population of 175,000 people. Taking into account temporary residents, the population reaches 220 thousand people.

    The average life expectancy of local residents is about ten years less than the Russian average,[18] which is about 69 years, while life expectancy in the United States is 79 years.[19]
    Population history


    Putorana Nature Reserve

    Norilsk on the map of Russia is surrounded by a protected area. Thus, located within the Putorana plateau, which became part of the “Taimyr Nature Reserves”, with an area of ​​almost 1,888,000 hectares, is the Putorana Nature Reserve. It intertwines subarctic and arctic ecosystems.

    Security provided:

    • mountains;
    • lakes;
    • forest-tundra;
    • various types of vegetation;
    • rare species of animals.

    To visit the attraction, you must obtain permission from the administration of the reserve, located in Norilsk, st. Talnakhskaya, 22, where they can offer an expedition through the protected area as a day off or for a longer time.

    It is impossible to get to the place of visit on your own, since there is no road to the reserve. The administration will offer private transport to tourists. Thus, the price of visiting the reserve will depend on the route of the visit and the type of transport chosen.


    Norilsk owes its name to its geographical location: the Norilsk River flows near the city (Norilka, Pyasina river basin), the city itself is located near the Norilsk Mountains. Travelers Khariton Laptev, Alexander Fedorovich Middendorf, and Fyodor Bogdanovich Schmidt mention the Norilsk River and the Norilsk Mountains in their reports. The Norilsk River received its former name - Norilka - probably when Taimyr was settled by Russian fishermen in the 16th-17th centuries during the city's existence. Mangazeya. Probably, the name of the river came from the word “norilo” - a long thin pole that stretched a rope of installed nets under the ice from hole to hole. According to another version, the name of the river (Norilka) and, accordingly, the city comes from the Evenki word “narus” or the Yukaghir language “Nioril”, which means “swamps”... Perhaps also from the name of the Evenki tribe “Nyurilians”. 2005 [10].


    Any tourist, being in Norilsk, must attend at least one excursion.

    Bus tour “Norilsk is unique”

    The organizer of the excursion “Norilsk is unique” is the Norilsk Museum, which offers a sightseeing tour of central Norilsk. The bus starts from Norilsk airport and ends at Oktyabrskaya Square.

    The route runs through Leninsky Prospekt, Gvardeyskaya Square, the monument to V.I. Lenin and others. Duration: 1.5 hours.

    Excursion tour “The Lost World of the Putorana Plateau”

    The Directorate of Taimyr Nature Reserves offers a two-day helicopter excursion to the Putorana Plateau with the extreme name “The Lost World of the Putorana Plateau.” The tour starts from Valek Airport and ends there. Tourists are invited not only to contemplate the beauty of untouched wild nature, but also to visit lakes, mountains, and waterfalls.

    Therefore, the excursion is carried out only if there is good weather in the Putorana plateau area.

    The duration of the route is 32 hours, travelers must be without disabilities.

    Excursion route “Big Norilsk Lakes”

    A 6-hour boat tour of the Great Norilsk Lakes is also offered by the Directorate of Taimyr Nature Reserves. The excursion will introduce you to the history of tourist sites and reveal the aesthetic appearance of polar nature. Tourists must be without disabilities.

    Excursion route “Excursion to the Ethnographic Museum”

    In July-September, any interested tourist can get acquainted with the peculiarities of the life of hunters, objects of reindeer husbandry, and artistic creativity. A tour of the ethnographic museum is also under the jurisdiction of the Directorate of Taimyr Nature Reserves. Duration - 1.5 hours, no restrictions or special preparation required.

    Famous people

    • Andrey Bartenev, artist[48]
    • Vladimir Bure, swimmer[49]
    • Walter Cischek, Jesuit missionary priest and political prisoner[50]
    • Vladimir Kvint, economist and strategist[51]
    • Alexander Novak, Politician, current Minister of Energy of Russia[52]
    • Alexander Shikov, leading scientist in the field of applied superconductivity[53]
    • Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, Russian politician and member of the punk band Pussy Riot[54]
    • Natalya Yurchenko, gymnast[55]

    Norilsk Hotels

    Business travelers and tourists in the city are offered to stay in apartments for daily rent or in hotel rooms. For the latter, expectations and reality are more likely to coincide.

    Hotel Polar Star

    The Polar Star hotel complex is located in the very center of Norilsk in the building of an architectural monument, so it will not be difficult to get to it by municipal transport, minibus or individual taxi. In appearance, the low building, consisting of two buildings, captivating with its stateliness and imbued with the spirit of history, is just as stylish, but already modern inside.

    Different categories of rooms: standard, luxury and vip. The room contains the standard necessities for a stay of one or several days. Top-class rooms feature beautiful views from the windows, more luxurious furnishings, and personal shower amenities.

    The cost of a room per night in the “standard” category is from 6,500 rubles. for single occupancy, the highest class - from 14,850 rubles.

    The hotel offers as additional services:

    • laundry;
    • full meals in the room
    • Clothing repair;
    • Gym;
    • conference hall;
    • business room;
    • beauty saloon.

    Hotel Talnakh

    Hotel "Talnakh" is located in the district of the same name in Norilsk. This area is considered environmentally friendly, so the air here will be more comfortable. You can get to the city from the airport by using a minibus or individual taxi, as well as a scheduled bus.

    The hotel offers rooms of 2 categories: standard and luxury. The price of a single room in the “standard” category is 4850 rubles. per day and 7850 rub. in the luxury category, respectively. The rooms are equipped with everything necessary for living and relaxation; the daily rate includes a buffet breakfast. As additional services, the hotel offers a sauna and billiards.

    Apartment Germinal

    The Germinal Apartments are an apartment-type hotel. One-room apartments are located in different parts of the central district of Norilsk. Designed for 4 people, it is possible to include additional beds.

    The hotel apartments are equipped with everything necessary for living and recreation, including a separate kitchen area and cutlery, and a washing machine.

    The price varies from 2500 rubles. up to 5000 rub. per apartment per day and depends on the furnishings of the room and distance from the center.

    All apartments are located near cafes, cinemas, shops, convenient transport links. Rates include parking, airport transfers and ironing.


    Norilsk is characterized by sluggish development. Over the past 20 years, only 1 residential building has been built here. And the most important facility under construction can be called the Norilsk Arena building, erected on Metallurgists Square in the Central district of the city. This structure was built over many years. According to plans, it should accommodate a water park, various sports facilities and the largest store in the city. The complex began partially operating in 2013, but even today city residents are waiting for the opening of a sports center in the Arena-Norilsk sports complex.

    The condition of the roads in the city is good, but due to frequent snowfalls, transport problems are common. Between districts, the quality of roads is noticeably worse and they are often repaired. There are many schools in the city (30 of them), there is an institute, after completing your studies where you can easily get a job at one of the local enterprises.

    Due to the harsh conditions, residents have to spend a lot on utilities. Such dependence is very burdensome, because during the winter month in a good apartment you will burn up many thousands of rubles.

    In the photo, Norilsk looks quite peculiar.

    In Norilsk there is a huge hospital, the white and blue building of which is located right in the middle of the tundra.

    What to bring

    The northern city can boast of souvenirs grown in natural conditions: fish, venison.


    Norilsk on the map of Russia is highlighted by the habitat of the northernmost fish that lives in clear waters - muksun. Possessing a rich taste rich in microelements, muksun is the leader in food consumption. The Taimyr fish processing plant offers products in the form of lightly salted and cold smoked fish.

    All goods are packed in vacuum containers for easy transportation. In the central part of Norilsk, muksun from the fish processing plant can be purchased in various stores: the company store from the Taimyrsky fish processing plant, the Zhar supermarket chain. Bird", MPC "Norilsky" brand store. The price varies - from 650 rubles. for 1 kg.


    Reindeer meat has biological value for the human body. The meat is not infected with diseases, rich in vitamins, amino acids, and a lot of protein.

    The Norilsk meat processing plant presents various types of venison products:

    • sausages;
    • chips;
    • meat chips;
    • yukola;
    • sausages;
    • semi-finished products.

    The price of the product depends on the age of the wild deer and its body part - from 300 rubles. for 1 kg, dried product - from 650 rubles. Branded product stores are located in Norilsk and its Talnakh district: MPK Norilsky, supermarket chain Zhar. Bird".

    Deer head

    It is not surprising that from a northern city remote from the “mainland”, where hunting and fishing remain an unchanged activity, you can bring an unusual souvenir - stuffed animals and even fish. Such a memorable gift can be purchased at the Souvenirs of the North and Nugget stores. They are located in the central and Talnakh districts of Norilsk. You can get there by public transport.

    The price of a stuffed deer head, depending on the size, make, and color of the animal, starts from 10,000 rubles.

    Much remains unsaid and undisclosed about Norilsk: about its buildings that have preserved history, about the people who made it what it is. We can only believe that this amazing polar city will soon expand not only its borders on the map of Russia, but also its capabilities in solving municipal problems.

    Author: Anna Danina

    Article design: Oleg Lozinsky

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