Norilsk. Where is it located on the map of Russia, attractions, photos of the city

Norilsk: areas, recreation, excursions, museums and churches, cuisine and restaurants, shopping and shops, attractions of Norilsk.

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Norilsk is the northernmost city in the world with a population of more than 100 thousand people and one of the coldest cities on the planet. The climate here is harsh, it is winter for two thirds of the year (that is, minus on the thermometer), and strong winds blow incessantly, providing Norilsk with another prize in the top five windiest populated places on Earth. Plus, the “side effects” of industry make Norilsk one of the most environmentally unfriendly cities on the planet. A visitor from the middle zone will not find a single tree here - and he will be wrong, because what he mistakes for shrubs on city streets will most likely turn out to be trees, only in the dwarf “tundra” version. By the way, Norilsk residents call the rest of Russia “the mainland” - since you can only get there by water or by air.

It is difficult to imagine a foreign tourist who decided to visit Norilsk out of pure curiosity; however, even if one were found, it is not a fact that he would even end up in this essentially regime city: no one except Russians can come here without permission from the authorities.

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Norilsk Development Agency

Mythology of the place

Around the world, Arctic tourism is now thriving. The capacity of this market is $100 million per year. “And Russia could take half of this market for itself if it took up real work to develop this sector of domestic tourism. Taking people to the North Pole, throwing them into some unknown places. But this is really not family or romantic tourism, but extreme tourism,” notes Vladislav Tolstov. Indeed, this is not a mass story, but individual tours - and they are always expensive.

But at the same time, of course, the attitude of the local population itself to the development of tourism is also important. According to Vladislav, Norilsk residents are happy with the changes in their city and surrounding area

The Norilsk Nickel plant is being updated, the environment has become better. But the organization of the process is also important.

“At one time there was an idea to arrange a staged camp and barracks for foreign tourists in the vicinity of Norilsk, as if addressing the past of these places - this topic was of keen interest to them all the time. By the way, this idea of ​​“historical tourism” is being played out in other regions, says Vladislav Tolstov. – But a serious moral difficulty arises: Norilsk residents want to get rid of the image of Norilsk as a camp. Therefore, this idea, even if it finds some investors, will be difficult to implement: it is unlikely that it will be possible to come to an agreement with public opinion. Although this would be promising from a marketing point of view, it is difficult to make an attraction out of the suffering of the past.”

In general, it is difficult to develop tourism in these areas without serious investments. There are almost no roads outside the Norilsk industrial region in Taimyr.

In these regions, infrastructure needs to be prepared. “This, of course, is again not cheap, because if, let’s say, a hotel can be built on Lake Baikal for 40 million rubles, then the construction of such a hotel in Norilsk will cost several times more. These are expensive building materials, everything is brought from the mainland, and the maintenance of the hotel itself is expensive,” explains Vladislav Tolstov.

Where to go with children in Norilsk

A trip to the polar city will, without a doubt, become a highlight in the life of a young traveler. A safari in the picturesque surroundings of Norilsk, for example, will allow a child to enjoy the charm of the unique nature of the Subarctic. And here you can visit the northernmost water park in Russia.

Red stones

Address: outskirts of Talnakh. Transport stop "Talnakh Bus Station".

Just 30 km from the city there is a picturesque gorge - a favorite vacation spot for Norilsk residents, where you can have great fun with the whole family. It runs in an intricate line between the two peaks of the Kharaelakh mountain range. The canyon walls are incredibly picturesque. They surround a small lake with crystal clear water. The reservoir is filled from a river, two cascades of streams falling from the top of a rock. The depth of the lake, by the way, reaches 9 m in places. The gorge got its name from the color of the rock. The stones here have a distinct red-brown tint. This makes the surroundings somewhat reminiscent of Martian panoramas. The canyon walls have complex terrain. For beginners and experienced climbers, this is a real haven.

Waterpark "Tropicana"

Only the most extravagant traveler can put a swimsuit in a suitcase when planning to visit the capital of the Russian Arctic. And he will be right, because the northernmost water park on the planet operates in Norilsk! Tropicana has all the conditions for a wonderful family holiday. A variety of slides, waterfalls, cascades, and attractions will delight your child. For the youngest visitors there is a special play area in shallow water. There is a café with a menu full of delicacies. And further! Prices at Tropicana are very affordable.

A trip to the main city of the Russian Arctic will bring a lot of impressions to the most experienced traveler, who has seen a lot of interesting things. Only here you can try real sugudai or sturgeon kebab that melts on your tongue, take a safari across the vast expanses of the tundra, and enjoy the harsh splendor of the nature of the Far North. A pleasant addition to the extreme ecological tour will be sightseeing in Norilsk - a city of amazing people whose will could not be broken by the bitter frosts, icy winds, and the darkness of the long polar nights.

Sights of Norilsk and surrounding areas

Krasnoyarsk region, Norilsk Address:

Krasnoyarsk region

Lake Anama

Lake Anama is a magnificent mountain lake in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, stretching for 54 kilometers in a deep crack in the southwestern part of the Putorana plateau. The Kureyka River, which is a tributary of the Yenisei, flows through the lake. Tourist rafting is organized along the Kureika. Anama has steep banks, only on the north…

Krasnoyarsk region, Norilsk

Leninsky Prospekt

Le'ninsky Prospekt is the central street of the city of Norilsk. It runs through almost the entire central district of the city - from Oktyabrskaya Square to Metallurgists Square. The length of the avenue is 2.25 km. Recommend place 7 2

Krasnoyarsk region, Norilsk

Zapolyarnik Stadium

In 2011, after reconstruction, the grand opening of the football field of the Zapolyarnik stadium took place in Norilsk. The stadium is equipped with modern spectator stands for 1000 seats. The football field is heated and has a reliable drainage system. Artificial turf from FieldTurf Tar...

Krasnoyarsk region, Norilsk

Alykel. Temple-chapel in honor of the Archangel of God Michael

At the Alykel airport of the Norilsk industrial region, a temple-chapel was erected in honor of the Archangel of God Michael. With the blessing of Archbishop Anthony of Krasnoyarsk and Yenisei, on Wednesday, November 21, 2007, the first Divine Liturgy was celebrated in the newly built church, which was led by the priest...

Krasnoyarsk region, Norilsk Address:

Krasnoyarsk Territory, Norilsk, Putorana Nature Reserve

Talnikovy waterfall

Talnikovy Falls is the highest waterfall in Asia, located in the Putoransky State Nature Reserve in the Central Siberian Plateau on Taimyr. The view of this waterfall is awe-inspiring and breathtaking. It’s hard to imagine that the height of the cascade is 482 meters, it’s almost like 160 floors...

Krasnoyarsk region, Norilsk Address:

Arctic Ocean

Yenisei Bay

The Yenisei Bay is part of the Kara Sea, into which the Yenisei flows. The bay is marked by a width at the entrance of about 150 kilometers, and a depth of 6 to 20 meters. Due to the harsh climate, the bay is not covered with ice for only three months of the year. From the bay there are sea routes to ports located on the lower part of the Yenis...

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Zapolyarnik Stadium

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In 2011, after reconstruction, the grand opening of the football field of the Zapolyarnik stadium took place in Norilsk.

The stadium is equipped with modern spectator stands for 1000 seats. The football field is heated and has a reliable drainage system. Artificial turf from FieldTurf Tarkett is as close to natural as possible and meets FIFA requirements.

The first to try out the artificial grass surface of the stadium's football field were the players of the Stroitel team and veterans of Norilsk football. Several hundred fans watched the match.

Climate and nature of Norilsk

Due to the very harsh winter and windy weather, Norilsk received the status of the coldest city. Snowstorms and severe frosts of more than 38 degrees continue here for almost nine months of the year, and the strongest winds do not stop for six months. Summer is cool and short, the average temperature of the “hot” period is 13 °C.

Colorful houses

There are no parks or squares in Norilsk, no trees grow here at all! In order to somehow add life and joy, the first multi-storey buildings in the city were painted in different colors: a blue house, a pink one next to it, a greenish one next to it. And the whole avenue looks like a rainbow, although not very bright, but pastel, gentle.

Putorana Nature Reserve

Norilsk on the map of Russia is surrounded by a protected area. Thus, located within the Putorana plateau, which became part of the “Taimyr Nature Reserves”, with an area of ​​almost 1,888,000 hectares, is the Putorana Nature Reserve. It intertwines subarctic and arctic ecosystems.

Security provided:

  • mountains;
  • lakes;
  • forest-tundra;
  • various types of vegetation;
  • rare species of animals.

To visit the attraction, you must obtain permission from the administration of the reserve, located in Norilsk, st. Talnakhskaya, 22, where they can offer an expedition through the protected area as a day off or for a longer time.

It is impossible to get to the place of visit on your own, since there is no road to the reserve. The administration will offer private transport to tourists. Thus, the price of visiting the reserve will depend on the route of the visit and the type of transport chosen.

What to bring

The northern city can boast of souvenirs grown in natural conditions: fish, venison.


Norilsk on the map of Russia is highlighted by the habitat of the northernmost fish that lives in clear waters - muksun. Possessing a rich taste rich in microelements, muksun is the leader in food consumption. The Taimyr fish processing plant offers products in the form of lightly salted and cold smoked fish.

All goods are packed in vacuum containers for easy transportation. In the central part of Norilsk, muksun from the fish processing plant can be purchased in various stores: the company store from the Taimyrsky fish processing plant, the Zhar supermarket chain. Bird", MPC "Norilsky" brand store. The price varies - from 650 rubles. for 1 kg.


Reindeer meat has biological value for the human body. The meat is not infected with diseases, rich in vitamins, amino acids, and a lot of protein.

The Norilsk meat processing plant presents various types of venison products:

  • sausages;
  • chips;
  • meat chips;
  • yukola;
  • sausages;
  • semi-finished products.

The price of the product depends on the age of the wild deer and its body part - from 300 rubles. for 1 kg, dried product - from 650 rubles. Branded product stores are located in Norilsk and its Talnakh district: MPK Norilsky, supermarket chain Zhar. Bird".

Deer head

It is not surprising that from a northern city remote from the “mainland”, where hunting and fishing remain an unchanged activity, you can bring an unusual souvenir - stuffed animals and even fish. Such a memorable gift can be purchased at the Souvenirs of the North and Nugget stores. They are located in the central and Talnakh districts of Norilsk. You can get there by public transport.

The price of a stuffed deer head, depending on the size, make, and color of the animal, starts from 10,000 rubles.

Much remains unsaid and undisclosed about Norilsk: about its buildings that have preserved history, about the people who made it what it is. We can only believe that this amazing polar city will soon expand not only its borders on the map of Russia, but also its capabilities in solving municipal problems.

Author: Anna Danina

Article design: Oleg Lozinsky

Portrait of a polar tourist

Who is he, a tourist who goes to such places? First of all, he is an experienced tourist. “After all, Taimyr is the most inaccessible point in our country. The last geographical discovery was made here in 1932 - the Severnaya Zemlya archipelago was discovered, recalls Stanislav Stryuchkov. “And this is interesting for tourists.” First of all, such travelers go to the west of the Arctic zone - to Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, then to Chukotka and the Far East. And only then the desire to go to Taimyr appears.

Where is the tourist going? 90 percent go to the Putorana plateau - because it has relict forests, waterfalls, and delicious fish. There are some tourists who travel further through Norilsk - they want to get to the Arctic zones. Then this is Dikson, the coast of the Arctic Ocean, Cape Chelyuskin. Some tourists go to the Yenisei; they are interested in seeing small, original villages. And others are interested in intellectual tourism, they are interested in finding historical artifacts.

Oddly enough, this is not only a solo tourist. Many organized groups, for example corporate ones, are coming. “Recently, 16 auditors from one company arrived. And they ordered a city tour and went to the Putorana plateau,” says Stanislav Stryuchkov.

It would seem that holidays in such places are expensive - due to tickets and accommodation. But, for example, holidays in Kamchatka are two to three times more expensive, the expert notes. So Taimyr has all the possibilities for developing a tourist area. “If at the government level this growth point, or priority development area, received such a status, then interest in it would increase significantly. In the meantime, tourism here is semi-wild.”

Vyacheslav Shut, in turn, says that such travel requires willpower, good physical fitness and, yet, finances. A helicopter flight can cost 150 thousand rubles per hour. “You can also charter a boat that will take you to the border of the reserve. Local guides can help explore the area. It is better to gather in a group of tourists, up to 8 people, and go rafting. The rapids on local rivers are approximately third difficulty - this is a rather dangerous extreme journey. Not everyone can cope with this, but this complexity attracts experts.”

Shouldn't we go to Norilsk?

However, is the average tourist, being in Moscow and thinking about where to spend his vacation money and vacation time, ready to go not to the Black Sea, not to the Crimea, not to Baikal, but to Taimyr? According to Vladislav Tolstov, this direction still awaits popularization

For now, it is more realistic, for example, to pay attention to this tourist destination for the residents of Krasnoyarsk. “Norilsk is located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

And Krasnoyarsk is a millionaire city, there is a large layer of the middle class, which is patriotic and favorably views holidays in its region. People travel to the Sayan Mountains and Khakassia. The flight from Krasnoyarsk to Norilsk is only two hours. Perhaps it will be easier for residents of this region to decide on a vacation in the vicinity of Norilsk. In Moscow, few people dare to travel such long distances yet.”

Another option is to attract foreign tourists to Taimyr. “I met a lot of Germans in Evenkia, they are interested in this,” says Vladislav. – This is exotic ethno-tourism. They return with a lot of impressions. Although there is nothing equipped there.”

As for Teriberka, it is more promising, Vladislav Tolstov believes, if only because it is more promoted. “Some services are already being created there, including tourism ones. For them, tourists are their salvation. If there is no tourism, then there is nothing. If Norilsk has no tourism - that is, nickel, palladium and so on, the city will not be lost. Teriberka does not rely on anything. I assume that Teriberka will be interested in the development of tourism. There will be benefits, there will be volunteers.”

In any case, the state needs to show interest in developing tourism in these places. “This is what is called “institutional investors,” says Vladislav Tolstov. – Who is not interested in a quick return on his investment and, in fact, is not interested in profit. The state played such a role in relation to Norilsk, for example

It built roads and airports, knowing full well that it would never pay off, but understanding how important it was. The plant began to bring real profit to the state budget only after the discovery of rich ore deposits in Talnakh; before that, the threat of closing the city and mothballing production constantly hung over Norilsk

Maybe the cooperation of small businesses would also work here, they would receive discounts on tickets, support from local authorities and would specifically work with some projects.”

For example, Vladislav recalls, burial sites of Japanese prisoners of war remained in Norilsk from the war. It is a Japanese tradition to visit the graves of your ancestors. And families from Japan came there. It would be possible to work, for example, with this contingent of tourists. That is, you can always find some niche for tourism development in this region. But it is worth remembering that the Russian North will not bring much income.

“The average person will go where they can convince them to go,” says Stanislav Stryuchkov. “When Taimyr has a real interest in attracting tourists, a Muscovite will go to Taimyr with pleasure.”

Photos of Sergei Gorshkov, Vyacheslav Shut, Maxim Shapovalov, Alexey Arlyukov, Andrey Kiyko courtesy of MMC Norilsk Nickel

Norilsk: attractions, photos, videos, reviews | Guide to Russia

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Clothes and accessories

For fur goods in Norilsk, you can look into “Atoll” or “Imperial” - small, rustic, but generally good shopping malls. There is also a good selection at the Ocean indoor market.

Shopping centers

Modern shopping in Norilsk is possible, but expensive. Prices for clothes here are higher than the Russian average, and the choice is not huge. But taking a walk through large shopping centers is a chance to have some fun in Norilsk. The most popular malls:

  1. Arena-Norilsk
  2. Taimyr
  3. Talnakh
  4. Northern Passage
  5. Galaxy

Fur, leather, wool

In Norilsk you can buy excellent fur hats or mittens. Warm boots made of deerskin and fur - high boots - are very popular. Prices for them start from 10 thousand, but they will serve you for years.

You can also bring good thermal underwear and knitted items from Norilsk. Not branded, homemade. Believe me, the locals know a lot about warm clothes. So feel free to buy local socks, hats and sweaters - these are excellent and very symbolic gifts.

Fur coat

Men, can you guess what to bring your wife as a gift from Norilsk? Yes, the city has an excellent selection of fur coats from arctic fox, fox and, of course, mink. Prices here are significantly lower than the Russian average. This is understandable - residents of one of the coldest cities in the world should have the opportunity to insulate themselves. It is unlikely that anyone will decide to go to Norilsk specifically to buy a fur coat. But “business travelers” can think about this expense item in advance and take money with them to buy furs.

Monument to the chair

The famous Norilsk artist Oleg Osmuk decided to create a composition that no tourist or city dweller would pass by. The master thought for a long time and made an unconventional decision: to install an ordinary chair in the city center.

The artist was not mistaken. The reinforced concrete chair, which is twice the size of a normal chair, immediately attracted attention. Both locals and travelers who come to the city always take pictures on the chair.

Address: ave. Leninist.

Yenisei Bay

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The Yenisei Bay is part of the Kara Sea, into which the Yenisei flows. The bay is marked by a width at the entrance of about 150 kilometers, and a depth of 6 to 20 meters. Due to the harsh climate, the bay is not covered with ice for only three months of the year. From the bay there are sea routes to ports located on the lower part of the Yenisei. Sibiryakova Island and Oleniy Island lie on the Yenisei Gulf. On the eastern coast of the bay is the port of Dikson, not far from which there is a hydrometeorological observatory.

Fishing mainly consists of nelma and omul. In addition, hunting for sea animals such as beluga whales and seals is practiced here.

Transport of Norilsk

In Norilsk there are no railway tracks at all, including a tram. There are only roads in the city; outside the city there is tundra.


The most common public transport is the bus. Route stops can be seen frequently and everywhere. Due to the climatic characteristics of the northern city, stops are located no further than 500 meters from residential buildings. The municipality has identified about 30 routes, the starting time depending on the destination is 4-6 a.m., almost all routes run until midnight.

The frequency of municipal transport is from 15 to 30 minutes. A trip to neighboring areas from the central one will cost 40 rubles. Social tickets are also available for certain categories of residents at a reduced price.


Minibus taxis are presented mainly in directions to and from Alykel airport, which is located 50 km from the city. The trip will cost a little more than in municipal vehicles, but the minibus copes with its task better: it has a short travel time and is more maneuverable on the roads. It is possible to get to both the central region of Norilsk and Talnakh.


There are about 23 taxi services in the Norilsk district. They are represented by both federal networks (Yandex taxi) and local ones with colorful names - “Northern City”, “Zapolyarye”, “White Leopard” and others. Since the area of ​​Norilsk itself is small and not burdened with traffic jams, the wait does not take more than 7 minutes. any time of the day.

The price of a trip around central Norilsk with an economy class taxi is from 80 rubles, to the airport - within 1,000 rubles, to other areas of the city - from 250 to 450 rubles, depending on the distance from the city center.

Rent a Car

You can rent a car either from private hands or through car rental companies. Car owners are considering daily, weekly and monthly rentals.

The price per day for a small car (Mazda Demio) will be from 1,000 rubles, with a larger engine and a later release date - from 2,000 rubles. Auto centers offer passenger cars for personal and business needs - from 2,500 rubles. and minivans - from 3,000 rubles. per day.

Car owners guarantee:

  • technical serviceability;
  • clean, odor-free interior;
  • MTPL insurance without restrictions;
  • accident insurance;
  • unlimited mileage for the rental period.

Norilsk Hotels

Business travelers and tourists in the city are offered to stay in apartments for daily rent or in hotel rooms. For the latter, expectations and reality are more likely to coincide.

Hotel Polar Star

The Polar Star hotel complex is located in the very center of Norilsk in the building of an architectural monument, so it will not be difficult to get to it by municipal transport, minibus or individual taxi. In appearance, the low building, consisting of two buildings, captivating with its stateliness and imbued with the spirit of history, is just as stylish, but already modern inside.

Different categories of rooms: standard, luxury and vip. The room contains the standard necessities for a stay of one or several days. Top-class rooms feature beautiful views from the windows, more luxurious furnishings, and personal shower amenities.

The cost of a room per night in the “standard” category is from 6,500 rubles. for single occupancy, the highest class - from 14,850 rubles.

The hotel offers as additional services:

  • laundry;
  • full meals in the room
  • Clothing repair;
  • Gym;
  • conference hall;
  • business room;
  • beauty saloon.

Hotel Talnakh

Hotel "Talnakh" is located in the district of the same name in Norilsk. This area is considered environmentally friendly, so the air here will be more comfortable. You can get to the city from the airport by using a minibus or individual taxi, as well as a scheduled bus.

The hotel offers rooms of 2 categories: standard and luxury. The price of a single room in the “standard” category is 4850 rubles. per day and 7850 rub. in the luxury category, respectively. The rooms are equipped with everything necessary for living and relaxation; the daily rate includes a buffet breakfast. As additional services, the hotel offers a sauna and billiards.

Apartment Germinal

The Germinal Apartments are an apartment-type hotel. One-room apartments are located in different parts of the central district of Norilsk. Designed for 4 people, it is possible to include additional beds.

The hotel apartments are equipped with everything necessary for living and recreation, including a separate kitchen area and cutlery, and a washing machine.

The price varies from 2500 rubles. up to 5000 rub. per apartment per day and depends on the furnishings of the room and distance from the center.

All apartments are located near cafes, cinemas, shops, convenient transport links. Rates include parking, airport transfers and ironing.

Sights of Norilsk

In this city with a harsh climate there is something to see, increase your erudition and learn the history of Russia.

  • The first house in Norilsk was built in 1921. This museum is dedicated to the explorers of this region - the first geological exploration expedition of N.N. Urvantsev, whose specialists discovered deposits of coal, copper, nickel and precious metals.
  • Museum of the history of exploration and development of the Norilsk industrial region. The main exhibition contains materials from the geological exploration expedition of N.N. Urvantsev, letters, things and photographs of the researcher. Exhibits about the history of the indigenous people of Taimyr are also on display.
  • Norilsk Polar Drama Theater named after. Vladimir Mayakovsky. There is no theater in the world further north! It was founded on the basis of a forced labor camp. However, prisoners who were very famous in theater circles performed on its stage: Lev Gumilyov, V. Golovin, O. Benois, E. Urusova. I. Smoktunovsky began his career in this theater.
  • The Norilsk Golgotha ​​Memorial, built in memory of the victims of political repression near Mount Schmidt, where thousands of deceased prisoners of Norilsk are buried.

The Reindeer Monument, the City Art Gallery, the Nurd-Kamal Mosque, the Orthodox Church of All Who Sorrow are the northernmost attractions on the planet, as is the city of Norilsk itself!

Norilsk is a city with a large number of industrial production and factories for the extraction and processing of minerals: copper, cobalt, nickel, and precious metals are mined and processed here. Unfortunately, numerous factories and industries have affected the environmental situation of the city: the city is considered one of the most unfavorable for life. This is confirmed by the life expectancy of city residents: even by Russian standards, life expectancy is very low: 10 years less than the national average.

Actually, there are few attractions in Norilsk itself, but many tourists come here to engage in active recreation: river, mountain tourism, see Red Stones and waterfalls nearby.

Photo: “Theatrenorilsk” by participant Timur Voronkov (Participant:INSAR) - his photo. Under Public Domain license from Wikipedia -

Norilsk: attractions | Cultural tourism

Norilsk is the northernmost city in the world with a permanent population of more than 150,000 inhabitants. The city and its surroundings belong to the regions of the Far North.

Norilsk owes its name to its geographical location: the Norilskaya (Norilka) River flows near the city, and the city itself is located near the Norilsk Mountains. Travelers Khariton Laptev, A.F. Middendorf, F.B. Schmidt mention the Norilsk River and the Norilsk Mountains in their reports. According to another version, “Norilsk” comes from the word “norilo” - a fishing pole used by local peoples.

In the 16th-17th centuries, copper from the Norilsk deposits was used by the inhabitants of Mangazeya. Mangazeya is a city located above the Arctic Circle on the Taz River; this polar settlement received city status in 1603. Mangazeya was a trade and craft center; during excavations of Mangazeya in 1972-1975, Professor M. I. Belov discovered an extensive foundry yard.

The main historical monument of the city is the “First House of Norilsk”, built by Nikolai Urvantsev’s expedition back in 1921! The house is located behind the Museum of the History of the Development and Development of the NPR on Leninsky Prospekt in the Central District. The city is rich in places considered to be the “northernmost”. The Norilsk Polar Drama Theater named after Vl. is also considered the northernmost. Mayakovsky.

Norilsk is one of the most environmentally polluted cities in the world. The environmental danger for the population of the city and adjacent areas is due to the fact that the city is a “derivative” of one of the world’s largest mining and, at the same time, metal-producing plants (the so-called “city-forming complex”). There are no analogues of the Norilsk industrial region (including the city) anywhere else in the world.

The architecture of many buildings in Norilsk shows a stylistic similarity with the architecture of Leningrad/St. Petersburg - this is explained by the number of Leningrad architects invited to Norilsk. The architecture of Norilsk was formed under the influence of two main factors: firstly, the peculiarity of the construction of buildings on permafrost soils and secondly, the existing standard projects.

A local “out-of-town” attraction is Lake Lama, the most famous lake in Taimyr. It is located 120 km east of the city of Norilsk. The path to it runs by water - along the Norilsk River, from the port of Valek, which is located 10 kilometers from Norilsk.

Lake Anama

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Lake Anama is a magnificent mountain lake in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, stretching for 54 kilometers in a deep crack in the southwestern part of the Putorana plateau. The Kureyka River, which is a tributary of the Yenisei, flows through the lake. Tourist rafting trips are organized along Kureika.

Anama has steep banks; only on the northern coast can you find convenient parking spots. At times, strong winds raise waves. The lake is fed by melt and rainwater.

The lake attracts not only its beauty, but also its fishing. Here you can find: perch, whitefish, grayling, pike, burbot, char and other species.

Literary art object “Eternal Warmth”

This is a very unusual literary monument. It symbolizes that literature and the gift of writing can warm you on any day of the year, even the coldest. The object was installed after the “Literary Trail” competition on the facade of a large library building.

It consists of books and bookshelves that resemble a heating system. Books act as batteries, and instead of hot water, texts of great poets run through the bookshelves-tubes. The installation looks very unusual; the creator, Marina Zvyagintseva, expressed the hope that the hearts of the residents of cold Norilsk will be melted with the help of literature.

Monument to a girl geologist

This monument was erected on the shores of Lake Dolgoe during the founding of the city. Frosts and winds did their job: gradually the monument began to collapse. During the Soviet years, no one was going to restore the monument.

When they decided to cast the monument in bronze in the late 90s, no one remembered who this girl was. But, all the same, in a solemn atmosphere, the renewed monument was re-opened on Metallurgist Day.

The area around the hill was cleared and landscaping was carried out. There are steps leading up to the monument, and anyone can get a good look at the sculpture. Newlyweds come here on their wedding day.

Address: st. Oktyabrskaya.

A little history

The first geological expedition to the places where Norilsk was later founded was organized in 1920, the second - a year later. The data that geologists collected turned out to be so encouraging that already in 1939 Norilsk turned into a working village, and in 1953 into a city.

The Soviet government resolved the issue of human resources necessary for the development of the Norilsk field in extremely difficult conditions simply: many camps were opened here. The system of camp points that existed here from 1935 to 1956 was called “Gorlag”.

It is estimated that up to 2 million tons of snow falls in Norilsk in one winter.

Church of the Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow”

The first communities began to appear during the Stalinist camps. The prisoners, many of whom were believers, prayed in secret and met to discuss religious matters. There were many priests among the Norillag prisoners.

The church parish was officially created in 1989. Divine services began to take place in the city. The authorities and residents of Norilsk began to collect money for the construction of the temple. In 2003, the temple in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” was opened and consecrated.

Address: st. Pushkina, 11.

Infrastructure condition

Due to the active relocation of citizens to warmer places, practically nothing is being built in the city. On the contrary, houses here are often demolished due to their disrepair. Only very recently a new residential building was erected - and this was after 20 years of calm!

True, the building of the Norilsk Arena, which is under construction, stands apart, which has been under construction on Metallurgists Square in the Central District for 6 long years - and full-fledged construction began quite recently; before that, the iron frame of the building simply “decorated” the once central square of the city. Construction will end in 2013, and Norilsk residents are promised that it will be something grandiose - the complex will house the city's first water park, many gyms and fitness rooms, as well as the largest Norilsk store.

Construction of the Arena

The only public transport in the city is taxis and buses. The situation with roads in the city districts and between them is quite ambiguous. On the one hand, they are constantly being repaired, but on the other hand, they are repairing, sometimes, not severely damaged areas, overlooking obvious damage to the road surface. But this mainly concerns roads between regions; travel in the populated areas themselves is not a problem.


In general, the main problem of the roads here is not potholes and holes, but the huge amount of snow that falls in the cold Norilsk winters. During snowfalls, local snow removal equipment works almost 24 hours a day to clear roads of snowdrifts, especially on roads leading to remote industrial sites so that workers can get home.

The city has no shortage of kindergartens and schools—there are more than 30 schools in the Central District alone. True, due to the “immigrants” there is a shortage of staff in some educational institutions, but most schools are fully staffed, and not least thanks to the local pedagogical school.

The Norilsk Industrial Institute, also known as a scientific research institute, is also located in the Central District of the city - the only university in the city, not counting several branches of universities in other cities of Russia. The research institute works closely with Norilsk companies, including Norilsk Nickel, thanks to which most young specialists, with the help of the institute, get good jobs immediately after receiving their diploma.

Prices for utilities in Norilsk are high - for example, rent for 3 people in a good 3-room apartment can reach 7 thousand rubles or more!

One of the Norilsk courtyards

The main city hospital is located in the Oganera district. Residents of other areas, as a rule, simply call her Oganer - “he was in Oganer”, “he was treated in Oganer”. This is the largest hospital in the city of Norilsk, capable of accommodating up to 1000 patients and having a staff of almost one and a half thousand people. The hospital building, by the way, is one of the tallest in the entire city, located at some distance from residential buildings, and therefore stands out noticeably against the background of the tundra.

City hospital

Distinctive features of the city

Norilsk is a special city, from its remoteness from the mainland to the technology of residential construction. Such features seem ordinary to local residents, but surprising to tourists.


There are many northern cities on the map of Russia. They all have their own climatic characteristics. Norilsk is considered one of the windiest cities in the world. Wind movement is often recorded as 30-40 meters per second, and in winter it develops into a snowstorm. The expression “3 months of summer, the rest is winter”, by the way, is perfectly suitable for the city.

Above-zero temperatures occur only in June, July, and August. There are summer days when the air warms up to 32 degrees, but summer is often rainy. The rest of the time the temperature is low, reaching -56C in the winter. May and September are no exception. Winter is always snowy, up to 2 million tons of snow falls, and this is the main problem of off-roading in the city.

Abnormally low temperatures often cause suspended days, where students and preschool children do not attend educational institutions until favorable weather conditions are established. Often, for primary school children, school holidays last for several months.

They are also allowed to stay until the beginning of the school year for the entire month of September so that they can spend longer at seaside resorts or in cities with a milder climate.


Norilsk is without a doubt the largest industrial center in Russia. Due to the extraction of natural resources, industrial complexes and factories have been built in the city, which cause enormous environmental damage. By throwing waste into water bodies, treatment plants cannot cope with water filtration.

Norilsk is a very dirty city, as there are factories there that emit hazardous waste.

This is the reason for poor drinking water in the city and unsuitable water bodies in the area. Forests of little value for production and sale are not cut down and “bald” or yellowish coniferous trees can be seen.

Over the city, local residents constantly observe smog due to the prohibitive content of harmful substances in the atmosphere, which exceeds the norm by 5 times. The most polluted air is felt in the Central region (Norilsk itself), near which all industrial complexes are located. The satellite city of Talnakh is farthest from production, and the environment is considered better.

In recent years, the solution to the environmental problems of the northern city has been under the control of the federal government. Factories are being modernized in terms of measured emissions of pollutants.

However, today Norilsk is among the world's hundred and ten environmentally-dirty cities in Russia.

There is an increased percentage of people with pulmonary diseases, allergies, mental disorders; oncology is 2 times higher.

Population (numbers, peoples)

The local peoples of Norilsk include the Dolgans, Nenets and Entsy. However, they make up a smaller percentage. The majority are Russians, Ukrainians, and Azerbaijanis. In total, according to population data in 2018, the number was just over 180,000 people, a constant “increase” is made by citizens who arrived for long-term rotational work.

Norilsk has a social program to facilitate the resettlement of citizens from the Far North to cities with more favorable living conditions. Preferential rights are given to pensioners, disabled people, people who were born and (or) began their working career in the city during Soviet times and do not have other living space outside Norilsk.

Houses on stilts

Norilsk is built on a surface with permafrost, which goes 300-500 m underground. Construction of residential buildings is not an easy task for city builders. When heat enters, the soil thaws, and the building may crack and subsequently collapse.

However, in the late 50s, the pile foundation method was discovered, which consisted of building houses on stilts, which in turn were placed in wells drilled into the permafrost in advance.

The method made it possible to reduce the labor costs of constructing the foundation by 10 times, and their cost by 2 times.

Since the beginning of the 60s, all houses in Norilsk have been built using this method. This experience of Norilsk builders was adopted by Dudinka, Yakutsk, Vorkuta and other northern cities.

Flora and fauna

Norilsk on the map of Russia is located on the Taimyr Peninsula. It is impossible to talk about the flora and fauna of Norilsk separately from Taimyr. Here are its large-scale nature reserves, untouched wild nature, and impenetrable forest-tundra.

Brown bears, wolves, and foxes live in the forest belt nearby. Predators do not enter the city, but they can be found at dachas and countryside camp sites that are empty in winter. Old-timers claim that until the 80s there were deer on the roads.

In the central part of Norilsk there is Lake Dolgoye. Previously, it served residents of the city as a source of drinking water, a place for beach recreation, and fishing. Nowadays this reservoir is used for technological purposes at the city thermal power plant. But fishing lovers visit various other lakes, of which there are hundreds in the Norilsk area.

The following fish are caught for sale or for their own fishing needs:

  • sturgeon;
  • whitefish;
  • burbot;
  • pike;
  • cod;
  • muksuna;
  • omul

There are hundreds of species of plants. Directly within the industrial zones, everything is contaminated with waste.

However, Siberian frost-resistant seed plants include:

  • needles;
  • larch;
  • moss;
  • various kinds of lichens;
  • "roasting" bushes.

polar night

The polar city of Norilsk is a region of the Far North, which is characterized by short daylight hours in winter. The polar night is accompanied by twilight in the daytime, where the sun does not emerge from the horizon, or its thin stream is visible, and daylight hours do not exceed 4 hours.

The polar night in Norilsk lasts from 43 to 45 days, from late November to mid-January. During this period, temperature changes occur, which have the same name “polar night syndrome”; residents complain of drowsiness, lethargy, and jet lag associated with a lack of oxygen and a lack of vitamin D obtained from sunlight.

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