Sights of Veliky Novgorod in one day

What to see in Veliky Novgorod? This is a city that the Tatar-Mongols did not reach, getting stuck in the mud. The city where democracy came from and which was the center of the northern lands, a city where after the Second World War only 1000 people remained! The city has history and a lot to see.

Veliky Novgorod is an absolutely unique city. I especially like the history of its origin. The textbooks say: “Formed on the trade route from the Varangians to the Greeks.” In life, everything was a little simpler:

Trade caravans stopped for the winter in Lake Ilmen, then bearded men with clubs came out of the forest and asked to pay for the parking. Later, these bandits retrained as merchants and politicians, and also founded the richest and most influential city of ancient Rus'.

Of course, the city has something to boast about: This is Alexander Nevsky, who deceived and drowned the Swedish army at the age of 21; this is the first democracy, when Novgorodians decided everything at a general meeting (veche); This is also the first writing in Rus' on birch bark letters.

In general, Veliky Novgorod is an absolute concentration of gold, power, knowledge and freedom! All this happened before 1569, when Ivan the Terrible decided that the Novgorodians had gotten too greedy and went to war against them.

The war turned out so-so. Along the way, Tver, Klin and Torzhok were plundered. And when they approached Novgorod, the local nobility themselves went to a meeting with Ivan the Terrible to find out “what exactly was the matter.” Ivan the Terrible was not at a loss and tied everyone up there, accusing them of treason.

Then terrible things happened in the city: Officials and clergy were executed in batches, people were beaten to death in the streets with sticks, burned alive and tortured in every possible way. The Novgorod chronicler says that there were days when the number of those killed reached one and a half thousand; days in which 500 - 600 people were beaten were considered happy!

In Novgorod, everyone knows the legend: During these executions, a dove sat on the dome of the St. Sophia Cathedral, it looked down and could not withstand all the horror that was happening there. The dove was simply petrified with horror! He still sits on the upper cross.

By the way, the second legend is connected with this. They say that if the dove flies, Novgorod will be taken by the enemy. This is the honest truth, because... Since then, Novgorod has been taken only once: by the Germans in World War II. Then a bomb hit the dome of the cathedral and the dove fell down (well, it left its place).

After the raid of Ivan the Terrible, Novgorod fades into the background, it stops developing so actively and does not show itself in any way until the Second World War. Today it is a nice small city with a rich history.

What to see in Veliky Novgorod

So, you've arrived in town for the weekend. What to see in Veliky Novgorod in 1-2 days. Of course, you need to start from the historical center, because all the most interesting things are concentrated there. I will not describe all the sights for you and make some kind of TOP. This will be my personal recommendation of what is worth seeing and visiting in Veliky Novgorod.

Route in Veliky Novgorod for 1 or 2 days. Print it out and take it with you.

Yuriev Monastery

Yuryev Monastery is located in Yuryevo: very close to Veliky Novgorod. Having gone there by car, we saw a beautiful landscape with some kind of wooden church on the shore:

The monastery stands near the bank of the Volkhov River, which originates from Lake Ilmen.

Excellent sandy beach on Volkhov:

The monastery is active, for men. It contains several temples. Anton took a photo in front of the Holy Cross Cathedral :

Spassky Cathedral:

Nice gazebo on the territory of the Yuryev Monastery:

The Bell Tower and the Spassky Cathedral from a different angle:

It is very interesting to walk around the courtyard of the monastery; there is a lot of interesting and educational stuff here. Here, in addition to the temples, you can examine the graves, walk along the neat paths, and examine the building of the monastery prison.

The day flew by and we were already tired. But we still have to look for a place to spend the night in a tent. By the way, a note for tourists: the tents were set up near the Yuryev Monastery on the shore, but such a strong wind was blowing there that we decided to look for another place. After driving a couple of tens of kilometers, we stopped in a forest belt and fell asleep. Tomorrow is a new day and new experiences. Tomorrow Pskov.

Kokuy Tower in the Kremlin

In the Novgorod Kremlin you can climb a real battle tower. Firstly, there is a good observation deck on the top floor, and secondly, it is the highest tower of the Kremlin. Well, in conclusion, this is the only tower so far where something interesting has been done inside. There are exhibitions of how Ivan the Terrible executed the Novgorodians. Many people praise, they say directly and the music and tests are perfectly chosen. You get immersed in the atmosphere.

For me it's just like an adventure! You are in a real tower, without tourist beauties and reconstructions. You can imagine yourself as an archer and understand what they could see from the loopholes; you can imagine yourself as a boyar and understand how life was generally lived in such conditions.

But the only problem is the opening hours.

Kokui Tower opening hours: From May 1: 12:00 – 20:00, break: 14:30 – 15:30, weekends: Mon, Thu, last Wednesday of the month, from November 5 closed for the autumn-winter period.

It would be written simply: open during the parade of planets, the passage of a comet or the arrival of V.V. Putin.

This is Kokui Tower. It is written on the tower that it is open only in the summer, but we also came in the summer - it was closed. You can see this tower in cross-section, as well as see a detailed map of the Kremlin with all the attractions in a separate article

City outskirts

St. George's Monastery

Address: Novgorod region, Yuryevo village Telephone: Opening hours: every day, from 10.00 to 20.00 How to get there: by bus No. 7 from Station Square to the Yuryevsky Monastery stop (30 minutes on the way).

One of the oldest in Russia is the monastery of the Holy Great Martyr, Victorious and Wonderworker George. It was built by Yaroslav the Wise at the beginning of the 11th century from wood. Subsequently, by order of Prince Mstislav, a stone building of the monastery was erected.

The main cathedral of the monastery is St. George's. It is slightly smaller in size than St. Sophia, but in beauty it is not inferior to any other temple. Today its appearance is very similar to the original and meets all the requirements of a princely temple, for example, spacious choirs were equipped here for the stay of the princely family. Remnants of paintings are still preserved on some walls.

The monastery complex also includes the five-domed Holy Cross Cathedral, decorated with gilded stars, and the 19th century Spassky Cathedral, which is famous for its bell tower. There are 13 bells in total, the largest weighs about 1.3 tons. In addition, small churches of the Archangel Michael were erected.

Yuryev Monastery was also called Yuryev Lavra because of its paramount importance. Russian and Novgorod princes were buried here, including the sons of Prince Yaroslav Vladimirovich.

In the post-revolutionary period, the monastery and temple were looted and completely closed. Only in 1991 the monastery returned to the Moscow Patriarchate. Restoration work continues on the territory of the monastery.


Address: Yuryevskoye Highway Telephone: , 79-21-50 Website: Opening hours: every day, except Wednesday, from 10.00 to 18.00 (in winter until 17.00), the huts are open until 17.00. get to Vitoslavlitsa by buses No. 7 and No. 7A, Vitoslavitsa stop (30 minutes on the way). You can also take a minibus from the station.

The museum was built on the site of a village that has not survived to this day. In the second half of the last century, buildings that had collapsed over time were brought to this place. This is how the museum was formed, on the territory of which there are now 22 architectural monuments, including various types of churches.

Every day in Vitoslavlitsy you can visit a hut, in which a woman in folk clothes will tell you everything about folk life, about household items: what they were intended for and how to use them. She will give a tour of the outbuildings and show the garden. The impression as if you were visiting the hostess of those times is guaranteed.

Near this house you can meet craftsmen who will teach you how to make wooden and birch bark products.

On major holidays, Christmas and Trinity, the museum organizes celebrations with folk rituals, slides, songs and music. In the summer, holidays are no less fun. Large fairs are often organized, following all Russian traditions. As a rule, they end with a bell concert.

It is important to remember that in winter and autumn you can only get into the hut from the expositions; other buildings are closed to the public.

Rurik's Settlement

Telephone: get to this picturesque place by bus No. 186, which runs from the bus station to Nereditsy (Spas-Nereditsy stop, 35 minutes on the way). You need to get off at the final stop and return to the highway (about 300 meters). Next, you need to go left along the dam to the river, and then, turning left, follow all the way to the Settlement (the whole path is 1.5 km). The bus leaves the bus station at 7.25 on weekdays, at 8.25 on weekends, at 14.00 and 19.05 every day. The bus returns from Spas-Nereditsa at 7:55 on weekdays, 8:25 on weekends, 14:30 and 19:35 every day.

get to Gorodishche on the Veche motor ship, which takes you for walks along the river. The program also includes a visit to Rurikovo Settlement. The ship departs on Saturday at 11.00, and on Sunday at 14.15.

Coordinates: 58.494040, 31.298992

This archaeological site is located on the opposite bank of the Volkhov. This ancient settlement, according to archaeologists, was founded in the 8th century BC. During the times of Kievan Rus, as legend says, Prince Rurik was sent here to rule.

The settlement was located on a hill surrounded by meadows, which were flooded by river waters during floods. Over time, the population grew, but due to its location, the city had nowhere to expand. This was the reason for the creation of the New City, that is, Novgorod.

People still live in the settlement: several houses have survived. Here you can see the ruins of the Church of the Annunciation, which stood for more than 600 years and was destroyed by the Nazis during the Great Patriotic War. To this day, excavations are ongoing at the temple.

This hill has unique views and a small beach.

Church of the Assumption on Volotovo Field

Address: Novgorod district, Volotovo village, Rechnaya street Telephone: 8(816 2) 77 42 56 Website: Opening hours: daily, except Monday, Tuesday and every third Wednesday of the month, from 10.00 to 17.30 Ticket price: 60 rub. for adults and 40 rub. for schoolchildren and students. How to get there: from the bus station there are many buses - 102D, 104, 110, 116, 117, 119, 120, 122, 127, 149, 149A, 150, 159, 167, 180, 188, 80, 81 - to the Volotovo stop, less than half an hour on my way.

Before the fighting of the Great Patriotic War, this church, built in the 14th century, was the custodian of many original frescoes. During the war, the church was completely destroyed. In peacetime, Russian and German specialists carried out work to reconstruct the building and the frescoes that decorated it.

Not far from the church there is a hill from which, according to legend, Christians threw the great pagan god Perun into the river. The Church of the Virgin Mary was subsequently erected on this site.

Varlaamo-Khutyn Spaso-Preobrazhensky Convent

Address: village of Khutyn How to get there: by car or bus from the bus station about 7 km to the village of Khutyn Opening hours: 9.00-20.00 Tel. pilgrimage center: +7 (81-62) 74-96-02

Believers and simply curious people come to the 12th century monastery to venerate the relics of St. Varlaam of Khutyn.

The construction of the monastery began with the construction of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord, which was initiated by the ascetic Varlaam. Initially, the monastery was for men. In the 16th century On the site of the lost Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord, the Transfiguration Cathedral was erected.

On the territory of the monastery there are the graves of Gabriel Derzhavin and his wife.

The monastery operated until 1920. By the end of the 20th century, the monastery was badly damaged. Today the monastery is active.

Holy Trinity Michael-Klopsky Monastery

Address: p/o Borki, Seltso village How to get there: about 20 km along the P 56 highway Opening hours: 8.00-17.00 Tel. rector: 8-921-029-69-26 Website:

The monastery gained fame thanks to the ascetic Mikhail Klopsky. He glorified the monastery by renouncing princely privileges and beginning to lead a monastic lifestyle.

For accepting the feat of foolishness, he was rewarded with the gift of clairvoyance. The monk is buried in the central building of the monastery - the Trinity Cathedral of the 16th century.

The temple has a bell tower. The 16th century St. Nicholas Church is included in the monastery complex. with original paintings. It was built by order of Ivan the Terrible and was supposed to symbolize the process of unifying the lands around the Moscow Principality.

Currently, restoration work continues on the territory of the monastery.

Church of the Annunciation in Arkazhi

Address: Yuryevskoe highway, 2v (on the way to the Yuryev Monastery) How to get there: about 4 km along the highway. Yuryevskoye Opening hours: Wed-Sun 11.00-14.00 Ticket price: 100 rubles

The temple was erected in the 12th century. in honor of the victory of the Novgorodians over the Suzdalians. In the 17th century the temple was rebuilt, but the interior decoration with frescoes is from the 12th century. saved.

Near the church there is a cemetery where the remains of Archimandrite Photius and Countess Orlova-Chesmenskaya are buried. Their tombs were plundered in the Yuryevsky Monastery after the revolution of the 20th century. Believers secretly reburied the bodies near the walls of the Church of the Annunciation in Arkazhi.

Nikolo-Vyazhishchi Convent

Address: s. Vyazhishi How to get there: by car about 16 km along Syrkovskoye Highway. to s. Knitters. By train: to the station. "Knitting". Opening hours: 7.00-19.00 Coordinates: 58.623042, 31.169307

The monastery was founded in the 14th century. During this period, a temple was erected on the territory of the monastery in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

During the period from the 17th to the 19th centuries. The churches of St. Nicholas of Myra-Lycia, the Wonderworker, St. John the Evangelist, and the Ascension of the Lord, as well as a refectory, were built. The temples are decorated with tiles depicting unicorns and lions.

Independent walk through the Kremlin at night

I really liked the night illumination of the Kremlin and the fact that it is open until late. Of course, this is actually not a tourist site, but the only illuminated passage to the bridge over the river. In the evenings there are almost no people there and there are no large groups at all, so you can calmly walk in silence and enjoy not the tourist city, but the grandeur of the ancient Kremlin, its beautiful and beautiful view.

It’s a pity that the shopping side (where there are many churches and a wall with arches) is not illuminated at all. Therefore, it will take you a maximum of 40 minutes to walk around and inside the Kremlin.

Opening hours of the Novgorod Kremlin: from 6.00 to 24.00, admission is free and it is very pleasant to walk around it

There are several interesting subjects on the monument, so I recommend a separate article on this monument to the Millennium of Russia

Motor ship excursions along the Volkhov to Lake Ilmen

Near the Kremlin, on the banks of the Volkhov River, there is a pier from which an excursion boat departs to Lake Ilmen. In one hour you will sail past the place where Russian statehood was born - the Rurik settlement and the Yuryev Monastery.

The pier is located on the left immediately after exiting the Kremlin gate (opposite to the one you entered). There is no need to cross the bridge over the river.

The ticket price is 500 rubles per adult, and if with an exit in the Rurik settlement, then 700 rubles (these are prices for 2022. We will publish the cost for navigation 2022 closer to the season). Tickets can be purchased directly on the ship or at the tourist office at Veliky Novgorod, Sennaya Square, building 5. There is no need to book them, and there is nowhere to book them.

The ship moves calmly, without rocking anyone along the way. You can take seats both on the deck, where the breeze blows, and in the covered part, where there is a dining room with inexpensive pies and drinks.

Navigation usually opens on May 1 and lasts until the end of September.

Self-guided walk along the shopping side (Yaroslavo Dvorishche)

Novgorod is divided by the Volkhov River into 2 parts: the one where the Kremlin is the Sofia side, and the second is the trade side. Those. If you cross the bridge from the Kremlin, you will find yourself on an ancient trading square. There is a lot of interesting things there, because in a small area there are a large number of churches that have stood for more than 900 years! Immediately behind them were the ancient trading yards: German, Dutch and others.

But this walk will be much less enjoyable if you don’t know what’s what. And there are many interesting stories associated with this place. Therefore, I highly recommend visiting the interactive panorama in the St. Nicholas Church (I’ll tell you a little lower), after which you will walk differently, understanding that the whole of Novgorod collected for one church in memory of the war with the Scythians, one was built by a merchant, atonement for sins, and the third not a church at all, but a princely palace. By the way, many are still looking for a secret passage leading under the river from the Kremlin to one of these churches.

One of the most ancient churches is St. Nicholas Cathedral Torgovaya Square (Yaroslavo Dvorishche), churches can already be seen behind it.

Yaroslav's yard

The Kremlin followed by a boat trip or without it is, so to speak, the first part of the inspection. Let's move on to the second one. The Volkhov River divides the city into two sides - Sofia, on which the Kremlin is located, and Torgovaya, which is located across a pedestrian bridge.

When descending from the bridge, on the left in the direction of travel, you can see a nice monument to a girl tourist who has sat down to rest (the photo was taken on the opposite bank from the Kremlin).

The first attraction of the Torgovaya Side is clearly visible from afar - this is the famous Arcade of the Torgovy Dvor (in the photo below), which in the old days framed the economic center of the city - Yaroslavovo Dvorishche ( ) and Torg.

During major city holidays, such as City Day or Hanseatic Days, behind the Arcade, local and visiting merchants set up their shops with handmade souvenirs, homemade products, forged items and other interesting things.

Behind the Arcade, not far from each other, there are six churches, St. Nicholas Cathedral, and the Gate Tower. Some churches and the cathedral are open to the public at certain times. In general, along the Trade Side it is pleasant to stroll along the well-groomed paths and feel the atmosphere of the ancient city. The trade itself, however, is somehow not very good now, but there are still several trays with souvenirs, including handmade ones.

The ship moored to the Trade Side of Novgorod is the Fregat Flagman restaurant complex (pictured below). On Friday and Saturday from 22:00 to 06:00 there is a nightclub on the ship.

No less attractive to tourists is the relatively modern attraction of the city, which appeared in June 2009 - the Hanseatic Fountain. It is made in the form of a negotiation table, which depicts the coats of arms of 16 countries that are part of the Hanseatic League of the New Age. It is not difficult to find: when descending from the pedestrian bridge, you need to go straight ahead to the first turn to the right, from which a small path of slabs leads to the fountain.

Not far from the fountain there are those same souvenir shops with handmade products.

Afterwards, you can walk along the Torgovaya Side embankment to see interesting and unusual monuments to a boy drawing, a siren and a wooden brown bear sitting on a bench opposite the Torgovaya side. At the end of the embankment stands the Church of Boris and Gleb, known to many lovers of Russian history, which is now operational and open to tourists.

An hour is enough for you to explore the Kremlin, about the same for the courtyard, an hour for the ship and another hour to spend on the way from the station, waiting for departure on the ship and other entertainment. A total of four hours, but if without a boat trip, then three is enough for a standard program.

Multimedia panorama “The Great Court and the Princely Bargain” in St. Nicholas Cathedral

Among the churches on the Trade Side there is one most outstanding one, which deserves special attention: St. Nicholas Cathedral. It is the oldest of all and the most well restored. In fact, there’s not much to do inside without a tour, but if it weren’t for the panorama.

What is the multimedia panorama “Great Courtyard”? They take you into a room, well, like a room - a tent, inside there are ordinary chairs. And the projector tells the story and shows it all around you. The presentation was made very clumsily, there are no effects, no staged or specially filmed moments. If I did this, then I would be very ashamed of such visual work, because... it is 10 years out of date.

But there is one big plus - it tells really fun facts and interesting events that you are unlikely to find. It is also here that it tells about all the churches around. This part turned out well, because... these churches are really all around and you feel as if you are looking through transparent walls.

I highly recommend the multimedia panorama; it briefly but interestingly tells about all the churches around, about this ancient area through which you are walking, about the customs of ancient Novgorod.

Another interesting fact: I was very glad that churches are slowly being restored and opened, interesting exhibitions are being created for tourists, but then I read that St. Nicholas Cathedral is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List and they were allocated $1,000,000 for restoration! Since then, several restorers have already sat down, but for such money, very little has been done and completely wrong.

The cathedral is open from 10.00 to 18.00, every day except Monday and Tuesday. Panorama time: 13 minutes, held at any time when you arrive and at least for you alone. The cost is 150 rubles per adult and 80 per student. Children under 16 years old - 50 rubles.

St. Nicholas Cathedral, and in the background the ancient trading yards begin (they talk about this in the panorama). Nowadays residential buildings and shops

This is a multimedia panorama

Without a panorama and a tour, the cathedral is not so interesting; for the most part, restoration and photographs of all the churches in Novgorod are underway

Large article about Yaroslav's Dvorishche with all prices

What can you see in 1-2 days?

If you come to Novgorod the Great for a few days, then after the historical center you can continue the tour of the holy places of the city and visit the surrounding area.

Victory Monument

The Victory Monument is dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the liberation of Veliky Novgorod from the fascist invaders. The main figure of the monument is a rider on a horse with a ball in his hand.

Alekseevskaya Tower

The White or Alekseevskaya Tower is a fragment of the fortifications of the Okolny Town of the 16th century, which consisted of wooden walls, log houses covered with earth and stone towers. Alekseevskaya Tower is all that has survived to this day from fortifications.

Desyatinny Monastery

The building of the Desyatinny Convent, built in 1327, today houses the State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land. The museum houses paintings by Novgorod artists of the 20th-21st centuries, porcelain and glass items.

St. George's Monastery

St. George's Monastery was founded by Yaroslav the Wise in 1030. For many centuries, the monastery was considered the first among the Novgorod monasteries, called the Yuryev Lavra.

The main temple of the St. George's Monastery is St. George's Cathedral. This is a monumental structure with three domes and three altar projections. The height of the temple is 32 meters. On the facade of the cathedral, sections of ancient masonry were specially exposed so that you can imagine what it looked like originally.

Holy Cross Cathedral in Yuryev Monastery

The complex of the St. Yuryevsky Monastery also includes: the Spassky Cathedral, the archimandrite building, the Holy Cross Cathedral, the bell tower, the Church of the Burning Bush and the Church of the Archangel Michael. St. George's Monastery is active. Admission is free from 10.00 to 18.00.

Sculpture of Alexander Nevsky

The monument to Alexander Nevsky was erected in 1985. The figure of the prince is depicted in motion, he holds a helmet in his hand, and behind him is a cloak that flutters with the wind.

Where to go in Vitoslavice on the weekend?

Four kilometers from Novgorod, in a picturesque place, there is the Vitoslavitsa Museum of Folk Wooden Architecture.

The museum began to be created in 1964 and wooden buildings were brought here from all over the Novgorod region. Now on the territory of the museum there are more than 20 interesting buildings: churches, chapels, village huts, outbuildings and a mill. The life of local peasants is recreated inside.

The oldest wooden structure is the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary from the village of Peredki, Borovichi district. The inscription on one of its bells indicates that it was cast in 1539. Find out the museum's opening hours and ticket prices here.

St. George's Monastery and Vitoslavitsa are located next to each other, I recommend combining visits to these two places.

You can visit Vitoslavitsy, St. George’s Monastery and the Peryn monastery on an individual excursion “Acquaintance with the architecture of Ancient Rus'”.

You can view the train schedule here:


In 2009, on the eve of the celebration of the 1150th anniversary of the city, a monument to the hero of ancient epics Sadko was erected. Initially, it was installed near the Yaroslav settlement, but then it was moved opposite the hotel of the same name. By the way, the city also has the Sadko Fountain, which is located in the northern part of the Kremlin Park.

Rurik settlement: how to get there?

Novgorod was first mentioned in documents in 859 as a city founded by the Slovenes. The name itself is Novgorod, that is, a new city suggests the existence of a historical predecessor.

The Rurik settlement is located two kilometers south of the modern city on the right bank of the Volkhov River. During the excavations, which have been going on here for more than twenty years, it was possible to establish the time of construction - the 9th century. This is the first residence of the Novgorod princes, to which the Scandinavian prince Rurik arrived in 862. On the territory of the Rurik settlement there are the ruins of the Annunciation Church. You can visit the settlement from 10.00 to 17.00, except Thursday and Friday. See the location of the settlement on the map.

Monument to Peter and Fevronia

In the park opposite the Intercession Cathedral there is a monument to the Orthodox patron saints of family, love and fidelity to Peter and Fevronia of Murom.

The most ancient Church of the Savior on Nereditsa

Not far from the settlement is the Church of the Savior on Nereditsa, built in the 12th century by Yaroslav Vladimirovich in memory of his deceased sons.

The unique painting inside the cathedral, which unfortunately was lost during the Second World War, brought world fame to the church. The church was restored in the 60s of the last century. Work to restore the fresco painting is still ongoing. Open to the public from 11.00 to 14.00, except Thursday and Friday. When there is precipitation, the church is closed.

Anthony's Monastery

Closer to the Kremlin, on the right bank of the Volkhov River, stands the ensemble of the famous Anthony's Monastery, founded at the beginning of the 12th century by the Monk Anthony the Roman.

Having bought a small plot of land, he first erected a wooden and then a stone Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, which has survived to this day. Anthony's Church is a slender, skyward structure with three domes. In 1740, the Novgorod Theological Seminary was established here - one of the oldest educational institutions in Russia.

cat scientist

Near the “Read-Gorod” library center on Kochetov Street there is an unusual sculpture of a scientist cat. A sad cat is depicted on the stump of a cut down tree and talks about the eternal.

Faceted Chamber

Another thing to see in Veliky Novgorod: The Chamber of Facets is a place where several people sit with machine guns and guard the royal treasures in ancient chambers. I didn’t regret for a second that we went there! These are not just some gold jewelry, but objects that we watched films about and read about in books. Metropolitan hats that are 400 years old! Rich, uncomfortable, tough! Huge golden crosses with which all the processions took place! Giant prayer books decorated with precious stones! Golden basins hollowed out with hammers.

In ordinary museums, everyday objects of ordinary people are exhibited, and in the Chamber of Facets, what kings were proud of 500-600 years ago!

Admission for adults is 150 rubles, for children 100. Excursions on weekdays at 12.00, on weekends at 12.00 and 14.00, unfortunately I did not write down the opening hours.

The yellow building is the entrance to the faceted chamber. Large golden books. Very large golden books. Look at the censer on the left, it's just a work of art. I thought the crosses were made of pure gold. In fact, the inside is wood and only the outside is wrapped in gold. What did they wear 600 years ago?

What was worn 400 years ago What was worn 200 years ago

Large frames for icons VERY large frames for icons

Veliky Novgorod with children: a fairy tale of epic Rus'

You need to go to Novgorod with your children to show them that the story is close, interesting, and understandable.

Take a walk along the walls of the Novgorod Detinets, let the kids play the harp. No history lesson can teach you this.

Center for Musical Antiquities: hear what antiquity sounds like

Take a look here if you are not afraid to infect your children with a love of ancient music.

You will learn everything about harps and harps, as well as lyres, whistles, sniffles of the 10th-15th centuries, and hear how they sound. Children will try to play the harp themselves, like the epic hero Sadko. The guides travel around the villages on their own, restoring instruments.

“Thank you from all Russian people,” D. Likhachev wrote in the Book of Reviews.

How to find

The center is hidden in the courtyards. To avoid getting lost, use the navigator. Address: st. Ilyina, 9B.

Excursions for single visitors strictly at 14:00. Closed on Monday.

Falcon Yard: pet Rurik

Novgorod has the largest poultry farms in the country.

There is a Falcon Yard on the territory of the Kremlin. The service is carried out by kites, saker falcons, long-eared owls, hawks, and buzzards.

  • Watch them fly and hunt.
  • Learn about the history and traditions of falconry.
  • Pet the kite and take a photo for memory.

Rurik, by the way, is the name of the local eagle owl. He has been living here for 2 years, hunting at night.

How to find

Novgorod Kremlin, clearing between the Prince's Tower and the Judicial Town.

Children's Museum Center: interactive for younger schoolchildren

At the Children's Museum Center, children will see Novgorod through the eyes of Onfimka from the 13th century. Drawings by a seven-year-old boy tell how he lived in 1220:

  • learned to write with a bone stick on a cere - a special tablet covered with wax,
  • I bought whistles at the Novgorod Market,
  • ran along the pavements of ancient Novgorod.

On Sundays at 15:00 master classes are held: they teach how to make dolls, paint glassware, and sculpt toys from clay.

How to find

Novgorod Kremlin, Judicial Town, 3.


Amazing belfry! During the Second World War, the Novgorodians removed the bells from it and drowned them in Volkhov so that the enemy would not get the iron. And after the war they were lifted with the help of tanks, simply hooked to the tank’s gun and pulled out. These bells stand next to the belfry and the top of the largest one is torn off; in fact, this happened precisely during such a rise. It is located in the Kremlin, where there is a lot to see in Veliky Novgorod.

You don’t have to climb the belfry itself, it costs 350 rubles and it seems that there is a good view from there, but in reality this is not the case. The view is very ordinary; from the bridge you will see no less.

St. Sophia Cathedral of Veliky Novgorod

The cathedral is the main temple of the city and one of the oldest in Russia - it was built in 1050. Fragments of the dome painting, which were made in 1109, have survived to this day. On the main iconostasis of the church there are icons from the 20th century; icons from the 20th century are kept on display in the museum.

The cross of one of the church domes is crowned with the figure of a dove. Legend says that when Ivan the Terrible dealt with the inhabitants of Novgorod, a bird sat on the cross of Sophia. Looking at the cruelty that was happening, the dove was petrified with horror. Afterwards, the Mother of God revealed to one of the monks that this dove was sent to console the city - and until it flies off the cross, the city will be protected.

Walks with mayor Sbyslav

This is really really cool! This is a great theatrical tour. It is hosted by a good actor and he talks specifically about a certain period of Novgorod history! He does all this in the spirit of the times and his character, and since this is the most intense period of Novgorod history, it is very interesting to listen and watch! I definitely recommend going to see it.

Not to be confused with “Walk with the State Councilor”. It tells the story of the 19th century, but nothing happened there at all! Therefore, if there are a lot of positive reviews about the mayor, then everyone dissuades the adviser.

Yaroslav's yard and bargaining - back to merchant Rus'

Church of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa on Torg / photo by S. Makhlov
Prince Yaroslav lived on the trading side - this is described in the chronicle.

Afterwards, merchants occupied the land, expanding trade here. Overseas ships approached the pier. In the 16th century, about 2,000 shops and barns were located on a small plot of land at Torg.

In the 18th century, Gostiny Dvor was built on this site. The Gate Tower (XVII century) and the Arcade (XVIII century) are the only things left from it.

Behind the Arcade, 7 temples were “clustered together”, which were erected by princes and merchants.

The churches at Torgu are a miracle of northern temple architecture. Worth a look:

  • St. Nicholas Cathedral of 1136 is the oldest. Fragments of original painting from the 12th century have been preserved in the interior.
  • The Church of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa is a cross-domed, three-nave, four-pillar building built in 1207. Novgorod merchants considered Saint Paraskeva their patroness. Now they are praying for her female destiny - they go around her 3 times, counting the corners.
  • The Church of the Myrrh-Bearing Women, 1510, is austere, almost without decoration, made of bricks of different sizes. Take a look at the under-church and immerse yourself in the past - there are exhibitions about carpentry, leatherwork, shoemaking, and fishing, interactive excursions and master classes are held here.

How to get there

Right bank of the Volkhov River, address: st. Bolshaya Moskovskaya, 1.

Use an audio guide for a walk along the Trade Side.

Folk rock musical "Sadko"

Recently, someone from the staff of this musical wrote to me. I wrote with all the grace of Russian business - without introducing myself. Therefore, I don’t even know who it was, but they said that an open-air theater had appeared. I contacted a director I knew in Novgorod and asked for his recommendation, he said that the show was worthy and you could go see it. They have a regular schedule, and I really like the idea itself - a modern show in old scenery.

The schedule and tickets can be viewed here:

What else can you see in Veliky Novgorod

  • In the Kremlin there is a “Combat move”, this is when you can climb the wall and walk along it as a defender of Novgorod. Unfortunately, they don’t praise, maybe. you can see little from the loopholes, the wall is empty and you just walk along it for 500 meters, and then 500 meters back. They promise to soon make installations there, like in Kokuy. Then it's worth going
  • Of course, just take a walk around the Kremlin; in any case, you will not miss the St. Sophia Cathedral, the monument to the millennium of Rus' and much more.
  • Go to the Vitoslavlitsy Museum of Wooden Architecture
  • Go to the main museum of Novgorod in the Kremlin. There's nothing outstanding there though. Perhaps the Round Novgorod Icons, they are only here
  • Novgorod boasts a lot about the Hanseatic League, but no one knows what it is. Previously, it was a powerful trade association of cities, which they have now decided to revive. In the city, on this occasion, they built a fountain, made some kind of scary tree and put up a couple of statues. If someone tells you about excursions to Hanseatic places, send them to the forest. You will see all this at Yaroslav's courtyard. And there’s nothing to talk about this at all. You will find something to see in Veliky Novgorod, besides this.
  • There are many interesting places in the city from the Station to the Trade Side, this is a walking route for 1.5 - 4 hours (if you go to museums). it has a defense museum, where armor from different eras is collected, and a monument with various heroic deeds, and a monument to partisans, and many other small but funny things.
  • Victory Monument in the Park. This is a huge man on a horse who is crushing a swastika with a saber! Under it there are cannons, anti-aircraft guns, a tank and a memorial to the soldiers. Novgorodians treat the memorial with great respect - which is correct; children play with guns and tanks - which is also correct. But everyone treats a man on a horse differently. Because he breaks people’s minds, because if he’s on a horse near the Kremlin, it’s probably in honor of some ancient history. But then what does the swastika have to do with it? In general, don’t worry about it. There is a good view from this monument =)

Rachmaninov in the Park. His music is always playing from the speakers around him.

This is a very beautiful Hanseatic fountain, which works only in the summer, and the rest of the time it is put away in such an ugly box

Znamensky Cathedral and Church of the Transfiguration

If you walk further along Ilyina Street (starting from the pedestrian bridge), you will see the Znamensky Cathedral and the Church of the Transfiguration.

Church of the Transfiguration

Built with money from the residents of Ilinaya Street in 1374, the Church of the Transfiguration is considered the pearl of Novgorod architecture. A distinctive feature of the Church of the Savior is the many decorative elements on the walls and built-in stone crosses of bizarre shapes. Inside the church there are unique frescoes by the outstanding Byzantine artist Theophanes the Greek.

Znamensky Cathedral

Next to the Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior there is a large Znamensky Cathedral with a separate bell tower. The cathedral was built in the style of Moscow architecture of the 17th century and differs from typical Novgorod buildings. The Cathedral houses a museum.

Where can I find information about excursions in Veliky Novgorod?

As I have already described, the times and dates of work of all Novgorod sights are very blurry and are most often explained by astrologers than by other factors.

On Monday everything in Novgorod is closed, and on Friday the park is full of drunk people!

Therefore, going for a weekend + 1 day is quite difficult. In the very center of the city there is an Information Center, it is called that because it is located in a Red hut =). This is a tourist’s best friend in Novgorod, because... They come up with all the excursions, and it is there that you can find out what to see in Veliky Novgorod and get a free map of the city. It is best to call there in advance and find out what excursions will be during your trip. because many interesting excursions take place once a day and at 11 am. To find out about it and not miss it, call, check and sign up. This will help make your vacation much more interesting. And this is not someone’s mobile phone, but an official phone from the official website: This is also a bit of a shock for me.

This is the same Red Hut where you can get all the information


All typesArchitectureRoutesMonasteriesMuseumsAbout the cityMonumentsTemplesExcursions and audio guidesExhibitions
Dear guests!

Please note that from October 12, 2022, admission of visitors to museum premises (except for persons under 18 years of age) is carried out only upon presentation of a QR code.

Currently, visiting museums and excursions is only possible if you wear a mask and maintain a distance of at least one and a half meters between people.

It is no coincidence that Veliky Novgorod is called the city-museum of Ancient Rus'. Not a single city in Russia has preserved so many beautiful monuments of architecture and monumental painting.

Here it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to determine where the city ends and the museum begins. About 50 most valuable monuments of ancient Russian architecture of the 11th-17th centuries have become part of the living structure of the modern urban world. And the history of these ancient Novgorod churches, monasteries, and defensive structures has many beautiful and tragic pages.

Operating churches and monasteries of Veliky Novgorod

UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Veliky Novgorod

Opening hours of museum facilities

A complete list of attractions of Veliky Novgorod, information about the opening hours of museums and exhibitions and the cost of entrance tickets.

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Excursions around the city and surrounding area

Here you will find all the information on group and individual excursions, as well as offers for organized tourist groups.

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Audio tours of Veliky Novgorod

A great opportunity to get to know the rich history and unique sights of Veliky Novgorod on your own!

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Routes around Veliky Novgorod and the Novgorod region

We bring to your attention options for independent walks around Veliky Novgorod and the Novgorod region.

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Guide “Modern monuments of Veliky Novgorod”

We have compiled four unusual routes to explore the modern monuments of Veliky Novgorod.

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Tourist route No. 1. Novgorod Kremlin

Walk along the walls of the Kremlin and count the ancient towers that have survived to this day.

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Novgorod Kremlin

The Novgorod Kremlin, founded by Prince Vladimir Yaroslavich in the 11th century, is the oldest surviving Kremlin in Russia!

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Fortress buildings

The length of the walls of the Novgorod Kremlin is 1350 m, the thickness reaches four. Of the twelve towers, nine have survived.

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Monument to the Millennium of Russian Statehood

They decided to install the monument in Novgorod, thereby recognizing its key role in the creation of the Russian state.

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Hagia Sophia of the Wisdom of God

One of the oldest stone buildings in Rus'. The grandiose Cathedral, dedicated to Sophia the Wisdom of God, was founded in 1040.

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Belfry of St. Sophia Cathedral

This type of structure was invented under the Novgorod Archbishop Euthymius II in the 15th century. and was repeated in Rus' only twice.

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The Kremlin's military move

Walk the path of the defenders of Novgorod! From the height of the Kremlin wall there is a magnificent view of the Trade Side, the Volkhov River, and the belfry of the Yuryev Monastery.

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Sovereign Faceted Chamber

A unique monument of the 15th century, the only German Gothic civil building in Russia, where all the most important events took place.

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Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh and the Ring of the Hours

The church, built in 1463, is the only gate temple in the north-west of Russia that has survived to this day.

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Museum of Writing

Exposition of monuments of ancient Russian writing and literature.

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Federal State Budgetary Institution "Novgorod State United Museum-Reserve"

The museum-reserve includes expositions, exhibition halls, monuments-museums in Veliky Novgorod and other cities of the Novgorod region.

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Kokui Tower

The tallest tower of the Kremlin is the Kokuy watchtower (41 meters), built in the 18th century. From its top there is a wonderful view of the Novgorod lands - for many kilometers around.

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Children's Museum Center

The center organizes excursions for children to exhibitions and, as part of the “Weekend Club” for children with their parents, master classes in various crafts that reveal the creative potential of children.

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Church of St. Andrew Stratelates

The church appeared at the end of the 15th century. on the foundation of the staircase tower of the formerly gigantic Cathedral of Boris and Gleb, built by the merchant Sotko Sytnich, the prototype of the Novgorod epic hero Sadko.

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Interactive exhibition "Falcon Yard"

The exhibition introduces visitors to the history of falconry as a traditional activity in Rus' and gives an idea of ​​the feathered predators living in the Novgorod region.

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Tourist route No. 2. Yaroslav's Court and Ancient Trade

Here, as they used to say in the old days, “churches stand like bushes.” Currently, Yaroslavovo Dvorishche is one of the most beautiful places in Veliky Novgorod.

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Yaroslav's Courtyard. Ancient Bargain

On the compact territory of Yaroslav's Court there are many monuments of religious and civil architecture of the 12th-18th centuries.

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Gate tower of Gostiny Dvor

Gridnitsa or “Yaroslav’s Tower” was part of the Gostiny Dvor complex and is the only surviving building from the late 17th century.

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Hanseatic Fountain

Along the perimeter of the circle are inlaid with colored mosaic images of the coats of arms of 16 countries that are part of the Hanseatic League of the New Age.

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Church of the Myrrh-Bearing Women

It was founded in 1508 by order of the Moscow merchant Ivan Syrkov, who founded a merchant dynasty in Novgorod.

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Church of Procopius. Yaroslavovo Dvorishche

The laconic, elegant church with elements of Moscow decor on the facades was built in 1529 by order of Dmitry Syrkov, the son of Ivan Syrkov.

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St. Nicholas Cathedral

St. Nicholas Cathedral (XII century) is the most ancient temple on the territory of Yaroslav's courtyard and on the Trade Side in general.

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Paraskeva Pyatnitsa Church

The church, built in 1207 with funds from “overseas” merchants, was dedicated to St. Paraskeva Friday, since St. Paraskeva also patronizes trade.

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Church of the Assumption in Torg

Founded by Prince Vsevolod in 1135 after the defeat from the Suzdalians at Zhdana Mountain. This is the last princely building on the territory of the city.

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Church of St. George the Victorious at Torg

It was built on the site of an older wooden church in 1356 by “Lubyantsy”, that is, residents of Lubyanitsa, a street passing through Torg.

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John's Church on Opoki

At the church, built in 1127 - 1130, there was a merchant court, where all litigation in trade matters was dealt with. Control standards of measures were also stored here.

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Tourist route No. 3: Sofia side

On the way you will find a perfectly preserved rampart of the “roundabout city”, monuments of ancient architecture of Novgorod, as well as its heroic history!

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White (Alekseevskaya) Tower

The White Tower of the Okolny Town is the only surviving stone tower of the outer defensive belt of the city from the late 16th - 17th centuries.

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Victory Monument

A monument erected in memory of the victory of the Soviet Union over the fascist invaders.

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Tithe Nativity of the Virgin Monastery

The year 1327 is considered to be the origin of the monastery, when Archbishop Moses built the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary “on Tithes,” which he then “decorated with icons and books.”

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State Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land

The museum is located in the sister building of the Desyatinny Monastery. The exhibition presents works of art by Novgorod artists of the late 20th - early 21st centuries.

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Exhibition “Museum Porcelain Workshop”

The interior is made in the shape of a forge and gives you the opportunity to be transported to the atmosphere of a porcelain factory - burnt brick, a feeling of heat and fire, and sparkling porcelain products nearby.

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Hall of Military Glory

The exhibition illustrates the thousand-year history of the participation of citizens of Veliky Novgorod in the defense of the city and the Fatherland. Visitors are also presented with wax figures of warriors from four eras.

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Stele "City of Military Glory"

The 10-meter granite stele was unveiled on the eve of the 65th anniversary of the Victory. On four mini-steles you can see images of four historical periods of the military glory of Veliky Novgorod.

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Art Museum

The exhibition allows you to get acquainted with the rich collection of Russian painting of the 18th – 20th centuries, graphics and sculpture; the collection of portrait miniatures is presented in all its diversity.

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“Musical Monument” to Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninov

S.V. Rachmaninov is one of the greatest musicians of the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, whose life and work are closely connected with the Novgorod land.

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Church of Fyodor Stratilates on Shchirkov Street

The Church of Fyodor Stratilates on Shchirkov Street was built in 1292-1294. on the site of an ancient temple of the same name, erected in the last decades of the 12th century.

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Tourist route No. 4. Sights of the Trade Side

The Church of the Transfiguration on Ilyin is one of the pearls of Veliky Novgorod. But on the Trade side of Veliky Novgorod there are others that are less interesting.

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Churches of the Apostle Philip and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

The temple was built in 1526 on the site of a dismantled 14th century church. The church is unusual in the number of chapters - there are four of them: two small, two large.

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Znamensky Cathedral

The cathedral was built on the site of an ancient church built for the icon of the Sign of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which defended Novgorod from the Suzdal people in 1170.

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Church of the Transfiguration on Ilyin

Built in 1374, the church fascinates with its variety of decorative motifs and slender proportions. The temple became famous worldwide thanks to the paintings of the famous Theophanes the Greek.

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Film Museum of Valery Rubtsov

The museum shows the history of cinema of the 20th century in unique exhibits and rare newsreels of Soviet Novgorod.

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Church of Fyodor Stratilates on the Stream

An outstanding monument of Novgorod architecture for a long time became a classic model for subsequent generations of builders.

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Anthony's Monastery

The monastery was founded by Anthony the Roman in the 12th century, according to legend, who sailed here from Italy on a stone, making a wonderful journey around Europe in 3 days.

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Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary of St. Anthony's Monastery

The monumental paintings, which appeared in 1125, represent the most significant in volume and unique in style ensemble of Novgorod frescoes of the 12th century.

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Church of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian on Vitka

The current Old Believer temple of the 4th century stands on a small hill, on the banks of the Volkhov River, not far from the medieval rampart.

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Tourist route No. 5. At the source of the Volkhov River

Visit the unique museum of wooden architecture “Vitoslavlitsy”. Feel the power of the southern outpost of Veliky Novgorod - St. George's Monastery.

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Church of the Annunciation in Arkazhi

Built by order of Archbishop Elijah of Novgorod in 70 days. The temple did not belong to the Arkazhsky monastery that arose later. The addition to the name was due to the nearby village of Arkazhi.

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Perynsky monastery

Not far from the Yuryev Monastery, at the very source of the Volkhov, there is the ancient Peryn tract. There was one of the largest pagan sanctuaries of the Eastern Slavs - the temple of the thunder god Perun.

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St. George's Monastery

The active monastery of the 12th century, located at the source of the Volkhov, near Lake Ilmen, is part of a grandiose natural panorama. This is the southern outpost of Veliky Novgorod.

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Museum of Folk Wooden Architecture "Vitoslavlitsy"

In a picturesque area washed by the waters of Lake Myachino and the Volkhov River, near the Yuryev Monastery, on the site of the village of Vitoslavlitsy, an open-air museum of the same name has been built.

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Iron Museum in Vitoslavlitsy

A unique collection of irons from two hundred and fifty exhibits of the 18th-20th centuries. produced in Russia, Germany, France, Italy, USA, Thailand, England, Czech Republic, Spain, Poland, Scandinavian countries.

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Trinity Church on Redyatin Street

The construction of the stone church dates back to 1365. Despite the fact that the temple building is not so large and rich compared to other monasteries, the church was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

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Archaeological Trinity Excavation

Here you can travel back in time, descend from the 21st century to the early Middle Ages, see with your own eyes the city’s past frozen in the cultural layer and become spectators at the Theater of Time.

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Pedestrian route “Novgorod birch bark and monuments of the Nerevsky end”

The purpose of the route is to expand the historical center of the city for tourists and offer a new thematic destination for independent travel.

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Holy Spirit Monastery

One of the oldest, largest and richest monasteries in Novgorod. It was first mentioned in chronicles as already existing in 1162.

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Church of Peter and Paul in Kozhevniki

An amazing building, distinguished by maturity and completeness, an excellent example of architecture of the early 15th century.

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Church of St. Nicholas the Bely of the St. Nicholas White Monastery

An architectural monument of federal significance, one of the most popular and visited objects of the House of Folk Art.

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Intercession Cathedral and Zverin Monastery

The name of the monastery came from the Menagerie, a reserved forest where the princes hunted. The monastery was first mentioned in chronicles in 1148.

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Church of Simeon the God-Receiver of the Animal Monastery

The two-story miniature Church of Simeon the God-Receiver is located on the territory of the former Zverin Monastery of the 12th century.

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Tourist route No. 6. To the origins of the Russian state

Take a trip along the Volkhov River to Rurik's Settlement. Visit ancient temples that have preserved unique fresco paintings.

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Church of the Nativity on Red Field

Characteristic of the 14th century. example of a monastery church. In the monastery cemetery, among the graves of famous people, there is the grave of Lyubov Petrovna Rachmaninova.

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Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary on Volotovo Field

The temple gained worldwide fame not only due to its architectural merits, but also due to its unique fresco painting, completed in 1363.

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Church of the Transfiguration on Kovalevo Pole

Built in 1345, the church was for a long time the main temple of the Spaso-Kovalev Monastery.

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Church of the Transfiguration on Nereditsa

The world-famous church (1198) is the only building remaining from the small Nereditsky monastery.

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Rurik settlement

Here was the residence of Prince Rurik, the founder of the first Russian ruling dynasty, called by the Novgorodians to rule in 862.

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Tourist route No. 7. Orthodox monasteries

The walls of the praying churches of Novgorod breathe the wisdom of centuries, and the miraculous icons that still protect the city exude grace.

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Varlaamo-Khutyn Spaso-Preobrazhensky Convent

The monastery is located 10 km north of the city and is an architectural complex of the 16th–19th centuries.

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Nikolo-Vyazhishchi Convent

12 kilometers northwest of Veliky Novgorod there is an amazingly beautiful ensemble of the Vyazhishchi Monastery.

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Holy Trinity Michael-Klopsky Monastery

The monastery is located in a picturesque place on the Veryazh River, 23 km southwest of Veliky Novgorod.

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“Memory Route” to the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War

After 883 days of occupation, the soldiers of the Red Army hoisted a banner on the ancient Kremlin wall. We invite you to walk through memorable places in Veliky Novgorod.

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Pedestrian route “Modern monuments of the Sofia side”

Along the route you will find monuments to great people and inventors, legendary heroes, funny sculptures and friendly characters!

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Pedestrian route “Modern monuments of the Trade Side”

On the way you will meet the forged merchant Sadko, a good-natured bear, a snow-white elk, and even protective dragons!

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Tourist route “Pages of History”

We invite you to stroll along the city streets and admire the bright murals on the facades of houses.

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3 day program

The program will become your faithful guide through the rich history and colossal cultural heritage of Veliky Novgorod, one of the most beautiful and ancient cities in Russia!

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Videos about Veliky Novgorod: Welcome to the Motherland of Russia!

Enjoy the Motherland of Russia in all its charm: ancient unique architecture, picturesque landscapes, fun holidays in Russian traditions!

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Online guide to Veliky Novgorod

Useful information for travelers. Maps of the city and surrounding areas.

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UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Veliky Novgorod

Veliky Novgorod has 37 UNESCO monuments.

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13 centuries of history of Veliky Novgorod

Veliky Novgorod, like no other city in Russia, has preserved the unique heritage of different eras of Russian culture. We have collected all the most interesting things for you!

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Audio guide "Veliky Novgorod - the Homeland of Russian geniuses." Sergei Rachmaninov.

Veliky Novgorod became a special, most expensive and unique city for the great musician Sergei Rachmaninoff.

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"People's Guide" to Veliky Novgorod

An audio guide created by Novgorodians will allow travelers to turn away from the busy tourist paths and see the city in all its charm.

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Exhibition “History of Novgorod and Novgorod land from ancient times to the 17th century.”

Tools, household utensils, handicrafts, military equipment, and birch bark letters introduce the visitor to the world of Ancient Rus'.

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Exhibition “Russian icon of the XI-XIX centuries. in the collection of the Novgorod Museum"

One of the world's largest exhibitions of Russian icon painting. About 260 magnificent works are presented.

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Exhibition “Old Russian carved wood”

Ancient works of Novgorod masters became exhibits of one of the best exhibitions of the museum, which also includes rare sculptural images of saints.

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Exhibition “Jewelry and Decorative Arts of the V–XIX Centuries”

The exhibition allows you to plunge into the history of Veliky Novgorod, read the dramatic moments of its fate in complex jewelry patterns, and admire the skill of ancient Russian jewelers.

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Exhibition “Christian Antiquities. Artistic metal of the 11th–19th centuries.”

The unique exhibition, located in the halls of three tiers of the Gate Tower, displays over 300 monuments of artistic metal.

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Exposition “Cultural Heritage of Novgorod Monasteries”

The exhibition will allow you to get acquainted with the history and culture of the Novgorod Land, as well as take a virtual trip through the territory of ancient monasteries.

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Derevyanitsky Monastery

Three surviving buildings of the former monastery complex from the turn of the 17th - 18th centuries are located in the northern microdistrict of Veliky Novgorod, on the right bank of the Volkhov.

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St. Nicholas Church on the island. Lipno

The church was built in 1292 on the site of the miraculous discovery of the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, according to legend, in the 12th century. who healed Prince Mstislav.

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Route “Veliky Novgorod – the resort town of Staraya Russa – Lake Seliger”

Seliger is one of the most beautiful lakes on the planet!

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Museum of the Tesovo Narrow Gauge Railway

You have the opportunity to ride in a retro carriage, experience all the beauty of Russian nature, find out where and how peat is mined, and also become a handcar driver yourself!

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Museum "Bronnitskaya Land"

The museum is located in the ancient village of Bronnitsa, located at the foot of Bron-mountain - the most mysterious settlement of the Ilmen region.

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Route “Veliky Novgorod – Valdai Lake – A.V. Suvorov – “Gornaya Msta” – “Slavic village of the 10th century”

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Route “Veliky Novgorod – I. E. Kuznetsov Plant on Volkhov – Ski complex “Lyubogorye” – rest in the “Land of Divas”

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Route “Veliky Novgorod – the resort town of Staraya Russa – Rdeisky Monastery”

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Route “Rurik settlement – ​​“Noise Mountain” – “Slavic village of the 10th century”

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Route "Veliky Novgorod - Korostyn (Shimsky district) - Staraya Russa"

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Route "Veliky Novgorod - Valdai - Iversky Monastery"

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Water route “Rafting on the Msta River”

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  • Hotels
  • Attractions
  • Guide, map
  • Restaurants and cafes
  • Excursions
  • Tours

Where to eat

This is difficult. The fact is that until recently the Bandits were very strong in the city. When everyone in Russia was building market relations, Novgorod still remained under the rule of crime. For example, there were no chain stores here. When Eldorado tried to come here, the store was burned down and the director was killed. Now everything is more or less calm, but there are still problems with the networks. To eat in the center, you will have to try, because all the good places first belonged to bandits, then to policemen, then to officials. Now I don’t know to whom, but definitely not to normal businessmen. But the problem is this: they make pretentious renovations, call their dishes pretentious names and hire idiots who don’t know how to cook it. This is the problem of any cafe in, “Berg House”, “Yuryevskoye Podvorye”, etc. in each of them you will be served “Merchant Borscht” for 400 rubles, which will be inferior in taste to canteen food for 85, they will make mulled wine from cheap wine, and pampushki will be made with rich sweet dough. In general, it will be tasteless/expensive/pretentious.

But I’ll tell you a life hack where to eat inexpensively and deliciously in Veliky Novgorod . For a very, very long time there has been a cafe “Kolobok”, it is more than 20 years old and they bake amazing buns there. People from all surrounding offices come here for lunch, and many come specifically to buy delicious pastries for home. They are located in the very center, you can eat there for 200 rubles for two and it will be very tasty. But I’ll warn you right away that this is not a cafe or a restaurant, but rather a St. Petersburg crumpet shop, where people come to quickly eat, perhaps even standing.

Cafe Kolobok on the Torgovaya side. The most delicious buns in Novgorod

The White Tower opened in 2022. One of the few surviving defensive towers around Novgorod. They received a grand and, according to the contract, were supposed to open this year. And they opened, but it was still completely empty inside. Therefore there is nothing to do there. Only on the top floor they have now brought some kind of exhibition of Russian armor.

Novgorod Kremlin (Detinets)

First of all, you need to visit the most famous fortress in Novgorod - the Kremlin, or Detinets. Having parked the car, we are approaching the Novgorod Kremlin. At the beginning of May it is already beautiful, spring colors are appearing: green grass is adjacent to trees waking up from winter hibernation.

The diagram of the Novgorod Kremlin was taken from the Internet:

We walked along the embankment:

We climbed up and looked around;

and then wandered to the walls of the Kremlin.

Bridge leading to the Resurrection Arch. The Clock Ringer peeks out from behind the fortress wall .

Resurrection Arch . Created on the site of the tower of the same name. Now this is one of two entrances to the territory of Detinets. Admission is free, only museums are paid here.

Entering inside the fortress walls, the first thing that catches your eye is the “Millennium of Russia” monument, whose height is 15.7 meters. You can look at the monument endlessly, because it includes 128 different figures! The monument is created in the shape of a bell. A huge ball dominates in the center - an orb, and the top is crowned with a cross.

The main attraction of Novgorod Detinets is St. Sophia Cathedral , or St. Sophia Cathedral. Built in 1045-1050. I just can’t believe how long the cathedral has been here. An innumerable number of people visited it. The temple is one of the most ancient in all of Russia.

Painting on the wall of St. Sophia Cathedral:

We move on slowly. The cannonballs caught my attention:

The clock ringing is a white clock tower. It is the tallest building of the Novgorod Kremlin. Its height is 40 meters. It was partially destroyed during the war, but has now been completely restored.

One of the Kremlin towers:

Metropolitan Tower borders the snow-white building of the Judiciary and Spiritual Orders with a wooden porch.

Sign on the tower:

The Metropolitan Tower is very beautiful, but you cannot go inside. By the way, now it is used as a warehouse, according to Wikipedia.

In addition to the towers and various buildings, you can see other attractions here. For example, old bells. Huge, with ancient inscriptions. You will find them near the Sofia belfry.

Church of St. Andrew Stratelates, XV-XVII centuries. Small rectangular church. At the top is a small belfry with one bell.

Since we visited Novgorod on the eve of May 9, we visited a small exhibition dedicated to Victory Day on the territory of Detinets. Perhaps the exhibits are always here, and not just for the holiday. I can not say exactly.

In the arches of the wall you can see black and white paintings - fragments of that time. On the lawn there is wartime equipment: a car, guns, a small copy of a pillbox, helmets and other small paraphernalia.

Then we examined the elephant sculpture:

It's time to climb the fortress wall. A look at the world outside Detinets:

I took a photo against the backdrop of the Detinets courtyard.

I also took a photo of Anton. He, poor thing, has to carry his bag and my camera in a case, since it’s hard for me myself.

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