What is worth seeing in Suzdal in 1 day on your own

The history of Suzdal, first mentioned in the chronicles of 1042, is very colorful. For several centuries it was the center of an appanage principality, and at the end of the 14th century. became part of Muscovy. The city was besieged by the Volga Bulgars, Poles, and Crimean Tatars. Several times the policy was practically destroyed by terrible fires; in the 17th century, the lives of almost half of Suzdal residents were carried away by a pestilence. However, each time, the ancient town on the banks of the Kamenka River was revived, managing to become one of the main religious centers of Medieval Rus'. Today's Suzdal is a unique city-reserve that attracts travelers with many historical monuments kept in exemplary condition. At the same time, the policy has excellent tourist infrastructure.

Architecture and monuments of Suzdal

On the streets of Suzdal you can see perfectly preserved townsman and merchant mansions, a shopping arcade, and original engineering and technical structures. That is why the city was chosen by filmmakers. “The Marriage of Balzaminov”, “Finist – Clear Falcon”, “Sorcerers” and many other wonderful films were filmed here.

Shopping arcades

  • Address: st. Lenina, 63A. Transport stop "Torgovaya Ploshchad".

The main square of the city is decorated with the magnificent architectural ensemble of the Trading Rows. Suzdal Passage was built at the beginning of the 19th century. in the then fashionable Empire style. From the central portal with a gate, crowned with a high spire, wings of galleries diverge, the vaults of which are supported by arches and paired columns. In the 30s of the last century, the southern galleries were demolished by decision of the authorities. However, half a century later, the symmetry of the complex was restored during restoration work. Today, the Trade Rows are again among the main local attractions.

Memorial D.M. Pozharsky

  • Address: Territory of the St. Euthymius Monastery. Transport stop "Skver im. Pozharsky."

The history of the family tomb of the Pozharsky princes clearly shows how short human memory is. Prince Dmitry, who together with Kuzma Minin led the militia that expelled the Polish invaders from Russia, was called the savior of the Fatherland. However, not even a century had passed before the tomb of the princely family on the territory of the Spaso-Evfimievsky Monastery was demolished on the orders of the then Archimandrite Ephraim. To restore historical justice, it took the intervention of royalty. Using donations from the grand dukes and funds collected through all-Russian subscriptions, the architects erected a marble mausoleum, decorated with fine carvings and mosaics. But the Bolsheviks, who came to power, dismantled the unique structure in 1933, and razed the burial place of the prince and his descendants to the ground. The memorial was restored in modern times. In the summer of 2009, the rite of consecration of the newly rebuilt chapel-tomb took place.

Monument to A. Lebedev

  • Address: intersection of Lenin and Kremlevskaya streets. Transport stop "Torgovaya Ploshchad".

Alexey Lebedev is considered the most famous among Suzdal writers. A wonderful poet-marinist, he wrote many amazing poems glorifying the sea and the life of sailors. It is quite possible that he could join the ranks of classics of Soviet literature. However, the life of the naval officer-poet, member of the Union of Writers of the USSR, was claimed by the Second World War. In the summer of 2008, a monument to A. Lebedev was solemnly opened in Suzdal. The sculpture is cast from bronze.

Fire Tower

  • Address: st. Lebedeva, 1. Transport stop "Torgovaya Ploshchad".

In 1890, in Suzdal, which suffered from frequent fires, a full-fledged unit of firefighters finally appeared, for whom a special building was built. True, there were not enough funds to build an observation tower. She appeared in the city only 11 years later. The tower, more reminiscent of a lighthouse in appearance, immediately became one of the attractions of the policy. A century later, the one-story fire station building fell into disrepair. The mansion was demolished, and in its place a new one was erected according to century-old drawings. Therefore, only the restored tower has preserved its original appearance in the entire complex.

Water tower

  • Address: st. Lenina, 45. Transport stop “Ulitsa Pushkarskaya”.

Suzdal is truly a unique city! Here, even an ordinary engineering object often looks like a monument of deep antiquity. To see this, just look at the water tower building. The four-story brick structure, covered with a hipped dome, would look appropriate in any medieval fortification complex. Today, the building, erected more than a century ago, houses a shoe boutique.

List of places

Suzdal Kremlin

The main point of attraction in the city is the ancient Kremlin complex, founded in the 10th century. It was rebuilt more than once, in particular after it was burned by the Mongol-Tatars, but even now you can get an idea of ​​its original appearance.

There are many important architectural and cultural monuments on the territory of the Kremlin, and you can learn more about their history at the Museum of Local Lore. In addition to the main exhibition, temporary exhibitions are regularly held in other buildings.

Kremlevskaya st., 20

Time: 09:00-19:00

Entrance: 400 rubles, discounts available

Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary

The main cathedral, the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, is immediately visible from the bright blue domes with stars. This is a unique example of pre-Mongol architecture - not many monuments from those times have survived to this day. You should definitely go inside, because its interior is richly painted with frescoes from the 13th century.

Bishops' Chambers

The Kremlin chambers performed administrative and residential functions. The two-story complex of buildings dates back to the 17th century; the monastery servants and the archbishop lived in them. The largest chamber, the Krestovaya, used to receive high-ranking guests.


Cathedral bell tower

The bell tower, restored after the fires, used to be the tallest building in the city, now giving way to the Venerable Bell Tower. It is worth paying attention to the clock - it has been preserved from the 17th century.

Kremlevskaya street

The street of the same name leads to the Kremlin, and this is one of the most comfortable places in the city. On both sides there will be small houses selling souvenirs, baked goods and hidden small cafes. To the right, near the Kremlin walls, there will be a picturesque garden on the banks of the Kamenka River, where you can take beautiful photographs and relax.

Assumption Church

Not far from the Kremlin is the only building in Suzdal in the Naryshkin Baroque style - atypically bright and richly decorated with platbands and pilasters. Unfortunately, during the anti-church campaign of the Soviet years, other buildings of the Assumption Cathedral complex were demolished - the bell tower and the chapel.

Kremlevskaya st., 8

Free admission

Kremlin Val

On the right is a large shaft, which has become a kind of observation point. If you climb the steep shaft, it will offer a view of the Kamenka River.

The ramparts have been preserved from the times when they served the defensive function of the Kremlin. It is known that the shaft has a wooden structure inside and is covered with clay on the outside.

Alexander Monastery

The monastery was named after Alexander Nevsky, who, according to legend, founded it. Over its long history, the monastery was captured more than once, and all historical buildings were burned by the Poles. The current buildings date back to the 17th century, the main one being the Ascension Church with a bell tower. This is an outstanding example of the Old Russian architectural style, especially notable is the octagonal hipped bell tower.

st. Gasteva, 15

Free admission

Vasilyevskaya street

If you come by bus, then on the way from the bus station to the center, you will most likely pass along Vasilyevskaya Street. On it you will meet the Vasilievsky Monastery and the beautiful wooden houses for which Suzdal is famous. Bright facades and decor with carved platbands are found here quite often. On the left there are views of fields where horses often graze, so the street itself is quite picturesque in the warm season.

Vasilyevsky Monastery

The monastery, located at the entrance, was originally used for defense and consisted of defensive fortifications. Since the first buildings were wooden, buildings from the 17th century have reached us, among them the Church of St. Basil the Great and Sretensky. Like other religious buildings, the monastery closed during the Soviet era and was used for warehouses. Now it is active.

Vasilyevskaya st., 32

Free admission

Shopping arcades

Gostiny Dvor - or Trading Rows - was built two centuries ago for merchant shops and shops. The one-story gallery with expressive arches is still used for its intended purpose. The simple but elegant classical design of the rows is characteristic of many other cities of the Golden Ring, including Kostroma and Rostov Veliky. In front of the rows, locals often sell homemade preparations and souvenirs, and cucumber jam is especially popular among tourists.

Fire Tower

The tower with a fire station was built according to a design that is found in Kostroma and Uglich. This is one of the rare examples of surviving civil historical buildings. The fire tower was used for its intended purpose for a century and a half, so now the building remains simply an architectural monument.

Lebedeva, 1

Resurrection Church

The Torgovaya Square complex is not limited to Gostiny Dvor. Opposite it there are two temples: cold and warm - for winter and for summer. Voskresenskaya - cold - has a modest architecture, but is notable for its high spire on the bell tower.

Kazan Church

The neighboring warm Kazan Church is more eclectic, but at the same time harmoniously complements the composition of the square.

Church of Elijah the Prophet

Not far from the Kremlin, further along the Kamenka River, the bright Ilinskaya Church is noticeable. It stands on a small hill called Ivanova Gora. It is a good example of a one-domed posad temple.

Lazarus Church

Another pair of cold and warm churches is Lazarevskaya and Antipievskaya. The Lazarevskaya five-domed church, decorated with tiles and kokoshniks, was mentioned in the charter of Ivan III in the 15th century, but the modern building was built later. Antipievskaya - cold - was created three centuries later, and its facade is decorated with rustication.

Museums of Suzdal

The traveler will not have to rack his brains about where to go in Suzdal to fill his leisure time. The city's museums have a magnificent collection of historical artifacts.

Bishops' Chambers

  • Opening hours: daily from 9:00 to 18:00, on Fridays and Saturdays from 10:00 to 21:00.
  • Ticket price: adult 350 rub., student 200 rub.
  • Telephone.
  • Address: st. Kremlevskaya, 20. Transport stop "Krasnaya Gorka".

The residence of the Archbishop of Suzdal acquired its current appearance in the 17th century, when architects connected the lower tier of the refectory church, the bell tower, and the mansion of the high priest with elegant galleries. The Cross Chamber was also erected at the same time. The level of skill of Russian builders is impressive. The area of ​​the room is 338 m², and the height of the vaults, supported only by graceful arches, is 7.5 m. Archaeological artifacts telling about the history of Suzdal land are displayed in the halls of the chambers. Of particular value is the collection of icons painted in the 15th–17th centuries. The pearl of the exhibition is the handwritten gospel, donated to the Spaso-Evfimievsky Monastery by Prince Dmitry Pozharsky.

Posad House

  • Opening hours: daily, except Mondays, from 11:00 to 17:00, on Wednesdays and Fridays from 10:00 to 16:00.
  • Ticket price: adult 100 rubles, student 50 rubles.
  • Telephone.
  • Address: st. Lenina, 148. Transport stop “Skver im. Pozharsky."

The exposition of this most interesting museum is located in the oldest stone residential building in Suzdal, built at the end of the 18th century. Inside the mansion, the interior of a small provincial tavern has been recreated. There is a traditional refectory-room, a kitchen with a Russian stove, and a storage room with food supplies. The surroundings have been recreated with amazing accuracy - from the bright sundress of the hostess and the painted wardrobe, to the inexpensive pewter utensils used by the inhabitants of the medieval settlement. The interior is complemented by simple household items - rough furniture, glass damasks, barn books of income and expenses.

Museum "Golden Pantry"

  • Opening hours: daily, from 10:00 to 18:00.
  • Ticket price: adult 400 rub., child 200 rub.
  • Address: st. Lenina, 148. Transport stop “Skver im. Pozharsky."

The museum's exposition, located in the St. Nicholas Church of the Spaso-Evfimievsky Monastery, is very popular among tourists visiting ancient Suzdal. It presents more than 500 exhibits - real masterpieces of decorative and applied art. Here you can see unique carved stone icons and cameos by Byzantine masters, silver religious utensils, ancient jewelry, and the finest embroidery. Some rarities are 1000 years old.

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Vasilyevsky Monastery.

There are several monasteries in Suzdal: Vasilyevsky, Pokrovsky and Spaso-Evfimievsky. The Vasilyevsky Monastery arose in the 13th century as an outpost of the city fortress on the road leading from the Suzdal Kremlin to Kideksha. On the territory of the monastery there is the Vasilyevsky Cathedral (1662-1669), a three-tier bell tower, built in the 19th century, decorated with carved cornices and closely placed pilasters, the Presentation Church (late 17th century) - a refectory. The monastery has preserved a fence (some parts of it date back to the 17th century) with a low Holy Gate; some service premises remain, where the monks now live. In the monastery you can climb the bell tower, from where you can clearly see the entire panorama of Suzdal.

Where to go with children in Suzdal

The colorful city-museum can charm both adult and young traveler. If you take a child on a trip, you definitely can't go wrong.

"Shchurovo Settlement"

  • Opening hours: daily, from 11:00 to 18:00.
  • Ticket price: 300 rubles, student 100 rubles, free admission for children under 5 years old.
  • Telephone.
  • Website: heliopark.ru/attractions/muzey-shchurovo-gorodishche
  • Address: st. Korovniki, 14. Transport stop "hotel complex".

Do you want to plunge headlong into the atmosphere of an ancient Slavic settlement? Then you should definitely visit this unique Suzdal museum. Here tourists are surrounded by reconstruction buildings from the time of Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. In a historical setting, guests are offered to ride horses, practice archery, master the skills of wielding a heroic sword, and learn how to bake bread in a real Russian oven. There are interactive games for children and adults and a petting zoo. It should be separately noted that the buildings were erected with amazing historical accuracy.

The Wax Museum

  • Opening hours: daily, from 10:00 to 19:00.
  • Ticket price: adult 300 rub., reduced price 200 rub.
  • Telephone.
  • Website: https://www.wax-museum.ru
  • Address: st. Kremlevskaya, 3. Transport stop "Torgovaya Ploshchad".

In this place you can have a wonderful time with the whole family in the colorful company of wax doubles of popular historical figures. The figures of Catherine the Great in a luxurious dress, Ivan the Terrible in anger, and Napoleon contemplating his next military campaign look very realistic. A little further away, Red Army soldiers greeted Lenin as he walked along the corridor of the Smolny Palace, and nearby Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill sat down on chairs for a protocol photo. A touch of romanticism is brought into the officialdom by the figures of Andrei Mironov in the Figaro costume and the most popular trinity - Dunce, Coward, Experienced. The guide will tell you many interesting facts from the lives of all the characters presented in the exhibition.

Teddy Bear Museum

  • Opening hours: from Wednesday to Sunday inclusive, from 10:00 to 19:00.
  • Ticket price: adult 150 rubles, children 50 rubles.
  • Telephone.
  • Address: st. Lenina, 63A. Transport stop "Torgovaya Ploshchad".

Since 2013, an amazing museum has been operating in Suzdal, a visit to which will delight a preschool child. A collection of 80 adorable bears collected by the Katansky couple is on display here. Some of the exhibits were brought from foreign trips. The rest of the toys were created by the hands of craftsmen from Suzdal and other Russian cities. The cozy exhibition hall is “lived in” by Teddies made from vintage mohair and nostalgic plush, sophisticated Chinese silk, natural fur, and modern plastic.

Read about the sights of Aleksandrov, Bogolyubovo, Vyaznikov, Kideksha, Kolchugino, Kirzhach, Yuryev-Polsky, Petushki, Sudogda, Vladimir and Murom.

Suzdal is considered one of the pearls of the Golden Ring of Russia. Therefore, every traveler interested in the history of the country should visit this amazing town, in which almost every building of the historical center is an object of cultural heritage.

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