Map of Shchelkovo in detail with streets, houses and districts

Shchelkovo is a city in the northeast of the Moscow region. Located just 15 km from the Moscow Ring Road near the Klyazma River. It is the administrative center of the Shchelkovsky district. The area of ​​the city is 52 square kilometers. The population of Shchelkovo is about 125 thousand people. Shchelkovsky district is one of the most prosperous in the Moscow region. Accordingly, the employment of the population of Shchelkovo is quite high.

City `s history

The first mention of a village with the name Shchelkovo dates back to 1521 - 1522. By the beginning of the 19th century, Shchelkovo became the economic core of the territory. This city has become the center of the Shchelkovsky district since 1929. Industry was actively developing there. This process proceeded most rapidly during the Soviet period. It still remains an industrial center, although on a somewhat smaller scale than in Soviet times. In recent decades, trade and services have been actively developing here. There are also opportunities to choose different work options.

Administrative subordination includes:


  • Shchelkovo city


  • Settlement of the Biocombine
  • Settlement Krasnoznamensky
  • Settlement Lesnye Polyany
  • Settlement Litvinovo
  • Settlement Mednoye-Vlasovo
  • Settlement Obraztsovo
  • Settlement Yunost
  • Settlement of Ogudnevsky forestry
  • Settlement New Town
  • Settlement Klyukvenny
  • Settlement Anichkovo

Holiday villages:

  • Dacha village Zagoryansky

Work villages:

  • Workers' settlement Monino
  • Workers' settlement Sverdlovsky
  • Workers' village of Fryanovo


  • Aksenovo village
  • Aksinino village
  • Village Pervaya Alekseevka
  • Village Second Alekseevka
  • Almazovo village
  • Village Afanasovo
  • Baybaki village
  • Bartenki village
  • Beaver Village
  • Village Bogoslovo
  • Village of Big Stallions
  • Village of Bolshie Petrischi
  • Borisovka village
  • Village Bulakovo
  • Village Vasilyevskoye
  • Village Vorya-Bogorodskoye
  • Glazuny village
  • Village Golovino
  • Hunchback Village
  • Village Grebnevo
  • Village of Dolgoe Ledovo
  • Village Dubrovo
  • Village Eremino
  • Village Eskino
  • Village Zdechovo
  • Village Kablukovo
  • Village Kamshilovka
  • Village Karmolino
  • Village Kishkino
  • Village Kozino
  • Village Konyaevo
  • Corpus Village
  • Koryakino village
  • Village Kostyshi
  • Village Kostyunino
  • Ledovo village
  • Leonikha village
  • Village Mavrino
  • Village of Malye Petrishchi
  • Village Mashino
  • Village Bear Lakes
  • Village Mizinovo
  • Mityanino village
  • Village of Mishnevo
  • Mogutovo village
  • Monoseevo village
  • Village Mosalskoye
  • Village Embankment
  • Nazimikha village
  • Nikiforovo village
  • Village of Novaya Sloboda
  • Village Novo
  • Village Novopareevo
  • Village Novofryazino
  • Village Oboldino
  • Village Ogudnevo
  • Orlovka village
  • Orlovo village
  • Village Oseevo
  • Village of Protasovo
  • Raiki village
  • Village Saburovo
  • Savinki village
  • Village Serkovo
  • Village Sokolovo
  • Village of Staraya Sloboda
  • Village Staropareevo
  • Village Stepankovo
  • Sukmanikha village
  • Village Suponevo
  • Sutoki village
  • Village Toporkovo
  • Ulitkino village
  • Village Khlepetovo
  • Shevelkino village
  • Village of Malye Stallions

Climate and geographical features

The climate of the region is determined by the location of the city in the middle zone of the European territory of Russia. The average temperature in February is -13 degrees, and in July - +23 degrees. Although the winter is relatively cold, by Russian standards it can be considered moderate. Summer is comfortable, without extreme heat or cold.

The terrain is flat, sometimes slightly hilly. There are many rivers, forests and small lakes in the area. Including, they enter the territory of the city of Shchelkovo. The largest are the Bear Lakes. There are also a large number of springs with clean drinking water. There are artificial ponds on the site of former quarries.

The Shchelkovsky municipal district is located in the northeast of the Moscow region, 25 km from Moscow. It borders in the south with the urban district of Balashikha, in the west - with the cities of Korolev and Ivanteevka, Mytishchi district and Pushkinsky district, in the east - with the Noginsky district, the urban district of Chernogolovka and the urban district of Losino-Petrovsky, in the north - with the Sergiev Posad district, urban Krasnoarmeysk district and Vladimir region. On the territory of the district there are three cities of regional subordination (Fryazino, Losino-Petrovsky, Zvezdny Gorodok), 4 villages (Fryanovo, Sverdlovsky, Monino, Zagoryansky) and 95 rural settlements. The administrative center is the city of Shchelkovo .

The total area is 69.1 thousand hectares. The population of the district as of January 1, 2008 was 187,479 people.

The Shchelkovo region is an ancient territory through which the Northern Slavs settled south in ancient times. Witnesses of these ancient flows of the 10th–12th centuries. - burial mounds and traces of settlements along the banks of the Vori and Klyazma rivers. And today the quiet Klyazma and fast Vorya, groves and ancient protected forests attract travelers and nature lovers.

During the formation and rise of the Moscow Principality, the region was already firmly mastered by the Slavs - the ancient princely villages of Petrovskoye (previously 1330s) and Aristovskoye (Aristov Pogost, Losino-Petrovsky) appeared on Klyazma, the monastic village of Dushenoe (1377; today - Dushonovo), the ancient trading fortress of Sherna-gorodok (near Mogutov; 12th century - Novgorod trading post; 1382) and many others.

In the 17th and 18th centuries there was a process of strengthening of villages and concentration of the population. In the middle of the 18th century, the village of Grebnevo comprised a network of villages: Shchelkovo, Fryazino, Chizhovo, Novaya, Trubino, Nazimikha, Sloboda and the village of Toporkovo. There were 220 households in which 1,269 people lived (622 of them were men). Grebnevo itself at that time did not have peasant households. A decree of 1769 allowed peasants to engage in industrial activities. On December 8 of the same year, 15 Grebnev serfs, the first in Russia, received the right to produce “various silk fabrics and scarves” at the manufactory board. This is how one of the earliest and largest nests of handicraft silk weaving appeared in Russia.

But there were not only peasant enterprises in the Shchelkovo region. In the village of Fryanovo (first mentioned in the Scribe Books of the 16th century), there was a noble possessional click-weaving manufactory, which employed hundreds of workers. Industrial production in Shchelkovo and the district in terms of volume of products produced in value terms clearly prevailed over agricultural production. For the population of many villages and hamlets, industrial labor became the main source of livelihood.

At the beginning of the 19th century, in conditions of aggravation of Russian-French relations, the silk-weaving peasant industry, which received raw materials from France and Italy, fell into decay. But after the defeat of the French it gains strength again.

In 1832, a Prussian subject, a native of the city of Elberfeld, Ludwig Rabeneck, bought from the landowner Durnovo part of the village of Sobolev in the bend of the river. Klyazma (on the right bank) and a year later founded here, with the permission of the tsarist government, the first yarn-dying establishment in Russia. Under Rabenek's sons it grew and became one of the largest in the province.

In the 30s of the 19th century in Sobolev, closer to Shchelkov, E.F. Keneman founded a large cloth factory.

At the end of the 19th century, the Shchelkovskaya branch of the Northern Railway came into operation. In connection with the construction of the Aleksandrov-Ivanovo railway, it became unprofitable to maintain the Stromynskaya road from Aniskin and further for the sake of the Fryanovskaya factory. In 1897, the Novokhomutovsky highway Fryanovo-Nazimikha-Grebnevo-Sloboda-Aniskino was built with access to the Stromynskaya road.

After the victory of Soviet power, Shchelkovo became an administrative center that united the former volosts of Bogorodsky district - Oseevskaya, Grebnevskaya, Ivanovskaya and Aksenovskaya.

At the end of the civil war, the Shchelkovsky district, being almost 4 times larger in territory and number of inhabitants than an ordinary volost, was in the position of a volost in legal, financial, budgetary, and economic relations. This caused complications in management.

On September 1, 1923, in the Shchelkovo volost there were 71 settlements, 3,880 households and 33,441 residents, in the village of Shchelkovo - 203 households and 9,944 residents, in the village of Shchelkovo - 130 households and 594 residents.

In Soviet times, the Shchelkovo region became the center of scientific and technical centers of aviation (Chkalovsky, Monino), astronautics (Star City) and satellite communication systems, navigation and cartography (Bear Lakes, Shchelkovo-7), radio electronics (Fryazino), biology (Biokombinat village ).

Today, the economic potential of the region is formed, first of all, by industry, the main industries of which are: chemical and chemical-pharmaceutical, mechanical engineering and metalworking, woodworking, food and processing.

The main highways of the area: Moscow-Chernogolovka ( A-103 ), Moscow Small Concrete Ring ( A-107 ), Fryanovskoe Highway ( R-110 ), Yaroslavsko-Gorkovskoe Highway. And also local roads: Ivanteevka-Shchelkovo, Shchelkovo-Bolshevo, Aniskino-Monino, Overpass-Bear Lakes, Zhegalovo-Zagoryanka, Zhegalovo-Solnechny, Solnechny-Potapovo.

All modern natural landscapes of the region, to a greater or lesser extent, reflect the influence of human economic activity over many centuries. Here, in essence, there is no primitive nature left untouched by man.

The climate of the Shchelkovsky district , like the entire Moscow region, is moderate continental. The average monthly air temperature ranges from -13?C in February to +23?C in July. The average annual temperature is 4.5-5.2? C. Winter is moderately cold and lasts about five months. Summer is moderately warm. Annual precipitation is 470–538 mm.

The region is rich in rivers: its southern part is crossed by the Klyazma and Ucha ; central - Vorya (left tributary of the Klyazma ) with Pruzhenka , Lashutka , Zdekhovka , Lyuboseevka ; northern - tributaries of the Sherna - Dubenka and Melezha .

There are many small lakes and 38 springs in the region. The largest of the lakes are Bolshoye and Maloye Medvezhye . Bear Lakes is a chain of three lakes: two small with a total area of ​​0.12 square meters. km and one larger one, with an area of ​​0.4 sq. km.

In the area there are: Cosmonaut Training Center named after Yu.A. Gagarin , Air Force Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin, other military institutes and centers where the latest models of military equipment are developed and tested.

In the area there are unique historical places, museums, historical and cultural monuments: Shchelkovsky Museum of History and Local , Museum of the Cosmonaut Training Center , Central Air Force , , Museum of the Food Service of the Russian Armed Forces , Museum of Military Uniforms , Fryanovsky Historical and Local Lore Museum museum . In the area there are 33 historical and cultural monuments that have an established protection zone, among which the most significant are the estates: Almazovo Estate , Glinka Estate , Grebnevo Estate Litvinovo Estate , Lukino-Varino Estate , Nikolskoye-Timonino Estate , Obraztsovo , Petrishchevo Estate , Estate Raiki , Ryazantsy Estate , Savinskoye Estate , Fryanovo Estate .

Temples and churches of the Shchelkovsky district : Holy Trinity Cathedral (Shchelkovo, Proletarsky Prospect, 8., 1909 - 1912), Sergius Church (Almazovo village, 1819), Znamenskaya Church (Amerevo village, 1680 - 1842-1849), Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary (village Aniskino, 1756), Kazan Church (village Bogoslovo, 1801), Grebnevskaya Church , Nicholas Church (village Grebnevo, end of the 18th century and 1584-1586 gg. - 1811), Tikhvin Church (village Dushonovo, 1839), St. Nicholas Church (village Zhegalovo, 1835), Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (village Zdekhovo, 1699 - 1825), Spasskaya church (Kablukovo village, 1785), St. Nicholas Church (Losino-Petrovsk, Nagornaya St., 10, 1822), Sorrow Church (Losino-Petrovsk, 7 November St., no. 1., 1822), Vladimir Church (village Mavrino, 1703), Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary (village Obraztsovo, 1736), Spasskaya Church (village Petrovskoye, 1828), Trinity Church (village Prechistoe , 1822 - 1830), Trinity Church (village Ryazantsy, 1784), St. Sergius Church (village. Trubino, 1849 - 1852), Mary Magdalene Church (Ulitkino village, Tsentralnaya St., 24-a, 18th century), St. John the Baptist Church (Fryanovo village, Leninskaya St., 22 ., 1797).

In 1972, a well was drilled on the territory of the Monino sanatorium , and underground mineral waters were discovered, which are successfully used to treat gastrointestinal diseases.

Official website of the District Administration:

Ecological situation

In the city of Shchelkovo there are several enterprises that are a source of environmental pollution. Sewage treatment plants also contribute to pollution. Due to the work of enterprises, the Klyazma River has become undrinkable.

In the Shchelkovsky district itself, the environmental situation is much better. A large number of forests also helps purify the air. The water in the springs is clean and suitable for drinking.


Shchelkovo is a medium-sized city. The population of Shchelkovo is 116 thousand people. By nationality, Russians predominate in the city. In second place are the Tatars. By religion, Orthodox Christians dominate, but the share of Muslims is also quite significant. There is a Tatar community in the city. The total population has been trending upward, but growth has slowed sharply since 1990 and has become unsustainable over time.

In addition to long-established residents, there is a considerable share of visitors from neighboring countries. This situation is typical for the Moscow region. Some of them even climb the career ladder and develop their own businesses. In general, the population of the city is quite friendly.

Proximity to Moscow determines a large share of the middle class and higher incomes than in the country as a whole. There are few who are very poor, but there are also few who are too rich. The level of education is high among all segments of the population. In most cases, you can get a higher education without leaving the city.

In Soviet times, the main backbone of the population were representatives of the working class. As the service sector developed, the specialization of the population became more diverse. At the same time, the focus on industrial production still remains. In this regard, Shchelkovo differs from such towns near Moscow as Fryazino, which has a larger share of the intelligentsia and a more developed sphere of science, education and art.

Shchelkovo is also associated with the names of famous cosmonauts.


In the 90s, in Shchelkovo, as in many Russian cities, chaos was happening. Murders, robberies and robberies were commonplace. Today the situation is much better. Of course, various domestic and other crimes are committed today, but not at every step. The crime situation is not covered in too much detail in the local, much less in the federal media. Ordinary residents should be wary of hooligans and thieves - young people looking for funds to buy drugs, as well as particularly evil-minded guests from neighboring countries.

However, those who want to do business here should collect as much information as possible on the topic of various groups, since there are enough of them in the city and they will not leave businessmen without the attention. If you start your own business here without good knowledge in this matter and the presence of relevant acquaintances, be prepared for the fact that you will be bothered from time to time.

Shchelkovo Employment Center

The Employment Center (GKU MO Shchelkovsky TsZN) was formed on January 30, 2001. It serves residents of the Shchelkovsky district, including Zvezdny Gorodok, Moscow region. The total population of the territory it serves is 230,000 people. When registering, a passport, work book, salary certificate for the last 3 months and an education diploma are required.

All this must be transferred to the Shchelkovo employment center. The vacancies are varied, since there is enough work in the city. Nevertheless, many city residents still choose Moscow institutions. This is due to the fact that in Moscow there are even more opportunities and salaries are higher. And even such a circumstance as a large distance from Moscow offices and enterprises is not critically significant for many Shchelkovo residents.

Districts of the city of Shchelkovo

The entire city is divided into districts, which are not independent units, but are subordinate to a single city government. The city itself is a cluster of relatively isolated parts, which are called villages, while being microdistricts of Shchelkovo. For example, within the city limits there are residential complexes such as Potapovo or Khotovo. Or they have digital identification, such as Shchelkovo-7 or Shchelkovo-3. Areas with low and uneven development are designated as territories within the city, for example, Zarechny, Solnechny, etc.

The Klyazma River divides the city into two halves. On one side of the river there is an old two-story or Khrushchev-era building. With all this, this is a rather prestigious part of the city, with a high cost per square meter of housing. This is largely due to the convenient location of these areas and the presence of complete urban infrastructure.

The central part of the city is represented by elite modern buildings. Many high-rise multi-storey buildings, shopping centers; there are hotels. In the very center of the city is Lenin Square. The administration, a monument to Lenin, and a modern cinema are located here.

There are also several villages within the city limits, which are private residential buildings. On the other hand, the creation of new modern microdistricts with multi-storey buildings and all the necessary infrastructure continues. These include Gagarinsky and Bogorodsky districts. Prices per square meter of housing there are quite impressive.

From the point of view of communication with Moscow, the Solnechny Park microdistrict is the most convenient. It is located near the railway station, from where trains regularly depart to Moscow.

Enterprises and work in Shchelkovo

Shchelkovo was born thanks to weaving factories, but now they are not the main part of production.

weaving factory

The most popular Shchelkovo enterprises can be called, which produces Dobry and Rich juices, bread and a sheet rolling plant. The city also has a chemical and vitamin plant, a poultry farm, and a pumping plant. Those who want to work in production have the option of finding a job in neighboring Fryazino, which is 10 minutes away. The most famous in the city is the Istok research and production enterprise, specializing in military equipment and microwave devices.

FSUE Istok

Despite the sufficient number of jobs in the city, many Shchelkovo residents prefer to work in Moscow. This is understandable, there are more opportunities and higher salaries. The only downside is that it will take much longer to get to work, but this stops few.

There is a large office building in the city, where there is also a bank premises, a supermarket and restaurants. The largest shopping centers that also create additional jobs include Camp, Castorama and Globus.


Large retail sites in Shchelkovo are also represented by the Ladya shopping center and the district market. The city has a large number of markets of various contents: vegetable, construction, gardening, etc.

News from the life of the city is covered by Shchelkovo TV, the newspapers Shchelkovchanka, Vremya, At the Russian Frontier, etc. Internet access is provided by several providers.

Urban transport

Transport in Shchelkovo is represented by buses, minibuses and taxis. Minibuses also run around the outskirts of Shchelkovo. The provision of public transport is normal. Shchelkovo is connected to Moscow by rail, and the journey by electric train takes about 50 minutes. You can get to Moscow by your own car in half an hour, but this is only if there are no traffic jams. For the trip you can use the Yaroslavl highway.

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