Gubkinsky entered the TOP 5 fastest growing cities in Russia

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The city of Gubkinsky (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) was founded on April 22, 1986. In 1996, it received the status of a city of district significance. The city of Gubkinsky (named after the famous geologist Ivan Gubkin) is located in the south of the Purovsky district of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug), on the left bank of the Pyaku-Pur river , 250 kilometers from the Arctic Circle. The Purpe station of the Tyumen-Surgut-Novy Urengoy railway is 16 km away. The city is located in the northern taiga zone, where, along with coniferous trees, deciduous trees grow. The picturesque area is rich in mixed-grass meadows and reindeer moss pastures.

The youngest city on Yamal arose in connection with the industrial development of a group of the northernmost oil and gas fields in the Tyumen region, promising in terms of reserves and unique in their properties. The city is conveniently located near all major deposits and is connected by highways and railways with the largest cities of Western Siberia and throughout Russia. The city’s most important resource, its main potential, is its inhabitants, whose number is slightly more than 25 thousand people, and the average age is only 26 years. The main industry is oil and gas production. The city is home to the divisions of the three largest in Yamal (Gubkinsky and Komsomolsky gas fields of Gazprom Dobycha Noyabrsk LLC) and OJSC NK Rosneft (RN-Purneftegaz LLC), Gazpromneft-Noyabrskneftegaz OJSC. In addition, the city has developed gas processing - the Gubkinsky Gas Processing Plant. The oil and gas production and gas processing industries together produce up to 98% of the city's total industrial output. Mosque. The city administration is constantly concerned about improving the living comfort of the population: the housing complex is landscaped, the telephone network is developed, there are shops and pharmacies, bakeries and a confectionery shop, a dairy and restaurants. Preschool institutions and schools affiliated with the best universities in the country operate successfully. The city has two palaces of culture, a cultural and leisure center, libraries, a music school, and a children's sports school. Speaking about cultural leisure, one cannot fail to mention the Museum of Northern Development, which is included in the 20 best Russian museums. In December 1996, Gubkinsky was given the status of a city of district subordination. And, despite the fact that the city is young, Gubkinsky has everything that distinguishes a village from a city. In recent years, all city administrative divisions have been created, staffed and operating successfully. Gubkinsky himself has changed noticeably. Next to the village's old two-story wooden buildings, five-story microdistricts have sprung up, and nine-story buildings tower over the city. City administration. RN-Purneftegaz office. Gubkinsky is one of the youngest cities in Russia. In April 2011, we celebrated his 25th birthday, and in December - another anniversary: ​​15 years since the law of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug No. 38 of December 2, 1996, the village of Gubkinsky received the status of a city for the first time in the modern history of Russia district subordination and was included in the list of municipalities of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Gubkinsky’s acquisition of city status contributed to the realization of new opportunities in budget formation, powers in resolving issues of local importance, and - most importantly - providing the population with the most comfortable living conditions. The booms of cranes rising above buildings are one of the main signs of the state of the economy of any locality. In 2002, a new master plan was adopted, which ensured the systematic development of Gubkinsky, which is now actively being built. The city, modern, cozy and beautiful, is famous not only for its picturesque nature and developed production, but also for its wonderful traditions, hard work and hospitality of its residents. And the residents of Gubkin worthily bear the title of citizens, they love their city, they strive to make it even more beautiful, cozy, and comfortable. The city of Gubkinsky is a member of the Union of Small Cities of Russia, the Union of Cities of the Arctic and the Far North, and the Association of Siberian and Far Eastern Cities. School. City administration. City hospital. Residential complex. Orthodox Church. House of Bread. New sports complex. New buildings. Monument to the Pioneers.


The coat of arms of the city of Gubkinsky is included in the Register of State Heraldry under the President of the Russian Federation under No. 480.

The municipal coat of arms of the city of Gubkinsky is a shield divided into silver and red fields by a blue wavy band, beveled on the left. In the silver field in the upper right corner of the shield there is a black drop connected to a blue one, symbolizing oil and gas. In the red field in the lower left corner there is an emerging gold ornament in the form of stylized deer antlers (Article 2 of the Appendix to the decision of the City Duma of May 29, 2006 No. 78 “On approval of the Regulations on the official symbols of the municipal formation of the city of Gubkinsky”)

The flag of the city of Gubkinsky is included in the Register of State Heraldry under the President of the Russian Federation under No. 481. The flag of the city of Gubkinsky is a rectangular panel with a height to length ratio of 2:3. The cloth is divided by a wavy azure band. At the top, in a silver field, there is a black drop falling indirectly from the left, bordered on top by a double border, wide blue on the outside and narrow golden on the inside; below, the scarlet and gold field is beveled by small rafters.

The colors used in the flag repeat the symbolism of the flag of the Russian Federation and the flag of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

The blue color predominates in the flag, as it simultaneously symbolizes the blue sky and endless expanses of water. The emerging golden ornament in the form of stylized deer antlers on a red field is a traditional ornament in the culture of the peoples of the North.

Located in the upper left corner of the panel, a black drop, burdened with an emerging blue one, symbolizes oil and gas - the natural resources to which the city owes its birth.

The flag was designed in accordance with the existing coat of arms of the city (Article 3 of the Appendix to the decision of the City Duma of May 29, 2006 No. 78 “On approval of the Regulations on the official symbols of the municipal formation of the city of Gubkinsky”)

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Excerpt characterizing Gubkinsky

- So patriotic! - said Shinshin. “Not a patriot at all, but just...” Natasha answered offendedly. - Everything is funny to you, but this is not a joke at all... - What jokes! - repeated the count. “Just say the word, we’ll all go... We’re not some kind of Germans...” “And you noticed,” said Pierre, “that it said: “for a meeting.” - Well, whatever it was for... At this time, Petya, to whom no one was paying attention, came up to his father and, all red, in a breaking, sometimes rough, sometimes thin voice, said: - Well, now, daddy, I will decisively say - and mamma too, as you wish - I will decisively say that you will let me into military service, because I cannot... that’s all... The Countess raised her eyes to the sky in horror, clasped her hands and angrily turned to her husband. - So I agreed! - she said. But the count immediately recovered from his excitement. “Well, well,” he said. - Here’s another warrior! Stop the nonsense: you need to study. - This is not nonsense, daddy. Fedya Obolensky is younger than me and is also coming, and most importantly, I still can’t learn anything now that ... - Petya stopped, blushed until he sweated and said: - when the fatherland is in danger. - Complete, complete, nonsense... - But you yourself said that we would sacrifice everything. “Petya, I’m telling you, shut up,” the count shouted, looking back at his wife, who, turning pale, looked with fixed eyes at her youngest son. - And I’m telling you. So Pyotr Kirillovich will say... - I’m telling you - nonsense, the milk hasn’t dried yet, but he wants to go into military service! Well, well, I’m telling you,” and the count, taking the papers with him, probably to read them again in the office before resting, left the room. - Pyotr Kirillovich, well, let's go have a smoke... Pierre was confused and indecisive. Natasha's unusually bright and animated eyes, constantly looking at him more than affectionately, brought him into this state. - No, I think I’m going home... - Like going home, but you wanted to spend the evening with us... And then you rarely came. And this one of mine... - the count said good-naturedly, pointing at Natasha, - is only cheerful when you are around... - Yes, I forgot... I definitely need to go home... Things to do... - Pierre said hastily. “Well, goodbye,” said the count, completely leaving the room. - Why are you leaving? Why are you upset? Why?..” Natasha asked Pierre, looking defiantly into his eyes. “Because I love you! - he wanted to say, but he didn’t say it, he blushed until he cried and lowered his eyes. - Because it’s better for me to visit you less often... Because... no, I just have business. - From what? no, tell me,” Natasha began decisively and suddenly fell silent. They both looked at each other in fear and confusion. He tried to grin, but could not: his smile expressed suffering, and he silently kissed her hand and left. Pierre decided not to visit the Rostovs with himself anymore. Petya, after receiving a decisive refusal, went to his room and there, locking himself away from everyone, wept bitterly. They did everything as if they had not noticed anything, when he came to tea, silent and gloomy, with tear-stained eyes. The next day the sovereign arrived. Several of the Rostov courtyards asked to go and see the Tsar. That morning Petya took a long time to get dressed, comb his hair and arrange his collars like the big ones. He frowned in front of the mirror, made gestures, shrugged his shoulders and, finally, without telling anyone, put on his cap and left the house from the back porch, trying not to be noticed. Petya decided to go straight to the place where the sovereign was and directly explain to some chamberlain (it seemed to Petya that the sovereign was always surrounded by chamberlains) that he, Count Rostov, despite his youth, wanted to serve the fatherland, that youth could not be an obstacle for devotion and that he is ready... Petya, while he was getting ready, prepared many wonderful words that he would say to the chamberlain. Petya counted on the success of his presentation to the sovereign precisely because he was a child (Petya even thought how everyone would be surprised at his youth), and at the same time, in the design of his collars, in his hairstyle and in his sedate, slow gait, he wanted to present himself as an old man. But the further he went, the more he was amused by the people coming and going at the Kremlin, the more he forgot to observe the sedateness and slowness characteristic of adult people. Approaching the Kremlin, he already began to take care that he would not be pushed in, and resolutely, with a threatening look, put his elbows out to his sides. But at the Trinity Gate, despite all his determination, people who probably did not know for what patriotic purpose he was going to the Kremlin, pressed him so hard against the wall that he had to submit and stop until the gate with a buzzing sound under the arches the sound of carriages passing by. Near Petya stood a woman with a footman, two merchants and a retired soldier. After standing at the gate for some time, Petya, without waiting for all the carriages to pass, wanted to move on ahead of the others and began to decisively work with his elbows; but the woman standing opposite him, to whom he first pointed his elbows, angrily shouted at him: “What, barchuk, are you pushing, you see - everyone is standing.” Why climb then! “So everyone will climb in,” said the footman and, also starting to work with his elbows, he squeezed Petya into the stinking corner of the gate. Petya wiped the sweat that covered his face with his hands and straightened his sweat-soaked collars, which he had arranged so well at home, like the big ones. Petya felt that he had an unpresentable appearance, and was afraid that if he presented himself like that to the chamberlains, he would not be allowed to see the sovereign. But there was no way to recover and move to another place due to the cramped conditions. One of the passing generals was an acquaintance of the Rostovs. Petya wanted to ask for his help, but thought that it would be contrary to courage. When all the carriages had passed, the crowd surged and carried Petya out to the square, which was completely occupied by people. Not only in the area, but on the slopes, on the roofs, there were people everywhere. As soon as Petya found himself in the square, he clearly heard the sounds of bells and joyful folk talk filling the entire Kremlin. At one time the square was more spacious, but suddenly all their heads opened, everything rushed forward somewhere else. Petya was squeezed so that he could not breathe, and everyone shouted: “Hurray! Hurray! hurray! Petya stood on tiptoes, pushed, pinched, but could not see anything except the people around him. There was one common expression of tenderness and delight on all faces. One merchant's wife, standing next to Petya, was sobbing, and tears flowed from her eyes. - Father, angel, father! – she said, wiping away tears with her finger. - Hooray! - they shouted from all sides. For a minute the crowd stood in one place; but then she rushed forward again. Petya, not remembering himself, clenched his teeth and brutally rolled his eyes, rushed forward, working with his elbows and shouting “Hurray!”, as if he was ready to kill himself and everyone at that moment, but exactly the same brutal faces climbed from his sides with the same shouts of “Hurray!” “So this is what a sovereign is! - thought Petya. “No, I can’t submit a petition to him myself, it’s too bold!” Despite this, he still desperately made his way forward, and from behind the backs of those in front he glimpsed an empty space with a passage covered with red cloth; but at that time the crowd wavered back (in front the police were pushing away those who were advancing too close to the procession; the sovereign was passing from the palace to the Assumption Cathedral), and Petya unexpectedly received such a blow to the side in the ribs and was so crushed that suddenly everything in his eyes became blurred and he lost consciousness. When he came to his senses, some clergyman, with a tuft of graying hair back, in a shabby blue cassock, probably a sexton, held him under his arm with one hand, and with the other protected him from the pressing crowd. - The youngster was run over! - said the sexton. - Well, that’s it!.. it’s easier... crushed, crushed! The Emperor went to the Assumption Cathedral. The crowd smoothed out again, and the sexton led Petya, pale and not breathing, to the Tsar’s cannon. Several people took pity on Petya, and suddenly the whole crowd turned to him, and a stampede began around him. Those who stood closer served him, unbuttoned his frock coat, placed a gun on the dais and reproached someone - those who crushed him. “You can crush him to death this way.” What is this! To do murder! “Look, cordial, he’s become white as a tablecloth,” said the voices. Petya soon came to his senses, the color returned to his face, the pain went away, and for this temporary trouble he received a place on the cannon, from which he hoped to see the sovereign who was about to return. Petya no longer thought about submitting a petition. If only he could see him, he would consider himself happy! During the service in the Assumption Cathedral - a combined prayer service on the occasion of the arrival of the sovereign and a prayer of thanks for the conclusion of peace with the Turks - the crowd spread out; Shouting sellers of kvass, gingerbread, and poppy seeds appeared, which Petya was especially fond of, and ordinary conversations were heard. One merchant's wife showed her torn shawl and said how expensive it was bought; another said that nowadays all silk fabrics have become expensive. The sexton, Petya's savior, was talking with the official about who and who was serving with the Reverend today. The sexton repeated the word soborne several times, which Petya did not understand. Two young tradesmen joked with the courtyard girls gnawing nuts. All these conversations, especially jokes with girls, which had a special attraction for Petya at his age, all these conversations did not interest Petya now; ou sat on his gun dais, still worried at the thought of the sovereign and his love for him. The coincidence of the feeling of pain and fear when he was squeezed with a feeling of delight further strengthened in him the awareness of the importance of this moment.

Mass media

The city publishes the socio-political newspaper “Gubkinskaya Week”, which is published weekly, on Fridays, on 12-20 pages of A-3 format, the average circulation is 2000 copies, distributed in the city of Gubkinsky and the village of Purpe. The newspaper is also a publisher of regulatory legal acts of local governments. The bulk of the circulation is sold at retail; subscriptions are organized in the editorial office.

Every day TV programs of the Gubkin TV and Radio are aired. Today it represents 1.5 hours of airtime in the evening and 1 hour in the morning. These are news, thematic programs, small entertaining and educational projects, dialogues with government officials live and recorded, advertising and sketches.

Radio stations:

  • 66.74 - Radio Russia / Region-Tyumen / State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Yamal (100 W, 60 m)
  • 70.40 - Lighthouse (USI? 100 W, 60 m)
  • 102.1 - plan Europe+ [Norm FM] [OOO TO Ekipazh] (Purpe) persons 16857
  • 102.6 - Autoradio / Vector Plus [MU Gubkinskaya TRK Vector] (Vector 200 W, 35 m, 7 dB) persons 4038, 8795, 15537 (102.5?)
  • 103.2 - Road Radio [ZAO Radio Western Siberia] (100 W) persons 9231, 12710, 14888
  • 103.7 - Radio Yamal [GU OGTRK Yamal-Region] (Purpe/Molodezhnaya, 35/100 W - section 30 W, 15 m) persons 11443
  • 104.6 - Radio Yamal [GU OGTRK Yamal-Region] (Vector 250 W, 33 m, 4 dB) persons 11443
  • 105.3 - Hit FM / plan Russian radio [Norma FM] [TO Ekipazh LLC] (Purpe/Molodezhnaya, 35/ 100 W, 39 m) persons 10387, 18404
  • 105.7 - plan Radio Chanson [Radio Tyumen LLC] persons 12401
  • 106.1 - was the plan of Radio Dacha [Ural Media] [Radio Ural LLC] persons 13328, 17261
  • 106.8 - Radio Luch / Silver Rain [MU Purovskaya TRK Luch] (Purpe/Molodezhnaya, 35/ 100 W, 30 m) persons 16257, 20926

A television

  • 3 - TV3 / Yamal / TVC / TRK Luch (Purpe 100 W)
  • 21 — ++ (Purpe/Youth, 35/100 W)
  • 23 - Ren TV [Crew TV] [OOO TO Crew] (Purpe/Molodezhnaya, 35/100 W) persons 10396, 18405
  • 26 - NTV [MU IA Vector-Inform] (Vector 100 W) persons 6834
  • 28 - Vector / TNT [MBU Gubkinskaya TRC Vector] (Vector 100 W) persons 3177, 7150, 21773
  • 29 - plan digital DVB-T2 (1mp) (new 500 W, 52 m Purpe / Molodezhnaya, 35 / 1 kW)
  • 33 - Yamal-inform / ... [MU Gubkinskaya TRC Vector] (Vector 100 W)
  • 38 - Vector / Ren TV [Compass / TNT] [MBU Gubkinskaya TRC Vector] (Vector 100 W) persons 3660, 8796, 21774
  • 40 - plan digital DVB-T2 (2mp) (new 500 W, 52 m)
  • 49 - TV3 plan [Crew TV] [OOO TO Crew] (Purpe/Molodezhnaya, 35/100 W) persons 11326, 19473
  • 51 — ++ (Purpe/Youth, 35/100 W)


  1. 12 Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2016
  2. [ All-Union Population Census of 1989. Urban population]. [ Archived from the original on August 22, 2011].
  3. 1234567 People's encyclopedia “My City”. Gubkinsky
  4. [ All-Russian Population Census 2002. Volume. 1, table 4. Population of Russia, federal districts, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, districts, urban settlements, rural settlements - regional centers and rural settlements with a population of 3 thousand or more]. [ Archived from the original on February 3, 2012].
  5. [ Number of permanent population of the Russian Federation by cities, urban-type settlements and districts as of January 1, 2009]. Retrieved January 2, 2014. [ Archived from the original on January 2, 2014].
  6. [ All-Russian population census 2010. Population size and its distribution in the Tyumen region]. Retrieved May 10, 2014. [ Archived from the original on May 10, 2014].
  7. [ Population estimate at the beginning of 2011 for municipalities of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug]. Retrieved January 30, 2015. [ Archived from the original on January 30, 2015].
  8. [ Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities. Table 35. Estimated resident population as of January 1, 2012]. Retrieved May 31, 2014. [ Archived from the original on May 31, 2014].
  9. [ Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2013. - M.: Federal State Statistics Service Rosstat, 2013. - 528 p. (Table 33. Population of urban districts, municipal districts, urban and rural settlements, urban settlements, rural settlements)]. Retrieved November 16, 2013. [ Archived from the original on November 16, 2013].
  10. [ Table 33. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2014]. Retrieved August 2, 2014. [ Archived from the original on August 2, 2014].
  11. [ Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2015]. Retrieved August 6, 2015. [ Archived from the original on August 6, 2015].
  12. taking into account the cities of Crimea
  13. [ Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2016. Table “31. Population of cities and towns by federal districts and constituent entities of the Russian Federation as of January 1, 2016.” RAR archive (1.0 MB)]
  14. [ VPN volume 4. Table 4. Population by nationality and Russian language proficiency in municipalities of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug].
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