Unusual Makhachkala: where to go, what to see and bring for tourists, excursions, attractions, history and photos

Makhachkala is the third largest city in the North Caucasus (and the first of the cities in the North Caucasus Federal District of Russia). Over 700 thousand people live here. Residents of the republic are proud of their city, considering it the most beautiful in the world. And a person coming from the capital will be amazed by Makhachkala with its unusual architecture and shocked by the way of life of its inhabitants. There is no need to think that Makhachkala is a wild settlement, littered with garbage and patrolled by the military around the clock. This is a city that bears little resemblance to the settlements of central Russia, but is quite modern and developing.

Over the past 10 years, the city's population has grown by almost a third. The increase occurs both naturally and through migration. Planning three or more children is the norm in urban families, because most of them are Muslims with traditional views on family. In addition, the city is a center of attraction for many residents of the North Caucasus seeking to move away from the countryside. The residents themselves note that there are few native townspeople left in Makhachkala (many have moved to central Russia), and the city’s population mainly consists of visitors from the village.

The city of Makhachkala was founded in 1844 as a port and military fortification. Since then, Makhachkala has changed its name three times. It was founded under the name Petrovskoye (in honor of Peter the Great); in 1918, the settlement was renamed in honor of Shamil, the leader of the highlanders in the war against Russia. And finally, after the October Revolution, Makhachkala received its modern name. The name was given to her by the Caucasian revolutionary Makhach Dakhadayev. At the same time, the city received the status of the capital of Dagestan.

Modern Makhachkala is called one of the fastest growing cities in Russia. The capital of Dagestan is growing, annexing nearby villages and towns. The mayor sees tourism potential in it and strives to develop this area, and therefore the administration has many plans for the construction of appropriate infrastructure in the city. One of the nearest plans is to improve the beach area. It is also planned to restore historical buildings in the city. The tourist attractiveness of the city is contributed by the amazing Caucasian nature, the geography of the city (on the shores of the Caspian Sea), its bright national color and architectural originality.

City by the warm sea

The climate of Makhachkala is determined by its geographical location: the temperature, cloudiness and winds are significantly influenced by the Caspian Sea.

The city has high levels of humidity and often strong winds, especially during the cold season. Judging by the average annual temperatures, the winter here is noticeably milder than in central Russia: from 0 to -5C.

Frosts are rare, and the thermometer does not fall below -20C, and such frosts occur only a few days a year and are considered almost a natural disaster. According to local residents, this frost is tolerated worse than the same temperatures in the middle zone due to wind and high humidity.

Summer is hot and sunny: the average temperature is about +23C. The warm part of the year lasts from the beginning of May until the first week of October (all this time the temperature stays at least + 11C). It is hot in Makhachkala in July; air temperature +40C is more the norm than a rarity. Therefore, many homes and almost all public places have air conditioners.

If we talk about natural disasters, in Makhachkala these are most often hurricanes. Many residents will remember the terrible wind in 2013, which even blew away gazelle passengers. In the spring of 2015, a hurricane destroyed communications and left half of the city without light and heat. Shields and trees blown down by the wind are not uncommon in the city. The average annual wind speed here is 3.7 m/s (for comparison: in Moscow 1.4-1.5 m/s).

In summer, due to hot and dry weather, forest fires occur in the vicinity of the city, and smog is added to the heat.

In general, the climate of Makhachkala cannot be called comfortable, especially for residents of central Russia. Lovers of Russian winter will miss the frost and snowdrifts. But those who love warmth will like the climate in the city.

Where to eat tasty and cheap

Due to the small amount of time we spent in Makhachkala, we only managed to eat a couple of times in canteens, several cafes and one restaurant. The food in the canteens is quite mediocre. The average bill for two is 500 rubles - that’s without the first course. For a quick run to eat, it’s quite suitable, but no more.

I would like to dwell in more detail on the only restaurant where we managed to dine. A local resident recommended it to us and even kindly gave us a ride there without taking any money for it. Unfortunately, we were not at the parade

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