Where to go in Orel: the main attractions of the city, interesting places and entertainment

  • August 14, 2018
  • Attractions
  • Yana Umyantseva

Orel is the administrative center of the Oryol region. Its population, according to the latest data, exceeds 300 thousand people. This city is interesting for its architectural monuments, literary museums, themed squares and parks. You don't have to think long about where to go in Orel. There is no doubt that every visitor to the locality will find something interesting for themselves.

Symbol of the city: sculpture “Jubilee Eagle”

Where to start getting acquainted with this settlement? What attractions are worthy of attention first? First, tourists should see one of the unofficial symbols of this city. We are, of course, talking about the sculpture “Anniversary Eagle”.

This monument was erected in 2016 on Station Square. Since then, every second guest of Orel considers it his duty to take a photo against its background, and the local population does not lag behind tourists.

It was not for nothing that the station square was chosen as the location for this monument. He greets everyone who arrives in the city. A bronze bird, spreading its wings, sits majestically on a pedestal in the shape of a globe. The monument was based on a project by a local sculptor, and the necessary funds were allocated by GRINN Corporation JSC as a gift to the city.

Lenin Street

Where can those who have already visited Station Square and taken photographs in front of the famous sculpture go in Oryol? It's time to take a walk along Lenin Street. The main walking area, located in the historical center of the city, is intended for pedestrians. On its territory you can see many former noble mansions, which have been converted into administrative offices, offices, cafes and shops.

The length of Lenin Street is about 600 meters. It starts from the Alexander Bridge and ends at Lenin Square. Until the 70s of the last century, trams ran along the street. Traffic is currently prohibited, making this area an ideal place for a walk. Lenin Street is a kind of local Arbat.

Oryol Museum of Local Lore

Where should curious tourists go in Orel? You should definitely visit the local history museum, which dates back to the 19th century. This is the oldest museum complex in the city.

Currently, the collection of this institution includes over 170 thousand exhibits. Thus, in the exhibition areas you can see antique furniture, textiles, household items, documents, ancient coins and much more. The Oryol Museum of Local Lore has already formed two branches. This is the Military History Museum and the house-museum of V. A. Rusanov.

Military History Museum

It is impossible not to pay attention to the sights of Orel, which is a branch of the above-mentioned institution. The Military History Museum has existed since 1983. The most famous exhibit in his collection is a diorama depicting the events of the Oryol offensive operation that took place in 1943. The canvas is 9 meters wide and 33 meters long. It was based on a project by the artist A.I. Kurnakov, who brought it to life.

In all 11 halls of the museum you can find interesting exhibits. Basically, these elements of the collection are devoted to military topics - all kinds of archival documents and letters, personal belongings and photographs of soldiers.

Interesting excursions

In Orel, as in any other large city in the country, you have a great opportunity to get to know the city better by using the services of travel companies or private guides.

If this is your first time in Oryol, you can start with an overview of the city. A walking tour is possible, and if you come with your own transport, then a tour in your car. You will learn all the most interesting things about the history of the city from the first inhabitants to the present day, see and photograph all the iconic city attractions and get answers to any questions you may have. In the summer, it is possible to take a boat tour along the Oka River, during which you will get acquainted with the natural and geographical position of Orel, its administrative structure, and attractions along the boat route. There are many excursion options: “Merchant Eagle”, “Eagle - a journey through time”, “Along the Kursk streets of Orel”, “Eagle - past and present”.

You can go on a thematic excursion “Literary Eagle”, during which you will be taken along the routes of writers whose destinies are closely connected with Orel, and will be introduced to the rich literary traditions of the city, which is called the literary capital of Russia. As part of the excursion, you can visit your choice of one of the literary museums of Orel. Excursions on a narrower topic are also possible, for example, “The Eagle in the Works of Leskov”, “Turgenev’s Places in Orel”.

Gazebo in the park “Noble Nest” Photo: © Anna Kudryavtseva

There are excursions outside the city. For example, the excursion “Krivtsovsky Memorial”, dedicated to the memory of the difficult days of the Great Patriotic War - the battles in the Bolkhov direction in February-March 1942. Or the excursion “To the Frontiers of Glory in Novosil”, where you will learn about the role and significance of the Oryol offensive operation, the heroism of the soldiers and commanders at the initial frontiers in the summer of 1943. There are dozens of options available, you can always choose what suits your interests.

Excursions “Across the Native Land of I. S. Turgenev” are always popular, during which they talk about the life and work of the writer, and also visit the Turgenev family estate Spasskoye-Lutovinovo .

Reviews from tourists about visiting the Spasskoye-Lutovinovo Museum-Reserve

Spasskoye-Lutovinovo Museum-Reserve Photo: © Andrey Semenov

Art Museum

Where can those interested in painting go in Orel? Such people should definitely visit the local art gallery, which has been operating since 1918. Over the years of the museum's existence, its holdings have accumulated over 7 thousand exhibits. Among them are masterpieces of decorative and applied arts, sculptures and, of course, paintings.

Particular attention should be paid to the collection of icons of the 18th-19th centuries. A selection of portraits of members of the royal family and high nobility is also of interest. It is also worth noting that the gallery has a foreign department. Its collection includes works by artists from England, Germany, Italy, Austria, and Poland.

Museum of I. S. Turgenev

Be sure to visit the Turgenev Museum in Orel. It is very popular among both city residents and visitors. And the museum traces its history back to the beginning of the 20th century. The formation of the collection was entrusted to the Turgenev Society, specially created for this occasion.

Initially, the museum occupied a noble estate built in the 19th century. The basis of his collection was the exhibition, which was collected by a distant relative of the famous writer. But in 1976, it was decided to move part of the collection to the Turgenev family house, which is located in Spassky-Lutovino.

Other museums

Those who love to read won’t think long about where to go in Oryol. Those who respect the work of I. A. Bunin will be interested in his house-museum, which is located in the historical center of the city. In the 60s of the last century, a collection was assembled consisting of his personal belongings, documents, letters, books and manuscripts. Even then it contained several thousand copies. The grand opening of the museum took place in 1991; a building from the 19th century was allocated for it. Visitors will be able to learn interesting facts from the life of the writer.

The house-museum of N. S. Leskov also deserves attention. The building is located on the site where the writer's family's family estate was previously located. The exhibits are located in six halls. The collection includes several hundred items, including furniture, portraits, documents, books and autographs.

The house-museum of V. A. Rusanov is another interesting place. It is dedicated, as the name suggests, to a scientist and explorer of the Arctic. It was in Orel that this talented man was born, who made a significant contribution to the development of science. The museum named after him is located in a wooden estate, which is located in the historical center of Orel. The collection of items related to Rusanov occupies only part of the building. Also in the museum you can see an exhibition dedicated to the life of the city’s population before the beginning of the 20th century.

Orel Museums in 1 day

There are many museums in Orel, the oldest of them is the Museum of Local Lore , founded in 1897, and the youngest is the Museum of Collectible Dolls, opened in 2016. You can choose to visit the one that interests you.

Oryol United State Literary Museum of I. S. Turgenev

“The Oryol United State Literary Museum of I. S. Turgenev” includes six literary and memorial museums, the exhibitions of which are located in noble mansions of the 19th century:

  • Museum of I. S. Turgenev
  • Museum of Oryol Writers
  • Leskov House-Museum
  • House of Leonid Andreev
  • Museum of I. A. Bunin
  • House of T. N. Granovsky

Museum I.A. Bunina Photo: © Anna Kudryavtseva

Oryol Military History Museum

The exhibition of the Oryol Military History Museum is dedicated to the pages of the military history of the Oryol region and the participation of Oryol residents in the largest military campaigns of the 18th - early 20th centuries. Much attention is paid to the topic of liberation of the region from the Nazi invaders during the Great Patriotic War.

In the museum you can visit eight halls, where among the exhibits are rare collections of weapons and ammunition of warriors from different historical periods. The dioramas that attract the greatest interest among visitors are: “Breakthrough of the Nazi defense in the Oryol direction near the village of Maloye Izmailovo, Novosilsky district, July 12, 1943.” and “The Battle of Kromy in the fall of 1919 during the Civil War.”

Oryol Military History Museum Photo: © Anna Kudryavtseva

Memorial House-Museum of V. A. Rusanov

This unique museum of its kind was opened in Orel on Rusanova Street in 1982 in the house where V. A. Rusanov spent his childhood and youth. There are few museums dedicated to explorers of the North and the Arctic in Russia; the peculiarity of the House-Museum of V. A. Rusanov is that in the center of Russia, in the literary region, a museum of a polar explorer has been opened.

Rusanov gave his life in his attempt to explore and navigate the Northern Sea Route, a very economically beneficial route for Russia. The tragic death of the researcher still remains a mystery, and the museum’s exhibition tells about the attempts of our contemporaries to uncover this mystery. It was V. A. Rusanov who was the prototype of the hero of Veniamin Kaverin’s story “Two Captains”.

Memorial House-Museum of V. A. Rusanov Photo: © Anna Kudryavtseva

More information in the material Eagle Museums


The Epiphany Cathedral was built in the 17th century. At the moment it is the oldest stone building on the territory of Orel. Initially, the temple embodied elements of the Baroque style. Its first large-scale reconstruction dates back to 1837. Then the cathedral was actually rebuilt in a classical manner. And in 1900, they paid attention to the bell tower, which was rebuilt in the neo-Russian style.

The Temple of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God also cannot be ignored. The construction of its current building was completed at the end of the 19th century. This was done thanks to generous donations from the wealthy Serebrennikov family. During the Soviet period, the temple went through some hard times, but restoration, carried out relatively recently, returned it to its former beauty.

Tourists should definitely visit the Temple of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God. However, the Iveron Church, the construction of which was completed at the beginning of the last century, also deserves attention. It was erected in honor of the ascension to the throne of Nicholas II. Funds for construction were raised by Oryol railway workers. Perhaps that is why the church is located close to the railway station. The building embodies the features of eclecticism.

St. Michael the Archangel Cathedral was built in the classical style. It is located on the banks of the Orlik River. The construction of the temple was completed at the beginning of the 19th century; it took the place of two old and dilapidated churches, which were no longer able to accommodate all the parishioners. Once upon a time, St. Michael the Archangel Cathedral served as a place for receiving royalty and holding special events.

Akhtyn Cathedral is another interesting building located in the city center. It is located on the high bank of the Oka, where Pyatnitskaya Sloboda was previously located. The bell tower of the temple can be seen from a distance. Legend has it that money for the construction of the cathedral was allocated by the merchant Pastukhov, who was helped by prayer to recover from a dangerous illness. The temple was built at the end of the 18th century. It was closed during the Soviet era, but then services resumed. The cathedral received cathedral status in 1962.

Original sculptures

The monument to the tankers-liberators of the city of Oryol is located on the territory of the Tankmen's Square. The monument was erected in 1968; previously its place was occupied by a T-70 model, which was later moved to the Military History Museum. The sculpture is a model of the T-34 tank, which stands on a pedestal. A picturesque alley paved with paving stones leads to the monument. It is surrounded by orderly rows of trees.

The monument to A.P. Ermolov also deserves the attention of city guests. It was in Orel that this outstanding military leader was born, and here he was buried. The monument in his honor was stopped in 2012. It is located on the territory of a small square, which is named after the commander. The equestrian sculpture, reaching a height of 5 meters, is somewhat similar to the statue of the Bronze Horseman. The height of the monument together with the pedestal is 9 meters.

The monument to N. S. Leskov is included in the list of city attractions. It is located opposite the former Oryol gymnasium. It was this educational institution that the famous writer graduated from many years ago. The monument was erected in the 80s of the last century. The famous writer is sitting on a bench, and his gaze is directed into the distance.

What to see in Orel in 1 day

Orel is a rare Russian city that has preserved the fragile architecture of past centuries: monuments, old estates, churches in their original form.

Zlynsky stud farm

The Oryol trotter is known to the world. The famous horse is a living personification of the city itself and Russia. The Zlyn Stud Farm is the cradle of the Oryol breed of horses and the first thing to see in Oryol for tourists. Now it is a museum-estate that is a must-visit. Tourists will be told the history of the breed, be sure to be shown the most beautiful horses, and even be allowed to ride them. In winter there is sleigh rides.

Location: Oryol region, village. Zlynsky stud farm.

Opening hours: all days except Sunday, 9.00-18.00.

How to get there: by bus "Orel - Zlynsky stud farm".

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Eagle sculpture

A large sculpture of an eagle with powerful wings, a strong beak and a menacing appearance is made from the branches of kochia, a bush similar to a cypress. The sculpture is a symbol of the city and the most popular place for photographing citizens and travelers. By the way, residents affectionately call the proud bird Eagle.

Address: Kromskoe highway, 4.

It’s better to get there by bus 5, 15 to the “TMK Mega Grinn” stop.

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Train Station

The building, completely different from the station, restored after the Great Patriotic War, is rightly considered the architectural heritage of Orel. Everything is surprising: sophisticated colonnades, as if straight from the drawings of a Gothic temple, high arches. Old chimes play classical tunes instead of the usual strikes.

Address: Station Square, 1, bldg. 1.

Opening hours: 24 hours a day.

You can get there by bus 5, tram 1 to the “Railway Station” stop.

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Monument to A.P. Ermolov

The famous general of the Russian-Turkish war, a native of the Oryol lands, A.P. Ermolov is immortalized on a mighty horse rearing up. The hero's stern gaze betrays the conqueror of the Caucasus for the glory of Russia.

Location: General Ermolov Square.

It’s convenient to get there by minibus 22 to the “Pervaya Posadskaya Street” stop.

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State Bank building

The mid-19th century building was specially erected by royal decree of Alexander II. Today it is a striking city building from pre-revolutionary times. The architect achieved his goal by giving the elegant building an ancient Russian style. Towers, kokoshniks, wings and other unusual architectural parts give the bank a unique grace and charm.

Address: Gostinaya street, 6.

Working hours: Monday-Friday, 8.15-17.15.

Travel by bus 35 to the stop “Karl Marx Square”.

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Monument to Ivan the Terrible

The majestic sculpture depicting the Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible, sitting astride a war horse, was created in 2016. The Great Tsar points with his hand to where the Orel fortress will be founded, which will later become a large settlement. This is the first monument in Russia dedicated to Ivan the Terrible. The Tsar did a lot for the Russian state, annexing Siberia, Astrakhan, and Kazan.

Location: Epiphany Square.

Get to the monument by bus 55 to the stop “Karl Marx Square”.

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Composition “Station for tourists”

Attractions for tourists and local residents are unusual compositions, next to which they like to take interesting photos. The ensemble includes the station square of the early 20th century, and next to the standing steam locomotive there is a retro carriage with a sign “Eagle-Paris”, bronze figures of conductors inviting passengers into the compartment. The composition symbolizes the hospitality and cordiality of city residents.

Address: Kromskoe highway, 4.

It’s better to get there by bus 5, 15 to the “TMK Mega Grinn” stop.

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Epiphany Cathedral

The old cathedral, built at the beginning of the 18th century, due to constant reconstruction, includes three styles at once: Baroque, neo-Russian and classicism. The church survived Soviet times, having been a museum of atheists and even a puppet theater. Today it is a functioning temple, possessing a priceless relic - the miraculous icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Joy of All Who Sorrow.”

Address: Bogoyavlenskaya Square, 1.

Opening hours: daily, 7.00-20.00.

Travel by bus 55 to the stop “Karl Marx Square”.

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Monument to N. S. Leskov

A native of the Oryol region, N. S. Leskov glorified his native land, decorating Russian literature with colorful characters. Therefore, the composition consists of the heroes of his stories surrounding the writer: Master Lefty, the merchant’s wife, the pilgrim Flyagin and the old hairdresser. The writer himself is depicted sitting on a bench.

Location: Arts Square.

It is convenient to get there by bus 35 to the stop “Karl Marx Square”.

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Parks, squares

The city cultural park in Orel appeared in 1822. It was founded by order of the governor, who thus showed concern for the leisure of the population. In the 19th century, gypsy artists performed in the park and fairs were held. It was divided into paid and free parts.

The first was available only to wealthy residents of Orel, while visiting the second was free for everyone. After 1917, visiting the entire park became free. During the Great Patriotic War, the park was seriously damaged, but reconstruction carried out in the 50s and 60s allowed it to regain its former beauty.

“Nobles’ Nest” is the name of the park located on the banks of the Orlik River. In the 19th century, an aristocratic estate with a wooden manor was located on its territory. It was there that Lisa lived from the work “The Noble Nest” by I. S. Turgenev. The garden of the same name dates back to 1903. In the old days, musical evenings, concerts, and performances took place here. Mentions of this place can be found in the works of Balmont, Leskov, Bunin.

You can’t help but visit the confluence of the Oka and Orlik in Orel. “Strelka” is a public garden that is worth visiting just to admire the natural beauty. In the 16th century, a fortress was erected on its territory by order of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. Unfortunately, this building has not survived to this day. But in the park there is a memorial obelisk, the height of which is 27 meters. This sculpture depicts the ancient coat of arms of Orel, as well as a chronicle of the main historical events related to the settlement. Nearby you can also see a monument dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the city.

Where to go as a tourist in Orel, interesting places

The main attractions of the city, which are worth visiting, arose relatively recently, but there are interesting places that have captured the imagination of people for centuries.

Square "Noble Nest"

The park area, where it is pleasant to take a walk, was founded at the beginning of the 20th century. It is dedicated to I. S. Turgenev, as well as the atmosphere in which the writer lived. Everything in the park reminds us of the life of the heroes of the novel “The Noble Nest”.

Not far from Orlik there is an elegant gazebo with white columns - a favorite place for photo sessions of newlyweds.

Address: Oktyabrskaya street, 1.

Opening hours: daily, 9.00-22.00.

Travel by buses 1, 4, 9 to the stop “Institute of Economics and Trade”.

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Oryol Municipal Drama Theater "Russian Style" named after. M. M. Bakhtina

The modern chamber theater was founded by enthusiasts in 1994. A troupe of actors works in a pre-revolutionary one-story mansion that once belonged to a wealthy merchant. Although the auditorium seats 49, the theater is famous far beyond the city limits. The repertoire is wide: from children's fairy tales to serious classical productions.

Address: Turgenev street, 18.

Opening hours: all days except Monday, 13.00-18.00.

Travel by trolleybus 6, stop "Glavpochtamt".

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Saburovskaya fortress

The old fortress from the time of the Russian-Turkish war was built in the oriental style by the Kamensky nobles. It consisted of four towers and high stone walls 1.5 km long. Fragments of the fortress walls, towers, and brick buildings inside the fortress are well preserved. There is an Orthodox church nearby that is open to the public.

Location: Saburovo village, 10 km.

Visiting hours: every day, 9.00-21.00.

You can get there by bus "Orel - Saburovo".

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Museum of Local Lore

This museum is considered the richest in Russia. Founded in the 19th century. Its exhibitions and storerooms contain 160 thousand exhibits dedicated to the life and art of past centuries. The archaeological halls are of great interest to visitors thanks to many historical artifacts.

Numismatics lovers will be attracted by the collection of coins, some of which date back to the 10th century.

Address: Gostinaya street, 2.

Visiting hours: all days except Mondays, 10.00-17.00.

Travel by buses 20, 21, stop “Karl Marx Square”.

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Seminarsky Park

The monument to landscape art was founded in the middle of the 19th century. It received its name due to the theological seminary previously located here. The park was restored more than once after two wars: the Civil War and the Great Patriotic War. Exhausted by hunger and deprivation, people first of all considered it their duty to bring the pearl of the city back to life. Now this is a favorite vacation spot for Orel residents and its guests.

Location: Seminarsky Park, 1.

Opening hours: daily, 10.00-22.00.

Travel by tram 4, stop "Garazhny Lane".

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Gostiny Dvor

The first shopping arcades of Gostiny Dvor were built back in the 16th century. It took on its modern appearance from the middle of the 20th century. Now it is a rectangular two-story building in the city center, occupying the entire block. Household items, food, and souvenirs are offered on the first floors of the building.

Address: Komsomolskaya street, 13 B.

Opening hours: every day, 8.00-00.00.

It is convenient to get there by minibus 22, stop “First Posadskaya Street”.

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Art Museum

Anyone who appreciates beauty should visit the noble mansion with an antique portico, stucco molding and graceful columns. The museum was located here a little over a century ago. The halls contain 1,500 paintings by artists, 200 rare sculptures and thousands of other works of art.

Not every museum boasts a collection of icons of different styles created by masters more than three centuries ago. The collection of traditional Russian porcelain made by old craftsmen is especially delightful.

Address: Oktyabrskaya street, 29.

Visiting hours: all days except Mondays, 10.00-17.00.

Travel by trolleybus 6, stop "Palace of Sports".

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Museum of I. S. Turgenev

The museum was founded 100 years ago for those who are interested in literature and love the works of the great Russian writer. The halls, equipped as old living rooms, will display Turgenev’s personal items: clothes, books, household utensils, drafts of novels with notes in the margins, made by his hand. There are also many valuable rarities acquired during Ivan Sergeevich’s lifetime, which is what the museum is famous for.

Address: st. Turgeneva, 11.

Opening hours: daily, 10.00-17.00.

You can get there by trolleybus 6 to the Glavpochtamt stop.

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Theater "Free Space"

The experimental theater was founded by young actors in 1990. Its concept differs from others in that the directors offer a completely unexpected interpretation of ordinary plays. Theater lovers will be surprised by the courage and freshness of the actor's approach to ordinary things, which makes you look at the world in a new way. The repertoire includes dozens of productions for people of different ages.

Address: Karl Marx Square, 2.

Cash desk opening hours: daily, 10.00-19.00.

Travel by bus 35 to the stop “Karl Marx Square”.

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Collectible Doll Museum

One girl collected factory dolls from all over the world for more than 20 years. When the collection could no longer fit into her city apartment, she decided to open a unique doll museum. The museum building itself looks like a doll's house. Any woman who finds herself in this doll paradise will feel like a girl. The exhibitions are thought out to the smallest detail: clothing, composition depicting this or that action. Near each exhibit there is a card detailing the details.

Various toys are collected: from antique English porcelain dolls in exclusive lace clothes to all kinds of Barbie replicas.

Address: Novosilskoe highway, 6.

Visiting hours: Wednesday-Sunday, 10.00-18.00.

You can get there by bus 15, stop “Yuzhny Pereulok”.

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Children's park

A huge amusement and recreation park is located on the picturesque shore of Orlik. There are places to go here with children. Vacationers can enjoy quiet walks and wander through the alleys. Fans of active recreation will have a great time on various types of attractions, which are divided into children's, teenagers, and adults. Visitors can enjoy a climbing wall, bicycle paths, a petting zoo, and rental bicycles and roller skates.

Location: left bank of the Orlik River, 21.

Opening hours: weekdays, 9.00-18.00.

Travel by bus 167, stop “Pervaya Posadskaya”

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Turgenev Theater

Previously, on the site of the modern stone theater building there was a wooden two-story building that served as a stage for the serf actors of General Kamensky. And only in 1815, the completely rebuilt theater received state status. From the middle of the 20th century it began to bear the name of I. S. Turgenev. The writer’s plays are still performed on its stage.

Address: Lenin Square, 2.

Schedule: all days except Monday, 12.00-19.00.

It’s convenient to get there by trolleybus 6, stop “Glavpochtamt”.

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Shopping center "Mega Grinn"

The city's largest shopping center is a favorite shopping and recreational place for thousands of citizens. The territory includes clothing, cosmetics, accessories, jewelry, and food stores. The visitor has plenty of places to go: the center offers the services of beauty salons, health centers, billiards, and bowling. A cinema with 6 halls, a karting club, a modern trampoline room and food courts will delight you with their new products.

Address: Kromskoe highway, 4.

Opening hours: daily, 9.00-21.00.

It’s better to get there by bus 5, 15 to the “TMK Mega Grinn” stop.

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Sooner or later, any person gets tired of sightseeing. What can tourists who are interested in entertainment in Oryol do? For example, they can visit the local Russian Style theater. It cannot be called large; it is ready to accommodate no more than 50 spectators at a time. The absence of crowds creates a special atmosphere during the performance.

The Russian Style Theater dates back to 1994. Over the past time, he has developed a repertoire, and also has regulars. Performances based on the works of Leskov, Ostrovsky, Chekhov, Andreev, and Shukshin are staged on the theater stage. The work of modern playwrights is also given enough attention.

The Free Space Theater is another establishment that guests of Orel can visit. It dates back to 1976, initially focusing on children's audiences. The professionalism of the actors gradually increased and their repertoire expanded.

Families with children can have a great time at the Greenlandia amusement park, which is located in the city. Labyrinths and trampolines, slot machines, playgrounds - any child is ready to disappear here for hours.

Finally, tourists have the opportunity to get out of the city and explore the surrounding area. For example, just 10 km from it is the Saburov Fortress. The picturesque ruins are a great place for a walk and photo sessions.

Recreation centers of the Oryol region

Tourist centers and recreation centers in the Oryol region

The Oryol region is the heart of Ancient Rus'. Here the eminent son of the Oryol land, Ivan Bunin, grew up and became successful as a writer. Bunin loved his native fertile land and described the Oryol region in his stories.

About the history of the region

The ancient Oryol land preserves a rich heritage, historical and spiritual. At one time, it was the Oryol region that occupied a prominent place in the emergence of Russian statehood. It was also the spiritual stronghold of Rus'.

The cities of Mtsensk, Kromy and Novosil, as ancient as Orel, are part of the Oryol region. They were founded at approximately the same time as ancient Moscow. The first settlers of the Oryol region are mentioned in chronicles dating back to the 12th century.

From the beginning of the 16th century, the fortress city of Bolkhov began to grow, followed by Livny and Orel. Dramatic events unfolded on the lands of the Oryol region: in the 17th century there was a bloody battle with the Tatar-Mongol hordes. During the time, later called the Time of Troubles, the population courageously fought for their borders in order to prevent the enemy, who was rushing to Moscow.

grain granary

After a time of troubles, when Mikhail Romanov ascended the Russian throne, Rus' began to gain power and expand its borders. The eagle acquired the status of a grain granary. In the central zone of the country, no other city grew so much grain or had such fertile lands.

The Oryol region fed neighboring regions for centuries, exporting bread, meat, lard and other products by sleigh and waterways.

The Oryol province with its center, Oryol, was founded by Peter I. Under his rule, the city became the main supplier of grain to the Russian market.

Nowadays, agriculture and many industries are well developed in the region, and Oryol itself is a large regional center.

Features of local tourism

The features of local tourism are predetermined by the rich history of this ancient land. Ethnographic, cultural and educational, as well as rural tourism are well developed here. Oryol residents have something to tell and show in their homeland. Folk culture and original peasant traditions have been perfectly preserved here. The nature of the Central Russian strip, long praised by poets and writers, adds to the attractiveness of this region.

Cultural and educational tourism

Like any ancient region with a great history, the Oryol land keeps a great many legends and chronicles about the events that took place here. Fans of cultural and educational tourism will recognize a lot of legends and ancient tales.

The epic hero Ilya Muromets clashed with the Nightingale the Robber on Oryol land, near a village called Nine Oaks.

On the Oryol lands, the holy martyr Kuksha preached the Christian faith together with his disciple Nikon. They were captured by pagans two kilometers from the Oryol village of Karandakovo, tortured and beheaded.

At this place, every year on September 9, a solemn prayer service is held, and residents collect water from the holy spring. Kuksha is considered the patron saint of the Oryol-Livensky diocese. An Orthodox gymnasium in Oryol is named in his honor.

One of the main attractions of the Oryol region is the Saburov Fortress, which is an architectural monument and includes: a fortress wall, four towers, the Church of the Archangel Michael and a theater. In 1940, the surviving towers of the fortress were taken under state protection.

Oryol Polesie

Only natural splendor can compete with the rich history of this ancient region. Despite the fact that the region was considered the breadbasket of Russian lands, the Oryol region is not the real Black Earth Region.

There are huge forests here, especially in the northern part of the region. This is the famous Oryol Polesie. It is smaller in size than Belorussky or Meshchersky, but in terms of natural beauty it is in no way inferior to them.

Somewhere the local nature is similar to the nature of the southern regions of Russia, somewhere it resembles the landscapes of the Urals. The diversity and beauty of the region is untouched virgin soil for those who prefer eco-tourism.

National Park

Ecological tours to the national park are very popular among tourists. Within the park, measures are being taken to promote and preserve the European bison. The program is aimed at creating conditions for this animal to live in its natural environment.

The park will amaze travelers with its huge variety of flora and fauna. There is a huge number of animals and birds here, including quite rare species.

There is a zoo on site where you can admire the diversity of its inhabitants. About thirty species of fauna live in well-equipped enclosures. There is an abundance of fish in the ponds and lakes of the national park. The territory of the reserve is crossed by two rivers: Vytebet and Zhizdra.

Recreation centers and tourist tours

Tourist recreation areas are located on the shores of the lakes. These are large lakes: Staroe, Ryasnik and Central. The recreation center at Zero Central provides vacationers with the opportunity to rent the necessary equipment and equipment for hiking.

Recreation centers in the Oryol region can provide their guests with a variety of excursions to choose from. Depending on their preferences, tourists can go to explore the surrounding area and get acquainted with the culture and history of the Oryol region.

Tourists are taken to sights: to the Holy Spring, and trips to the remains of the Saburov Fortress are arranged. The guides will tell you in detail about its amazing history, which began with the construction of the Church of the Archangel Michael by Count Kamensky. Son Mikhail continued his father’s work, annexing the fortress to the Church in memory of the glory of Russian weapons.

There are eco-tours for travelers seeking to admire untouched nature and splendid landscapes.

Ethnographic excursions will allow you to visit the village of Ilyinka, which houses a museum of folk art. The museum has a large number of folk items. Folklore festivals are held from time to time in Ilyinka.

Reservoirs and fishing

A special joy awaits fans of fishing in the Oryol region. Fishing in these places is rich, thanks to the abundance of rivers and lakes. All reservoirs in the region are included in the Oka River basin. The headwaters of the Vytebet River, which crosses the national park, originate in peat bogs.

Many different tributaries and small streams flow into the river itself. The Vytebet River basin includes rivers fed by melt water and springs: Rakitnya, Elenka, Golyn and Lisitsa.

A wide variety of fish inhabit the reservoirs of the Oryol region: pike perch, freshwater catfish, pike, bream, carp. Catching crayfish, which are found in abundance in local rivers, is popular.

The Oryol recreation centers take care of organizing exciting fishing trips for tourists. Fishermen go to the Vytebet River, or to one of the many lakes.

Hunting tours

Hunters will not be forgotten either: the region’s tourist centers offer those who wish to organize hunting tours, help from experienced rangers, equipment and transport.

There is plenty of wildlife in the Oryol forests. If you're lucky, you can shoot a wood grouse or hazel grouse. Coniferous forests are a habitat for squirrels and martens. The wilds of the forests of the Znamensky district are a place where you can accidentally meet a bear. Bears are not found in the forests of the Oryol region, but wander here from the neighboring Kaluga and Bryansk regions.

The rivers are home to muskrats, beavers, otters, and European and American minks.

Wild boars, elk, deer, and roe deer live in dense forests. Hunting in these places is only licensed.

Boarding houses and resorts

For those who want to improve their health or decide on a diagnosis, the doors of Oryol boarding houses and holiday homes are open. Resorts located on the picturesque Central Russian Upland offer medical and health procedures. Therapeutic mud and treatment with radon baths are provided in comfortable sanatoriums

Time is limited

What to see in Orel in one day? Of course, travelers passing through this city will hardly have time to see all its attractions. However, you can get a general idea of ​​Orel. You should start your acquaintance with a visit to one of the city parks. For example, you can opt for the “Noble Nest”, repeatedly sung by famous writers. Here you can enjoy the spectacle of natural beauty, admire the residents and guests of the city walking.

From the park you can quickly get to one of the city museums. Which one should travelers choose? History buffs should prefer the Oryol Local History Museum, while families with children should rather opt for the Doll Museum. If you have time and energy left, you can also look into a museum dedicated to some famous writer - Turgenev, Bunin, Leskov. Many famous personalities in the past had a close connection with this locality.

What else can you see in one day in this city? You should definitely take a photo in front of one of its famous monuments and visit the local Arbat - Lenin Street. In the evening, city guests should go to a performance at the Russian Style Theater to enjoy excellent acting and get a lot of impressions. Of course, this will only be possible for those who purchase tickets in advance, since there are few seats in the theater.

It is enough to spend just one day in Orel to want to come back here and continue exploring this amazing city. Everyone has the opportunity to verify this from their own experience. The sights of Orel await inquisitive tourists.

Beautiful places in Orel that are worth visiting

The Oryol region is rich in historical sights and untouched natural beauty. True Russian nature and famous places full of folk cultural traditions arouse the genuine interest of travelers from all over the world.

Oryol Polesie National Park

The protected areas of the national park occupy a vast territory. Here, Polesie, which has preserved its uniqueness, combines amazing nature and the historical heritage of the people.

There is no need for a tourist to visit Belarus to see a live bison. The giant bull also lives here, in the Oryol region. Experienced guides will help you walk along a comfortable ecological path to see this interesting miracle of nature. The park's areas include forested areas equipped with recreation areas, an open-air zoo of rare animals and birds, archaeological monuments, the Radovishchi settlement, and an old village. It's interesting to walk there.

Location: village. Zhudersky.

Opening hours: every day, 10.00-17.00.

You can get there by bus “Orel - Khotynets”, then by minibus to the stop “Usadba Polesya”.

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Source of Saint Kuksha

In the old days there lived Saint Kuksha, who preached Orthodoxy in the Oryol lands. The idol worshipers killed the saint. At the place of Kuksha’s death, a miraculous spring began to flow. Later a monastery was built and the spring was improved. Finding the source is easy. Wooden paths lead to the spring, a font is equipped, and a small church is built.

Location: village. Mtsensk.

You can visit the source 24 hours a day.

Travel by bus 128 to the Frolovka stop.

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Kuznetsovskie ponds

The townspeople's favorite vacation spot spreads over 25 hectares. Shallow ponds are rich in carp, grass carp, crucian carp, perch, and pike. They are separated by sectors for fishing and recreation. Picturesque places and sandy beaches have long been loved by local residents. Despite the active visitation by vacationers, free recreation areas - gazebos, tables, barbecues and bridges - are kept clean.

Location: Bolkhovsky district.

You can get there by bus "Orel - Kuznetsovsky".

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Cave "Water"

Thrill-seekers will find something to visit in Orel. The old cave is located within the city. The height of the ceilings of the former quarry is from 1 to 3 meters. The depth of underground lakes is up to 3 meters. The water is absolutely clear. Some places consist of clay islands. Others are completely flooded. Therefore, it is important that tourists are accompanied by an experienced speleologist. They travel around the cave only by boat.

Location: right bank of the Oka River, 500 m from the pier.

Excursions are possible during daylight hours.

Travel by tram 4, stop “Moldavskaya”, then walk to the pier or by car.

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