Research and local history work on the topic: The city of Melenki in 1890-1910.


(Vladimir region)

OKATO code:
18th century City since:
1778 City of district subordination (Melenkovsky district, Vladimir region)
Melenkovsky district
Telephone code (reference phone)


Deviation from Moscow time, hours:
Geographic latitude:
Geographic longitude:
Altitude above sea level, meters:
130 Sunrise and sunset times in the city of Melenki


The village of Rogozhino, located on the site of the current city, was part of the palace Unzhenskaya volost in the 18th century. This volost is called a new settlement volost in documents from the early 18th century. This is also the name of the villages that were part of it and located along the Unzha River. Thus, the village was formed at the end of the 17th century, therefore it is absent in the scribe books of the Murom district, Unzhensk camp for the years 1627-29 and in the salary books of the Ryazan diocese for 1676. There are also no other villages of the Unzhenskaya volost there.

However, there is a legend that in 1463, settlers from Kostroma, devastated by the Tatars, founded the village of Priklon on the banks of the Unzha River, and then, with an increase in population, the village of Melenki emerged from it. This legend is not confirmed by any documentary evidence, although the existence of the Unzha River and the village of Melenki in the Kostroma region may speak in its favor.

Later, the village of Rogozhino received the name Veretevo, and in 1709 it began to be called a village due to the construction of a church in it and acquired the name Melenki. The population of Melenki at that time was 30 households. In 1779, the palace village of Melenki, when the Vladimir province was divided into counties, received the status of a county town.

The name Melenki is associated with the presence of mills in the village (which was reflected in the city’s coat of arms), another version of the origin of the name is the location of the village on the Melenka River (from small).


Melenki: maps

Melenki: photo from space (Google Maps) Melenki: photo from space (Microsoft Virtual Earth)

Nearest cities. Distances in km. on the map (in brackets along roads) + direction. Using the hyperlink in the distance , you can get the route (information courtesy of the AutoTransInfo website)
1Doschatoe (Nizhny Novgorod region)30 ()IN
2Vyksa34 (83)IN
3Moore36 (41)NE
4Navashino42 (57)NE
5Kasimov46 (49)YU
6Kulebaki56 (87)IN
7Red Gorbatka60 (113)WITH
8Kurlovo65 (151)Z
9Gus-Khrustalny69 (172)NW
10Tuma (Ryazan region)71 (111)Z
11Ermish (Ryazan region)75 (198)SE
12Sudogda83 (134)NW
13Pitelino (Ryazan region)84 (115)YU
14Voznesenskoye (Nizhny Novgorod region)86 (162)SE
15Gremyachevo (Nizhny Novgorod region)88 (124)IN
16Vacha (Nizhny Novgorod region)88 (99)NE
17Nikologory92 ()WITH
18Ardatov (Nizhny Novgorod region)93 (150)IN
19Tengushevo (Republic of Mordovia)93 (180)SE
20Spas-Klepiki95 (136)Z
21Kadom (Ryazan region)101 (201)SE
22Melekhovo105 (179)WITH
23Vyazniki106 (156)WITH
24Diveevo (Nizhny Novgorod region)107 (180)IN
25Sosnovskoye (Nizhny Novgorod region)109 (145)NE
26Sasovo110 (139)YU
27Rainbow110 (190)NW
28Pavlovo113 (128)NE
29Tumbotino (Nizhny Novgorod region)114 (177)NE
30Sarov115 (194)SE

a brief description of

The city is located in the eastern part of the Meshchera Lowland, on the river. Unzha (tributary of the Oka), 22 km from the railway. Butylitsy station, 150 km southeast of Vladimir.

Territory (sq. km): 11

Information about the city of Melenki on the Russian Wikipedia site

Historical sketch

At the beginning of the 18th century. Melenki is a palace village. In 1709, the main temple was built, consecrated in honor of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Since 1778, the district town of the Vladimir governorship (since 1796 - Vladimir province). Name by location on the river. Melenka, which is obviously connected with the presence of a mill on this river.

In 1856, in the district town of Melenki, Vladimir province, there were 2 churches, 478 houses, 31 shops.

In the 1920s In Melenki there was an iron foundry and a flax spinning factory "Krasny Tekstilshchik" (now a flax mill).


Flax mill. Factories - foundry-mechanical and for the production of umbrellas. Food industry enterprises, production of building materials.

There is peat extraction in the area.

In the village of Korovino, artistic pottery is developed.

Culture, science, education

Melenki is the birthplace of N.P. Kamanin - Hero of the Soviet Union, participant in the expedition to mow down the crew of the steamship "Chelyuskin", Soviet literary scholar Academician P.I. Lebedev-Polyansky.

Architecture, sights

Near the city of Melenki, in the village of Korovino, artistic pottery is developed.

Population by year (thousands of inhabitants)

Melenki City Day: remarkable facts from the life of Melenki residents

Melenki City Day is traditionally celebrated in June, and this is, without a doubt, a holiday for the entire Melenkovsky district. Despite the fact that it is considered “remote” in the Vladimir region, Melenkovites have something to be proud of and something to show their fellow countrymen. So, what did Melenki and the region bring to their holiday?

Economic growth

The economy of the Melenkovsky district has been steadily growing for many years in a row.

Agriculture has traditionally been the most important sector. Last year, the volume of products produced by agricultural enterprises increased in a comparable estimate by 14% and reached almost one and a half billion rubles. Sales revenue amounted to 1.232 billion rubles, which is 21 percent more than last year.

Melenkovsky agricultural enterprises specialize in milk and potatoes. In total, there are 8,900 heads of cattle in the district's agricultural enterprises. The productivity of the dairy herd was 7110 kg, which is 13 percent higher than the regional indicator. In actual weight, this is more than 28 thousand tons of milk. The most significant contribution to these indicators is made by JSC PZ Ilkino and SEC Dmitrievy Gory.

In crop production, at the end of last year, the gross grain harvest in the region amounted to 12.2 thousand tons, which is 47 percent more than the level of 2014! 39.6 thousand tons of potatoes were harvested - 22 percent more than in 2014. And in general, few people know that almost half (46 percent) of the potatoes grown in the region are from the Melenkovsky district.

The largest potato producer not only in the district, but throughout the entire region-33 is Melagro LLC. Over the past year, the gross potato harvest at Melagro LLC amounted to 19 thousand tons. Productivity reached 304 c/ha, exceeding the regional average by 6%. A potato storage facility for 2,500 tons, a grain drying shed, and irrigation networks were built.

Industry is also developing in the region: the volume of shipped goods of own production to large and medium-sized organizations over the past year increased by 20.5 percent and amounted to 1.3 billion rubles. The leading manufacturers remain (and show annual growth) Li LLC, Elatomsky instrument shop. The possibility of using the mineral resource deposits available in the area is being considered as “growth points”. An example is the development of the Skripinskoye carbonate rock deposit by Skripinsky Quarry LLC. This company began operating in the region in 2013. Long-term plans include the implementation of an investment project in the field of processing carbonate rocks.

Every fourth Melenko resident employed in the district’s economy works in the field of small business. There are 860 small and medium-sized businesses operating in the region. The total volume of products produced by small enterprises grows annually by an average of 4-5% and at the end of 2015 amounted to about 1.1 billion rubles. Budget revenues from the activities of small and medium-sized businesses are also increasing and amount to more than 13% of the district’s own tax revenues. The most successfully developing small businesses are Melenki-Les LLC, Melenkovskaya Furniture Factory LLC, Melenkovsky Bakery LLC.

Smart guys and smart girls

Melenkovites live not only by production alone. A worthy successor to the older generations is growing up here. Melenkovites are proud that among school graduates this year there are 12 medalists, which is more than 8 percent of the total number of all graduates. According to tradition, medals are awarded to Melenko’s smart people and smart people on City Day. These guys are the pride of the education system of the city and region and of all fellow countrymen.

Updated cultural centers

In the first half of this year, two historical events took place in the cultural sphere of the region. Firstly, after major renovations, two rural cultural centers opened (a cultural and leisure center in the village of Butylitsy in February, and a cultural center in the village of Bolshoi Priklon in May). This became possible thanks to the implementation of the state program “Development and modernization of the material and technical base of cultural institutions in small towns and rural settlements of the Vladimir region.” Residents of the area thank Governor Svetlana Orlova for supporting culture in the village.

The head of the district administration, Viktor Gavrilov, considers culture one of the priority areas: 78 million rubles were allocated to this area in 2015 from budgets of all levels, of which 63 million came from the local budget.

The overhaul of the Butylitsky CDC, which cost 4 million budget rubles, inspired creative teams to do new things. In 2015, the Butylitsky cultural and leisure center was recognized as the best for hosting events in the area. Now the conditions in which the creative teams of the CDC work - vocalists from the group "Berezonka" and the trio "Harmony", the veterans' choir "Inspiration" and others - have seriously improved.

The opening of the House of Culture in the village of Bolshoi Priklon after a major renovation took place in a solemn atmosphere. The building of the cultural center, which is more than 90 years old, has been completely updated and transformed.

Since the 80s of the twentieth century, the Bolshepriklonsky Palace of Culture has been famous for its folklore group “Sudarushka”. The recently created amateur drama group “Teatral” received a good assessment of its work, becoming the winner of the regional competition “Heroes of Our Time”.

Thanks to the regional program, other cultural institutions in the region have also been transformed, for example, the Dmitrievogorsk Cultural and Cultural Center, where the creative team works. In June 2016, the Dmitrievogorsk CDC became the owner of a grant in the amount of 900.0 thousand rubles. based on the results of the regional project competition “On the Roads of Folk Traditions”.

Well, the cross-cutting theme of the year in the cultural life of the region was cinema - after all, this year was declared the Year of Cinema. Cartoon characters performed by Melenki residents “ruled the roost” at the celebration dedicated to Children’s Day, which took place on June 4 in the city park of Melenki. The holiday included a children's carnival "The World I Need", a dance flash mob, a children's theatrical program, and the "Holi Festival of Colors".

Sport life

The events in the sports life of the Melenkovites were also noteworthy. A regional ice fishing competition is held annually in March. 160 fishermen took part in it (in the official standings, not counting the same number of fishermen outside the competition). The competition is always opened by the head of the district administration, Viktor Ivanovich Gavrilov, who considers this competition a real holiday of communication with nature with a sporting twist.

May was marked by two most interesting mass competitions. And again - in nature. On May 2, the “Melenkovsky Breakthrough” SUV race took place, organized by the “Melenkovsky SUV” club. More than 40 off-road driving enthusiasts gathered for the competition, and more than half of them came from other areas of the Vladimir, Ryazan, and Nizhny Novgorod regions. The participants showed their skills in driving off-road vehicles, motorcycles and ATVs, creating an unforgettable and impressive spectacle for numerous spectators.

And although the competition was a trial one, if many participants and spectators gathered for it, this means that the “Melenkovsky Breakthrough” has a good prospect of becoming a permanent off-road competition.

In May, the Melenkovsky district again hosted a major all-Russian orienteering competition “Russian Azimuth” with the participation of almost 700 athletes of different ages. Thus, Melenki became the venue for these massive national competitions for the second year in a row. And, by the way, orienteering is recognized as one of the basic sports in the Vladimir region. This means that Melenki is now one of the key points of its development.

Tourism development

The nature of the area seems to be specially created for tourism. There are attractive routes for the development of agricultural, environmental and event tourism. For example, the Dmitrievogorsk CDC became one of the agrotourism centers in the region. Children's groups from all over the country are already getting acquainted with rural life and learning about the features of caring for pets.

In total, a dozen different routes for tourists have already been created in the area.

Much attention is paid to the development of event tourism. The holidays that have preserved the originality of the native land have already become traditional: Maslenitsa, Melenki City Day, Village Days. Traditionally, many guests visit the Melenkovsky district during the Victory Day celebrations. Since 2014, the branded regional festival Potato Day has been held, which attracts many guests. The traditional Christmas market has been revived.

Throughout the year, advertising activities are carried out to promote the tourism product of the Melenkovsky district: work to fill out the page “Melenkovsky district” on the official tourism portal of the Vladimir region; posting information about the offers of tourist products of the Melenkovsky district on the websites of travel agencies and travel bureaus (“Northern Necklace”, “Around the World”); placement of information about the regional holidays Potato Day and City Day in the regional event calendar for 2016; information about routes in the regional catalog “Vladimir Region. Small Golden Ring"; printing of two advertising banners “Melenkovsky district opens its heart to you”, “Events”, booklet “Charm of the province”. A register of tourism objects in the Melenkovsky district and an electronic catalog of religious objects have been created. A municipal tourism development program is being developed. Participation in the 21st International Exhibition "Recreation" at the Expocenter (Moscow): video presentation of the tourism potential of the Melenkovsky district, tasting of local products, "Melenkovsky Bakery". Presentation of the album “Vladimir Region. Small Golden Ring.

These are just some bright pages from the life of Melenkovites. Residents of the city and region, living their lives to the fullest, have many reasons to look into the future with optimism and celebrate the birthday of their beloved city - a day that is inextricably linked with the life of the original Melenkovsky district, which looks confidently into the future.

Dear fellow countrymen!

Dear guests of our city!

Each of us has many different reasons in life to congratulate each other. But at the end of every June month there is one holiday that unites all Melenki residents, regardless of where they currently live - Melenki City Day: a holiday for all those who consider Melenki their homeland; who honors the memory of the ancestors who gave Melenki the status of a city; who appreciates and respects the work of those who transform the city every day, making it more comfortable, convenient and better. This is a holiday for everyone who was born and raised here, who came once to stay forever in this city. A holiday for those who left Melenki, but remained faithful to this city with soul and heart.

The history of the city dates back more than two centuries, and all this time the Melenkovsky land with its beauties and its amazing people delights everyone who comes here. And it is on this day that we, people of different generations, remember the rich history of the city, pay tribute to those who invested their work, talent and skill in it.

For many Melenkovites, the city has become a place of professional and life development. But its true wealth and decoration are not only the streets, buildings, parks, but precisely the people, with whose mind and efforts all this was created. Many thanks to all generations of our fellow countrymen who have contributed to the development of the city, its culture and traditions, who with their talent, energy, and creativity strengthen the material and intellectual potential of our city, the basis of which is made up of entire teams of economic enterprises, cultural institutions, and education.

Happy holiday to you, our common home - beloved Melenki! May joy, kindness, and warmth of human hearts reign in your land! Let City Day unite us all in respect for our historical roots, inspire optimism and faith in a worthy future! And let this holiday become a bright and memorable event in our lives!

I wish you, dear fellow countrymen, health and prosperity, success in big and small matters! Happiness and prosperity to our beloved city! Happy holiday!

Viktor Gavrilov,

head of the Melenkovsky district administration.


City population dynamics:

YearPopulation, peopleSource
18594 736
18966 843ESBE
18978 9091897 Census
200216 3442002 Census
197018 5451970 Census
197918 0801979 Census
195917 4621959 Census
200915 245Rosstat estimate
198918 3401989 Census
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