What to see in Kronstadt and where to go - attractions and interesting places

Kronstadt is a fortified city and a city-museum of naval history three hundred years old. It was founded personally by Peter the Great on the island of Kotlin and still retains its importance in the service of Russian naval affairs and serves as a commercial port.

The city has only been open to the public since 1996, and currently part of it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. A visit to the city for sightseeing will not require more than one day, but the number of surviving antiquities and architectural monuments is numerous.

Naval Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

The Naval Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is the visiting card of Kronstadt. It should not be confused with the St. Nicholas Naval Cathedral, which is one of the main attractions of St. Petersburg; however, these two temples are closely related. A similar name indicates a common purpose: in pre-revolutionary times, the parishioners of the cathedrals were sailors of the Russian fleet.

Naval Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

The Kronstadt Naval Cathedral was built at the beginning of the 20th century (1903–1913) in the neo-Byzantine style - hence the large spherical dome, light walls, and golden decor. The temple was conceived as a monument to all sailors who died in the line of duty. Marble memorial plaques were initially installed in it: black (with the list of officers and lower ranks) and white (with the names of priests who served on military courts).

During the Soviet period, these slabs were used for household needs, as was the temple premises: warehouses, a club, and a naval and coastal artillery post were located here at various times. The building was returned to the disposal of the Orthodox Church only at the beginning of the 21st century. Now the Naval Cathedral in Kronstadt is the main temple of the Russian Navy, and also functions as a museum: models of ships, ship icons, banners, and so on are exhibited here.

  • Address: Yakornaya Square, 5.
  • Time: daily from 10:00 to 19:00.
  • Cost of visiting: free; excursion to the bell tower or under the dome - for a donation.


In the third part of our walk around Kronstadt we will get acquainted with the sights of the central district of the city on Kotlin Island. The previous part of our self-guided tour took us to Petrovskaya Street.

a residential building of the merchant Vasiliev , built in the mid-19th century .

The house is not in the best condition, but thanks to the bright facade and flower-covered balcony it looks very elegant. The balconies rest on shaped metal brackets reminiscent of dragons.

Immediately behind this merchant's house on Petrovskaya Street begins the Summer Garden of Kronstadt - a historical place, but extremely neglected.

The grotto in the park has been turned into a real public toilet, and the lumpen population drinks in the shady corners. Most of the paths in the Summer Garden look abandoned and inhospitable, and its main part resembles an overgrown forest rather than a cultural park. There are no flower beds or well-groomed lawns.

A complete contrast with Petrovsky Park, and yet the Summer Garden is the oldest public park in Kronstadt. Once upon a time, apricots, plums and palm trees even grew here. Currently, the city administration has plans to restore the Summer Garden and recreate the house of Peter I.

The main gate open onto Petrovskaya Street . The cast iron fence decorated was made in 1872-1873 according to the design of the architect V.V. Windelbandt. Behind the main gate begins the so-called main alley of the Summer Garden - all that remains of the Peter's Perspective (1711). On this alley there was once the house of Peter I (surrounded by linden trees specially ordered from Amsterdam) and the houses of the royal associates. In 1828, these houses were bought from the heirs and demolished, and redevelopment work began in the garden under the leadership of the architect I. I. Charlemagne.

monuments in the Summer Garden of Kronstadt . The first is dedicated to the clipper Oprichnik, which went missing in 1861 while returning from an expedition from the Far East. The second monument is located to the right of the main alley and tells about the feat of midshipman A. A. Domashenko , committed by him shortly before the Battle of Navarino in 1827, during the passage of the Azov ship to the Mediterranean Sea.

Nineteen-year-old midshipman Alexander Domashenko threw himself from the stern of the battleship Azov into the raging waves near the island of Sicily to save the sailor, but by the time the lifeboat was lowered, the officer and sailor had already drowned. On the rounded cast-iron stele there is an inscription: “In memory of the philanthropic act of A. Domashenko. September 9, 1827 off the coast of Sicily." Below is an image of the stern of the battleship "Azov", and at the top the stele is decorated with a gilded laurel wreath. On the reverse side: “Officers of the Azov ship to a kind colleague who rushed from the stern of the ship to save a sailor dying in the waves and paid with his life for such a philanthropic act.”

The monument was created on the initiative of the Azov commander, Admiral M.P. Lazarev, and the future Admiral P.S. Nakhimov, who served as a lieutenant on this ship and witnessed the feat of his comrade. The monument was erected in 1828 with funds raised by the sailors of the battleship Azov. The monument to midshipman Domashenko is the oldest surviving monument in Kronstadt.

From the Summer Garden our path lies to the very center of Kronstadt, to Anchor Square. To do this, you need to cross the Makarovsky Bridge over the Petrovsky Ravine (part of the Petrovsky Dock). This is one of the most beautiful places in Kronstadt, quiet, surrounded by greenery. The bridge itself is incredibly picturesque and elegant.

The Makarovsky Bridge was built by workers of the Kronstadt Marine Plant in 1912. The workers had to quickly get to work: they had to be in time before the opening of the Naval Cathedral. The fact is that three months before the first service in the new church, local authorities realized that Nicholas II might want to attend this service, and then the emperor would need to somehow get from Petrovskaya Pier to Anchor Square, but he wouldn’t go down into the ravine! It was decided to hastily build a crossing. However, when the king approached the new bridge, he had doubts about the strength of the structure. Then one young officer confidently walked from one end of the bridge to the other, personally proving that it was completely safe. The royal family cheered up and calmly crossed over to the other side, and the brave officer received the order from the hands of Nicholas II.

In fact, the bridge design was not very reliable at first: the wooden deck quickly wore out and required repairs. In 1940, the Makarovsky Bridge was overhauled, but even after that, military units were forbidden to walk in formation here, so the soldiers had to go down into the ravine. Cyclists were also not allowed to ride on the bridge. Finally, in 1970, the bridge was modernized, replacing the metal rivets with welding and replacing the wooden deck with an asphalt surface. Fortunately, the appearance of the bridge did not change during these alterations. As before, the Makarovsky Bridge remains exclusively pedestrian.

The Makarovsky Bridge leads us to the heart of Kronstadt - to Anchor Square . Anchor Square has the shape of a triangle, bounded, respectively, by the Naval Cathedral, the ravine of the Petrovsky Dock and the wall of the Admiralty (now a military camp). Anchor Square is the center of the most famous sights of Kronstadt. Here, in particular, you can see one of the famous “tricks” of Kronstadt - the unique cast-iron pavement . This road was once built to the gates of the Admiralty. However, this cast iron pavement is not genuine. The real cast iron pavement has been preserved on the Hemp Bridge, and we will see it soon. The Admiralty wall stretches along Anchor Square, on which memorial plaques are installed listing the ships, submarines, formations and units that participated in the defense of the city.

Anchor Square appeared in Kronstadt in the middle of the 18th century and received this name because it was used for storing ship anchors and anchor chains. At the beginning of the 20th century, after the construction of the Naval Cathedral and the opening of the monument to Admiral S. O. Makarov, the square acquired its current appearance. Anchor Square played a big role in the history of the city: it was the center of public life and citywide meetings. The anti-Bolshevik Kronstadt uprising began with a meeting on Yakornaya Square in 1921.

Today on Yakornaya Square there is a mass grave of fighters for the cause of the revolution. The Eternal Flame also burns here in memory of the Krondstadt residents who died in the struggle for the victory of Soviet power: the victims of the first Russian revolution and participants in the suppression of the counter-revolutionary rebellion at the Krasnaya Gorka fort in June 1919, as well as participants in the Bolshevik assault during the suppression of the 1921 uprising. In total, more than four hundred people are buried here.

The two other most important objects of the square are the bulk of the Naval Cathedral and the monument to Admiral S. O. Makarov. The Marine St. Nicholas Cathedral (Naval Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker) serves as the high-altitude dominant of Kronstadt (its height exceeds 70 meters) and in clear weather is clearly visible from any point of the Nevsky fairway.

The Naval St. Nicholas (Nicholas) Cathedral in Kronstadt was built in 1901-1913. on the initiative of Vice Admiral N.I. Kaznakov and according to the design of the architect Vasily Kosyakov (1862–1921).

The interior of the cathedral was of great artistic value. Together with Vasily Kosyakov, his brothers Georgy and Vladimir were involved in designing the interiors.

The painting of the vaults and walls was carried out under the direction of the artist M. M. Vasiliev by a large team of painters and imitated partly mosaics, partly frescoes. The white marble iconostasis with fine openwork carvings made by sculptor N. A. Popov according to the design of V. A. Kosyakov made a stunning impression. The mosaics were created according to the sketches of F. A. Railyan. The cathedral amazed with its huge size and magnificent decoration.

The grandiose temple was built not just as a religious building, but also as a landmark for sailors and, first of all, as a monument to all sailors, all the ranks of the Russian fleet who have ever died. It is no coincidence that relics related to the history of the fleet were collected in the temple, and black memorial plaques were also kept with the names of all naval officers (without distinction of religion) who died in battles, shipwrecks and in the line of duty from 1695 to 1910, as well as civilian and medical ranks who served on warships. The names of naval clergy who died at sea were written on separate white marble boards. After the cathedral was closed in 1929, the boards were destroyed and used for household needs. Based on archival materials, the text and appearance of the memorial plaques were recently recreated, and today they are placed in the interior of the revived cathedral.

Since the cathedral was conceived as a monument to Russian naval glory, maritime symbols were used in abundance in its external and internal decoration. For example, a huge copper dome was decorated with gilded relief ornaments of anchors and lifebuoys, and relief images of fish were placed on the heavy entrance doors (photo from the website fund-morskoysobor.ru).

The interior of the temple also featured marine motifs: images of fish, ships, anchors, sea animals and plants appeared on the mosaic floor, in the wall paintings and in the design of church utensils. Many subjects of mosaics and paintings in the temple were dedicated to the life of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker - patron saint of sailors and travelers.

The temple took ten years to build. The consecration of the cathedral took place in June 1913 in the presence of the imperial family (as part of the celebrations on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty), and already in 1929 the cathedral was closed and destroyed, and then converted into a cinema. During the Great Patriotic War, an observation post for the naval and coastal artillery of Kronstadt was equipped on the dome of the Naval Cathedral. In 1956, a club and concert hall were set up in the former temple, and in 1974 a branch of the Central Naval Museum was opened. The temple fell into complete desolation. The restoration of the Naval Cathedral began in 2002. Ten years later, on April 9, 2012, the rite of minor consecration of the cathedral was performed, which marked the completion of the main restoration work in the temple. The restoration was completed in the spring - summer of 2013 (since it was planned to coincide with the opening of the cathedral to coincide with the centenary of its first consecration in 1913).

The outside of the building has been restored and shines, perhaps even too brightly. Previously, the temple with its green domes looked more calm and noble than the current, unusually “gingerbread” version (photo of the dome before restoration from the site vokrugsveta.ru).

On the other hand, it is known that originally the central dome of the cathedral had exactly this brilliant silver color. According to some reports, the copper was coated with aluminum, and subsequently, when the layer of aluminum was peeled off, the copper began to oxidize and acquire a characteristic greenish-turquoise hue, familiar to everyone who visited Kronstadt before the restoration of the temple. Now, apparently, we will have to get used to the updated appearance of the cathedral. The same applies to the surface of the facades, which now seem overly whitened and flat, whereas we are accustomed to seeing them darker and tangibly embossed. But, probably, there is no need to lament this: there is hope that the St. Petersburg weather will do its job.

A few words about the architecture and decoration of the Naval Cathedral in Kronstadt . The façade of the cathedral is faced with brick with terracotta ornaments, as well as decorative details made of majolica and mosaic.

The mosaic icons for the facades of the temple were made by the famous workshop of V. A. Frolov . Thus, above the main western portal , made in the “Byzantine-Romanesque” style, there is a mosaic image of the Savior Not Made by Hands, and on both sides of the entrance there are two scenes from the life of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Above the side portals of the central facade there are mosaic icons of St. apostles Peter and Paul (left) and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and St. John of Rylsky (right).

On both sides of the impressive portal there are belfry towers with gilded domes.

The northern and southern facades are distinguished by high arches and huge round “porthole” windows with stained glass. Above the system of large and small semi-domes on the eastern and western facades and above the bell towers is dominated by the central dome of the cathedral with a diameter of about 27 m, entwined with gilded relief ornaments in the form of anchors and lifebuoys.

The Naval Cathedral in Kronstadt was built according to the plan of the Church of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople, but it is not just a monumental temple in the Byzantine style: many decorative elements bear a distinct stamp of Art Nouveau aesthetics - take, for example, the large round windows on the northern and southern side facades. Based on its architectural appearance, the Naval Cathedral belongs to the “Russian-Byzantine” style, which arose at the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries precisely in line with Art Nouveau culture, as the embodiment of the national-romantic movement.

The same modernist trends manifested themselves in the interior design, which, unfortunately, was almost completely destroyed during Soviet times. For example, the influence of the Art Nouveau style (Jugendstil) is revealed in the play of folds and outlines of stylized figures of cherubs, as well as in the ornamental motifs of paintings. Source of illustrations: kr2012.ru.

Currently, the interior of the cathedral has been restored. At the same time, experts studied all available documentary materials about the historical painting of the cathedral, completed under the direction of the artist M. M. Vasiliev in 1913, as well as sketches of the original (unrealized) painting project of V. A. Kosyakov.

It is known that by the time of the first consecration of the temple in 1913, the painting did not cover the entire interior space of the Naval Cathedral. For example, the main dome and sails were only evenly painted: there was no decorative painting in these parts of the interior. Perhaps this was due to the hasty preparations for the consecration of the temple. One way or another, modern restorers decided to decorate the main dome of the temple with paintings with the image of Christ Pantocrator (Pantocrator) in the spirit of the Byzantine tradition, and images of the four evangelists with corresponding symbols appeared in the central sails. In 2011-2012 In the St. Petersburg workshop of Alexei Yakovlev, giant round stained glass windows were restored, which were the largest in pre-revolutionary Russia. Photo of the interior of the Naval Cathedral in Kronstadt after restoration (source: remidios-fine.livejournal.com):

In the southern part of Yakornaya Square there is a monument to Admiral S. O. Makarov . This wonderful monument was opened in Kronstadt simultaneously with the consecration of the Naval Cathedral, in 1913, in the presence of Nicholas II. The monument is dedicated to the outstanding Russian naval commander, shipbuilder, polar explorer and oceanographer Vice Admiral Stepan Osipovich Makarov (1849–1904). This man went down in the history of military affairs as a major inventor, the author of many rationalization proposals (he, in particular, developed the Russian semaphore alphabet and invented armor-piercing caps for shells), as well as a hero of the Russo-Japanese War, during which he, until his death , commanded the Russian Pacific Fleet. Since 1899, Admiral S. O. Makarov was the main commander of the Kronstadt port and the governor of Kronstadt.

The monument to Admiral S. O. Makarov in Kronstadt was created according to the design of the sculptor L. V. Sherwood. The four-meter figure of the naval commander and inventor rises on a pedestal, which is part of a granite rock known as Stone-granite . We are talking about a rock mined in Vyborg, which was once intended for a monument to Paul I, but sank. In 1909, when material was needed for the pedestal of the monument to S. O. Makarov, they decided to lift the rock from the seabed, but it split during transportation. As a result, the main part of the stone was used by the sculptor Sherwood, and on a small fragment a memorial was fixed in honor of the heroes of the Battle of Tsushima on the Marine Alley of Petrovsky Park. The uneven shape of the rock gave the sculptor the idea of ​​depicting Admiral Makarov not on the bridge of a ship, as was originally intended, but among the raging waves.

Admiral S. O. Makarov

As a result of this discovery, the composition of the monument turned out to be very dynamic and full of expression. Admiral Makarov is depicted in full growth, wearing a field cloak fluttering in the wind. His left hand extended forward, a bronze wave rose at his feet, and the wind ruffled his beard and coat tails. There is an opinion that the outline of the waves sweeping the admiral’s legs resembles a Japanese dragon, which drags the defender of Port Arthur into the depths of the sea (a symbol of the death of S. O. Makarov on the battleship Petropavlovsk during the defense of Port Arthur in 1904).

On the front side of the pedestal you can read the famous call of Admiral Makarov in large letters: “Remember the war!” There are also bronze plaques with inscriptions telling about the history of the creation of the monument. The fence of the monument consists of anchor chains and anchors from the warehouses of the Kronstadt military port.

At the bottom of the pedestal there are bronze bas-reliefs dedicated to the most significant episodes from the life and military activities of Admiral Makarov. The bas-relief on the back side of the monument depicts the Arctic voyage of the icebreaker “Ermak” (“Ermak” in polar ice). This ship was built under the direct supervision of Admiral Makarov, and subsequently carried out oceanographic research in the Arctic Ocean under his command. There is a tradition in Kronstadt: you must rub the nose of the polar bear depicted above the Ermak icebreaker and make a wish.

The bas-relief on the left side of the monument depicts Makarov’s feat during the Russian-Turkish War of 1877–1878. This composition, entitled “ Torpedo Attack ,” tells how on January 14, 1878, S. O. Makarov carried out the first mine attack in the history of torpedo boats on the ships of the Turkish squadron on the outer Batumi roadstead. As a result, the Turkish ship Intibah was blown up, and a few months later a peace was signed, proclaiming the independence of Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro.

Finally, the third bas-relief is called “ The Death of Petropavlovsk” and depicts the moment of the tragic death of the admiral: on March 31, 1904, during the defense of Port Arthur, the battleship Petropavlovsk was blown up by a Japanese mine and sank. Only a few were saved. Admiral Makarov died along with 10 staff officers and the famous battle painter Vasily Vereshchagin. At the site of the ship's destruction, only the admiral's traveling coat was found. It was in this cloak that Admiral A.G. Butakov, who had a similar build and beard to the deceased, posed for the sculptor Sherwood for the monument to S.O. Makarov. During the February Revolution, A.G. Butakov was shot in the central square of Kronstadt.

After the death of the battleship Petropavlovsk, the fleet lost not only one of the ships, but also Admiral S. O. Makarov, the head of the defense of Port Arthur and the favorite of the sailors. Until the end of the war, it was not possible to find a worthy replacement for this naval commander. In the lower part of the bas-relief, verses of the poet Dmitriev are engraved in bronze: “Sleep, northern knight, sleep, honest fighter, taken by untimely death...”.

At the exit from Yakornaya Square, near the Obvodny Canal, it is also worth paying attention to the stern anchors of the battleship "October Revolution" (in 1911–1925 - "Gangut"). This ship was withdrawn from the fleet in 1956. The anchors are installed in front of the red brick building of the 1st provision store of the Kronstadt Admiralty.

And directly on the bank of the canal you can see Ivan Tambasov’s gun - an artillery installation from the same ship “October Revolution”. During the Great Patriotic War, on April 16, 1943, the gun commander, foreman of the 1st article, Ivan Tambasov, saved the battleship from an explosion at the cost of his life. Ivan Tambasov was posthumously awarded for his feat with the Order of the Red Banner of Battle, and the artillery installation commanded by the foreman was named after him. After the ship was dismantled, the gun became a monument to the sailor.

Initially, this memorial weapon was located in the Summer Garden of Kronstadt, but was later moved here to Anchor Square.


(To be continued)

Kronstadt Fortress

The emergence of Kronstadt is associated with the need to protect St. Petersburg and the border of the empire from its northern neighbors, and the main attractions of the city are fortifications, forts and other defensive structures. Unfortunately, little of this has survived to this day.

Kronstadt Fortress

The construction of the Kronstadt fortress lasted quite a long time. It was founded personally by Peter I, and under him the creation of wooden fortifications was completed; their replacement with stone ones was carried out only under Catherine II. The flood of 1824 was a disaster for the city, causing terrible destruction and the death of many soldiers. Urgent restoration work lasted three years, after which the fortress’s defenses were again strengthened. It is the remains of buildings from this period (1824–1827) that can be seen now.

At present, only the northern rampart (also known as the defensive wall) of the Kronstadt Fortress (along Vosstaniya Street) is in relatively good condition at present; however, the list of significant objects does not end there. The list also includes the northern and western defensive barracks, the guardhouse building on Leningradskaya Street, the northern half-towers and several other protected monuments scattered throughout the city, as well as a complex of mortar batteries.

  • Address: defensive wall, northern defensive barracks No. 1–5, northern half-towers No. 1-3 - Vosstaniya Street; Western defensive barracks No. 1–2 - Zosimova Street; earthen rampart, defensive ditch, scarp wall, southern and northern batardo - Zosimova Street (near the Kronverksky Canal); protective dam No. 1, eastern defensive barracks and northeastern tower - Manuilsky Street; guardhouse building - Leningradskaya street.
  • Cost of visiting: free.

Beautiful places in Kronstadt that are worth visiting

Tourist places delight tourists from Russia and other countries. You can get in touch with the city's culture by visiting several museums, a theater and exhibitions.

Observation deck at the lighthouse

This place is famous for its defensive structures on the approaches to the Northern capital. Batteries, unique bunkers and underground galleries, and powder magazines are presented here. Tourists have 24-hour access.

Located on Kotlin Island.

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Take buses 1Kr, 2Kr, 3Kr, 101A from the Tsitadelskogo highway.

Kronstadt forts

The most famous places in the city are the fort buildings. Just 40 minutes from the Northern capital there are fascinating historical places - forts. There are many of them in Kronstadt, but tourists are usually interested in the most famous buildings. Near Fort Constantine they offer to buy a boat excursion.

They get there by minibus 405, which runs from the Chernaya Rechka metro station, and by bus 101 from the Staraya Derevnya metro station.

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Kronstadt beach

Tourists who don’t know where to go in the warm season can visit Kronstadt Beach. It is considered one of the most comfortable in Smolny. Many St. Petersburg residents prefer this particular place to other beach areas. Here you can take photos, have a picnic or play beach games.

Address: Toulon Alley, 7.

From St. Petersburg the ring road A-118 (Ring Road) leads to it. Local buses 2Kr and 3Kr regularly arrive from the city center to the beach stop.

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Forts of Kronstadt

In addition to the fortifications that formed the Kronstadt fortress itself, independent defensive structures - forts - arose around the island of Kotlin (on artificially created embankments in the Gulf of Finland) and on it itself. Their main purpose is to block the passage of enemy ships to the Russian shores. The forts of Kronstadt were created over a long period of time: from the founding of the city until 1914.

Fort Alexander 1

The first such structure was Kronshlot; in fact, the date of the founding of the fortress (May 7, 1704) is considered the birthday of Kronstadt. The place for the construction of the Kronshlot was indicated by Peter I himself; it was used as a combat unit until 1896 and is still under the jurisdiction of the Navy.

The most accessible for visit and developed as a tourist place is the fort “Grand Duke Constantine”: now it is located on land and is easy to get to. If you drive along the ring road around St. Petersburg, you can see the corresponding sign. From the top level there is a perspective on the forts of the southern fairway: “Kronshlot”, “Paul I”, “Count Milyutin” and others.

Fort Alexander I has an extremely interesting history. It was built in 1836–1845 and was under the jurisdiction of the War Ministry until 1896, when it was declared ineffective. Soon the building was transferred to the Institute of Experimental Medicine, and for a long time the Commission for the Prevention and Control of Plague (KOMOCHUM) worked here. Even after moving the laboratory to another location, “Alexander I” retained its unofficial name - “Plague”. Boat excursions run to the forts of Kronstadt; disembarkation and visits to the fortress territory are provided here.

  • Address: Neva Bay of the Gulf of Finland.
  • Time: entrance to Fort Constantine - daily, around the clock; The schedule of boat excursions to other forts should be checked with the tour operator.
  • Cost of visiting: ticket price for entering Fort Constantine - 100 rubles, entry by car - 150 rubles; The cost of a boat excursion is 550–3000 rubles.

Best hotels in Kronstadt

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Lighthouse Tolbukhin

On a small artificial island in the Gulf of Finland, northwest of Kotlin Island, there is the oldest lighthouse in Russia, Tolbukhin, built on the personal order of Peter I back in 1719.

Lighthouse Tolbukhin

Initially, the lighthouse was wooden and was called Kotlinsky; it received its current name only in 1736 in honor of Colonel Fyodor Semyonovich Tolbukhin, who distinguished himself in the Northern War and was later appointed head of the Kronshlot garrison and the first commandant of Kronstadt.

The need for a stone building was immediately felt, but difficult conditions - the difficulty of transporting materials and the need to work in icy water - prevented the implementation of plans. The impetus for action was a fire that destroyed the lighthouse and adjacent buildings. By 1810, the new stone building came into operation.

Another interesting fact: N.A. Bestuzhev, a Decembrist, writer and artist, took part in the arrangement of Tolbukhin, installing a new lighthouse here. After the uprising of 1825, he tried to take refuge in the lighthouse, but failed to reach the island and was captured on the way to it.

Now Tolbukhin continues to operate and is an important navigation landmark. You can get to it in winter on the ice of the bay on skis, and in summer - by water. The lighthouse itself is closed to the public and is guarded. Boat excursions to the lighthouses of Kronstadt and various travel companies offer.

  • Address: Gulf of Finland.
  • Cost of visiting: free.

About the city

The naval port city of Kronstadt is located in the Gulf of Finland, on the island of Kotlin. This is the most remote and most interesting suburb of St. Petersburg. Its history began in 1704 with the creation of Fort Kronshlot by Per the Great to conduct the Northern War and further protect St. Petersburg. The city remained closed until 1996, but is now open to visitors and excursions.

Today, just over 44,000 people live here. Most of the population is employed in the regional center, while the rest work at the Marine Plant, a clothing factory and a textile enterprise.

The climate of the city is moderate, humid, changing from continental to maritime. In general, the weather conditions in Kronstadt are the same as in St. Petersburg, although in summer the air temperature is lower and the winds are somewhat stronger.

A dam built in 1984 leads to the city. It conventionally divides the settlement into two parts – eastern and western.

This is the City of Military Glory, the entire historical center of which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Kronstadt occupies a very small territory, so you can explore it on your own using a map and guidebook. There are a lot of interesting and historically significant places here, so the question “What to see?” definitely won't happen.

Lighthouse Museum

Among the interesting museums in Kronstadt, one can note the Lighthouse Service Museum, original and completely in keeping with the spirit of the city. The very place where the museum is located is unusual: these are the casemates of the restored Kolpino barracks, built in 1870. It is located in Fort Constantine; This museum is the first in Russia dedicated to the history of lighthouses. All exhibits offered to visitors for inspection are in working condition; During the excursion, museum workers will demonstrate the functioning of the devices.

Lighthouse Museum

The fund includes more than a hundred unique items: models of lighthouses from different eras and giant lenses, lighting devices, as well as mobile flashlights and navigational instruments. A separate stand is dedicated to navigation instruments: compasses, chronometers, maps. Guests will hear a story about the development of lighthouse business in Russia, the technologies used, their application and improvement. The staff organizes boat excursions to the famous lighthouses of the Gulf of Finland. However, the museum itself also has its own signal tower on the street near the entrance.

  • Address: Fort “Konstantin”, 1.
  • Time: daily from 12:00 to 20:00, Monday is a day off.
  • Cost of visiting: for adults - 250 rubles; for pensioners, students and schoolchildren - 150 rubles; children under 7 years old - free. Additionally - 100 rubles for visiting Fort Constantine, on the territory of which the museum is located.

Kronstadt Maritime Museum

Another museum that is a must-see in Kronstadt is the Marine Museum. It was opened in 2012 thanks to the efforts of enthusiasts and the assistance of marine engineering. The occasion was the 130th anniversary of the diving service in Russia, the formation of which is closely connected with the history of the city. It was in Kronstadt in 1882 that the first state military diving school in our country was opened.

Kronstadt Maritime Museum

The museum has two thematic halls. One, larger one, is dedicated to the history of diving. Specialized equipment from different eras is widely represented here, everything is in working order. Visitors can see various breathing apparatus, personal belongings of divers and documents, cannonballs raised from the bottom, and so on.

Particularly interesting are the exhibits of the 20th century: these are the underwater-surface tugboats “Proton” and “Proteus”, used for sabotage work, weapons and several diving suits of combat swimmers. Information stands describe the most significant events in the history of diving service in Russia.

The second hall is dedicated to the period of World War II: the heroic defense of Kronstadt, the life of the defenders and residents of the city. The exhibition also includes belongings of German and Finnish soldiers, participants in the Soviet-Finnish War of 1939–1940.

The building housing the museum is an architectural monument of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The house once belonged to the merchants Britnev; one of them, Mikhail Osipovich, founded a private diving school in Kronstadt.

  • Address: Andreevskaya street, 5.
  • Time: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday - from 11:00 to 18:00, Sunday - from 11:00 to 17:00 (on Saturday and Sunday, entrance to the museum is from the courtyard); You can check opening hours and sign up for a tour by calling 8(952)-203-22-78.
  • Cost of visiting: free.

What to see with children?

Kronstadt is ideal for a family trip. Together with your children, you can safely go to explore ancient forts, visit the “Secrets of Sunken Ships” exhibition, see the thematic exhibition of the Marine Factory and take a walk through the picturesque city parks.

Together with the kids, you should go to the “Wish Tree”: this is a funny and kind monument in the form of a large cast-iron tree with a wide smile, a protruding ear and a cute deer looking at the composition from the side.

They say that the landmark, installed on the 300th anniversary of the city, can fulfill any wish. The monument awakens the best and brightest feelings.

Address: st. Karla Marksa, no. 13.

Little tourists will be interested in seeing the Singing Fountain, which is located in the park near Gostiny Dvor. The light and music show begins in the evening: jets of water “draw” patterns to the immortal melodies of Russian and foreign classics.

Address: Lenin Avenue, 25.

Kronstadt is an amazing city, rich in past and no less vibrant in modernity.

This is a very unusual suburb of the Northern capital, the special atmosphere of which is formed by gloomy, but very interesting local attractions. You can safely go here with your whole family: little travelers will find it no less interesting here than adult tourists.

Museum of the History of Kronstadt

You can’t ignore the Museum of the History of Kronstadt. The second building was recently opened, and now tourists are offered two exhibitions. The main one, on Anchor Square, tells about the past: the construction of forts, the life of the townspeople and sailors who served here, dead and continuing traditions.

Museum of the History of Kronstadt Leningradskaya Street

Many significant events in the history of Kronstadt took place in the 20th century: these are revolutions, the Civil War and Intervention, the uprising of 1921; they are given special attention. Reconstructed using original objects and photographs from the period of the Great Patriotic War and the interior of the room during the siege.

The more than three-century history of Kronstadt appears before museum guests in the guise of the most unusual exhibits: from the 19th century - diggers and devices for cleaning copper buttons, from the 20th century - a cosmetic set from the beginning of the century and a respirator for a horse. You will also be able to see a collection of cameras, models of ships and submarines. The museum also has offers for children: walking tours for children from 5 years old, game programs and much more, so you can safely include it in the list of “where to take your child in St. Petersburg.”

The second exhibition, on Leningradskaya Street, is thematic, dedicated to underwater archeology. Located in the building of a former water tower from the first half of the 19th century. This part of the museum grew out of the exhibition “The History of Shipwrecks,” which opened in 2009 and subsequently received permanent status. Here you can see a regularly updated collection of items that belonged to ships that sank in the Gulf of Finland. Personal belongings and tools of sailors and passengers are presented; The eras of the 17th–19th centuries are covered. In a separate room there are fragments of the ship Portsmouth, created according to the drawings of Peter I and which participated in the Northern War.

The sea plays a huge role in the life and history of the city; So the souvenirs that are in demand here are often related to this area: caps, pennants, ships in a bottle. Buying them as a souvenir is like bringing a Zenit scarf from St. Petersburg as a gift.

  • Address: Leningradskaya street, 2; Anchor Square, 2 A.
  • Time: Monday-Tuesday, Thursday-Sunday - from 11:00 to 18:00 (ticket office open until 17:30), Wednesday - day off; in summer - seven days a week.
  • Cost of visiting: for adults - 150 rubles, for schoolchildren and pensioners - 75 rubles; for children under 7 years old - free.

Where to go in Kronstadt and what else to see

Makarovsky Bridge

Makarovsky Bridge

A pedestrian suspension bridge spans the Ravine Park. According to legend, it was built in a hurry to coincide with the opening of the Naval Cathedral in 1913. The building was rebuilt several times. In the 70s of the 20th century, major repairs were carried out and the outdated bridge frame was replaced.

A pleasant place for a walk, as well as a favorite place for photo sessions of newlyweds.

Address: Anchor Square, Kronstadt, St. Petersburg

Museum of the History of Kronstadt

Museum of the History of Kronstadt

Began work in 1991. The main exhibition is located in a house on Yakornaya Square, and a branch of the museum is located on Leningradskaya Street. The exhibition on the square is dedicated to the history of the city. Here you can see historical documents, photographs, household items of townspeople and sailors.

The branch houses an exhibition of Underwater Archeology. The exhibits are items recovered from sunken ships. The museums will interest history buffs of any age.

Address: Yakornaya Square, 2a, Kronstadt, St. Petersburg

Opening hours: daily from 11:00 to 18:00; Wednesday - closed

Entrance: for adults - 300 rubles, for children - 150 rubles, children under 7 years old - free

Summer garden

Summer garden

Broken in the historical heart of the city. The garden began in the 18th century. Then, on the site of the Central Alley, “Petrovskaya Perspektiva” was located - the first street of the young city. On it stood the house of Peter 1, surrounded by flower beds and linden trees.

The house has not survived to this day. And the flower garden and alley grew into a whole park. This is a quiet place, ideal for families with children.

Address: Krasnaya street, 8, Kronstadt, St. Petersburg

Italian Palace

Italian Palace

The oldest building in the city. The palace was built in 1717 for Prince Menshikov. This three-story house was built in the Peter the Great Baroque style. But later the building was rebuilt more than once. Now it’s difficult to understand what it was like originally.

The palace is interesting for its history and connections with legendary personalities.

Address: Makarovskaya street, 3, Kronstadt, St. Petersburg

Monument to Admiral Fyodor Ushakov

Monument to Admiral Fyodor Ushakov

The monument to the famous commander was erected in 2015. It is located north of the Naval Cathedral, closer to Sovetskaya Street. There is a bronze sculpture of the admiral on a granite pedestal. The author of the monument is Vladimir Gorevoy. Fyodor Ushakov is depicted in full height. The admiral is wearing a cloak and an ancient headdress - a bicorne.

Fans of the “invincible” admiral should definitely come here. After all, according to historians, Ushakov did not lose a single naval battle.

Address: Anchor Square, Kronstadt, St. Petersburg

Petrovsky Park and monument to Peter I

Petrovsky Park and monument to Peter I

Not far from the Summer Garden is the ancient Petrovsky Park. It was founded by Thaddeus Bellingshausen in 1845. By his order, a monument to Peter 1 was erected here. The park is adjacent to the Winter Harbor.

Here you can calmly admire the wonderful panoramas of the Gulf of Finland and the sight of warships in the harbor.

Address: Arsenalny lane, 5, Kronstadt, St. Petersburg

Catherine Park

Catherine Park

The park stretches along the Obvodny Canal in the area of ​​Sovetskaya Street. The governor of Kronstadt, Admiral Bellingshausen, ordered the creation of the park in 1839. Previously, this place was Arsenalnaya Square.

The park is small, more like a square. It is surrounded on all sides by an elegant cast-iron fence. Although the center is nearby, there are not many people here. The place will appeal to lovers of lonely walks.

Address: Sovetskaya street, 15, Kronstadt, St. Petersburg

Cathedral of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

Cathedral of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

The date of construction of the cathedral is 1879. This is a tall, slightly elongated building with onion domes. The cathedral was built in an eclectic style with elements of pseudo-Russian style.

The religious building suffered greatly under Soviet rule. Since 1999, large-scale restoration work has been carried out in the temple. Now the church is open to visitors, and church services are held there daily.

Address: Vladimirskaya street, 32, Kronstadt, St. Petersburg

Opening hours: daily from 9:00 to 20:00

Free admission

Official website: https://vladimirsobor.ru/

Gostiny Dvor

Gostiny Dvor

The architectural complex was erected slightly away from the city center. It stretches along Lenin Avenue and Marx Street. The buildings were created in 1874. Gostiny Dvor was previously located on this site, but was destroyed by fire. The buildings of the complex are built in classicism style.

At the beginning of the 21st century, restoration of the buildings was carried out. Now it is a spacious shopping and entertainment complex. Shoppers will love this place. In addition, there are many cafes and restaurants.

Address: Lenin Avenue, 16, Kronstadt, St. Petersburg

Opening hours: daily from 10:00 to 20:00

Official website: https://www.gdkronshtadt.ru/

Drama Theater of the Baltic Fleet

Drama Theater of the Baltic Fleet

Began work in 1930. The theater was originally created as a naval theater. Therefore, his repertoire was specific. Almost all ideas were about wars, uprisings, rebellions. After the Second World War, the theater moved to the Baltic city of Liepaja. And he will return to Kronstadt only in 1991 after the collapse of the USSR.

Now the theater is located in the historical building of the Maritime Assembly. His repertoire is already less “militarized”. Theater buffs should attend his performances.

Address: Sovetskaya street, 43, Kronstadt, St. Petersburg

Official website: https://dtbf.ru/o-teatre/kontakty/

Lighthouse Museum

Lighthouse Museum

The young museum opened in 2022. Its exhibitions are located in the former barracks of the fort “Grand Duke Constantine”. There you can see lighting fixtures, navigation devices, and old maps.

Some exhibits are unique. So in the collection there is a Fresnel lens created in the mid-19th century. The museum is interesting for both adults and children.

Address: Fort "Grand Duke Constantine", Kronstadt, St. Petersburg

Opening hours: daily from 12:00 to 20:00; Monday - closed

Entrance: for adults - 400 rubles, for children - 300 rubles.

Kronstadt Maritime Museum

Kronstadt Maritime Museum

This private museum was established in 2012. Almost all of the museum's exhibits are dedicated to diving. Two expositions are presented. The first one talks about the history and traditions of Russian divers. And the second describes the work of submariners during the Second Patriotic War.

If you dreamed of becoming a diver as a child, then you should come to the museum.

Address: Andreevskaya street, 5, Kronstadt, St. Petersburg

Opening hours: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, from 11:00 to 18:00

Museum-apartment of John of Kronstadt

Museum-apartment of John of Kronstadt

The museum opened its doors in 1999. These are two rooms located in the house where the saint lived half his life. It is interesting that immediately after the death of Father John (1908), a church was built in his house. Under Soviet rule, the house was turned into a communal apartment, even changing the layout.

They began to recreate the saint’s apartment in 1995, not by the authorities, but by private individuals. In the museum, it is worth paying attention to the office with a recreated environment.

Address: Posadskaya street, 21, apt. 13, Kronstadt, St. Petersburg

Opening hours: daily from 12:00 to 17:00; Tuesday - closed

Entrance: for adults - 50 rubles.

Kronstadt Admiralty

Kronstadt Admiralty

The building is from the late 18th century. The building is located near Petrovsky Dock. There is an amazing story associated with this attraction. It was planned to move the Admiralty (Naval Ministry) here from St. Petersburg. Large-scale construction took place for more than 12 years (from 1785 to 1797), and then... the move was cancelled.

So the entire architectural complex remained idle. Nobody really needs buildings. They stand closed, slowly crumbling. We need to see if they're still intact.

Address: Karl Marx street, 13, Kronstadt, St. Petersburg

Petrovsky dock

Petrovsky dock

The oldest engineering structure in Kronstadt. It began to be built under Peter the Great in 1719, and was completed under Empress Elizabeth in 1752. The dock was used for ship repairs. He coped with his task quite well for another 70 years.

Now this is a rather neglected place that looks worse every year. But history buffs still come here.

Address: Kronstadt, St. Petersburg

Reserve "Western Kotlin"

Reserve "Western Kotlin"

The reserve was established in 2012. Located in the western part of Kotlin Island. The total area is 102 hectares. The place is well equipped: there are wooden decks for eco-trails, an ornithological tower, and information stands.

This is a great place to relax with family or company. In addition to the beautiful nature, you can have a picnic here at a special parking lot with a brazier.

Address: Kronstadt highway, 47, Kronstadt, St. Petersburg

Lighthouse Tolbukhin

Lighthouse Tolbukhin

The oldest lighthouse in the Baltic is located 5.5 km from the Reef fort. The wooden structure was erected back in 1719 by order of Peter 1. In 1810, the wooden building was replaced by a stone one, plus a guardhouse and gallery were built.

The tall (30 meters) white tower has survived to this day. Moreover, the lighthouse is still working, and the keeper lives there.

Address: Kronstadtskoe sh., 74, St. Petersburg

City Beach

City Beach

In the southeastern part of Kronstadt there is a city beach. The beach is sandy - the sand is renewed every summer. The beach is well equipped - wooden paths, cabins, toilets. Lifeguards work during the day. Sun loungers and umbrellas can be rented.

The place is relatively sparsely populated when compared to other beaches in St. Petersburg. There is a good children's playground.

Address: Toulonskaya alley, 7, Kronstadt, St. Petersburg

Opening hours: daily from 9:00 to 22:00

Blue Bridge (Kronstadt footstock)

A very remarkable place in Kronstadt is the Blue Bridge (across the Obvodny Canal on Makarovskaya Street). Its construction dates back to 1791–1794; it was originally green. During later reconstructions, the bridge received its current color and appearance. Now it is intended for the movement of cars and pedestrians, but the most interesting thing is different.

Blue Bridge

It was on the Blue Bridge in 1840 that the first mark of the Kronstadt water rod appeared - a special structure designed to measure water levels. For a city located in close proximity to the sea and living in constant danger of floods, this device is simply necessary.

A modern footpole is also located on the abutment of the Blue Bridge and is used to measure the level of the Baltic Sea. The instrument readings are transmitted to a tide gauge, which records fluctuations and has been standing on the bank of the Obvodny Canal since 1898; however, the modern pavilion already belongs to the era of the USSR. The zero of the Kronstadt footing rod is also the starting point for the entire leveling network of Russia.

On the Blue Bridge you can see a memorial slab with a mark of 3.67 meters - the water level of the catastrophic flood of 1824, from which the Kronstadt Fortress and many forts, as well as St. Petersburg, were greatly damaged.

  • Address: Makarovskaya street, 3.
  • Cost of visiting: free.

Sights of Kronstadt in 1 day

Naval St. Nicholas Cathedral

Naval St. Nicholas Cathedral

The huge cathedral took 10 years to build - from 1903 to 1913. It was dedicated to the memory of fallen military sailors. The massive building is located on a spacious square in the city center. The cathedral is visible from afar, as its height is more than 70 meters. This is how it was intended: not only as a ritual structure, but also as a maritime landmark.

The cathedral was created in the neo-Byzantine style. The walls of the temple are lined with light marble. The domes are decorated with ornaments. There are even several stained glass windows, which is atypical for Russian church architecture. The interior contains elements of marine decor - anchors, images of fish and ships.

The temple is considered the largest “sea” temple in Russia. Divine services are held here daily. Connoisseurs of church architecture should visit here.

Address: Anchor Square, Kronstadt, St. Petersburg

Opening hours: daily from 9:00 to 19:00

Cast iron pavement

Cast iron pavement

The road surface made of cast iron hexagons (checkers) is located near the Admiralty of Peter 1, not far from the Naval Cathedral.

Historians say that the director of the Steamship Plant saw a similar coating in America. He brought cast iron checkers to Kronstadt. Since 1860, “cast iron streets” began to be built in the city.

Ordinary city pavements were always dilapidated (due to swampy soil). But the cast iron coating lasted without repair for more than 80 years. It was dismantled for military needs in 1941. There are only a couple of small areas left.

The pavements deserve attention as a unique example of an urban road surface from the 19th century.

Address: Kommunisticheskaya street, Kronstadt, St. Petersburg

Blue Bridge and Kronstadt Footpost

Blue Bridge and Kronstadt Footpost

The bridge over the Obvodny Canal on Makarova Street was built at the end of the 18th century. The building of that time was made of wood. Then, in 1873, it was replaced by a metal structure, and in 1964 - by reinforced concrete.

Near the abutment (shore support) of the bridge there is a foot rod (water level meter). It was installed in 1840 to monitor water levels in the Baltic Sea. The footstock is notable for the fact that it was taken as the standard for measuring heights throughout the USSR.

Address: Makarovskaya street, Kronstadt, St. Petersburg

Anchor Square

Anchor Square

The most famous square of Kronstadt. The Naval Cathedral is located on it, a little further on the Cast Iron Pavement. The name Anchor Square was given in 1993. At the beginning of the 20th century it was called Razvodnaya Square, later - Victims of the Revolution. But among the people it has always been known as Anchor. This name was officially assigned to it in 1993.

The place is interesting for lovers of Russian history. In 1921, a rally of sailors took place, which marked the beginning of the Kronstadt uprising.

Address: Anchor Square, Kronstadt, St. Petersburg

Petrovskaya pier

Petrovskaya pier

The pier is located in the Middle Harbor. It began to be created back in 1714. At first it was a modest wooden structure. In the second half of the 19th century, the pier was seriously rebuilt - the bottom was deepened and lined with granite.

The second name of the pier is Winter. Warships are present here at any time of the year. The harbor is specially cleared of ice. Tourists appreciate the marina for its seascapes and the opportunity to take photos of ships at rest.

Address: Kommunisticheskaya, 2, Kronstadt, St. Petersburg

Wooden lighthouse

Wooden lighthouse

Built in 1888. Located on the pier, between Srednyaya and Kupecheskaya harbors. This tall white tower can be seen from afar. The part of the pier on which the building sits is open. So you can get closer to the lighthouse (but not inside).

One of the most popular places for photo shoots in the city. All the tourists take selfies here, and the locals don’t lag behind.

Address: Petrovskaya Pier, Kronstadt, St. Petersburg

Complex of protective structures

Complex of protective structures

The Kronstadt Dam stretches across the Gulf of Finland (the official name is “Complex of St. Petersburg Flood Protection Structures”). Construction of the structures began in 1979 and was completed in 2011.

The complex consists of 11 dams, several hydraulic structures and a highway. The latter goes through Kronstadt. This is the only land road connecting the city and the mainland.

The dam offers picturesque views of the Gulf of Finland and the Baltic Sea. These places are also famous for year-round fishing.

Address: Kronstadt, St. Petersburg

Monument to the Siege Stickleback

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, this small but very important monument appeared in Kronstadt.

Monument to the Siege Stickleback

The little stickleback literally became a salvation for the residents of the besieged city. When food supplies ran out and all the fish in the bay were caught, this unpretentious and non-commercial species survived, usually slipping through the net and considered a weed among fishermen. Sticklebacks were caught using all available means: nets, bags, T-shirts, shirts; Special teams were organized to store fish. They made fish soup and cutlets from it, fried and boiled it - this simple food seemed like a delicacy to the hungry.

In the memoirs of many blockade survivors there are mentions of stickleback, and it also found its way into poems. One of these prompted the creation of the monument. The initiative belonged to the Council of Veterans of Kronstadt and the international foundation “300 years of Kronstadt - revival of shrines.” The author of the composition is N.V. Chepurnoy. The monument was opened on May 8, 2005.

  • Address: wall of the Obvodny Canal, near the Blue Bridge.
  • Cost of visiting: free.

Italian Palace

In Kronstadt you can see not only lighthouses and fortresses; There are also excellent examples of civil architecture, one of which is the Italian Palace. This building was built in 1721–1724, but the later reconstruction of the mid-19th century completely transformed the appearance of the palace, so that nothing remained of its original appearance in the Peter the Great Baroque style.

Italian Palace

Where the name by which the palace is popularly known came from is not very clear. There is a version that the reason for this is the Italian craftsmen who allegedly worked on it, however, most likely, it is due to the style of the building, which is similar to Italian. Another nickname for the palace - Menshikovsky - appears only at the beginning of the 19th century and is apparently based on memories of the prince’s wooden palace that stood on this site.

The premises changed owners several times and passed from hand to hand, but mainly military educational institutions of various profiles were located here: the Naval Cadet Corps, the Navigation School, the Engineering School of the Naval Department. After the revolution, the palace was also used for the needs of the Soviet government.

Near the palace there are several interesting monuments: a sculpture by P.K. Pakhtusov, a Russian navigator and hydrographer, and the Admiralty anchor, installed in the year of the 310th anniversary of the Kronstadt fortress and the 95th anniversary of the Leningrad Naval Base. Opposite the building is the Italian Pond, created according to the plans of Peter I.

  • Address: Makarovskaya street, 3.
  • Cost of visiting: free.

Monument to I.K. Aivazovsky

Kronstadt occupied a special place in the fate of the famous Russian artist I.K. Aivazovsky. At the age of 19 he came here, being assigned to the ships of the Baltic Fleet. Voyages in the Gulf of Finland allowed the artist to get acquainted with all the subtleties of the game of the water element and paint 7 marine species, which opened the way for him to fame and success. Almost 10 years later, from here, from Kronstadt, Aivazovsky leaves for the shores of the Black Sea.

Monument to I.K. Aivazovsky

Thus, the location of the monument is far from accidental. And there is no artist who was closer to the sailors than I.K. Aivazovsky. He was the first in the history of Russian art to be awarded the title of painter of the Main Naval Staff of the Russian Fleet with the right to wear an admiralty uniform. Is it worth reminding that it was the sea that became the subject of the artist’s passion and adoration for the rest of his life, the main object of the image.

The authors of the composition are sculptor V. E. Gorevoy and architect N. N. Elgazin. The opening took place on September 5, 2007 and was timed to coincide with the 190th anniversary of the artist’s birth; The initiative to perpetuate the memory belonged to the head of the Kronstadt district of St. Petersburg and the Kronstadt Naval Assembly.

  • Address: Makarovskaya street, opposite the Italian pond.
  • Cost of visiting: free.

How to get to Kronstadt

By car

Along the Ring Road, across the dam, or through the north, or through the south. It's impossible to get lost.

Buses and minibuses

The easiest way. Travel time is 40 minutes.

  • metro station “Staraya Derevnya”, bus number 101, interval 30 minutes,
  • Metro “Chernaya Rechka”, minibus No. 405, interval 15 minutes.
  • metro station “Prospekt Prosveshcheniya”, minibus No. 407.

Buses depart back from Kronstadt from the House of Household Services (center).


A popular way for tourists to get to Kronstadt from May to September. A very comfortable departure time is at 11:30 from Thursday to Sunday.

A walk along the Gulf of Finland on a hydrofoil is also an opportunity to see some of the old abandoned forts that cannot be seen from the shore - for example, the Plague Fort. Especially if you are rushing along the Ring Road by car or bus. Plus, from the water you will see the new Gazprom Arena stadium, Lakhta Center, Western High-Speed ​​Diameter (WHSD).

13:00 – 15:45

Travel time is 1.5 hours. In Kronstadt you are given 2.5 hours to explore the city. This time is enough, everything is compact there. And the way back to St. Petersburg. There is a guide on board Meteor. A lecture on the road is a bonus. There is a complex offer - a ticket to Meteor + a group excursion with a guide around Kronstadt.


There are many different good excursions from St. Petersburg to Kronstadt. You can find a group tour by bus or an individual tour by car.

If you come to St. Petersburg for a few days and want to see more in a short time, you can combine Peterhof (fountains) and Kronstadt, they are in the same direction.

Summer garden

The garden is located in the historical center of the city, not far from Anchor Square. The main alley of the garden is all that remains of Petrovskaya Perspective, the first street of Kronstadt. Here was the house of Peter I, surrounded by flower beds and alleys, which unfortunately became dilapidated and destroyed over time.

Summer garden

The Summer Garden has gone through several reconstructions: one of them in the first third of the 19th century, the last one in 2022. After it, the park was again open to the public. Inside you can find several interesting monuments. One of them - the feat of midshipman Domashenko - was created on the initiative of Admiral M.P. Lazarev and Lieutenant P.S. Nakhimov; the other was erected in 1883 and is dedicated to the memory of the clipper Oprichnik, which supposedly died off the coast of Madagascar.

On the outskirts of the garden, closer to the Dock Pool and the border with the Ravine Park, a sign was placed next to the oak tree planted in 1902 by Admiral Makarov. In general, the park is a quiet and cozy place for walking, which has preserved the charm of irretrievably gone antiquity.

  • Address: limited by the Petrovsky Dock ravine and Krasnaya Street; The main gate faces Petrovskaya Street.
  • Cost of visiting: free.

Petrovsky Park

Another historical park of Kronstadt is Petrovsky. Its origin is very curious: the development and implementation of the project is the merit of F. F. Bellingshausen, a Russian navigator, admiral, discoverer of Antarctica. When he served as governor of Kronstadt (1839–1852), the city's dirty streets and squares needed improvement. The admiral's request for funds to improve the territory was not satisfied - then F. F. Bellingshausen carried out the work at his own expense.

Petrovsky Park

A sculpture of Peter I was installed in the center of the park; hence the name. According to the plan, the huge figure of the emperor was supposed to dominate the surrounding area (in the surviving engravings, the monument rises above small shoots), but later the trees grew significantly. The current layout dates back to 1946.

The development of Petrovsky Park provoked the reconstruction of the Winter Pier; wooden buildings were replaced with stone ones, the bottom was deepened, and by 1882 it acquired its modern appearance. Before the revolution, it was from here that all the round-the-world voyages of Russian sailors began. After the Great Patriotic War, the anchors of the Peterhof landing boats were installed here. The pier offers a wonderful view of the sea, warships and the lighthouse.

  • Address: from the pier to Makarovskaya street.
  • Cost of visiting: free.

Dutch cuisine

Between the Merchant Harbor and the Italian Pond there is the Dutch Kitchen, an architectural monument of the early 19th century, created by an unknown architect. Previously, on the same site there was a wooden building of a similar purpose: food was prepared here for the crews of ships stationed in Kronstadt harbor.

Dutch cuisine

The need for such a specific establishment was associated with the ban on the operation of kitchens on ships: careless handling of fire could lead to catastrophic consequences. The Cocas came here, bringing with them firewood, water and food; there were many inconveniences, but the Kronstadt commercial port was popular, and the existence of Dutch cuisine justified itself for a certain time. In 1885, a new Sea Canal opened, and ships began to enter St. Petersburg directly. Kronstadt lost its former significance, and the Kitchen ceased to be used for its intended purpose.

It stood idle for a long time, until in 1912 the premises were converted into a power station; at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War it was again handed over to the sailors. Now the Dutch Kitchen building belongs to the Russian Navy and is used as a warehouse.

  • Address: between the Italian Pond and the Merchant Harbor.
  • Cost of visiting: free.

Reviews from tourists

  • Sergey, Zelenogorsk

I went on excursions to St. Petersburg several times and always returned to Kronstadt with pleasure. A nice city, somewhat gloomy and dark, but still very beautiful. St. Nicholas Cathedral is more impressive.

  • Valery, Kaluga

Simply amazing place! Having arrived here, I feel such a surge of love for the Motherland and respect for our history that there are no words! Our guide, a former sailor, spoke about the city with such feeling that it was simply impossible to remain indifferent. Very clean, well maintained, pleasant to walk the streets

  • Mikhail, Nizhny Novgorod

A city with a military bearing - Strict, elegant, foldable! All attractions are nearby, you don’t have to go far or travel anywhere. I especially remember the Petrovsky Dock, the distant and majestic forts, and the museum about sunken ships.

Petrovsky dock

The grandiose project of Peter I, a dry dock for ship repairs, was implemented over the course of half a century. Unfortunately, the emperor did not see the result, but the structure turned out to be unique and worthy of its author. At the same time, the Petrovsky Dock could accommodate up to ten ships - an unheard of number for the 18th century!

Petrovsky dock

A little later, in 1774, the first steam engine in Russia was installed here to pump water, which operated for more than 75 years. This amazing hydraulic structure turned out to be incredibly stable: the masonry of the walls was preserved, and the central mechanism for holding and draining water continued to function until recently. Petrovsky Dock was partially used for ship repairs until 2008. Now the building is abandoned and neglected, although it continues to remain one of the main attractions of Kronstadt and attract tourists.

  • Address: Petrovsky doc.
  • Cost of visiting: free.

Let's sum it up

There are many attractions of Kronstadt, and it is simply impossible to list them all. One thing clings to another, and, examining the small territory of the historical center, one can imagine a whole heap of amazing incidents that happened here once. Kronstadt is a port city, a fortress city, the northern border of our country in the Baltic Sea. Founded, like St. Petersburg, by the will of the great emperor, it has a proud sea soul, the soul of a hero capable of a desperate feat.

Come to Kronstadt for the romance of the endless water element, the spirit of ancient fortresses, and the light of endless lighthouses. Everything here breathes the salty air of travel and freedom. Here everything is glory and everything is history.

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