Ancient and modern architecture of Omsk: photos of the most famous buildings, review of styles

By Russian standards, the city of Omsk is very young, it is only 303 years old. However, it is one of the largest cities in Russia with a population of more than one million people. Omsk has an airport, all types of ground transport, a seaport, 28 higher educational institutions, 14 theaters, a huge sports arena and amazing architecture. The preservation of historical and cultural heritage, as well as the increase in the level of architectural and artistic expressiveness of the city, is monitored by the Omsk Department of Architecture. This is understandable, because the city has more than five hundred cultural heritage sites!

Irtyshskaya embankment

Irtyshskaya embankment is a beautiful landmark of Omsk, and the best place in the city for walking. Here newlyweds take memorable photo sessions, couples and families stroll around. This is a must visit place! In addition, along the embankment there are several other Omsk attractions that you can visit during your walk. Among them is an architectural monument - the building in which the city registry office is located. This treasure of the city is located in its very center.

Cultural Omsk

When talking about the architecture of the city, one cannot ignore the numerous museums, many located in houses of historical value. Most often these are one-story buildings from the 19th century. One of these is the literary museum of F. M. Dostoevsky. The writer spent four years in exile in the city; many of his works originated within the walls of old Omsk.

The museum building was built in 1799; the commandants of the Omsk fortress lived in it. Looking at it, you can imagine what houses were like at that time. This house became a museum only in 1991.

Holy Assumption Cathedral

The next place you should definitely visit in Omsk is the beautiful Holy Assumption Cathedral. This building received the status of a unique monument of Russian architecture and was included in the list of the best churches in the world. The foundation of the cathedral was started by Nicholas II even before he became emperor. Inside the shrine are the relics of Archbishop Sylvester. The best time to visit this beautiful architectural landmark in Omsk is in the evening, when the facade of the structure is illuminated by many lights and gives it a truly majestic look.

Monument to the plumber Stepanych

One of the most unusual sights of the city of Omsk is the monument to the plumber Stepanych, inaugurated during the celebration of City Day at the end of the last century. The same plumber Stepanych is made of bronze and is depicted leaning out of a sewer hatch. According to urban legend, if you hug the monument as tightly as possible, then your home will not see any worries in the relevant area. In addition, they say that on holidays a glass of vodka is placed in front of the plumber. Although even without that, Stepanych’s face is lit up with a smile all year round.

Omsk - past and present. presentation for a German lesson on the topic

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Local history in German lessons Natalya Anatolyevna Bovenko, German language teacher at Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 17”

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Project participants: Alekseenko Alexandra Bogdan Tatyana Balashova Anastasia.

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Goal: To develop in students a patriotic attitude towards their native land. Objectives: Use various sources to obtain the necessary information about the past and present of Omsk. Synthesize the information received into a presentation

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Am 18. April wurde OON, ein internationaler Tag der Denkmaler und Hustorischer stellen bestimmt. Fur uns ist es kein schlechter Anlass sich zu erinnern, dass unsere Stadt eine Geschichte von fast drei Jahrhunderten besitzt. Das bedeutet, dass uch hven nicht wenig Orte gibt, die man kennen und bewahren muss.

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Das ist der Theaterplatz früher Zu Beginn des Jahrhunderts richtete sich auf dieser Stelle die Polizeibehörde ein, nach der Revolution wurde dieses Gebäude zerstört. Zur sowjetischen Zeit, war diese Stelle des zentralen Teiles der Stadt besonders durch die Holzbauten geschmückt.

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Das ist der Theaterplatz heute Ende der siebziger Jahre haben sich die Behörden entschieden, die unansehnliche Fassade dieser Bebauung mit originellem Bau für das Theater der musikalischen Komödie zu ersetzen. Lange Zeit musste sich die Bevölkerung des reifen Alters an diese eigentümliche architektonische Lösung in Form “vom Segel” gewöhnen. So entzifferten die Kenner den gelegten Verfasser-Gedanken. Etwas symbolisches wird in diesem Flug des architektonischen Gedankens gesehen, der in die Realität in 1982 verwirklicht wurde.

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Das ist die Kadettenschule früher Die sibirische Kadettenschule (die erste Militärbildungseinrichtung in Sibirien) war zur sowjetischen Zeit das höchste und wichtigste militärische Bildungseinrichtung namens Frunse. Sacharow Andrejan Dmitrijewitsch (1761-1811), der russische Architekt, der Schöpfer eines der Meisterwerke der russischen Architektur. Er war auch der Schöpfer der Kadettenschule.

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Das ist die Kadettenschule heute Im Frühling 1999 wurde die Kommandobildungseinrichtung geschlossen. Ende August 1999 hat eine feierliche Wiedereröffnung der Kadettenschule stattgefunden.

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Das ist das Museum der darstellenden Künste im Namen. M.Wrubels früher Der Generalgouverneurspalast hat, im Unterschied zu anderen Gebäuden in Omsk der zweiten Hälfte des 19 Jahrhunderts, in vieler Hinsicht die äußerliche Gestalt und das Planieren erhalten. Der Bau verwirklichte sich unter Leitung "Architekt FFWagner" und Ingenieur KJLasarewas. In 1862 war der Bau fertig.

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Das ist das Museum der darstellenden Künste im Namen. M.Wrubels heute Der Palast hat auf dem Jahrhundert viel Ereignisse erlebt und hat nicht wenig Veränderungen erprobt. Ab 1985 nimmt das Gebäude des ehemaligen Generalgouverneurspalastes folgenden Namen ein «das Museum der darstellenden Künste im Namen. M.Wrubels.” Heute be suchen viele Menschen das Museum, um sich dort unter anderem die schönen Gemälde anzuschauen.

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Das ist das Tarski Tor früher In 1959 wurden "Tarskije Vorota", laut der Verfügung des städtischen Leiters Koluschtschinski jener Zeit, abgerissen.

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Das ist das Tarski Tor heute In 1991 war das Tor auf der vorigen Stelle neu aufgebaut. Mit jener Zeit hat die neue Etappe der Wiederherstellung der historischen Gestalt des zentralen Teiles der Stadt angefangen.

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Analysis of survey results

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Statue "Lyuba"

One of the city's most popular attractions is the Lyuba Statue. It is located not far from the monument to the plumber Stepanych, beloved by townspeople and tourists. Today, capturing yourself in a photo next to “Any” is a mandatory ritual for all city guests. A statue was erected in honor of the wife of one of the governors of Omsk, who suffered a difficult fate - being separated from her family, her lover, not marrying for love and living a short life, dying at a young age from tuberculosis.

Sights in the vicinity of Omsk

Achair Monastery

Achair Monastery

In 1890, a women's community appeared here, which later became a monastery, which existed for 30 years. In 1930-1953 The Gulag colony was organized. The convent was restored in 1993.

The main shrine of the monastery is called the Achair Icon of the Mother of God, which was painted at the beginning of the 21st century. icon painter Gennady Adaev.

The monastery is located on 38 hectares along the bank of the Irtysh. Visitors explore the temples (there are 7 of them), chapels and a 57-meter bell tower with 7 bells. They get acquainted with the monastic cells and visit the refectory hall. There is a hotel for those wishing to stay overnight. At the end of the last century, a healing spring with warm mineral water was discovered on the monastery land.

Address: pos. Embankment, 50 km from Omsk, on the street. Monastyrskoy, 12/4; GPS: 54.66569, 73.81763

Opening hours: from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day. Organization of excursions from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Admission: for Russians in a group of 10 people – 100 rubles each. per adult, 50 per child and student

Official website:

Park of Culture and Recreation "Green Island"

Park of Culture and Recreation "Green Island"

The cultural zone was created here in order to carry out sports and recreational work among the townspeople. In addition, the park played a big role in organizing active family recreation. The grand opening of the green zone with various sports and cultural facilities took place in the summer of 1881.

People come to the park to admire the beauty of nature, ride bicycles or jog, and breathe clean air. Like other parks, there are rides and fun on the playgrounds.

Address: Vodnikov town in the Soviet district, Starozagorodnaya Roshcha, 10/1; GPS: 55.00363, 73.33884

Opening hours: from 10 to 22 hours daily

Mansion of merchant Batyushkov

Perhaps, among the most popular attractions of Omsk, the mansion of the merchant Batyushkov stands out. Today this building is recognized as an architectural monument, but it owes its popularity not only to its status. Within the walls of the mansion is the Omsk registry office, which makes the place even more important for city residents. The building also houses an exposition of a museum center dedicated to the events of the Civil War at the beginning of the last century. His collection was created literally bit by bit. In addition, you can visit the museum for free.

Museum of History and Local Lore

Those who love history should go to the Museum of History and Local Lore in Omsk, which is one of the very first museums in Siberia and Russia as a whole. Visitors will be able to appreciate several interesting exhibitions, each of which is represented by exhibits from the field of culture, history or art. In addition to the main exhibitions, the Omsk Museum of History and Local Lore exhibits unique exhibits of its kind. Among them there are representatives of this region - a mammoth skeleton and ancient outfits, as well as exhibits from other regions of Russia and even countries - battle banners of the Caucasus and lion figurines donated by Chinese friends.

Museum of Military Glory in Omsk

It will be no less interesting to visit the Museum of Military Glory in Omsk, the exhibition of which is dedicated to the period of the Great Patriotic War. Its opening was timed to coincide with the fortieth anniversary of the victory. The museum is divided into several halls housing hundreds of exhibits. Here visitors are presented with objects from different years of the war and its events. A special place is given to exhibits of such high-profile and significant events as the battles on the Kursk Bulge, for Moscow and the capture of Berlin. The museum will allow its guests to learn about this war, as they say, “from the inside.”

Where to go in Omsk and what else to see

Museum of History and Local Lore

Museum of History and Local Lore

The largest Siberian museum of local history was created in 1877 from exhibits and collections of scientific expeditions and trips to Asia. The museum regularly updates exhibitions and has permanent exhibitions displaying more than 200 thousand exhibits. All of them are of artistic, historical and cultural value.

The museum is also famous for rare cast-iron figures of winged lions from China, a 3-meter skeleton of a woolly mammoth and a French car produced at the beginning of the 20th century. All this will be interesting to watch for both adults and children.

Address: st. Lenina, 23 A, Omsk

Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday from 10 am to 6 pm, closed on the first day of the week

Entrance : adult ticket 30-200 rubles, student ticket - 25-150, for schoolchildren and pensioners - 210-130, for children from 5 to 7 years old - 10-40 rubles.

St. Catherine Lutheran Church

St. Catherine Lutheran Church

The building is in the Siberian Baroque style, which appeared at the end of the 18th century. It is considered the only surviving religious building of that time, but it served as a temple until 1930.

Now the renovated building houses exhibits of the regional ATC Museum. Here you should pay attention to award and memorial signs, see real ancient and modern weapons, and learn the history of the Omsk police.

Inside, the temple decoration has not been preserved, but on the outside the building still has pilasters and arched windows with curved cornices.

Address: st. Dostoevsky, 2, Omsk

Opening hours: Monday to Thursday - 9 am to 6 pm, Friday - until 16 pm, Saturday and Sunday - days off

Entry: free

Museum of Military Glory

Museum of Military Glory

The 2-story red brick building was built in 1918. It then housed the military district committee and district headquarters. In 1985, the building was given over to museum exhibits telling about the exploits of the inhabitants of Omsk during the Great Patriotic War.

The exhibition consists of photographs, postcards, letters. Visitors will be interested to get acquainted with cameras and radio equipment of those times, with Soviet military uniforms and awards. Fascist trophy items are also displayed here. There is an outdoor exhibition of military equipment.

Address: st. Taube, 7, Omsk

Opening hours: Tuesday – Sunday from 10 am to 6 pm.

Entrance: adult ticket - 70-100 rubles, school ticket - 50-60 rubles, student and pension ticket - 40-70 rubles, preschool ticket - 10 rubles.

Museum of Kondraty Belov

Museum of Kondraty Belov

An ancient wooden house, similar to a fairy-tale tower, was built by entrepreneur F. F. Stumpf. Now in this cozy building with lace trim, a small mezzanine and turrets, museum exhibits are located.

Kondraty Belov, a national Siberian landscape artist who lived in Omsk most of his life, chose the house on his own to protect it from demolition. After the tour, museum visitors are invited to the living room to taste pies and tea from the samovar.

Address: st. Valikhanova, 10, Omsk

Opening hours : Tuesday-Sunday, from 10 am to 6 pm

Entrance: adult ticket 65 rubles, children’s ticket – 50; pension - 30, student - full-time students do not need to pay, an additional payment of 10 rubles for tea and pies.

St. Nicholas Cossack Cathedral

St. Nicholas Cossack Cathedral

This is the oldest temple in the city. Sketches of the cathedral were provided by the St. Petersburg architect Vasily Stasov, and money for construction was donated by Siberian Cossacks. The temple has 3 altars and a base - an elongated rectangle, 3 Empire style entrances - a portico.

The cathedral, founded in 1883, housed the main shrine of the temple - a banner belonging to Ataman Ermak, on which Saint Dmitry of Thessaloniki is depicted. Now, instead of the lost shrine, you can see its copy here. The relics of 13 saints are also kept here.

Address: Omsk, st. Lenina, 27

Opening hours: daily, from 8 am to 7 pm until the end of the evening service

The entrance is free

Official website:

Bird Harbor Nature Park

Bird Harbor Nature Park

This is a specially protected natural park, of which there are only 2 in the world: in New York and here in Omsk, on an area of ​​150 hectares. Bird Haven preserves wildlife despite being the center of a large industrial city.

Bird migration routes pass through the reserve, so in spring and autumn the reservoirs of the “Gavan” are occupied by resting birds, which sometimes gather up to 3 thousand individuals. Along the eco-tourist trail there are stands with materials that are allowed to be touched. The park has an observation deck 12 m high and a museum.

Address: st. Yeniseiskaya, 1, building 2, Omsk

Working hours: from 9 am to 10 pm seven days a week, from 13 to 14 lunch break

The entrance is free

Pushkin Library

Pushkin Library

The building of the largest library in Russia was built from 1986 to 1995. designed by Omsk architects Zakharov and Naritsina. On the side façade of the building there are reliefs on historical themes.

The niches on the main facade are filled with eight sculptures of famous people associated with science and history of the USSR and Russia. The institution stores 3.5 million copies of printed materials for reading. The library regularly organizes regular exhibitions on all sorts of topics.

Address: st. Krasny Put, 11, Omsk

Opening hours : Monday to Thursday and Saturday from 10 am to 8 pm. On Sunday - until 18. From July to August - daily, except Sunday, from 10 am to 6 pm

Park of the 30th anniversary of the Komsomol

Park of the 30th anniversary of the Komsomol

It occupies more than 70 hectares of green space in Omsk, which began to be improved in 1940. The park is designed for a comfortable and carefree holiday with walks along cozy alleys or use of rental points where sports and water equipment are offered.

Vacationers are offered various attractions, fun in the children's town and pedicabs. Those who wish can ride horses or interact with animals in the petting zoo, feed tame squirrels or go to an ostrich farm.

Address: Maslennikova street, 136, Omsk

Opening hours: from 9 am to 10 pm. Attractions, in the warm season, are open seven days a week. They open at 11:00 pm and close at 9:00 pm.

Entrance: free, rides - 120 rubles. and higher

Concert Hall of the Omsk Philharmonic

Concert Hall of the Omsk Philharmonic

The hall was built in 1967, and in 2011 the building underwent a large-scale reconstruction. As a result, original black glazing appeared on the façade. The stage area of ​​the hall was made in accordance with international standards.

Now it has unique acoustic properties to host world-class concerts. The ceiling was made 10 m higher.

On the sides of the stage, inclined structures were installed, in which special niches were installed to dissipate sound. These niches make the hall trapezoidal to create a strong and clear sound. An ideal place for lovers of great music.

Address: st. Lenina, 27a, Omsk

Opening hours of the central ticket offices : from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. From 2 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. – lunch break

Sovetsky Park

Sovetsky Park

The park's territory of 36 hectares was replenished with 100 new seedlings. 5 hectares of the park are occupied by attractions. Paths with a special smooth asphalt surface are especially popular with cyclists.

There is also a beach nearby, where sunbathing lovers can descend along a well-maintained staircase. The main thing that this park is famous for is its massive holiday celebrations.

Here they say goodbye to the winter and organize events for Children's Day and Youth Day. The park also celebrates New Year's holidays and organizes various competitions.

Address: Andrianova street, 3, Omsk

Opening hours : seven days a week, the park opens at 11 a.m. and is open until 9 p.m.

Entrance: free, tickets for attractions 80-100 rubles.



The Omsk circus troupe has existed for 100 years and is famous for its gymnasts and acrobats, strongmen and magicians. Wild and domestic animals perform in the arena. A new original building with a hall for 1.5 thousand spectators was built in 1973.

In 2016, a large-scale renovation was carried out here, and soon a new reconstruction is planned with the restoration of the facade, fountains and the construction of a safari park. Going to the circus is a great opportunity to spend time with your family and watch interesting performances.

Address: ave. Karla Marksa, 43B, Omsk

Ticket office opening hours: from 10 to 19 hours, the circus is open until 18 hours.

Admission: up to 3 years of age, a ticket is not required, if the child does not sit in a separate seat, a ticket is purchased only when the child turns 3 years old.

Water park "AquaRio"

Water park "AquaRio"

In a Siberian city, especially in winter, visiting an oasis where even in the cold season the air is heated to 30 degrees means leaving a sea of ​​joyful memories.

Kids, as everyone knows, are delighted with children's water attractions. And adults are not averse to going to spa complexes with a jacuzzi and a sauna, while the child can be left in the play area, where animators will look after him.

There are many types of bathhouses on the territory of the water park. Visitors enjoy sliding down the slides, choosing from 6 names, and swimming in the pools, including the wave pool.

Address: Zavertyaeva street, 5, Omsk

Opening hours: autumn - winter from 12 to 21 o'clock on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Friday - until 22 o'clock, on weekends and holidays - from 10 to 22 o'clock, that is, the same as in summer

Admission: on weekdays for the whole day - adults - 1200 rubles, children - 700, on weekends - 1400 and 840 rubles. respectively



Refers to the Children's Ecocenter (Yunogorodok), which began with a small ornithological corner 30 years ago. With the move to a new house, the number of animals and birds constantly increased. For heat-loving inhabitants, a warm building was built in 1994. A pond was equipped for waterfowl.

Now the zoo occupies an area of ​​3.5 hectares and has 1.5 thousand birds and animals. Here visitors get acquainted with the inhabitants of the terrarium, aquarium, and decorative mammals.

When children come to the zoo, they interact with animals, attend master classes, and on weekends they take part in quests and receive prizes.

Address: Marshal Zhukov street, 109, Omsk

Opening hours: from Tuesday to Sunday - from 10.30 to 19.00, on Monday there is a sanitary day at the zoo; summer enclosures are closed in October and open only in May

Entrance: an adult ticket costs 100 rubles, a child from 5 years old - 50 rubles, up to 5 years old admission is free, but only with an adult

Drama theatre

Drama theatre

The first and largest Siberian professional theater was founded back in 1874. In the same year, a wooden building was built for the troupe, which later burned down. But in 1905, according to the design of the architect Khvorin, it was replaced with a stone structure.

Now the Omsk Drama Academic Theater is housed in a luxurious ancient building in the eclectic style, combining elements of Baroque and Classicism. In 1915, a large-scale reconstruction was carried out here, and a sculpture of the “Winged Genius” by the Czech sculptor Winkler was installed on the pediment.

The theater is famous for its real theater hall, which is equipped with a stalls, an amphitheater, boxes and a balcony. The diverse repertoire includes award-winning original productions and performances by touring artists.

Address: st. Lenina, 8A, Omsk

Cash desk opening hours: from 10 to 19 hours 30 minutes. Performances start at 19:00.

Musical Theatre

Musical Theatre

The theater moved to a modern building with a large light and music fountain on the square in 1981. The building is distinguished by its high rear part, which is called the “springboard”. Inside is the largest stage in the city and region, and the hall is designed for 970 spectators.

The troupe's repertoire includes classical and modern operas, operettas, ballets, musicals and other musical works. The theater museum houses exhibitions about the performances, artists and the main historical milestones of the troupe.

Address: st. 10 Let Oktyabrya, 2, Omsk

Cash desk opening hours: seven days a week from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., with three technical breaks per day

Entrance: children's ticket for a daytime event - 200-300 rubles, adult for an evening performance - 200-1200

Literary Museum named after. F. M. Dostoevsky

Literary Museum named after. F. M. Dostoevsky

The one-story house in which the serf commandants lived was built in 1799. In 1850, the Russian Major General de Grave, the last commandant of the fortress, provided assistance to Dostoevsky, who was serving 4 years of hard labor here.

Since 1983, a museum with nine exhibition halls has opened in the building. The main exhibits tell how the famous writer lived and worked. Other rooms contain material about writers associated with Omsk. In a separate room, the life of convicts is clearly shown.

Address: st. Dostoevsky, 1

Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday from 10 am to 6 pm

Admission: for adults – 100-120 rubles, students – 60, schoolchildren – 50, children from 5 to 7 years old – 35 rubles. Foreign citizens pay 300 rubles.

Batyushkov's mansion

Batyushkov's mansion

A colorful mansion - an example of urban architecture of the early 1900s, which previously belonged to the local merchant Batyushkov, now occupies the House of Celebrations. An elegant building with an area of ​​more than 500 square meters. m, built of stone in an eclectic style, with ideal ventilation and steam heating, made for the first time in the city.

During the Civil War, the building was occupied by Kolchak's headquarters. Now one part of the house is given over to the city registry office with a wedding salon.

The other part is dedicated to the first Civil War Museum in Russia with interesting historical and archival exhibitions. In one room, Kolchak’s study is decorated with a wax figure of the ruler.

Address: st. Irtyshskaya embankment, 9, Omsk

Museum opening hours : Monday to Thursday - from 8.30 to 17.15. On Saturday – until 16:00. Break daily from 13:00 to 14:00.

Entry: free

Museum named after M.A. Vrubel

Museum named after M.A. Vrubel

The regional art gallery is located on the 2nd floor in the former Trade building of Omsk. The works of Vrubel, who was born in Omsk, are on display here. Also stored are masterpieces belonging to other famous Russian and foreign artists: Surikov, Aivazovsky, Levitan, Repin, Picasso, Rembrandt.

Visitors are attracted to the works made by micro miniaturist Anatoly Konenko. Rare books and archaeological collections occupy a special place.

Address: st. Lenina, 3, Omsk

Opening hours: from 10 am to 7 pm. Monday is a day off.

Entrance : for permanent exhibitions - 300 rubles. for adults, 70 for schoolchildren, 160 for pensioners and 40 for preschoolers from 5 years old

Holy Cross Cathedral

Holy Cross Cathedral

Since 1980, the building has been considered a historical and cultural monument. A snow-white temple was built at the request of the governor of Omsk, Gasford, for suburban residents using donations that had been collected for more than 5 years. The project was developed in 1862-63. architects Wagner and Ezet. In 1870, the single-altar church was consecrated. After 26 years, the 2nd altar was consecrated, then the 3rd.

The length of the cathedral is 37 m, width - 22. The dome, altar, chapels and bell tower are crowned with gilded domes with eight-pointed crosses, also covered with gold. The bell tower is famous for its 1180 kg bell.

Visitors look with interest at the elegant lacquered paintings on the walls, made as in the Kiev Cathedral, and other decorative elements.

Address: st. Tarskaya, 33, Omsk

Opening hours: from 8 am to 7 pm

Free admission

Official website :

Seraphim-Alekseevskaya Chapel

Seraphim-Alekseevskaya Chapel

A stone building, with a tent-shaped upper part, appeared near the Yubileiny, then Iron Bridge in 1907. The reason for the construction was that the long-awaited heir to the throne, Tsarevich Alexei, was born into the tsar’s family.

The chapel was named after the Wonderworker Seraphim of Sarov. The neat 2-story building was designed by the Siberian architect Kryachkov in the style of Yaroslavl architecture. The chapel, which was later destroyed, was restored in 1994 according to Desyatov’s design.

Tourists are attracted by the solemn appearance of the building with a snow-white finish and an original multi-level roof. At the top there is a sharp peak with a gilded onion - a dome and a gilded cross. Inside there are a number of memorial plaques on which the names of the victims of the Russo-Japanese War are carved.

Address: st. Partizanskaya, 1, Omsk

Opening hours: daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Entry: free

"Arena Omsk"

"Arena Omsk"

The city is considered the hockey capital of Siberia with the famous Avangard team. In 2007, at the end of August, the main city ice arena opened for hockey fans - the most spacious stadium in the country.

The stands were designed for 10 thousand spectators, and the 4-story building occupied 25 thousand square meters. m area. But after 12 years of existence, the palace, which cost $150 million to build, was demolished. The construction of the new arena is expected to be completed soon.

Address: st. Lukashevicha, 35, Omsk

Omsk Academic Drama Theater

Perhaps one of the best Omsk attractions is the Academic Drama Theater. The façade and architecture of the building allowed it to become not only one of the most beautiful buildings in the city, but also to receive the title of an architectural monument of Russia. A lot of effort was made to bring this theater to the public: several theater buildings that burned down or were demolished, years spent building and finishing the modern Omsk Academic Drama Theater. But in the end, this enterprise was completed successfully, and today the theater has become the center of many celebrations, festivals and, of course, performances. Undoubtedly an interesting place to visit in Omsk.

Omsk Orthodox

Speaking about the architecture of Omsk, it is impossible to ignore the amazing churches and temples of the city. In Omsk, 23 religious movements and 85 religious organizations are officially registered. This could not but influence the architecture of old and modern Omsk. The main monuments of religious architecture of Omsk:

  • The most visited temple is the Holy Assumption Cathedral. It was founded in 1891. One of the most beautiful churches in Russia.

  • Holy Cross Cathedral. The turquoise domes of this temple look amazing against the blue sky. The temple was built at the expense of the townspeople. From 1920 to 1943, there was a dormitory in the temple.
  • The Siberian Cathedral Mosque was built for the Muslims of Omsk.
  • The Cossacks built the St. Nicholas Cossack Cathedral in 1913. The church contains particles of the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov and St. Theodosius of Chernigov.
  • One of the youngest is the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ, built in 1997. Its golden domes are visible from almost anywhere in the city.
  • The elegant red brick Seraphim-Alekseevskaya Chapel has become a real decoration of the city. Built on the site of its destroyed predecessor.
  • The only surviving church from the 18th century was the Lutheran church. The temple was built for ethnic Germans, of whom there were quite a lot in the city after the Northern War.
  • The difficult fate of the amazingly beautiful Achair Cross Convent deserves special attention. The monastery was restored in the 90s. Previously, the Soviet NKVD was located in the monastery building.

Tara Gate

When thinking about what is worth seeing in Omsk, you cannot lose sight of the Tara Gate, preserved from the fortress line that once fortified the city. The structure is a reconstruction of the original, which was dismantled in the middle of the last century. The Tara Gate was restored only thirty-two years later on the anniversary of the city. It is also worth noting that when recreating the monument, the designers made some changes to its appearance, therefore the modern architectural monument is not an exact copy of its original. One of the urban legends says: if you walk through the gate and make a wish, you can be sure that it will certainly come true.

Jubilee Bridge

While walking around Omsk, it is worth going to the Yubileiny Bridge, which connects the two banks of the Om River. The bridge offers a beautiful panorama of the city and Omsk port, and is also one of the favorite places for walks among residents and guests. It is noteworthy that previously two others were located on the site of the modern Jubilee Bridge. On days of celebration of the most significant events, the Jubilee Bridge is closed to car traffic, making it at the complete disposal of walking residents. According to local legend, under this landmark of Omsk there are several entrances to underground caves. What is inside these them, and where these entrances are, of course, no one knows, and true information about their existence has not been received. However, the legend nevertheless exists to this day.

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