Where to go with children in Rostov: review of children's entertainment, interesting events, photos and reviews

  • August 29, 2018
  • Tips for tourists
  • Svetlana Morozova

When traveling with children, it is not enough to choose a decent hotel and explore the local attractions. It is important for little tourists to show all the most interesting things so that they do not get bored and bring home a lot of positive emotions and a decent amount of knowledge about the place they are visiting. Where to go with children in Rostov worries many parents who come to this majestic city. There are quite a lot of places in it that will interest adults, but will be boring for little fidgets. To make your child happy with sparkling eyes, it is important to coordinate the future route with him and offer such entertainment that he will like.

A city with history

Rostov-on-Don is a majestic city located along the Don River of the same name. Based on the unique architecture of many buildings, it is not difficult to trace the entire centuries-old history of the settlement, which is especially carefully reflected in museum exhibits. It will be useful and interesting for schoolchildren to learn about the great battles of Russian soldiers for their Motherland during all kinds of wars. Many artists conveyed the color of the area on their canvases, and poets sang the unusual nature of the city in their works.

However, such information and the general impression of the city, as well as visiting museums, will be interesting for adults, but where to go with a child in Rostov is a pressing question. Especially if the baby is still too young to absorb historical information. Yes, and older children sometimes want to step away from the “adult” contemplation of the beauties of the city and its majestic history, and just have fun.


Rostov the Great can be the sole purpose of travel or be included in excursions and tours along the Golden Ring. Thus, on a one-day excursion it is often presented with its closest neighbors - Yaroslavl and Pereslavl-Zalessky.

Excursions around Rostov in winter generally do not differ in content from summer ones, because their main goal is to get acquainted with the Rostov Kremlin , the Assumption Cathedral , and the Varnitsky Monastery , founded in the small homeland of Sergius of Radonezh. But many museums on New Year's and Christmas dates consecrate their theme in the light of holiday traditions. Museum of Rostov Merchants , for example, allows you to travel back more than a hundred years ago and find out how these holidays were held before, how they were prepared for them and how they were celebrated in merchant families.

Excursions around Rostov the Great on Experts Tourist. RU

Zoo in Rostov-on-Don

It is not without reason that all local residents and those who have already visited this wonderful place advise visiting the Rostov Zoo. It is one of the largest facilities of its kind in Europe. To get to the place, you need to go to the Oktyabrsky district.

If we briefly describe this place, we can highlight the following advantages:

  • a child will be able to see more than 5,000 species of animals with his own eyes in one day;
  • there are enclosures with ungulates, birds and mammals;
  • there are aquariums with fish on the territory;
  • there is a terrarium;
  • for rest and relaxation there are comfortable benches and several catering points;
  • There are artificial ponds on the territory where you can see waterfowl.

Historical landmarks

State Museum-Reserve Rostov Kremlin

Address: per. Sovetsky, Kremlin Phone: 8 (48536) 6-17-17 (booking excursions) Website: rostmuseum.ru Opening hours: 10:00-17:00, daily Cost: from 50 rubles, detailed information on costs, benefits, excursions here

From a distance one can see the snow-white walls of the Rostov Kremlin, rising against the backdrop of low-rise buildings. It would seem that there is nothing surprising that there is a Kremlin in the ancient city. However, the Rostov Kremlin is unique in this regard, since it was built not as a defensive structure, but as a metropolitan residence.

Construction began on the initiative of Metropolitan Jonah Sysoevich at the end of the 17th century. According to his idea, the Kremlin was supposed to resemble “the heavenly city - the heavenly Jerusalem.”

Initially, the fortress, indeed, served as a residence for the highest clergy, but after the transfer of the metropolitan see to Yaroslavl, the bishop's courtyard began to empty. The unique architectural ensemble turned out to be so unnecessary that they even wanted to dismantle it and sell it. But the Rostov merchants rebelled against this decision, and decided to take the former residence under their guardianship. Later, Emperor Nicholas II took the fortress under his protection, under whom the status of a museum was officially assigned to the Rostov Kremlin.

Today, the ensemble of the Rostov Kremlin includes several churches:

  • Assumption Cathedral
  • Gate Church of the Resurrection
  • Church of St. John the Evangelist
  • Church of Hodegetria
  • Church of the Savior on Senya
  • Church of Gregory the Theologian

History buffs will also appreciate the richest library at the Kremlin, where the original letters of Alexei Mikhailovich, early printed books, and documents with royal autographs are currently stored.

Worship cross

Address: Podozerka street

The worship cross on the shore of Lake Nero was erected in 2015 in memory of the events of a thousand years ago. The monument symbolizes the adoption of Orthodoxy by Rostov residents back in 991. Rostov the Great became the first city in North-Eastern Rus' where Christianity was officially established.

According to the chronicle, Prince Vladimir, together with his retinue and Bishop Fedor, arrived in the city in the summer of 991. By his decree, all local residents were driven to Lake Nero, in the waters of which they were baptized.

In honor of this significant event, Prince Vladimir ordered the construction of a temple in the name of the Dormition of the Mother of God, which later became the first Orthodox church in North-Eastern Rus'.

Next to the monument there is a wooden chapel, consecrated in honor of Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir.

water tower

Address: per. Sovetsky, Kremlin Telephone: 8 (48536) 6-17-17 (excursion department) Website: rostmuseum.ru Opening hours: 10:00-17:00, daily Cost: 100 rubles.

On the territory of the Rostov Kremlin there is a water tower - an example of Russian fortification art of the 17th century. It got its name because its gates go directly to Lake Nero.

Today the tower serves as an observation deck, offering a wonderful view of the entire city!

Gostiny Dvor

Address: st. 50 years of October, 1

Rostov "Gostiny Dvor" is a large architectural complex occupying an entire block! It includes several buildings from different periods. The oldest trading shops stretch along the northern wall of the cathedral fence. Opposite these buildings is the famous “Emelyanovsky Row” throughout the city, named after the merchant sponsors - the Emelyanov brothers.

The rows were rebuilt several times, as evidenced by their varied architecture. In 1841, Gostiny Dvor completely burned down, then they decided to rebuild new stone trading shops in its place.

For more than two centuries, all buildings have retained their original purpose and are still used for trade.

Reviews about the zoo

Among the reviews from tourists and local residents, there are mostly only enthusiastic ones. All visitors are impressed by the variety of animals presented, which are kept in fairly spacious enclosures. In addition, the territory itself is very landscaped, everything is clean and tidy. To prevent children from getting tired of watching animals and birds, there is a playground with swings where they can relax and have fun. Also, for a fee, you can visit a small amusement park.

So, where to go with children in Rostov? Of course, at the address: st. Zoological, 3 – to the zoo. The ticket price is quite affordable. Adults will have to pay 250 rubles, for children over five years old - 100 rubles. Children and people over 75 can enter for free. There are also other benefits, in particular for people with disabilities.

Touching zoo

So, where else can you take your child in Rostov-on-Don? Of course, to the touching zoo. This does not mean at all that one can be touched here in terms of feelings (although this is possible), but it implies that animals can be stroked. The zoo is located in the permanent building of the Musical Theater and occupies two floors. If the first one is filled with representatives of the farm (the section is called “Farm”), the second one is home to more exotic representatives of the fauna (the “Jungle” section).

Of the positive reviews, the most common opinion is that there are a sufficient number of animals available for viewing. Many of them are allowed to pet, pick up and feed. Visitors especially highlight the design style. In the "Farm" section, it is designed in a rustic style, with children's drawings, photographs and crafts hung throughout. You can take photos with animals anywhere in the interior.

The “Jungle” section is made in the appropriate style with a variety of vines and small pools where turtles live. Even the climate here is tropical, with high levels of humidity. Parrots fly completely freely, and if you look closely, you can see bats.

Many visitors appreciated the design of the doors to the bathrooms. They are painted in a children's style. Female guests are greeted by a charming tigress, while boys are greeted by a stern bull. There is also a small shop on the ground floor that sells drinks and souvenirs.

Still don’t know where to go with children in Rostov? Here is the address: Teatralnaya Square, 1. The ticket price is the same for all categories of visitors - 180 rubles. Children under three years old are free.

Avraamiev Epiphany Monastery

Among the attractions of Rostov the Great, Orthodox churches and monasteries occupy an important place. One of them is the Avraamiev Epiphany Monastery. This is the oldest monastery of the city and all of Russia, supposedly founded in the 12th century by the saint of Rostov - the Monk Abraham. And since the 13th century it was first mentioned in chronicles.

At first, all the buildings of the monastery were wooden. However, in the mid-16th century, Tsar Ivan the Terrible visited the monastery. This happened on the eve of the military campaign against Kazan. Seeing the miraculous rod of Saint Abraham, located in the monastery, he asked to give the rod to him on the battlefield. After the defeat of the Tatar troops, in gratitude for the help, the tsar sent funds for the construction of a new Epiphany Cathedral, which was dedicated to the capture of Kazan. It became the first stone church built in the monastery and has survived to this day. In addition to the Epiphany Cathedral, the monastery complex includes: the Church of the Entry of the 17th century, which was rebuilt many times, and the Gate Church of St. Nicholas - it contains a shrine with the relics of St. Abraham. The monastery was visited more than once by members of the royal family; the holy righteous John of Kronstadt and paritarch Tikhon visited here.

"Laboratorium" - a museum of natural phenomena

Where can you go in Rostov with children if they keep asking questions and trying to understand how everything happens on earth? There is only one answer: of course, to the Laboratory, which is an amazing museum. Chemical and physical laws of nature reign here. All exhibits are interactive, so the child will not only see them, but also touch them and understand how this or that phenomenon occurs.

By visiting this museum, you can introduce children to:

  • with the mechanism and principle of operation of optical illusions;
  • with nuances of acoustics;
  • occurrence of electricity, etc.

Advantages of "Laboratorium"

Children will not only be able to observe some action, but also take direct part in the experiments. All visitors note that it is not only allowed to touch the exhibits, but it is even considered mandatory. The team is mostly young, passionate about their work and captivating young visitors into the world of natural phenomena. Here you can see:

  • a tunnel made of books with no bottom;
  • a square bicycle that anyone can ride;
  • Gulliver's table, at which you need to sit;
  • mirror Maze;
  • many puzzles;
  • hyperboloid;
  • Tesla ball demonstrating the lightning effect;
  • exhibits for the little ones.

When the question arose of where to go with a child in Rostov, the answer was clear - to the Laboratory. The place is fantastic and extraordinary. Visitors also note that after looking at exhibits for a long time and participating in experiments, it is so nice to go up to the second floor and have a tasty snack. But you won’t be bored here either. Even within the colorfully decorated café, there are plenty of unique exhibits to explore. Address of the Laboratory: st. Tekucheva, house 97.

Trinity-Sergius Varnitsky Monastery

The amazingly beautiful Trinity-Sergius Varnitsky Monastery, founded in the 15th century, is located a few kilometers from Rostov the Great. The monastery received its name in honor of the great Russian saint - St. Sergius of Radonezh, and it stands on the site where there once was a village in which St. Sergius was born. During its existence, the monastery withstood the Time of Troubles, several fires and complete ruin during the years of Soviet power. Currently, it has been completely restored and is a place of pilgrimage for many believers. Now the monastery is a metochion of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

Nowadays the monastery complex consists of: the restored Vvedenskaya Church, the rebuilt Trinity Cathedral with a high four-tier bell tower and the beautiful Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh, again built quite recently - in 2014, the gate church dedicated to Cyril and Mary - the parents of St. Sergius of Radonezh, the Holy Gates, St. Sergius' Well, abbot's building, refectory, gymnasium and hospice house.

Railway for children

There are many parks and squares in Rostov-on-Don. Local residents can advise where to go with children. If your child loves trains and everything connected with them, then you can safely go to the park. Ostrovsky. There, along its entire perimeter, there is a children's railway, where everything is for real. There are “real” steam and diesel locomotives that pull carriages; conductors (in their roles are teenagers) keep order and issue tickets.

Judging by the reviews, children are simply delighted with this trip. It all starts, as it should, from the station. It is located right next to the entrance to the park. The inside of the carriages is clean and comfortable, the seats are soft. During the excursion, which lasts 30 minutes, you can see all the sights of the park and even the city, because you can see the areas of Rostov that are located behind the fence.

Reviews about the railway are positive. Everywhere is clean, the excursion is exciting and not tiring. In addition, children in the role of conductors add interest.

Railway Museum

Continuing the theme and deciding where to take the children in Rostov-on-Don, it is worth inviting them to visit the Museum of Railway Transport. However, it is necessary to take into account weather conditions, because the territory is completely outdoors. But, if the weather is not disappointing, then the child will be treated to fascinating examinations of steam locomotives, diesel locomotives and other equipment; some of the exhibits are even of historical value.

If the heir dreams of becoming a machinist, then there simply cannot be any questions about where to go with the child in Rostov. After all, here you can not only see everything with your own eyes, but also touch and even be inside and feel like a real machinist.

Among the disadvantages, visitors note difficulties with parking and inconvenient location. The museum is located in the Western district of the city, which is quite far from its historical center. Also, some people don’t like the fact that they have to pay an additional 200 rubles for the opportunity to photograph objects. (Entrance ticket costs 100 rubles).

The rest of the object is quite interesting. Children constantly examine all the exhibits, climb inside and feel everything they can. But it’s worth considering that many of the exhibits are oily or simply dusty. This fact must be taken into account when choosing clothes for an excursion.

Assumption Cathedral

Immediately behind the powerful fortress wall surrounding the Rostov Kremlin, you will see a majestic building with five large light gray domes, striking in its beauty and power. This is the ancient Assumption Cathedral - the most famous temple of Rostov the Great, built in the 16th century.

On sunny days, the huge domes of this majestic building, shining in the sun against the blue sky, leave a lasting impression. After admiring the beautiful and unique temple from the outside and climbing the steps, you can go inside. Divine services are held in the temple, you can light candles and venerate the icons, but active restoration work is underway inside the cathedral, and therefore most of it is not yet available for inspection.

Children's Park named after. V. Cherevichkina

A very beautiful and well-groomed city of Rostov-on-Don. Where can you go with your child to relax and just have a good time? Of course, to the park, but only created specifically for young visitors. There are a large number of various attractions here, there are trampolines, playgrounds and sports grounds, and even a water park. Employees constantly hold all kinds of events, organize concerts and holidays.

Of course, visitors also have complaints about the park. Some flower beds are not well-kept, playgrounds are dilapidated, and sometimes there is dirt. But in general, the place is worthy of visiting, and there is also a lot of entertainment here that you don’t have to pay money for. These include children's playgrounds, bridges across the river, beautiful places for photography, and just fresh air.

To get to the park, you need to get to the Proletarsky district.

Where to go with children in Rostov? Octopussy Water Park

On Komarova Street, 23 there is a small but cozy water park. It is designed mainly for families with small children. The area is small, and there are not many slides either. But when it’s hot outside and you’re tired of walking the streets, then refreshing yourself in cool water will be just a pleasure.

Despite the claims of some visitors, the water park has something to boast about:

  • Children's swimming pool;
  • slides for the little ones;
  • slides that are suitable for any visitor;
  • slides for daredevils;
  • outdoor swimming pools.

Of course, the establishment is not without its shortcomings. Firstly, the joints on some slides sometimes interfere with the descent, and secondly, not everyone is satisfied with the small number of sun loungers, as well as the lack of vegetation around.

Church of Hodegetria

And again we return to the Rostov Kremlin, on the territory of which there is one amazingly beautiful attraction - the Church of Hodegetria. This church, on the one hand, stands out against the background of the entire Kremlin ensemble, and on the other, fits surprisingly well into it. It was built later than all other Kremlin buildings - at the very end of the 17th century, in the Moscow Baroque style.

The walls of this beautiful temple with a dark gray dome are decorated with an exquisite diamond pattern, and the windows are decorated with figured stone. Particularly admirable in the interior of the church is the painting of its walls and vaults, decorated with magnificent stucco cartouches of unusual shape. Now the temple houses the museum exhibition “Gold and Glaze Shines.” In the collection presented here you can see a three-tiered iconostasis, church sculptures and a huge Gospel, as well as various exhibits in the Baroque and Rococo styles of the 17th-18th centuries, festive attire of clergy and objects used in the performance of church sacraments in the 17th-18th centuries.

The sights of Rostov the Great can be described for a very long time. Its historical and cultural heritage is difficult to overestimate. In the city center, not far from another ancient monastery of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, you can see a small snow-white church with a beautiful front garden - the Church of St. Nicholas in Podozerie from the 18th century. The church is active, but it is open only during services. If you have time, visit this church. And a few kilometers from Rostov the Great is the ancient Boris and Gleb Monastery, dedicated to the revered Russian saints Boris and Gleb, and founded in the 14th century with the blessing of St. Sergius of Radonezh. It is difficult to convey in words the atmosphere of calm and grace that reigns in the monastery. If you have the opportunity, be sure to visit it.

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