Map of Koryazhma in detail with streets, houses and districts

The first mention of the city dates back to 1535. City status was granted in 1985.

Koryazhma on the map of Russia is part of the Arkhangelsk region. A district with the same name Koryazhma was formed around the city. The construction of the paper mill gave impetus to the development of the city and the increase in population.

Geographical area – 22.17 km2. In 2014, the city of Koryazhma was included in the list of cities in the Russian Federation with a risk of worsening socio-economic situation.

The main industrial production of the city and Koryazhma region is associated with the processing and production of cellulose.

Where is Koryazhma located?

The Russian Federation is a great state occupying most of Eastern Europe and part of Asia. The map of Russia contains many beautiful cities and mysterious places.

Koryazhma is located on the map of the Arkhangelsk region and is located on the banks of the Vychegda River in the southeastern vicinity of the Dvina Hollow. This settlement is 635 km away from the regional center, and its area is 22.1 square kilometers. Koryazhma enters an area with rock salt deposits. The name of the city comes from the name of the Koryazhemka River.

Koryazhemsky urban district includes:

  • Koryazhma city;
  • Horticultural partnership "Gardeners of the North";
  • Gardening partnership "Stroitel".

Routes on the map of Koryazhma. Transport infrastructure

Near the city there is a railway station providing transportation of passengers in the directions of Moscow and St. Petersburg. The railway station is called "Nizovka" . On the map of Koryazhma with streets you can see the distance of the stations from the city.

Air traffic for residents and tourists visiting Koryazhma is available through the airport located on the territory of the city of Kotlas. Here passenger aircraft operate in the following directions:

  • Arkhangelsk.
  • Syktyvkar.
  • Saint Petersburg.

Koryazhma has connections with major cities thanks to passenger buses in the following directions:

  • Kotlas.
  • Arkhangelsk.
  • Solvychegodoms.
  • Syktyvkar.
  • Veliky Ustyug.
  • Kirov.
  • Severodvinsk.
  • Krasnoborsk.

City transport consists of passenger buses that run according to a schedule and a specific route. In total, there are 6 public passenger transport routes in the city.


  • If you believe historical facts, it all starts in 1535. Then the first settlement appeared on the territory of the modern city. The chronicle contains information that the Pavlo-Obnorsky Monastery was founded at this time.
  • In the Orthodox world, the city of Koryazhma is famous for its relatively large number of churches. One of the oldest buildings is the Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands. This is a single-domed small temple. The temple was erected in the 18th century with money from the monastery treasury, and was consecrated only in 1746.
  • In 1916, industrialists Ryabushinsky decided to build a stationery factory and purchased a plot of land located near Koryazhma. This brought about changes and just a year later, in 1917, collective farms were organized in nearby settlements.
  • In 1937, oil exploration was carried out in areas adjacent to the city. Subsequently, the well was converted for the extraction of mineral water and in 1969 the supply to the dispensary was organized.
  • The post-war years were marked by the construction of the Koryazhemskaya timber depot and elevator.
  • By the 1960s, the population had risen to 25 thousand people. The construction of small apartment buildings of 2-3 floors began in the village.
  • In 1961, the first products of the Kotlas pulp and paper plant were produced, which later became the largest and most famous in the world; After another 2 decades, the settlement was transformed into a city.
  • Now the city is famous not only for its temples, but also for the production of coated paper. In 2010, she began building a plant.



  1. ^ a b
    State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics.
    Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization, Metrology and Certification. No. OK 019-95 January 1, 1997 “All-Russian classifier of objects of administrative-territorial division. Code 11 408 000”, Ed. changes No. 278 / 2015 dated January 1, 2016. (State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics. Committee of the Russian Federation on Standardization, Metrology and Certification. No. OK 019-95 January 1, 1997 Russian Classification of Administrative Objects (OKATO). Code 11,408,000
    As amended by Amendment No. 278/2015 of January 1, 2016).
  2. ^ a b
    Federal State Statistics Service of Russia (2011).
    “All-Russian Population Census 2010. Volume 1" [All-Russian Population Census 2010, vol. 1]. All-Russian Population Census 2010 [All-Russian Population Census 2010]
    (in Russian). Federal State Statistics Service.
  3. ^ a b c
    Regional Law No. 65-5-OZ
  4. ^ a b c
    Regional Law No. 258-extra-OZ
  5. "On the calculation of time." Official Internet portal of legal information
    (in Russian). June 3, 2011. Retrieved January 19, 2022.
  6. “List of postal codes” (in Russian). Post office. Archived from the original on December 12, 2006. Retrieved July 23, 2011.
  7. Federal State Statistics Service of Russia (May 21, 2004). “The population of Russia, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation as part of federal districts, urban settlements, urban settlements, settlements, settlements of 3 thousand or more people.” [Population of Russia, its federal districts, federal subjects, districts, urban settlements, rural settlements - administrative centers, rural settlements with a population of more than 3000 people] (XLS). All-Russian Population Census of 2002 [All-Russian Population Census of 2002]
    (in Russian).
  8. “All-Union Population Census of 1989. The actual population of union and autonomous republics, autonomous regions and districts, territories, regions, urban settlements and villages-raivolna”, No. 43, October 6, 2009 (Arkhangelsk Regional Council of Deputies. Regional Law dated 23 September 2009 No. 65-5-OZ. On the administrative-territorial structure of the Arkhangelsk region
    As amended by the Regional Law of December 16, 2014 No. 232-13-OZ.
    On amendments to various regional laws regulating the process of municipal self-government and relations with non-profit organizations
    ... Valid from the day that occurs ten days after official publication.)
  9. Arkhangelsk Regional Assembly of Deputies. Regional Law No. 258-extra-OZ of September 23, 2004 “On the status and boundaries of the territories of municipalities in the Arkhangelsk region”, as amended. Regional Law No. 224-13-OZ of December 16, 2014 “On the abolition of certain settlements of the Solovetsky District of the Arkhangelsk Region and amendments to Article 46 of the Regional Law “On the status and boundaries of municipalities in the Arkhangelsk Region””. Came into force on the date of official publication. Published: “Volna”, No. 38, October 8, 2004 (Arkhangelsk Regional Council of Deputies. Regional Law No. 258-extra-OZ dated September 23, 2004 On the status and boundaries of the territories of municipalities of the Arkhangelsk Region
    As amended by the Regional Law dated 16 December 2014 No. 224-13-OZ.
    On the abolition of several settlements in the Solovetsky district of the Arkhangelsk region and on amendments to Article 46 of the regional law “On the status and boundaries of the territories of municipalities in the Arkhangelsk region"
    . Valid from the date of official publication.) .

Flora and fauna

The map of Russia shows different temperature zones. Each territory has different weather conditions, and therefore a set of plants and animals.

The Arkhangelsk region is distinguished by the pristine beauty of the taiga massifs and subarctic tundra. This is the kingdom of permafrost, which means there is rather sparse vegetation here. On the territory of the forest-tundra you can see swampy areas and open forests, as well as taiga dark coniferous forests.

Pine forests are also widespread, and in the east - fir forests. You can find edible berries:

  • Strawberries;
  • Cloudberry;
  • Black and red currants;
  • Blueberry;
  • Blueberry;
  • Cowberry;
  • Rowan and others.

There are many mushrooms growing in the south, such as:

  • Saffron milk caps;
  • Milk mushrooms;
  • Porcini mushrooms and others.

Animals have a hard time, as living conditions here are harsh. Therefore, here you can find animals of continental latitudes, adapted to survive at low temperatures. In the forests you can find:

  • Polar bears;
  • Walruses;
  • Seals;
  • deer and other fauna.

Novodvinsk is a city with affordable housing

The city is located 20 km from Arkhangelsk and has similar nature and climate, but with more pronounced continental features. The population here is attracted mainly by the availability of housing. The number of residents has been constantly decreasing in recent years.

As of 2022, the total population was 38.7 thousand people. Moreover, more than 97% consider themselves Russian. In terms of religion, atheists dominate, with Orthodox Christians in second place. There is every reason to believe that the dynamics of population growth will continue to be negative. According to a number of indicators, Novodvinsk is the most polluted city in Russia. A very large number of thyroid diseases also indicates the presence of a serious problem.


  1. “Human Life” is a sculptural ensemble that was installed in 2005. This ensemble includes 11 different sculptures.
  2. The Obelisk of Glory is a memorial. The main difference of this pedestal is the five-pointed star at the main stele. There is a lot to see here! The faces of a soldier and a grieving mother are cast from cast iron, and on the obelisk are the names of 122 brave Koryazhem residents who went missing.
  3. Monument to Hero of the Soviet Union Alexander Matrosov, who near the village of Chernushki on February 23, 1943, covered the bunker embrasure with his body and thanks to this saved his comrades. The memorial was erected at the expense of students in the park of school No. 2.
  4. The Aerosleigh monument is dedicated to the creation of the Aerosleigh Board and the Kotlas Aerosleigh Military School.
  5. In Koryazhma there is a small copy of the monument to Mikhailo Vasilyevich Lomonosov, located in Moscow. The monument was erected on the occasion of the 270th anniversary of the scientist and his belonging to the Arkhangelsk land, in October 1981.
  6. In 2008, on November 15, a monument to the first builders of the city of Koryazhma was erected. This is a brick wall, on the right is a boom from a construction crane and on the left is a safety helmet used by construction workers.
  7. Monument to the “Diesel Locomotive TGC-2”, which spent more than 40 years on the railway of the Kotlas Pulp and Paper Plant. In advance, major restoration work was carried out on the diesel locomotive.
  8. The Nika sculpture is a significant symbol of the pulp and paper mill. This is a combination of the image of the goddess of victory and the shaft of the machine on which paper products were made.
  9. Monument to Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

What sights of their hometown do Koryazhem residents know?

What sights of their hometown do Koryazhem residents know?

  • May 12, 2014 — 20:17
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  • 987Views

Author: Alexander BorisovPhoto: photo of the author

Koryazhma has many attractions: historical, cultural, industrial, natural. And any of these reasons for pride is the result of the work of townspeople, residents of what was once a working-class village, and even earlier, villagers and monks. You shouldn’t judge the survey participants harshly on the short answers they gave; they didn’t prepare for it in advance and probably remembered a lot of interesting things later. But that's not the point. Koryazhem residents love their city, know a lot about it, and would like to know even more. What has been mentioned is just the tip of the iceberg. After all, the Trud stadium, the Zarya and Vesna dispensaries, city schools, a hospital, the Palace of Pioneers (formerly DDT), the Lily greenhouse, monuments and fountains, parks, public gardens and so on - all can be attractions of Koryazhma.

Sergey Mikhailovich ROMANOV pensioner

– Among the attractions: swimming pool, temple of St. Longinus. Our city is cozy, there is a river nearby. The construction of the plant is of historical significance. I worked here my entire working life, all Koryazhem residents are connected with the plant. This is history…

Ivan TATARINOV employee of the Ilim group (water treatment)

– I live not far from the monument to Lomonosov, there is a monument to Matrosov. Walk of Fame on the shore, no doubt. Here's what quickly came to mind...

Nina MAKAROVA pensioner

- Uncle Lomonosov is standing there, there seems to be nothing else here... They built a park for children, what other attractions are there? I don't know anymore. I come from the Smolensk region, I remember, as a child, I collected nuts with my grandmother, and there is a cedar grove here, although I never went there myself.

Leonid FEFILATIEV pensioner

– A music school, an administration building, a monument to fallen soldiers on the Embankment, a monument to Chernobyl victims and an alley with a monument to internationalist soldiers. There is also a monument to the trust workers (first builders). They still want to remake it. I don't know anymore.

Ksenia VTYURINA student

– It’s difficult to answer. I don’t know what we can be proud of. A monument to Lomonosov would be considered a landmark. I also love school No. 2, where I studied from first to eleventh grade. By the way, there is a monument to Alexander Matrosov.

Victor SAVIN worker

– The Church is the most sacred thing. There was a beer building nearby, a brick one, the church made sure it wasn’t nearby. I go to the shore sometimes. The Vychegda River is also a landmark. Previously, the pier was...

Larisa BEBYAKOVA Pension Fund specialist

– I really like the city embankment, a very beautiful park, and the complex of the monastery of St. Longinus. The relict cedar grove is a rare attraction for our area. I like the art school, I really like Lenin Square, the Palace of Culture.

Anna ABABKOVA, 11th grade student at school No. 7

– Alexander Park, Embankment, obelisk... There are monuments. On Lenin Square - Lenin, a monument to Lomonosov on Lomonosov Avenue. There is a church next to our school.

Parks and places open to the public

The city has the Cedar Grove Park - this is a memorable place. Here, in 1660–1670, the monks independently planted plants. This is a natural monument created by human hands. On the territory of the European north in the 20th century, the grove was the longest in area. Over time, fresh seedlings of larch and Siberian pine pine are planted next to the old planting, thereby restoring and protecting them from death. Forestry scientists compare this planting with the main source of cedar spread. Now the park's area is 17,500 square kilometers. This is the real pride of the city residents.

The main events of the city are held on the square of the Koryazhemsky cultural and leisure center.

Founded by the monks of the Pavlo-Obnorsky Monastery Longin and Simon Soiginsky, the Koryazhemsky Nikolaevsky Monastery is the main place in the city. Pilgrims from all over the country come here. The building has been restored, and the territory of the monastery is surrounded by a new fence.

In the city of Koryazhma there are many monuments of Russian architecture. Today it is a comfortable and developed city in the Arkhangelsk region. The rich history of the city and the availability of leisure facilities allow you to find entertainment for every taste.

Severodvinsk is a young city

Severodvinsk is a fairly young city in the region, as it was founded in the first half of the last century. Development was largely carried out by the USSR. At the moment it is officially recognized as part of the Far North. According to 2022 data, the population is 183 thousand people.

About 10 years ago we decided to develop the city as a science city. This concept was supposed to be successfully implemented before 2010, but in the end it was only partially realized. As part of the strategic development, the city administration managed to attract approximately 40 billion rubles to maintain scientific and industrial potential. The city is now in a state of crisis, although the situation is gradually improving.

Koryazhma is an old and small town

This is one of the ancient cities in the region, which was developed in the 16th century. There is a cellulose processing plant here, which is one of the main enterprises of the settlement. The population, according to 2022 data, was only 37 thousand inhabitants.

Negative dynamics have been observed since 1998. The city administration promises to correct the demographic situation. This locality plans to introduce an affordable housing program.

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