Map of Prokopyevsk in detail with streets, houses and districts

Coat of arms of the city Prokopyevsky mine 1932 Mining rescue Ford 1934
Prokopyevsk. Living History Part 1

Prokopyevsk. Living History Part 2

Prokopyevsk. Living History Part 3


- a city of regional subordination (since 1931) in the Kemerovo region of Russia, forms the urban district “city of Prokopyevsk”, consisting of 23 villages. Prokopyevsk is the third most populous city in the Kemerovo region - 210.0 thousand people. (2010).

The area of ​​the city is 214.7 km2.

Population of Prokopyevsk

According to data for 2014, almost 203 thousand people live in Prokopyevsk. The general dynamics is population decline. And among the main reasons are not only a drop in the birth rate and an increase in mortality (at the end of the well-fed “2000s” the situation slightly improved). For young people, a mining town is a place with little prospects. They leave to study and to earn money.

Average age is about 40 years. This is higher than in Russia as a whole, the reason is the migration of young people to more promising regions. Many students who left for the universities of Kemerovo and Tomsk end up staying in their new homeland or moving to even more convenient areas for living (this is generally a characteristic trend for many Kuzbass cities). The sad thing is that it is mainly people who leave who have chosen “smart” and prestigious professions (from journalism to organic chemistry), as well as the so-called. "creative class"

The age and social composition of the population is very diverse. After the difficult 90s, when several mines (in fact, city-forming enterprises) were closed in the city, some villages within the city limits plunged into poverty and unbridled drunkenness, the results of the lack of money in the nineties can still be observed now: territories like “Krasny Uglekop” and “Spichenkovo” — still depressed.

At the same time, there is a serious layer of workers who have kept their jobs, provide for their families and spend a lot of effort on raising children - this is the basis, the backbone of the solvent population. The share of the intelligentsia (teachers, professors, a few journalists, etc.) is smaller.

Maslenitsa in Prokopyevsk

The main problem is the difficulty of raising children. On the one hand, there is the necessary infrastructure (music and art schools, clubs, the Palace of Creativity, sports sections, youth editorial offices). On the other hand, we have to fight the influence of the “street”, where fashion is set by hip culture.

Although in recent years, when walking around Prokopyevsk, representatives of informal subcultures and simply young people who do not accept the Gopnik lifestyle have become more common, a “bright future” is still far away. In discussions on various social networks, for example, one can find a warm reaction from the local population to the murder of a policeman.

Although there is no need to exaggerate – it is possible to ensure proper upbringing for children here too.

Prokopyevsky Drama Theater

The theater can be considered a real landmark of Prokopyevsk; it was built in the 60s of the last century and bears the name of the Lenin Komsomol. The building itself is unusual, made in the “Stalinist Empire” style. The theater has a young talented team that often goes to festivals and receives prestigious awards. Theater troupes from different cities come to this theater on tour. With the support of the theater, interesting flash mobs are held. It is noteworthy that on Thursdays in June only comedies are shown here.

The halls display completely unique birch bark products and an exhibition of dolls. All exhibits were made by craftsmen from Prokopyevsk. Works by famous painters from different times are also exhibited here. All kinds of master classes are held for all ages.

Districts and real estate of Prokopyevsk

There are three districts in the city: Zenkovsky, Rudnichny and Central.

City map

Zenkovsky district is the outskirts of Prokopyevsk. It’s just a stone’s throw from here to neighboring Novokuznetsk. The private sector and apartment buildings here are in approximately equal proportions in terms of area occupied.

The closest place to Novokuznetsk is the village of Krasny Uglekop, almost entirely consisting of private (as they say here, “their own”) houses. You can get from here by bus in about the time it takes to travel to the “new center” of Prokopyevsk - Tyrgan. In terms of the number of drunks, drug addicts, and gopniks, Uglekop lasts a head start on many of the “goplands” of our country. However, in recent years the situation has been improving, at least a little.

In the accessibility zone is the reconstructed Zenkovsky Park, where you can relax in a civilized manner (both in summer and winter), there is a good school and a music room.

Zenkovsky Park

Real estate is available. The price tag for a “one-room apartment” starts in the region of 400-500 thousand, and a dilapidated house with several hundred square meters of land can be purchased for 300. The figures, by the way, are relevant for the entire Zenkovsky district. Pleasant: you can literally walk on foot to go fishing or to the surrounding forests to pick mushrooms.

Zenkovo ​​and the surrounding areas are practically no different from Uglekop. Fewer private houses, more high-rise buildings. You can move safely at night only if you have lived here for a long time and have a certain authority. Yes, when you come here you get used to the fact that everyone knows everyone after a few days. “Maganak” - the same cabbage soup, but pour in thinner.

Private sector in Prokopyevsk

“Dead End” is adjacent to the Central District. Apart from the fact that it is a transfer point for buses, there is nothing special to add about it. All of the above is relevant.

The central district has not been the center of city life for a long time, but many socially important objects are located here. However, we need to make allowances for the fragmentation and disunity of individual territories of each region. In the Central District there is a market, a Drama Theatre, a Youth Palace, and a football stadium. But nominally the district also includes the village of Krasnaya Polyana, which is indistinguishable from Uglekop “of the same color.”

Prokopyevsky Drama Theater

Real estate here, as in the Zenkovsky district, can be purchased exclusively on the secondary market - almost no new houses are built. Prices are a little higher - it’s difficult to find an apartment near the Drama Theater for less than 600 thousand. The situation on the streets is more favorable - however, it is difficult to find people who want to go for a walk at night. There's simply nothing to do here at night. A characteristic detail: at nine in the evening you can only get from the center to the outskirts by taxi, the minibuses have already done their job.

If we make allowances for provinciality, the best territories of the Central region are quite suitable places for living. There is a place to work, a place to have fun, and the sedate local life certainly has a certain charm.

Yard in the Central District

Tyrgan, also known as the “new center”, also known as Rudnichny District, is a rapidly developing territory. Literally ten years ago there was nothing to see here, but now the eye of a Prokopchan resident rejoices looking at the Tyrgan streets.

Most of the attractions of Skon are fountains, alleys, monuments, shopping centers, cinemas. Not far away is the Sunny Town recreation park.

In general, the parts of Tyrgan are not as far apart from each other as the territories of the Central or Zenkovsky district, so in the city it is customary to simply say “I went to Tyrgan.” Administratively, the Rudnichny district is divided into microdistricts. Microdistricts 6, 8 and 10 have been built the most in recent years - the most expensive real estate is also there. You can buy a one- or two-room apartment for 1.2-1.9 million rubles. “Three rubles” can be found for two million. In other microdistricts it’s cheaper.


In addition to the huge number of entertainment venues, Tyrgan is notable for the fact that it practically “overtakes” the taiga. In the shade of pine trees in the 10th microdistrict, by the way, there is a magnificent temple, known to all residents of the region.

The crime situation here is calm - it can be compared with the center of a relatively large regional center - Tomsk or Kemerovo.

Drama Theater

Continuing the tour of the city, the Prokopyevsky Drama Theater, which bears the name of the Lenin Komsomol, will be interesting. This is the only theater in the city. Also located at 35 Shakhtyorov Avenue and crowned by a large pedestrian square. It looks very grandiose with columns in the Stalinist Empire style. The theater is valued for its performances, and the cast is famous throughout the country. Locals and tourists call the theater a unique creation of those parts. In addition to its actors, theater troupes often come to the theater on tour.

With the support of this institution, various flash mobs are often held in the city, and on Thursdays in June only comedies are staged.

The theater has its own website where you can view the poster and purchase tickets online.


The determining sector of the city’s economy remains coal, which accounts for 54.5% of the city’s production volume. Coal mining enterprises in Prokopyevsk produce about 5% of the total coal production in the region. In recent years, at coal mining enterprises, with the arrival of new owners in the Management, Management (former ErUK), 000 "Stroyservis" of the Kalininsky open-pit mine (former Kalinin mine), coal production and reconstruction of production are growing rapidly. Prokopyevsk has always been and remains a coal city, therefore the prospect of its development is, first of all, connected with the development of mines, the development of new coal deposits, the construction of new enterprises and the transition to safer technologies. For the coming years, programs have already been developed for the long-term development of the Prokopyevsky mine, which turned 90 years old in October 2007.

Museum of Local Lore

Another attraction of Prokopyevsk can be considered the local history museum. It was originally opened on the basis of a school. Students conducted more than 20 different expeditions in the south of the region. In 1961, thanks to the collected collections, a state museum was opened. The exhibition includes the following departments:

  • archeology;
  • ethnography;
  • nature;
  • revolution;
  • Civil War;
  • Patriotic War;
  • space.

The museum provides walking and bus tours of the sights of Prokopyevsk from different times. Museum employees also provide other services: theatrical performances, wedding ceremonies.

Media[ | ]

Printed publications[ | ]

  • Miner's Truth

Radio stations[ | ]

  • 94.7 FM – Broadcasting planned
  • 97.3 FM – Radio Dacha
  • 100.0 FM - Radio Russia / State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Kuzbass" (Kiselevsk)
  • 103.0 FM - Mayak (Novokuznetsk)
  • 103.6 FM - Broadcasting planned
  • 104.7 FM – Avtoradio (Kiselevsk)
  • 105.9 FM – Love radio (Kiselevsk)
  • 107.4 FM – Radio Prokopyevsk
  • 107.8 FM - Our radio (Kiselevsk)

Local TV[ | ]

  • TNT / Channel 27 Prokopyevsk

Digital terrestrial television[ | ]

All 21 channels for the RTRS-1 and RTRS-2 multiplex; The radio channel package includes: “Vesti FM”, “Radio Mayak”, “Radio of Russia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company “Kuzbass”.

  • The package of TV channels RTRS-1 (TV channel 53, frequency 730 MHz), includes: “Channel One”, “Russia 1 State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company “Kuzbass”, “Match-TV”, “NTV”, “Channel Five”, “Russia K”, “Russia 24 State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company “Kuzbass”, “Karusel”, “OTR”, “TVC”.
  • The RTRS-2 TV channel package (TV channel 47, frequency 634 MHz) includes: “REN TV”, “SPAS”, “STS”, “Domashny”, “TV3”, “Friday!”, “Zvezda”, “Mir” , TNT, MUZ-TV.
  • Mandatory public regional television channels (“21st button”): tele.

Climate and ecology of Prokopyevsk

Prokopyevsk is in the south of Siberia, therefore it is unusually cold here in winter and very hot in summer. The difference in temperatures at different times of the year has been especially pronounced in recent years. On the other hand, thanks to the low humidity, it is much easier to endure frosts here.

Environmentally friendly Prokopyevsk

The environmental situation is far from the apocalyptic indicators of Novokuznetsk, but it cannot be called favorable. Mines and (especially) coal mines make black snow a reality. Boiler houses, of course, run on coal - another black touch in the black and white picture of Prokopyevsk winters.

Black Snow

The refusal to open new mines and the concentration on open-pit coal mining significantly reduces the amount of land on which anything can grow.

Prokopyevskaya land

The only positive aspects that can be noted are the (relatively) untouched forests near the city and the abundance of greenery in some areas.

Enterprises and work in Prokopyevsk

Enterprises that are considered city-forming and provide the city’s image are coal mines. Now there are six of them left: “They. Voroshilov" and "Ziminka" (Rudnichny district), "Koksovaya" and "Krasnogorskaya" (and "Dzerzhinka" (Zenkovsky district).

Working in a mine is the surest way to earn good money (by local standards). Miners at the “face” receive 30-40 thousand rubles, foremen – 50-60 thousand. On the other hand, the mines cannot accept everyone - and if your health does not allow you to go to the mine, you often have to be content with the position of “fixer” (or similar) - for 10-20 thousand. We should not forget that a miner is a very traumatic profession, especially in conditions where mining technology has not been modernized for a long time.

If you look at the statistics of injuries and deaths of miners, you realize that their work is valued unusually low. Paradoxically, the miner’s family receives big money only after his death at work - the amount of compensation reaches up to 2 million rubles. The last five years have been marked by the attention of enterprise management to miners injured during the performance of their official duties - almost every “regressor” can get a trip to a good sanatorium for treatment.


The city was once a center of mechanical engineering; now Elektromashina and Vagonotrans operate. Workers' salaries directly depend on the workshop, experience, and qualifications. At PZSA, for example, workers receive from 8 to 15 thousand.

The coal mines (Prokopyevsky, Berezovsky and others) deserve special mention. Excavator workers and “Belarusians” can easily earn up to forty thousand (however, the salary is often “gray”) - with health risks that are incomparably lower than the risks of miners. An unpleasant feature of this type of work is that the salary is directly dependent on coal production. In addition, you have to repair broken equipment yourself (downtime is not paid).

You can also go to work as a driver at a car depot, in a furniture workshop as an assembler (the salary does not exceed 20,000, and in the second case you will have to go to work six days a week).

Work for women is sales and waitressing. There are a huge number of small retail outlets in the city, and supermarket chains (Maria-Ra, Solnyshko, Chibis) have also made their presence known. Salaries per month – from five thousand. The usual situation: the seller receives 100-150 rubles per day and 3-5% of the proceeds.


  • 1 General information
  • 2 Physiographic characteristics
  • 3 History
  • 4 Population
  • 5 Administrative structure 5.1 Territorial division
  • 5.2 Authorities and city management
  • 5.3 Chairmen of the executive committee and heads of administration
  • 6 Economics
      6.1 Coal industry
  • 6.2 Manufacturing industry
  • 6.3 Housing and communal services and Construction
  • 6.4 Service sector
  • 6.5 ASEZ “Prokopyevsk”
  • 7 Education
  • 8 Culture
  • 9 Sports
  • 10 Medicine
  • 11 Transport
      11.1 Intercity transport
  • 11.2 Urban transport
  • 12 Media
      12.1 Printed publications
  • 12.2 Radio stations
  • 12.3 Local television
  • 12.4 Digital terrestrial television
  • 13 Notable natives and residents
  • 14 Monuments
      14.1 Religion
  • 14.2 Non-profit organizations
  • 15 Literature
  • 16 Notes
  • 17 Links
  • Links[edit]

    • Prokopyevsk Administration website
    [ + ]
    Prokopyevsk - a city of miners
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    Former mechanical engineering center. (created on the basis of the KHEMZ machine-building plant evacuated from Kharkov during the war and the Voronezh DC Machine Plant), Prokopyevsky Electric Apparat Plant LLC, NPO PZS OJSC, bearing (there are no machines scrapped), mechanical, food engineering, repair -tram, 2 brick factories, ore repair plant.

    In 2009, the first stage of Vagonnoremontny was opened.

    The city is one of the main centers of coking coal mining in Kuzbass and in Russia. It had 16 coal mines, more than half of which are now closed. In Soviet times, the following enterprises operated in the city: “Yeast”, “Gornyachka” garment factory”, “Porcelain”, “Beer”. All of these businesses are currently closed.

    On the territory of the city, on its southern outskirts, there are two sanatoriums “Prokopyevsky” and “Shakhtar”, as well as the entertainment complex “Aurora”.

    Also in the city there are branches of universities: MGOU, KuzGTU, KemSU, SibGIU, TSU, MESI, as well as secondary specialized institutions - PEMST (Electrical Mechanical Engineering College), PPET (Industrial Economic College), PGTK (Mining Technical College), College of Arts, a branch of the regional medical college .

    Church calendar for every day

    The church calendar is a time counting system used by the Orthodox Church to determine the sequence of church holidays and fasts in the annual cycle, as well as the corresponding services. Also the name of printed publications of various types, containing (in addition to general calendar functionality) elements of the monthly calendar and other materials of a liturgical and menological nature adapted to a specific year. The Church calendar contains two annual circles of events... Church calendar


    The 90s were a time of real lawlessness on the streets, echoes of which were felt in the early 2000s. Bandits gave miners and businessmen nightmares, killed, blew up, and constantly divided spheres of influence.

    In '98 and '99, there was a gang war going on in the city. The fighting captured both Prokopyevsk and neighboring Kiselevsk. Several crime bosses were physically eliminated (including Murza, Oleg Subbotin, etc.). Cars and apartments regularly exploded in the city, and machine gun fire was heard.

    Only in 2003 was it possible to detain the famous thief in law Gennady Makosh. He was charged with illegal possession of weapons and corruption of minors. This was probably the last “major” representative of the gangster 90s.

    Currently, it is worth talking not about the dominance of crime, but about the general unfriendly mood on the streets (especially in the evening and at night). It’s very easy to lose your phone, hat or wallet in a strange area. Sometimes there are high-profile cases, but (again) of an everyday nature. For example, in the summer of 2011, two drug addicts killed a veteran and took all his savings and awards. In general, the region is the leader in the number of crimes of this type in the federal district.

    City infrastructure

    When analyzing the infrastructure of Prokopyevsk, we must not forget that within the city there are many “private” houses, most of which are not connected to sewerage, hot water supply and heating systems. Residents of the private sector spend significantly less on housing and communal services - but this slightly alleviates the need to install “conveniences” in the yard.

    Appeals regarding problems with housing and communal services to city and regional administrations are in third place in frequency. But the situation cannot be called an exceptional situation - it corresponds to the “average temperature” in Russia: problems with water, periodic power outages - in what city does this not happen?

    Approximate tariffs:

    • heating – 614 rub/Gcal;
    • hot water – 35 rub/cub.m;
    • cold water – 17 rubles/cub.m;
    • electricity – 2 rubles/kWh;
    • natural gas – 2.3 rubles/cubic meter;
    • sewerage – 10 rubles/cub.m.

    Tariffs are constantly increasing, but here the city is no exception to the general rule. More surprising are the cases of bureaucratic lawlessness - most recently in the Zenkovsky district, several streets in the private sector were cut off from water supply due to faulty pipes. Local residents did the repairs on their own.

    There are practically no blackouts in new buildings in Tyrgan - another significant advantage of this area.

    The road surface is not in good condition everywhere - the situation is especially bad in remote areas and in villages administratively part of the city. The central streets and streets of the Rudnichny district are of acceptable quality. There are no traffic jams, which, given the small population, is not surprising.

    As mentioned above, it is almost impossible to find minibuses on the roads after nine in the evening. Trams remain on the line until late in the evening, but they do not cover the entire territory of the city (Zenkovsky district in the evening is practically cut off from the rest of the city - only taxis and personal transport). During the daytime, public transport easily copes with passenger traffic, even if the buses are crowded on some routes.

    There are enough secondary and primary schools in the city - and they can provide a level of training sufficient for admission to the best universities in Siberia - TSU, Tomsk Polytechnic and NSU. The abundance of additional education institutions makes education as versatile as possible. Higher education, if desired, can be obtained without leaving Prokopyevsk - however, local branches cannot be called prestigious.

    There is a serious shortage of kindergartens - according to some data, only half of young parents can use them. In this aspect, the city corresponds to the all-Russian trend.

    Tramway Museum

    If you want to visit a museum, then give preference to the unusual tram history museum in the city. It is small but interesting. Here you can see models of carriages from different years and talk about the management of tram lines. If you have free time, visit the museum.

    Few tourists like to wander aimlessly along the city streets, but you won’t get bored in Prokopyevsk. There are many monuments here, from traditional to modern inventions, in the form of dynamic, almost living compositions. As everywhere else, almost every monument has a place where, by touching, dreams come true. They can be identified by their polished surface. Don't miss the opportunity to make your dreams come true.

    The main monuments of the city include:

    1. Monument to a plumber. This bronze monument has been in the city since 2010. The locals gave him the name Sanych. Located in Communal Workers Alley.
    2. Monument to Adam and Eve as a symbol of fidelity and love in a couple. It appeared not so long ago, in 2011. The composition consists of a tree on which the Serpent is hiding, in the center there are two figures of a man and a woman. A large fountain located nearby harmoniously continues the romantic atmosphere. The composition is located on Gagarin Street.
    3. At 43 Stroiteley Avenue, a plumber is waiting for you to rescue a kitten from an electrical line.
    4. The great Emperor Peter I took its place opposite the city administration building. It is located at 41 Shakhterov Avenue.
    5. An interesting composition, under the parachute canopy, is a memorial site for Russian soldiers who fell in hot spots around the planet. The monument is located on the Alley of Heroes.
    6. Peace in the city is solemnly preserved by the sculpture of Jesus Christ the Savior of the World. The 10 Commandments are engraved on the pedestal underneath. The monument is located on Stroiteley Avenue.
    7. The memory of the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident was also honored with an unusual monument. Located on the Alley of Heroes.
    8. The monument to St. Peter and Fevronia protects families and cherishes love. The monument is located in the Student Park.


    In the 17th century, on the site of the present city stood the village of Monastyrskoye (1648), which after the construction of the Church of St. Procopius here became known as the village of Prokopyevsky.

    In 1914, the outstanding geologist L.I. Lutugin began exploring coal deposits in the future Kuznetsk basin. Search work near the village of Prokopyevsk was continued by L. I. Lutugin’s student, V. I. Yavorsky. Having studied the left bank of the Aba, in 1916 he compiled the first map of outcrops on the surface of coal seams. This marked the beginning of the scientific description of the Prokopyevskoe deposit. To begin mining coal, it was necessary to conduct detailed exploration of the seams discovered and mapped. The administration of Kopikuz (Kuznetsk coal mines) assigned this work to the mining engineer A.I. Kozlov.

    The exploration party consisted of former mine workers who, having learned about the victory of the February Revolution, went on strike and left the gold miners. Representatives of “Kopikuz” hired them and in May 1917 brought them from Balyksy to Kuznetsk on boats along the Tom River. On seven carts, 30 prospectors reached the village of Prokopyevskoye and began geological exploration work. Among the first explorers of Prokopyevsk coal was Georgy Stepanovich Blynsky, who discovered the “Internal” seams of the coal deposit.

    Following exploration, coal mining began. On the left bank of the Aba, near the Povarnikhinskaya Sopka, the owners of Kopikuz laid an adit and two open-pit mines. The growing team of miners became cramped in the peasant huts. Therefore, to the north-west of the village, where the buildings of the Koksovaya mine and the mechanical plant are now located, on the right bank of the Aba, the first dugouts and barracks began to appear. Near the village, the Prokopyevsky mine began its existence. In October 1917, the first pounds of coal were mined.

    In 1921, it was decided to resume the construction of the railway line connecting Prokopyevsk with Kolchugino, begun by Kopikuz. The construction of the road was the beginning of the rapid development of the mine, the beginning of its prosperity. In October, all work on the first new building in Kuzbass was completed. Prokopyevsky coal received access to the Trans-Siberian Railway to numerous consumers. At first, coal from the Moschnoye seam began to be used in the blast furnace of the Guryev Metallurgical Plant; later, blast furnace No. 1 of the Nizhne-Tagil plant was also transferred to Prokopyevsky coal. The fuel costs for smelting metal at both plants were lower than at the best steel mills in America. Many factories in the Urals began to abandon the use of expensive charcoal and switch to stone.

    After the Soviet government established a preferential tariff for the transportation of Kuznetsk coal, the Urals became a major consumer of Prokopyevsk coal. In 1925, Prokopyevsky coal was sent to more than twenty consumers, including Nizhne-Tagil, Nizhne-Saldinsky, Zlatoust, Nevyansk plants, as well as chemical plants in Kemerovo, Ivanovo-Voznesensk and other enterprises...

    Construction of the first mine in Prokopyevsk began in 1923. But it was unsuccessful. In January 1924 it was flooded with water. Then construction continued. However, it was never really possible to develop coal mining there. But shaft No. 2, laid at the same time, was successfully completed. Following this mine, mines No. 2-bis, No. 3 and No. 4 are being built. In 1926, the Central Adit mine was founded according to a project developed by the Kuzbass AIC, created by foreign workers as part of assisting in the development of industry in Kuzbass. Where the farm of the Koksovaya mine is now located, on the left bank of the Aba, near the Mars hill, a village named after it grew up, in which mainly the workers of the Golubevsky adits lived. Dugouts appeared in the Povarnikhinsky ravine and the Krutye Topki ravine, then barracks and wooden houses were built in their place.

    In October 1924, a mining apprenticeship school (Gorpromuch) No. 1 was established at the Prokopyevsky mine. The students were called jungors - young miners. Yugorovians studied and had jobs in the faces of adits, which later became part of the 3-3 bis mine management named after. Eikhe, and subsequently the Yungorom mine.

    In September 1927, the following mines operated as part of the Prokopyevsky mine: mine No. 2, Central adit, adits No. 8, 16, 17, 18, 19, adit No. 15 (Yungorovskaya adit) and Kiselevsky mine. The Kiselevsky mine was part of the so-called liquidated area and had almost no production significance for the mine. The workings of Gorpromuch (Yungors) were carried out independently, without any dependence on the mine, the relationship with which Gorpromuch was determined only by the delivery to him, under certain conditions, of the products produced by the Yungors - hard coal.

    In the “Production and Technical Report on the Kuzbassugol Trust for 1926-1927 and for 1927-1928”, with the exception of mines No. 2 and No. 2-bis, all the others: mines No. 4 and the “Central Adit”, adits No. 8, 16, 17, 18, 19 – coal seams were mined in the Povarnikha hill – the mining field of the Tsentralnaya mine. Adit No. 8 lasted the longest, which, after the collision with the “Central Adit,” served for ventilation purposes and as an emergency exit.

    In 1927, the first mine rescue team in Kuzbass appeared in Prokopyevsk, located in the area of ​​​​the current Shakhterov Avenue, opposite the building of the local history museum. The work of rescuing miners from underground captivity required efficiency, so mine rescuers were the first to move from horse-drawn carts to cars. The American Ford TT, which had good cross-country ability, allowed them to be at the scene of an accident in the shortest possible time.

    On January 29, 1928, the village of Pokopyevskoye received the status of a working village, and on May 10, 1931, Prokopyevsk was given the status of a city.

    In 1931, the “Maneikha” mine, No. 5-6, later renamed in honor of People’s Commissar K.E. Voroshilov, and “Black Mountain” came into operation. In 1932, a mining technical school began operating in Prokopyevsk, a central mine rescue network was created, and the Ziminka 1-2 mine was put into operation. In 1934, mine No. 7 (named after Kalinin) was put into operation, and in 1935, the mine named after Dzerzhinsky.

    A big event was the commissioning in December 1935 of the fully completed Koksovaya-1 mine, one of the largest mines in the world. In 1937, the Maganak mine came into operation. The Prokopyevsky mine becomes the center of development of the Kuzbass coal industry. In 1939, the Krasny Uglekop mine came into operation, and in 1940, the Yuzhnaya and Vostochnaya mines began operating.

    New mining villages grew up: Yuzhny, Ziminsky, Golubevka, Maneikha, and on the site of the Shcherbakov farm - Shcherbakovsky. The village of Tyrgan begins to be built up. On the eve of the Great Patriotic War, Prokopyevsk was a large city, in which, according to the 1939 census, there lived 107.2 thousand inhabitants.

    In 1942, women made up a third of Prokopyevsk miners in the coal industry. The first female miner: (later she became an assistant to the head of the site), the first female head of the mine: Maria Kosogorova, who headed the Ziminka mine. The staff of this mine were the first in the USSR to be awarded the title “Best Mine of the Soviet Union.”

    Between 1941 and 1945, 25 million tons of coal were produced. Residents of Prokopyevsk collected 36.5 million rubles for the country's defense fund. An astronomical amount for that time. More than 17 thousand Prokopians defended their homeland on the battlefields, more than a third of them died a heroic death. 17 Prokop residents received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, 9 became full holders of the Order of Glory. In 1948, the first Miner's Day holiday was held, the first Prokopyevsk Heroes of Socialist Labor received awards and honorary titles: Kapiton Yakovlevich Voroshilov, Pyotr Ivanovich Ninev, Vasily Nikolaevich Rozhkov, Pyotr Iosifovich Skorik.

    After the war, the following mines were put into operation: “Northern Maganak” (1947), “Zenkovskie Slopes” (1948), “Krasnogorskaya” (1949), “Ziminka 3-4” (now “Tyrganskaya”) ( 1953), “Prokopyevskaya” (1956). Advanced technologies for hydraulic and open-pit coal mining were introduced, and world records were set among tunneling and cleaning crews.

    In 1971, the Chernaya Gora mine merged with the 3-3bis mine and became known as the Central mine, and in 1974, the Dzerzhinsky mine merged with the Maneikha mine on June 26, 1981, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR for the great successes achieved The city's workers in economic and cultural construction, development of the coal industry and significant contribution to ensuring victory in the Great Patriotic War awarded the city of Prokopyevsk the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

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