Sights of the city of Obninsk: What are the guidebooks silent about?! + Photo and Video reviews

Sights of the city of Obninsk.
What are the guidebooks silent about?!. Obninsk is the very first science city of the Russian Federation, this city is located in the territorial division of the Kaluga region and today we will talk about the sights of Obninsk. We have all heard the term “science city” many times, but not everyone has the concept. So, a science city is a city with a very high scientific and technical potential. The city-forming element of these cities is some kind of scientific and technical complex.

Obninsk - reviews from those who moved

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01/15/2022 at 01:34


Good afternoon Please tell me, does anyone know information about SNT "Mayak" which is next to Obninsk, maybe someone lives nearby, what is the situation there with the earlier talk about the illegal creation of SNT near Tekhnologiya? Thank you for your reply. We want to buy a plot there for a house.

11.23.2021 at 17:47


Good afternoon everyone!! We are planning to move to the city of Obninsk, we are interested in schools. Could you suggest a good school with strong teachers?

10.28.2021 at 19:52


I am leaving a review about the Elenia Central Hungary Center. Saprykina Elena Viktorovna is an incompetent coach who hurts the souls of children. Firstly, before the main training, children are not given a qualified warm-up, so children get chronic injuries, secondly, after the main training, high-quality stretching is necessary for all muscle groups, and children only stretch their back thigh.... Absolutely do not send your children to this CHG! The psychological atmosphere is very tense, the children are constantly fighting, the coach does not delve into the relationship. You won’t get any achievements, just give away a lot of money and the child will suffer mental trauma. Take care of your children and yourself!

05.26.2021 at 12:37


The city is not for everybody. There are many emigrants from Central Asian countries. Unemployment and corruption (proven, look at the news). On the plus side - good air. Some Muscovites with money like to come; they don’t need to work here. On the plus side, there are good sports grounds and complexes, a lot of shops (but there seem to be a lot of them everywhere now). The water in the river is polluted, people are not very friendly.

01/25/2022 at 22:13


Absolutely agree! The city was wonderful until active construction of new areas began. The traffic jams in the city are terrible, and there is no talk of any clean air. Very high population density. There are queues of people and cars everywhere. Prices are at Moscow level. Salaries are much lower.

05/10/2021 at 11:46


People are surprising, like Evgeniy, who was passing through Obninsk, did not see the patrols, but concluded that one should not walk in the evenings. We have one of the few cities where it’s safe for a woman to walk in the evening, don’t compare it with Moscow. I went out there once, out of Obninsk habit, to take a walk after 9 p.m. and almost had an adventure. It’s funny about the city of sins, there are many shortcomings, but not in terms of walking

05/04/2021 at 10:12


The terrible village of Obninsk. Deep hole. With collective farm universities such as vocational schools where birders study. There is no medicine. Generally terrible.

05/07/2021 at 12:13


Hello, Sergey, where did you come to Obninsk from?

05/26/2021 at 12:23


This is true

06/30/2021 at 19:46


Nobody is inviting you to Obninsk.

05/04/2021 at 09:46


Obninsk is a provincial town with a dirty river. There is no medicine, no work. The income of citizens is mostly low. Well, what about the place where sewage is dumped into the river, and the sewage treatment plants stink, can you call it anything other than crap? Shittown.

Mish 35
08/01/2021 at 23:03


Go learn Russian...

04/14/2021 at 12:09


I’m coming to visit my son. I really don’t like the city of Obninsk. Prices in the markets are too high. There are no buses at all. Just minibuses. All drivers are Azeri. They don’t give you tickets at all. They earn their own living. Everything is sooo expensive.

05/03/2021 at 16:00


A wretched city with a bunch of unhappy people. It looks like a suburb of Moscow, but in fact it’s not. There are no jobs in the city. The officials are primitive. Lokhovsky, a dirty town with malicious businessmen (

02/08/2021 at 19:40


Medicine in the city is terrible. The attitude towards patients in hospitals and clinics is disgusting, and everyone sins, from the nurse to the doctor. Everything has been converted into money. It's a shame for the city.

02/04/2021 at 12:24 pm


The city is like many other cities. Not entirely bad in terms of landscaping. Crowds of Uzbeks. The work is most often a shift. And it doesn’t matter whether you’re a local or a visiting shift worker! And medicine is at 0 points. We encountered such horror for the first time in our entire lives. We drove halfway across the country. From the Far East to Moscow. We haven't seen anything worse. There are no qualified specialists. The attitude towards the sick, even children, is bad. Everything is paid, and not for little money. Those who praise cities, think about what is more important - improvement and beauty, or medicine, education and the level of income of citizens, but it is not high here!!!

12/06/2020 at 17:30


We are 30, we moved with our family from Moscow. We were just tired of the bustle of Moscow, I wanted peace, but to be able to get to the capital... work allows this option. All friends and relatives remained there. We chose carefully, there was money for the nearest Moscow region, but we chose Obninsk, we liked the city itself and the new areas under construction within the city. Unlike new buildings in the fields near Moscow, there is infrastructure and, in general, there are interesting and well-thought-out projects - Belarus, New City, Tsialkovsky, Ecodolye and so on, there is plenty to choose from. By the way, housing prices are not at all low, considering that this is the Kaluga region.

A year and a half has already passed, but so far everything is good. In terms of comfort, there is no difference from Moscow, there are restaurants, online stores deliver, cinemas, parks, there is more than enough of everything. Provided that you are mostly a homebody and are attached to your home, that is, you do not need new emotions and adventures every day, then of course it will be sad, just like in any other city with a population of less than a million.

We live in a new area and before our eyes expensive, shops, new houses and new people appear. The city is actively growing and continues to grow even in our turbulent times.

The people are ordinary, some are friendly, some are evil, I didn’t see any aristocrats or scientists here. There may be a slight aroma of “special” scientific status floating around the city, but it is almost elusive. As everywhere else, you can find rednecks and drunks on the street, but mostly in the old areas. In most cases, young and solvent people live in new areas. There is work in the city for those who need it. On the streets you don’t feel the heightened level of hopelessness that I often observed in other cities, even closer to Moscow. This is probably due to the age of the city, it is frankly young.

The child goes to an excellent kindergarten, much more modern and technologically advanced than in Moscow. Next year he will go to a completely new school, the construction of which was spent a huge amount of money. Everything is nearby, you don’t need to go anywhere. If you want, there are swimming pools, sports clubs and everything else in full.

Two problems are still obvious to us. The first is medicine. We usually go to private clinics, there are a lot of them here, everything is ok. But if there is a need to visit municipal clinics or hospitals, it’s just a terrible pain. Perhaps I am comparing with Moscow and in other cities as well. This must be kept in mind. The second is transport. You need either a car or a taxi. Minibuses travel randomly without a schedule. They are trying to do something about this, but so far without success. Plus, the new areas still stand apart; when all the roads are completed, things will probably get better.

Overall, we were very pleased with the decision made. We wanted a quiet place surrounded by nature, a high-quality new house (not a high-rise), all the amenities for a child and city comfort, we got it all. We’ll definitely be settling here for the next five years, and then we’ll see.

Oleg Sultangoraev
05/09/2021 at 23:19


And Aksenov’s photo is old, there is no Passage yet, but in the Domes it was open 24 hours a day and it was great.

Oleg Sultangoraev
05/09/2021 at 23:22


Now you will have the problem of how to earn a decent living. 2 hours by train to Moscow one way is not great.

06/18/2021 at 10:01


Given the nature of my work, I don’t need to travel to Moscow. Otherwise, I would not consider such an option. More than an hour before work is not an option for life.

05.26.2021 at 12:27


Do not mislead the people, there is no work in Obninsk, only if you are invited. You came from Moscow with cabbage, so that’s fine for you

06/18/2021 at 10:07


I definitely don’t have any extra cabbage) And my housing is on a mortgage) I can judge by my surroundings, everyone around me is working, I don’t know a single unemployed person. Some are on Samsung, some are self-employed, some have their own business. There are also vacancies in HH, of course there are fewer of them than in Moscow, there is nothing to talk about here, but more than in other cities with a population of 100,000, at approximately the same distance from Moscow. It will be more difficult for a narrow specialist to find a job, but to say that there is none is also incorrect.

05/28/2021 at 07:33


Sergey, tell me which street and house to look at. I would really like to move from Moscow. Thank you.

06/18/2021 at 10:13


Well, I listed interesting residential complex projects. Anyone look, this is the outskirts of the city, Zaovrazhye - Gagarin, Polenova, Borisoglebskaya, a continuation of Lenin, etc. There is also one within the old city. The main thing is not to consider PIK) The optimal choice is the New City and projects from the Belorussky Quarter. Ideally, a house in Ecodolia, if you can afford it) It has its own unique environment.

09.20.2021 at 12:57


The best option is Sunny Valley. It’s strange that it wasn’t mentioned. Beautiful local area, beautiful entrance without steps. Guests say that they have been in a good hotel, because they are accustomed to the terrible halls of Soviet and Russian entrances. Each house has playgrounds, lawns and sports grounds, in total a whole children's park for children. I’ve lived in Obninsk for 10 years and I know what I’m talking about. I was looking at the three-story building beyond the ravine, but I realized that when the school opens, it will be an ass in terms of transport, and there is emptiness around there, there is nothing, only a simpler residential complex. Zaovrazhye as a whole is not yet a very stable area, sometimes there is no electricity, sometimes the roads will be blocked. But if there is no money for solar, then the Belarusian quarter, preferably the one closer to the center, space, there is also a decent local area there.

But solar also has problems, poor sound insulation. There is no fence, but on the other hand, this is good, the closed fence and courtyards of Tsiolkovsky and Starry are empty and look gloomy, as if they were living in a prison. In Tsiolkovsky there are smaller apartments, there is little parking, the towers look straight into each other’s windows, they couldn’t have been placed at an angle or something.

10/14/2021 at 23:09


Yes, yes, Sun Valley is also an interesting area. It's too cluttered for me, but it's clear that everything was done perfectly. The developer, if I'm not mistaken, is the same as Tsialkovsky. In Obninsk you can remember a lot of good new buildings, it’s easier to list the bad ones) PIK, SUSHIKI on Borisoglebskaya, some individual new buildings in the old city, and of course there were several long-term construction projects and problematic construction projects.

10.17.2021 at 19:04


Sunny Valley is not a bad neighborhood, but its location is terrible, and the new house is generally a nightmare, I don’t recommend it. continuous construction, never ending

09.26.2021 at 10:19


Good afternoon I grew up in Obninsk and moved to Moscow 20 years ago. At the same time, she left her child with her parents - the air, the education is much better than Moscow. I know everything about the city, write in a personal message, I will help you with your choice. There is a ready-made housing option - 69 meters in the very center of the city, without finishing, 1-2 apartments, at a price of 6.2 million. 1 minute to Triumph Plaza. I’ll tell you the features of local new buildings, where there is a smell, where there is no transport, where the utilities are crazy, where the audibility is terrible, etc. There is a lot of choice in Obninsk, but you have to be careful. We live in a shopping center, next to a factory.

12/13/2021 at 20:50


Hello, I would like to move with my family (3 children) from the north, please tell me the best areas of private houses near schools and kindergartens.

02/07/2022 at 06:29


Good afternoon For those moving, please tell me where they can get a job? So as not to be cheated or deceived. A girl with a child, 30 years old.

07/30/2021 at 11:59


Thank you, very well written, we are also planning to move to Obninsk.

11/21/2020 at 01:48


Each city is unique in its own way, and each has its own zest and, of course, is different from the other. I have something to compare with, in the cities of Russia in each of which I lived. (Ekaterinburg, Kaliningrad, Yaroslavl, Sergiev Posad, Arkhangelsk, Ufa, Perm, Usinsk, Voronezh, Vologda, Chelyabinsk, Murmansk, St. Petersburg, Moscow.) I met from Obninsk in August 2022 The most wonderful impressions. There were sunny days while I lived. I moved around the city by car and on foot. Clean and wonderful city. I received so much positivity from everything I saw in the area. And the people are nice, sociable and kind. Keep it up. Well done!!!

08/12/2020 at 16:36


I recently visited Obninsk as a guest. I really liked the city—little Europe. The city is clean, I didn’t see a single piece of paper lying around, the lawns were all mowed, all green, compact, there were many places to relax at the entrances, the lawns were all in flowers, the only thing I didn’t like was a lot Asians and Caucasians, who feel like they are masters, sit near the Plaza shopping center and gnaw on sunflower seeds, and when reprimanded, they snap back. I really liked the city and want to move here..

10.15.2020 at 23:29


Where are there no Asians or Caucasians now? Go to any market and you’re welcome...

12/31/2021 at 15:26


Hello Tatyana, why are you like that? Like some kind of gopniks, you’re just Asians, you can’t imagine how offensive it is, as if we only know how to gnaw sunflower seeds and swear.

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The staff won't let you in, they're very rude. Kicked out and didn't look at my passport


But we moved to Obninsk in our youth, when I was 16 years old. For a long time they lived in rented apartments with their parents. And when my husband and I got married, we decided that we would take out a mortgage and buy an apartment in a new building. It was important for us that the apartment be renovated. We considered the options and made a choice in favor of the Belorussky Quarter residential complex. We didn’t regret anything for a second. We have high-quality renovations from the developer, a fenced, guarded area, safe playgrounds. Registration - Obninsk. But we don’t live in the bustle of the city, but like in the countryside. Near the forest, fresh air. There are grocery stores, a pharmacy and even a florist nearby.


Horrible company Klin-Service Group, I don’t recommend it to anyone, the employees are alcoholics and locks, the prices are inflated.


A city in a forest, which is very cool, forests are everywhere, everything is there. Minus a special contingent of residents, they behave like visitors to Moscow from the periphery, that is, the thicket does not represent anything, but they are building... and this is very funny. generally funny people living in the forest)))))

Alexander in

I have lived in the city for almost 50 years. When I came from a provincial, rather large, working, dusty regional center with large factories, I really liked the city. A small town in the forest. Most worked at research institutes; there was only one plant and a construction site. Everything is mainly within the framework of the Ministry of Medium Machine Building. People are mostly intelligent, as can be seen from the times of the “closed facility” and the specifics of registration. They didn't give registration to just anyone. For a small city of 60 thousand people there was a pretty good infrastructure. A branch of MEPhI, which has grown into an independent institute of IATE with good teachers (doctors of sciences and candidates engaged in real scientific research). House of Culture, cinema, sports palace, libraries, schools, kindergartens, music schools and art school. Own departmental medicine in the form of a Medical and Sanitary Unit and a medical research institute. The city grew and developed until approximately the end of Soviet power. Then funding for the research institute decreased sharply and workers began to be laid off. As a result, this part of the population in the city does not now prevail. Many left, many died. Restrictions on entry into the city have been lifted. As a result, this is an ordinary city in the Kaluga region with people mainly working in trade. With the authorities and the elite of former party nomenclatures and Komsomol workers who managed to privatize state property and rise on it. Money was invested first in trade, banks, and now in construction. Everything has been and is being cut down, just to build another “human hill”. So, I wouldn’t say anything about greenery in the sense of a city in a forest. Utility bills are high and growing, there are problems with garbage and public infrastructure (power and water may be turned off). Since the 90s, only one school has been built. Separately about the science city. Now this is a myth. The number of scientific workers in the city has decreased significantly. Research institutes stand half empty, rent out their space, sell land for development, and in general survive in every possible way. There is no construction, the plant is on its last legs. Nevertheless, the city lives, just like everyone else, with meager salaries, with poor pensioners, migrants, endless five-star pay, and traffic jams. If your conditions are even worse, there is a reason to move. If you can find an option with a well-paid job, then you can have good living conditions in any city. The elite creates these conditions for itself. There are such areas in Obninsk. This is Belkino with ponds described here (the village is now part of Obninsk) where there are now mostly cottages. You decide. Best wishes.


I read all the reviews and I want to say that they are true, except for one thing, all the people who left reviews encountered the same visiting freaks who have simply poured into the city over the past 20 years. Indigenous residents, for the most part, are forced to travel to MSC every day to work because... Muscovites have bought almost everything and keep wages at a meager level. So it’s not the city that’s bad, but it’s you who arrived who completely ruined it.


The city is very strange, as are the people, however. Everything is provincial - thinking, behavior, mentality, and the level of understanding is also sad. You can live here only if you have a stable, good income and the ability to limit yourself from communicating with the local population. The conceit is off the charts - in fact, they are narrow-minded provincials and represent nothing of themselves, just like in all provincial small towns. And despite the fact that there are many new areas, shopping centers and other things, people have remained at the same level as 20-30 years ago.


An ordinary provincial town. One shopping center around which all life flows. If you go 100 meters away from him, everything is dull. By car you can travel around the entire city in half an hour. People are like everywhere else. There are cattle and friendly people. True, there are too many strange personalities in the evenings. It is better to refrain from walking at night, since during the month I was in the city I did not see a single passing patrol. In Moscow, a dozen of them will pass in just 15 minutes. It feels like I'm in the city of sins. In general, you can live if you have a good job, but it’s better to look for a more interesting place.

Indigenous woman

The city is the most convenient for living in the Moscow region. Clean, green, well-groomed. But. You can already start shouting guard! Black sea. There will soon be more of them than us!


City transport Obninsk. Are there really no Russian drivers in the city? Or the administration forgot one very important fact of the given motto of foreign Russians... This means preparing a place for yourself in heaven next to Allah


And I like the city! I've been living there since I was 13 years old. I was in many cities and constantly compared them with Obninsk. Obninsk has always been the best. I read negative reviews, they said that the city is dirty and the local people are angry... Not true! Very well-mannered and tactful people, at least I have only met such people. And with the move to the New City, in Zaovrazhye, life became even more interesting, while there are not many people there, everyone is like family, I know almost every neighbor. We communicate and play football together in the yard. Like good old times)


I came here to study at the submariners’ center, the city is clean, cozy, a lot of greenery, the roads are washed and even repaired, but the people, the people are so-so, the girls don’t take care of themselves, most of them suffer from obesity (I don’t think they themselves suffer from it) nightlife there are no shops, a lot of Tajiks. Rudeness occurs - often. A dull, average city, with the exception of the teachers of the training center, perhaps due to the fact that they are newcomers and also quite smart and educated, naval officers are no different! And I also liked Alla Nikolaevna, a holy woman, she gave us her three rubles for Gagarin, they took care of us like family, thank you so much to her!!!! As a result, I don’t want to return to this city at all!


who doesn't like _ Go Home


Anyone who doesn’t like Obninsk, I suggest they change to the village in which I live, it’s boring, there are no doctors, pharmacies, or stores nearby, for example, I don’t need cafes, restaurants, I need doctors, pharmacies in Obninsk, this is all there, so I’ll be very glad to get out of here and as for roads and transportation, we have these problems even in Moscow


The most negative reviews...Unfriendly people...,dirty town...,killed minibuses....,rude sellers....I wouldn’t want to live there


Obninsk is a good city - young, small, etc., etc., but at the moment it can be called Goblinsk) ... and now I’ll explain why, well, there are a lot of Asians ... Among the population there are a lot of provincial and ill-mannered people - even the shops in the center of Obninsk work, I don’t understand how- inattentive sellers and greedy owners (often there are problems with returning low-quality goods - they don’t want to accept them and only after pressure from their superiors or something else they start working, and some of them didn’t even fight - they’re just stingy and greedy people from the Soviet Union) At most enterprises, salaries gray, most often they don’t announce salaries over the phone - for me this was generally something new, I haven’t encountered this in other cities. And the average salary in Obninsk is small, but the ambition is like that of the near Moscow region))). Maybe Obninsk residents are like this because of radiation?


Obninsk, like any other city, has its pros and cons. And they are different for everyone. For me personally, the pros and cons are as follows.


— proximity to Moscow (1 hour 20 minutes by express); - excellent medicine; — many cafes, restaurants, fitness centers, shops and good schools; — quite normal ecology (the nuclear power plant was closed a long time ago); — the compactness of the city and the ability to get to any point in the city in literally 7 minutes (minibuses run every minute); - mostly cultured people; - a lot of work, both for office plankton and for hard workers (both in Obninsk itself and within a radius of 20 km from it, for example, in the companies Samsung, Nestle, Avon, L'Oreal, Morton, Rexam, Ruukki, Vental, Lotte etc., the list is long);


— not enough kindergartens; — in the city center there are expensive new buildings (although there are also good new buildings with reasonable prices in the Zaovrazhye area



and so on.). — almost no significant historical attractions; — All sorts of evil spirits are hanging around the station area.

Sergey Klimtsov

All my friends, and I have a lot of them, from other cities of Russia, who have ever been to Obninsk, have always remained in a very good mood and have a positive opinion about the city. It’s strange to observe citizens here who have negative impressions of Obninsk.


I lived in Obninsk for several years, in 97 I came for work and left as a transfer also for work in 2006 to another city. At first, I even liked something about this town, but then after living and smelling all its charms, I realized that the city is not for me, the people are, to put it mildly, disgusting, the rabble from all over the former USSR are through the roof, a la intellectuals are mostly drunk, the Armenian diaspora, thanks to their loyalty to the authorities, feels very confident, and prices for food and housing are not comparable with their income level population. The city is quite criminal and entangled in the corruption schemes of several people whom everyone knows, but for some reason they are not in prison yet, as they are very respected philanthropists. From the outside it’s funny to look at now and I feel sorry for the people. But these Obninsk residents are proud of their science city, but in reality everything is bad,


Obninsk is a wonderful city in all respects. And if you were offered good salary conditions, then there’s nothing to think about. There is no transport collapse; it is easy to get to any necessary place within 15 minutes. High quality healthcare, a lot of qualified doctors. Good kindergartens and schools. For entertainment: good nightclubs (opened recently), bowling alley. For sports, there is a large fitness center and many gyms. Prices are more than affordable. On Fridays and Saturdays, pop and theater stars constantly tour. As for nuclear power plants, there are currently no operating reactors and the background will not be different from any other city in Russia. And if you take a dosimeter, then the radiation level will be lower than, say, in Moscow, where, for example, there are several operating reactors.


Obninsk is a small city, very small - 4 minibuses and 5 buses travel in circles, figuratively speaking... There is nothing special to do there, the clubs are provincial. It’s cheaper and better to buy things in Moscow, and there’s no choice. The salary is clearly not Moscow, but the prices are very good. I go there all the time. As for the science city - well, excuse me, I constantly argue about this, but do professors clean the toilets there too? No! An ordinary city, there is no particularly high culture there. People, like everywhere else, have plenty of rednecks and normal ones.

Yana Zinchenko

I read the comments, everything is correct - both bad reviews and good ones. It’s a fact that the roads are bad, there are endless repairs and potholes every year. Who will say that if you drive around the city in the large circle of Kurchatov-Marx-Lenin-Old Town (I’m not talking about the courtyards), you won’t come across a single hole? That housing prices are sky-high, especially against the backdrop of not the highest salaries, is also a fact. Lately they have been saying - I don’t know - there are problems with the pediatric department (shortage of doctors, widespread migration to Moscow to work). The passport office has always worked terribly, this is of course a shameful stain on the reputation of the city - but now with electronic queues things seem to be going smoothly.

However, I did not notice any more disasters. There are tons of jobs, get as many jobs as you want, and why are you stuck with this Samsung, when even without it the city and its environs are full of other factories/ships, and in the city itself there are plenty of jobs, no one has complained about the lack of work in my memory. Small salary? Find a part-time job. In the 90s, people worked three jobs - and then there were enough jobs for everyone. The schools are wonderful, many graduates enter prestigious Moscow universities with free places. If you don’t want to go to Moscow, Obninsk has a good higher education, study at a prestigious university without leaving the city! And besides, there are music, art, and sports schools - there are places to place children, if there is a desire.

I will say the following about the “arrogance” of the residents. This is true. But not because the “cream of society” and the “brains of All Russia” live in Obninsk - this is certainly not the case, well, maybe 5,000, maximum 10,000 people are “brains”, the rest are like in any other city. It’s just that Obninsk has ALWAYS been distinguished by the high local patriotism of its residents. Because the city has ALWAYS had something to be proud of. I won’t dwell on this point; when you arrive, they will immediately enlighten you on what exactly you should be proud of and in what year to celebrate. Moreover, a simple preschooler who is 100% proud to live here can give you a tour of the history of the city and significant dates/personalities/companies/scientific achievements. And in this sense, “indigenous” / “permanent” residents are very noticeably different from many visitors, to whom a sense of pride in their hometown is alien (unfortunately). Well, many small towns in Russia do not give their residents a good reason to be proud, which is why they are not accustomed to “patriotizing” as earnestly as Obninsk residents, even if in a “shtetl” way. Therefore, when visitors get to Obninsk and come across “Our city is the first Science City”, “We have the best schools”, “We have the best institutes”, “We have the best specialists” - they get irritated and misunderstanding arises. It is difficult for many to understand why the residents of Obninsk, instead of scolding everyone and everything (as has recently been customary in the vast expanses of our Motherland), defend their city to the last patron... There are a lot of public activists in the city who organize actions, movements, cleanup days , rallies, pickets - if something in the structure of the city goes wrong. But all those who come to Obninsk with the mood to “accept and increase” find themselves in the city, and they find them very well. IMHO.


And we finally moved to Obninsk. The city is beautiful and clean. Like. Yes, small, but quiet after the metropolis. But, in principle, I am satisfied. If you want some noise, Moscow is not far, you can go make some noise and come back.

About people. I didn't notice any arrogance. On the contrary, they are very pleasant and sincere. We were in Kuban - the people there are not like that.

And I support Kaluga - the city is unattractive, dirty, gloomy.


I didn’t live in this city for long and that was enough... for the rest of my life! It is impossible to find a job based on knowledge. It’s easier to travel to Moscow, as most people do, but at the same time you get terribly tired in transport.

There are no roads in the city - these are not roads, but potholes!

The police are not working! One friend couldn’t achieve anything, so they brushed it off. I encountered the same thing with them myself. They work for the hell of it.

The courts also do not strictly observe the law and rely on their personal opinion.

Residents... I have never seen such arrogance even in MSC. And why?..

There is somewhere to go out to relax - you can’t help it here.

I can note that the city is just as dirty, but this is due to the climate, in Kaluga and MSK it is also dirty...

But in general the city leaves a nasty impression.


It’s better not to consider Obninsk at all. disgusting little town... No work, no roads. The only benefit is a convenient geographical location on the road to Kyiv...


life is exactly the same as in other cities of Mother Russia. the same no doctors and teachers. the same embittered and hungry poor people and the same arrogant and indifferent to strangers wealthy hangers-on of life. no difference from any other settlement.



  • modern
  • small
  • advanced
  • "green"


  • No

I’ve lived in Obninsk since childhood, so I can’t help but love this city, but at the same time, having visited many cities in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Poland, I can write an objective review.

The city of Obninsk is small, has a population of approximately 150 thousand people. The city is very “green”, beautiful and modern, there is a large shopping and entertainment center called Triumph Plaza which has everything you need.

The city also has its own birthday, which is celebrated on the last Sunday of July, on this day the atmosphere is simply unforgettable, on the square (near Triouf Plaza there is a large square) they set up a stage where famous singers are invited, there are a lot of people on the streets, there is a lot of entertainment on the square, competitions, etc., everything around is seething, noisy and happy.

There are two beautiful parks in the city, these are “Belkinsky Ponds” - the park is very quiet, calm, beautiful, you can enjoy the singing of birds, the music of nature, and also the “City Park of Culture” - a park where you can have a great walk, it has attractions, a path obstacles and various other entertainments.

Not so long ago in Obninsk they made a “dancing fountain” (various melodies sound and streams of water dance and shimmer with colors to them.) which you can see in the evening on summer weekends, the spectacle is very beautiful and spectacular. This fountain is located on Victory Square, near the eternal flame where the parade takes place on Victory Day.

Obninsk is also a very sports city, it has its own roller-skiing track, it is located in the forest and is illuminated every day until 22:00. There is also a ski slope with an automatic lift; if you climb to the very top, a very beautiful view opens up. Also in Obninsk there are two artificial football fields, sports complexes with swimming pools and a skating rink.

I would also like to note the transport in the city, these are modern minibuses that arrive every 30 seconds, on which you can get to any place in the city in 5-10 minutes.

The city itself is very “green”, quiet, calm and beautiful. It has everything a common person needs.


The main disadvantage is boredom, a remote province, despite the fact that it is located next to Moscow. A lot of people leave, but mostly Tajiks and Uzbeks come



  • Purity
  • infrastructure


  • Minor

Obninsk is the main science city of Russia. It is not visited by tourists, it lives on its own. But this is where the most famous schools in Russia are. The environment is not bad, there are few cars, little dust, the city is very cozy. There are old and new areas. Transport in Obninsk is very convenient. Minibuses run every 5 minutes, buses every 15 according to schedule. The station is excellent. Clean, well maintained. There are 2 markets in the city. One at the station, the other in the city center. There are few restaurants in the city.

Thanks to the mayor. Obninsk is the second most populous city in the Kaluga region. But the infrastructure here is like in a big city. The climate is moderate continental. So come here!


Obninsk is a small, undeveloped town. You don’t have to choose with work either, Samsung is 20 km away from the city, not everyone will travel that far for 25-30 thousand, these are working salaries. All the money goes to Moscow, medicine is also bad, well, this is probably the case throughout Russia. But it’s not clear why housing prices are so huge 1 km. apartment is 3 million, and besides shopping complexes in the city there is nowhere to go for a walk. Not a cozy, not well-kept park, not a circus, not a zoo, even with playgrounds in the courtyards of the city, things are bad. Apparently the prices are so high again because Moscow is 2 hours away, but this does not affect the residents of Obninsk in any way, if only for the worse.


In general, the city is cozy, similar to a Moscow microdistrict (in miniature), there are many entertainment venues (for all tastes and budgets), work can be found (those who look for will always find), and even normally paid for these places (from about 20 - 25 t .r. for the male population)

Those who want to move here, prepare money to buy housing in the region of 76-78t. r per meter - secondary (yes, yes, it's true), an apartment in a DGT (hotel-type building) costs approximately 3,000,000 rubles. , total area approx. 38 sq. m, well, 1 room. apartments cost from 3200 million rubles.

New buildings: from 46,000-65,000 rubles/meter (without finishing)

Renting a house also costs quite a bit (on average, a 1-room apartment starts from 14,000 rubles/month)

And probably every 6th person is of Asian-Caucasian appearance.

Elena Pravdina


  • Convenient street location.
  • Everything is relatively close.
  • High quality of life.
  • Opportunity to find a good, well-paid job.


  • Sometimes there are traffic jams, as many people are passing through.
  • I wish there were more cultural places, such as theatre, opera, etc.

The city of Obninsk is glorified as the first science city in Russia. Many scientists and professors live here, who at one time made a great contribution to the history of science in Russia. At the same time, the city is also saturated with youth life. In Obninsk there are many establishments where you can spend time with pleasure. These are restaurants, cafes, bars, nightclubs, karaoke bars and much more. Despite the fact that the city is small, it continues to live a vibrant life and delight its residents with new discoveries.


Zero just zeros





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