Mozhaisk: attractions, what to see in one day

Mentions of the city of Mozhaisk appear in chronicles for the first time in 1231, but it began its existence much earlier. Mozhaisk was a fortress of the Moscow principality on its western borders.

At one time, Mozhaisk was the largest religious center of Muscovy and consisted of 40 streets, 15 settlements, 16 monasteries, 75 churches and 400 shops. The city was the residence of the great princes - Vasily III, Ivan the Terrible, Boris Godunov. Little has remained of its former splendor, but the city still has interesting places worth visiting.

On the way to Mozhaisk you can stop by several interesting places - Vereya, the Pushkin Museum-Reserve and others - all of them are marked on the map in the article about the sights of the Moscow region.

At the same time, Mozhaisk is located practically on the border of the Smolensk region - there are even more interesting places and cities there.

Streets of Mozhaisk

The streets of Mozhaisk today look the same as they did a century ago. The central street of Mozhaisk is Moskovskaya , into which the Minskoye Highway goes. All the main city administrative buildings are located on it, as well as beautiful recreational areas - Leninsky and Bagrationovsky squares .

Borodinskaya Street is interesting for its architectural buildings of past centuries.

A walk along Sergei Gerasimov will take you to the Luzhetsky Monastery, past the house of the famous artist, after whom it is named.

Luzhetsky Monastery

Address: st. Gerasimova, 1 Phone: Website: Opening hours: daily from 9:00 to 17:00 Cost: it is customary to leave donations at the entrance

This is the attraction that you first pay attention to when entering Mozhaisk. It was founded by Saint Ferapont Belozersky in 1408. Located on a high hill on the outskirts of the city, the Luzhetsky Monastery is the only one of the 18 monasteries that existed throughout the history of the city that has survived to the present day. Saint Ferapon lived in the monastery all his life and was buried near its walls. It is the relics of the saint that attract a large number of pilgrims to the walls of the monastery.

During the War of 1812, the monastery burned down several times. Many buildings were burned and looted, but later the Luzhetsky Monastery was restored. Now the monastery is a source of spiritual life and a place that has preserved the history of centuries.

On one side of the monastery there is a birch alley and a pond, on the other - the holy spring of Ferapont, a font and a chapel.

Luzhetsky Monastery in Mozhaisk

This monastery is often called the royal monastery, since royal persons took part in its construction. Ivan the Terrible donated money for the Vvedensky Church, and Boris Godunov was present at the consecration ceremony of the Transfiguration Church.

The monastery, founded in 1408 by Ferapont Belozersky, is located on the banks of the Moscow River, the source of which begins in this place. From the monastery you can see beautiful landscapes of a shallow river with small islands.

Luzhetsky Monastery in Mozhaisk

It turned out to be the only one of 18 monasteries that has survived to this day. Restoration work has been carried out on it several times.

Its main shrine is the discovered relics of the Venerable Ferapont, which attracts pilgrims to it.

Near the monastery there is the source of St. Ferapont

It is as old as the monastery. It was dug by Saint Ferapont, to whom people came from all over Rus' for healing. Its source was also considered healing. Many lay people sought to drink the healing water. Merchant Ivan Rybnikov managed to cure his illness with water from a holy spring. After this, he decided to build a chapel there and equip a well.

For a long time the source was abandoned. Now this area is landscaped:

  • the source has been cleared;
  • a wooden chapel and belfry were erected;
  • a bathhouse was built;
  • there is a church shop;
  • A monument to Saint Ferapont was erected.

The area is clean, there are many flower beds. The paths are tiled. Not only everyone who wants to be cured and believers in the power of holy water comes to the source, but also local residents.

Every year on May 27 you can see a religious procession around the holy spring. This is how believers pay tribute to the memory of Saint Ferapont.

House-museum of the artist S.V. Gerasimov

Address: st. Gerasimova, 2 Telephone: Opening hours: daily from 9:00 to 17:00, except Monday and the last Friday of the month Cost: 200 rubles

In a small park next to the Luzhetsky Monastery there is a two-story house in which the famous artist S.V. Gerasimov created his works. With the rank of academician, he headed the Union of Artists of the USSR for a long time.

Now the house serves as a museum, where the works of the outstanding master, as well as his personal belongings, are collected. Here you can see the artist’s paintings, glorifying the beauty of his native Mozhaisk region and graphic works, of which the museum houses more than 450.

Mozhaisk Sea

Address: village of Marfin Brod (8 km northwest of Mozhaisk) Getting there: by car (21 minutes travel)

The largest reservoir in the Moscow region, called the Mozhaisk Sea because of its size, was built in 1960 near the source of the Moscow River. Through this reservoir, the river flow is regulated and the possibility of floods in the capital is eliminated.

For fishermen, the reservoir has become a real paradise. Even a novice fisherman can catch bream, carp, pike perch and eel here.

Novo-Nikolsky Cathedral

Address: st. Borodinskaya, 8 Opening hours: from 9:00 to 17:00 daily Cost: donations in the amount of 100 rubles

The most unusual attraction of Mozhaisk is the Novo-Nikolsky Cathedral, located on a hill. Its construction began on the site of the stone Mozhaisk Kremlin in 1779 and lasted until 1812. The facade of the building contains elements and signs of pseudo-Gothic style, unusual for the Moscow region. Next to Novo-Nikolsky is the Old Nikolsky Cathedral, founded in the 14th-15th centuries.

The decoration and shape of the buildings indicate that the appearance of the cathedral is associated with the Masonic order.

Sights of Mozhaisk and its surroundings

Religious buildings in Mozhaisk

  • One of the most beautiful and impressive, if we talk about architecture, is the Mozhaisk Luzhetsky Ferapontov Bogoroditsky Monastery , dating back to 1408 . It is the only monastery that has survived to this day. (By the way, initially there were as many as 18 such monasteries in Mozhaisk).
  • On the territory of the monastery you can see several architectural monuments, the most ancient of which are the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the bell tower with the tomb of the Savelov family . The Novo-Nikolsky Cathedral is located on the territory of the Mozhaisk Kremlin and is visible to the naked eye from almost anywhere in the city. The cathedral is originally Orthodox, although it looks like a Gothic castle from the early 15th century.

Construction took place in very difficult times for Russia: from 1802 to 1814.
However, construction was completed and the cathedral operated for many years. By the way, it was here that until 1919 the relics of St. Sergius of Radonezh, the blessed Prince Vladimir and other holy martyrs were kept. Over time, the relics, like many other artifacts, disappeared without a trace. Today the cathedral is open and functioning. No less famous:

  • Spaso-Borodinsky Convent;
  • Kolotsky Monastery;
  • Church of Demetrius of Thessalonica;
  • Church of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God;
  • The Cathedral of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God is not in Mozhaisk itself, but in its environs.

Historical heritage and city monuments in the city of Mozhaisk

  • Porechye estate (or former estate of the Uvarovs). The main house, which looks like a palace, was built in 1830 . The estate, by then and by today’s standards, was rich and luxurious. The estate was famous for its rich collections of paintings, literature and art. Unfortunately, much has not survived to this day. Some were looted, some were destroyed. What was saved was given to historical museums in Moscow. The estate itself has been restored many times. Today there is a private sanatorium here, and the estate is closed to idle tourists.
  • The Varzhenevsky estate is located 7 km from Mozhaisk. Unfortunately, the estate itself (founded in 1674) and the wooden church have not survived. But in excellent condition there is a picturesque linden park with small islands and a pond. Suitable for a quiet family vacation or for themed photo shoots, which are especially popular now. Don't forget to bring something to snack with!
  • Built at the beginning of the 20th century, the Khlebnikov-Rolle City Estate . The estate is located in one of the central city blocks, it will not be difficult to find it. The main house with a terrace and staircase and a small garden with a metal fence have been preserved here. However, due to lack of funding, the mansion is now going through hard times. Therefore, have time to capture a piece of our history before it is completely undermined by time and financial issues.

City estate of Khlebnikov-Rolle

Just like temples, many estates are scattered throughout the Mozhaisk district, and you will have to get to them. (Usually this is no more than 10-20 km). But it is worth taking into account that many of them have not survived, and in their place you will find only picturesque parks and a small reminder of the past in the form of the remains of fences or dilapidated gates.

  • And by the way, if you decide to go to Mozhaisk in the spring, then on the eve of the most patriotic holiday be sure to visit the military monuments: the “City of Military Glory” stele (near DS Bagration), the “Eternal Flame” stele and the monument to the soldier-liberator on Komsomolskaya Square.
  • There are also several local history and local history museums in Mozhaisk: the House-Museum of the artist S.V. Gerasimov and the Mozhaisk Museum of History and Local Lore . (Be sure to check the opening hours of museums in advance; they may be under reconstruction).

Natural attractions and recreational areas

Mozhaisk can be an excellent summer holiday destination for the whole family. One of the most picturesque places is the shore of the Mozhaisk reservoir .

And don’t let the “technical” name of the reservoir scare you, you can swim here no worse than in the sea.
It's just a lot less work to get there. a yacht club on the territory .
If you are not a member of the club and you don’t have a yacht either, it doesn’t matter. Regular excursions on a yacht around the reservoir are organized here especially for tourists. You can swim privately, or you can organize a whole group. Good news for avid fishermen - carp, bream, pike perch and eel are splashing in the pond. Fishing will be great! If you decide to come here not only for the weekend, but to stay in Mozhaisk for a week or two, you can book a room in a boarding house or sanatorium. There are also recreation centers here. During their existence, they have all proven themselves well and managed to gain fans in the form of regular customers. (Please check availability and cost in advance!)

In addition to water treatments, horseback riding organized by the Outpost equestrian tourist base . The routes, depending on the wishes of vacationers and the physical capabilities of the animals, can be adjusted in duration. There are also thematic programs here. And don't forget about walking! Clean air and truly beautiful landscapes will make any vacation unforgettable!

Museum-reserve "Borodino Field"

Almost in the first days of September, Mozhaisk experiences the largest influx of tourists and vacationers. Everyone, as in the memorable 1812, strives to get to the Borodino field , where a real battle is being played out with a reconstruction of the main military episodes of the battle.

This is not just a crowd of people, but a well-organized event, for which they prepare in advance: they sew suits, learn military regulations, formation rules and methods of combat of that time. If you are not a member of the military history club, then you can just be a spectator. The impressions will be no less strong than those of the direct participants, rest assured! By the way, don’t be surprised if you hear foreign speech next to you. “Borodin Day” is a fairly well-known event, and military personnel from near and far abroad come to participate in it.

The only thing is, perhaps, it is better not to go here with very young children - such a crowd and colossal noise can frighten the kids.

If you didn’t manage to get to the holiday directly, don’t be upset. You can visit all the most iconic places on your own. Be sure to go up to the Raevsky battery , where the main monument to the heroes of the Battle of Borodino , and also do not forget to appreciate the majesty of the monument at the command post of M. I. Kutuzov and the monument at the command post of Napoleon .

By the way, here on the territory of the former battle there is
the State Borodino Military Historical Museum-Reserve . Several types of excursions can be arranged for you (your choice). You can choose a bus tour, during which you will go to explore the field (where historical elements of the battles are partially preserved) and several exhibitions.

For children, the excursion is carried out with elements of a game and a kind of quest: the children are invited to try on a uniform or other equipment, and remember the famous work of M. Yu. Lermontov. There is also a pedestrian version (it is somewhat shorter, but no less interesting), designed to visit one exhibition and explore the field from the Raevsky battery, which offers an excellent view.

What to see in Mozhaisk in 1 day of stay for a tourist

Of course, one day will clearly not be enough to see all the sights of the city of military glory. And yet, if you only have this one day, be sure to visit:

  • Mozhaisky Luzhetsky Ferapontov Bogoroditsky Monastery;
  • Monument to the soldier-liberator on Komsomolskaya Square.
  • House-Museum of the artist S. V. Gerasimov;
  • Novo-Nikolsky Cathedral;
  • Stele “City of Military Glory” (opened in 2015);

You simply don’t have enough time for other attractions. If you do not have your own car, during your trip, use the services of local carriers (buses or taxis). You will have to walk a lot, and you will most likely get tired. If you get hungry, the city has many cafes and restaurants serving a variety of European, Oriental and Caucasian cuisine. In general, for every taste, as they say.

Khlebnikov-Rolle Estate

Address: st. Red Partisans, 15-17

The Khlebnikov-Rolle estate, built in the Art Nouveau style in the first half of the 20th century, is located in the center of Mozhaisk. It is a house with eclectic and modern elements behind a metal fence with a small garden. All facades of the building are individual, which gives special solidity to the building as a whole. However, the building looks abandoned.

Currently there are no excursions to the estate.

Estates of famous Russian families

In Mozhaisk and its environs, many estates of historical value have been preserved.

Along Red Partisan Street, 15/17 you can see the Khlebnikov-Rolle estate

The main house of the estate is a one-story brick building with decorations on the facades of projections and projections. This site was owned by the French merchant Rolle. He ordered to add a terrace with a staircase around the house (now it is almost destroyed), and to enclose the area with a carved metal fence. There is an orchard near the terrace.

Rolle had 10 children. Each child was given a separate flowerbed. The children enjoyed looking after plants and breeding new species. Exotic plants are still found in the garden.

Interesting fact. It was assumed that Emperor Nicholas II would stop at this estate on his way to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino. But the emperor’s plans changed; he used a specially built railway line.

The estate was sold to the merchant Disan Khlebnikov. He didn't live there long. After the revolution, he left the country. Visited the building:

  • military registration and enlistment office;
  • Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (b);
  • during the war, partisan detachments were created in it;
  • Komsomol district committee;
  • then the Department of Agriculture.

The ownership of the mansion is controversial. There are historians who believe that this house was built by Khlebnikov for the arrival of the emperor. The Rolle estate was located opposite and has not survived. And the confusion occurs because of the same address - at the intersection of Bolshoy Afanasyevsky and Sretenskaya streets.

After the agricultural department moved to another building, the estate was empty and survived two fires. The garden no longer contains the large exotic trees brought by Rolle from other countries.

20 km from Mozhaisk in the village of Goretovo there is an estate of the 18th century, which at different periods was visited by:

  • Musin-Pushkin (founder of the estate);
  • Bestuzhev-Ryumin (was in exile);
  • Volkonsky.

The estate reached its greatest prosperity under the Volkonskys. In addition to the two-story house, the estate had: a church, a greenhouse with greenhouses, orchards and even factories - a brick factory, a tannery and a distillery.

Estate in the village of Goretovo

On the territory there are preserved: a two-story outbuilding, a park and a pond, and an active Trinity Church.

The estate-dacha of the manufacturer Gudkov was built at the end of the 19th century and transferred to the Borodino Museum

Gudkov is remembered for his charitable activities:

  • founded the wooden church of St. Alexander Nevsky;
  • organized a rural school.

The first impression of the house is its similarity to an ordinary peasant building. But a closer inspection reveals that expensive materials were used for its construction. Near the church there is an abandoned cemetery with the surviving graves of Gudkov’s mother and son. He himself died in captivity after being arrested by the NKVD.

The location of the estate is near Mozhaisk near Borodino Field. It is undergoing reconstruction, after which it will be opened to visitors.

Temple of Joachim and Anna

Address: st. Krupskoy, 6 Phone:

The white stone temple of Joachim and Anna was built in the 1390s. The structure was almost completely dismantled in 1867. It is impossible to determine the style of the temple at first glance - the baroque, classicism and pseudo-gothic styles are intricately mixed here. K.V. Grinevsky began construction of a new church of Joachim and Anna in 1867, and in 1871 the construction was completed. For the construction of the church, a three-tiered iconostasis with gilded carvings was made.

Previously, the church housed an archive, and now houses a parish school. Throughout the entire time, the interior decoration of the temple was preserved.


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