What to see in the Grodno region besides churches and castles

Only the lazy have not written about castles and palace ensembles, churches, park complexes and natural attractions of the Grodno region. Of course, the “right” tourist will begin his acquaintance with the region by visiting these national treasures.

But if you are tired of serious art, ancient architecture and abstruse explanations of the guide, the Grodno region has something to surprise you. We bring to your attention places where you not only see the sights or visit museums, but also relax!

Museum of Prison Life

The most controversial, frightening and inaccessible museum in Grodno can safely be called the Museum of Prison Life, which is departmental and opened by “Prison No. 1” only two years ago.

If you manage to get on the excursion, be prepared to see a real checkered sky, instruments of torture, a model of the Grodno prison, a mannequin in a prison uniform, copies of prison cells from different eras, crafts made by prisoners, documents and a multimedia screen dedicated to the history of the prison, and much more. . Usually the excursion lasts about an hour, but you may not be able to see everything in one go.

The museum is located on Kirova Street, 6. You cannot get here “from the street”; you must sign up in advance, and excursions are only available for groups.

The town of Odelsk: the birthplace of that same priest Kondrusiewicz

– This is a small settlement in which there is a wooden church from the 18th century (and there are not so many of them on the territory of Belarus). Odelsk is also the birthplace of Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz , a Catholic archbishop.

In this place you should definitely visit the master Maryan Skramblevich - the instruments that he makes with his own hands are included in the list of intangible heritage of Belarus. You can come to him and enjoy the music, besides, he is a very interesting person - you can talk about a lot with him.

Odelsk is also famous for its cuisine – Lithuanian-Belarusian-Polish. There is a tasting of dishes, but in order to participate, you need to agree in advance with the local cultural center.

Where is it located: the agricultural town of Odelsk, Grodno district.

Fire Service History Museum

The Grodno fire tower attracts the eye, if only because it towers solidly above the surrounding houses. Don’t be lazy and come closer - the facade will surprise you and will not leave you indifferent. At first glance, the fresco painted on the tower is dedicated to the history of the fire service, but take a closer look at the faces of the characters and you will see the real Mona Lisa, or rather her face.

The building itself houses a fire service history museum with four exhibition halls. The exhibitions tell about the history of the development of this service, and about major fires, and about the training of specialists in the city, about equipment and much more. Every day at noon the sounds of music are heard from the tower - a trumpeter in a historical uniform plays one of the works of Belarusian authors.

The museum is open from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 17:00, admission is free. It is better to clarify the time and possibility of a visit in advance by calling +375.


Yes, yes, this is not a mistake or a joke - in Grodno since 1958 there has been a real cabinet of curiosities, which belongs to the Department of Normal Anatomy of the Grodno State Medical University. It appeared along with the department, but at first it was available only to students. By the way, the exhibition is located where, according to legend, the body of Stefan Batory was opened for the first time in Europe.

The university’s collection was constantly replenished and in 1990, the Museum of Anomalies, Deformities and Mutations, where there were about 70 exhibits, was separated from the anatomical exhibition. Since 1994, lectures have been given at the museum, and in 2013 the exhibition was updated.

Now you can visit the museum both individually and in groups of up to 10 people. All proceeds from tickets and lectures go to the educational institution's foundation. The exhibition is open at st. K. Marx, 1 from noon to 18:00 except Monday and Tuesday. You can sign up for a tour by calling +375.


Lev Bakst

Lev Bakst was born in Grodno, who became famous as a master of easel painting and creator of theatrical scenery. In addition, Lev Bakst was a set designer. He painted portraits of many famous people of his time, but gained worldwide fame as the designer of scenery for performances of Diaghilev's Russian Ballet. It was in this area that he made a real revolution. In 1914, Lev Bakst was elected to the Academy of Arts.

Alexander Makovelsky

Alexander Makovelsky is also from Grodno. He graduated from the Faculty of History and Philosophy of Kazan University. For many years, Alexander Makovelsky taught at Baku University. The center of his scientific interests was pre-Socratic philosophy. For his achievements, Alexander Makovelsky was awarded the title of corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Pharmacy Museum

Not every pharmacy can boast of a centuries-old history, but the pharmacy-museum located on the central square of Grodno not only treats, but also educates. The pharmacy building is part of the Grodno Jesuit monastery complex and was built in 1709. What’s unique is that the pharmacy was located there almost all the past years, only for a while in the 50s of the 20th century, giving way to the Furniture Salon and the Teacher’s House. Fortunately, the unique historical building was not left without defenders and in 1996, restoration of the pharmacy began, and then a museum appeared in it.

It is now divided into three parts and offers three exhibitions. Here you can see an “alchemist’s corner” with herbs and cauldrons, medical and laboratory instruments, small pharmaceutical equipment, pharmaceutical advertising and newspapers from the early 20th century.

The pharmacy is located at Sovetskaya Square, 4, open seven days a week from 9:00 to 19:00. You can order an excursion or check the opening hours by calling +375

Lunno: traditional layout and houses of Jewish craftsmen

— This location is similar to Indura, but the places here are more picturesque. The traditional layout of the town has been preserved in the settlement: a large market square on which religious buildings are located, and streets extending from it like rays - such a radial layout.

The Church of St. Anne has been preserved in Lunno; it recently turned 300 years old. Very close by is a 19th century church. Interestingly, the houses where Jewish artisans lived have been preserved, and on many houses there are six-pointed stars left right on the facades.

The advantage of this location is that the place is located upstream of the Neman River, so you can combine sightseeing and relaxation on the so-called Grodno Sea. There are seagulls, yachts, catamarans - very beautiful.

Where is it located : the agricultural town of Lunno, Mostovsky district, Grodno region.

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Glass Museum

One of the most visited objects by foreigners in the visa-free zone is glass and its museum. People come here both for real works of art made of glass and crystal, and for unforgettable impressions. Of course, it is not close to Grodno - about two hours by car, but the trip is worth it.

The museum tour includes a visit to the plant and an introduction to the entire production cycle. Guests of the enterprise can see how masterpieces are born in a flame, learn the secrets of making the famous Grodno smoky glass, and see how the transparent material is painted in all the colors of the rainbow. In addition, the museum displays exhibits that are more than a hundred years old, exclusive works by contemporary masters, and collections that have won at international exhibitions. Well, for those who want to bring a unique gift to their loved ones, there is a company store here.

The production and museum are located in the village of Berezovka (Lida district), Korzyuka Street, 8. You can arrange an excursion by calling +375, and the ticket price is 2.5 rubles for residents of Belarus and 4.5 for guests from the CIS and neighboring countries.

Iron Museum

The tiny but incredibly interesting Iron Museum is also popular among Belarusian and foreign tourists - the only one in the country. Perhaps this is a wonderful example of how an attraction is made from nothing. The collection of the museum, which opened a little over a year ago, contains more than 300 specimens and all of them can be touched, and some can be tried in action.

Coal and gas, cast iron and decorative, the size of a matchbox and huge multi-kilogram ones - all these are irons collected by enthusiasts in Belarus and abroad. By the way, in addition to a fun excursion, tourists will also find a kind of quest here - the opportunity to iron a linen tablecloth using a rolling pin and a ribbed board, following the example of our ancestors. The museum also has other kitchen utensils and a souvenir shop where you can buy something unusual as a gift to your friends.

The museum is located in Grodno on Sovetskaya Street, 7-23 (on the second floor, entrance from the courtyard), open from 10:00 to 18:00 on weekdays (except Mondays) and from 10:00 to 16:00 on weekends. Tickets for adults cost 4 rubles, for students - 3.5 rubles, for schoolchildren - 2.5 rubles, admission for preschoolers is free. You can sign up for a tour and get all additional information by calling 8 (029) 780-13-18.

What to see first in Grodno?

If you want your trip to be not only exciting, but also educational, be sure to include the following excursions in Grodno in your itinerary:

old lock

The palace and bridge are part of the Old Castle complex in Grodno.
The majestic building is surrounded by ramparts, and today houses truly valuable museum exhibits within its walls. In former times, the fortress was used as a residence for Stefan Batory. The Polish king turned it into a luxurious palace. The ancient walls have a rich history, although they are in a dilapidated state. There is a beautiful arched bridge between the castle and the city. Your trip to Grodno will be incomplete if you do not visit such important sights of Belarus.

Official website: https://history.grodno

New castle

Territory of the New Royal Palace in Grodno
The building was also erected as a residence for members of the royal family. Together with the Old Castle, the new palace was a single and excellent architectural complex. Nowadays there is a museum of the history of Grodno inside. For your information, during the Second World War the palace was almost completely destroyed; later the regional party committee was located in it (there is still a star on the spire of the castle).

Official website: https://museum

Soviet street

Central street in the historical center of Grodno
Guides in Grodno recommend walking along this street to those who want to be transported to the provincial towns of Poland or, for example, Hungary. There are not only restaurants and souvenir shops everywhere, but also the best hotels in Grodno. But there are also ancient two-story cottages with flowers on the windows, and each house has its own history. We recommend that you take a night or evening promenade: the entire Sovetskaya Street will be illuminated with soft light from forged lanterns. Such interesting places in Grodno are worth visiting at any time of the day or year.

Gilibert Park

Alley along the Gorodnichanka River in the city park of culture and recreation named after.
J.-E. Gilibera Park complex was developed on the territory of the botanical garden, where the talented scientist previously grew unique plants. The square contains modern art objects, well-groomed shrubs and flower beds, benches for relaxation, wrought-iron benches and a small pond. Part of the park is called the “Valley of Switzerland” for its landscapes similar to those in Switzerland. If you want to spend time in a calm and peaceful atmosphere, definitely come here.

Grodno Zoo

Amur tigress at the Grodno Zoo
What to visit in Grodno with the whole family? Local menagerie, opened in 1926. Over 300 species of inhabitants live on an area of ​​almost 6 hectares. The zoo has “Aquarium” and “Terrarium” zones with all kinds of marine and amphibian animals (many of them very rare). There is a contact zone called “Granny’s Yard” for children, where they can pick up animals and feed them.

Official website: https://www.grodnozoo

Be sure to watch this beautiful video about Grodno!

Cathedral of St. Francis Xavier

Cathedral of St. Francis Xavier or Farny Church in the center of Grodno Alexxx Malev Magnificent wooden altar of 1736 in the Cathedral of St. Francis Xavier in Grodno
Small basilica and catalytic church of the 17th century, erected at the expense of the Jesuit order. The majestic building in the Baroque style attracts not only its appearance, but also its chic interiors with sculptural compositions, paintings by famous masters and plastic sculptures. Many elements of the cathedral's interior are artistic attractions.

Church and monastery of the Brigittes

Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Grodno Eupe
Medieval architectural complex in the Baroque style. Construction work began in the 17th century. In the 19th century the monastery fell into disrepair. Subsequently, a medical clinic was set up in it, and only at the end of the 20th century the building was returned to the Catholic Church.

Bernardine Church and Monastery

View of the ensemble of the former Bernardine monastery: a church with a bell tower and a residential building.
An architectural ensemble of the 16th-17th centuries, which has undergone numerous reconstructions and alterations. Ultimately, elements of the Renaissance, Gothic and Baroque began to be seen in the design. The interior decoration of the active monastery preserves the features of three hundred years of history. Among the especially valuable objects is a 17th century organ.

Church of Our Lady of the Angels

Church of the Virgin Mary of the Angels and the fence on the left bank of the Neman in Grodno
The date of foundation of the Catholic church is the mid-17th century. Initially, all buildings on the territory of the monastery were made of wood. In 1660, a stone temple in the Baroque style was erected, which was later turned into a prison for the priests of the state. Nowadays monks and novices live in the building, but every tourist can visit it.

Intercession Cathedral

Bronze sculpture of the Mother of God near the Intercession Cathedral in Grodno Interior of the Holy Intercession Cathedral in Grodno
Orthodox church of the 20th century, made in Russian style. The object was erected in memory of the heroes of the Battle of Port Arthur and those killed in the Battle of Tsushima. During the Great Patriotic War, the cathedral, unlike other sacred monasteries, did not stop its work. About 20 years ago the building was completely restored. If you don’t know what to see in Grodno, but are passionate about Soviet history, come here.

Official website: https://pokrovgrodno.

Nativity of the Mother of God Monastery

Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in the Orthodox Women's Monastery in Grodno
An old Orthodox church, which was in the possession of Catholics until the mid-19th century. At some point, the monastery fell into disrepair, but starting in the 1990s, the authorities began reconstructing historically valuable buildings.

Official website: https://obitel-grodno

Boris and Gleb Church

Boris and Gleb Church on the high bank of the Neman River in Grodno Decorative design of the Boris and Gleb Church or Kolozha Church in Grodno
The building is included in the ranking of the five most ancient architectural sites in the country. Construction work began in the 12th century. The church was destroyed and rebuilt many times. On the walls that have survived for a long time, you can discern mosaics in the Byzantine style. It is believed that the famous commander Grodno is buried not far from them. The ancient building is a functioning church in Grodno: the population of the city and its guests come here for services.

Official website: https://kalozha.by/ru/

Great Choral Synagogue

Facades of the current Great Choral Synagogue in Grodno Adam Jones

One of the most ancient synagogues in Europe. The first structure, later destroyed, was erected back in the 16th century. The current complex includes surviving chapels and remains of ancient walls. In its appearance, the synagogue is similar to Spanish cottages, filled with the flavor of Mauritania. In the prayer hall you can see beautiful stucco work. Just like many other sights of Grodno, this one reminds of the numerous victims of the Second World War. During the war years, captured Jews were imprisoned in it before being sent to camps.

Official website: https://www.bhsinagoga

Lutheran Church

The main facade of the Lutheran Church in Grodno
is the only church of the Lutheran community operating today in the city. The building was built with money from the wealthy German community in the 19th century. When the Germans left Grodno after the onset of peace, the building gradually began to collapse. Later it was used as a warehouse. Only in 1995 the property was transferred to the ownership of Protestants.

Official website: https://luther.by/

Grodno Drama Theater

Three-figure sculptural group “Pegasus” against the backdrop of the Grodno Drama Theater Alexxx Malev
If you don’t know what to see in Grodno in 1 day, but are passionate about art, buy a ticket to the regional drama theater. The theater is located in a monumental building reminiscent of a huge organ. You need to climb to it via a long staircase, since the building is located on a hill. In the evening hours, multi-colored lighting is turned on in the area. The entrance to the theater is guarded by the figure of Pegasus.

Official website: https://drama.grodno

Grodno Regional Puppet Theater

Grodno Regional Puppet Theater in the city park of culture and recreation named after.
J.-E. Zhilibera An excellent option for where to go in Grodno with children. The oldest Belarusian stage, located in a building of the 18th century, still hosts excellent performances for children and adult spectators with the participation of puppets and talented actors.

Official website: https://grodnolyalka

Pharmacy Museum

The building of the oldest pharmacy in Belarus on Sovetskaya Square in Grodno. An exhibition of medical instruments in the Pharmacy Museum in Grodno.
The oldest pharmacy in the state, which began operating in the 18th century (according to some sources, the opening took place in 1687). Exhibits of the museum collections occupy three halls and tell how pharmaceuticals in Belarus developed over hundreds of years. Moreover, most of the samples date back to the 19th-20th centuries.

Official website: https://am.biotest.by/

Museum of the History of Religion

Museum of the History of Religion in the Khreptovich Palace, an architectural monument of the 18th century.
The opening date of the museum is the end of the 20th century. Initially, the complex was called the Museum of the History of Religion and Atheism. The first exhibits were kept in the women's temple, then transferred to K. Khreptovich's castle. Modern collections contain items related to all religious movements that existed in the country.

Grodno Kunstkamera

Grodno Kunstkamera or Teratological Museum in a three-story building of the 16th century.
The attraction began its work a little over 6 years ago. To discover it, objects were collected almost throughout the 20th century. The complex is located in an 18th-century mansion that formerly belonged to King Augustus II and was used by the monarch as a gallery. The collections were housed in two halls: pathological and ordinary anatomy. Guests can see embryos with abnormalities, the liver of a drinker, and the lungs of those who are addicted to nicotine.

Official website: https://www.grsmu.

House-Museum of Eliza Ozheshko

An exact copy of the house of the Belarusian writer Eliza Ozheshko in Grodno
When listing the best attractions of Grodno, one should not forget about the museum dedicated to the famous Belarusian writer. The center opened in 1958. Let us note that Ozheshko never lived in the house where the museum is now located - the building copies her home.

Official website: https://zetgrodno.com

The first zoo in Belarus

The oldest, and for a long time the only zoo in Belarus, is located next to the Grodno railway station, and therefore is often one of the first city attractions that tourists see. It has more than 3,000 thousand inhabitants, compactly located on the recently restored territory. It appeared in 1927, when a zoological department was opened in the botanical garden of the men's gymnasium. The founder is considered to be biology teacher Jan Kokhanovsky, and the first inhabitant is an ordinary beaver brought by a wounded man from Lunno.

In the first years, the number of species kept in the zoological garden grew to 30, and students from all city educational institutions in Grodno began to visit this place. Due to financial difficulties, since 1935, visiting has become paid.

During the Great Patriotic War, the zoo suffered greatly; valuable and rare specimens were taken to the Königsberg Zoo, and Kokhanovsky was shot. In the first post-war years, the zoo began to be restored, transporting it from place to place and replenishing the collection. Today there are such unique animals as the Sichuan takin, gray monitor lizard, Persian leopard, Amur tiger, and David's deer. The symbol of the Grodno Zoo is the bison (it is depicted on the zoo’s emblem).

The establishment is located at st. Timiryazeva, 11, open daily from 10:00 to 19:00, tickets for adults cost 5 rubles, for children over 3 years old - 3 rubles. For more information, please call +375.


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