Central square of Podolsk

General information about the city and a little history

Like many other Russian cities with a centuries-old history, Podolsk also has a legend describing how the name itself appeared. According to some “experts,” allegedly somewhere in these places, while passing through the village, the Empress of All Rus' Catherine II wet the hem of her outfit.


The story is, of course, funny, but nothing more. She could visit these places, but she ruled from 1762 to 1796. Considering that historians date the appearance of the first settlements in these places to the 7th millennium BC, and references to the local village of Podol are in documents from the time of Ivan the Terrible, it is not difficult to guess that this German woman, who came to power as a result of a palace coup, has nothing to do with has nothing to do with the name Podolsk. On the other hand, it was she who signed the decree transforming the village into the city of Podol-Pehra (1781).

The proximity to Moscow and the presence of transport routes nearby are the reason why many historical events are associated with Podolsk. If you don’t delve too deeply into the depths of centuries, you can note such things as the presence of Kutuzov’s army here during the Patriotic War of 1812, the military actions of cadets of the local military school, who helped delay the advance of German troops in 1941 to the capital, which then significantly helped in organizing defense of the capital. Currently, Podolsk is one of the largest settlements in the Moscow region. It houses a fairly large number of industrial and scientific organizations, some of which are of federal importance.

Night Podolsk

Podolsk is located south of Moscow, at a distance of approximately forty kilometers from its center. It stands on the banks of the Pakhra River, and modern transport arteries that pass through the city include the Moscow-Simferopol railway and the M-2 Crimea highway. The latter, by the way, is quite a serious irritant for the local population. In addition to the fact that its overload already created quite serious inconveniences, the latest decisions to change the route led to the fact that part of the private sector will be demolished, and the level of corresponding compensation is unlikely to satisfy homeowners.

Ecology of Podolsk: choosing the best environmental locations

The comfort of living in Podolsk greatly depends on the direction of the wind. On days when the wind is from the south, residents do not notice the proximity to existing enterprises, highways and the Moscow Ring Road. If the east or northeast wind blows, Podolsk breathes atmospheric emissions from the industrial zones of the Zalineiny district.

Exceeding the maximum permissible levels of nitrogen dioxide is observed in the microdistrict. Grasshoppers, on the street. Leningradskaya. This is a new area with dense buildings and high car traffic.

The ecology of the central regions of Podolsk is polluted by automobile exhausts. In the vicinity of the station. Silicate and microdistrict Krasnaya Gorka is negatively influenced by the north and east winds, which bring harmful emissions from the Zalineiny district and Shcherbinka.

In this case, where to buy an apartment in Podolsk from the point of view of favorable ecology? If possible, you should choose neighborhoods away from major roads and highways. The Vysotny, Ivanovsky and Zelenovsky districts are the greenest and most picturesque; they are remote from the main sources of pollution, but at the same time conveniently located. The situation is slightly worse, but not critical, in the Shepchinki, Mezhshosseiny and Krasnaya Gorka districts. The Kutuzovo district is sandwiched between an industrial zone and key highways, but has a special advantage - the Yolochki pine forest park and its own miniature pond with a beach.

Forest Park "Yolochki"

The river flows through Podolsk. Pakhra, on the banks of which there are local attractions - the Ivanovskaya and Dubrovitsy estates and the Recreation Park. The river itself, unfortunately, is not considered clean enough for swimming. The pollution is caused by wastewater from the Podolsk battery and cable plants and a poultry farm. The waters of Podolsk contain an excess of ammonium and nitrate nitrogen, petroleum products, lead and manganese.

Pakhra River

Climate and ecology of Podolsk

The climate here is quite familiar, if we speak in scientific terms - “temperate continental”. In practice, this means that winters here are relatively mild. The metropolis, which is warmer by definition, also probably has a certain influence, since the Moscow Ring Road is only fifteen kilometers from here. Frequent thaws and melting snow underfoot are a common sight. According to statistics, the maximum precipitation here falls in the summer, so the warm season is not particularly pleasant, since there is a lot of cloudiness and fogs are not at all rare.

One of the interesting features is that the hour meridian passes through my city. This means that no matter what next change in time is not accepted by our Duma or government, people will always be able to find themselves in space an hour earlier or later, at will. To do this, it is enough to move from the western part of Podolsk to the eastern, or vice versa.

Sources of pollution in Podolsk

The environment in Podolsk is far from ideal. If the wind blows from the north, then, as mentioned above, you feel the “fresh breath” of the metropolis. It also has its own sources of pollution. The main ones are the highway to the south and enterprises remaining from the times of Soviet power that have not yet been closed. These fragments of their former power are still being smoked little by little. Therefore, the most unfavorable conditions are where they are located, in the eastern and northeastern parts of the city.

What do you need to know when buying an apartment in Podolsk?

Podolsk is one of the largest satellite cities near Moscow. There is plenty of housing to choose from: many new buildings and residential projects in development, a developed secondary market. The portal KVARTIRAzaMKAD.ru has selected the most important features of the city that can influence the choice and purchase of an apartment in Podolsk.

Podolsk is located in the south of the Moscow region, 11 km from the Moscow Ring Road along the Warsaw or Simferopol highway. In 2015, it included the city of Klimovsk and the village of Lvovsky, the area of ​​Podolsk became 4,039 hectares, and the population was 293 thousand people (in 2016). Active growth and residential development in Podolsk began in 2008. Before that, the city hardly stood out from the rest of its satellite cities.

Borders, districts and coat of arms of Podolsk

Podolsk borders on the north with the Moscow village of Shcherbinka, and on the west is the nearest city of Troitsk, which is part of New Moscow. Neighbors in the east are the cities of Domodedovo and Vidnoye. Further along Varshavskoye Highway. The city of Chekhov is located.

In this article we will consider the urban environment only within the borders of Podolsk itself, without taking into account Klimovsk, which claims to be a separate review.

Population of Podolsk

The demographic situation in Podolsk, as in other settlements, is determined by various factors. One of them is the industrial development of this place. Before the revolution of 1917, quite rapid activity in this direction began here, and therefore the number of residents during this period quickly grew from a couple of thousand people to more than 10,000.

The next surges, caused by the same reasons, took place before and after the Great Patriotic War. It was the largest local enterprises that began to operate, which was reflected in the statistical data.

May 9 in Podolsk

The maximum number of officially registered residents of the city was recorded in 1989 and was then 207,800 people. The overthrow of the communists and subsequent years - a decrease to the level of 180 thousand.

Since 2007, a period of growth began again. If we quote the numbers again, then, according to the available data, the main increase today comes not from an increase in the birth rate, but from an influx of migrants. Moreover, if officially there are less than two hundred thousand people in Podolsk, then according to other sources there are already 40,000 more people actually living here.

Districts and real estate of Podolsk

Geographically, the city is divided into fourteen districts: Krasnaya Gorka, Novo-Syrovo, Parkovy, Zalineiny, Central, Zelenovsky, Ivanovsky, Mezhshoseyny, Yubileiny, Kuznechiki, Fetishchevo, Vysotny, Shepchinki and Kutuzovo. Each of them has its pros and cons. Let's look at each district in detail, for convenience - in alphabetical order.

Podolsk map

The Vysotny district has very favorable living conditions. It is here that the Vityaz ice stadium is located. The Podolsk Tennis Academy is also located nearby. At the same time, in the Vysotny district there are several forest park areas, including the largest forest park in the city, “Dubki”. The area is built up with modern multi-storey buildings. In addition, it is in Vysotny that the two largest utility companies are located, which are of strategic importance for the entire Moscow region, especially for the southern Moscow region.

In terms of area, the Zalineiny district is the largest. Therefore, it is additionally divided into 4 microdistricts: Yuzhny, Severny, Dobryatino and the village of Selkhoztekhnika. It is in this area that the main industrial production of the city, as well as warehouses and terminals of large enterprises, are concentrated. However, despite the significant industrial bias, the Eden Hotel and two cultural palaces are located in the Zalineiny district. The main housing stock is high-rise buildings. However, there is also a small private sector.

Zalineiny district of Podolsk

Zelenovsky district can be safely called central both in terms of importance and level of residence. This is where the city administration, police department, prosecutor's office and city court are located. The area is located on the banks of the Pakhra River and is currently being actively developed with modern multi-storey residential complexes. But at the same time, most of the area of ​​the Zelenovsky district is occupied by the private sector. There are especially many private houses near the Pakhra River. The area is quite safe and crowded. This is confirmed by the fact that this is where McDonald's is located.

The Ivanovsky district of Podolsk is also known as the village of Volodarsky. This is roughly what it looks like - most of the area is occupied by the private sector, there are almost no high-rise buildings, most of the houses are five-story. The area is quiet and cozy. An important point - this is where school No. 29 is located - the best school in the Moscow region.

Vladimir Putin’s visit to school No. 29 in Podolsk

The Krasnaya Gorka district is located along one of the main highways of Podolsk, which leads to Moscow. Nowadays, multi-storey housing is being actively built here. At the same time, old and dilapidated housing is being methodically demolished, of which there is still more than enough here, since most of the area is occupied by the private sector. Nearby is the Erino sanatorium.

Krasnaya Gorka area

The Kuznechiki district is definitely a residential area of ​​Podolsk. It is located on the very outskirts of the city. Now the area is being intensively built up with high-rise buildings; it is planned that this will be the most densely populated area with developed infrastructure. Another highlight of the area is the Favorit equestrian center.

Kuznechiki District of Podolsk

Kutuzovo is another residential area of ​​Podolsk. The area is adjacent to the Kutuzovskaya railway station and actually borders the neighboring town of Klimovsk. Most of Kutuzovo belongs to the private sector. From a crime point of view, this is not the safest area of ​​the city.


The symbolic name of the Mezhshoseiny emphasizes its central position between the main highways of Podolsk. Most of the houses are modern, multi-story. There is a developed network of convenience stores here, so the area is considered very favorable for living. In addition, the largest stadium in the city “Trud”, the oldest cinema “Rodina” and the modern shopping and entertainment complex “Auchan Capitol” are located here. In addition, this is where many of the socially significant objects of Podolsk are located.


The Novo-syrovo district ranks second in area among the districts of Podolsk and is divided into 3 microdistricts: Vypolzovo, the village of Tsementogo and Silikatnaya. There are many industrial enterprises and large shopping centers here, including retail premises of large car dealers in Podolsk. Modern new buildings in the area are now mainly at the construction stage.

The park district got its name from the park of culture and recreation named after. Talalikhin, which is located here. This is a residential area built up with high multi-storey buildings.

Park named after Talalykhina

The Fetishchevo district can now be called rather developing. It is being built up with modern multi-storey buildings, infrastructure and retail facilities. At the same time, a significant part is occupied by the central archive of the Russian Ministry of Defense. The Archive of the Ministry of Defense in Podolsk is the main archive of the Ministry.

Fetishchevo District

The central district is the business center of Podolsk. It is replete with cafes, restaurants, shopping malls, and beauty salons. At the same time, the oldest enterprises of the city have been preserved here. Housing is represented mainly by old stock. But the area's elite five-story buildings are sometimes interspersed with modern high-rise buildings.

Central district of Podolsk

The Shepchinki district arose when the village of the same name was annexed to the city. Therefore, it is not surprising that the urban part of the area gradually turns into cottages and dachas. There are many old two- and four-story houses in the area. Now the territory is being actively developed, not only modern houses and large shopping, grocery and construction centers are being built.

Demolition of dilapidated housing in Shepchinki

The Yubileiny district can easily be called the most modern district of Podolsk. More recently, multi-storey residential complexes were built here. Infrastructure facilities are now being actively developed. There are both convenience stores and one of the largest shopping malls.


Generally speaking, we can note the fairly high attractiveness of this locality if you choose a place to live. Territorial proximity to Moscow and at the same time sufficient remoteness so as not to experience all the hardships of a multimillion-dollar metropolis. There are all the necessary communications and developed infrastructure, and at the same time, on the outskirts, you can choose housing in low-rise buildings - and be closer to nature. All these delights are a sufficient reason for construction companies to be highly active. This is how it really is. Today in Podolsk you can find real estate for every taste. There are both elite new buildings here and those where you can try to find a cheaper apartment.

Let us immediately note that recently the authorities have begun to be active in relation to certain types of housing, which are being built with obvious signs of fraud. We are talking about the construction of apartment buildings, the permitting documents for which implied the construction of other buildings of a much smaller scale. Such objects are usually located in dacha cooperatives and villages. There are similar buildings in the Podolsk region, for example, near the village. Borodino, Bykovka, Erino, in the village of Pokrov and Ostafyevo. Therefore, if you are choosing a suitable property, you should approach this issue with caution.

One of the new buildings in Podolsk

At the same time, there are also quite good proposals here. When determining, do not forget about the environmental situation. It will not be too valuable and correct from a health point of view to be located in the north and northeast of the city, in its industrial part. You should also take into account the passage of a new highway, so as not to get into trouble on the secondary housing market, when the state will pay only a tiny part of its real cost for a house to be demolished. The general price level is already approaching the Moscow level of cheap housing, but there are plenty of interesting options.

If you need to make a choice, you can use the Podolsk Committee for Construction and Architecture as a source of additional information. Here you can, on a completely official basis, obtain data on “long-term construction”, specific stages of implementation of individual construction projects. For example, in new buildings on Krasnogvardeisky Boulevard, the sale of apartments is in full swing (judging by the advertising), and yet the completion of work there has been delayed for several years. Therefore, there is no need to be shy - although the district administration is not ideal, like everywhere else, it is possible to obtain certain data there.

Well, in conclusion, on the topic of housing, we can say that in accordance with existing plans for the expansion of Moscow, new territories will be transferred to the capital from the Podolsk region, but the city itself will not be annexed to them.

Photos of Podolsk

Podolsk: Photos Weather Map Hotels

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This collection contains 63 photographs of Podolsk, its views, houses and attractions, which were taken by local residents, tourists and photographers. All photos of Russian cities and attractions are presented in high quality, we hope that this will help you get to know them better.

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See also: Photos of Ust-Kamenogorsk, Sights of Kiribati, Cities of San Marino, Egypt, Belize, Kurgan-Tube, Gorenki Estate, Heydar Aliyev Center

Infrastructure of Podolsk

The downside to the city is the bad roads. On the other hand, it should be noted that the construction of new facilities and the reconstruction of old microdistricts is quite intensive. In parallel with this process, a partial renewal of communications is taking place, so sooner or later this problem will be solved.


Getting there on the main highway today is not always easy, as it is heavily congested. At the same time, reconstruction of this highway is underway, which inspires certain hopes. There are three railway stations in Podolsk, but I don’t recommend taking the train to the final station - this is Kursky, although Paveletsky is almost twice as close. Therefore, if you use this transport, it is best to change at a suitable metro station, getting off somewhere at Tekstilshchiki or Tsaritsyno. Buses and minibuses. With their help, you can navigate around the city itself, and get to the nearest metro station, and to other cities in the Moscow region. As an option that is not often found in such relatively small cities, we can mention the trolleybus. This type of transport is also available here. It first began to be used in 2001, and today there are four constantly operating routes.

Social and cultural life. If anyone doesn’t remember, this was the name for cultural and social facilities. The city has everything you need for a comfortable life. Shops and bank branches, clinics and hospitals, branches of higher educational institutions. If we talk about the availability of free places in preschool institutions, then according to official data it is about 90%, which is not so bad. On the other hand, it should be noted that these figures most likely also include private organizations of this type, where monthly payments are quite significant and not everyone can afford them.

We must not forget that Podolsk is one of the largest cities in the Moscow region, so there are enough infrastructure facilities of various types here. If something is missing, then the proximity of Moscow compensates for this deficiency quite effectively. As sports attractions, the ice palace called “Vityaz” and two ski slopes, each about two hundred meters long, deserve mention.

Enterprises and work in Podolsk

Oddly enough, some industrial enterprises in Podolsk survived the changes of the 90s of the last century. Among the largest are OOO, which produces units for the nuclear industry and energy facilities, ZIOSAB - boilers and boiler houses, and Chemical-Metallurgical Plant - semiconductor wafers and devices. In total, about fifty large industrial organizations and about two hundred small ones operate in the city. There are both old enterprises with a century-long history, such as (the former famous Singer), and new ones - Transformer, which produces transformers under license.

Again, on the old base, but with the addition of new technological solutions, various scientific institutions continue to work here. Their main focus is atomic research. Thus, Gidropress develops reactors of various types, and also produces small-scale batches of individual specific units and installations. Gazprom, a structure with the same name as our gas giant, is our design bureau, which designs equipment for the relevant industry, drilling rigs and other mechanisms.

In terms of the number of employees, the largest segment of city enterprises are small businesses of various forms. Of the total working population, at least 40% are involved in this area. Their activities are focused on trade, retail and wholesale, and provision of services to the population. A small part of such enterprises are small construction firms.

In addition to local entrepreneurs, federal chain retailers are also well represented in Podolsk. “Auchan” and “Perekrestok”, “Carousel” and “Pyaterochka”, “Dixie” and “Kvartal”. There are also specialized dealers in equipment (“Eldorado” and “Technosila”, “White Wind”), children’s goods (“Detsky Mir”, “Korablik”), points of sale of cellular operators, perfume chains and others.

Shopping center Karusel in Podolsk

Despite the relatively large influx of migration, the provision of jobs in Podolsk is not bad. Considering the proximity of the capital, it can be argued that anyone can always find a way to earn a living and provide for themselves and their loved ones. The higher level of salaries in Moscow determines that many people prefer to look for vacancies there. In particular, and therefore, as mentioned above, during rush hours traffic towards the capital is quite intense.

Transport accessibility of Podolsk

Like the rest of the Moscow region, Podolsk creates high traffic on the road and in public transport during rush hours. But compared to other satellite cities, it has more opportunities and alternatives for residents.

By car, it takes about 40 minutes to get to the Moscow Ring Road along the Varshavskoye Highway, and 30 minutes along the Simferopolskoye Highway. If possible, residents of Podolsk choose the Simferopolskoye Highway to bypass the traffic jam in Shcherbinka. This is easiest for car owners to do in the eastern part of the city: there is no need to cross railway tracks and many exits onto the highway.

Transport interchange of Podolsk

In Podolsk, there are traffic jams on the central square, a section of the Warsaw highway near the Silikatnaya platform, on the street. Pravda and at the junction near the station. Spring.

Central square of Podolsk during the day on weekdays

There are 4 railway stations in Podolsk. This train route is very variable, because... connects many cities in the region through Moscow. Electric trains from Podolsk, Chekhov and Serpukhov go to Dedovsk, Nakhabino, Volokolamsk, Odintsovo, Golitsyno and Rumyantsevo. Therefore, a small life hack for residents of Podolsk is to take trains departing at least from Lvovsk, and not from Chekhov and Serpukhov.

In the capital, the train stops at ten different metro stations, but this is not always profitable in terms of time and money. Therefore, most residents get to the nearest metro station Tsaritsyno, which is only half an hour away. Next come Tekstilshchiki metro station, Art. MCC Novokhokhlovskaya, metro station Ilyicha, Kurskaya metro station, Komsomolskaya metro station and Rizhskaya metro station.

Until recently, Podolsk had a convenient network of buses and minibuses, allowing residents to get to the metro from neighborhoods remote from railway stations with a minimum of transfers. As of March 2017, the number of routes has decreased due to the reorganization of public transport in the region.

Until now, transport runs from the bus station at the Podolsk platform and surrounding areas to the Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard metro station and Yuzhnaya metro station (as well as Anino, Akademika Yangelya and Prazhskaya streets). Travel time is 1 hour or more. For an unknown period of time, routes from the microdistrict disappeared. Grasshoppers to the station m. Teply Stan, from the station. Hryvnia to metro station Boulevard Dm. Donskoy, from the village of MIS to metro Anino.

Bus stop

To summarize, we can say that it is more efficient to travel by car along the Simferopol Highway, in order to save time, by train, and to move around the city, use numerous minibuses and buses. True, in the latter case, fares are in no way inferior to Moscow tariffs.


The general crime situation in Podolsk can be described as relatively calm. If we talk about personal impressions, most areas of the city are quite safe for evening walks, although it is not entirely clear how the influx of a large number of migrants will affect the future. If you try to use some statistics, the only thing you can find is data on the number of criminal situations that required the presence of the police. In accordance with them, Podolsk is one of the calmest cities in the near Moscow region in this regard. As a minus, we can note the lack of places for storing cars and organized parking.

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