Where to go in Ivanovo and what to see - photos and descriptions of attractions

The small town of Ivanovo is known throughout Russia for its calicoes, brides and determined revolutionary workers. It seems, what should a tourist do there? However, the history of the region, in which the fame that has become entrenched among the people is rooted, is embodied not only in folklore. Ivanovo is included in the Golden Ring route; most of its monuments date back to the end of the 19th–20th centuries, which cannot be said, for example, about the sights of Uglich.

Shchudrovskaya tent

One of the symbols of Ivanov is the so-called Shchudrovskaya tent. This small brick building (the oldest surviving one) is one of the few architectural monuments of Pre-Petrine Rus' that the city can boast of.

Shchudrovskaya tent

The tent had a civilian and very prosaic purpose. It was built as an official hut for the village manager and was a kind of administrative center for the possessions of the Cherkasy princes. The tent contained only two rooms: one was the clerk’s office, the other was the village archive. Later (at the beginning of the 19th century) the owner of the building changed: the premises passed into the hands of the merchant Osip Shchudrov (from whom the monument received its current name) and underwent reconstruction. The enterprising new owner added two floors and organized a printing factory here.

In this form, the tent existed for almost 250 years, it was used as a residential building, a warehouse, and was rented out for production. In 1964, the Ivanov administration decided to return the historical building to its original appearance - the restoration lasted more than twenty years. True, as a result, the red brick walls were whitewashed and acquired a significant resemblance to the ancient white-stone fortresses that can be seen in Pskov. Now the Shchudrovskaya tent is under the jurisdiction of the Ivanovo Museum of History and Local Lore. D. G. Burylina. By the way, on the way to the architectural monument there is an art square, known in the city as a place of attraction for talented artists and craftsmen. Here they gather all year round and show everyone their work.

  • Address: st. August 10, 36 A.
  • Visiting hours: around the clock.

Architecture of Ivanovo

At the beginning of the 20th century. A number of mansions are being built in Ivanovo, owned by the city's large manufacturers. The architecture of the mansions is quite comparable with the capital's examples. The best materials are used here: marble, rare woods, bronze. The architectural appearance of Ivanovo consists of luxurious mansions and brick buildings of textile factories.

Ivanovo Post Office building

Ivanovo Post Office building

The Ivanovo post office was built in 1929-1931 according to the design of the Moscow architect G.S. Gurevich-Guriev. This is one of the best constructivist buildings in the region.

The building is three-story, L-shaped in plan. From the side of Lenin Avenue it ends with a powerful tower located along the axis of the facade. The walls are made of brick, the ceilings are reinforced concrete. What has been preserved from the original design are the unusually large, rhythmically arranged windows (high vertical on the ground floor and lower ones on the upper floors), as well as a gable roof with protruding triangular lanterns for attic lighting. In the 1950s, the building was rebuilt in the classicist spirit characteristic of that time. As a result, the appearance changed significantly: the tower crowning the structure was redone, corner windows were installed, and balconies were dismantled. The facades are plastered, rusticated and finished with a powerful cornice. The clock tower is topped by a balustrade with 4 high spiers at the corners.

Address: The Ivanovo Post Office building is located in the city center at the intersection of Lenin Avenue and Pochtovaya Street.

House-ship in Ivanovo

The house-ship in Ivanovo is located at Lenin Avenue, 49 and is considered one of the symbols of the city. In almost all lists of attractions in Ivanovo, this architectural monument comes first. The building was built in 1930 and is interesting, first of all, for its unusual architecture, resembling a ship in appearance. On one side, the rectangular five-story building has a beveled end; an eight-story tower is attached to the opposite side. Two galleries of balconies look like decks, and small balconies with concrete railings look like bridges. Currently it is a residential building and is in need of restoration.

Horseshoe house in Ivanovo

The Horseshoe House is located at: Ivanovo, st. Gromoboya, 13. It is one of the many monuments of Soviet constructivism in the city and an object of cultural heritage of regional significance. The house was designed by local architect A.I. Panov and built in 1933-1934 for workers of the United State Political Administration under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. If you look at the house from above, its shape resembles a horseshoe. The semicircular façade of the building was dictated by the desire not to demolish the existing old buildings in this area. The load-bearing walls are made of sand-lime brick (partially the openings between the windows are made of red brick). The foundation is made of red brick. The basement floors are reinforced concrete, the interfloor floors are wooden. The rafters are wooden, the roof is iron, gable, flat. In the 50s of the 20th century, the risalits of the house received a sixth floor. Currently, the horseshoe house is in need of restoration.

Shchudrovskaya tent

This is one of the preserved monuments of the village of Ivanovo - the oldest brick building, where the manager of the estate of the Cherkasy princes, the so-called Shchudrovskaya tent, is located. Initially, the building was erected in the tract of the Kokuy stream as an administrative hut for the managers of the village of Ivanovo. The building has two rooms, large and small. The first contained notebooks in which the quitrents from the peasants were kept track of; the second housed the clerk of the Cherkasy princes, who then owned the village. There is a curb between the basement and the first floor. The windows are framed by platbands with keeled ends. The decorative design of the southern façade is richer; it was probably the main one. The building is considered unique, having no analogues in neighboring areas.

The Shchudrovskaya tent is located at: Ivanovo, st. 10th August, 36a.

Museum of Ivanovo chintz

Ivanovo has long been known as the center of the textile industry. This industry achieved significant development here already in the 17th century; we receive information about the high quality of local linen canvas almost along with the first mentions of the city. Perhaps, the emergence of a specific museum was a matter of time, and in 1987 it really appeared. The opening was timed to coincide with Light and Textile Industry Worker's Day.

Museum of Ivanovo chintz

The museum offers visitors two permanent exhibitions. The first and main one is related to the production of fabric, at its center - Ivanovo chintz, coupled with folk arts and crafts. The number of samples presented is about half a million, and there are also homespun fabrics. In many ways, the collection is based on materials collected by the Ivanovo manufacturer and public figure D. G. Burylin. By the way, it is in his house (and adjacent outbuildings) that the museum is located. The mansion of D. G. Burylin is a very interesting object in itself; it was built at the beginning of the 20th century in the Art Nouveau style and therefore has a complex layout and decor: decorative tiles and stained glass windows, stucco molding and mosaics.

The second permanent exhibition opened in 2007 and is associated with the name of Vyacheslav Zaitsev, a world-famous fashion designer who was born and began his creative career in Ivanovo.

  • Address: st. Baturina, 11/42.
  • Opening hours: Tuesday–Sunday – from 11:00 to 17:00; Monday is a day off.
  • Cost: for adults – 120 rubles; for pensioners, students – 80 rubles; for schoolchildren – 50 rubles; free for preschoolers.

Entertainment and places to go


The well-maintained and green Ivanovo embankment is a favorite vacation spot for citizens and tourists. Festive events, concerts are held here, and fireworks are set off in the waters of the Uvod River. A walking area is equipped between the Sokovsky and Teatralny bridges.

Most textile factories, including non-operating ones, still stand on the banks of the Uvodi. The buildings of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, which defined the industrial landscape of the embankment, are gradually replacing modern buildings. One of them is the Silver City shopping center, behind which there is a small amusement park for children.

Park of Culture and Leisure named after. V. Ya. Stepanova

The Central Park of Culture and Culture occupies about 70 hectares of former farmland and part of a pine forest. All this once belonged to the family of manufacturer Garelin. In 1925, local authorities decided to create a park here and named it in honor of the revolutionary and head of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk City Council - Stepanov.

Today the vast territory is home to:

  • attractions,
  • children's and sports grounds,
  • summer scene,
  • boat station,
  • paintball club,
  • rollerblade and bicycle rental,
  • In winter the skating rink is flooded.

Cafes and tents invite you to satisfy your hunger. And from the observation deck “Astafieva Bay” on the banks of the Uvodi River, an impressive panoramic view opens.


The Ivanovo Zoo grew from a small living corner in the House of Pioneers. The ferrets, hamsters and parrots gradually began to have new neighbors, and soon there was not enough space for everyone.

The city authorities gave the pets a territory of 2.7 hectares in the Rabochiy Poselok microdistrict. Today, over 700 animals of 150 species live here. Among them are foxes, otters, pumas, ponies, bison, and bears.

The zoo's coat of arms depicts a lynx. This is probably why in the early 1990s the Mosfilm film studio presented the animal actor from the film “The Lynx Returns” (1986) to the zoo.


The first circus appeared in Ivanovo in 1933. At that time, a wooden structure in the Art Nouveau style adorned the appearance of the regional capital. Half a century later it was declared unsuitable and, despite the protests of the townspeople, demolished.

A new circus building was built on the banks of the Uvod River. The main building, where the arena is located, is made in the shape of an octagon, and next to it there is a square structure - there are administrative and utility rooms. The auditorium seats 1626 people.


The park was founded on the banks of the Kharinka River, which gave it its name. The territory of 145 hectares is divided into 3 zones with entertainment for both children and adults.

  • An extreme zone awaits adrenaline junkies. The attractions require nerves of steel and remarkable health.
  • The family area offers a relaxing and interesting pastime for guests of all ages.
  • The children's area is aimed at visitors from 7 to 14 years old. There is a playground for children.

The park has a boat station and catamaran rentals. Catering points available. Great place to spend time with friends or family.

Museum of Industry and Art

The Ivanovo residents owe the appearance of the museum in the city to D. G. Burylin, who was a passionate collector and collected a variety of rarities and antiquities: smoking pipes, women's jewelry, watches and playing cards, and much more. Dmitry Gennadievich himself organized a building for storing and displaying exhibits. The museum is still located in this room; between it and the Burylins’ mansion (now the Ivanovo Calico Museum, see above) an underground tunnel was built, which is also used as an exhibition space.

Museum of Industry and Art

The museum opened in 1914. In addition to the exhibition premises, a cinema and concert hall, an observatory and library, a lecture hall and a biological station were provided. In addition to ordinary visitors interested in art and history, scientists came here to examine and describe the objects exhibited and stored in the fund. After the revolution, the museum was nationalized; D. G. Burylin himself worked there as a caretaker for some time, but was later removed. Unfortunately, after his death, many items from the collection were lost or transferred to other museums in the country.

Attitudes towards the manufacturer's heritage changed significantly at the end of the 20th century. Then the museum was returned to its original name, many items from D. G. Burylin’s collection were restored and collected into a separate exhibition. A tribute to memory and respect was the opening for visitors of the reconstruction of the philanthropist’s workplace and the placement of a memorial plaque to the former owner and founder on the façade of the building.

The museum's exposition also includes a collection of bladed weapons and firearms of the peoples of the world from the period of the 14th–15th centuries and the second half of the 20th century; church utensils, medals and orders, coins and other items made of precious metals; objects of culture and art of Europe from different eras (among the interesting exhibits one can note the ancient mummy that D. G. Burylin brought from Egypt). Several rooms are dedicated to the flora and fauna of the region.

  • Address: st. Baturina, 6/40.
  • Opening hours: Tuesday-Wednesday, Friday-Sunday - from 11:00 to 17:00; Thursday – from 14:30 to 20:30; Monday is a day off.
  • Cost: for adults – 120 rubles; for pensioners, students – 80 rubles; for schoolchildren – 50 rubles; free for preschoolers.


Art Museum

Prospect Lenina, 33
Among the main attractions not only of Ivanovo, but also of the Golden Ring is an art museum of regional significance. Its opening took place in 1960.

Initially, the collections were borrowed from the Museum of Local Lore, where they came from the private collection of D. G. Burylin. The wealthy industrialist bought antiquities and decorative arts all over the world. Interesting exhibitions could be seen in the drama theater building.

A few years later, the exhibition moved to its own building, which was previously occupied by the Trade School, an architectural monument of the late 19th century. And by 1992, the museum acquired its own fund (over 45 thousand exhibits), returning the borrowed rarities to their rightful owners.

Now the museum has several permanent exhibitions dedicated to the art of the East, Ancient Egypt, the Ancient World, Ancient Rus' and Europe.

Museum of the First Council

The Historical and Memorial Museum occupies a brick building built in 1904, in which the town council once met. It was in this building that the First Council, created as a result of the strike of Ivanovo workers, met in May 1905. Later, the house housed various government agencies and even a communal apartment.

Over time, a museum was established in house No. 27 on Sovetskaya Street, telling about a significant event - the First Russian Revolution. The exhibition then moved to another building, which was considered more appropriate for storing historical artifacts. And in the year of the 100th anniversary of the First Council, the museum returned to its old location.

The exhibition has been updated and systematized. Now it displays archival documents and memorabilia related to the beginning of the revolution and the labor movement. The interior of that time has been partially recreated.

Museum of the Soviet Automotive Industry

Paris Commune, 16 The museum, which displays rare examples of the domestic automobile industry, opened in 2014 on the basis of an auto repair shop. Exhibition copies were borrowed from private collections - they are all running and registered with the traffic police.

In the spacious hall, the products of VAZ, ZIL, ZIS, GAZ, ZIM shine and shine with chrome. The pearls of the exhibition: the gray Pobeda, the Chaika station wagon with folding seats for the top officials of the state, and the Volga for the KGB, stuffed with advanced equipment of those years - to monitor enemies and chase spies.

Ivanovo Museum of Industry and Art

st. Baturina, 6

This museum is part of the Museum of History and Local Lore, but was founded in 1914 by manufacturer Dmitry Burylin. The exhibition is based on a selection of ancient books, coins and paintings by Diodor Burylin, the grandfather of the philanthropist. The grandson significantly expanded the collection and donated it to the city. He wanted anyone to be able to join the wealth of world culture.

Visitors have access to over 10 exhibitions, which feature porcelain, paintings, numismatics, sculptures, church paraphernalia, objects of decorative and applied art, weapons and much more. The artifacts cover the time period from antiquity to the beginning of the 20th century.

The museum also recreated the “Office of D. G. Burylin” - the manufacturer’s memorial room with his personal belongings.

Museum of A.I. Morozova

st. Bagaeva, 57

What is definitely worth seeing for tourists in Ivanovo who are tired of ancient Russian architecture are the paintings of the national artist Alexander Morozov, a talented native of these places. Most of the stories are dedicated to natural beauties, as well as to the people of the Ivanovo land.

In total, the collection includes 74 graphic and painting works, as well as sculptures. The master's legacy allows us to trace his creative path and evolution as an artist. Also presented here are the personal belongings of Alexander Ivanovich.

The museum is located in an unusual house - a cultural monument of local significance. The building, a benchmark example of rationalist architecture, was built in 1910 for the Austrian Ludwig Auer. The artist himself, to whom the museum is dedicated, has never been there.

Museum of the First Council

In addition to its outstanding textiles, Ivanovo is famous for its powerful labor movement, whose merits in the cause of the Russian revolution were noted by V. I. Lenin himself. The first city council in Russia also met here - in the premises of the former town council. The historical building, built in 1904, has survived and been used in various ways, including as a place to commemorate the first Council: a thematic museum was opened here in 1967.

Museum of the First Council

At the moment, the interior of the town council has been reconstructed, materials from the collections of D. G. Burylin and other private collections, and archival documents have been used. In 2015, an exhibition project dedicated to the life of a communal apartment was carried out; visitors - residents and guests of the city - noted the high level of the event and the “thoughtful and soulful” selection of exhibits.

  • Address: st. Sovetskaya, 27.
  • Opening hours: Tuesday–Sunday – 11:00 to 17:00; Monday is a day off.
  • Cost: for adults – 60 rubles; for pensioners, students, schoolchildren – 40 rubles; free for preschoolers.

Historical and entertainment places of the Ivanovo region

Farm "Shartom Ostrich"

Address: Shuisky district, near the village of Vvedenye Telephone: Website: https://ivstraus.ru/ Opening hours: 12.00-14.00 Sat-Sun and holidays, Mon-Fri - weekends Cost: 150 rubles How to get there: left turn in front of the village of Vvedenye , behind a rural gas station

The name of the place is associated with the nearby Nikolo-Shartomsky monastery. The farm contains 15 low-maintenance birds: emu and African.

Tours last 40 minutes. Visitors are allowed to touch, feed and photograph the ostriches. The farm sells bird eggs and ostrich fat.

Art Gallery named after. D. A. Trubnikova (Furmanov)

Address: Furmanov, st. Sovetskaya, 9 Phone: Website: https://fkgalerea.ucoz.com/ Opening hours: 09.00-17.00 Mon, Wed-Sun; Tue - closed Cost: 100 rubles

The gallery is located in a 19th-century building: the wealthy city manufacturer Gorbunov gave the house to his daughter for her wedding. At the end of the 20th century, a gallery dedicated to the Russian artist Dmitry Alekseevich Trubnikov was opened here. The painter spent most of his life in Furmanovo.

The main exhibition consists of works by the famous artist and his students: A. P. Basov, K. M. Maksimov, I. I. Kauzov. The gallery also presents exhibits related to the history of the Furmanov region and the development of the textile industry here. Most collections include household items from peasants who lived on the territory of Furmanov in the 19th century.

House-Museum named after D. A. Furmanov (Furmanov)

Address: Furmanov, st. Bolshaya Furmanovskaya, 69 Phone: Website: https://www.museum.ru/M526 Opening hours: 11.00-17.00 Tue-Sun, Mon - closed Cost: 50 rubles

The museum dedicated to the writer opened in 1958, and was closed in 1995, after perestroika. After 10 years, the house-museum started working again. But the emphasis of the exhibitions was shifted from the activities of the writer and revolutionary to the history of the region.

The first room contains original photographs and documents telling about the development of Furman factories. The second one presents an exhibition related to the 1905 revolution. The third room is dedicated to Dmitry Andreevich Furmanov: here are his paintings and works of art, translated into different languages.

Museum of the Soviet Automotive Industry

In 1992, a group was established on the basis of the Ivanovo Experimental Automobile Repair Plant, which is still operating and is engaged in car repair and the production of spare parts. Here they accept both domestic and foreign cars of any brand, completely disassemble them, clean them and restore them. Guests of Ivanov can see the results of the company’s work at the Museum of the Soviet Automotive Industry.

Museum of the Soviet Automotive Industry

The exhibition presents various Soviet-made cars (products of the GAZ, ZIL, ZIS, ZIM, VAZ factories). The museum's collection includes both mass-produced models and unique pieces. You can see the full line of Volgas, two Chaikas, GAZs and ZILs. All cars are in good working order and running, some have been modified and adapted to modern conditions.

Vintage cars have been a popular thing lately, so the museum has no shortage of visitors; guests note the abundance and variety of exhibits. You can buy souvenirs as souvenirs: collectible models, books on the history of the Soviet automobile industry and traditional T-shirts, mugs, calendars, posters. The museum’s special offer is an exclusive Palekh lacquer miniature with thematic images.

  • Address: st. Paris Commune, 16.
  • Opening hours: Thursday–Sunday – from 12:00 to 18:00.
  • Cost: for adults – 200 rubles; for schoolchildren, students, pensioners – 70 rubles; for disabled people, labor and war veterans, children under 6 years old - free.

Ivanovo Regional Art Museum

The Art Museum in Ivanovo opened in 1959, and the bulk of the fund again came from the collection of D. G. Burylin. About 16 thousand exhibits were transferred to the newly formed institution: artifacts of the Ancient World, objects of Western European and Russian art. The collection also included nationalized valuables from nearby estates. A significant part of the fund was formed from donations from the Shuya Museum, the State Museum Fund, the Russian Museum, the Tretyakov Gallery, and the ROSIZO Museum and Exhibition Center. Along these paths, a large selection of genuine masterpieces from the entire 18th and early 20th centuries, including various movements of the avant-garde era, was concentrated in Ivanovo.

Ivanovo Regional Art Museum

Almost from the very moment of its foundation, the Ivanovo Art Museum was housed in the building of a real school (a monument of civil architecture of the late 19th century) and over the years of its existence has experienced several closures and large-scale reconstructions. The last one took place in 2008–2009, and the result was the opening of a large-scale exhibition project “XX Century. Installation”, which is now operating on a permanent basis. It presents examples of Russian pictorial symbolism, modernism and avant-garde, as well as works of the socialist realist method of the pre- and post-war period. The permanent exhibition includes rooms demonstrating the art of Ancient Egypt and Antiquity (Greece and Rome).

  • Address: Lenin Avenue, 33.
  • Opening hours: Monday, Wednesday-Sunday - from 11:00 to 18:00 (ticket office until 17:30); Tuesday is a day off.
  • Cost: for adults – 150 rubles; for pensioners and students – 30 rubles; for students of technical colleges, colleges, and secondary schools - 20 rubles; for preschoolers (and some other categories of citizens) - free.

Cities and villages


The settlement was first mentioned in 1561. In the 17th century, craftsmen in painting on fabric appeared; in the 19th century, Ivanovo manufactories became known throughout the world.

In 1871, when the two villages merged and acquired city status, there were 48 factories in Ivanovo. In 1905, workers actively supported the revolution. The country's first Council of Workers' Deputies appeared in the city, the building of which became a little dilapidated, but survived into the 21st century.

The revolutionaries, in an attempt to eradicate the religiosity of the townspeople, deprived Ivanovo of some historical monuments. There are also many sights left untouched by wars and changes in political regimes:

  • Shchudrovskaya tent - a stone official hut of the 17th century;
  • buildings of textile factories of the 18th century;
  • the “Ship” and “Horseshoe” houses, the circus building and the Medical Academy in the Stalinist Empire style;
  • The Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the only one that has survived from the 17th century;
  • The Holy Vvedensky Convent, built only at the end of the 20th century.

On the streets of the city there are houses of ordinary citizens built in the 17th-20th centuries. The Museum of Industry and Arts presents a complete collection of exhibits dedicated to the history of the Ivanovo region. The museum is considered the best in Russia in terms of the value of its collections.

More about interesting places in Ivanovo in this material.


The first settlement on the site of the city was formed in the 12th century. Thanks to its favorable location on the Volga, by the end of the 18th century Plyos had turned into a shopping center. Then the city's artisans became famous throughout the country for their silk and woolen products and jewelry.

In the 19th century, the railway appeared in Russia, but not in Plyos. Trade in the city died down, the craftsmen left. The calm town attracted the attention of the capital's bourgeoisie. Isaac Levitan painted more than 200 paintings here. Fyodor Chaliapin, Ilya Repin, and Alexey Savrasov vacationed at their own dachas in Ples.

The main attractions of Plyos:

  • Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in Baroque style;
  • Church of the Resurrection, immortalized by Levitan in the painting “Above Eternal Peace”;
  • the building of the Public Offices, preserved from the 18th century;
  • museum, recreating the atmosphere of past centuries;
  • the house-museum of I. I. Levitan, where the artist himself lived, dedicated to the works of the famous landscape painter.

Interesting and useful information about Plyos and its attractions.


The first mention of the settlement dates back to the 14th century. The name of the city is associated with the famous family, whose representative, Vasily Shuisky, ascended the throne in the Time of Troubles.

From the moment of its foundation, the city was loved by the reigning persons. Ivan the Terrible made Shuya his property.

According to legend, in the 18th century, the icon of the Shuya-Smolensk Mother of God cured Peter I of cholera.

Konstantin Balmont was born in the city: the local history museum is named after the poet. Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze worked in Shuya. In honor of the revolutionary, a memorial museum dedicated to the life of the military leader and the history of the city was opened.

Shuya has never competed with the regional center in folk crafts. Local attractions are represented mainly by temples and museums:

  • Resurrection Cathedral with a bell tower, the like of which does not exist in the world: the belfry, 106 meters high, stands separately from the temple;
  • Church of the Intercession, the architect of which is considered to be the Italian Maricelli;
  • Literary and Local Lore Museum named after. K. Balmont, where over 4,000 exhibits dedicated to the poet are stored;
  • museum “State Wine Warehouse No. 3” with the opportunity to try the products;
  • soap museum: in the 17th century, Shuya was famous for its soap factories throughout the country.

More about everything interesting in Shuya - here.


The settlement was founded in the 15th century. The city is located on the banks of the Volga, which is why it has become a major industrial center of the region - second only to Ivanovo.

Religious and civil buildings of the 17th-19th centuries are well preserved in Kineshma. On the streets of the city there are stone mansions and wooden houses with carved frames.

The future commissioner Dmitry Furmanov studied at the Kineshma school. The educational institution with the memorial plaque remains intact in the 21st century.

The history of the city is most closely connected with Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky. The playwright worked as a magistrate in Kineshma. The writer created his plays, borrowing prototypes of heroes from his contemporaries living in the city. After Ostrovsky's death - in 1897 - a theater named after him was opened. Thanks to the influx of lovers of Alexander Nikolaevich’s work, a strong pier appeared in the city.

Main attractions of Kineshma:

  • the ensemble of the Assumption and Trinity Cathedrals with a five-tier bell tower;
  • Drama Theater named after A. N. Ostrovsky, in the building of which the theater museum is located;
  • Red shopping arcades, built in three styles at once: classicism, eclecticism and modernism;
  • an art and historical museum dedicated to the history of the city;
  • museum of felt boots with pairs of the smallest and largest shoes included in the Russian Book of Records.

What is important to know when going to Kineshma?


The village, founded in the 14th century, was named Dubnilovo: craftsmen who tanned leather lived and worked here. Over time, one letter dropped out of the name.

Peter I gave Dunilovo to his father-in-law. Fyodor Lopukhin, to emphasize the significance of the settlement, immediately erected the first stone church. In the village, located at the intersection of trade routes, there were many merchants, and almost each of them considered it their duty to build a new temple in Dunilovo.

After perestroika, the village was deserted. Businesses closed and residents moved away. But in quiet Dunilovo, pilgrims and tourists are regular guests. The city's attractions are represented by religious buildings of varying degrees of preservation:

  • Assumption Convent, where, according to legend, Peter I forcibly sent his unloved wife Evdokia;
  • St. Nicholas Chapel of the 19th century, classically built;
  • Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross made of red brick;
  • The ensemble of the Churches of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and All Saints is dilapidated, but the paintings inside are well preserved;
  • current Transfiguration Church.

Uvodi embankment

Ivanovo, as expected, stands on the river, and the embankment is one of the popular and sought-after places for walks and entertainment. The Byway flows through the entire city; in its central part, the shore is landscaped: between the Teatralny and Sokovsky bridges, squares and parks are laid out, attractions are installed, there is a special area for skateboarding and an equipment rental point.

Uvodi embankment

Ivanovo is an industrial city, which is why many plants and factories were located near the river, using it as a place to dump waste, so there was never any need to talk about cleanliness. Now the situation has improved somewhat, but still there are not many people who want to swim in Uvodi. But here there are ducks and seagulls that you can feed (which especially attracts children), and the factory buildings along the banks, most of which have been preserved, form the unique appearance of the embankment.

  • Address: embankment of the Uvodi River.
  • Visiting hours: around the clock.

Natural attractions

Rubskoye Lake

The main attractions of the Ivanovo region are untouched nature. Rubskoe Lake of glacial origin is very popular among townspeople. Its length is about 3 km, and its maximum depth is more than 16 meters. But since the lake is flowing, the water level in it is not constant.

On the banks of Rubskoe there are tourist centers and camps for children's recreation. The water is home to pike, crucian carp, bream, roach, perch and other types of fish. Coastal flora includes 520 plant species.

Lake Svyatoe

About 130 km from Ivanovo there is a spring lake called Svyatoe. The length of the reservoir is about 2 km. On its shore there is the village of Mugreevsky and a convent. The local landscape is defined by pine forests and sand dunes.

Conventionally, the reservoir is divided into two parts. The one to the right of the northern border is suitable for swimming. The depth of the reservoir here is shallow and is suitable for those who are just learning to swim. The western parts of the coast are covered with swamps, peat bogs and reed thickets.

Park named after V. Ya. Stepanova

Park named after V. Ya. Stepanova is located away from the Central Embankment, but is also located on the banks of the Uvodi. These 70 hectares of pine forest previously belonged to the factory owners Garelin and became part of the city only after the revolution of 1917, and in 1925 they turned into a cultural and recreation park. The park received its name from a local revolutionary and war hero, the head of the city council - V. Ya. Stepanov.

Park named after V. Ya. Stepanova

Every year the park is improved and prettier. Visitors are attracted here by the huge territory, where they can relax in peace and quiet from the hustle and bustle of the city. There are interesting metal sculptures here that deserve attention, in short - a great place for a relaxing walk. At the same time, the park has attractions for visitors of different ages: from children to adults. There is also a sports sector that operates all year round: in the summer they run, play tennis or badminton, and in the winter they go skiing and skating. There is also a beach and a boat station on site. The park constantly hosts mass entertainment events, holidays and festivals.

  • Address: st. Smolnaya, 3.
  • Opening hours: from 7:00 to 22:00 daily.

Where to go in Ivanovo and what else to see

Main Post Office

Main Post Office

The main post office is located on the right bank of the Uvodi. Its construction was carried out in the period 1929-1931 according to the design of G.S. Guryev-Gurevich. In Soviet times, the main post office was rebuilt in the style of classicism. Later, a clock tower and a balustrade with spiers along the edges were installed on the roof of the building.

The post office offers rest rooms for clients and a comfortable service hall is equipped here. During the reconstruction, the main staircase was restored, which elegantly fits into the interior of the post office.

Address: Lenina Avenue, 17, Ivanovo

Opening hours: weekdays from 8:00 to 22:00, Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 to 18:00

Cost: free



The zoo first opened its doors to visitors in 1996. The first animals were brought here by local residents, after which their number increased to 600 individuals. The zoo is home to predators, rodents, birds, primates and others.

The zoo constantly holds various events, organizes excursions and entertaining shows of soap bubbles or with the participation of life-size puppets. In addition, here children are taught to love animals and properly care for them.

Address: st. Leningradskaya, 2A, Ivanovo

Opening hours: in summer (from May 1 to September 14) from 10:00 to 20:00, closed on Mondays; in spring and autumn (from March 1 to April 30, from September 15 to October 27) from 10:00 to 18:00, Monday, Tuesday – closed; in winter (from October 28 to February 28) from 10:00 to 16:00, Monday, Tuesday - closed

Cost: adult – 200 rubles, students and pensioners – 150 rubles, children – 130 rubles.

Regional Drama Theater

Regional Drama Theater

The first idea to create a theater in the city arose in 1934. At that time, Ivanovo already had a troupe consisting of two groups. At first the theater was located in a 7-story complex. Later, the drama theater received a small but cozy new hall with 649 seats.

In the repertoire of the drama theater you can find completely different productions in terms of genre, duration, and plot. Both works of classical literature are staged, as well as modern performances or performances that are worth thinking about. Mini-productions for children based on fairy tales and cartoons are organized.

Address: Pushkin Square, 2, Ivanovo

Opening hours: from 12:00 to 18:00, closed on Mondays

Cost: from 150 rub. and higher



In the early 1930s. work began on the construction of the Ivanovo circus. After 2.5 years the work was completed. Upon completion of all construction processes, the hall began to accommodate about 3 thousand visitors. But by decision of the CPSU the circus was destroyed.

The construction of the new building was completed in 1983. Now the circus is a grand hall and a huge stage. Usually shows last 2.5 hours.

Circus programs consist of performances by jugglers, clowns, acrobats, gymnasts and animals. Always bright and colorful performances take your breath away and give unforgettable emotions. In addition, the circus hosts pop concerts and classes in a children's studio.

Address: Lenina Avenue, 42, Ivanovo

Opening hours: from 9:00 to 18:00, cash desk hours from 10:00 to 19:00 seven days a week

Cost: from 500 to 1800 rubles.

Kazan Church

Kazan Church

Initially, the church building was used as a slaughterhouse. Later, in 1810, it was rebuilt, and the church began to be intended for Old Believers. Upon completion of the work, a real church complex consisting of a priest’s house, a belfry and other buildings grew on the site.

Now the temple is one of the non-standard buildings of a religious nature, which combines a mixture of several styles. A beautiful addition was the newly added clock gate and fencing.

On the territory of the church you can enjoy the purest artesian water and be alone with yourself.

Address: Sheremetyevsky Avenue, 41, Ivanovo

Opening hours: daily, from 8:00 to 18:00

Cost: free

Official website: https://pivhikbm.prihod.ru

Kurazhev brothers store

Kurazhev brothers store

The store building was built in 1910 in an unusual Art Nouveau style for the city. The Kurazhev brothers rented it out, hence the name. Nowadays, the Kurazhevs’ store has a book department and a department with creative supplies.

The store's structure is impressive and stands out from other buildings. 3 projections create a majestic appearance for the store, and huge stained glass windows add some zest. Art Nouveau, neo-Russian and neo-Gothic styles are combined in the style of this building. It will be educational for tourists interested in architecture to look at it.

Address: Lenina Avenue, 5, Ivanovo

Opening hours: depends on the opening hours of the stores inside

Cost: free



The Ivanovo embankment is located on the Uvod River, which flows through the entire city. Most recently, the embankment was reconstructed, the banks were strengthened and infrastructure was developed.

The main entertainment for children and adults on the embankment is feeding the ducks. Also, tourists often gather here to stroll and look at the picturesque scenery. The area is equipped with benches and a bicycle path. City events and concerts are often held.

Address: st. Podgornaya, 7, Ivanovo

Park of Culture and Leisure named after. V.Ya. Stepanova

Park of Culture and Leisure named after. V.Ya. Stepanova

The park of culture and recreation is located next to the Uvod River. Its area is about 70 hectares. Before the revolution, the territory of the park belonged to the factory owners Garelin. In 1917, it began to be considered the property of the city and was included within its boundaries.

Park named after V.Ya. Stepanova is the best place for leisure, relaxation and solitude with nature. You can visit attractions, playgrounds, a shooting range, and boat stations. There is a cafe and mini-coffee shop, shops with drinks and ice cream.

Swimming season is open in summer, and the skating rink is filled in winter. The pride of the park is the 30 m high Ferris wheel.

Address: st. Smolnaya, 5, Ivanovo

Opening hours: daily, from 7:00 to 22:00

Cost: rides from 50 rubles, Ferris wheel – 100 rubles.

Kharinka Park

Kharinka Park

The park was created in 1967 in the Sovetsky district of Ivanovo near the Kharinka River, hence its name. The park area is a beautiful coastal area that is under protection. The other bank of the river is completely occupied by natural forest.

People come to Kharinka Park to relax among nature and breathe clean and fresh air. Additionally, boat rentals on the river are available.

The park has attractions that are divided into categories for children and adults. Cultural and entertainment events and concerts are often held.

Address: st. Pavla Bolshevikova, 29, Ivanovo

Opening hours: daily

Cost: the price of a ticket for attractions and boat rentals varies from 100 to 300 rubles.

Vvedensky Convent

Vvedensky Convent

1991 is the year the monastery was founded. It is located in the center of Ivanovo. Next to the monastery, the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary was erected, which is its integral part. About 150 nuns live in the monastery, and its leaders are actively involved in charity and social projects.

The monastery regularly organizes excursions for tourists and hosts pilgrimage groups. The relics of the martyrs and the cassock of John of Kronstadt are kept here, which is the main property of the monastery. Everyone is recommended to visit the monastery, which is the jewel of the city.

Address: st. Basic, 23, Ivanovo

Opening hours: weekdays from 6:30 to 20:00, weekends from 7:30 to 20:00

Cost: free

Official website: https://diakonissa.blogspot.ru

Sorrow Church

Sorrow Church

In 1879, a small tented church was built, which would later be completed and bear the name of the Sorrow Church. Namely, in the 20th century. a new bell tower with kokoshniks was erected according to the design of B.G. Begena. At the end of 1976, the church was blown up, but 2 years later it was completely restored.

A particularly revered icon in the church is the “Joy of All Who Sorrow” icon. The magnificent architecture of the building is inspiring: blue domes, roof, white base and golden decor add elegance to the church. Her ensemble is considered the most beautiful in the city. A Sunday school has been created for children.

Address: st. Rabfakovskaya, 7, Ivanovo

Opening hours: services daily at 7:00 and 16:30

Cost: free

"House-ship" and "House-horseshoe"

The influence of the working class in Ivanovo has always been great, so in the 1920-1930s the city actively developed. The rapid construction that took place here during that period led to the emergence of an incomparable number of monuments of the Soviet architectural avant-garde. First of all, it is worth noting the unique constructivist buildings: “Ship House” and “Horseshoe House”, which have survived to this day.


The era of mass standard building had not yet arrived, and designers boldly put forward original solutions, which were just as boldly implemented. One example is a residential building for workers built by architect D. F. Friedman in 1929–1930, known as the “Ship House”. The external appearance of the building easily explains the ingrained name. Adjacent to the beveled end is the rounded wall of the five-story part of the house - the bow of the ship; the eight-story tower at the other end is the stern. The balcony galleries imitate decks, and the fully glazed first floor imitates the thickness of the water under the ship. The “House-Ship” also has a second building, but it looks less expressive, since it was intended for workers’ residence (while the second building was for the nomenklatura) and was popularly dubbed a “barge.”

"Horseshoe House"

Another equally unique residential building was created for government employees in 1934. However, in this case, the unusual shape is not due to the architect’s intention, but to the customer’s requirement to fit the building into the existing landscape. This is how the “Horseshoe House” appeared: a semicircle with protruding square bay windows and tiers of triangular balconies. Of course, the aptness of the building’s nickname can only be fully appreciated from above, but they say that with a little imagination there is a chance of seeing a “horseshoe” in it from the façade.

  • Address: Lenin Avenue, 49 – “House-ship”; st. Gromoboya, 13 – “Horseshoe House”.
  • Visiting hours: around the clock.

The bride's crystal slipper

Of course, Ivanovo is best known as the “city of brides,” and, paying tribute to this glory, the townspeople placed a three-meter glass slipper in front of the building of the Chemical Technology University.

The bride's crystal slipper

Ivanovo residents owe the appearance of this structure to one of the city’s shopping centers. The grand opening took place in 2014 with the participation of numerous brides trying to “try on” the shoe one after another. The symbolic sculpture is multifunctional: it is an art object, a light installation, and a cascading flowerbed. Since its appearance, the “crystal slipper” has become one of the most interesting monuments of the city and has become popular among guests and local residents. Of course, an important factor is the location in the central part of the city, next to numerous parks and squares, which you can look into along the way and get acquainted with other interesting city sculptures.

  • Address: Sheremetyevsky Avenue, 10.
  • Visiting hours: around the clock.

Ivanovo Musical Theater

Ivanovo Musical Theater


Pushkin Square is one of the busiest places in Ivanovo, the city center. This is where the Ivanovo Musical Theater is located. And this is the only musical theater in the region.

The theater opened its first season in 1935. Today the repertoire of the Ivanovo Musical Theater is more diverse than ever. On stage - classical operetta, musical comedy, vaudeville, musical, ballet.

Estate of A. Ya. Duringer

Another interesting architectural structure of Ivanov is the estate of A. Ya. Duringer. A Swiss by birth, a young and wealthy representative of a large Moscow company decided to recreate the atmosphere of medieval Europe in a provincial town. The development of the project was entrusted to local specialist A.F. Snurilov, the result was a very interesting complex of buildings in the Art Nouveau style, taking into account the wishes of the owner - exotic for the province, but easily fitting into the list of attractions of Vyborg. Unfortunately, only the main house has survived to this day; other buildings were destroyed.

Estate of A. Ya. Duringer

However, one can judge the author’s intention from just one building. The main house of the Dühringer estate really resembles medieval European castles: with a corner round donjon and gable asymmetrical roofs; the shape of the house apparently included a small courtyard. The interiors and exterior decor were also luxurious, but did not stand the test of time. The internal layout was completely changed during the years of Soviet power: for example, the main staircase, which previously could be seen behind the large window of the main facade, disappeared.

There are several legends about the Duringer estate in Ivanovo. According to one of them, a treasure with the remains of the owner’s fortune is hidden somewhere in the house; the other tells about an underground passage: the tunnel allegedly connected the main house with the neighboring Sokolov mansion and was used for secret meetings of the owner with one of his many lovers. After the revolution, the estate was used for various needs, now it is rented out for housing and is in deplorable condition.

  • Address: st. Maria Ryabinina, 33.
  • Visiting hours: around the clock.

Religious monuments

Sorrow Church

One of the most beautiful churches in Ivanovo stands in the historical center of the city on the site of the former Dmitrovskaya Sloboda. An elegant five-domed temple in pseudo-Russian style is a remake, built 20 years ago. The old building from the late 19th century was blown up in the 1970s.

The appearance of the modern church was recreated from photographs and is as close as possible to the original. The only difference is the height of the structure: the temple “grew” by 35 m. The facade is designed in white and blue tones, the tented bell tower is decorated with kokoshniks.

The upper aisle of the temple glorifies the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow”; the lower aisle is consecrated in honor of the Beheading of John the Baptist and John the Baptist.

Transfiguration Cathedral

The temple was erected at the end of the 19th century according to the design of the famous architect Kaminsky. It was he who was the author of the first building of the Tretyakov Gallery and the main temple of the Nikolo-Ugreshsky monastery in Dzerzhinsky.

The facade of the five-domed cathedral is made in the spirit of ancient Russian architecture. The main dome stands on a cylindrical drum, the secondary ones - on faceted ones. The building has 3 entrances, and each is decorated with a porch with a dome.

The cathedral was closed in 1940, and its interior decoration has not been preserved. Divine services soon resumed, but restoration of the interior took a long time and painstakingly. The frescoes were painted in the 1980s, most of the icons were also created relatively recently.

This church is also called "White" because of its dazzling white facade and stone gates of the same color.

Kazan Church

The Old Believer Church was built in one of the buildings of the cotton-printing factory in 1810. For more than 50 years, services were held in secret, but today the church has become Orthodox.

The five-domed temple looks unusual: the white plastered facade contrasts with the black domes. The main building (former factory floor) has remained virtually unchanged, but the authentic Old Believer furnishings have not been preserved.

The architecture of the Kazan Church elegantly combines classical and ancient Russian styles. The facade is decorated with kokoshniks, platbands and cornices. The ensemble is complemented by a three-arched gate topped with a clock.

Holy Vvedensky Convent

One of the main attractions of Ivanovo and the Golden Ring is the Vvedensky Monastery, built 30 years ago in the central part of the city.

The place for the construction of the Orthodox monastery was not chosen by chance. Adjacent to it is the Church of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, built in the Byzantine style at the beginning of the 20th century. Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Tikhon once served here.

The main shrines of the temple: the relics of saints and the cassock of John of Kronstadt.

Cathedral Mosque

The only mosque in the city was built in 2013. The building with a 16-sided dome and minarets is designed in a modern style, but fully complies with the canons of Islam: crescents, an arch over the main entrance and high narrow windows. The mosque has 2 prayer halls for 650 people, and a balcony is reserved for women.

The interior decoration is modest. The only decoration of the mosque is suras from the Koran inscribed on the walls.

Church of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

This five-domed red brick church miraculously survived the revolution and has survived to this day. Initially, it was part of a convent, the buildings of which, alas, could not be preserved.

Construction of the single-domed church began in 1901 with the financial support of the successful Ivanovo manufacturer Derbenev. However, changes were soon made to the project, and it was decided to expand the building. As a result, a three-altar church was erected in the Russian style.

In 1921, the Soviet government abolished the monastery. A criminal case was opened against the nuns for concealing church values, and a dormitory for students and workers was placed in the empty buildings.

Transfiguration Cathedral

The Transfiguration Cathedral is one of the oldest preserved in Ivanovo; this is an example of the revival of Russian architecture of the pre-Petrine era, which had particular success at the end of the 19th century. The construction of the temple took place between 1889 and 1893; it was carried out with the money of the manufacturer M. N. Garelin. This elegant church, which received the nickname “White” from the residents, initially belonged to one of the surrounding villages, and became part of the city only in 1917. The Soviet government closed the temple in 1940 and completely destroyed the interior decoration.

Transfiguration Cathedral

The reconstruction of the premises took place at the end of the Great Patriotic War: numerous requests from citizens had an effect. For a long time, the Transfiguration Church remained the only one in the entire region and had the status of a cathedral. Restoration work revived the previous interiors: the wall paintings were updated and the necessary utensils were purchased. An interesting fact is connected with the iconostasis: it was brought to the church being restored from the village of Sarajevo - three-tiered, gilded, carved, in the Baroque style, which also belonged to A.V. Suvorov.

Now the Transfiguration Cathedral is still active, although it transferred the powers of the cathedral to the Assumption Church. Among its shrines are the icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice” and the relics of St. Basil (Preobrazhensky).

  • Address: st. Kolotilova, 44.
  • Opening hours: daily from 8:00 to 18:30.

Sights of Ivanovo in one day

Cathedral Mosque

Cathedral Mosque

The mosque was built in 2003. It is the only church for Muslims in the city. The red brick mosque with white figured elements resembles a modern style. The temple has 2 halls that can accommodate 650 people.

At the entrance, everyone present is offered dates, as they were often mentioned in the Koran. The interior of the mosque is neat and well maintained. Attention should be paid to the elegant but simple architecture of the building, which beckons you to look at it in person.

Address: Stroiteley Avenue, 19, Ivanovo

Opening hours: from 8:00 to 18:00, daily

Cost: free

Church of the Transfiguration (White Church)

Church of the Transfiguration (White Church)

The temple was built according to the design of A. Kaminsky in 1893. The funds for its construction were allocated by the manufacturer Garelin. During the 20th century. The temple worked intermittently. Also, until 2014 it had the status of a cathedral.

Tourists are attracted by the architecture of the building. The temple itself is designed in white and blue, and complex shaped elements on the facade and windows add to the festive feel of the church. Famous icons are presented here: “The Inexhaustible Chalice”, the icon of St. Leontius, etc. Classes related to culture, the history of the church and Orthodoxy are organized for children and adults.

Address: st. Kolotilova, 44, Ivanovo

Working hours: from 8:00 to 18:00, seven days a week

Cost: free

Official website: https://sobor-ivanovo.prihod.ru

Shchudrovskaya tent

Shchudrovskaya tent

The Shchudrovskaya tent is an old brick building in Ivanovo that has survived to this day. It is a cultural monument at the federal level. The tent was built at the end of the 17th century. And the name “Shchudrovskoe” comes from the name of the superstructure builder Osip Shchudrov.

The tent is a real mini-copy of a building from pre-Petrine times. Similar structures cannot be found in neighboring regions and regions. A visit to this attraction will immerse the tourist in the ancient architecture of Ivanovo, which will become a unique experience.

Address: st. 10 Augusta, 36A, Ivanovo

Opening hours: daily

Cost: free

Dühringer Manor

Dühringer Manor

The estate was built according to the design of A.F. Snurilov in 1910-1914. and was intended for Alexander Dühringer. The ensemble consisted of a house, outbuildings and an office. Now the estate is used as a residential premises.

The most interesting things about the building are its architectural features. The facade of the house is built with stone masonry, as in the Middle Ages. The asymmetry of the building, semicircular arches contrast with rectangular windows - and all this is in the Art Nouveau style! The estate is a must-see, because it is the most unusual corner in the center of Russia.

Address: st. Maria Ryabinina, 33, Ivanovo

Art Square

Art Square

The Art Square was opened on June 18, 2010, which the citizens of Ivanovo were eagerly awaiting. On its territory there are small sculptures, flower beds and a monument to the Russian musician Arkady Severny.

The highlight of the attraction is the Vernissage site, where works by local artists are sold. The place is equipped with the necessary lighting for viewing paintings. Art Square is a great place for walks and meetings, where you can have a good time and enjoy the “gifts” of the square.

Address: st. 10 Augusta, 36A, Ivanovo

Factory and estate of the Gandurin brothers

Factory and estate of the Gandurin brothers

The estate complex of the Gandurin brothers consisted of 2 houses and a calico printing factory located in the depths of the complex. It is believed that the factory was founded in 1828. Now the estate building is given over to offices of different directions, and the factory has remained virtually unchanged for 2 centuries.

The building of the Gandurins is one of the perfectly preserved architectural ensembles of the 19th century. It skillfully combines an industrial enterprise and residential buildings.

The relief decoration of the facade is of interest, which further emphasizes the beauty and aesthetics of the attraction, which you definitely need to see with your own eyes.

Address: st. August 10, 31, Ivanovo

Opening hours: currently there are company offices in the building

Cost: free

Holy Dormition Monastery

Holy Dormition Monastery

The monastery was opened in 1998 and consecrated by Patriarch Alexy. From the beginning of the 19th century. On the site there was an Assumption cemetery and a wooden church. In 1819-1821 A bell tower was built next to the temple.

Between 1834 and 1843 a new monastery was built. During Soviet times it was destroyed. At the end of the 90s of the 20th century. the monastery was restored and is still in operation.

The temple accepts pilgrimage groups. Inside the monastery is decorated with many frescoes of the apostles and saints. Its territory is well-groomed, flowers and a lawn are planted. The architecture of the monastery amazes all visiting tourists - the golden domes are elegantly combined with the detailed white base of the shrine.

Address: st. Smirnova, 76, Ivanovo

Opening hours: daily, from 8:00 to 17:00

Cost: free

Monument to the fighters of the 1905 revolution

The contribution of the Ivanovo (or, more precisely, Ivanovo-Voznesensk) workers (after all, the city was previously called Ivanovo-Voznesensk) is great and comparable to the scale of the proletarian movement in Moscow or St. Petersburg. This merit was noted by V.I. Lenin, and his legendary phrase is immortalized in Ivanovo on a memorial plaque installed on one of the houses. In addition, there is a monument to the fighters of the revolution in the city, which preserves memories of the events of May 1905, when mass strikes of workers took place here. The large-scale monument was opened in 1975 on the 70th anniversary of the first Council. The authors of the composition are sculptor D. B. Ryabichev, architect E. I. Kutyrev with the participation of artist M. I. Malyutin.

Monument to the fighters of the 1905 revolution

The memorial is formed from two elements. The first is the sculptural group “Raising the Banner,” which depicts, as the title suggests, a worker receiving the revolutionary banner from the hands of a fallen comrade. The second element is a structure of four tall, blank dark slabs, symbolizing the dungeons of prisons. Fire seems to burst out of them - the flame of revolution, and inside there is an illuminated crystal - the embodiment of a beating heart.

  • Address: Revolution Square, 3.
  • Visiting hours: around the clock.

Parks and squares of Ivanovo

In recent years, Ivanovo's park areas have changed greatly. For example, an Art Square appeared, which is now one of the main attractions of the city, the embankment of the Uvod River was developed, and the Orthodox church-chapel of the Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God now adorns Ivanovo Revolution Square. The Garden of the Living and the Dead is a place with an interesting “mystical” history, where the people who created Ivanov’s fame were buried. At other times, pioneer circles operated on the site of the cemetery. The pioneers who cultivated a large vegetable garden here repeatedly dug up skulls, rings, earrings, bracelets, gold chains, and even antique pocket watches from the ground.

Kharinka Park was founded on June 13, 1966 and is the main park of the city of Ivanovo. On its territory there is a swimming area, beaches, and rental of boats, catamarans and pedalos. In summer, the park offers attractions designed for both adults and children. In winter, townspeople go skiing, sledding, cheesecake, and ice-skating here.

Art Square

Art square at the intersection of Maria Ryabinina and 10 August streets.

At the intersection of Maria Ryabinina and 10 August streets there is a small “creative” square, opened on June 18, 2010.

Park Decoration

Flowers in the art square of the city of Ivanovo.

The territory of the art square has been properly landscaped: paving stones have been laid on the sidewalks and walking areas, lawns and flower beds have been laid out, benches and trash cans have been installed, and outdoor lighting has been installed.

Monument to Arkady Severny

Monument to Arkady Severny in Ivanovo

There is a monument to the performer Arkady Severny in the park. This native of Ivanovo, a famous author of urban folklore and uncensored songs, suffered from alcohol addiction, which is why he is depicted with a bottle and a cigarette in his hands. Initially, there was a rose in the bottle, but the Ivanovo public sent an open letter to the governor, and on June 21, 2010, the rose was dismantled by the Department of Culture.

Monument "Bronze Dachshund"

Monuments of Ivanovo. Bronze dachshund in Art Square

The bronze dachshund is the hero of many photographs and a favorite of children. Rarely a resident of Ivanovo or a guest of the city, passing by this attraction, will not stroke the ears or nose of a charming dachshund, believing that this will definitely bring good luck.

Revolution Square and park in Ivanovo

Revolution Square is the central square of the city of Ivanovo, where the main administrative buildings of the city are located. Also, this is the most popular attraction on magnets and souvenirs for tourists.

City square on Revolution Square

Square on Revolution Square in Ivanovo

Behind the square there is a small square, which is decorated with flower beds and the temple-chapel of the Theodore Icon of the Mother of God, built quite recently - in 2012.

Revolution square. Monument to Revolutionary Fighters

Monument to the fighters of the revolution in Ivanovo

On the square there is a huge monument in memory of the revolutionary events of 1905. The monument can already be seen from a distance. The sculptor depicted the figures of two workers: one is wounded, the other picks up the banner that has fallen from the hands of a comrade. This place is traditionally visited by newlyweds.

Plate with a statement by V.I. Lenin

At the end of Lenin Avenue, next to the square, on a four-story building, there hangs a huge slab with a statement from Vladimir Ilyich: “The proletariat of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Ivanovo-Voznesensky has proven in practice that it will not yield to the conquest of the revolution at any cost.” The panel emphasizes the great importance of the revolutionary movement of 1905 in Ivanovo-Voznesensk.

Embankment in Ivanovo

Embankment in Ivanovo

The embankment, whatever it may be, is the most favorite place for citizens and guests of the city. In recent years, a major reconstruction of the embankment has been carried out - new benches and trash cans have been installed, the bed of the Uvodi River has been cleared, and the bank slopes have been developed in the area from Pushkin Square to the bridge near the Tourist Hotel.

And although the Uvod River cannot boast of either depth or length, Ivanovskaya Embankment today is a landscaped, landscaped area that is not ashamed to show to tourists.

Square next to the Ivanovo Circus building

In the northern part of Ivanovo, on the banks of the Uvod River there is a small park. This is a pleasant place for a walk in the very center of Ivanovo.

Monument to Frunze M.V.

In this park, next to the building of the Ivanovo Circus, there is a monument to an active participant in the 1905 revolution, the military leader of the Red Army - Frunze M.V. During the revolution of 1905-1907, he conducted party work in Ivanovo-Voznesensk and Shuya (under the pseudonym “Comrade Arseny”). At the head of the fighting squad of Ivanovo-Voznesensk and Shuya workers, Frunze participated in the December armed uprising of 1905 in Moscow.

Ivanovo Circus building

The Ivanovo State Circus was at one time the largest circus in the USSR. The building was originally made of wood and was an example of avant-garde architecture of the 30s. But, by decision of the First Secretary of the Ivanovo Regional Committee, the circus was destroyed in 1975, and a new one was built in its place.

Just in 2016, the circus was restored. Now it looks like a shopping mall!

Pushkin Square in Ivanovo

Pushkin Square is located in close proximity to the Uvod River and Ivanovskaya embankment. On one side there is Kokuy Boulevard, on the other - Lenin Avenue. This is the central square of Ivanovo, where most city events and holidays take place. In addition, this is a great place for walking. In the center there is a large fountain, which in the summer months in the evenings turns into a light and musical water show - a favorite vacation spot for Ivanovo’s youth. From Pushkin Square there is a wonderful view of the sights of Ivanovo: the Great Ivanovo Manufactory, the Ivanovo State Circus, the BTI factory, the Palace of Arts, the Trinity Church (remodeled), the Moscow Lights towers.

Literary square in Ivanovo

While walking along Lenin Avenue, you can go into the cozy and green “Literary Square”, which is located on the right side (Demidova St., 4). Here, city guests are greeted by Ivanovo's fellow poets, whose sculptures are nestled among the fragrant lilac bushes.

Lenin Square and Boulevard

This square was called as many times as possible - Posadskaya, Voznesenskaya, Soviet Republic, Central and, finally, now it is Lenin Square. The monument to the great leader itself was unveiled on April 22, 1956. The 4.5-meter bronze figure of Lenin is mounted on a pedestal of red polished granite with a gilded inscription Lenin. The original chain-link fence around the monument was subsequently removed. The authors of the monument are sculptor P.Z. Friedman and architect A.K. Rostovsky. It is noteworthy that the existing monument replaced one of the first monuments to Lenin in the USSR, erected on this site in 1924. A modest-sized monument to Lenin, 1.8 meters high, sculptor V.V. Kozlova, which did not fit into the changed surrounding buildings, was transferred to the local history museum.

Boulevard behind Lenin Square

Further along Lenin Avenue there is a small green boulevard.

Red Talca

Another important memorial in the history of the proletarian movement of Ivanovo-Voznesensk is the so-called Red Talka. At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, rallies and meetings of workers from local textile factories were buzzing and seething in this very place. The first monument in honor of those events appeared in 1957: a brick obelisk with an appropriate inscription. However, during the required reconstruction, it was completely rebuilt and received its current appearance. The new monument was opened in 1975. The authors of the composition are sculptor L. L. Mikhailyonok and architect V. S. Vasilkovsky.

Red Talca

Today, the memorial is an organic ensemble of several elements. The entrance to it is decorated with a small platform, which continues with a wide and long alley of heroes. At the beginning of it there is a monument to the Bolshevik Fyodor Afanasyev, who died on this place, and then on both sides there are busts of revolutionaries who took an active part in the First Russian Revolution. The compositional center of the memorial is an obelisk monument on a round platform, slightly elevated above the ground, in front of it is a bowl of eternal flame, now extinguished. In general, having lost its ideological significance, the “Red Talka” memorial has also lost state support, and therefore is in disrepair.

  • Address: near the intersection of Shuvandina and Svoboda streets.
  • Visiting hours: around the clock.

Revolution square

This is the central square of Ivanovo, where the main city buildings stand - the administration and the mayor's office. Lenin and Sheremetevsky avenues begin from here. Nearby is a popular place for folk festivals - Kokuy Boulevard. Previously, there were two churches and a chapel on the square, which were demolished in 1932.

Now in its center there is a landmark - a monument to revolutionaries, built in 1975, and right behind it there is a park. Opposite in 2011, a statue of Yakov Garelin was erected. In 2012, a chapel was built on the square.

Museum of Palekh Art

Palekh miniature is a unique folk craft that appeared and developed in the small village of Palekh. Before the revolution, it was famous for the local school of icon painting and monumental painting, but the events of 1917 forced the masters to look for other ways of artistic development. They managed to master new material and transfer traditional techniques to new forms. This is how the world-famous Palekh miniature was born: painting with tempera paints on a black background of boxes, caskets, ashtrays, brooches, etc. Masters usually borrow plots from everyday life, literary and folklore works.

Museum of Palekh Art

Palekh art interested A. M. Gorky, and on his advice, artists began to collect and preserve the best works. He also recommended establishing a special museum for this purpose, which opened in 1935. Local craftsmen took an active part in the formation of the collection: they handed over drawings, sketches, and finished works. At the same time, the first director of the museum, German Vasilyevich Zhidkov, saw his task as creating a real cultural center in Palekh. Under him, the funds were replenished with works by Russian and foreign artists of the 16th–19th centuries.

In addition, the Palekh Museum became a haven for many ancient icons, brought here from closed temples in the adjacent territory, as well as collected during specially organized expeditions. As a result, the collection of ancient Russian paintings grew so much that in 2014 it moved to a separate building and formed an independent permanent exhibition. The Museum of Palekh Art also includes several memorial houses of local artists, masters of lacquer miniatures P. D. Korin, N. V. Dydykin, I. I. Golikov and N. M. Zinoviev.

  • Address: town of Palekh, st. Bakanova, 50 – museum of lacquer miniatures; st. Lenina, 6 – museum of icons.
  • Opening hours: Tuesday–Sunday – from 10:00 to 17:30; Monday is a day off.
  • Cost: single entrance ticket to all departments of the museum for adults – 200 rubles; for pensioners, students, schoolchildren – 100 rubles; for preschoolers – free.

Let's sum it up

Unique museums with rich collections of rarities and antiquities and works of local folk crafts. Amazing architectural monuments: from Pre-Petrine Rus' to the Soviet avant-garde. Grandiose memorials and unusual monuments of modern times.

All this is Ivanovo, which is always ready to surprise its guests. You can and should come here for new impressions, mysterious legends, and a breath of history. This city is at the crossroads of eras; it contains a mixture of many different things: modernity, the conquests of the proletariat, folk crafts and ancient art. Everyone will choose what they like.

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