Sights of the Voronezh region: 28 best with photos and descriptions

Hello, dear subscribers! Now is the time to plan your weekend trip. I am sure that you have already visited all the popular places, so I will tell you about a not very popular city - Voronezh.

Today you will learn how to come to a not very popular city for just one day and take with you more than a hundred photographs. I have selected beautiful places in Voronezh for you. Very good for walks and photo shoots.

City `s history

Voronezh was founded in 1586, first as a fortress and village. Already by the 17th century it was an important city on the route from Europe to the Caucasus, where travelers rested, replenished provisions and recruited guards. This is how the city was before Peter I.

The construction of the Russian fleet for Peter's campaigns was carried out in Voronezh. This city is the cradle of the Russian fleet. Now you can go on an excursion to the ship, which is an exact replica of Peter’s ship. Then the city lived like other cities in Russia: there were fires, a change of government, the destruction and construction of buildings.

Today Voronezh is an unusual and very interesting city to visit. There were no high-profile historical events here, but the original atmosphere has been preserved here, which cannot be confused with anything else.

Where else to go in Voronezh

Central Market

Address: st. Pushkinskaya, 8.

Photo: Romzes333 / Shutterstock

Indoor market with farm products and its own production. On the ground floor they sell traditional market vegetables, fruits, cheeses, and fresh fish. But you can skip this part and immediately go up to the second floor, where they sell goods produced by the Central Market. Among them are goat milk cheeses, sausages, puffed marshmallows and marshmallows, chocolate and candies. The process of creating products can be observed through the windows.


Address: st. Stankevicha, 6.

Photo: Vladimir Mulder / Shutterstock

The townspeople have formed many myths about the synagogue: for example, that the Masons hold their meetings there, so ordinary people are not allowed inside. In fact, you can get into the synagogue on any day except Saturday - you just need to negotiate with the security guard at the entrance.

It was designed in the Moorish style, in which synagogues were built in Berlin, Budapest, Kyiv, St. Petersburg and Kharkov. Just a few years after construction, the authorities began to put pressure on the Jewish community, and in 1939 the synagogue was closed. History of the Voronezh Jewish community. After nationalization, they wanted to set up a club in the synagogue, but the war began and the building was practically destroyed. In the early 2000s, the building was restored.

Periodically, the rabbi conducts tours of the synagogue, where he talks about its history and the difficult fate of Voronezh Jews. Announcements of events are published in the community group.

Speakeasy bars

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Posted by 8 Spirits&Cocktails Bar (@8spirits_and_cocktails) Dec 25, 2022 at 7:28 am PST

“Voronezh is a city of courage,” locals often say. Therefore, it’s simply impossible to come here and not raid the bars. A few years ago, speakeasy bars appeared in the city - semi-secret establishments without signs, which only “insiders” know about. There are currently three such bars: Eight, Boulevardier and Mizuwari. For visitors, this is an excellent option to get to know the city, but before visiting such a bar you need to write on your Instagram account and warn that you are coming - they will explain to you how to find the establishment.


Photo: Alexander Denisenko / Shutterstock
Voronezh is built on a hill, so in the city center there are many steep ascents and descents that you have to climb. Nizami is the name given to an area on a slope with narrow streets and private houses leading from the city center to the reservoir. Many monuments of wooden architecture have been preserved there and the atmosphere of royal Voronezh is created. You can start your walk from Admiralteyskaya Square, Petrovskaya or Massalitinov embankments and climb up any narrow street.

Gallery H.L.A.M.

Address: st. Deputatskaya, 1.

Photo: HLAMgallery Facebook page

Voronezh is one of the main centers of contemporary art in Russia, and the gallery H.L.A.M. became one of its first centers in the city. It usually hosts exhibitions and performances by artists from all over Russia. Last year Pakhom showed his works at the gallery, and before that there was an exhibition of the controversial artist Polina Muzyka. In 2018, a festival dedicated to the work of the famous Russian theater and film director Boris Yukhananov was held here. TRASH. represents Voronezh artists at the main Russian contemporary art fair Cosmoscow, and in 2016 the exhibition “In the Glorious City of Voronezh” was held at Winzavod.

There are currently no exhibitions in the gallery and it is closed to visitors. It is convenient to follow announcements in a group on the social network VKontakte.

Prydachenskaya Dam

Photo: Vladimir Mulder / Shutterstock
A small island formed after the creation of the Voronezh reservoir. It has a cozy walking alley, a kayaking base, and sports grounds. You can come in the evening and watch the athletes train and swim on SUP boards. The island offers views of both shores at once.

Atmosphere of the city

I was surprised when I found out that Voronezh is a city of over a million people, that is, there are more than a million inhabitants. This is not felt at all in the city.

Voronezh was built on the river of the same name, and a reservoir was created for the life of the city. On the left side of the river there are modern buildings, high-rise buildings and business life. And on the right is history. On the right bank, a few houses are higher than 6 floors, and the private sector exceeds all apartment buildings in area.

Just look at this street, in what other city of a million will you find this? The historical center resembles St. Petersburg, and there are no traffic jams even during rush hour. But let's go through the places using the photos.

New Year's photo zones at the Arena shopping mall

The Arena shopping mall also has several New Year's photo zones. Next to the shopping center there is a large Christmas tree, and inside there are several Christmas trees at once. On the second floor you can take original shots next to the “Clock” photo zone and near the New Year’s arch.

Christmas trees in the Arena shopping center

New Year's arch

Photo zone “Clock”

Monuments of people

If you like to take pictures against the backdrop of monuments, then this section is for you. Voronezh was on the front line during World War II, so many streets here are named in honor of War Heroes, monuments were erected to them and people remember their exploits.

Here is a list of names that have been honored with a monument in Voronezh:

  • Vysotsky. The singer himself was not in Voronezh, it was just necessary to erect a monument in this place to replace the destroyed group of statues of gymnasts.
  • Mandelstam. But Osip really lived for a couple of years in Voronezh and created the “Voronezh Notebook”.
  • Platonov. The writer Andrei Platonov was born and lived part of his life in Voronezh, and the monument was opened on the centenary of his birth.
  • Bunin. The Russian writer also comes from Voronezh, as the monument and the square of the same name remind us of.
  • Peter I. The cradle of the Russian fleet and without a monument to the Tsar? It couldn't be!
  • Lenin – Which Soviet city does not have a monument to Lenin?
  • Pyatnitsky. A Soviet musician, creator of the Russian choir and collector of folk songs, Voronezh for him is his small homeland.
  • Nikitin. The monument to the poet was opened on the 50th anniversary of his death, because it was in Voronezh that he created most of his work, opened a bookstore, and then died of tuberculosis.
  • Yesenin. Yesenin has never been to Voronezh, but the memory of him is in all cities of Russia.
  • Koltsov. Poet who lived in the 19th century. The bust itself is not very remarkable, but the pedestal is historical, and the square is very interesting to visit.
  • Pushkin. Again, what kind of city could there be without Pushkin?
  • Marshak. The famous translator and writer lived in Voronezh for a long time, as the monument indicates.
  • Chernyakhovsky. The Soviet military leader did not live just a couple of months before the Victory.
  • Vaitsekhovsky was a military leader of the Soviet army, participated in the Civil War and died during World War II.
  • Mitrofan of Voronezh is the first bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church in Voronezh.

Each of these people played an important role in the history of the city in one way or another. I don't really like photos with monuments, so I'm just attaching a couple of photos for my report. Most of the monuments are within walking distance from the train station.

Wildlife sanctuaries and reserves of the Voronezh region

The nature and landscape of the Voronezh region are so unique that you want to preserve every part for future generations. Therefore, nature reserves occupy one of the most significant places in the development of the region.

Voronezh Biosphere Reserve

  • Coordinates on the map: 51.942180, 39.597760.

At the beginning of the 20th century, it was believed that almost the entire beaver population in Russia had already been exterminated, until a group of scientists discovered several settlements on the Usmanka River. They turned to the People's Commissariat of Agriculture of the RSFSR with a request to create a reserve in these places in order to preserve this valuable game animal, and the request was granted.

In 1932, an order was signed to create the world's first experimental beaver reserve, and two years later scientists received the first offspring.

Little beaver cubs were settled all over the world. Descendants of the same animals discovered at the beginning of the century live today even in Lapland. In the reserve, the beavers have a real town, equipped with the latest technology, and the Beaver News newspaper is published. The animals also welcome guests with pleasure.


  • Address: Divny lane, 25, Divnogorie village.

Here, on an area of ​​more than 17 hectares, many relict plants and animals have been preserved, many of which are listed in the Red Book of Russia. In addition, the reserve also has the status of an archaeological museum and a natural monument of federal significance.

Its main attractions date back to different eras, but the most common are monuments from the Bronze Age, the Middle Ages and the Paleolithic.

The main decoration of the reserve is the church, which is located inside the chalk mountain. It was hollowed out at the beginning of the 19th century by monks and consecrated in honor of the Sicilian Icon of the Mother of God.

Lomovsky Landscape Park

  • GPS coordinates: 50.759986, 41.175112.

Loma Farm, one of the most interesting places for lovers of ethnotourism, is located almost on the border with the Volgograd region. It constantly hosts various kinds of festivals, and there is entertainment not only for adults, but also for children.

No one will be bored. You can swing on a wooden swing in the so-called Dead Forest, visit a stone labyrinth or a sauna. And then drink herbal tea from 10 types of medicinal plants growing right in the park. Many of them are relicts, preserved from ancient times.

Many species of wild animals and birds have found shelter here. The pond is inhabited by fish, and on the shore there is a completely restored water mill, giving the attraction an old Russian flavor.

Khopersky Reserve

  • Coordinates: 51.234150, 41.736416.

It was created to preserve the muskrat population living in the Khoper River valley in 1935. But the main asset of the reserve is its rich flora. More than 80% of its area is covered with a variety of flora, of which there are about 1,200 species.

Some relict plants have also been preserved here, for example, water chestnut - chilim. Many animals and birds living in the reserve are rare and are listed in the Red Book.

Zoo nursery Chervleny Yar

  • Address: Smorodinovaya st., 2D, Voronezh.

This zoo complex is a branch of the Voronezh Zoo, but is located in a forest belt, on the shore of the Voronezh Reservoir. Most of its inhabitants are ungulate mammals, such as roe deer, deer, yaks, and bison.

But there are even wild boars, guinea fowl, and mouflons. For visitors, eco-trails have been developed here, passing in the shade of man-made plantings, and a rock garden, where you can not only experience Zen, but also admire various rock formations.

Stone steppe

  • Coordinates: 51.036038, 40.735479.

This unique reserve is of great importance not only for the Voronezh region, but also for the whole world. After all, studies of human economic activity on the soil layer have been conducted on its territory for more than a hundred years.

The main attractions of the reserve are:

  • centuries-old deposits of arable, but left unsown lands,
  • Dokuchaevskoye Reservoir, most often called the sea,
  • the first forest belts laid out in the 19th century;
  • unique landscape and fauna, where marmots are the main ones.

Don't miss: Where to go with a child in Voronezh

Cool monuments

It’s much more interesting to take pictures with unusual monuments, don’t you think? Sit on a bronze chair, shake Matroskin’s hand and everything in that regard. In Voronezh, of course, there is someone to shake hands with and a place to sit.

DNA monument.

The monument is located in the middle of a roundabout for cars, so it’s impossible to get close. Maybe early in the morning or at night, but still be careful. And from afar you can take a selfie to the glory of Soviet scientists and science in general.

healing chair

Sit for a while on a bronze chair to recharge yourself with goodness and lose your “redneck nature” - that’s what the inscription on this healing chair says. It’s a pity that in cool weather the redneck nature will remain in you, because sitting on metal is dangerous.

Kitten from Lizyukov Street

Hero of a popular cartoon. One of the few monuments well located from the city center. If you love Soviet animation and want a selfie with a kitten, you’re welcome.


White Bim Black Ear – who doesn’t know him? The monument is located on the square near the puppet theater, which itself can serve as an excellent backdrop for photos. You can pet Bima, hug him and take pictures, just like with a living dog.

Seller and buyer

This monument is located near the Cathedral Market, quite far from the center. But you can buy useful things. I think these monuments are worth searching. If you just walk around the city, you can find a dozen more monuments, for example, a wild boar.

New Year's photo zones at the Central Market of Voronezh

The Central Market of Voronezh also has several interesting places for a free New Year's photo shoot. On the second floor there is the “Headquarters of Father Frost”, where you can not only take pictures in beautiful locations, but also meet Father Frost himself. Children can tell him a rhyme and receive a gift. And, of course, here you can take a photo with the main wizard in his sleigh.

Christmas tree near the Central Market

Photo zone "Snowman"

Photo zone “2022”

Santa Claus's sleigh

Father Frost

On the minus first floor of the Central Market, in the Axioma home shopping center , there are also interesting photo zones in the form of a fairy-tale forest and magical owls.

Photo zone “Fairy Forest”

Photo zone "Owls"

Memorable places

In addition to local monuments, there are entire memorial complexes that would be unwise to divide.

Victory Memorial

Right in the center of the city there is a large memorial complex dedicated to the Victory. In addition to the monuments, there is a beautiful view of the coast and the reservoir.

At the northern end of the square there is a monument to the Defenders of Voronezh and an eternal flame in front of them.

At the southern end of the square there is a memorial stele with the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree.

Between them is a bronze map of military operations in the city, the names of military units and other memorial signs. This is a very strong square, you can feel the heroism of the people there. From the northern exit there is a monument to a front-line postman.

Admiralty Square and Goto Predestination

The second place, located near the center, is Admiralty Square. It is located just perfectly - it’s about a kilometer and a half walk directly from the center, but down (and back up, respectively) along not very well-equipped streets. There is no public transport there, and the way around will be a long detour.

There is a rostral column and a neat square around it.

Triumphal Arch:

Goto-Predestination is a replica of a ship built during the time of Peter I. There are excursions here, and it just looks interesting.

There is also the Assumption Admiralty Church on the square, but more about it below.

Beautiful lakes in the Voronezh region

Strange lakes, of which there are many on the map of the Voronezh region, are more the norm than the exception to the rule. Mysterious and interesting, they are considered one of the most visited places.

Turtle Lake

  • Coordinates: 51.820053, 39.410780.

Not far from the village of Maklok there is another unique natural monument of the Voronezh region. The only body of water where the marsh turtle lives - a very rare, endangered animal. The banks of the reservoir are unusually picturesque. They are covered with trees and bushes.

The lake is quite deep, and on one side it generally turns into a swamp. The vegetation on the other side is denser and creates deep shade. It’s quite easy to see turtles here; they are found at every step and are the main object that attracts tourists here.

Chalk Lake

  • Coordinates on the map: 51.649818, 38.990737.

Another reservoir attractive to travelers is located in the Semiluksky district, not far from the village of Orlov Log. Locals call it the Cretaceous Sea, although the body of water itself is small. The place is quite lively.

There are always vacationers on the shore who come to swim, sunbathe or play beach volleyball on the sandy shore. The bottom of the lake, by the way, is also chalk pleasant to the touch, but only at the beginning. The further you move from the shore, the more silt you will feel with your feet. The water here is fresh and muddy, due to chalky impurities, but it holds almost like sea salt water.

Blue Lake in Otrozhka

  • Coordinates: 51.726205, 39.288681.

There is a lake in the Voronezh region, the appearance of which is very unusual for this region. It is filled with warm water of an amazing turquoise hue. The lake is man-made - water filled an abandoned sand quarry and now this place is very popular among local residents and vacationers. The smooth sandy beaches around it attract even more people who want to swim, and rumors that there is a dump of industrial waste at the bottom of the reservoir do not stop anyone.

Indian Lake

  • Coordinates: 51.336287, 41.052658.

The freshwater body of water in the Anninsky district has an almost perfect round shape. And it didn’t get this name because of women. This is due to pelicans, which were previously popularly called the woman bird.

These birds, completely unusual for the region, constantly flew in and nested on the banks of the reservoir. However, for more than 150 years nothing has been heard about them in these parts, but they did not change the name.

The water here is always clean, and the depth reaches 5 meters. Fans of camping and fishing will definitely like this place, because the shores of the lake are always quiet and peaceful. The reservoir has the status of a Natural Monument of regional significance.


Blagoveshchensky cathedral.

The largest and most modern temple in the city, it is located in the center and you definitely won’t miss it. In front of it stands a monument to the first bishop.

Uspensky Admiralty temple.

The oldest temple in the city, the construction dates back to the 17th century.


If you like museum holidays, then Voronezh is not very suitable for you. But there are a couple of museums here, although I avoided them.

Museum of Local Lore

If you want to study the history of the city in detail.


The museum is dedicated to the Second World War.

Museum of Forgotten Music

Musical instruments, compositions and simply the history of music.


If the building you like is equally beautiful inside and out, you can conduct two mini-wedding photo shoots in one. It’s most convenient to do this at the off-site registration location or where the wedding banquet is taking place - this way you’ll save a lot of time and definitely won’t depend on weather conditions.

  • Theater/gallery. The best option for photographs if the newlyweds are art lovers. Just imagine what compositions can be created with columns and portals (arches), on stairs, against the background of paintings and mirrors.
  • Temple. Why not have a photo shoot immediately after the wedding? It is especially successful when the ceremony takes place in a large, beautiful cathedral. You can take unusual shots in the bell tower or film the traditional throwing of tame pigeons into the air.
  • An old manor. The working estate-museum is ideal for a classic formal wedding, and the abandoned ruins will create a special atmosphere for an unusual photo shoot.
  • Hotel. A practical and beautiful solution. You can shoot in the celebration hall, in the attic, in the hall, or in a romantically decorated bridal suite.
  • Themed cafe. In every more or less large city there is a venue for an unusual wedding: in ethnic style, vintage, based on a book or movie.
  • Studio. If you want to get a predictable result without surprises, renting a studio is the most logical solution. Choose a ready-made beautiful interior and forget about problems with lighting, decorations, weather changes, and searching for a good shot

Places for photo sessions

We took pictures with monuments, museums, churches... Where else could we get about 60 photos? Well, to get a hundred.

A stone bridge

Just look at him. He is beautiful in his own right.

There is also a church nearby, picturesque stone walls, and a descent to the embankment. In general, you can spend a couple of productive hours here with a camera.


The place is slightly away from the center. There was a hospital here, but for the needs of the city the building was dismantled for its foundation. The base turned out to be a skeleton made of metal and concrete, against which you can also take a hundred atmospheric photos.

Koltsovsky Square

In fact, it's just a small patch of greenery in the city. But rare varieties of apples, pears, as well as chestnuts and other trees that bloom incredibly beautifully are planted here.

I recommend visiting this place in the mood for photos sometime in May. And in the summer you can dance with the fountains - they dance to music here.

Petrovsky Square

Square with a monument to Peter. Everything here is as sleek as possible, as if from a design magazine. But the photos will turn out interesting.

Central Park

An analogue of Gorky Park in Moscow. There are green spaces, playgrounds, and cafes. Seasonally there are exhibitions, holidays and sports performances. I think that more than 100 photographs can be taken here, both with the symbols of the city, and simply beautiful and atmospheric ones.


One of the best options for a wedding photo shoot. It does not require decor, expensive room rental, or coming up with unusual compositions - and it will be beautiful. Due to the abundance of natural light, photographs taken outdoors do not require extensive retouching. It’s not scary to entrust such a photo shoot even to a beginner.

In the summer, the azure sky and cheerful greenery will be a beautiful backdrop for a portrait of the newlyweds; in the fall, a noble palette of red and gold shades will appear. In mid-spring, you get romantic photos among flowering trees, and snowy winter gives the atmosphere of a northern fairy tale. Moreover, in every city (or in its immediate vicinity) you can find a place that is ideal for your scenario.

However, do not forget that sometimes the weather brings surprises: sudden rain, snowfall or strong wind can ruin your plans. In this case, the photo shoot will have to be postponed to another date and, perhaps, another photographer will be invited.

  • Shore of a river/lake/sea. In this location you will get a lot of subject photos: a barefoot walk, a boat ride, wreaths on the water, a kiss against the sunset, a carefree relaxation on the pier. Simple and brilliant. In Voronezh, a place near the water can be, for example, a sandy beach near a reservoir or a pier in the fishing village.
  • Forest. For such a photo shoot, it is best to find a nice edge surrounded by a wall of tall trees. In the morning, the photographer will use the play of the sun's rays in the crowns, and in the evening he will create a magical atmosphere with the help of lamps and garlands.
  • Field. Open areas produce the brightest and most contrasting photographs. Both a lush meadow and a sea of ​​golden wheat under the open sky will look advantageous. The main thing is to choose the right weather.
  • Mountains. You don't have to travel far to capture such a landscape. In the Voronezh and Lipetsk regions there are very beautiful places: stunning chalk mountains (Divnogorye, Kostomarovo) and picturesque rocky terrain (White Well, Galichya Mountain, Dongor GC, Vorgolsky Rocks, Kurapovsky Rocks).
  • Safari Park. A compromise between nature and man-made, usually with an interesting landscape. In the Lipetsk region, an example of such a location is the Kudykina Gora miracle park, and in Voronezh - the Chervlyony Yar zoo nursery.
  • Hippodrome. Many stud farms and private stables provide horse riding services, during which you can conduct a photo session.

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