Map of Seversk in detail with streets, houses and districts

SEVERSK , a city of regional subordination, a closed administrative-territorial association in the Tomsk region; located on the right bank of the Tom River, 20 km (by road) north of Tomsk. Founded in 1949 as a factory village in connection with the construction of the Siberian Chemical Plant (plant No. 816). The original code name was post office box No. 5, from 1951 - the village of Berezki, Tomsk-7. Since 1954 - Seversk. The secrecy status was lifted in 1989. Since 1997 - ZATO, which includes, in addition to Seversk, the villages of Samus, Orlovka, Chernilytsikovo, the villages of Kizhirovo and Semiozerki. Population (thousands of people): 1989 - 103.0; 1998 - 118.0; 2002 - 109.1; 2007 - 107.1 (with subordinate settlements 114.0).

On the territory of modern Seversk there were the villages of Iglakovo (founded in 1656) and Beloborodovo (founded in the early 18th century). In 1949, the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution on the creation of a plant for the production of highly enriched uranium and plutonium near Tomsk (launched in 1953). Simultaneously with the chemical plant, a thermal power plant was built - one of the most powerful power plants in Russia at that time (launched in 1953, in 1961 it reached its design capacity). In 1958, the second nuclear power plant in the USSR, the Siberian one, came into operation. The construction of the chemical plant and the city was largely carried out at the expense of military construction units and prisoners.

The city has one of the largest monuments to Vladimir Lenin in the country.

The main sectors of the economy are the nuclear and chemical industries. The city-forming enterprise is the Siberian Chemical Plant, which includes a thermal power plant and a nuclear power plant. There are: construction and industrial joint-stock company "Khimstroy", electrical installation enterprise MSU-74, OJSC "Prommekhanomontazh", Samussky shipbuilding and ship repair plant, food industry enterprises. In order to provide electricity to the growing needs of the Tomsk region, in recent years the issue of constructing the Seversk NPP has been considered.

There are 5 scientific institutions in Seversk: Research and Design Institute of the Siberian Chemical Combine (founded 1952), Siberian Branch of the State Scientific Research Institute, Federal State Unitary Enterprise Tomsk State Design and Survey Institute, Seversk Biophysical Research Center of the Ministry of Health of Russia (opened in 2000), Research Institute of Gastroenterology Siberian State Medical University (2002). There are 45 kindergartens, 18 secondary schools, a gymnasium, 2 lyceums, an evening general education school, a basic general education boarding school, a special (correctional) boarding school, 8 sports, 2 music, an art school, a children's creativity center, an additional education center. Search", college of arts, industrial college, 2 vocational schools, Seversk State Technological Academy, Seversk Training Center for Humanitarian Facts of Tomsk State University, musical theater, theater for children and youth, youth theater "Our World", 2 cinemas, clubs, network libraries, natural park (opened in 1953), museum. The city has 3 sports complexes, a roller ski track, and the Yunost sports camp. In 1998, the Orthodox Church of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God was opened. 3 newspapers, a magazine are published, and a television and radio company operates. Healthcare is represented by a medical and sanitary unit, a rehabilitation center for children and adolescents with disabilities, 2 sanatoriums for adults, a children's sanatorium, a military hospital, and the Samus linear hospital.

The coat of arms was approved in 1998: in a silver field framed by an olive wreath, a ball surrounded by 15, collected in groups of 5, intersecting elongated rings; all figures are azure. The ball and the through ovals surrounding it make up the sign of the atom - the emblem of nuclear production; olive branch (symbol of peace) indicate the creative, peaceful nature of nuclear production. The azure color speaks of the beauty and youth of Seversk, the greatness of the work of its inhabitants; silver symbol of peace, innocence and purity.

Lit.: History of Seversk. Tomsk, 1999; Geography of Russia: Encyclopedic Dictionary. M., 1998; All Russia. Cities and towns: Encyclopedia. M., 2001.

SI. Andreenkov, E.V. Komleva


  • 1 General information
  • 2 City leaders in the post-Soviet period 2.1 Seversk leaders after October 2020
  • 2.2 Mayor, also the Chairman of the City Duma (until October 2020)
  • 2.3 City manager (period from 2005 to 2015)
  • 3 Media
  • 4 History of Seversk
  • 5 Attractions
  • 6 Honorary citizens of the city
  • 7 Famous personalities
  • 8 See also
  • 9 Literature
  • 10 Notes
  • 11 Links
  • Education

    Secondary professional institutions

    • SEC
      Seversky Industrial College
      - has been operating since 1959 to the present.

    General information

    Seversk is the largest closed city of Rosatom (formerly Minatom of the Russian Federation). Population size:

    • as of January 1, 2006 it is 114,100 inhabitants;
    • as of January 1, 2009, there were 107,073 inhabitants, and within the new expanded borders of the ZATO (including the villages of Samus and Orlovka, the villages of Kizhirovo, Chernilshchikovo and Semiozerki) there were 113,800 inhabitants.

    The total area of ​​ZATO is currently 48,565 hectares (ha).

    The city was founded in 1949 as a settlement at the Siberian Chemical Plant, and became a city in 1956. The townspeople called it Tomsk-7

    the Fifth Postal
    , in the world - “
    Belaya Beard village, Atomsk
    ”. Later, a competition was announced in which each resident could propose a name for the city.

    (More details

    : see History of Seversk)

    The ZATO Seversk includes 6 settlements: the city of Seversk itself, the villages of Samus, Orlovka, Chernilshchikovo, the villages of Kizhirovo, Semiozerki.

    Seversk has a namesake city in Ukraine, in the Donetsk region (population in 2006 - 13.9 thousand people), and Seversk was also often called Novgorod-Seversky, located in the Chernigov region of Ukraine (population 15.2 thousand people). ).

    Seversk telephone code: (+7) 3823, intraregional telephone code - 3, postal codes: 6360xx. Telephone numbers are six digits and begin with 5xxxxxx, 7xxxxxx and 9xxxxxx


    Once upon a time, interesting instruments were found in this remote area. It is known that the land is not particularly developed in terms of population, but mammoths, tusks and other creatures seem to have walked here before people. As for the specifics, this is not fiction and there is actually information on Wikipedia that the skeletons of these ancient creatures were found in these parts of the village. Among other things, there are fine engravings on the mammoth tusk. Accordingly, some intelligent people used to be involved in culture. It is difficult to say whether this was our country or not, in any case, perhaps the descendants of some of the inhabitants of this zone.

    Parbig is a village in the Tomsk region, Bakcharsky district

    Novaya Burka - a village in Bakcharsky district, Tomsk region

    Khokhlovka - a village in the Tomsk region

    Central - a village in the Tomsk region

    Kuznetsovka - a village in Bakcharsky district, Tomsk region

    Khutorskoye is a village in Tomsk region

    Krylovka is a village in Tomsk region

    Kyonga is a village in Tomsk region

    Kedrovka village - a village in the Tomsk region

    City leaders in the post-Soviet period

    Leaders of Seversk after October 2020

    • When changing federal legislation, the rule of law established that from 2022 in Russia, officials cannot simultaneously hold two positions - the head of the territorial legislative body and the position of the chief executive officer (mayor). In this regard, on October 16, 2022, at the session of the Duma of the city of Seversk, elections of two officials took place: the chairman of the City Duma of the closed city of Seversk and the mayor, who, at the same time, according to the Charter of the closed city of Seversk, is the head/head of the Administration of the closed city of Seversk.
      Grigory Andreevich Shamin

      was again elected Chairman of the Seversk Duma .

      Nikolai Vasilyevich Didenko

      was elected and confirmed as mayor of Seversk .

    Mayor, also known as Chairman of the City Duma (until October 2020)

    • from October 21, 2005 to October 21, 2010, the mayor of the city and chairman of the city duma of the first convocation was Nikolai Ivanovich Kuzmenko. In fact, he has been the head of the city since 1984[1] - he held the position of chairman of the Seversky City Executive Committee and one of the leaders of the Seversky City Committee of the CPSU.
    • from October 21, 2010 to October 16, 2022, the mayor of the city and chairman of the city duma of the 2nd convocation is Grigory Andreevich Shamin
      , previously deputy chairman of the Duma of the Tomsk region[2].

    City manager (period from 2005 to 2015)

    • from 12/22/2005 to 07/02/2007 - the head of the administration was Sergei Borisovich Tochilin (he left for the post of first deputy governor of the Tomsk region);
    • during the period 07/02/2007 - 08/30/2007 - acting. the head, then the head of the administration from 08/30/2007 to 12/01/2008 was Anatoly Petrovich Abramov, a professional manager-economist from Tomsk;
    • from 02/19/2009 to 01/31/2013 - the head of the administration was Igor Evgenievich Volkov, an engineer and technical worker at the Siberian Chemical Combine and an activist;
    • from 02.02.2013 - acting head, then head of administration from 04/03/2015 Nikolai Vasilyevich Didenko, member, previously worked as the first vice-mayor of Tomsk, then, before being transferred to Seversk, as vice-mayor of Novosibirsk.

    From 1991 to October 2005, the position of head of the city administration was held by Nikolai Kuzmenko.

    Previously, instead of the City Duma, the legislative body of Seversk was the Assembly of People's Representatives



    There are famous athletes from the Seversk land, including Olympic champion in skiing Lyubov Egorova.

    Here we can also include Margarita Aliychuk, who is involved in professional gymnastics and trained at the Seversk Sports School named after Kuznetsov.

    History of Seversk

    On the territory of the future ZATO there are archaeological excavations, TSU scientists, and then Seversk local historians and historians are studying the life of the post-Aryan, Scythian and Finno-Ugric, Tungus tribes who lived here in the period earlier than 3000 BC using artifacts [4]. Less than a thousand years ago, tribes of Siberian Tatars also settled in these places. The migration routes of many subsequent peoples lay here during the period of the late Golden Horde ( White (Siberian) Horde

    or it is
    the Siberian Kingdom
    ) a mixing of many tribes took place here. After Ermak’s defeat of the capital of Khan Kuchum[5], the processes of disintegration of the union of peoples began in the White Horde and the Siberian Tatars on the Tom and Ob faced the threat of their settlements being destroyed by raids of previously friendly nomadic Kyrgyz. At the invitation of the Siberian Tatars, the Moscow Tsar creates several strategic Cossack forts in Siberia on the banks of the Ob, Irtysh and Tom rivers. At the confluence of the Ushaika River with the Tom (20 kilometers south of modern Seversk), the Tomsk fort appears, which soon began to exercise the main military-political and cultural influence throughout Southern Siberia, contributed to the development of new lands by its Cossacks to the east - along the Yenisei and Angara rivers in Transbaikalia and in the Far East. East.

    More than 300 years ago, new waves of resettlement began - Russian Cossacks founded villages in the Tomsk Priobye and Pritomye, while the new settlers were always friendly with the population that already had their own rare settlements here. These are the Ostyaks, Kerzhaks, Tungus, Khanty and Mansi, Tomsk Tatars. Another wave of the influx of the Russian population was the resettlement of peasants from Central Russia to Siberia as part of the Stolypin reform of the early 20th century. The development of the territory in the 19th century was facilitated by two main factors: the rapid development of capitalism in Siberia (based on the development of Tomsk river navigation from Yeniseisk and Tobolsk to Barnaul and Kuznetsk) and mass exiles here of mainly highly educated populist revolutionaries, later - socialist revolutionaries and then rare in 1890-1907, Social Democrats of the RSDLP, - from Little Russia (modern Ukraine), Belarus, Poland, the Baltic states, Moscow and St. Petersburg.

    Before the October Revolution of 1917, in the villages on the territory of the modern ZATO, the future hero of the First World War, a cavalry maiden, a full Knight of St. George, the legendary Maria Bochkareva, lived as a child.

    Before and after the Revolution, scientists from Tomsk State University discovered sites of ancient settlements on the territory of the future ZATO, and began the first excavations of the discovered Irmen culture


    On March 26, 1949, the Council of Ministers of the USSR decided to begin the implementation of the domestic Atomic Project

    and on the creation of a plant near the city of Tomsk for the production of highly enriched uranium-235 and weapons-grade plutonium.
    The new industrial complex was initially called the “ Trans-Ural Office of Glavpromstroy
    ” or
    Plant No. 816
    . On July 26, 1953, just four years after the start of construction, the first Siberian uranium was produced at the isotope separation plant, part of the Siberian Chemical Combine. The world's first industrial nuclear power plant (NPP-1, also known as the Siberian Nuclear Power Plant) with a capacity of 100 megawatts, founded by order of USSR Minister L.P. Beria, was built in Seversk in 1958.

    On the site of the future city in 1933, the youth labor commune “Chekist” was created for street children collected by the NKVD in Central Russia (later - forced labor colony No. 1 Siblag UITLIK NKVD USSR), which transferred its name to the village in which the city’s first builders lived . This ZATO microdistrict still bears the name “Chekist village”. The city of nuclear scientists developed towards the Tomsk villages of Beloborodovo and Iglakovo. In the developments of foreign intelligence services, the secret facility (city and plant) has long been designated as Belaya Boroda


    The village of Beloborodovo in the city ceased to exist in the 1980s. The village of Iglakovo still exists today and has acquired the status of a city microdistrict.

    The city had several original names, one of the most euphonious was the village of Berezki

    In 1954, the closed city was given the name Seversk
    , but later in documents, for reasons of secrecy, it began to be called

    People simply called the city " Postal"

    " - due to the fact that the construction of the plant was called "Mailbox No. 5", or "
    Fifth Post Office

    To build the plant, concentration forced labor camps were organized by order of the USSR Minister of Internal Affairs. Prisoners worked not only at industrial facilities, their labor was also used in the construction of residential buildings and urban infrastructure. About 20 thousand prisoners worked in the construction of the closed city and the plant. In addition to prisoners, thousands and thousands of young people from different parts of the USSR came to Seversk for the construction of the city, for the commissioning of the production facilities of the future Siberian Chemical Combine - scientists, military personnel, engineers and technical specialists, highly qualified workers, etc. In memory of the builders, creators of Seversk and the Siberian Chemical Combine in the city, a memorial monument was erected at the beginning of the main avenue.

    The great infrastructural development of the Siberian Chemical Combine, Seversk, systems for using excess hot water for vegetable growing, for heating microdistricts of the regional center - Tomsk, the rapid development of the social and cultural life of the city are associated with the fact that the country’s Atomic Project was given attention by the “atomic minister” E.P. Slavsky and the first secretary of the Tomsk regional committee of the CPSU E.K. Ligachev.

    The secrecy of Seversk and the Siberian Chemical Combine left its mark on the entire Tomsk region. During the Soviet era, the entry of citizens was limited here and the entry of foreign citizens was almost completely prohibited. Secrecy from the name “Seversk” and security restrictions from Tomsk and the Tomsk region were lifted after perestroika, in 1990, mainly on the initiative of the Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee E.K. Ligacheva.

    In March 1997, according to the Decree of the President of Russia, a closed administrative-territorial entity (ZATO) was formed, which included the city of Seversk, the villages of Samus, Orlovka, Chernilshchikovo, the villages of Kizhirovo, Semiozerki.

    The city continues to be in a state of special regime for allowing citizens into it. You can get to Seversk only with a special pass. There are two roads leading into the city, on which the Central and Sosnovsky checkpoints are located. There are checkpoints within the city for citizens to access the Tom River embankment.

    Amazing Feature

    • The most titled skier in the world, Lyubov Egorova, was born in Seversk and became friends with the sport. The queen of white skiing learned the basics of sportsmanship from Seversk coach Nikolai Sergeevich Kharitonov. Lyubov Egorova – Honorary Citizen of the city of Seversk. In her honor, large youth competitions are held every year, in which little “stars” take part, dreaming of rising and shining on the sports horizon as brightly as their famous little one..
    • The world champion among veterans, Irina Dolzhenkova (nee Volkova), lives in Seversk and still wins on the ski slopes.
    • This is a city where there is hot and cold water at any time of the year, day or night. The lack of water during the day due to repairs is considered by Seversk residents to be a disaster.
    • This is a city where heating is turned on in residential buildings, businesses and institutions already in September. And later than everyone else - at the end of May - they turn it off. Some residents even complain about the heat in their apartments in the midst of frosty days.
    • This is the cleanest city in the Tomsk region. In winter, the snow here is the most beautiful and white (the roads and sidewalks are sprinkled not with salt, as in many Russian cities, but with sand), and in the summer there is clean asphalt, which is washed in the mornings using sprinklers. In Seversk there is a sea of ​​greenery - trees, shrubs, manicured lawns, flower beds - a real work of art from plants planted by the caring hands of workers of the City Improvement Plant.
    • This is the only city in the Tomsk region where the Head of the Administration signed a Resolution on additional payment to non-working pensioners of up to 1,100 rubles per month, and where public sector employees receive additional salary supplements.
    • This is a city where amazingly beautiful women live. Severians have repeatedly conquered the high peaks of various beauty contests both in the Tomsk region and at the Russian level.
    • This is the city where there is the largest monument to the leader of the world proletariat - V.I. Lenin. The height of the sculpture is 8.4 meters. And with its monumental grandeur it decorates the main square, named after V.I. Lenin.
    • This is the only city in the Tomsk region that has a highly professional cultural sphere. In Seversk, three theaters, a museum, a natural park, two cinemas, and a network of libraries operate for the townspeople.
    • This is a city in which there is a unique enterprise - the Siberian Chemical Combine, which combines a whole complex of nuclear fuel cycle production facilities and employs over 15 thousand people.
    • This is the city where five brave northerners in 1994 “Polar Arc” became participants in a unique expedition to the North Pole. In exceptionally difficult conditions of movement on drifting Arctic ice, in 64 days the expedition members, relying only on their physical capabilities and experience in extreme conditions of high latitudes, covered about 1,700 km. For the first time in the world practice of polar travel, a Russian expedition (six of the eight members of which are from Seversk) reached the northernmost point of the Earth in autonomous mode. The names of the participants of the expedition, the conquerors of the Pole, among whom are Seversk residents Ivan Yalin, Ivan Kuzhelivsky, Viktor Russky, Valery Tayakin, Boris Malyshev, are included in the Guinness Book of Records, and each of the expedition participants was awarded the title of Master of Sports of International Class in Tourism.
    • Only Patriarch of All Rus' Alexy II visited Seversk twice - the first time he consecrated the stone laid in the foundation of the future temple and the second time he consecrated the already built Temple of the Icon of the Vladimir Mother of God.
    • This is the city where on July 26, 1953, just four years after the start of construction of the Siberian Chemical Combine, the first Siberian uranium was obtained at the isotope separation plant, part of the Siberian Chemical Combine.
    • The world's first industrial nuclear power plant (NPP-1) was also built in Seversk in 1958. On September 24, 1958, turbogenerator No. 1 was launched, which made it possible to use the heat generated during the reaction for peaceful purposes. In the fall of 1958 in Geneva, at the Second World Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, the Soviet delegation showed a documentary film about the work of our Siberian nuclear power plant. The film created a real sensation - 13 years after the end of the worst war, Russia not only learned to use the destructive power of atomic energy, but was also the first in the world to use it for creation, not only as a successful experiment, but also on an industrial scale. The power of NPP-1 was 100 megawatts.


    The city has memorials and monuments, as well as monument buildings. Including the most famous among them:

    • 1st Memorial of the city of Seversk in memory of fellow countrymen who went to defend their homeland on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War (residential complex "Yasny", square near the house "Lenin St., 128")
    • The main Memorial of the city of Seversk in memory of the fallen Soviet soldiers who defended their Motherland on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War (Solnechny microdistrict, square opposite the house "Lenin St., 92" - ravine of the banks of the Tom River)
    • Memorial of the city of Seversk “To the residents of Seversk who conquered the atom” (Kurchatov Square, Kurchatova St., 5 / Kommunistichesky Avenue, 92)
    • Memorial of the city of Seversk “To the first builders of the city” (square at the intersection of Komsomolskaya St., 11 / Kommunistichesky Prospekt, 1)
    • Memorial of the city of Seversk “In memory of the Seversk residents who died during the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant” (northern square of the city)
    • Military Memorial of the city of Seversk “To the soldiers of the Seversk Division of Internal Troops who died in the line of duty,” including the BMP-2 installed here (Kalinina St., 63)
    • Military Memorial of the city of Seversk “Immortal Regiment: in memory of fellow countrymen who went to defend their Motherland on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War” (Kalinina St., 63)
    • Memorial of Honor “To the Seversk residents who deserved fame and respect and were buried in the city of Seversk” (Severskoye Sosnovskoye Cemetery, Alley of Honor; Sosnovaya, 1)
    • The monumental sculpture “Leader of the World Proletariat Vladimir Ilyich Lenin”, the largest in the territory of the ex-USSR. Installed in front of the facade of the Administration of ZATO Seversk on Lenin Square (Kommunistichesky Avenue, 51)
    • (Leontichuka Street, 5 / Kommunistichesky Avenue, 22/1)

    Natural Park

    The natural park is a place where you can relax for children, adults, and couples in love. At the entrance to the park there is a large light fountain, which is designed in the form of a labyrinth. Along the perimeter of the park there are many benches and cafes where you can warm up on a cold evening. Children can go on fun rides, taste delicious ice cream and cotton candy.

    Animators conduct daily theatrical competitions and performances in which children can participate for free. Couples in love can walk through the forest, where pines, lindens, larch, cedar and other trees grow. In total, about 40 shrubs and trees of different sizes grow here.

    Location: Mira Street - 26.


    • Atomic weapons of Russia: Biographical Encyclopedia A-Z / [comp. M.A. Pervov], Ed. V.B. Akhmadyshev. - : “Capital Encyclopedia”, 2012. - 723, [1] p., [40] portrait; — ISBN 978-5-903989-15-7 (translated).
    • Veselovsky A.Ya.
      Nuclear shield.
      - Sarov: RFNC-VNIIEF, 1999. - 248 p., ill. — Electronic resource
    • Zinoviev V.P.
      History of Seversk. - Tomsk: Tomsk University Publishing House, 1999. - 258 p.
    • Zinoviev V.P.
      Village Chekist // Unknown Seversk. - Tomsk: Tomsk University Publishing House, 1996. - P. 60-79.
    • Zinoviev V.P.
      Intelligentsia of the Chekist village // Education. Culture. Spirituality: materials from the first Seversk cultural and historical readings dedicated to the days of Slavic culture and writing. - Tomsk: Tomsk University Publishing House, 1996. - pp. 68-69.
    • History of Seversk. Essays. - Seversk: publication of the Museum of the City of Seversk, 2009. - 380 p. History of Seversk. / Ed. V.P. Zinoviev. - Seversk
      : publication of the Museum of the City of Seversk, 2009. - 380 p.
  • History of the Soviet atomic project. Documents, memories and research. Issue 1. -: "Janus-K", 1998. - 392 p. — ISBN 5-8037-0006-1.
  • History of the Soviet atomic project: documents, memories and research. Issue 2. / Responsible editor. and comp. V.P. Squeal. - St. Petersburg: RKhGI, 2002. - 656 p., ill. — ISBN 5-88812-144-4.
  • Unknown Seversk / Editorial team: V.P. Zinoviev (chief editor), I.M. Rudaya, V.O. Elblaus. - Tomsk: Tomsk University Publishing House, 1996.
  • Seversk History and modernity. - Tomsk: Tomsk University Publishing House, 1994.
  • Completely open: an illustrated magazine about cities that are not on the map: No. 1-6 (96) for 1996. [The issue is entirely dedicated to the city of Seversk]. - : B.m. [Info-advert. agency "Sirin"], 1996. - 57 p., ill.
  • Faykov D.Yu.
    Closed administrative-territorial formations “Nuclear” cities [monograph] / D.Yu. Faykov. - Sarov: RFNC-VNIIEF, 2010. - 269, [3] p.: ill., book, table.
  • Cinema Mir

    For many years, the cinema has remained one of the favorite vacation spots for residents and guests of the city. The cinema consists of two halls, which are equipped with professional equipment. The hall has comfortable chairs, air conditioning, and staircase lighting. At the cinema, guests can enjoy 2D and 3D films. On the second floor you can feel the thrill of the 5D attraction and relax in a cozy cafe. The cinema shows the latest in domestic and world cinema.

    Location: Kommunistichesky Avenue - 30.


    1. Mayor Nikolai Kuzmenko will go to the polls... as a voter
    2. First session of the Duma of the second convocation
    3. Official website of the Assembly of People's Representatives of ZATO Seversk
    4. The so-called settlements of the Irmen culture
      on the territory of the southern part of the ZATO in the Greater Kyrgyz Hills.
      Read more: Vasiliev, Evgeniy Alekseevich
      . Real and imaginary secrets of the Greater Kyrgyz “hills”. // magazine "Seversky Meridian", - Seversk, 1999. - No. 3 (May). — P.59-61.
    5. Khan Kuchum violated the agreement between the former leaders of the Siberian Kingdom and the Russian Tsar on reunification and, together with the Crimean Tatar Khan and Turkish forces, began active military operations against the Russians in the second half of the 16th century.


    In winter, sub-zero temperatures are not very different from the European part of Russia, but this time cannot be called warm either. The thermometer probably differs by several degrees and lasts several days longer. You can’t call it severe frost, but it’s ok for the Siberian winter.

    Spring and Summer are typical in the Urals and Moscow. Perhaps there are features related to winds and air, but they are not so significant. +20 degrees in June is quite warm.

    September and October often have above-zero temperatures. From November it begins to get colder faster than in the European part of the country. In the second half of autumn, you can no longer expect above-zero temperatures, except in rare cases of abnormal weather.


    • Website of the administration of ZATO Seversk
    • Records of the closed city
    • Website of the Club of Young Families "Convergence"
    • The brainchild of Joseph Stalin and... river workers
    • Map of Seversk on Google (traffic)
    • Detailed map of ZATO Seversk on People's Yandex. Map
    • A walk around Seversk - the closed city of nuclear technology
    • Weather in Seversk - weather forecast for 10 days
    • Seversk recording studio "Art Legion"
    • New historical facts: “U-2 spy plane over Tomsk in 1957. CIA Operation Birch Woods” (publication date: 09.18.2016, photo)
    • News Agency “Tomsk Review” (07/12/2019): The issue of removing the “closed” status from the closed city of Seversk is being considered
    • Seversk How does the city live behind barbed wire?
    Administrative division of the Tomsk region
    Cities of regional subordination: Kedrovy, Seversk, Strezhevoy, Tomsk
    Cities of district subordination: Asino, Kolpashevo
    Districts (administrative centers in brackets):
    • Alexandrovsky district (Aleksandrovskoye village)
    • Asinovsky district (Asino city)
    • Bakchar district (Bakchar village)
    • Verkhneketsky district (Bely Yar village)
    • Zyryansky district (Zyryanskoye village)
    • Kargasok district (Kargasok village)
    • Kozhevnikovsky district (Kozhevnikovo village)
    • Kolpashevo district (Kolpashevo)
    • Krivosheinsky district (Krivosheino village)
    • Molchanovsky district (village Molchanovo)
    • Parabel district (Parabel village)
    • Pervomaisky district (Pervomaiskoe village)
    • Teguldet district (Teguldet village)
    • Tomsk district (Tomsk)
    • Chainsky district (Podgornoye village)
    • Shegarsky district (Melnikovo village)


    Until 1994, the city's population, albeit slightly, increased. About a thousand new settlers arrived in Seversk. But this year became a turning point, and instability followed. Most likely, this trend is associated with larger-scale reasons. Probably the special status of the city with checks at the entrances saved it from the tense times of the 90s.

    Sovremennik Square

    This is the main square of the city, which has a large musical fountain and many benches. It hosts major citywide events and celebrations of significant events for the city. On weekends, animators work here to entertain children with fun and educational programs. In winter, a huge ice town is built on the square, which delights both adults and children. And on holidays, famous people of Russia give their concerts.

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