Domodedovo for permanent residence, is it worth choosing this city to move to?

Domodedovo is a city with a population of one hundred thousand in the nearest Moscow region. A comfortable and convenient place to live, where there is everything you need. The airport is nearby; you can get to the capital in just 45-50 minutes. Domodedovo is considered for permanent residence by many residents of the metropolis and migrants. Local and metropolitan authorities are constantly investing in the development of road transport infrastructure to ensure full accessibility to one of the main air hubs in Europe. DMD Airport connects 20 of the continent's most important transport and trade points.

The city is located 37 km from the center of Moscow, close to the airport. The district of the near Moscow region is divided into 7 districts: Aviation, White Stolby, Barybino, Western, Vostryakovo, Northern, as well as Western and Central. Domodedovo also has historical microdistricts: Konstantinovo, Zhilposelok, Yolochki, Yuzhny and Druzhba.

Ecology and climate of the city of the Moscow region

Domodedovo is located in the temperate continental zone. Winters are quite mild, spring and autumn have a lot of precipitation, summers are humid and warm. Apart from the Pakhra River, there are no lakes or other reservoirs in the city. The settlement is surrounded by forested areas.

There are no environmental problems in DMD. There are few industrial enterprises: Nestlé Watercoolers, PepsiCo Holdings, a sewing and knitting factory, a plant for the production of metal structures. The main source of pollution is Kashirskoye Highway.

Transport accessibility and infrastructure

There are two highways going through Domodedovo: M-4 Don and Kashirskoye Highway. In 2015, construction began on a bypass road around the Aviation district with an interchange near the airport. The duration of the new section of the route is 6 km.

Traffic problems are noted near the Moscow Ring Road; 5 km from the capital, cars move more freely. They are planning to create an aeropolis in the vicinity of Domodedovo. Investment will be directed not only to the construction of new transport infrastructure, but also to the restoration of the existing one.

For convenient movement within the city of the Moscow region, bicycle paths are provided connecting residential buildings with public facilities. Their length is at least 500 m.

In Domodedovo, traffic conditions are better than in other cities in the Moscow region. But there are problems with limited bandwidth. The M-4 highway carries only 5 thousand cars per hour. It's not that much. There is another option - railway. One train can accommodate up to 1 thousand passengers, and during rush hour their number increases to 12.

Existing roads cannot provide free movement. New routes will have tolls. To get to work in Moscow, you will have to pay. The train from the center of the metropolis takes 50 minutes. When deciding whether to move to Domodedovo, this must be taken into account.

The situation with transport accessibility depends not only on the quality and quantity of roads, but also on the availability of jobs in the DMD. Every year, the construction of multi-storey buildings is actively carried out in the Moscow region. The number of residents is increasing, as is the load on the highways. Getting into Moscow during rush hour is really problematic.


“Domodedovo with meadows” was first mentioned in the spiritual letter of the Serpukhov prince Vladimir Andreevich, dating back to 1401, which he bequeathed to his wife Princess Elena. In 1433, the princess “blessed her daughter-in-law Ulyana with the villages of Bityagovo and Domodedovo and their villages.” Soon, as a result of a lawsuit between the Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily II and the Prince of Serpukhov Vasily Yaroslavovich, the Serpukhov prince was imprisoned, and Domodedovo was transferred to Moscow. In the 16th century, the village became the center of the palace volost of the same name and was transferred to the jurisdiction of the Konyushenny Prikaz. During the reign of Ivan IV the Terrible, the volost became one of the oprichnina volosts; the horses of the oprichniki were kept and fattened here. The first surviving description of the village is given in a scribe's book of 1646: “The village of Domodedovo near the Pakhra River, on both sides of the Rozhaya River, and in it there is a wooden church in the name of the Nativity of Christ with the chapel of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, and on the church land there are five courtyards of the church parable and four bobylsky . In addition to the church ones, there are 57 peasant and bobyl households in the village, including a blacksmith, with 148 male souls, and one yard is empty.”

In 1654, there was a plague epidemic, after which the population decreased significantly. According to the census of 1663, 10 empty households were recorded in the village, and three Bobyl households ceased to exist altogether. By order of the authorities, 46 male peasants were resettled from other palace villages to the village, including Volodymer resident Kuzma Petrov Sizov, Ivashka Markov from the village of Myachkova, Khotun resident Mitka Kirilov, Murom resident Sidor Elistratov. During this period, the village of Pakhrino was assigned to the Domodedovo volost (disappeared at the beginning of the 20th century)

, which had an extensive princely courtyard with a large garden, stables and granaries. The volost government was moved to Pakhrino, and the formation of the sovereign's stable yard began here, in which in 1680 74 of the sovereign's horses and 41 horses of the royal falconers were kept.

In 1706, by decree of Peter I, Domodedovo, together with the volosts, was granted the patrimony of the Tsar’s associate A.D. Menshikov. The situation of the Domodedovo peasants at this time is indicated by their petition to the prince, which states that until 1707 the peasants of the volost were assigned to the orders of the large palace and “except for tithe arable land, threshing bread and all kinds of carts to the palace, they did not pay any taxes, and since 1707 they are required to pay 4 and 5 rubles from the courtyard to the treasury of the Tsar’s Majesty, and 564 rubles a year to the prince for all expenses.” The prince also requested 72 semi-annual workers for his house in the new capital, for whose food the peasants paid 202 rubles a month. The peasants' complaint remained without consequences, even after the prince's disgrace. Only in 1740 was it decided “not to collect the taxes set by Prince Menshikov from the peasants.”

With the foundation of the imperial consolidated stable in the village of Pakhrino in the 1730s, the peasants of the village were assigned to it, and their main responsibility was to serve the needs of the stable. Young village residents, instead of serving in the army, were enlisted as grooms, blacksmiths and foremen of the court stables. Under Empress Anna Ioannovna, the wealthiest residents of the village, with the permission of the authorities, began to be enrolled in the Moscow merchant class, some of them settled in Moscow.

According to data for 1765, in 49 households of the village there were 679 residents, who owned 112 horses, 63 cows, 214 sheep and 26 pigs. Three families did not have horses or livestock. According to the rules that existed in those years, palace peasants could only marry girls from the palace volosts. The revision tales of 1762 indicate that the grooms of the village took as wives fellow villagers from the neighboring villages of Zabolotye, Pavlovskoye, Bryantsevo, Beleutovo. To marry outside the volost, girls needed permission from the volost government.

In the autumn of 1770, another plague epidemic began in the village. In just a few months, 62 men and almost as many women became its victims.

During the Patriotic War of 1812, the main forces of the Russian army passed through Domodedovo, performing the famous maneuver of M.I. Kutuzov, and after them the French cavalry passed. The damage to the peasants from the movement of troops was so great that they needed government help in the form of a loan “for feeding and sowing fields” in the amount of 8,648 rubles.

In 1829, after the liquidation of the stables in Pakhrino, the village was assigned to the Bronnitsky sovereign stud farm, and after its closure in 1845, it was transferred to the department of the Moscow palace office.

According to data from 1848, the following information about the village is available: “The village of Domodedovo, 392 revision souls, the soil is silty, the fields are flat, the rye harvest itself is three and a half. The peasants are engaged in arable farming, some earn their living in Moscow as metal workers and in calico factories, others drive along the highways.”

After the reform of 1861, the first steps were taken in the field of public education. The church deacon and peasant woman M. G. Rozhkova were the first to teach 30 children at home. In 1888, a peasant from the village, Vasily Stepanovich Sizov, built a wooden parochial school with a teacher’s apartment on church land. He donated the school building to the village church.

Holiday village Domodedovo

During the peasant reform, part of the land occupied today by the city of Domodedovo was allocated as an allotment to the peasants of the village of Domodedovo and the villages of Beleutovo and Pavlovskaya. According to the charter of 1864, the allotment to the peasants of the village. Domodedovo was allocated 946 acres of land, which they bought into ownership for 24,200 rubles 5 years later. During this period, there were 423 revision souls in the village, but a significant number of them lived in the village of Stary Yam. Some of them, including A. N. Gorbachev, rented the Gorodyaikha wasteland on the large Serpukhov road, where they built inns and residential courtyards, founding the village of Gorodyaikha.

The remaining land from the allotment, overgrown with birch and aspen forest and small bushes, was included in the Domodedovo palace forest dacha in the 70s of the 19th century. On its territory, divided into blocks, planned deforestation was carried out. The Kashirskaya road that ran through the dacha was paved with stone in 1888-1889, and it became known as the highway. Adjacent to it was a cattle road along which cattle were driven from the southern provinces to Moscow.

In 1897, construction of the Moscow–Pavelets railway began. A strip of land 32 m wide in each direction from the railway line was demarcated from the forest dacha, the forest was cut down on it, and work began on filling the railway bed, building a station, and a water pipeline from the pumping station on the river. Go to the water tower and barracks for construction workers and railway employees. In the spring of 1899, railway engineer A. A. Wenzel founded a brick factory on the land of the peasants of the village of Beleutovo, and a few months later the Moscow merchant P. N. Martyanov rented 8 acres of land from the peasants of the village of Beleutovo for the construction of a cement plant and bedrooms for its workers .

Soon after the opening of railway traffic, a native of the village of Pavlovskoy, who was the first in the village to buy a plot of land as his own, and then accepted into the Moscow merchant class, Vasily Semenovich Leonov founded a timber warehouse and shop at the Domodedovo station, a peasant from the village of Novlenskoy, Matvey Yakovlevich Lapshin, opened a teahouse, later converted into a tavern, the peasant of the Bronnitsky district M. M. Zolotov maintained a buffet at the station. Near the station, the Ryazan-Ural Railway Society leased out plots of land for the construction of warehouses.

In September 1903, the Moscow Specific District held an auction for the lease of 148 dacha plots in the 4th and 5th blocks of the forest dacha, but only three people came to the auction, and the contract for the lease of a plot of land No. 85 on the bank of the river. The birth near the water pumping station is concluded only with the owner of the cement plant, Martyanov. In the 4th and 5th blocks, the owner of the Konstantinovskaya factory, R. A. Keller, was allowed to build a highway from the factory to Kashirskoye Shosse (now Sovetskaya Street).

In the spring of 1905, an advertisement appeared in Moscow newspapers: “Dacha plots. The administration of the Moscow specific district announces that 40 versts from Moscow in the Domodedovo forest dacha at the station. Domodedovo Paveletskaya line of the Ryazan-Ural railway. plots of land are rented out for the construction of dachas... The area divided into these plots is adjacent to the Rozhai River.” Two years later, the Main Department of Appanages and the society of peasants of the village of Beleutovo provided the Podolsk district zemstvo government with free and indefinite use of land for the construction of a highway from Kashirskoe highway to the station. Domodedovo, as a continuation of the Kellerovskaya road. At the same time, the administration pledged to provide free travel on this road to all tenants of summer cottages.

Among the first tenants of the plots were V. E. Savinov, a native of the Kostroma province and the head of the Martyanova cement plant since 1906, and the owner of the tavern M. Ya. Lapshin, who in 1913 leased plot No. 155 “b” of the sixth quarter for 24 years. At this time, a peasant from the village of Ovchinki, M.V. Grozilin, opened a blacksmith shop in the village, and a year later he took plot No. 156 in the same quarter to build a house. A peasant from the Vladimir province, M. A. Mitrofanov, who worked at a brick factory, also acquired a plot. From January 1, 1915, two neighboring plots were leased by the clerk and weighmaster Art. Domodedovo E. D. Poshekhonov and the peasant of the village of Novlenskaya G. M. Lapshin. By this time, 32 people lived in four station buildings and 77 in eight houses of the station village. In the summer, almost 700 people huddled in 14 factory barracks. However, during the First World War, the number of workers at the factories decreased sharply, and from October 1917 the factories stopped altogether. After nationalization in 1918, V. E. Savinov, who bought the cement plant in installments, was appointed manager of the plant and at the same time its watchman.

The issue of land use in the village turned out to be very painful. Pre-revolutionary contracts for renting plots became invalid, and the volost land committee in 1918-1923 allowed residents of the village to use land plots in the sizes that actually existed. However, in 1927, the authorities recognized the committee’s resolutions as “illegal” and invited land users to enter into new lease agreements. The latter, especially those who used not only estate plots, but also field land, turned to the Presidium of the Moscow Soviet with a request to send a commission to the site. A commission with the participation of the authorized village council L. G. Kolesnikov examined part of the village’s farms in October 1928 and found that residents of 12 out of 30 households were engaged primarily in agriculture, owning field lands ranging from one to four dessiatines, and a total of 30.5 dessiatines . They had 10 horses, 13 cows, 21 sheep and 7 piglets. They all lived in wooden houses on stone foundations, with apple, plum, cherry, strawberry and raspberry trees planted on their estate plots. Many of them rented out part of their residential premises as apartments to factory workers and employees and as dachas to Muscovites.

Due to the fact that the village’s lands were planned to be divided into plots for development, the county land department in April 1929 warned the owners of arable and meadow land to sow the land exclusively with spring crops, concluding short-term contracts with the volost committee for a period until October.

Meanwhile, the economic base of the village was strengthened. Since 1923, the brick factory resumed production, producing 2.3 million bricks per season, and by 1930, increasing brick production to 14.2 million. In 1928, the cement plant began production. In 1930, these factories already employed 820 people, and new barracks were built for them. A workers' cooperative was formed in the village, of which 500 people became members, and a building was built on Kashirskoe Highway, which housed the board, warehouses and shops. The house and teahouse of G.M. Lapshin were given to him. The outpatient clinic and the first kindergarten began operating.

Workers' settlement Domodedovo

The resolution of the executive committee of the Podolsk district council in 1934 states: “Taking into account that in the village of Domodedovo, out of 2,500 residents, the number of workers at the brick, silicate factories and railway station is over 1,000 people, in addition, 500 people permanently live in the village as summer residents, and that the population of the village is completely unconnected with agriculture, in order to enhance the improvement of the village and the management of industrial life ... to ask the Moscow Regional Executive Committee to include the village of Domodedovo in the list of workers’ villages in the region with the organization of a village council.”

However, this request remained without consequences. In accordance with the resolution of the Presidium of the Moscow Soviet of December 21, 1928, the village was officially called a dacha settlement. The reconstruction of Moscow was fateful for the village, in connection with which 1,200 Muscovite families had to be relocated from the dilapidated houses of the capital to the Domodedovo village. By decision of the Podolsk District Council, 265 hectares of land adjacent to the existing village were allocated for new housing construction, including 60 hectares for workers and employees of factories and the railway station. By mid-September 1937, the first 200 families moved to the village. New settlers built up Zavodskaya, Lesnaya, Dachnaya, Novo-Moskovskaya, Zapadnaya streets and Moskovsky passage. The newspaper “Podolsky Rabochiy” in the issue of March 31, 1938, in the workshop of “Santekhmontazh”. With funds from the Moscow city and regional councils, paving of central streets and sidewalks began in the village. A new bakery with a capacity of 10 tons of bread per day, a secondary school for 280 students were built, wells were dug, a pharmacy was opened, and the drilling of the first artesian well began.

In 1939, the dacha village of Domodedovo was transformed into a working village with a population of 10 thousand people and continued to be built up. In the last three pre-war years alone, 900 residential buildings were built here, Pervomaiskaya and Novaya streets appeared, a brick factory began building two-story brick houses for its workers, Moscow was allowed to build 12-apartment buildings in the eastern part of the village, construction of water supply headworks began, and a collective farm market was opened. .

The outbreak of the Great Patriotic War interrupted the development of the village, radically changing all areas of its life. Many of its residents were conscripted into the army or joined the people's militia. The activities of the rest were subordinated to the needs of the army and measures to defend the capital. Brick work was stopped, the metal structures plant carried out special orders for defense purposes, producing embrasures, hedgehogs, and gas tanks. The production workshops of the regional industrial complex produced felted shoes for the army, and sewed underwear and padded jackets for soldiers. The railway station workers played a particularly important role in the defensive measures. The profile of the station chief, V.N. Domogatsky, states: “From October 19, 1941 to January 25, 1942, he unloaded materials arriving at the station for the construction of defense lines, carrying out special assignments. How the station manager rallied the entire team to uninterrupted and efficient work, to the rapid and accident-free movement of trains, and facilitated the rapid loading and unloading of military trains. During the period of enemy air raids, he was at his post and took an active part in quickly eliminating the consequences of the raids.”

Repair workstations G.V. Bezlepkin, F.G. Davydov, A.F. Kostyukov, being in a barracks position, urgently restored the tracks destroyed by bombing on the Domodedovo - Belye Stolby, Belye Stolby - station sections. Barybino. Trackman K.P. Konopkin On October 25, 1941, during a bombing on the Domodedovo-Leninskaya stretch, he prevented the crash of passing military and commuter trains.

It is difficult to overestimate the contribution of the village residents to the construction of defensive structures. Many of them participated in the construction of an anti-tank ditch from the village of Ovchinki to the station. Domodedovo, forest debris in the Salkovo - Domodedovo - Pushkino section, defensive lines in the area of ​​Domodedovo - Zaborye village. Among those awarded the medal “For the Defense of Moscow” were 22 employees of the Domodedovo station, 21 of a metal structures plant, 8 of a refractory plant, director of workshops I. N. Gavryushin, teacher of school No. 1 N. S. Robustova and others.

During fascist air raids, the procurement shop of the welding base was destroyed, a metal structures plant, a railway station, power and communication lines, and some residential buildings were damaged.

Peaceful life had to begin in the most difficult conditions. The housing stock of the village has fallen into an extremely disrepair. The factory barracks were overcrowded and required major repairs, and some of them were on the verge of collapse. Things were no better in the private sector. Each of the 1,121 households had two or more owners. The village council was inundated with requests for permission to rebuild terraces, verandas and even barns for housing. Of the 42 streets and passages, some, incl. Pavlovskaya, Polevaya, Narodnaya were just beginning to be built up. Electricity was available only in some houses, the construction of a water supply system had been mothballed since the beginning of the war, the water in some wells was unsuitable for consumption without boiling, food was distributed using ration cards.

The council planned to build 1000 sq. m. in 1947. m of new living space and repair 33 houses, illuminate central streets, repair 12 wells, lay 2,100 linear meters of water supply network, install 12 water intakes, build a radio center.

City of Domodedovo

By 1947, the village of Domodedovo consisted of 1,573 houses with a population of 20,300 people. Taking into account the population size and the prospects for its development, on March 12, 1947, the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR adopted the Decree “On the transformation of the workers’ village of Domodedovo, Podolsk district, Moscow region, into a city of regional subordination.”

In the 1950s In the city, new enterprises were built and old enterprises were reconstructed: a metal structures plant (), a building materials and structures plant, a fire-resistant products plant, a sewing and knitting factory. New social facilities were built: a school for 400 students, a city council building, a maternity hospital, a library, and retail establishments. Active construction of the Zhilposelok microdistrict was underway. In 1956, the village of the Konstantinovskaya factory was included in the city limits, which became the Domodedovo microdistrict.

By the beginning of 1959, the city's population was 27.7 thousand people. In 1962, the Avangard cinema began operating, and in 1966, the main building of the city hospital on Pirogov Street.

In 1962, construction of the Moscow Domodedovo Airport began near the city; on March 25, 1964, the first passenger flight from Moscow to Sverdlovsk took off from here. Since 1966, regular passenger flights have been operating from Domodedovo Airport.

By the end of the 1960s. Domodedovo has become a large industrial center. On January 1, 1969, the population exceeded 35,000 people. The city had 9 industrial enterprises, six secondary schools, a music school, a branch of the Podolsk Industrial College, a cinema, three clubs, a house of pioneers, and sixteen libraries.

On April 27, 1969, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR No. 741/2, the Domodedovo district was formed. The city of Domodedovo became its administrative center - a city of regional subordination.

In 1971, a master plan for the development of the city was approved. The first 9-storey building was built on the station square. The building of the city party committee and the city council was commissioned. In 1990, the Mir cultural center was built. In 1997, construction of the Druzhba microdistrict began. In 2000–2001 Multi-storey brick buildings are being erected along Kashirskoe Highway on the site of demolished wooden houses.

In 2004, the working village of Vostryakovo and the village of Belye Stolby were annexed to the city. In 2007, the city included the villages of Zaborye, Metkino, Rozhdestvenskoye, Ushmary and the village of Shebantsevo.

On January 12, 2005, the municipal formation of the Domodedovo urban district was formed as part of the Moscow region, and the Domodedovo district was abolished.

Demographic situation in the DMD near Moscow region

The population of Domodedovo, Moscow region, has been constantly increasing since 1947. Birth rate, influx of migrants from Asia. In 2013, 145 thousand people were registered without officially registered migrant residents. After the census, it was noted that over the past 5 years the population growth was 40 thousand. Migrants account for 2 thousand people.

Based on statistics, the age category of the city’s population is:

  • 14% are residents of preschool and school age;
  • 64% are able-bodied persons;
  • 22% are citizens of retirement age.

According to statistics, the birth rate in the DMD increases every year, and the number of child deaths decreases. There is also a trend towards aging; there are more pensioners and fewer young people. In the city of the Moscow region, as well as throughout the country, the female population predominates. Labor resources (67%) – able-bodied citizens and pensioners, non-working people, retirement age only 1.5%.

Question about Domodedovo

The city with a population of just over 135,000 people could easily become a district of Moscow. Moreover, it is located quite close to the capital. Discussions have been going on since 2013, when the government began to address the issue of expanding the capital.

Domodedovo can become an excellent place for the construction of new houses, shopping centers and shops. The promising young city attracts the capital. Considering the overpopulation of Moscow, experts believe that Domodedovo will be included in Moscow. It is still unknown what status the city will receive.

The question concerns more of a temporary passage. Some people name the date. The process will take several years, so by 2024 the city could become part of a megacity.

Infrastructure: shopping and entertainment centers, supermarkets

Regarding the retail network, everything is in order in the city. Over the past few years, large retail chains have appeared in Domodedovo.

Shopping center near Moscow region:

  • “Azbuka Vkusa” – 55.66417, 37.60060, 55.73923, 37.68712;
  • “Dixie” – 55.45155, 37.76305, 55.45570, 37.76717;
  • “Pyaterochka” – 55.45696, 37.75756, 55.42324, 37.81319;
  • "Eldorado" - 55.41979, 37.77601;
  • "M.Video" - 55.45386, 37.76468;
  • “Fix Price” – 44930, 37.76313, 55.48706, 37.56744;
  • "Trading Quarter" - 55.45223, 37.76304.

There are practically no large shopping and entertainment centers in DMD, despite the fact that such complexes are very popular in such cities.

Regarding storage points, things are better due to the nearby airport, Kashirskoe highway and M-4 highway. In addition to existing logistics companies, an industrial and logistics facility with an area of ​​250,000 sq.m. is being built near Velyaminovo. The complex is planned to be put into operation in 2024.


There is plenty to see in Domodedovo. Residents and guests of the city can enjoy walks through well-groomed park areas.

Squares and parks:

  • "Olympic" square - 55.45051, 37.74542;
  • “Walk of Fame” – 55.45570, 37.73627;
  • amusement park “Yolochki” – 55.41944, 37.77958;
  • 45th Anniversary Square – 55.55524, 37.72104;
  • stadium "Olympic Square" - 55.45121, 37.74657.

Entertainment options include a cinema, bowling alley and billiards club. In the evening you can go to a cafe, restaurant or karaoke bar.

The best entertainment venues in Domodedovo:

  • cinema "Matrix" - 55.45172, 37.76353;
  • bowling – 55.36257, 37.71363;
  • bowling club "Pharaoh" - 55.71201, 37.77088;
  • bowling club "Orion" - 55.59519, 37.35198;
  • billiard club “Svoyak” – 55.52568, 37.56094;
  • bathhouse and saunas “Cedar fonts” – 55.43152, 37.83422;
  • sports complex SK "Legend" - 55.45488, 37.74770;
  • cafe "Anderson" - 55.44156, 37.76645;
  • restaurant “Chaikhana Teahouse” – 55.45441, 37.74344;
  • restaurant "Zafre" - 55.43260, 37.75306;
  • karaoke bar “Yolki” – 55.42497, 37.77057.

The DMD houses the offices of large banks (Sberbank, VTB), legal and specialized centers.

Entertainment centers:

  • “Children’s Dream Space” – 55.41676, 37.78014;
  • House of Culture "Aviator" - 55.42269, 37.83470;
  • DRC “Amakids” – 55.41084, 37.76769;
  • hobby - 55.43371, 37.77061;
  • RC “Weightlessness” – 55.57879, 37.60612.

Among the sports complexes, it is worth highlighting “Avangard” on Kommunisticheskaya Street. There are sports sections for adults and children of all ages (dance, gymnastics, chess, karate, yoga), and football matches are held. Some classes are free, others are paid.

There are 21 cultural centers in Domodedovo, a concert hall where world-class stars come. Molodezhny is located in the city center; discos are held there on weekends. The Aviator House of Culture houses the Domodedovo Airport Museum.

Domodedovo car dealerships and Internet providers

The city near Moscow region has a developed infrastructure. Large car dealerships and auto centers are located here:

  • Toyota Center Yasenevo – 55.60811, 37.50518;
  • car dealership Vist-Auto KIA – 55.48130, 37.75138;
  • ATC Vist car service – 55.48363, 37.75482;
  • official Mitsubishi dealer – 55.44128, 37.76747;
  • Auto-Rus – 55.48247, 37.56884.

In Domodedovo, as in other Russian cities, there is Rostelecom, but due to poor Internet, few are satisfied with its work. Among the reliable Internet providers are;

  • "Gigakom Systems" - 55.28968, 37.84235;
  • "Inet Telecom" - 55.56373, 37.70085;
  • "AltClick" - 55.72106. 37.81484.

They connect the Internet and television in different areas of Domodedovo. There are other companies, but they are not so popular.

M.O. Hotel Domodedovo

The city in the Moscow region is popular. Some come here on a business trip, others to enjoy the local attractions.

You can stay in DMD in the best hotels:

  • hotel "Aerotol" - 55.44056, 37.89360;
  • Hotel "Alexandria" - 55.46859, 37.90733;
  • Ibis Hotel – 55.45182, 37.86012;
  • hotel “De`Lore Park Hotel Domodedovo” – 55.48639, 37.82567;
  • restaurant and hotel complex "Armega" - 55.49640, 37.84568.

The cost of renting housing for a day depends on comfort, location of the hotel and range of services. The price ranges from 1300 to 5000 rubles per room.

Official site - official website of Domodedovo Airport. Here you can find detailed information about services and services.

How to get there from Moscow?

The airport is located 45 km from Moscow. It is better to think over the route from the capital to the air harbor in advance. The airport is connected to Moscow by the A-105 highway, which can be reached by the following types of transport:

  • bus;
  • Taxi;
  • car (parking capacity over 5,000 spaces).

Another option is rail transport. You can get there by train. The route starts moving from Paveletsky station at 4.45 and arrives at its final point at 23.09. The drive is a little over an hour. The train runs direct to the airport, but with additional stops.

Moscow Domodedovo Airport is equipped with the Aeroexpress high-speed train . Its advantages are high-quality service and convenience. The route runs from Paveletsky railway station to the airport. You can buy a ticket at the ticket office and at the terminal in the station building. In the terminal you can select the language for service. You can purchase a ticket in both directions at once. The terminal gives out change and accepts bank cards for payment.

Aeroexpress departs along the route every 30 minutes, running from 6.00 to 00.30. The journey takes about 45-50 minutes. This is the fastest way to travel to the airport.

Registration data

Full name of the organization: Limited Liability Company Domodedovo International Airport.

Registration codes under which the Moscow organization DME registered with the Pension Fund of Russia, the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the Social Insurance Fund:

  • OGRN: 1155009000387;
  • INN: 5009097148;
  • Checkpoint: 500901001;
  • OKOPF: 40091;
  • OKOGU: 2201080;
  • OKPO: 74802856;
  • OKATO: 74802856.

Explanation of the abbreviation DME (DME)

After the flight, tags remain on the luggage. Three letter symbols are written on them. Each airport is assigned a personal identifier . There is a unified system of symbols for airport terminals in the world, which is supervised by the International Air Transport Association. The name consists of 3 letters, which, if possible, are made consonant with the name of the airport itself. Domodedovo Airport has been assigned an individual DME identifier.

Access and parking

Visitors can use different types of parking: from economy to vip class. The airport is equipped with parking spaces for people with disabilities. There are also areas for motorcycles and bicycles.

To park a vehicle in some parking lots, you need to purchase a subscription. It is allowed to park cars near the entrance to the airport for no more than 15 minutes. If the interval is exceeded, the car owner will receive a fine and his vehicle will be towed.

There are short-term and long-term parking spaces on the territory of Domodedovo Airport. They are located near the airport building.

There are also VIP-class and indoor parking spaces P2 near the air hotel and parking lot P8 for hotel guests. Parking P2 is covered, so there is a vehicle height restriction of 2.1 m.

There is no charge for staying in the parking lot for 15 minutes . The cost is calculated depending on the type of parking. The first 15 minutes of stay are free of charge.

Next comes the calculation by hour and day: from 100 to 250 rubles per hour and from 150 to 900 rubles per day, depending on the type of parking. Detailed information can be found in the help desk or on the airport website.

Payment for services is possible in cash or non-cash at the ticket office, terminal, ticketless exit system, as well as on the airport’s website and mobile application. The maximum period for which a vehicle can be parked is 180 days . After this period, the car owner is obliged to vacate the parking space with full payment for the service received. The time count begins from the moment the vehicle enters the parking lot.

What services are there?

Visitors have access to a huge selection of shops, coffee shops and coffee shops. There are also free services for certain categories of citizens.

Services for passengers with children:

  • room for mothers with children - located on the 2nd floor of the public area, open 24 hours a day;
  • game rooms - located on the 2nd floor of the sterile area of ​​​​international airlines, they operate around the clock, the time of stay is not limited.

Services for persons with disabilities:

  • parking - you must indicate the category when purchasing a ticket;
  • escort - 28 hours before departure, you must contact the selected airline to receive confirmation of boarding.

In addition, there are business lounges at the airport itself and airline representative offices. They are located on the second floor of the international airlines clean area. You can get here after inspection, passport and customs control. The hall is open 24 hours a day. VIP lounge passengers have access to:

  • buffet with hot dishes;
  • business services;
  • Wi-Fi;
  • wardrobe;
  • shower cabin with the necessary set of products;
  • negotiation area;
  • massage chair;
  • delivery to the plane by personal transport.

Services for believers:

  • Safar Mosque - located on the ground floor a little further from the registration area, to the left of the escalators;
  • Chapel of the Archangel Michael - located on the second floor.

In addition, the airport has an IQOS lounge area where you can purchase a device and taste the taste of tobacco. You can read about where it is located, as well as other smoking areas in Domodedovo, here.


Domodedovo serves flights from 80 airlines. Among them are 27 Russian, 38 foreign and 15 companies from the CIS countries. The airports offer flights to 240 destinations. Among them, 79 are unique and cannot be flown from other airports in the Moscow region. Here you can purchase tickets from leading airlines. Among them:

  1. Emirates;
  2. Lufthansa;
  3. Qatar Airways;
  4. Singapore Airlines;
  5. Swiss International Air Lines.

These companies are in demand due to the high level of service for passengers of all categories, the good condition of the aircraft and trained personnel.

Recreation centers and where to go for the weekend

The sights of Domodedovo attract many tourists. Local residents and guests of Moscow region can go on vacation at any time of the year.

Country Club LaFa Club

There is a dense pine forest 20 km from the capital. Here is a country club for relaxing with family and children, noisy groups, and young people. Guests are offered very cozy, small wooden cottages - chalets, equipped with modern furniture and appliances. Services of a professional bath attendant.

Country Club "The Best Day"

The recreation center is located in the Moscow region in a picturesque area. It is surrounded by forest. Holidays with pets are allowed. Services are presented in a wide range. Nearby is a sports complex. Open and closed cozy gazebos for barbecues are available for rent. You can take a steam bath, there is a Spa, a jacuzzi, a Turkish hammam and a Finnish sauna. Guests can order a banquet at the club.

Holiday home "Yolochki"

The base is located in the city of Domodedovo along the Kashirskoye highway. The territory is occupied by coniferous forest and several buildings. Guests enjoy fresh, clean air and walks. The rooms are spacious from economy class to luxury. In the holiday home you can recover from allergies, skin and respiratory diseases.

Districts of DMD near Moscow region

Domodedovo is a developing city. On its territory there is an airport of the same name, Kashirskoye Highway and a railway line from Paveletsky Station. The city district has 7 districts. In all microdistricts there is an active sale of apartments in multi-storey buildings. You can choose housing to suit every taste, with the optimal price and layout. Where it is better to live in Domodedovo depends on what exactly a person is interested in, a dynamically developing microdistrict or a quiet place.


Located near the airport, you will hear a little when planes take off and land. It emerged as a village designed specifically for employees. The Aviatsionnaya railway station is located here.


18 km from Domodedovo, population 5 thousand. Construction of residential high-rises is underway, infrastructure is rapidly developing.

White Pillars

The Paveletskaya railway divides the area into several sections - eastern and western. 2 km from Kashirskoye Highway. In the village there are agricultural plots, forest areas.


Appeared thanks to the construction of a railway platform. Now it is quite lively here, due to the large number of SNT and actively developing agriculture.


Numerous green spaces. Construction of high-rise buildings is underway. Near Kashirskoe highway.


Developed infrastructure, against the background of this, the territory is actively being built up with high-rise buildings.


The most populated microdistrict. Nearby is the Kashirskoe highway and the Paveletskaya railway station. Construction of kindergartens, secondary schools, shops, and clinics is underway. There are architectural and natural attractions.

Housing in Domodedovo can be purchased in any of the listed areas. It all depends on preference and taste.

Moscow (Domodedovo)

  • Inner: DMD
  • Total information
  • Services
  • Airlines
  • Organizations
  • Certificates

Common data:

  • Transliteration: Moscow (Domodedovo)
  • Management: OMTU CR VT Ministry of Transport of Russia
  • Airport status: international, federal
  • KTA: N5524 E03754 +9 gr. +167 m
  • Local time (UTC): +3/+4
  • Opening hours (UTC): 24 hours a day
  • Airport website:


Russia, Moscow region, 40 km south of the center of Moscow

Airport operator:

  • Name: Limited Liability Company "DOMODEDOVO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT"
  • Address: 142015, Russia, Moscow region, Domodedovo, territory “Domodedovo Airport”, building. 9
  • Phone: +7 (495) 363-3063
  • Fax: +7 (495) 967-8315

Accepted aircraft:

All types of aircraft.

runwayIVPP 14l/32pIVPP 14p/32l
Runway classAA
Dimensions3794 x 603500 x 70
Magn. landing course 137/317137/317
Runway coverageArmocreteArmocrete

Based airlines 2. Avial NV 3. Aviastar-TU 4. AVKOM 5. Atran 6. Atruvera 7. Aerostars 8. VIM-Avia 9. Domodedovo Airlines 10. "East Line" 11. "Primair" 12. "Tesis" 13. "Transaero" 14. "Enkor" more details...

Organizations located at the airfield:

1. CJSC ATB Domodedovo 2. CJSC Domodedovo Airport Terminal Complex 3. CJSC Domodedovo Airhotel 4. CJSC Domodedovo Jet Service 5. CJSC Domodedovo Passenger Terminal 6. CJSC Domodedovo Air Service 7. CJSC "Domodedovo-Terminal" 8. CJSC "East Line Aviation Security" 9. CJSC "East Line Guard" 10. CJSC "East Line Handling" more details...

Tariffs and fees:

Basic tariffsOctober 11, 2019
use of the airport terminal, foreign$9.00
security, foreign$7.30
takeoff and landing, foreign$11.50
passenger service, Russian, international airlinesRUR 243.00
passenger service, Russian, domestic airlinesRUR 219.00
use of the airport terminal, Russian, international flightsRUB 116.00
use of the airport terminal, Russian, domestic flightsRUR 83.00
security, RussianRUB 225.00
takeoff and landing, RussianRUB 288.00

Collection of tariffs and fees

Historical reference:

1954 By a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated November 13, the proposal of the Main Directorate of Civil Air Fleet under the Council of Ministers of the USSR for the construction of a second Moscow civil air fleet airport in the area of ​​the village of Elgazino, Podolsk district, Moscow region, was accepted.

1956 Order of the Head of the Civil Air Fleet State Administration No. 9 “On the creation of the Directorate for the Construction of the Second Moscow Airport and the appointment of Comrade I.P. Ivanov as Director.” The Directorate for the construction of facility No. 306 (Moscow Airport II) was established in the system of the Moscow Transport Aviation Administration of the Civil Air Fleet under the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

1958 The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR prescribed the completion of the construction of the 1st stage of the airport in 1962.

1962 Order of the Head of the Civil Air Fleet State Administration No. 200 “On the organization of Moscow Domodedovo Airport.” “To organize Domodedovo Airport as part of the Moscow Transport Aviation Administration of the Civil Aviation Fleet and henceforth to call it Moscow Domodedovo Airport.” April 7, 1962 - Birthday of Domodedovo Airport.

1963 Order of the Head of the MUTA Civil Air Fleet No. 210 “On the conduct of training flights at the Domodedovo airfield.” Order of the Head of the Civil Air Fleet MUTA No. 286 “On the start of commercial flights of aircraft at the Domodedovo airfield.” Order of the Head of MUTA Civil Air Fleet No. 305 “On the organization of cargo flights to Domodedovo Airport.” Order of the Head of MUTA Civil Air Fleet No. 414 “On the opening of regular flights at Domodedovo Airport to operate postal flights 927-928.”

Start of flights of Tu-104 and Il-18 aircraft performing cargo and mail flights. Formation of Linear Maintenance and Repair Workshops (LERM).

1964 Beginning of passenger transportation - flight to Sverdlovsk of the Tu-104 aircraft. Order of the Minister of Civil Aviation No. 024 “On the organization of the Domodedovo United Aviation Squad.” Order of the Head of the Civil Air Fleet MUTA No. 200 “On the start of Tu-114 flights from Domodedovo Airport.” Order of the Head of the Civil Air Fleet Main Directorate under the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 495 “On permitting regular flights at Domodedovo airfield.”

1965 Opening of the Domodedovo airport terminal.

1966 Start of regular passenger flights on the Il-18 aircraft to Bratsk. Beginning of operational tests of the Il-62 aircraft.

1967 An air parade was held at Domodedovo Airport The first technical flight of the Il-62 aircraft to Khabarovsk.

1968 Order of the Head of MTU “On the execution of the first passenger flight on an Il-62 aircraft at Domodedovo Airport.”

1977 Flight of the Tu-144 supersonic aircraft to Alma-Ata.

1978 Order of the USSR MGA No. 171 “On the creation of the Domodedovo Production Association of the Moscow Transport Administration of the Civil Aviation.”

1979 Order of the USSR MGA No. 70 “On the admission of Domodedovo airfield to operation at meteorological minimum of I and II categories”

1983 The first regular passenger flight on the wide-body Il-86 aircraft on the Domodedovo-Tashkent route.

1992 Assignment of international status to Domodedovo Airport.

1993 Start of operational tests of the Il-96-300 aircraft.

1995 Commissioning of a new cargo terminal.

1996 Commissioning of the new international hall.

1997 EAST LINE Group becomes the management company of Domodedovo International Airport. A system of comprehensive ground services at the airport for passengers and aircraft has been introduced. The completion of the construction of the international cargo terminal brings Domodedovo International Airport to first place in the country in terms of cargo transportation volume.

1998 Reconstruction of runways (runways) was completed, modernization of landing facilities and systems was carried out. Commissioning of the in-flight catering factory and fuel refueling complex.

1999 Beginning of implementation of the Comprehensive Airport Development Program until 2003, approved by the government of the Moscow region and the board of the Federal Aviation Service of the Russian Federation.

2000 After a comprehensive reconstruction, the air terminal complex of Domodedovo Airport opens.

2001 The Airport Association of Civil Aviation of the CIS countries recognized Domodedovo as the “Best Airport of the CIS countries.”

2002 The High Speed ​​Transport System (STS) is put into operation, connecting the airport with the Paveletsky railway station by railway, where the Domodedovo city passenger terminal opens.

2003 The first stage of reconstruction of Domodedovo International Airport was completed. The dynamics of growth in passenger traffic through Domodedovo International Airport is recognized as the highest among the 150 largest airports in the world.

2004 Domodedovo served more than 12.1 million passengers and entered the top hundred leading airports in the world. Work has begun to expand the area of ​​the airport's passenger terminal - the area of ​​sterile areas of International and Domestic airlines has been increased.

2005 Domodedovo International Airport became the leader in passenger air transportation in the Moscow aviation hub.

2006 Domodedovo International Airport became a finalist in the Airport Marketing Awards competition held as part of the 12th World Forum Routes 2006 (Dubai) in the category of airports whose passenger traffic varies from 10 to 25 million people per year.

2007 Domodedovo International Airport is 45 years old

Changes to information about Moscow (Domodedovo) airport were made: 09/12/2017. You can supplement the information posted or make changes to it by contacting the AviaPort agency.

Where to go on weekends, for barbecues

You can go to the countryside to any cozy place. In some places it is allowed to barbecue; there are specially equipped areas for this.

Bay of Joy on the shore of the Pirogovskoye Reservoir

One of the popular holiday destinations. You can ride boats, catamarans, play badminton, volleyball. There is fishing and equipped swimming areas. Entry to the territory – 150 rubles. You can rent an open or closed gazebo - 1-4.5 thousand for 12 people.

Recreation area "Gorki" on the Klyazmino reservoir

Offers relaxation for small and large companies. You can rent wooden gazebos for 2.5 thousand, a tent - 10 thousand (15-20 people). Guests can take coal or barbecue with them or rent it. There are platforms near the gazebos; for an additional fee, they will install a net or install a mini-gate. There is paid parking on site with security, and free parking behind it.

Local attractions DMD

The Moscow region is famous for its historical and cultural monuments. You can see some of them in Domodedovo.

Estate Konstantinovo

Only the main house remains, but it is in poor condition. The church of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God has also been preserved. During the USSR, they tried to convert the building into a holiday home. There was a toy factory in the temple. Around the estate there are cascading ponds and a picturesque park. Although they are in a neglected state, they still amaze with their splendor.

Lyakhovo estates

It was built at the beginning of the 19th century. Under the USSR, there was a shoe factory, a kindergarten, and simple housing here. In 1984, the film “Formula of Love” was filmed. Now the buildings are in disrepair.

Obelisk of Glory

The monument to the defenders of the homeland is located in the center of the DMD. Erected in 1965, restored in 2015. Nearby there are memorials with the names of heroes. There are beautiful well-groomed alleys around.

First steps to join

By 2023, they want to expand the highway to Domodedovo. It will have 4 stripes. Such investments must pay off. Gradually the city will merge with the capital. The highway will allow people to quickly come to work. Enterprises can also be built in Domodedovo to reduce the influx of people into the capital. The merger will provide more funding, so Domodedovo management is interested in changing the status of the city. This will affect their status.

Domodedovo can become part of Moscow for the reason that it is unprofitable to expand Moscow in other directions. Still, natural conditions and landscape are assessed. Further prospects are being considered. And since the government is already starting to talk about specific projects, the annexation of the city is quite likely.

Work, business and enterprises in Domodedovo

The city occupies a leading position among other settlements in the Moscow region in terms of economic criteria. The economy develops through the sale of goods.

There are manufacturing enterprises in the city:

  • "Globe";
  • "Siberia";
  • "Transaero".

Many airport companies provide social benefits, offer good earnings and career advancement. The average salary is 45-55 thousand rubles at the airport, at the DMD - 37-42 thousand.

There are places to work without higher education here. Employment is offered by:

  • TC "Kvartal";
  • Shopping center "Stayer";
  • Shopping center "Severny" and "Monetka";
  • "Dixie";
  • "Attack";
  • "Pyaterochka".

Promising areas include retail trade, small businesses associated with the production of various goods, and the number of individual entrepreneurs is growing. There are not many small retail outlets.

Purchasing and renting housing

Secondary market – modern monolithic brick and monolithic buildings. Housing in residential areas is especially valued. Apartment prices are not uniform:

  • Aviation – 82-85 thousand rubles;
  • Central - 89-92 thousand rubles;
  • Western - 74-78 thousand;
  • Northern – 78-84 thousand;
  • With. Domodedovo – 64-69 thousand;
  • Friendship - 73-78 thousand;
  • Southern - 63-67 thousand rubles.

Many people are attracted to the center. It is clean, the registry office and administration are located here. The main route passes through - the Kashirskoe highway, the museum, and the railway station. In the private sector there are multi-storey buildings.

How much rental housing costs depends on the area, renovation and comfort. The average price of an apartment per month is 14,000-34,000 rubles.

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