Leisure summary “Favorite city - Domodedovo!”


, a city of regional subordination in Russia, the administrative center of the Domodedovo district of the Moscow region, the cathedral city of the Domodedovo Vicariate of the Archdiocese of Russian Churches in Western Europe and the center of the Domodedovo deanery of the Podolsk diocese. Located on the Moskvoretsko-Oka Plain, in the center of the East European Plain, 37 km south of Moscow. Railway station on the Moscow-Pavelets line. Population - 124.3 thousand (2017)

  • Official site:
  • On the map: Yandex.Map, Google map

The name of the city was given by the village of Domodedovo, the first mention of which was in 1401 in the spiritual charter of Vladimir Andreevich the Brave, Prince of Serpukhov and Borovsky. The territory of the modern city is located on an ancient road - the Kashira tract, which for many centuries connected Moscow with Kashira and other cities in the southern direction.

In the 17th century, the borders of Domodedovo included two ancient villages - Nazaryevo and Sknilovo, the exact date of whose disappearance is unknown. From the village of Sknilovo there is only one ravine left, which is now called Sknilovsky, located between Tekstilshchikov and Michurina streets.

In 1775, during the reforms of Catherine II, the city of Nikitsk, a district of the Moscow province, was formed on the site of the village of Kolycheva on the Pakhra River. Its borders included the villages of Domodedovo, Nikitskoye, Bityagovo, Zaborye. In 1796, by decree of the son of Empress Paul the First, Nikitsky district was abolished, and the village was returned to its previous status - the village of Kolychevo.

In 1812, the French army retreated through the territory of the future city in the direction of Podolsk, leaving Moscow.

In 1825, the owner of the Konstantinovo estate, state councilor I.F. Pokhvisnev, founded a paper spinning factory. Not far from the factory, a small workers' village was built with a medical assistant's reception and a school for the children of workers.

Until the mid-19th century, the city's territory was a wasteland overgrown with small bushes and deciduous trees. During the peasant reform of 1861, on parts of the lands of the Domodedovo volost of the Podolsk district, the Domodedovo Palace Forest Dacha was formed, the territory of which was divided into quarters, where planned deforestation and brushwood collection were carried out. Land plots cleared of forest were rented out for the construction of dachas.

In 1897, construction began on a railway line of the Ryazan-Ural Railway from Pavelets to Moscow, which passed through the Domodedovo volost. The station, 34 km from Moscow, was named after the village of Domodedovo, the administrative center of the volost, located five kilometers away. On January 19, 1900, the grand opening of the Domodedovo station took place and regular passenger and freight traffic began in the Moscow-Pavelets direction.

At the beginning of the century, a station village was founded not far from the station, factory villages began to appear, and the dacha village and the village of the Konstantinovskaya factory expanded. In 1919, the first educational school was opened in the station village. During the summer, summer residents from Moscow settled in the village of Domodedovo.

In 1924, by a resolution of the Podolsk district executive committee, the station village of Domodedovo was classified as an “urban-type dacha village.” And in 1928, a dacha council was elected.

In connection with the reconstruction of the city of Moscow, about 200 Muscovite families moved to the Domodedovo village in 1937. In 1938, the workers' village of Domodedovo was formed, which developed along the Kashirskoye Highway, between the railway line and the Rozhaika River.

The development of the village was delayed by the Great Patriotic War. In the first post-war years, Domodedovo industrial enterprises quickly restored their production potential. Along with the industrial development of the workers' settlement, housing and domestic construction took place.

On March 12, 1947, the workers' settlement was transformed into a city of regional subordination.

On April 7, 1962, near the city of Domodedovo, construction began on the airport of the same name, which opened regular passenger air services in 1966.

In 1965, the working settlement of the Konstantinovskaya wool-spinning factory entered the city limits.

In 1969, the city of Domodedovo became a city of regional subordination and the center of the new Domodedovo district, separated from the Podolsk region.

On August 11, 2003, the administrative division of the city into Northern, Central, Southern and Western districts was approved.

On July 19, 2004, the working village of Vostryakovo became part of the city of Domodedovo, and the holiday village of Barybino became part of the holiday village of Belye Stolby, and on September 17 of the same year, the holiday village of Belye Stolby was annexed to the city of Domodedovo.

On December 15, 2004, the municipal formation “Domodedovo District of the Moscow Region” was granted the status of an urban district.

On March 14, 2007, the villages of Zaborye, Metkino, Rozhdestvenskoye, Umshary and the village of Shebantsevo were transferred to the city. On September 7 of the same year, the Domodedovo urban district was divided into seven microdistricts, and later into nine.


On May 6, 1991, the Domodedovo deanery of the Moscow diocese was formed, and the city became its center.

The Church of St. Seraphim of Sarov, the Cathedral of All Saints Who Shined in the Russian Land and the Church of the Nativity of Christ were erected in the city. Since 2000, an Orthodox gymnasium began operating at the cathedral.

On May 16, 2007, the Domodedovo Vicariate of the Moscow Diocese was established, named after the city of Domodedovo.


  • Boris and Gleb
  • "The Queen of All", icons of the Mother of God
  • All Saints who shone forth in the Russian land, Cathedral
  • St. George the Victorious
  • Demetrius of Thessalonica
  • John of Kronstadt
  • Cosmas and Damian
  • "Burning Bush", icons of the Mother of God
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker
  • New Martyrs and Confessors of Domodedovo
  • Peter and Fevronia
  • Nativity of John the Baptist
  • Nativity of Christ
  • Nativity of Christ in the village of Barybino
  • Seraphim of Sarov, baptismal
  • Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God
  • Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God

Historical reference

Historians say that 200 - 300 million years ago, the sea splashed over the Domodedovo land. Even traces of it have been preserved - deposits of limestone, on the blocks of which the imprinted remains of marine animals can be seen. The glacial era left behind deep river valleys and deposits of sand and red clay in the area. Mammoths once roamed here.

Local historians date the first mention of Domodedovo in ancient writings to 1401. For many centuries, the ancient Kashira Highway ran here, connecting Moscow with the south. The first owner of the village of Domodedovo was Elena Olgerdovna, the wife of the Serpukhov-Borovsk prince Vladimir Andreevich. And at the beginning of the 18th century, Prince A. Menshikov, an associate of Peter I, was granted the Domodedovo and Myachkovo volosts.

Since ancient times, there have been other settlements nearby. Therefore, it is quite possible to assume a more ancient history of Domodedovo villages. The Resurrection Church in the village of Bityagovo (1670), the late classicism estate in Konstantinovo on the site of the estate of the Romodanovsky princes, which belonged to the famous traveler N.M. Przhevalsky in the second half of the 19th century, and the Morozov estate of the outstanding Russian architect F.O. Shekhtel have been preserved. The Resurrection Church (1697) in the village of Kolychevo is protected by the state. In 1781, Catherine II awarded this village “the name, rights and advantages of the city” under the name Nikitsk. It was proclaimed the center of the district; 747 people lived here at that time; they were occupied “partly in arable farming, and more in breaking and preparing white stone,” from which the best buildings of Moscow, Vladimir and other cities of the Golden Ring were built. Since 1802, Nikitsk disappeared from the list of Russian cities, the name of the village of Kolychevo was restored, but the coat of arms of the ancient city became the basis of the current Domodedovo coat of arms.

The Domodedovo land remembers how in 1812 the columns of General D.S. Dokhturov and Field Marshal M.I. Kutuzov moved through the village of Yam. French troops leaving Moscow also passed along the Kashirskaya road.

At that time, quarries and flour mills stood out from industrial production. In 1825, the landowner Pokhvistnev built one of the first paper spinning factories in Russia - the oldest enterprise in the city. Then a brick and lime factory were built, and by 1908 two more factories were operating.

In connection with the reconstruction of Moscow, about 200 Muscovite families moved to Domodedovo in 1937. In 1938, a workers' settlement was formed, the number of its residents reached 8.7 thousand people.

In 1941, Domodedovo, where 14.5 thousand residents already lived, was transferred to the category of a workers' village.

The development of the village was delayed by the Great Patriotic War. In the first post-war years, Domodedovo industrial enterprises quickly restored their production potential.

Along with industrial development, housing and household construction took place.

On March 12, 1947, the workers' village was transformed into a city of regional subordination, and in 1969 a new district was formed, with its center in Domodedovo. On January 1, 2006, the area was transformed into the Domodedovo urban district.

City information

Domodedovo is a city in the Moscow region. Located in the west of the Russian Federation. The economy is represented by enterprises in the construction industry and the production of equipment for the oil and gas industry.

The Moscow-Kashira highway passes through the settlement, and the M-4 Don federal highway runs nearby. The railway line and the large airport of the same name are located nearby. Universities and their branches, professional and secondary specialized educational institutions operate in the settlement. Cultural institutions are functioning. A significant part of the population is employed in the capital of the Russian Federation.

Coat of arms

The Domodedovo coat of arms is presented in the form of a French shield. There is a red stripe at the top. Below it is a golden background, on top of which is an azure pillar (the symbol of the airport). Below are three lowered silver bars, with the top and left edges visible. They are stacked in the rafters. They symbolize modern industry focused on the production of building materials. In the upper left part is the coat of arms of the Moscow region (this is an optional element).

The artistic composition is based on a version of the now defunct city of Nikitsk. Adopted by the Decision of the Council of Deputies of the Domodedovo District of March 22, 2002 No. 37/5.

Chronicle of the development of the city of Domodedovo

The first settlements and the beginning of the development of the city

The first people to inhabit the territories of Domodedovo were the Slavic tribes - the Vyatichi. Based on archaeological excavations, it can be assumed that the first settlements appeared in the 8th
The first mention of Domodedovo was recorded in 1401
in the spiritual charter of Prince Vladimir the Brave. There are many versions of the origin of the name of the city, but two versions are considered the most popular: according to one version, the city was named in honor of the home makers who lived in this territory; according to another version, the city was named after one of the owners of these lands.

After Vladimir the Brave, his wife became the owner of Domodedovo, but in 1433

year she decides to go to the monastery and transfer her possessions to her daughter-in-law Ulyana.
In the 17th century
, the Romanovs began to own Domodedovo, and they owned it until the death of the last person from the dynasty, Nikita Ivanovich. After his death, Alexey Mikhailovich became the owner. When Peter I came to power, he handed Domodedovo over to Count Menshikov, but very soon the lands were returned to the nobility.

The First World War and Domodedovo in the 20th century

During the First World War, the city of Domodedovo played an important role.
The path of the Russian army passed through the territory of the city, and Domodedovo was also important in the defense of the country's territories. In 1900

The construction of the railway that runs through Domodedovo begins.
This road was supposed to connect Ryazan and Moscow. After 3
years, two factories were built in Domodedovo and, in connection with this, new people moved to the city, the population increased to
Later, in 1913
, Domodedovo received the title of an urban-type settlement, the population increased to
people, and about
summer residents came here.

The population continues to increase in 1937

New houses are being built, the area is being improved, schools, hospitals, and shops are appearing. During this period the population increased to 7
thousand people. A year later, Domodedovo was transformed into a workers' settlement, and industrial buildings began to be built.

Status of the city and a new stage in the development of the city

In 1947
, Domodedovo received city status.
A few years later, the construction of large industrial enterprises began in the city. In 1969
, an airport was opened in Domodedovo, partly thanks to this the city became an industrial center. By that time, the city was already well developed: several schools, libraries, a theater building, a cinema, a house of pioneers and several hotels.

The airport has become an important element of the city. It carried not only people, but also various parcels, documents, and also carried out private transportation. There is an interesting fact that the first passenger was a woman with a baby, and airport workers took this as a good sign for their enterprise.

Initially, the airport transported people only to Siberia, Central Asia, the Urals, the Volga region and the Far East, but soon the airport was given international status.

IN 2000

The demolition of old buildings and the construction of modern multi-storey buildings in their place begins. In the same year, Orthodox gymnasiums began operating at the Church of Seraphim of Sarov and the Cathedral of All Saints.

19 2004
, by order of Domodedovo, the village of Vostryakov and the holiday village of Belye Stolby were annexed.

Domodedovo in our time

The city is growing and continues to develop. In 2014
, the population exceeded
100 thousand people. This small city has its own attractions: a local history museum, an ecological park, a museum of fairy tales and many monuments dedicated to military events.

The beginning of the modern city of Domodedovo was laid by a railway station, several houses and barracks of the builders of the Moscow-Pavelets railway. Domodedovo station opened on January 19, 1900. The name of the railway changed over time (Paveletskaya, Ryazan-Ural, Saratov, Moscow-Donbass, Moscow-Kursk-Donbass, Moscow). The Domodedovo land along which the railway ran belonged to a specific department. From Domodedovo station to Vostryakovo station, the railway ran through the “Government Forest”. The joint-stock company paid about one hundred thousand rubles for the right of way of land for the construction of the railway. The Domodedovo railway station got its name from the village of Domodedovo, the volost center. The Domodedovo volost was a palace volost. The village of Domodedovo belonged to the royal family of the Romanovs since the 17th century. Domodedovo station was built near the ancient Kashirskoye tract (modern Kashirskoye highway). The road from Domodedovo station to Kashirskoye Highway, 150.5 fathoms (321 m) long, was built and put into operation on September 11, 1907 (now it is Sovetskaya Street). The Kashira highway from Moscow to the southern lands existed in ancient times, it started from a hook and led to the city of Kashira. It was a busy road along which wagon trains drove, carts and coachmen's carts scurried about. The route of the road changed from time to time depending on the development of certain settlements. With the emergence of the postal service in the 17th century, the Kashirskaya road became a POSTAL route along which postal troikas rushed. The first coachman's camp at a distance of one "gon" from Zatsepa was the coachman's settlement of Starofrolovsky Yam, in the old days called Staro Frolovsky churchyard, and later simply Yam, in which a church was built in the name of the holy martyrs Florus and Laurus, the heavenly patrons of livestock and horses. From the prehistory of the city of Domodedovo, according to scribe books, it is known that between the Kashirskaya road and the Rozhaya River, near the ravine, there was in the old days the now disappeared village of Nazaryevo, which had about 30 peasant households. And on the banks of the Rozhaya River there was the village of Bogorodskoye, now the village of Konstantinovo with a church in the name of the Most Holy Theotokos Hodegetria. The territory where the center of the city of Domodedovo is now located was called “Domodedovo Dacha” before the construction of the railway (dacha meant a plot of land under a forest). The land belonged to the appanage department and the community of the village of Beleutovo. This territory occupied 1912 acres 197 square meters. fathoms (of which directly under the forest - 1641.9 dessiatines). On the Kashirskoye Highway, at the intersection of the road to Konstantinovo, before the construction of the railway, there was an inn for Grigory Lapshin with a teahouse. Carts and convoys with bread and goods were constantly standing at the teahouse, troikas with passengers and mail were rushing, and herds of cattle were being driven along the roadsides to Moscow. From 1898 to 1914, factories were built in Domodedovo: brick, cement and alabaster-lime. On October 13, 1900, V.D. Mikhailov and S.K. Kolossovsky received a lease of land for the construction of a brick factory and clay mining, and on January 1, 1902, they transferred the leased land to engineer A.A. Ventzel. The brick factory was built on land bordering the Gorodyanka River (nowadays). The owners of the brick factory, A.A. Ventzel and A.V. Kupetsky, built a dam on the Gorodyanka River, creating a reservoir. In October 1905, I.I. Migunov began to own the Ventzel brick factory. Since 1911, M.A. Mitrofanov was in charge of production at the brick factory. The cement plant, which was located on the site where the warehouse is currently located, was owned by the trading house “Petr Martyanov and Co.” Since 1910, the cement plant belonged to the merchant S.A. Fomichev, and V.E. Savinov was in charge of the plant’s production. Near the railway station, merchant Vasily Semenovich Leonov had a timber warehouse and trading establishments. The buffet at Domodedovo station was owned by M.M. Zolotov, and the teahouse on Kashirskoye Shosse was owned by G.M. Lapshin. May 27, 1914 V.V. Alexandrov submitted drawings to the Moscow provincial government for the construction of an alabaster and lime plant on the lands of the peasant community in the village of Beleutovo in the town of Rybushkin Ravine. As of June 30, 1914, the following people lived in Domodedovo: at the station - 32 people, in the village in 8 houses - 77 people, at the brick factory - 366 people, at the cement plant - 218 people, at the lime plant - 59 people and on the territory of the quarry Makarycheva and Solenov - 40 people. The total number of residents living in Domodedovo in mid-1914 was 792 people. From year to year, the intensive traffic of passenger and freight freight trains on the Paveletskaya Railway increased. The largest flow of passengers occurred in the summer season of the year. During the years of the revolution and civil war, the factories in Domodedovo were inactive; only in the twentieth year did the restoration of production at the factories begin. The first primary school in the station village was opened in 1919. During the NEP years, the work of cooperatives and private entrepreneurs expanded. As of March 15, 1923, 117 people permanently lived in the Domodedovo station village, most of them were engaged in agriculture, carriage and trade. Summer residents from Moscow came to the village of Domodedovo for the summer. Until 1929, there was also a Lapshina tea shop and a Leonov wholesale timber warehouse in Domodedovo. That year, Lapshin's tea shop and his house were transferred to the ownership of a workers' cooperative. By a resolution of the Podolsk District Executive Committee in 1924, the station village of Domodedovo was classified as a dacha village; urban village. The lands occupied by the modern city of Domodedovo in its southern part have since ancient times belonged to the Zaborevsky Cossack community, later to the peasant community, which in the 19th century were part of the Zaborevsky state volost. Until 1929, the dacha settlement at the Domodedovo railway station was under the territorial administrative subordination of the Zaborievsky village council of the Domodedovo volost of the Podolsk district. In 1928, a dacha council was elected in Domodedovo. By 1934, the village of Domodedovo had grown to 40 households with a population of about 250 people. About 500 summer residents lived in the village. In 1937, the presidiums of the Moscow City Council and the Moscow Regional Council adopted a special resolution on the improvement of the Domodedovo village. 256 hectares of land were allocated for new development, 200 Muscovite families moved to the Domodedovo village for permanent residence, and 170 new houses were built in 1937. In 1937, about 7 thousand people already lived in the Domodedovo holiday village; the population increased due to those who left Moscow under the city reconstruction plan and due to the industrial development of the village and the arrival of people from villages in the southern regions. In 1938, the dacha village of Domodedovo was transformed into the working village of Domodedovo. This year, intensive industrial and residential construction began in Domodedovo. In 1938, construction of secondary school No. 3 for 280 students was completed. In 1939, 10,341 people lived in the Domodedovo village, and in 1941, 14.5 thousand people already lived in the Domodedovo village. In the pre-war years, a bread factory and a Mosenergo welding base were built in Domodedovo. In 1940, construction of a water supply system, a bathhouse, and an outpatient clinic began. A pharmacy, a nursery, and a post office were opened in the village. During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, the village of Domodedovo lived a tense life under the motto: “Everything for the front, everything for victory.” Many Domodedovo residents fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, and industry worked for military needs. In July-September, bombing of the Domodedovo village by enemy aircraft became more frequent. And in October-November 1941, the village of Domodedovo found itself in close proximity to the front - in the front-line zone. Military trains, military equipment and materials for the construction of defense structures arrived at Domodedovo station. The southern outskirts of the village was secondary school No. 3. From the railway track to the school, anti-tank ditches, hedgehogs from rails, trenches and forest rubble, and anti-tank barriers from high stumps were erected. Many residents of the village participated in the construction of military defense structures from the village of Domodedovo to the village of Ovchinki. Participants in the defense of Moscow were awarded the medal “For the Defense of Moscow.” Due to the bombing of enemy aircraft in the village of Domodedovo, many residential buildings, industrial buildings and railway tracks were destroyed, especially great destruction was at the Svarbase. According to the memoirs of Yu.A. Nemtyreva, a large bomb fell on Oktyabrskaya Street, more than two dozen houses were destroyed, about 70 people died, 21 residents of the city, who had no relatives left, were buried in a mass grave (in the old cemetery). In the first post-war years, industrial enterprises were restored in Domodedovo and new ones began to be built. At the end of 1945, the housing stock of Domodedovo amounted to 67.7 thousand square meters. meters, the length of the water lines was 1.6 kilometers with seven water dispensers. By 1947, there were 1,573 houses in the village of Domodedovo | population 20,300 people. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR dated March 12, 1947, the workers' village of Domodedovo was transformed into a city of regional subordination - Domodedovo. The city of Domodedovo was gradually transformed. Over the first ten years (1947-1956), the state housing stock grew from 8.1 to 34.3 thousand square meters. In total, in 1956, the city of Domodedovo had 102.3 thousand square meters of living space. In 1954-1955, the metal structures plant (now) builds the first three-story houses for its workers in the Yolochki microdistrict. Later, the Zhilposelok microdistrict began to be built up. New working-class neighborhoods are springing up on the outskirts of the city. In 1956, the village of the Konstantinovskaya factory was included in the city limits of Domodedovo. The factory in the village of Konstantinovo appeared in 1825 - this was one of the first paper spinning factories in Russia. In 1843, the factory employed 606 people; at this time, cloth production was mastered at the factory. In 1871, the first school in the Domodedovo volost was opened at the Konstantinovskaya Factory, where children of workers and cross-country people from nearby villages studied. By 1933, the workforce of the Konstantinovskaya factory had grown to 1,107 people. The Factory's production reached 375 tons of cloth, 235 thousand meters of drive belts. By the beginning of 1935, the factory's housing stock reached 5,709 kV. meters. In 1939, about two thousand people lived in the Konstantinovsky village. In the post-war years, by 1947 the Konstantinovskaya factory had reached pre-war production levels. In the fifties, the construction of new factories began in the city of Domodedovo. Large enterprises are being built and reconstructed in the city: a metal structures plant (now Metako), a building materials and structures plant, a fire-resistant products plant, a sewing and knitting factory and others. The city council building, a new secondary school with 400 seats, a maternity hospital, an X-ray room, a bathhouse, and shops were put into operation. The city radio center and the first semi-automatic telephone exchange began to operate. The city library and bookstore opened. At the beginning of 1959, 27.7 thousand people lived in Domodedovo. In 1962, the Avangard cinema was introduced. Since 1964, gasification work began in the city of Domodedovo. And at the end of 1966, the city hospital came into operation. On January 1, 1969, 35 thousand people lived in the city of Domodedovo, the city’s territory was 1140 hectares. The housing stock consisted of 2,350 houses. By 1969, the entire departmental and communal fund of the city was gasified. By 1969, the city of Domodedovo was a large industrial center with nine industrial enterprises. There were six general education schools in the city, of which four were secondary, in addition there were two schools for working youth, a branch of the Podolsk Industrial College and a music school. In the city of Domodedovo by 1969 there were the following cultural institutions: a cinema, three clubs, sixteen libraries, a house of pioneers. The city of Domodedovo became a regional center - a city of regional subordination - in 1969. In 1971, the master plan for the development of the city of Domodedovo was approved. The city center is being built with multi-storey buildings. The first nine-story building is being built on the station square. One of the fastest growing microdistricts in the city are “Yolochki” and “Zhilgorodok”. The building of the city party committee and the city council is being built in the city (now the building of the Domodedovo district administration). By 1980, 200 thousand square meters were commissioned in the city. meters of housing, a therapeutic building of a hospital, a car service station. By 1985, another 200 thousand square meters were commissioned. meters of living space, 11.8 thousand apartments were gasified, which amounted to 79% of the housing stock. Housing construction continued at a high rate in 1885-1990. During this period, more than five thousand families improved their living conditions. Development of the Yuzhny microdistrict is underway intensively, construction continues in the city center, in the Yolochki and Zhilposelok microdistricts. During these years, two children's centers, a school, and the Mir Palace of Culture were put into operation. In the nineties (1990-1999) it was carried out in the city of Domodedovo; intensive housing construction by the Mosoblstroy-11 trust (now Mosoblstroytrest-11 CJSC). In 2000-2001, Mosoblstroy-11 built multi-storey brick buildings along Kashirskoye Highway and in the Yuzhny microdistrict, the trust commissioned a unique school building No. 5. Since 1997, a new building has been under construction in the city of Domodedovo. The construction company has built several residential brick buildings in the new Druzhba microdistrict. On Kashirskoye Highway, at the intersection with Kolomiytsa Street, the Druzhba insurance company built a building - a residential building with a library. On May 6, 1991, Metropolitan Yuvenaly of Krutitsky and Kolomna gave a decree on the formation of the Domodedovo deanery. Archpriest Alexander Vasiliev was appointed dean of the Domodedovo district. The Domodedovo deanery currently unites 30 churches located on Domodedovo land. On May 6, 2001, the Domodedovo deanery celebrated its tenth anniversary. In the city of Domodedovo, the following were built: the Temple of St. Serphim of Sarov and the Cathedral of “All Saints Who Have Appeared in the Land of Russia.” The first service in the Cathedral of “All Saints Who Have Shined in the Land of Russia” was held on March 15, 1997, and the consecration of the Cathedral took place on September 20, 1997. A chapel was built on Kashirskoye Highway in the city of Domodedovo. In 2000, an Orthodox gymnasium began operating at the Council of “All Saints Who Have Shined in the Land of Russia.” © local historian Nikolay Chulkov, 2002

The city of Domodedovo has its own legend

As part of a project designed to perpetuate the history of its native city, MegaFon will give the city of Domodedovo a new landmark - a sculpture of Grandfather Domodel. The name of the town of Domodedovo near Moscow comes from the legend of an old bird catcher. His nickname gave the name to the village of the same name, which is mentioned in written sources starting from the 15th century, and then to the modern city. In the album “History of the Principality of Serpukhov” it is said this way: “And the village on the wasteland near Serpokhov, across the river, was named in the name of the Elder Domodel. For they say that in those places the old man lived much more skillfully, he always caught birds in the forests, and he made beautiful cages from vines. And he did not trade them every day, but only on Saturdays and Sundays, and on other days he gave birds and cages to girls who were already in marriage. For this reason, this old man was revered for his skillful deeds and was nicknamed Do-Model.” In other words, the elder gave the newlyweds birds and skillfully woven cage houses as a symbol of a prosperous married life, or perhaps as a talisman so that good things would accumulate and not be transferred. Perhaps rumors about him spread during his lifetime, and the area where he lived began to be called “Domodelova”, which by the 15th century turned into “Domodedovo”. The Domodel sculpture is a gift to the city of Domodedovo as part of the “MegaFon Gives a Legend” project. One of the goals of this project is to attract the attention of residents to the history of the city and create an important city landmark associated with traditional family values. Today, many people want to learn more about their native places, to feel the connection between times and generations. Therefore, the appearance in the city of a sculpture that will remind residents of the main local legend is an important contribution to strengthening city traditions. The sculpture of Grandfather Domodel with a wicker basket over his shoulder, located in the city park next to the Alley of Lovers, will become the center of cultural leisure for citizens, an attraction for tourists, a venue for children's parties and, of course, wedding ceremonies. Starting a family is one of the main and brightest moments in the life of every person. And the wedding ceremony is that very step towards the future, which the newlyweds will then remember with warmth all their lives. The sculpture will not only remind them of history, but also, quite possibly, will bring good luck - after all, it was thanks to the wonderful art of Domodel that news of him not only reached our days, but also gave the name to the whole city.

Information note The author of the monument is Kirill Chizhov, a young talented sculptor, a student of the famous A.I. Rukavishnikov, a graduate of the sculpture department of the Surikov Moscow State Academy of Arts. Almost at the age of 20, he became a prize-winner of the All-Russian Competition of Young Artists at the State Tretyakov Gallery, and soon became a member of the Moscow Union of Artists. Art critics consider Kirill one of those few modern creators who are capable of bringing light, strength, and spontaneity. Having experienced the influence of many styles in his development - academicism and neo-academicism, surrealism, avant-garde and postmodernism, Kirill Chizhov created his own style - a lively, confident, eclectic and very energetic fusion, with a subtle taste and flair for even the smallest details.

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