Unboring November: top 5 places for a safe holiday alone with nature

What to see on your own Museums What to see in winter Stories, routes and tips from tourists Where to stay in Saratov Interesting excursions Trips from the city for 1 day

Saratov is a major cultural, economic and educational center of the Volga region, one of the twenty largest cities in the country; the city is quite large in area. Of course, one day is not enough to get to know it, but if for some reason you only have one day left, you should not refuse to walk around the city. You just need to decide in advance what you are interested in and what you want to see, and we will try to help you.

What to see in Saratov in 1 day on your own

Most of the main attractions of Saratov are located in its central, historical part. For the first acquaintance, it is enough to see them in order to form a preliminary impression of the city and, perhaps, plan future trips.

Kirov Avenue

Kirov Avenue is one of the central streets of Saratov and the main tourist street of the city; in the 19th century it was called “Nevsky Prospekt” of Saratov. The street appeared on city maps a little more than two centuries ago. At that time, German colonists, invited by Catherine II to develop the rich Volga region, settled here, as well as captured Frenchmen after the Patriotic War of 1812. They called the street Nemetskaya, and it bore this name until the February Revolution of 1917, after which it became the Street of the Republic. In March 1935, in memory of S. M. Kirov, the street was renamed to Avenue named after him. Since 1983, the street has become pedestrian.

Of course, over two centuries the street was built up and rebuilt, but buildings from the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries have been preserved here, most of which are on the city’s cultural heritage lists. This is the house of P. A. Nikitin, one of the owners of the Saratov Circus, the monumental building of the former Astoria Hotel, the Manege shopping complex, built according to the design of the famous Saratov architect A. M. Salko, the magnificent building of the Saratov Conservatory and many others. Here are also the famous monuments to the “Saratov accordion” and the song “So many golden lights.”

Kirova Avenue is the main tourist street of Saratov Photo: © Anna Kudryavtseva

Saratov Conservatory named after. L. V. Sobinova

On Kirov Avenue, at the very beginning, there is a building that looks like a fairy-tale castle. This is the State Conservatory named after L.V. Sobinov . It was founded in 1912 on the initiative of the local branch of the Imperial Russian Musical Society and named Alekseevskaya in honor of Tsarevich Alexei. This was the third conservatory opened in Russia; the Russian composer S.V. Rachmaninov stood at its origins. It’s not for nothing that the square opposite the conservatory is named after him. The voices of Fyodor Chaliapin and Leonid Sobinov were heard in the Great Hall of the Conservatory.

The conservatory building was built in 1902 according to the design of the St. Petersburg architect A. Yu. Yang for a music school, but its appearance was more than once criticized, compared to an elevator. When they decided to place a conservatory here, the City Duma announced a competition for a project to reconstruct the building. The conservatory owes its modern appearance to the architect S. A. Kallistratov, who won the competition. Thanks to him, pointed window frames, paired columns ending at the top with spiers, singing chimeras, owls - a symbol of wisdom, and Gothic towers appeared on the façade. The building of the conservatory has become a decoration of the city and one of its calling cards.

Saratov State Conservatory named after. L.V. Sobinova Photo: © Anna Kudryavtseva

Church "Quiet My Sorrows"

This small church in the pedestrian tourist area of ​​the city attracts the attention of city visitors with its bright, colorful domes, similar to the domes of Moscow's St. Basil's Cathedral. The church was built in 1904–1906 at the bishop's house according to the design of the Saratov architect P. M. Zybin. There was one throne - in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Consolation in sorrows and sorrows”, and the people called the church “Quench my sorrows”.

In 1930, the church was closed, and then the building, as usual, was used for other purposes. At first it was converted into a Mother and Child Club, and later a planetarium was opened there, so it was well preserved. In 1990, the building was returned to the diocese, the interior was renovated, a bell tower was built, and icons were purchased. In 1993, the main altar of the temple was consecrated in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Quench My Sorrows.” In 2004, on the basis of the parish of the temple, the Bishop's Compound was organized.

Temple in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Quench my sorrows” Photo: © Anna Kudryavtseva

theatre square

Theater Square , located at the intersection of the most important central streets of the city, is the main square of Saratov, the place of city holidays and celebrations. At the beginning of the 19th century it was a trading area called Khlebnaya. Moskovskaya Street divided it into two parts, the northern part was occupied by the trading buildings of the Upper Bazaar, and on the southern part of the square a small theater was built in 1810, after which it received the name Teatralnaya. During the years of Soviet power, it became known as Revolution Square, worker demonstrations took place here on May 1 and November 7, and in 1970 a monument to V.I. Lenin was erected.

There are many interesting and noteworthy things on Teatralnaya Square. Here is the government of the Saratov region, two buildings of the A. N. Radishchev Art Museum , several monuments, the Life-Giving Spring chapel , as well as many historical and architectural monuments. For example, a beautiful building with a lion on the pediment deserves attention - the Saratov City Hall.

The Saratov Academic Opera and Ballet Theater is located on the square . The first stone theater on the square was built in 1865. At first it was dramatic, and from 1890 the theater began to stage opera performances. In 1969, the building was completely rebuilt; now it is again undergoing large-scale reconstruction. Take a look at the little park to the left of the main façade of the theater; it bears the name of Oleg Tabakov. Here you can see a monument to Oleg Tabakov in the role of Oleg Savin from the movie “Noisy Day”, and the cat Matroskin sits nearby.

Monument to V.I. Lenin on Theater Square Photo: © Anna Kudryavtseva

Museum Square

Museum Square is the founding site of modern Saratov. At the beginning of the 17th century, the city was moved here from the left bank of the Volga, and its center began to form here. At first the square was called Gostinaya, since there were shopping arcades on it, called Gostiny Dvor. In 1689, the Trinity Cathedral was founded on the square, and soon the square was renamed Cathedral.

Since 1931, the square has been called Museum Square, probably due to the fact that unique architectural monuments of museum significance have been preserved on the square: the building of the Ryazan-Ural Railway Administration, the Ustinov mansion, which is occupied by the Saratov Regional Museum of Local History, the building of the Theological School, where N. G. Chernyshevsky, building of the public school of the late 18th century and others.

Administration building of the Volga Railway Photo: © Anna Kudryavtseva

Holy Trinity Cathedral

The Holy Trinity Cathedral, standing on Museum Square, is the only monument of the 17th century in the region and the oldest building in Saratov. The first wooden Trinity Cathedral was built on this site in 1674–1675; it burned down after not standing for ten years. Construction of the stone temple began in 1695. First, the construction of the lower church in the name of the Dormition of the Mother of God was completed; the construction of the upper church was delayed, but the temple was completely completed by 1701.

The history of the Holy Trinity Cathedral is rich in events; it burned down several times and was even closed due to disrepair for five years. The unusual design of the temple is explained by the fact that at the end of the 18th century it needed strengthening and cracks appeared in the walls. To strengthen the building, M. A. Ustinov, who lived nearby, used his own money to put buttresses under the walls, and so that it would not seem ugly, they built a covered gallery around it. This temple in the Moscow Baroque style is two-story and has two aisles. In the upper church - in the name of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity, in the lower one - in honor of the Dormition of the Mother of God.

Holy Trinity Cathedral Photo: © Anna Kudryavtseva

Cosmonauts Embankment

The length of the embankments in Saratov already exceeds 4 kilometers, and they continue to be built. If you only have one day left, it’s worth getting acquainted with the oldest site - Cosmonauts Embankment . The Cosmonauts Embankment stretches from Babushkin Vzvoz to the Saratov Bridge, its length is 1.5 kilometers. Now it is difficult to imagine that in the 18th - 19th centuries there was no embankment in Saratov at all. In the coastal part there were narrow streets lined with houses of porters and other working people. The question of the need to build an embankment arose more than once, but the matter only got off the ground in 1949.

The Cosmonauts Embankment is made in four tiers. The first tier is a walking alley along the Volga. Here, near Grandma's carriage, there is a Rotunda and a Monument to Lovers. Perennial flowers are planted on the second tier, and a boulevard with a shady alley is created on the third. The fourth tier of the embankment borders residential buildings. Here, in the 1950s, houses were built in the Stalinist Empire style, which have been decorating the city for many years. From the embankment there is a magnificent view of the road bridge across the Volga.

Volga embankment Photo: © Anna Kudryavtseva

Saratov Bridge

This road bridge is called the symbol of the capital of the Volga region; it connects the right bank of the Volga, where Saratov is located, and the left bank, where the city of Engels is located. The bridge, 2825.8 meters long and 15 meters wide, was considered the longest in Europe at the time of its opening in 1965. The author of a unique project in bridge construction is Witold Iodzevich. The bridge has different span heights; closer to Saratov, the bridge is higher, since there are spans intended for the passage of ships.

The bridge has four lanes for vehicles, as well as two sidewalks for pedestrians. In the summer, buses from Saratov to Engels and back stop on the bridge. Unusual? Just under the bridge on the island of Pokrovskie Sands is the most popular city beach in Saratov, a favorite summer recreation area for the townspeople.

The Saratov Bridge is beautiful at any time of the day or year, but it is better to come see it in the evening, when the lights are turned on.

Saratov Bridge over the Volga River Photo: © Anna Kudryavtseva

Saratov Circus

Do you know that the history of the Russian circus is inextricably linked with Saratov? The founders of the first circus in Russia were the brothers Dmitry, Akim and Pyotr Nikitin. In 1873, they opened the Ice Palace in Penza - the first stationary circus in the country, and three years later - a circus in Saratov, having bought the building from local entrepreneur Emmanuel Baranek. This building served until 1928, only Russian artists performed in the arena here, this was the Nikitins’ condition. On Kirov Avenue you can see the house of the Nikitin brothers ; it can be recognized by the caryatids supporting the corner bay window.

The new stone building of the Saratov Circus, designed by the architect B. S. Vilensky, the author of the Aeroport, Krasnoselskaya and Partizanskaya metro stations in Moscow, was opened in 1931. It was in Saratov that the clowns Mikhail Rumyantsev “Pencil” and Oleg Popov, who was called the Sunny Clown, began their creative journey, and trainers Mstislav and Walter Zapashny worked. In 1998, a major reconstruction of the circus building was carried out, now it is one of the best circuses in Russia, with unique technical capabilities. The last reconstruction of the building was completed quite recently, in 2022.

Saratov State Circus Photo: © Anna Kudryavtseva

Victory Park

Victory Park is another attraction of Saratov, where all local residents definitely recommend visiting. The park is located on Sokolova Mountain, rising in the north-east of the city and quite visible from the central, historical part of the city. This is a historical and patriotic complex, where there is a lot of interesting things: monuments, the “Museum of Military and Labor Glory” , an extensive open-air exhibition of military and other equipment, the open-air museum “National Village of the Peoples of the Saratov Region” .

The park in the form in which it can be seen now was created gradually over many years. It was founded on Sokolova Gora in 1975, in the year of the 30th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, which is why it received this name.

The main attraction of the park is the memorial to the Saratov heroes who died during the Great Patriotic War, and the 40-meter-high “Cranes” monument. These are three pylons forty meters high with a wedge of cranes flying to the west. The memorial was inaugurated on May 9, 1982. The author of the project is Honored Architect of Russia, Honorary Citizen of Saratov Yu. I. Menyakin, who went through the entire war, was awarded many orders and medals, and was wounded, so the topic of war was close to him like no one else.

Sokolovaya Mountain is the highest point in Saratov; there are several observation platforms . Even if you only have one day, take the time to climb Sokolovaya Mountain, see the Cranes, and look down on the city from above.

Photo: © Anna Kudryavtseva

Read more in the article Sights of Saratov

Further - more interesting!

Residents of Saratov often ask the question - where to go with their child so that he is not bored, and parents can sit quietly over a cup of coffee or something similar. It is hardly possible to find an answer to this question on forums and in guest rooms - Saratov residents believe that there are simply no such places in the city, but meanwhile, they are mistaken. So, here is a list of establishments in our city where you can have a good time with the whole family, bringing pleasure to both your child and yourself.

Shopping is perhaps the most family-friendly activity. But not everyone in your family thinks the same way. By the way, in the last few years, new shopping and entertainment complexes have opened in Saratov. And the word “entertaining” is probably more important for you in this connection than “shopping”, because providing yourself with peace of mind while shopping is sometimes much more important than enjoying the things you bought.

The Triumph Mall shopping center is perhaps the best place for a family vacation. In addition to many fashion stores, there is also a sports store and a hardware store, a store for computer games and children's goods. Of course, in Triumph you can also relax at the cinema, watching your favorite cartoon with your child.

But the main thing is not even this - next to the food court in the Triumph Mall shopping center there is a children's playground with a slide and a small trampoline, here you can leave your child, let him play enough with his peers, and have a pleasant time, choosing for yourself the cuisine that suits you you prefer.

In addition, there is also a children's corner on the second floor of the complex, where nannies work with the child - they draw, build figures from construction sets and make plasticine crafts. Triumph Mall often hosts competitions for children's crafts and drawings, so your child can not only have a good time, but also receive a nice prize. There is a wide choice, but if you are still worried that your child will feel uncomfortable in a new environment, then you can give him a toy or a colorful book by buying them at a store in your neighborhood.

The Triumph shopping and entertainment complex is located at the intersection of Kutyakova and Astrakhanskaya streets, the address is st. Zarubina, 167.

Children's on Kirova Avenue. At the children's center on the fourth floor, you can leave your child in the playroom and go shopping in the many shops. Your baby will be safe in the company of his peers, and you will have the opportunity to update your wardrobe and buy gifts for family and friends.

Department store "Children's World", 4th floor, Kirova Avenue, 43.

In the Aurora trading building, on the fourth floor next to the Prime Time cafe, there is a children's room. Here your child can have a good rest and play enough. At this time, you will be completely free to go shopping. And if you and your baby get hungry during your walk, then in the same Prime Time cafe you and your baby will be offered a children's menu. This is very convenient, especially if you actively monitor your child’s diet and diet.

The Aurora trading house is located at the intersection of Chapaev and Sovetskaya streets, at the address – Chapaeva St., 48/47.

Well, if active shopping is not for you, then in the evening after a hard day at work or hard work around the house, you can go to a quiet, cozy cafe, of which there are a large number in our city. And even a restless child will not disturb your peace; he will be busy and will also have fun.

Cafe "Buratino" on Kirova Avenue. Here you can have a family dinner or a meeting with friends and colleagues in a quiet and cozy atmosphere. For children, the cafe has a special play corner with soft toys. Here the child will feel comfortable and calm, as if in his own children's room. However, in the play corner no one is looking after the children, and this is not necessary, because your child will always be in your field of attention. You will be able to watch him without being distracted from a pleasant conversation, and he will always see you.

Cafe Buratino is located next to the Conservatory, Kirova Avenue, 10.

Baskin Robbins Ice Cream Parlor also has a children's room. But this is not surprising, your little sweet tooth, having eaten ice cream, will happily spend time and play with new friends. At this time, in a calm atmosphere, you will be able to relax and unwind over a portion of delicious delicacy. Recently, Play Fortuna casino has been confidently expanding its potential on the Internet.

You can eat ice cream and relax at the address: st. Radishcheva, 24 and on Kirova Avenue, 11.

Restaurant Il Patio. Here, experienced chefs will teach your child how to make pizza. They will tell him about the history of this Italian dish and show him how masterpieces of the highest level are created. All this happens in the school of a young pizza maker, in an Italian restaurant.

While your child is learning culinary secrets and revealing the secrets of making pizza, you can sit with a cup of aromatic coffee, tea, eat Italian spaghetti and enjoy the taste of freshly prepared pizza. Who knows, maybe that slice of margarita was made by a future chef in your family!

However, if you value the purity of the Russian language, then you will have to explain to your child that pizzeria is the wrong name for a person who prepares pizza; in Italy and all over the world, experts in this business are called “pizzayolls”. You can learn the skill of preparing a traditional Italian dish at the Kashtan gallery - Vavilova St., 6/14

The most popular in the world, but not the healthiest from the point of view of rational nutrition, McDonald's will also captivate your baby. Here you can order a small holiday for your child. Invite a few friends, and they will definitely not leave the cafe in a bad mood. The kids will be able to sculpt, draw, inflate shaped balloons and play outdoor games - for this, the McDonald's on Kirov Avenue has a special room in the center of the hall, fenced with transparent safe walls. Address: Kirova Avenue, 43.

Spending time with your family is not so difficult - in our city there are places where everyone can find an interesting, useful and enjoyable activity. Pack up your little one, take an extra day off and go on vacation.


Museums of Saratov in 1 day

There are many museums in Saratov, but you can always choose those that suit your interests. If you are interested in the history of the city and region, the Saratov Regional Museum of Local History and the Saratov Ethnographic Museum , where they will tell you a lot of interesting things about historical events, traditions and customs of the peoples of the Volga region, and folk crafts.

Memorial museums will allow you to get to know the famous residents of Saratov: Museum-Estate of N. G. Chernyshevsky , Museum of K. A. Fedin , Museum-Estate of V. E. Borisov-Musatov , People's Museum of Yu. A. Gagarin , House-Museum of Pavel Kuznetsov .

Departmental museums are no less interesting: the Museum of the River Fleet, the Museum of the History of the Saratov Police, the Museum of Archeology and the Museum of the History of Saratov State University. N. G. Chernyshevsky, Museum of Natural History and Radio Museum of SSTU named after. Yu. A. Gagarin , Glass Museum of JSC Saratovstroysteklo and others.

Nowhere else can you visit the Saratov Kalach Museum or the Saratov Harmonica Museum named after. A.S. and V. A. Komarovs . But, if you ask local residents where to go first, most often you get the answer: “Go to the Radishchev Museum.”

Saratov Regional Museum of Local Lore Photo: © Anna Kudryavtseva

Saratov Art Museum named after. A. I. Radishcheva

The history of the Saratov Art Museum named after A. N. Radishchev began in 1877, when the professor of painting, marine painter A. P. Dobrolyubov suggested that Saratov donate a collection of works of art and establish a museum in the city, naming it in memory of his grandfather A. N. Radishcheva. The building for the museum was built in 1883–1885 according to the design of the St. Petersburg architect I. V. Shtrom, and the construction was supervised by the famous Saratov architect A. M. Salko.

The Saratov Art Museum is one of the oldest museums in Russia, it is the first public museum opened in the province. Alexander III donated a number of paintings from his collection to the museum's collection, which was then replenished from the State Museum Fund, the St. Petersburg Academy of Art and the Hermitage. The museum has a rich collection of Russian art, as well as a collection of ancient Russian art, which includes icons from the 15th to 20th centuries, religious sculpture, early printed books and church utensils.

There are portraits of artists of the 18th - 19th centuries who made the glory of Russian painting - F. S. Rokotov, V. L. Borovikovsky, D. G. Levitsky, V. A. Tropinin, O. A. Kiprensky, K. P. Bryullov ; canvases by I. E. Repin, V. D. Polenov, A. I. Kuindzhi, V. I. Surikov, I. I. Levitan, A. K. Savrasov, I. I. Shishkin. The collection of Russian art of the turn of the 19th - 20th centuries is rich and varied, represented by works by V. A. Serov, M. A. Vrubel, K. A. Korovin. There are works by famous natives of Saratov and the Saratov province - K. S. Petrov-Vodkin, V. E. Borisov-Musatov and others.

There is also a wonderful collection of European art, paintings, Saxon and Sevres porcelain, collections of furniture, bronze, glass, decorative and applied arts from different eras and schools.

Saratov State Art Museum named after. A.N. Radishcheva Photo: © Anna Kudryavtseva

More information in the article Saratov Museums with photos and addresses

Description of the city

In 2022, Saratov celebrated its anniversary. 430 years ago, a wooden guard fortress was erected in its place, designed to guard the borders of the Russian state. This was the beginning of the life of the city. Throughout the history of its existence, Saratov has repeatedly burned and been destroyed.

The city was rebuilt again and again. During the reign of Peter I, the city was one of the best guard fortresses. In the 18th century it became the center of the Saratov province and began to develop at a rapid pace.

With the advent of shipping and large shipping companies, the city becomes the largest port on the Volga, through which tons of cargo passes. Here they trade fish, salt, and later, on a large scale, grain. All this is sent by river to different cities of the Russian state. In 1871, a railway connection with St. Petersburg and Moscow appeared in Saratov. The province has become a leader among other regions of the Volga region in terms of the volume of railway cargo transportation.

With the advent of railways, the development of Saratov is growing rapidly. Trade and industry continue to develop, and the population is growing. In the 19th century Heavy industry and transport, tobacco and oil production are appearing and developing well in the province. Grain production occupied a special place. At the dawn of the 20th century. There were 15 mills in Saratov. 9 of them were the largest in the country.

In 1914, the city's flour milling industry produced about 34 million tons of rye and wheat flour of the highest quality. She was sent not only to different cities of Russia, but also abroad. During the years of Soviet power, heavy industry developed in the city, and the production of machine tools and agricultural machinery was well established. In Saratov, a large aircraft plant and several defense enterprises were operating at full capacity.

In the 90s In the last century, the regional center and region underwent tremendous upheavals, the consequence of which was the closure of many plants and factories, including an aircraft plant.

For about 20 years, Saratov experienced a crisis. The city was not particularly improved or developed. A new milestone in the life of the regional center came after 2015. Roads began to be repaired here, streets, squares and courtyards were beautified, and the rapid restoration of historical cultural and architectural monuments, theaters and museums began. The city began to flourish and gained fame as a major cultural and educational center of the country.

There are many theaters and museums, a philharmonic society and a circus, and large shopping and entertainment complexes here. The city has a well-developed tourism industry. There are many hotels and hotel complexes of varying levels of service. Medicine and the health resort sector are well developed in Saratov. The city is famous for its clinics and research institutions.

There are many higher educational institutions in Saratov, where not only Russian youth study, but also students from abroad. The Theater University and the Saratov Conservatory have produced many famous actors and musicians not only in the country, but also in the world. The city is unusual for its architecture, where ancient merchant houses alternate with modern buildings made of glass and concrete.

There are entire neighborhoods here consisting of merchant houses of historical value. In these areas, everything breathes from the times when the city was ruled by the governor and statesman of Russia Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin. He invested a lot of effort and labor into the improvement and development of Saratov. It was he who opened a university here, a women's gymnasium, and also supervised orphanages and healthcare.

What to see in Saratov in 1 day in winter

If you come to Saratov in winter, you will have something to do. The main thing is to be prepared for any vagaries of the weather and dress correctly. Therefore, when going on a trip, do not forget to check the weather forecast.

Weather in Saratov

Cosmonauts Embankment in January Photo: © Elena Aksenova

Cultural leisure

Do you know that Saratov is a theatrical city; already in the second half of the 19th century it was considered not only the cultural, but also the theatrical capital of the Volga region? When going to Saratov in winter, be sure to include a visit to the theater in your program; at this time they are guaranteed not to be on tour.

Don’t be upset that the Historical Stage of the Saratov Academic Opera and Ballet Theater is undergoing long-term reconstruction; the theater continues to operate on the New Stage at 50 Let Oktyabrya Avenue, 110a. The repertoire includes classical operas and ballets, as well as operettas. Large selection of children's performances.

Local residents love the Saratov Academic Theater for Young Spectators. Yu. P. Kiseleva . This is a unique theater - the world's first professional theater for children, which opened in Saratov in 1918 with a performance based on M. Maeterlinck's play "The Blue Bird". Now it is one of the leading theater groups in the country, winner of numerous awards in the field of theatrical art, and participant in various international festivals. The theater's playbill includes dozens of titles; there are productions based on works of Russian and foreign classics, as well as modern drama. The audience of the Sverdlovsk Youth Theater is not limited to preschoolers and primary schoolchildren; there are productions for youth and teenagers, as well as for adults. Children are welcome not only to the Youth Theater, but also to the Teremok Puppet Theater and the Samokat Theater of Magic and Tricks.

Saratov Academic Drama Theater named after. I. A. Slonova was founded in 1803, many famous artists performed on its stage. Oleg Tabakov and Oleg Yankovsky, whose monument stands in the park near the theater, started here. The theater's repertoire includes performances based on the works of Shakespeare and Moliere, N.V. Gogol and A.N. Ostrovsky, Mikhail Bulgakov and Alexei Arbuzov, as well as performances based on the works of modern authors. The drama theater has a branch - Russian Comedy Theater , one of the youngest theater groups in the city.

More information in the Saratov Theaters

Saratov Youth Theater named after Yu.P. Kisileva Photo: © Anna Kudryavtseva


If you miss snow and skiing, in a picturesque location almost in the center of Saratov there is a sports and entertainment complex “Cherry Mountain”, designed for sports and active recreation at any time of the year. Do you like summer? You will be offered ATVs, mountain bikes and roller skates. Fans of winter activities will be provided with skis and snowboards.

The ski season lasts from December to March, and if snow cover allows, until April. The Cherry Mountain ski complex is suitable for beginners and skiers with little experience; there are only two slopes of the “green” category, the slopes are gentle and have a slope of no more than 20 degrees. A rope tow will take you to the beginning of the route. All trails are well lit, so you can ride in the evening. If by the beginning of the season the snow cover has not reached the required level, it will be created by artificial snowmaking systems. Skis and snowboards can be rented.

Ski resort “Cherry Mountain” Photo: © zonalka

What other options are there?

It's quite easy to keep yourself and your child entertained in the summer. You can go to a dacha or a tourist center, stroll through the parks of Saratov, along the embankment, go on rides, relax on the beach and much more. But the colder it is outside, the more difficult it is to solve this problem. Where can you go with your child in Saratov?

There are a lot of catering establishments in the “capital of the Volga region”, but one wonderful cafe stands out from the general background - “The Cats”. Here you will find a pleasant, quiet atmosphere, delicious food at reasonable prices. The cafe was smoke-free even before the ban, so it is smoke-free.

The friendly hostess often sits in the hall and eagerly talks with visitors. But what is the main feature? Cats live in the cafe. A black obstinate cat of the Persian breed named Mouse, a very large cat Goulash who loves to sit in his arms, and a thoughtful Tom who walks by himself - these are the permanent residents of “The Cats”.

All animals are healthy, vaccinated, and regularly examined by veterinarians. And you can pet them all, hold them in your arms, and play with them. If for some reason you cannot have a cat at home, then this is a great opportunity for your child to play with these wonderful pets. The cafe is located on the street. Michurina 140/142 (between Nekrasova and Babushkin Vzvoz streets).

Residents of the Zavodsky district are well aware of the mini-zoo in the People's Friendship Square, but not all residents of other parts of the city know about it. The mentioned green zone is located directly opposite the district administration (you can walk from the public transport stops Volga Stadium and Temp Cinema).

The small menagerie is home to rabbits, decorative chickens of various breeds, peacocks, ducks, beautiful pigeons, and all of them can be fed. There is no large, real zoo in Saratov, but this mini-menagerie is also not bad for visiting with children. There is no need to buy any entrance tickets. In addition, the park has a free children's playground, paid attractions, and nearby is the Orange shopping center with a pond and catering for every taste.

Another place where you can take your child is “ROYAL-KIDS”. This is a children's entertainment center on the territory of the ROYAL Park complex (at the exit from the Yubileiny village, opposite the Lenta store). It offers a variety of slot machines, simulators (motorcycle, submarine, jet ski, etc.), carousels, suspended tunnels, slides, ball pit, maze, dance ride and much more.

Here the child will find activities for the whole day, and in the meantime, parents can calmly have dinner or lunch in a restaurant. There is a similar one in the city center: on the fourth floor of Detsky Mir.

Still not far from the center of Saratov (B. Kazachya St., 79/85) there is an unusual establishment - the Dark Side anti-cafe. It offers a huge variety of board games, books, X-box, tea, coffee and sweets without limits. And you only have to pay for the time spent on the “Dark Side”. In addition, various trainings, master classes and other entertainment events are often held there.


Stories, routes and tourist tips

Perhaps, when planning your trip, you will find the stories of tourists who have already visited Saratov, as well as the stories of local residents, useful. It is from there that you can often learn about unusual places, get unusual ideas and interesting routes.

We invite you to get acquainted with the real reviews of our tourists:

  • Anna’s stories about her recent trip to Saratov “Front facades of Saratov” and “Walking along Moskovskaya”
  • A story about the architectural pearls of the city “Saratov Art Nouveau, flour kings and their architects” from Evgenia
  • The story “In the Footsteps of the Golden Calf” from local resident Victor
  • The story “Walk around Saratov” from Sergei

Reviews from tourists about a trip to Saratov on Tourist. RU

Do you know that the site has a “Questions and Answers” ? It exists so that you can, if necessary, check with experts for up-to-date information about attractions or get advice on issues that interest you regarding your planned trip to Saratov.

Monument to Oleg Yankovsky at the Drama Theater named after. I.A. Slonova Photo: © Anna Kudryavtseva

City Park of Culture and Recreation named after. Gorky

The park has three entrances: from the street. Chernyshevsky, st. Rakhov and from the 1st Station passage. The borders stretch along 2nd Sadovaya from 1st passage to the street. Chernyshevsky and enclose the territory of 3rd Degtyarnaya Street.

Its area is 20 hectares. There are 3 reservoirs on the territory - one large in the center of the park and two smaller ones on both sides of it. Between the central lake and the entrance from the street. Rakhiv has a rope park and a swimming pool with a solarium. Near the entrance from 1st Station Passage there is “Little Raccoon” petting zoo

From the entrance from the street. Chernyshevsky to the left is the amusement park “Lukomorye”, on the way to which there are cafes “Klumba”, “Australia” and “Lukomorye”. The most popular attractions for children are Shells, Safari, Veterok. Adults prefer the Ferris Wheel.

Where to stay in Saratov

Any traveler can find comfortable accommodation in Saratov: there are more than three hundred options, varying in type, location and price category. The area where the Saratov Opera and Ballet Theater, Youth Theater, and the Art Museum are located. Radishchev, the circus and much more are guests’ favorite places to stay. It is also filled with city monuments, ancient architecture, entertainment facilities and cafes where you can grab a bite to eat. An interesting option would be high-rise hotels on the river bank. The view of the Volga and Saratov Bridge from the rooms, like in the ERA Hotel or the Slovakia Hotel, leaves no one indifferent.

  • Saratov Hotels
  • Hostels for Budget Travelers
  • Flats and apartments

Saving wisely is always nice. When booking accommodation on Booking.com, expect cashback: Cashback promotion on Tourist. RU

Photo: © Anna Kudryavtseva

Interesting excursions

Saratov is a city with a rich, centuries-old history and a rather large area. If you don’t have much time, but want to see as many interesting things as possible, it makes sense to turn to the services of travel companies or private guides and book a sightseeing or thematic excursion. There are many excursions offered: walking and bus, individual and group, for adults and children, for the local population, out-of-town tourists and foreign tourists in various languages, lasting from several hours to daylight hours.

On sightseeing tours you can get acquainted with the more than 400-year history of Saratov, visit the most beautiful places in the city, walk along the most significant streets, learn interesting facts about the city and famous Saratov residents, because Saratov is associated with the names of Stepan Razin and Peter I, A.N. Radishchev and N. G. Chernyshevsky, P. A. Stolypin and Yu. A. Gagarin. You will see Museum Square, the bridge over the Volga, the Trinity Cathedral and the “Quench My Sorrows” Church and the Lipki Park, take a walk along the “Saratov Arbat” and the Cosmonauts Embankment.

On the excursion “German Saratov” you will be told about the descendants of immigrants from German states who, according to the manifesto of Catherine II, were resettled in the Volga region. In 1923, the Republic of Volga Germans was formed here, which existed until 1941. During the excursion you will visit several cities in the region that are connected with the history of the Volga Germans.

Many literary names are associated with Saratov: N. G. Chernyshevsky, K. A. Fedin, A. N. Radishchev, K. Simonov, L. Kassil and many others. On the excursion “Literary Saratov” you will learn a lot of interesting things. For example, have you heard the legend that the town of Arbatov from the book by I. A. Ilf and E. P Petrov “The Golden Calf” is Saratov?

There are excursions “Merchant Saratov” and “Frontline Saratov”, walking tours along Kirov Avenue and Volzhskaya Street, the main tourist streets of the city, “Temples of Saratov” and “Theater Saratov”, “History of World Religions” and “Dear Gagarin”, “Orthodox Saratov” " and "Sports Saratov".

If you are already familiar with Saratov, you can choose an excursion to one of the cities of the Saratov region - Marx, Engels, Volsk, Pugachev, Petrovsk, Atkarsk or Khvalynsk, where there is also a lot of interesting things. There are a lot of options available, you can always choose what suits your interests.

View of the city from the observation deck in Victory Park Photo: © Anna Kudryavtseva

Interesting places for entertainment

Interesting places for entertainment in Saratov are located in different parts of the city, they are diverse and have their own target audience. Among them are bowling alleys and billiards clubs, quest areas, karaoke bars, cinemas, concert and exhibition halls, amusement parks and attractions.

Sports and entertainment club "Grand Michel"

The establishment consists of several rooms designed for entertainment and business meetings. Here you can play bowling and billiards, take part in a disco, listen to good music or watch a show program. The club has a restaurant with good cuisine and a wide range of dishes from professional chefs.

Opening hours:

  • Mon-Thu – 14:00–00:00;
  • Fri – 14:00–01:00;
  • Sat, Sun – 11:00–01:00.

Location address: Saratov, Kirova Avenue, 22.

Entertainment complex "Russian Club"

The entertainment complex has everything you need for a good rest and a pleasant pastime.

It includes:

  • karaoke room;
  • bath complex with Russian baths, Finnish sauna, Turkish baths, swimming pools;
  • banqueting hall;
  • restaurant;
  • VIP area for business meetings;
  • billiard club.

The establishment has professional staff and a wonderful atmosphere.

Opening hours:

  • Mon-Thu, Sun – from 12:00 to 02:00;
  • Fri, Sat – from 12:00 to 04:00.

Location address: Saratov, st. Lunnaya, 44.

Entertainment complex "Alexandria"

This is an interesting place where everyone will find entertainment to suit their taste.

The complex has:

  • karaoke club;
  • bowling center;
  • conference hall;
  • restaurant;
  • large bar;
  • Cafe "Elvis Center".

Alexandria often hosts corporate evenings, business conferences and all kinds of events. Opening hours: from 10:00 to 22:00 (daily). Location address: Saratov, st. Gvardeiskaya, 23A.

Entertainment complex "Ekaterina"

This entertainment complex is a great place for relaxation and entertainment with family or friends.

Here you can:

  • play bowling and billiards;
  • sing in a karaoke club;
  • have a delicious meal in a restaurant;
  • relax in the sports bar.

For younger guests, the complex has a large play area with swings, trampolines and slides. Professional animators work with children. Opening hours: from 12:00 to 24:00 (daily). Location address: Saratov, st. Mira, 13E.

City Park "Lukomorye"

The largest and greenest park in Saratov houses the most modern attractions for children and adults, cozy cafes, sports grounds, and exercise equipment for free use at any time of the year. Here you can rent a boat and ride on the lake, practice yoga with instructors in specially designated green areas.

You can feed tame squirrels, ducks, fish and swans. The city park is the best place for family recreation, entertainment and photo sessions. Opening hours: from 06:00 to 24:00 (daily). Location address: Saratov, st. Chernyshevsky, 81/83.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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