The main attractions of the city of Taganrog - TOP-20

Archaeological research confirms that back in the 7th century. BC e. in the area of ​​modern Taganrog there was a settlement of Ionian Greeks. At the same time, the official founding date of the policy is considered to be 1698. Then, on the instructions of Peter the Great, the Trinity Fortress was founded on Cape Taganiy Rog, guarding the entrance to the harbor of the first Russian port built on the open coast. It was here that the Azov flotilla was based, which made a significant contribution to the victory in the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774. A year after the end of hostilities, Taganrog received city status and gradually turned into a significant trading center. After the Revolution, an infrastructure and industrial cluster was created here. During the Second World War, the city was occupied for 680 days and was very badly destroyed. The restoration of the policy proceeded at an accelerated pace. Already at the end of the war, many industrial enterprises began to operate, and in 1947 the production of combine harvesters resumed. Modern Taganrog is one of the largest industrial, educational, trade, logistics and cultural centers of the South of Russia.

Sights of Taganrog: TOP-5

Any sightseeing tour begins with a visit to interesting places in Taganrog, which are considered its calling cards. Images of these iconic landmarks adorn presentation products telling the story of the city.

Stone staircase

  • Address: recreation between Portovaya and Grecheskaya streets. Transport stop "Turgenevsky Lane" or "Pushkinskaya Embankment".

For more than a century, the majestic building has been considered one of the main symbols of Taganrog. Kerch and Nizhny Novgorod can also boast of attractions of this kind . The structure, whose construction was completed in 1823, has a length of 108 m and a width of 6.5 m. 188 granite steps of the staircase, decorated with Sarmatian stone, separate 13 platforms. In several places, observation platforms extend from the central promenade, surrounded by balustrades, where benches for rest are installed. Retro lights are installed on special pylons along the entire descent.

Sharonov's House

  • Opening hours: daily, from 10:00 to 18:00.
  • Ticket price: adult 80 rub., student 50 rub., for schoolchildren 40 rub.
  • Telephone.
  • Website:
  • Address: st. Frunze, 80. Transport stop “Palace of Youth”.

An image of a magnificent architectural monument adorns a Russian Post stamp issued in 1998. The colorful mansion in the Art Nouveau style was built in 1912 for the family of a successful bread merchant E.I. Sharonova. The building's exterior is eclectic. Its asymmetrical shapes immediately attract the eye. The frieze of the mansion on the front side is decorated with colorful mosaic panels with images based on Russian epics. Today the house houses exhibitions of an interesting museum of urban planning and everyday life. In the halls, the interiors of the mansions of merchants, townspeople and nobles of the 18th–19th centuries were reconstructed.

Monument to Peter I

  • Address: Petrovsky Square. Transport stop "Mayak".

In the year of celebrating the 200th anniversary of Taganrog, local authorities and the public decided to erect a monument to the great emperor in the city - who ordered the founding of the Trinity Fortress, from which the polis subsequently grew. The statue was commissioned from the famous sculptor M. Antokolsky. The statue was cast in Paris. It was delivered to Taganrog in 1901. Two years later, the grand opening of the monument took place. Anyone who has held a 500 ruble banknote from the Russian Bank in their hands is familiar with its appearance. Copies of the statue were installed in Arkhangelsk , St. Petersburg and Peterhof. Interestingly, the Taganrog monument to Peter I can be considered a kind of record holder, since over the 100 years of its existence it was installed in eight different places in the city.

Memorial at Sambek Heights

  • Address: Sambek village. Transport stop upon request at the traffic police post near Sambek.

To get to this amazing place, you will need to make a five-kilometer journey from Taganrog. Here, in the vicinity of the small village of Sambek in August 1943, soldiers of the Soviet Army managed to break the resistance of the Nazis and break through their Mius Front defense line, which was considered impregnable. In memory of the feat of the heroes, tens of thousands of whom died during the assault, a majestic memorial was erected at the dominant height. Two huge concrete steles, reached by steps of a wide staircase, represent rifle divisions going into mortal combat. The figures of infantrymen and sailors who rose to attack seem to grow from the concrete walls. Between the steles there is a bowl of the Eternal Flame. The monumental composition makes a grandiose impression.

Monument to A.P. Chekhov

  • Address: square named after. Chekhov. Transport stop "Central Market".

They first started talking about erecting a monument to the great fellow countryman in Taganrog back in 1904. However, the idea was prevented from being realized first by the Revolution, and then by the Second World War. Only in 1944 did a bust of the great writer appear in the city. A few years later, an All-Union competition was announced for the best project of a full-fledged monument, in which the sketch of I. Rukavishnikov and G. Zakharov won. The grand opening of the monumental composition was timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the birth of the literary classic. The bronze statue, 3 m high, is placed on a 3.5-meter granite pedestal. The sculptor depicted Anton Pavlovich as a young man. The writer sits with an open book in his hands, turning his gaze to the street on which he was born and raised.

Wind mode

Average wind speed is 3.3 m/s. It is minimal in August (2.8 m/s) and maximum in February (3.9 m/s). Sometimes there are strong, sustained winds with a surge of sea water, which leads to coastal erosion and landslides.

Eastern and northeastern winds are most often observed. Southern and southeastern ones are very rare. Due to the proximity of the sea, a breeze mode of movement of air masses is typical. Therefore, during the day a light south wind blows, carrying humid sea air, and at night - a north wind, which carries dry air of the steppes. At the same time, winds from the sea are more intense than from land. Breezes are more pronounced in the warm season.

Sometimes there is calm. This is much more common at night than during the day. Most often they occur in the first quarter of the year.

This wind regime creates good resort climate characteristics in Taganrog. We can say that the city has a mild maritime climate; the influence of the sea smoothes out sudden temperature changes. The optimal time to stay is from late spring to early autumn.

Historical and architectural monuments of Taganrog

The city will pleasantly surprise connoisseurs of architecture and monumental art. Among the things that an inquisitive tourist can see in Taganrog are beautiful buildings and wonderful monuments.

Monument to Alexander I

  • Address: Alexandrovskaya Square. Transport stop "Bank Square".

As you know, Emperor Alexander I died in Taganrog. Already in 1925, Nicholas I granted the request of the local public to erect a monument to his father in the city. Soon the monument was inaugurated. The statue was placed on a high granite pedestal. The Tsar, dressed in a general's uniform and a cloak falling from his shoulder, trampled with his boot a serpent, symbolizing the defeated Napoleon. After the revolution, the monument was dismantled and the statue was melted down. In 1998, historical justice was restored. True, in the current version the serpent and sculptures of cupids have disappeared from the composition.

Rafailović's mansion

  • Address: st. Frunze, 20. Transport stop "Italian Lane".

This superb mansion is rightfully one of the architectural pearls of Taganrog. Its exterior features all the best that the colorful neo-Baroque style is famous for. The three-chrysalite facade of the house is decorated with stucco floral ornaments, ornate monograms, medallions, and carved keystones. Graceful attics and flowerpots tapering upward rise above the cornice. One of the details that immediately attracts the eye is the elegant portico of the entrance to the building, made of openwork cast iron. On the sides of the central window of the facade there are high reliefs of female figures, evoking thoughts of ancient nymphs.

Monument "Oath of Allegiance"

  • Address: st. Frunze. Transport stop "Spartakovsky Lane".

During the fascist occupation of Taganrog, the underground was active in the city. There were many teenagers among the organization's participants. Boys and girls performed dangerous tasks, risking their lives every minute. Many of them died in battle or were tortured in Gestapo dungeons. The monument to heroes, inaugurated in 1973, is an eternal reminder to descendants of the feat performed in the name of the Motherland. The location for the piercing sculptural composition was not chosen by chance. It is installed opposite School No. 2, where many of the underground heroes studied, and then the Gestapo department was located.

Alexandrovsky shopping arcades

  • Address: st. Chekhova, 98A. Transport stop "Central Market".

By the middle of the 19th century. Taganrog has turned into a major shopping center in the South of Russia. Then the urgent need became the construction of a kind of commercial center in the city, where numerous merchants could trade. Soon an elegant building, designed by the architect M. Campignoni, appeared on Red Square. It consisted of two concave arcades, the arches of which were supported by graceful columns of the Doric order. Shops and shops were located in the depths of the galleries. After restoration completed in 2008, the complex is in excellent condition.

Monument to F. Ranevskaya

  • Address: st. Frunze, 10. Transport stop "Italian Lane".

Among the most famous natives of Taganrog is the artist Faina Ranevskaya, beloved by many generations of Russians. Her unique talent was enjoyed by tens of millions of theater and moviegoers. The actress, who had a subtle sense of humor, is credited with numerous aphorisms, and her heroine’s catchphrase “Mulya, don’t irritate me” has become firmly entrenched in folklore. The monument to an amazing woman, blessed by Melpomene, was solemnly opened in 2008. The author embodied in the sculpture the image of Lyalya from the film “Foundling”, created by the unique Faina Georgievna.

The main attractions of the city on the map

Unusual monuments and museums will introduce you to famous Taganrog residents: family quests are held in the Chekhovs' shop-museum, classical music concerts are held in Tchaikovsky's house, and a funny monument to the heroine of everyone's favorite Soviet comedy is installed opposite Ranevskaya's house. The Art, Local History and other main museums are located in the historical center of the city. It’s easy to move between them on foot, but if you want, you can take a tram ride - one of the attractions of Taganrog, or choose a bus tour.

Taganrog churches and cathedrals

The city will not disappoint travelers who pay special attention to religious attractions. There are quite a lot of churches and chapels in Taganrog, and there are places of mass pilgrimage.

St. Nicholas Church

  • Opening hours: daily, from 7:00 to 19:00.
  • Telephone.
  • Website:
  • Address: st. Shevchenko, 28. Transport stop “St. Nicholas Church”.

At the end of the 18th century. The Taganrog port was the main base of the Azov flotilla, and the main naval temple was considered the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, consecrated in 1778. It was erected on the site where, according to legend, a tent was pitched for Peter I during the Azov campaign. The temple was badly destroyed during the Crimean and The Great Patriotic War, but was restored each time. In 1957, the upper tiers of the elegant bell tower were blown up. The church regained its original appearance after reconstruction carried out at the end of the last century. The temple houses the relics of Blessed Paul of Taganrog, and thousands of pilgrims strive to venerate them. Another of its attractions is the “Mist Bell,” cast from captured Turkish guns in 1778.

All Saints Church

  • Opening hours: daily, from 8:00 to 18:00.
  • Telephone.
  • Website:
  • Address: Lagerny Lane, 2B. Transport stop "Engelsa Street".

The temple at the city cemetery took 14 long years to build, since funds for its construction were collected by the whole world. The rite of consecration of the church in the name of All Saints took place in 1824. However, 18 years later, the building underwent another reconstruction. It is interesting that the temple quite calmly survived both the times of persecution of religion and the fascist occupation. It was not robbed, destroyed, or closed. The classic provincial church with white stone walls and blue domes is in good condition. While visiting the temple, be sure to pay attention to the iconostasis with bright inserts, made of mosaics by local craftsmen in 1894.

Cell of Pavel Taganrog

  • Address: Turgenevsky lane, 82. Transport stop "Central Beach".

An inconspicuous adobe house on a quiet street in Taganrog is an object of pilgrimage for thousands of believers. People come here to be imbued with divine grace in a cell filled with images with burning lamps, where Pavel of Taganrog, canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in 1999, spent the last years of his life in prayer. All his life the blessed one was the landowner P.P. in the world. Stozhkov, dedicated to serving God. At the age of 20, he gave free rein to the serfs and went on a journey through the holy places of vast Russia. The 10-year journey ended in Taganrog. Blessed Paul, who donated his fortune to charitable causes, lived very modestly, helping the suffering as best he could. Many come to ask for his intercession before God today.

I'll start with my area: Russian Field

A lot of information can fit into the lens of an ultra-wide-angle camera.

In some scenes, the ultra-wide-angle lens can replace Panorama.

The most densely populated area of ​​the city. There are practically no private houses here, mostly high-rise buildings, I live in one of them.

The infrastructure is in perfect order: there is a small park, many shops, a market, schools, clinics, kindergartens, even auto repair shops. In this regard, there are no compromises on the Russian Field, unlike other areas.

All the old courtyards in Taganoga look something like this.

It is convenient that from here you can relatively quickly get to anywhere in the city.

Minibuses are the most popular public transport in Taganrog. It’s time to change or remove many of them, but no one is in a hurry to do this.

There are buses both modern and very old. There are very few bus routes in Taganrog, and no one wants to change this either.

There are slightly more trams than buses, but almost all are in very poor condition. For many residents, this is the main form of transport, because there are places where minibuses and buses do not go.

One trip by minibus costs 22 rubles, by bus and tram 20 rubles. They only accept cash and that's what irritates me the most. I almost always use Apple Pay for purchases, but this limitation means I have to carry my wallet with me.

There is Yandex.Taxi and Lucky. The latter is slightly cheaper than Yandex, but it has worse cars and an application, although after the appearance of Yandex Go I’m no longer sure about this.

Where to go with a child in Taganrog

When planning to visit Taganrog, be sure to take your children with you. The city has all the conditions for your beloved child to have a wonderful rest, broaden his horizons and gain vivid impressions.

Water park "Lazurny"

  • Opening hours: daily, from 01:00 to 22:00.
  • Ticket price: adult from 500 rub. up to 600 rub., children from 300 rub. up to 400 rub.
  • Telephone.
  • Website:
  • Address: st. Admiral Kruys, 6. Transport stop "Aquapark".

While relaxing in Taganrog, you can swim and sunbathe not only on the sandy Azov beaches, but also in a wonderful water park. The recreation is perfectly planned. There are four swimming pools: a classic one with swimming lanes, a play pool, a small pool for children and a wave pool. They have various slides, pipes, Jacuzzi geysers, and artificial waterfalls. Kids enjoy splashing around in the splash pool, and teenagers test their strength of character on the Hydrotube and Space Flight attractions. In several cafes, visitors will be able to refresh themselves or enjoy desserts.

Aviation Museum

  • Opening hours: on weekdays, from 8:00 to 17:00.
  • Ticket price: 200 rub.
  • Telephone.
  • Address: st. Tsiolkovsky, 41. Transport stop "Rembaza".

Not a single boy will refuse the pleasure of looking up close at real aircraft that have gone down in the history of Russian aviation. The collection of the wonderful museum consists of 12 pieces of aviation equipment, which were once written off for disposal and restored by the hands of the institution’s employees. Here you will see the main celestial worker of the second half of the last century, the AN-2, and the formidable winged machines that were in service with the Soviet army. The main rarities are considered to be the MiG-25B, a threat to enemy radars, and the unique VVA-14 amphibious aircraft, which specialized in searching and destroying submarines. In addition, the exhibition includes helicopters, catapults, models of aerial bombs and missiles. Visitors are allowed to sit at the helm in the cockpit of each exhibit.

PKiO named after Gorky

  • Opening hours: daily, from 8:00 to 23:00.
  • Telephone.
  • Website:
  • Address: st. Petrovskaya. Transport stop "TUM".

For more than 200 years, the main park of Taganrog, called at different times the State, Public and Pharmacy Gardens, has been a favorite family vacation spot for citizens and tourists. In the green recreation area, intersected by neat alleys, you can spend the whole day admiring the well-groomed flower beds, monuments, and art objects. There are several areas for children, equipped with safe swings and carousels. Teenagers will be interested in attractions with extreme elements: “Surprise” and “Orbit”. It is not difficult to explore Taganrog from a bird's eye view by placing the whole family in the cabin of a Ferris wheel. The park has rental points for bicycles, electric cars, rollerblades, and several bistros.

Climate of Taganrog

The climate in the city and its surroundings is temperate continental, moderately dry, with a lot of sunny days. The average annual temperature is +10.3 °C. Hot summer. The average temperature in July is about 25 °C. The maximum recorded temperature was +41 °C.

In winter there are frosts. The absolute minimum winter temperature is -32 °C.

The difference between the average temperature of the warmest and coldest months is 27.2 °C.

In winter, cold continental air masses dominate, and arctic incursions are sometimes observed. In summer, due to the strong heating of the land, dry heated steppe air dominates, giving high daily temperature maximums. The proximity of the sea slightly softens the heat and increases air humidity.

The duration of the frost-free period is, on average, 208 days.

Air humidity is significant: about 60% in summer and 80–90% in winter.

Petrovskaya and Gorky Park

Another shot with an ultra-wide-angle camera that can be posted on Instagram “as is.”
Petrovskaya Street is the main street in the city. This is where residents and tourists most often walk.

For everyone, Petrovskaya begins with Gorky Park, it is the largest in the city. A new playground was recently installed here and it looks good.

Sometimes the ultra-wide lens matches the main camera in all respects. There's no need to even comment here.

The main alley divides the park into two zones: on the right are all the attractions, theater and restaurants, and on the left there is nothing but numerous trees and paths.

The Ferris wheel is one of the objects that looks unusual thanks to its 120 degree angle.

Petrovskaya has everything: restaurants, bars, institutes, colleges, administration, government agencies and company offices. The street itself looks tolerable, but it cannot do without tin.

If you turn off Petrovskaya, you can see very old houses and courtyards.

Not far from Petrovskaya there is an embankment and a large staircase that leads to it. In three years she will turn 200 years old.

Seaside Park

The quality of small objects on the ultra-wide-angle camera leaves much to be desired.
But it will do for Instagram. The most beautiful and well-kept park. A large-scale reconstruction was recently completed, during which the Soviet asphalt was replaced with modern tiles, the stairs were updated, underground wiring was installed and much more.

Now it is a nice place to walk around. In the evening, especially on weekends, there are a lot of people. Perhaps this is the only negative, but not for everyone.

One interesting thing to note is an alley with anchors that were raised from the bottom of the Taganrog Bay.

If you go lower, you will find yourself on Primorsky Beach.

Tourists very rarely come to this beach; it is mainly popular among residents of the area.

For me, this is the worst beach in the city. There are no sun loungers, bars or playgrounds. The shore is terrible: a lot of rocks and breakwaters.

Therefore, it is better to turn around and take a walk through the renovated park.

One of the park's exits leads to the abandoned building of the Taganrog Automobile Plant.
Until 2014, Hyundai, Vortex and Tagaz cars were assembled here. On topic: I've been using iPhone 11 for six months. I found all the shortcomings

In 2014, the plant was declared bankrupt. For six years, the vast territory of TagAZ has been empty, all the buildings have been destroyed, the remains of the equipment are being sold for metal.

During Soviet times, this plant produced combine harvesters.

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