Karachay-Cherkessia: 10 most beautiful and unusual places

If your suitcase is sadly covered with dust in the corner, then quickly take it out and go on an exciting journey! For your inspiration, we prepare weekly lists of the most beautiful places in our country. One of them is the sights of Dagestan. Only the most amazing places worth visiting, only unconventional routes: pack your bags - they are hungry for new adventures!

The Karachay-Cherkess Republic is a delightful Russian region. Here, different cultures, as well as climatic and landscape zones, are intricately intertwined. The central region of the Greater Caucasus offers many options for recreation. Do you want to see azure lakes and waterfalls, walk through the high mountain meadows of the legendary Dombay, explore ancient caves and ride over the abyss? Welcome to Karachay-Cherkessia!

Sofia Lakes

“Blue Eyes” by Arkhyz.

At an altitude of 2,800 meters above sea level, you will see one of the main attractions of Karachay-Cherkessia. The name of the system of three crystal clear lakes was given by Mount Sofia, located nearby. The hiking route to the reservoirs is not easy, but all efforts are compensated by breathtaking views of mountain meadows and the nearby village of the famous Arkhyz.

The ascent to the Sofia Lakes along steep mountain slopes will take 4-5 hours. It is difficult to swim in them: the water warms up slowly, the maximum temperature is +12 °C. But thousands of tourists come here not for the sake of swimming: the local nature and landscapes are worth the difficult journey.

  • Where and when: a comfortable time to visit the Sofia Lakes is from July to September. All tourist routes start from the village of Arkhyz (15 km). The distance to Cherkessk is 115 km, to Mineralnye Vody – 215 km.

How to get to Karachaevsk

By bus.
From the Shchelkovsky bus station by bus "Moscow - Stavropol". Next, take the bus “Stavropol - Karachaevsk”. Travel time - 32.40 hours.

By plane.

From Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo and Vnukovo airports on flights Moscow - Stavropol. Next, take the bus “Stavropol - Karachaevsk”. Travel time - 6.20 hours.

By long-distance train.

From Paveletsky station by train "Moscow - Stavropol". Next, take the bus “Stavropol - Karachaevsk”. Travel time - 37.30 hours.

By car.

Along the M-4 Don highway. Travel time - 33.40 hours.

Sofia waterfalls

Water arteries of Arkhyz.

The valleys of Mount Sofia presented many attractions of Karachay-Cherkessia. During the melting process, the Sofia Glacier formed a system of 9 cascading waterfalls, which, in turn, feed the Sofia River.

Sofia waterfalls are a grandiose spectacle: streams of water rush down from the mountain slopes to a height of 70 to 90 meters. Nearby you will find many camping areas and a ski resort. The route to the waterfalls is simple and does not require special preparation.

  • Where and when: Sofia Falls are more often visited in the summer; in winter the flows are not so impressive. Hiking trails start from Arkhyz (15 km); you can drive up to the waterfalls themselves by SUV. Distance to Cherkessk – 115 km, to Mineralnye Vody – 215 km;
  • Tip: Sofia waterfalls and lakes are located very close, so it is customary to visit them at the same time. Don't forget to take your passport with you, as Mount Sofia is located in the border area.

Scientific Observatory of the SAO RAS

Meeting with the stars.

Karachay-Cherkessia is famous not only for its natural beauty - here you will see a world-famous observatory with the largest Large Azimuth Telescope (LAT) in Eurasia. The institution has open status, so not only scientists, but also ordinary tourists can get here - the observatory hosts excursions and space observation sessions for everyone.

  • Where and when: the scientific observatory of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences conducts excursions on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 9.00 to 15.00. Night telescope sessions must be booked in advance for a tourist group of up to 10 people. The institution is located 15 km from the village of Nizhny Arkhyz. Distance to Cherkessk – 90 km, to Mineralnye Vody – 190 km;
  • Tip: Find information about the cost and conditions of visiting the observatory here.

Significant monuments of Karachay-Cherkessia

The following iconic memorials may be noted here::

  • The Museum-Monument “Defenders of the Caucasus Passes” (Karachaevsky district) is a museum and a mass grave in one architectural ensemble. The monument was opened in 1968.
  • The monument to the fallen soldiers in the Great Patriotic War (Malokarachaevsky district) is a bronze composition depicting a horse and a man with their heads bowed to full height. There is a small park nearby.
  • Memorial complex to the victims of the deportation of the Karachay people (Karachaevsk).

Rock face of Christ

Mysterious Christian miracle.

20 years ago, near Arkhyz, in a grotto on a high rock, an unusual rock painting with the face of Jesus Christ was discovered. Since then, the image measuring 80x140 cm has haunted scientists. Its origins are still shrouded in mystery.

The only significant assumption today is that in the 9th-10th centuries, during a trip to these primordially Muslim places, the face of Christ was painted on a rock by a Byzantine artist. This seems to be true, because the Great Silk Road lay nearby, on which there were more than enough travelers. There is a staircase leading to the amazing icon, which attracts thousands of believers from all over the world, with places to stop along the way.

  • Where and when: you can look at the face of Christ at any time of the year. The path to the icon begins from the Church of the Savior Image Not Made by Hands, 25 km from Arkhyz. Distance to Cherkessk – 90 km, to Mineralnye Vody – 190 km;
  • Tip: you can combine a visit to scientific and religious attractions in 1-2 days. The Face of Christ is located 17 km from the Scientific Observatory of the SAO RAS.

Lake of Love

Azure heart of the highlands.

The village of Arkhyz has become widely known for a reason - nearby you will find dozens of the most beautiful places in Karachay-Cherkessia. For example, Lake of Love, which is famous for its ideal heart-shaped shape - and this, of course, gave rise to many legends and myths among local residents. The reservoir is located at an altitude of 2,350 meters, and the route to it is not the easiest, but the views of the heart-lake against the backdrop of alpine meadows are worth the effort.

  • Where and when: tourists come to Lake of Love in spring and summer, when the meadows bloom. It is located in the Teberdinsky Nature Reserve, entrance is paid (100 rubles) and limited in time (from 8.00 to 18.00). The nearest settlement is the village of Arkhyz (7.5 km). The distance to Cherkessk is 110 km, to Mineralnye Vody – 210 km.

Architectural landmarks

Among the architectural monuments it is worth highlighting:

  • The fountain in Cherkessk is a color and musical fountain, built in 2009 and located near the city administration building. The jets of its water rise to a height of 10 m to the rhythms of music.

  • The open-air amphitheater in Cherkessk was opened in 2013 in the Green Island recreation park. The building is made in the style of Antiquity with Greek sculptures at the entrance.
  • Monument to I.S. Turgenev in Cherkessk.
  • Stele "Friendship of the peoples of Karachay-Cherkessia."
  • Sculpture “Invitation to Karachaevsk” or Goryanka (Karachaevsk) is a specially protected architectural site.

    In Karachay-Cherkessia there is a monument to inviting tourists, built as a sign of hospitality

  • The memorial monument to Vladimir Vysotsky is located in the urban-type settlement of Dombay and was opened in 1999.
  • The cathedral mosque in Cherkessk was built in the Byzantine style and is framed by 4 minarets.
  • The cathedral mosque in Karachaevsk was built in 2007 and has a golden dome surrounded by 2 minarets.

Baduk Lakes

Pearls of Dombay.

About 150-200 years ago, in the valley of the Baduk River between two mountain ranges of Dombay, a rock collapse occurred - this is how a system of three picturesque lakes was formed, which are included in the list of the most beautiful places in Karachay-Cherkessia.

The color of the water here changes depending on the weather and time of day - from azure blue to deep purple. The temperature in the lakes rarely rises above +10℃, although this does not stop lovers of lake bathing. The road to the Baduk Lakes will take 4-5 hours.

  • Where and when: Baduk lakes are located in the protected area of ​​the Teberda Nature Reserve. The nearest settlement is the village of Teberda (6 km). The pedestrian route starts from the suspension bridge over the river of the same name, and there is a parking lot right there. Entrance to the territory of the reserve is until 13.00, ticket – 300 rubles. The route itself is open from 8.00 to 18.00, so plan your time wisely. The distance to Cherkessk is 100 km, to Mineralnye Vody – 180 km.

Temples of Karachay-Cherkessia

Karachay-Cherkessia, whose sights may also attract connoisseurs of religious buildings. Some temple complexes have become places of pilgrimage from all over Russia.

Particularly attractive temples are:

  • Shoan Temple (Karachay district) is a historical monument dating back to the 10th century, built in the Byzantine style.
  • Sentinsky Church (Lower Teberda Karachaevsky District) is a Christian temple with more than 1000 years of history.

  • The Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Cherkessk) is a wooden building with copper bells, built more than 250 years ago.

  • The temple in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (Cherkessk) is a remake, built on the site of a destroyed temple.
  • Nizhne-Arkhyz historical, architectural and archaeological complex on the territory of which there are 3 temples from the Middle Ages:
  1. The northern one is the largest of the temples. Its construction dates back to the 10th century. Most likely it was the Cathedral of the Alan Diocese.
  2. The middle temple dates back to the 10th century.
  3. The southern temple was erected in the 10th century. and presumably served the purpose of being the tomb of a wealthy family.

Alibek Waterfall

The life-giving spring of Dombay.

The most famous waterfall in Karachay-Cherkessia is located in the Dombai meadow. Alibek does not have the greatest fall height (25 meters), but remains a popular destination among active tourists due to the beauty and power of the water flow. The trail to the waterfall begins at the Alibek alpine camp (this is the extreme point that can be reached by car), the further walking route is equipped with places to rest.

  • Where and when: Alibek waterfall is visited in mid-summer or mid-autumn. It is located on the territory of the Teberdinsky Nature Reserve, so at the checkpoint at the beginning of the eco-route you need to pay a fee (100 rubles). The nearest settlement is the village of Dombay (5 km from the Alibek alpine camp). Distance to Cherkessk – 120 km, to Mineralnye Vody – 200 km;
  • Tip: since the Baduk Lakes, Lake of Love and Alibek Waterfall are located in the same reserve, the three attractions can be visited in 1-2 days with an overnight stay in a mountain camp. Again, don't forget to take your passport with you.

Historical landmarks

Among the historical objects it is worth highlighting:

  • Leso-Kyafar settlement (Zelenchuk district). Archaeologists date this place to the 2nd millennium BC. and it is assumed that the settlement was a cult object, as evidenced by numerous dolmen tombs and inscriptions similar to runes.
  • Archaeological city-monument Khumarinskoe fortified settlement (11 km from the city of Karachaevsk) - this settlement produces finds that date back to the period from the 7th century. BC. until the 14th century Here are the ruins of residential buildings, water supply systems, and fortifications.
  • The Adiyukh watchtower (Khabez region) was erected as the building of a large fortress in the 18th century. and served as a defensive facility.

  • The Nizhne-Arkhyz historical, architectural and archaeological complex is a unique protected and carefully researched place that reveals a rich history and shows the architecture of this area in the early Middle Ages.

Lake Tumanly-Kol

Trout reserve.

We continue to explore the most beautiful places in Dombay. Next up is a 2,000-year-old lake whose name translates as “foggy place.” And it is justified, because at an altitude of 1,850 meters above sea level, fogs are not uncommon.

The simplest tourist route in Dombay has been laid to the picturesque Lake Tumanly-Kel - it can be completely covered by car without any difficulty. Tourists come here to look at the trout (the second name of the lake is Trout) and feed the fish - they won’t be able to feast on it themselves: fishing is prohibited in the protected area. Daredevils can take a swim - like any glacial lake, Tumanly-Kol does not warm up well.

  • Where and when: Tumanly-Kol is located in the same Teberda Nature Reserve, in the Gonachkhir Gorge. People often come to the lake in the summer; entry through the checkpoint is possible from 8.00 to 18.00, the cost of the environmental fee is 200 rubles per person and the same for a car. The nearest settlement is the village of Dombay (18 km). The distance to Cherkessk is 130 km, to Mineralnye Vody – 200 km.

Dombay cable cars

The path to the mountain peaks.

The mountainous terrain of Dombay, of course, cannot do without cable cars and ski lifts. There is a whole complex here, which is needed not only for ski lovers, but also for those who want to climb as high as possible and view the mountains from a height (maximum 3,168 meters).

In Dombay you will find almost a metro map - there are old and new cable car systems operating here at the same time, there are 9 of them in total. Tourists without skis more often use the picturesque road, built in Soviet times - line No. 5.

This road runs along the Mussa-Achitara mountain slope, from the top of which in clear weather there are beautiful views of Elbrus and the Gonachkhir Gorge. Be sure to use this type of transport - it has long become a tourist option in the mountains.

  • Where and when: Dombay cable cars operate all year round, except on days when there is strong wind. All lifts are paid, prices vary greatly - from 100 to 1,300 rubles. The starting points of the roads are in the village of Dombay. Distance to Cherkessk – 120 km, to Mineralnye Vody – 200 km;
  • Tip: More detailed information about the cable cars and lifts of Dombay, as well as current information on tickets and opening hours, can be found here.

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