Where to relax in Altai in the summer by car, 7 unforgettable places, features of such a vacation

Why vacation by car?

Road trips give you freedom and a lot of impressions. A trip on public transport or with a group of excursionists, where you are tied to a bus and limited in time, will not give you such impressions. By car you can get to the most inaccessible places, save time, choose routes that are interesting to us, or create your own and drive along it.

This will be better than the standard excursion travel scheme. Each car owner chooses the speed limit himself, can take a travel companion, come with his family, or go alone, change his usual lifestyle. In general, there are many advantages, especially for Altai, in those places where tourists usually go. It’s unlikely that a minibus will roll up there every fifteen minutes and take you wherever you want :)

Away from the Chuysky tract

If you drive a little away from the Chuysky tract, you can come across no less interesting places, most of which are also reachable by an ordinary passenger car.

The route from Aktash through Ulagan towards the Katu-Yaryk pass is very popular among tourists.

The Katu-Yaryk pass is the gateway to the protected region of the Chulyshman Valley (Photo Flickr.com © Serge Bystro)

Along the way you will see the famous Red Gate and picturesque Ulagan lakes. At the end, you will be treated to the Katu-Yaryk pass itself and breathtaking views of the Chulyshman River valley from a height of almost a thousand meters. Any car can handle the road to the pass, but going down to the Chulyshman valley along the serpentine road is only possible with an all-wheel drive vehicle.

It is also possible to get to the Tarkhata megalithic complex by car - something like the Altai Stonehenge, which is reached by an unpleasant, uneven and dusty road, but accessible to any car.

Seven unforgettable places in Altai that you can’t pass by

In order to start traveling by car, you need to work out the route, see what is on it, and what difficulties may arise. You can create a route so that it takes a week, or you can travel for about a month, with stops and rest at bases or in a tent for several days. It all depends on your own preferences.

Here are the most recommended places to visit in this fabulous region:

  1. Mount Devil's Finger.

This site can be the start and finish of your journey. It is one of the most famous and frequently visited tourist attractions in Altai. The mountain is located next to the Katun River and the village of the same name. Opposite, on the other bank of the river is the village of Souzga. A dirt road leads to the peak point. You can climb onto a rocky ledge if the adrenaline is pumping in your blood. From there you will see a stunning view that will not leave anyone indifferent.

2. Village of Manzherok.

This resort town can be visited at any time of the year: in the summer - ride a cable car with an overview of all views of the lakes, the Katun River valley, and in the winter - skiing. Nearby is the beautiful tourist complex “Manzherok”, where tourists from other countries often come. The village itself is located on the banks of the Katun River, 470 km of the Chuysky tract, about 40 minutes by car from Gorno-Altaisk.

A little about the Chuysky tract. This is the main road of the Altai Mountains, along which, driving a car, we have the opportunity to contemplate all the beauties for which Altai is famous. Also, along this highway (it can safely be called that for these places), there are recreation centers, tourist complexes, interesting places where you can also stop for a rest in a tent.

The road itself is a federal highway starting from Novosibirsk and passing through Barnaul, Gorno-Altaisk, to the border with Mongolia, thus crossing the entire Altai. Its length is almost 970 kilometers. It has a number in the register of highways - P256. And yet, this road is presented in the National Geographic magazine and, according to its version, ranks fifth out of the ten most beautiful roads in the world.

3. Seminsky Pass

It is from this place that the wild, unknown Altai begins. This is the most massive pass with landscape views. Its height is 1717 meters. It is located approximately at highway kilometer 583.

The pass itself is a natural monument of national importance. A certain natural boundary between Central and Northern Altai.

  1. Chike Pass - Taman

This pass begins in the area of ​​659 kilometers of the Chuysky tract. It is included in the register as a natural monument of republican significance. Another advantage is that there is parking here, you can stop and go to the observation deck, from where you will see amazing views worthy of an artist’s brush. In addition, you can buy many souvenirs at the local market and have a snack in a cafe. The height of the pass is 1295 meters.

This is the most serpentine pass on this road. An incredible amount of work, effort and money were spent to build the road in this place. There is a monument to the builders of the Chuysky tract and photographs showing the construction in chronology.

5. Confluence of Altai rivers

The connection of Chuya and Katun is the hallmark of Altai. It occurs approximately at kilometer 712 of the Chuyskaya highway, after the village of Inya. The discrepancy between the density and color of the rivers can make unique photographs. For extreme sports enthusiasts, you can try sailing on a boat, if you take it with you, of course. At the same time, do not forget about safety precautions.

Here you can also go up to the observation deck, which is located next to the road. It is located on a wide terrace, about the height of a nine-story building. The “scene” of the confluence of rivers that you will see will leave a memory for a lifetime. You will look at everything from a bird's eye view. It leaves a lasting impression and takes the Spirit away!

6. Petroglyphs of the Kalbak-Tash tract.

This is one of the unique places where ancient people left rock paintings. The tract itself is located at the 723rd kilometer of the Chuysky tract, between the villages of Inya and Iodro. The name of the tract is translated as “flat stone”. There are about 3,000 images open here, varying in age from 2.5–8 thousand years. The rock paintings themselves, with different subjects, were created in different periods, from the Neolithic to the ancient Turkic era, using first stone, then metal tools.

You can see them yourself, or, if you want to learn more about this rock art, you need to invite a guide, whose services will cost only 400 rubles. The guides' house is located next to the rocks. This place is simply worth seeing to join the continuous connection of times, to feel the taste of time, to be transported to those distant times for us.

7. Altai Mars

Altai is a place where emotions always run high. Another atmospheric corner is considered to be the mountain complexes near the village of Chagan - Uzun. The village is located 864 kilometers from the highway, on the left bank of the Chuya River, directly at its confluence with the Chaganuzun River. From here, less than 100 kilometers to the border with Mongolia. Usually, this is the extreme point of traveling by car in Altai. Although, you can drive all the way to the border.

This place is also called “Altai Mars”. Here nature painted the mountains in different colors: orange, yellow, red, brick. The colored stripes are arranged in almost horizontal layers. The different shades give them a Martian appearance, hence the name. There are several sites to visit from where you can admire all the beauty of this place and really feel like an alien on Mars.

Patmos Island

Patmos is a small island located on the outskirts of the village of Chemal (Chemal district of the Altai Republic). It is a rock with steep walls and stands among the waters of the Katun River, which not far from the island merges with another river - the Chemal.

How to get there:
You can get to Patmos only via a suspension bridge.

Features of summer holidays by car

As previously mentioned, the main highway of the region is the Chuysky tract. Throughout the entire route, right up to Mongolia, the landscapes outside the window are constantly changing. The track is not busy, and the road surface is of fairly high quality. There will be many cameras before the Seminsky Pass. Traffic police officers can only be seen at checkpoints. Traveling by car is also convenient because there are often gas stations, food outlets, workshops, and hotels along the road.

But if you turn to the side, the secondary roads are inferior in quality to the main one. Only SUVs can pass here.

If there are no problems with fuel on the main highway, then on secondary roads the situation is critical. Therefore, it is necessary to control the fuel level when leaving the main road.

But you can still travel in a car of any cross-country ability, preferably along the main highway, the Chuysky tract. After all, it is rightly called one of the picturesque roads in the world. In addition, along the road there are a large number of memorable places and attractions.

An ordinary car will also take you to the Uch-Enmek park, the Ilgumen rapids, the Shirlak waterfall, Geyser Lake, and the Yustyd River valley.

If you want something unknown, then go to the mountains, difficult places in an SUV. Among such unexplored places one can note the Achik pass. You can only get there by passing a difficult steep climb with obstacles in the form of huge cobblestones. And if you still see the sunrise on Achik, then a flurry of emotions is guaranteed.

Without any hint of civilization, you can live for a week in the Uch-Enmek National Park. There is no cell service there, and the road can only be found with the help of a guide.

The Dzhumalinsky springs contain radon. Many try to get there in order to swim. As an option for an overnight stay, there are a couple of dilapidated houses with a stove and sheets. There is no electricity, communications, and, especially, gas supply.

Perhaps the most inaccessible place is the Ukok plateau. They say that an Altai princess was buried here. It is better to go to the plateau in a group with serious equipment.

In addition, the following popular recreation centers should be considered: Altairai, Lesotel, Manzherok, Zaimka Kamza. You can eat on your own or in the dining room. In addition to nature excursions, the camp sites can offer horse riding, rafting, mountaineering, skiing, hunting and fishing, swimming, berry picking, and excursions.

How to get from Moscow to Altai

To Altai, for example, the road from Moscow is quite decent, and the driving is not too tiring: outside the window everything is new and interesting, beautiful landscapes. It is believed that the most important thing is to get to Chelyabinsk (1700 km from Moscow), and then (another 2300 km) the number of cars decreases sharply, and the trip really becomes a thrill. Some people prefer M7, where there is less movement and the quality of the canvas is more or less. The M5 is considered busier. However, it is worth checking before the trip, because every year the situation can change for the better or for the worse.


How long does it take to get to Altai?

Since we are usually not in a hurry, the duration of the trip is always different. We drove for 3 days, and 4... depending on the mood... sometimes, of course, we stop... As a rule, the first overnight stay in Chelyabinsk, but it has happened before. We slept in the car a couple of times.. My husband is a night owl and he enjoys driving at night more, but I love it in the morning, right at dawn... That’s why we didn’t sleep at all.

Pros and cons of such a holiday

One big advantage of such a vacation is unity with nature, impressions, and positive emotions. With such a vacation, you can create your own route without being limited by time. In addition, you can significantly save on your trip, because you can visit the main attractions for free. There are no big problems with accommodation.

Among the disadvantages , it is worth noting that in reality not everyone is ready to relax while living in such a harsh reality: you cannot go online, just make a call, sit without light, and go outside to the toilet. In addition, nature can always bring surprises: there are frequent changes in weather conditions. Rain or wind will force you to adjust your plans. Some roads can only be driven by an SUV. The summer period is short - the second half of June to mid-August. Sometimes the indigenous people are hostile towards tourists.

Mount Sinyukha

Mountain Altai has long been famous for its nature of indescribable beauty, as a result of which a funicular was built in Manzherok. Every year, many tourists from all over the world come to make an unforgettable climb to Mount Sinyukha. The excursion lasts 30 minutes, during which tourists receive a lot of positive emotions. On the mountain slopes you can see a dense forest with various types of trees. In the spring, the eyes of vacationers are pleased with a glade of orange-colored lights, rose hips and maral grass. During the descent there is an opportunity to see Lake Manzherokskoye. The inspection site is located on Mount Malaya Sinyukha at an altitude of 1012 m, but this is not yet the highest point of the mountain, and the peak is at 1196 m.

Travel tips

Of course, traveling by car has its advantages. For example, you can stop at any permitted place and go to conquer the region as a savage. In the area of ​​Chemal, Lake Teletskoye, and Manzherok, noisy groups usually stop by with beer, music, and barbecue. If you want solitude, then you need to go deep into the region along the Chuysky tract. For example, it is good to settle on the Aru-Kem cordon. There is no connection, but there are a lot of emotions. There are guest houses and a camp site there. There are many camp sites on the Ulagan Lakes. There are also those where in the area there is only taiga, lakes, and a huge amount of berries.

Something between civilization and wild places can be found in the village of Aktash. If you rent a house at a camp site, you can walk to a store or a canteen and chat with the locals.

It is best to pitch a tent in places designated for this purpose. You can rent a house on the territory of the tourist base, where you can take water treatments, have a snack, and sleep peacefully.

There are also guest houses here:

  1. Near the Katun River “Hotel on Shumy”;
  2. On Chemal "Red Domes";
  3. At the Seminsky pass “Golden Cedar”;
  4. Altai Village Teletskoye - on the shore of the lake of the same name.

It is recommended to make reservations a couple of months in advance.

Experienced travelers advise going by SUV or crossover. Locals are accustomed to any challenges, but a beginner can get confused. If you travel light, you can rent an iron horse on the spot. For example, renting a crossover in Gorno-Altaisk will cost about 4,000 rubles per day for 3-7 days. But it is better to book in advance and you will need to pay a deposit.

You cannot cross the border of another state in such a car. If an accident occurs, you must immediately notify the company.

When is the best time to go?

In winter, the beauty here is indescribable. There is a lot of snow in the mountains, and avalanche situations often occur. In summer and late spring, river floods cause trails and roads to become flooded. Even if you are vaccinated, you still need to protect yourself by covering exposed parts of your body. The ideal option is September - August . This period is without flooding, and the air is favorable for walking.

Before your trip, be sure to get vaccinated against encephalitis and draw up a route map. You need to pack repellents, a navigator, and everything you need for living in the fresh air in your backpack: a tent, a sleeping bag, and cooking utensils. And always be careful on the road!

What else to take on the road?

The climate of the region is very unpredictable: sometimes it’s sunny, sometimes it’s raining. The winds often blow and the humidity is quite high. Therefore, things will take a long time to dry even in summer. Despite the fact that there is a car nearby, you will have to take a second set of comfortable demi-season clothes.

The nights are cold even in summer, so a second sleeping bag would be a good idea. In addition to the things listed above, let’s not forget:

  • A couple of fleece sweatshirts;
  • There are also two tracksuits;
  • Shorts, T-shirts, T-shirts, socks;
  • Headdress;
  • Swimsuit;
  • Backpack or travel bag;
  • Required - hygiene products: towels, toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, shampoo;
  • Camera (as without it);
  • First aid kit with necessary medications;
  • And, of course, documentation for the car: driver’s license, registration certificate, compulsory motor liability insurance, passport.

How to get to Altai: plane or car

Of course, the easiest way to get to Altai is by plane and rent a car here. It will be fast, comfortable, but also possibly more expensive.

Cost of a plane trip + car rental : So, for example, an air ticket for one person from Moscow to Barnaul and back will cost approximately 8,000 rubles. What for a family or company of 4 people will cost about 35,000 rubles.

To this it is worth adding car rental from 1,700 rubles. per day, which will add about 15,000-20,000 rubles for a week. By the way, the car rental market in Altai is well developed, but is mainly represented by local companies. Thus, the local Avangard in Novosibirsk offers a passenger car from 1,700 rubles, crossovers from 2,800 rubles. The only international service operates only in Novosibirsk (Avis). Renting crossovers from Avis will cost from 4,300 rubles. per day, car from 4000 rub.

As a result, for four people for a week: 35,000 (airplane) + 15,000 (car rental) = 50,000 rubles. and more.

Cost for your car: the distance from Moscow to Altai is about 4,000 kilometers, round trip 8,000. If you have an ordinary car with a consumption of 6 liters, it will cost about 20,000 rubles round trip. If there are 10-12 liters, then it’s already around 35,000. Don’t forget that you need to spend the night somewhere and eat something. And in general, the car can break down, so let’s add another 10,000 thousand. But you can see more, a real trip!

To both calculations it is also worth adding gasoline for traveling around Altai itself; travelers usually travel 3,000-4,000 kilometers in a week. This is about another 10,000-15,000 rubles.


Tourist review

Car rental in Altai

We rented a Hyundai Creta right at the airport in Novosibirsk through Avis.
The car is almost new (mileage 9000), it became our faithful friend for 2 weeks. The engine is only 1.6 liters with front-wheel drive, so we climbed up Katu-Yaryk with our last legs (with 4x4 it will be ok). To rent you need a passport, driving license, credit card for deposit (12,000 rubles). As a result, for four people it turns out to be about 60,000 rubles. and more by plane and renting a car, and a little less by your own car. But in general it all depends on the number of tourists and the duration of the trip. If you are traveling with a large group for a month, and the car “guzzles” little gasoline, then it is definitely more profitable to use your own car. If it’s just the two of you for a week, then the first option is more preferable.

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2. Rental and rental cars

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What to see by car in Gorny Altai

Most tourists, when sightseeing, move along the Chuysky Tract - and this is generally correct. This is the main route of the Altai Mountains, connecting Russia and Mongolia, and all the most interesting things are located here.


Minimum route

I think that taking a ride along the Chuysky tract is the minimum plan.
First of all, many of the interesting things are located right next to the road. Another plus is that the road itself is very beautiful (especially towards the end, when the Chui and Kurai steppes with snow-capped mountain ranges begin). The beauty is incredible! Most of the sights of the Altai Mountains can be seen while traveling in a regular passenger car. We have placed the most interesting of them on our interactive map.

See all maps of Gorny Altai.

Geyser Lake

The “geyser” lake owes its color to the blue silt at the bottom. Official information about its origin and clear explanations about the reasons for changing the design turned out to be difficult to find. Some say that thermal springs change the pattern, others argue that there is no volcanic activity in Altai at all, so there are no geysers, and ordinary springs can move the blue silt.

How much money should you take with you?

For those who plan to visit Gorny Altai by car, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of upcoming costs. This will allow you to correctly budget your trip.

Sample list of expenses:

  • Gasoline: RUB 38,340.

Based on the calculation: AI-95 gasoline grade, cost 45 rubles. 10 kopecks per 1 liter, fuel consumption - 10 l/100 km, distance traveled 8,500 km (the road to Altai and back includes travel from Moscow to the village of Aktash-Moscow, plus 100 km - travel on secondary roads).

  • Car depreciation: RUB 6,750. (based on the initial cost of the car 1 million rubles, engine capacity less than 3.5 liters, useful life 37 months).
  • Accommodation: 14,000 rub. (on average - 2000 rubles per day).
  • Meals: 11,200 rub. (800 rubles per person per day).
  • Entertainment (excursions): 6,200 rub. (Manzherok and cable car - 2,200 rubles, visit to the Karym maral farm - 2,000 rubles, Bolshaya Tavdinskaya cave + apiary - 2,000 rubles).
  • Communication: 350 rub. (for example, MTS Smart tariff: 6 G Internet, calls 300 min., 300 SMS).
  • Insurance: 4,700 rub. (700 rubles insurance against tick bites, which includes all necessary types of assistance and coverage from 1 million rubles per person; 4000 rubles – insurance against accidents during cycling, trekking and other active activities).

Important! Mountain Altai is considered one of the regions with a large number of dangerous (infected) ticks: every second or third tick is a carrier of some kind of disease, so before traveling we recommend getting vaccinated against encephalitis.

  • First aid kit: RUB 1,450.
A drugCost, rub.
mezim (for digestive problems)300
hydrogen peroxide (for treating abrasions)80
rescuer (ointment for burns, bruises, cuts, sprains)140
aspirin (antipyretic)100
spasmalgol (for headaches)200
elastic bandage350

Kyzyl-Chin (Martian Mountains) | photo by Natalya Shadrina-Chepel


Other than accommodation, the main travel expenses include fuel and food. The cost of gasoline in the region averages 44-45 rubles. for 1 l. AI-92 and 45-46.5 rubles. for 1 liter AI-95.

You can eat in Altai in a cafe or cook yourself. In the area from Gorno-Altaisk to Chemal, a vegetable salad will cost 40-60 rubles, soup – 80-90, the second – 150-200; you can have breakfast for 150-200 rubles, a full lunch for 300-500 rubles. However, the further you are from the regional capital, the higher the cost of food.

National meat dishes are served upon pre-order and are expensive (from 1000 rubles per serving), because... prepared from high quality raw materials.

The approximate cost of basic products in stores is presented in the table:

Productprice, rub.
potatoes, 1 kg60-70
apples, 1 kg100-110
oranges 1 kg65-75
tomatoes, 1 kg160-170
Jacobs Monarch coffee, 95 gr.200-300
sausages, 420 gr.120-170
water, 1.5 l25-35
cognac “Elder”, 0.5 l650
milk "Prostokvashino", 930 ml68-82
butter “Vologodushka”, 180 gr.115-145
boiled sausage “Barnaul pishevik”, 380 gr.140-170
chicken breast “Sibagro”, 1 kg190-220

When traveling to Altai by car, you can visit local markets where private traders offer products of their own production. So, natural milk will cost about 80 rubles. per liter, cottage cheese - 200 rubles per kg, koumiss - 300 rubles. for 1.5 l.

A car trip is an opportunity to look into the hidden corners of the Altai Mountains and see the unique nature of the region in its pristine state.

What to try from local food?

How to spend New Year's weekend?

Where to live

There are many options for accommodation in Altai. Choose the one that suits the price and distance to the attractions you plan to visit first.

  • For lovers of everything unusual, there are comfortable barrels in Altai. No, no, we are not confusing anything, these are really cozy houses in the shape of barrels. Panoramic housing with a bathhouse near a mountain river and geysers, located in the area of ​​the upper Katun River, will cost you 3,700 rubles.
  • An eco-house can become just as cozy. Choose the option made from spruce beams, it is also good for health. It is best to rent this type of housing in the area of ​​Lake Teletskoye or near the Aktru River. You can rent an eco-house from RUB 5,000 per group per night.
  • A traditional yurt will be a picturesque place for you to relax and will cost you from RUB 3,000 per night. The ethno-house can be found in the Kosh-Agach region, in the village of Chagan-Uzun. Don’t be alarmed, staying in a yurt is absolutely comfortable: the benefits of civilization and even Wi-Fi are available. It is especially interesting to conduct a tea ritual and try national dishes in such an unusual location.
  • A hotel is a familiar, trusted place for a traveler. Budget option - from 1,300 ₽, prices may vary depending on living conditions. In the most fashionable places in Altai, the cost can reach 30,000 rubles.
  • The top destination in Altai is a recreation center. The best options are located near the village of Artybash, the village of Ust-Sema, the village of Ust-Muna, Karakol Lakes, Lake Teletskoye, and the Katun River. Renting a small room will cost 1,000 rubles, prices for elite recreation centers start from 6,000 rubles per night.
  • If you want to see and walk around the capital, apartments priced from 600 ₽ per night would be an ideal option. The ideal accommodation option is an apartment with a balcony and mountain views.

Let's sum it up

The way back is no longer so joyful, you understand that everything ends. And this is where you feel real fatigue. The landscapes outside the window flash, and so do memories. It seems that we received an excellent recharge from wild rivers and majestic mountains, from endless steppes and green meadows, from all the people who met on our journey. Thank you, Altai!

  • Our trip lasted from July 15 to July 28, 2022.
  • In total we drove 6000 km.
  • Fuel consumption: about 6 liters per 100 km. We spent about 15 thousand rubles on gasoline.
  • In total we spent 50 thousand rubles.

Author: Ekaterina Korpacheva

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