Atkarsk. Party bigwigs in the park and the street of red brick schools

All districts in the Saratov region with a map are here: Districts of the Saratov region The official website of the city of Atkarsk is here. In Russia there are many large and small cities that are located apart from popular tourist routes, and therefore are undeservedly forgotten. But it is precisely such cities that, as a rule, are of particular interest. And they are also worth visiting to be periodically reminded of how beautiful our country is and how much interesting things there are in it.

Atkarsk is located in the Saratov region, in the Volga Upland zone, where the two rivers Atkara and Medveditsa unite; it is located 92 kilometers from the center of the region. The area of ​​the immediate settlement is 10.5 kilometers. The city was founded at the end of the eighteenth century, and for a long time was afloat thanks to the grain trade.

In the next century, a fire destroyed most of the city. The city was rather unsettled and gray before the fire, but now it has acquired a special homeliness. They began to call it Straw Town.

How to get there?

To get to this town you can take the Moscow-Saratov train, which stops right in Atkarsk. Other trains of different directions also pass here, for example to Almaty or Astrakhan.

General information and historical facts

The area is part of the historical Great Steppe. For a long time, this area was inhabited by nomadic peoples. Sarmatians, Khazars, and Polovtsians once lived here. In 1358, on the site of today's city there was an ulus of the Tatar Khan Etkara. In 1699, thanks to the order of Peter 1, a settlement was formed in this area, which was subordinate to the Petrovsky governor.

Almost 90 years later, when Catherine II was in power, the settlement turned into a county town with the name Atkarsk. By the beginning of the 19th century, the number of inhabitants was 1,200 people. In 1870 there was a big fire, during which most of all the buildings of the city disappeared. Two years later, the Tambov-Saratov railway line was put into operation, which in the future had a great influence on the rapid prosperity of the city.

By 1907, the population was already more than 13 thousand people. At the beginning of the 20th century, the settlement could already boast of a couple of steam engines, a couple of mills, and a locomotive depot. There were four brick factories, one soap factory, a couple of grain mills and several other enterprises located here. In 1928, Atkarsk was declared the center of the Atkarsky district of the Saratov region, in the Lower Volga region.

In the 1960s, multi-storey buildings appeared in the area, in the form of residential buildings and kindergartens. A clinic, a cinema and other social and administrative buildings began to function.

The modern city has a machine-building plant and a couple of metalworking factories, a furniture factory, a couple of clothing factories, and several processing organizations.

To make calls to the city you will need to dial the area code “84552”. And to send letters, you should remember the postal code “412420”.

The most popular attractions of Atkarsky district

12/12/2019, 10:35 Vladimir spring in the village of Sosnovka The water in this spring is distinguished not only by its crystal purity and icy taste, but also by its high oxygen content. The temperature of the water in the source is up to 6 degrees. The water is filtered when it passes a long distance underground through many layers of gravel and sand before it reaches the surface; due to the low temperature, bacteria do not multiply in it. The spring is extraordinarily beautiful, equipped with a mosaic font, into which you should definitely take a dip on Epiphany. This year, the spring was included in the program for the improvement of rural areas, and a rose garden was planted around it. From the spring there is a view of the most beautiful Church of the Intercession in the area from the early 19th century and a magnificent landscape.

Savely For twenty years the bear Savely has been considered a living symbol of the city. Bears once lived in the forests near Atkarsk, but the last clubfoot in the wild was killed 200 years ago. Now the only bear along the entire length of the Medveditsa River lives in the Atkar Zoo. Saveliy became a gift to the city from Governor Dmitry Ayatskov for the opening of the zoo in 1999. The 600-kilogram bear is about 30 years old, and spent 20 of those years in Atkarsk. Last year, the bear got rid of his loneliness - he got a neighbor, a young bear Masha. But Savely remains a favorite of children and adults.

Marfinsky Park The estate park near the village of Marfino is a unique green island of a Russian noble estate that has disappeared forever, a monument of love that has miraculously survived through the centuries. A man-made coniferous oasis in the middle of the steppe, the park was created by the hands of Mafin peasants on the estate of retired artillery officer Silvan Korevitsky in 1906-1907. This is the only place in the region where Siberian firs grow, so that the taiga conifers can be accepted, irrigation canals were built. Park alleys with centuries-old pines, birches and maples radiate like straight arrows from the picturesque pond. A pond on the Kolyshleis River with a gazebo is a place for romantic meetings and photo sessions.

Yuryevich Memorial From the ancient mound in the vicinity of the village of Staraya Lopukhovka, there is a view of 4 surrounding villages - they say 7 were visible. At the top of the mound in the family crypt in 1903, the richest landowner of the Atkarsky district, Alexander Semenovich Yuryevich, was buried - an expert and connoisseur of the arts, patron educational institutions, founder of a wonderful park. A few years later, his son, the officer of the imperial yacht “Polar Star” Alexander Alexandrovich, was buried nearby. In 1905, Saratov Governor P.A. visited Yuryevich’s grave. Stolypin. This place is the spiritual heart of the area and has an unusual energy. The wind always blows here and the bell rings. An openwork cast-iron cross, cast by workers, was installed on the grave in 1998. Only the famous Tambov wolf can compete with them in popularity. Hundreds of domestic and foreign guests of the city, newlyweds and graduates post their photos with Sagittarius on social networks. The sculpture is a tribute to the memory of the brave ancestors of the Atkar residents, the arable soldiers of the Etkarinskaya Sloboda, who 300 years ago, at the risk of their lives, carried out guard duty on the southern borders of Russia.

Text author: Elena BADIKOVA


Attractions and entertainment

After the fire, the city was actively developed: stone and brick buildings appeared. And since the peak of the city’s heyday as a commercial city began along with active construction, the result turned out to be excellent. Visitors immediately note that the railway station building itself has cheerful colors and elements in the neoclassical style. After this, I want to examine in detail the architectural features of the city. Let's get to know what interesting things there are in the city and why it is attractive. The House of Culture is a monument of constructivism. The city administration is externally designed in a rare neo-Russian style, which was very fashionable at the beginning of the 20th century. Women's gymnasium - formerly it was an executive committee, then a school with a technical school. During the war, a military hospital was located here, and then captured Germans were brought here. Now it houses a boarding school.

The city has many buildings made of neatly laid red bricks. There are buildings with towers, projections, balconies, and architraves. They are in fair condition and are not subject to modern restoration. The historical center has many such buildings that create the appearance of comfort, creating the impression of a good prosperous city, as it was many years ago. There are almost no tall buildings here, which makes it possible to fully perceive all the monuments in the right atmosphere. The zoo, which is already more than fourteen years old, is the real pride of the city. There are not many animals here, but they are all of interest to both locals and tourists. There are wolves, and deer, and bears, and wild boars. Among the small pets there are rabbits and nutria. Entertainment in the form of attractions has been built for children.

Arboretum and nursery of ornamental crops. Those who love nature, and especially lilacs, should definitely visit this place. After all, a unique collection of lilacs and its different types is presented here. The formation of an arboretum has become an urgent need, since greenery in this area is needed to stop soil erosion. There are also exotic plants here. Their research focuses on local adaptation. The trees that grew here were once planted near the Moscow Kremlin.

Marfinskaya park area is an oasis of coniferous forest near the steppe zone. The peculiarity of the park is that it contains trees that are not accustomed to this climate, for example, larch, fir and spruce. Like any decent park, it has its own radial planning system. To create such a unique composition, great effort and expense had to be made, since during drought there is artificial watering through irrigation channels.

The BMP.1 combat vehicle is a memorial opened nearby seven years ago. Cinema - the first building was erected by chief machinist Kapustin back in 1904. The fairytale carriage is an art object that looks like a sculpture of a unicorn and a carriage, installed in Atkarsk a year and a half ago. A local history museum that is worth visiting for anyone who is not yet familiar with the history of the city, this area and knows nothing about the development of industry here. Central Park - it is constantly maintained. It contains a monument to the famous commander Rokossovsky, as well as Marshal Zhukov. A bust of J.V. Stalin was erected on one of the alleys.

In the center there are many buildings built at the end of the 19th century. They are architectural monuments, unique and interesting objects from a historical point of view.

In the center there is an old building in which noble meetings were held for a long time. There was a library in the school building at that time.

History paragraph

Atkarsk is surrounded by two rivers - Atkara and Medveditsa. The city was founded at the end of the 18th century and existed through the grain trade. In the 19th century, fire destroyed two-thirds of the city, which was so shabby and unsettled that it was called Straw Town.

Of course, this is already in the distant past. The opening of the Tambov-Saratov railway stirred up this sleepy town, and by the beginning of the revolution, workers, merchants, and artisans lived here. The importance of Atkarsk as a center of grain trade gradually increased. The revolution opened up new horizons for the city, including in industry. Until now, one of the main activities of the city is the production of equipment for the mining industry.

The Atkar Arboretum was founded before the revolution and is rightfully famous not only in the Saratov region, but throughout Russia.

Transport and trade

Atkarsk has a modern railway station that connects this place to Tatishchevo, Saratov, Ekaterinovka. The city has public transport in the form of buses and minibuses. From the city bus station there are constantly buses to Saratov, Rtishchevo, Ekaterinovka.

As already mentioned, the trade in bread, the main “gold” of the region, in distant years turned the Saratov province into one of the main centers of the Russian economy. A key role in the development of the city was played by its location between the main centers of grain trade, Saratov and Balashov. But the city has always stood apart from its neighbors, which were stronger in all respects.

At one time, the key event was the opening of a station in the Tambov-Saratov direction, as well as the creation of a branch to Volsk. Since that time, there has been an influx of specialists in various fields, from workers to artisans. With the advent of roads, the economic and geographical position has improved, the city has become a major point of grain trade.

All villages brought grain to the city, where merchants purchased it, and then sent it by train to the capital and other large cities. Every year, up to three million pounds of bread were brought here. Nowadays, the city is popular for the production of equipment for the mining and processing industry, as well as, as before, for the supply of agricultural products.

Administrative and municipal status

Within the structure of administrative units, Atkarsk serves as the administrative center of Atkarsky District,[5] although it is not part of it.[12] As an administrative division, it is registered separately as Atkarsk City of regional subordination

[12] - an administrative unit with a status equal to that of districts.[
citation needed
] As a municipal entity, the City of Atkarsk of regional jurisdiction is part of the Atkarsky municipal district as
the Atkarsky urban settlement


(Saratov region)

OKATO code:
18th century.
City since:
1780 City of district subordination (Atkarsky district, Saratov region)
Atkarsky district
Telephone code (reference phone)


Deviation from Moscow time, hours:
Geographic latitude:
Geographic longitude:
Altitude above sea level, meters:
180 Sunrise and sunset times in the city of Atkarsk

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