Review of the Holy Trinity Seraphim-Diveevo Convent with photos

The Holy Trinity Seraphim-Diveevo Convent is an amazing place that I visited as a tourist. I would like to share with you my impressions of the main attraction of the village of Diveevo, Nizhny Novgorod region.

I will tell you in detail everything that I saw and learned there, and will also show you photos of this unique and very beautiful place. I will explain where the Holy Trinity Seraphim-Diveevo Convent is located. My review is for those who are going or just thinking about going to Diveevo.

Unfortunately, the photos were taken in cloudy weather. But still, they fully reflect the beautiful architectural ensemble of the monastery. It is believed that the Seraphim-Diveevo Convent is a holy place, a place of strength and purification, which has great charm!

Holy Trinity Seraphim-Diveevo Convent: first acquaintance

The trip was planned. And so we got into the car and hit the road. It was early spring. Our path lay in the Nizhny Novgorod region. We had to travel 470 versts from the city of Kineshma and more than 6 hours to the village of Diveevo, which is located in the south of the Nizhny Novgorod region. The village itself is located on the banks of the Vichkinza River. The distance from Diveevo to Nizhny Novgorod is 180 km, and to the city of Arzamas – 65 km.

People come here to understand the meaning of their whole life, to escape from everyday worries and bustle. This place is considered the best for a believer who wants to devote time to his soul.

Pilgrims from all over the world come to pray and ask for healing of their ailments. Various people come here - both believers and simply curious tourists - in order to understand a lot about themselves and become involved in history.

Seraphim-Diveevo Convent

We arrived at the Seraphim-Diveevo Monastery in the late afternoon. The sky was clean and clear. I immediately wanted to take a walk and look around the whole area. The monastery impressed with its majesty and rich decoration of the temples. While walking, we saw the beauty of the evening temples. It was an amazing sight!

I was in Diveevo for the first time. The large beautiful village greeted us with peace and quiet. There is such splendor around! For me, the most important thing when traveling to holy places is the opportunity to relax your soul. During the day, Trinity Church turned out to be green. It is in it that the relics of Seraphim of Sarov are located.

The next day, in the morning the weather was cloudy and there was a dank rain, but despite this, buses with pilgrims kept arriving and arriving. The Holy Diveyevo Convent attracts a lot of people. All pilgrims want to feel the atmosphere of godly places in this monastery.

Here are the Relics of the Holy Venerable Seraphim of Sarov

Temples and churches in Diveevo

Religious sites are an important component of the village's tourist treasures. All of them, as a rule, are located on the territory of the monastery, but there are also some that can be seen in the vicinity of Diveevo.

Trinity Cathedral

The main church of the monastery is the Trinity Cathedral. Its elegant appearance is the work of the architect A. Turmyshev. The master from Nizhny Novgorod combined classicist architectural features with elements of Old Russian and Byzantine styles.

The temple appeared to the world in the second half of the 19th century; it was built from 1848 to 1875. It functioned in its original form until 1927. In Soviet times it fell into disrepair and was plundered. After the collapse of the USSR in the 1990s, the shrine was restored.

Transfiguration Cathedral

The creation of the architect A. Antonov is a temple in the Old Russian style. It was erected exactly on the eve of the revolution. It was completed in 1916, but they did not have time to equip it. The church never became a place for services; its history almost ended before it began. In Soviet times, plans were hatched to undermine the building.

Fortunately, this did not happen - after restoration in the 1990s, the cathedral finally opened its doors at the beginning of the new century. The golden-domed, richly painted inside parish became a storage place for shrines that attracted pilgrims. Here are the relics of St. Martha and Blessed Pasha of Sarov.

Blagoveshchensky cathedral

A new century building, the appearance of which on the territory of the monastery is associated with its ancient history. It is believed that the Monk Seraphim himself bequeathed to build a temple on this site. The architecture of the cathedral, erected only in 2011, embodies the spirit of Moscow Baroque of the 18th century. The temple complex, as reviews and experts say, is very similar to the Assumption Church of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra.

Kazan Cathedral

The same name as the famous St. Petersburg cathedral, the temple in Diveevo is the “first sign” in the history of the local monastery. It was decided to build it on the very spot where the Mother of God appeared to Alexandra. The architectural style is Russian Baroque.

The cathedral was first built in 1779. The current Kazan Church is the result of restoration work that took place at the beginning of the new millennium. During the Soviet era, its building housed a dormitory for technical school students.

Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in the village of Suvorovo

In the Diveyevo region there is the village of Suvorovo, which is also extremely remarkable from the point of view of Orthodox culture. Previously it was called Puzo. A famous native of this village, the holy fool Dunya Shishkova, was shot in 1919 along with three other nuns - Maria and two Darias. All of them are canonized as new martyrs.

The relics of the venerable martyrs of Puzov are kept in the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary - this is the main attraction of the village of Suvorov. The church has been known since 1654, when these lands belonged to the boyar Grigory Pushkin. The stone temple was erected two centuries later, in the 1840s. During Soviet times it was ordered to be destroyed. It was restored in the 1990s.

Skete of the Holy Martyrs Florus and Laurus

The Holy Diveevsky Monastery includes a monastery, which appeared in 1997, four kilometers from the main monastery, on the banks of the Lomovka River. It was erected in the place where in imperial times there was a monastery farm with outbuildings.

The illumination took place in 2005 in honor of Florus and Laurel. The Holy Great Martyrs were not chosen by chance. Thus, they gave tribute to the “roots”, because the founder of the monastery came to these lands from the Kyiv Florovsky Monastery.

Overview of the Seraphim-Diveevo Convent

The Holy Trinity Seraphim-Diveevo Convent is an amazing holy place in which many believers believe that Diveevo is a wonderland where dreams come true. This is undoubtedly a strong place of Power, prayed for by numerous believers.

Believing Orthodox people come here with the hope of healing. People who are desperate to be cured with the help of doctors arrive here in huge numbers.

After listening to the stories of the guides, you can understand and be convinced that there are quite a lot of cases of healing!

The “Cathedral of All Saints of the Russian Land” was built inside the monastery. It is so beautiful that you can stand on the street for a long time and look at the decoration of the building with icons. The images of all seventeen holy new martyrs and confessors are painted on the walls of this temple. When you enter the church, you get the feeling that they are also taking part in the worship service.

Holy Trinity Seraphim-Diveevo Convent: Cathedral of Diveevo Saints

The Seraphim-Diveevo Monastery is illuminated with original colorful lighting in the late evening. It doesn't close until 11pm. Crowds of people walk through the monastery, looking at the domes of cathedrals and temples, intricate chapels, illuminated street icons and huge colorful Easter eggs.

The path along the Holy Canal is slightly elevated and is always well lit; people slowly walk along it in complete silence. It’s noticeable even to me, a person who just came for an excursion, how unique, kind, quiet and bright this place is.

Relics of St. Seraphim in the St. Diveyevo Convent

The relics of Seraphim of Sarov are venerated in the Trinity Cathedral every day from 8 am to 8 pm. Orthodox people in a long line slowly move along the Trinity Church. Thousands of people visit the Diveyevo monastery every day. She is glorified by the miracles of the saint of God, St. Seraphim.

Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery in the Nizhny Novgorod region

In prayers to the Holy Saints, the suffering express their needs and pray heartily. The Monk Seraphim of Sarov is asked to heal various diseases, but mainly diseases of the joints, legs and back. Even in rain and bad weather, people stand in line for hours to see the relics without complaining.

After all, St. Seraphim of Sarov is responsive to the needs of the people and human grief. He, as if alive, is always close to those who come to him for help - he heals and consoles. Before any business in the monastery, prayers are first served with an akathist to St. Seraphim, and only then they begin to work.

All life in the monastery is subordinated to Father Seraphim, the spiritual father and organizer of this monastery. His living presence is felt everywhere. People know that he will definitely help; believers and monastics from all over the country rush to him.

Diveyevo Convent: where it is, how to get there

The Seraphim-Diveevo Monastery stores many shrines and prayer books. The holy remains are in the churches of the Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery. The wonders of this place have always awed people. Pilgrims come here to venerate the relics of revered saints. People with serious illnesses reach the monastery, believing in miracles of healing, and often receive them.

In the churches and monastery lie the relics or particles of St. Helena, Mother Alexandra, Schema-Nun Martha, Blessed Pelageya, Paraskeva, Reverend Confessor Matrona and other saints. On the days of remembrance of these saints, a festive liturgy is served.

Holy Diveyevo Convent: graves of the blessed Diveyevo

Every morning the Holy Trinity Seraphim-Diveevo Monastery wakes up with prayers that are read and troparions are sung. Prayers are held in front of the relics of saints and icons with their particles. Then the oil from the lamps, which is considered sacred, is distributed to the believing people as a great shrine.

The Diveyevo blesseds - Pelageya, Paraskeva, Blessed Maria and others - are buried in the graves next to the Trinity Cathedral. Some relics from these graves were transferred to the Kazan Church, where you can venerate them with prayers and reverence. At burials, you can put notes with wishes and requests for healing in specially placed bowls.

The relics of saints are kept in crayfish - small decorated coffins made of valuable wood and precious metals.

Very small particles are stored in reliquaries - boxes in which particles of the saint’s clothing are placed. Small particles of relics can be inserted into icons and crosses. Of course, the main patron saint of the monastery is Father Seraphim.

In the video - Diveevo (a village in the south of the Nizhny Novgorod region)

Holy Trinity Seraphim-Diveevo Monastery: Holy Kanavka

The Diveevo Convent is also famous for its Holy Canal. It is also called the Mother of God Canal. This is one of the holy beautiful places in the monastery, which looks like an open broken ring. Believers walk along it, whispering the prayer “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary.” An icon with this prayer is sold in any shop in the territory, and rosary beads are also sold here.

According to legend, the Mother of God herself walked around the territory of the monastery, and in memory of this event a ditch was made, above which rises an embankment about 3 meters high with a beautiful paved path on top.

When walking along the Holy Canal, you need to have time to read the prayer 150 times. Therefore, people walk slowly, with their heads down, reading a prayer and counting the required number of times on their rosary. Walking along the path, you experience a feeling of peace and joy. Even non-believers remember this walk for a lifetime.

To those who simply pass by and do not pray, it seems that the people walking with prayer are immersed in a prayer trance. Millions of people come here, believing in the healing power of this place.

The length of the Holy Canal is 775 meters. Around are well-groomed gardens of fruit trees: apple, pear and cherry trees. At the end of the ditch there is a chapel where blessed crackers and butter are distributed. True, there are always long queues of believers.

Diveyevo Convent: Holy Groove of the Virgin Mary

Seraphim-Diveevo Monastery: Holy Springs

The Diveevo Convent is famous for its Holy Springs. There are five of them in the village, the rest are located in the surrounding area several kilometers away. Two springs - St. Alexandra and the Iveron Mother of God - are located very close to the monastery.

At the entrance to the territory of the springs there are wells for collecting water and wooden carved benches. There is a stream nearby where you can feed cute ducks. The area of ​​the springs is equipped with indoor baths.

The bathhouse for women inside is small, cozy, with benches for changing clothes. In the center there is a font with icy clear water.

And the other three sources - the Healer Panteleimon, the Kazan Icon and Tenderness - are located within a 10-15 minute walk from the monastery. The Holy Springs have ice-cold healing water. You need to plunge your head three times. There were quite a lot of people who wanted to bathe with prayer in holy water.

And whoever, for some reason, cannot do this, simply pours water from a source on his head or washes his face. Here you can also collect water in your own container or container, purchased from numerous shops located nearby.

Trinity Seraphim-Diveevo Convent: Holy Springs

Interesting places

holy groove

Holy Groove
This building is one of the main holy places of the Diveyevo Monastery. According to legend, the Mother of God herself ordered it to be dug, appearing in a dream to Seraphim of Sarov. A prerequisite was that it should be dug only by the nuns of the Diveyevo monastery. The monk indicated the location of the groove, focusing on the path along which the Mother of God walked in his vision. He began digging the ditch with his own hands in the summer of 1829. The installation of the ditch took several years. During the Soviet era, the ditch was buried in many places. Its restoration began in 1992. Nowadays, during services, people often walk around the Holy Canal, accompanied by prayers to the Mother of God.

House of Blessed Pasha of Sarov

Pilgrims visiting the Diveyevo Monastery often come to this place to pray. A museum was opened here in 2010. Blessed Pasha of Sarov (in the world Praskovya Ivanovna) lived in this house. At one time, she predicted the death of the Romanov family and prayed every minute for all humanity. Notable people of that time often came to her for advice. The museum consists of three halls. In the first there is an exhibition recreating the interior of the room in which the blessed one lived. In the second hall, museum visitors can see dresses and monastic robes that belonged to both Praskovya Ivanovna herself and the first abbess of the monastery, Mother Alexandra. The third room is dedicated to Saint Seraphim of Sarov - here you can see furniture that the saint himself made, and other ancient objects.

Diveyevo Convent: infrastructure

The Holy Trinity Seraphim-Diveevo Convent is located in the large beautiful village of Diveevo, where the infrastructure is well developed. Here you can always find accommodation for every taste and for any time.

Public transport is available and good food is provided. The village has shops, a pharmacy, a hospital, numerous cafes and restaurants, a canteen, and a Sberbank branch.

Visiting pilgrims often eat in the Orthodox monastery refectory. The food there is lean and lacks variety. Having arrived at the place, you can rent an inexpensive room from local residents. The price per night is 400-500 rubles per person, or even less.

Trinity Seraphim-Diveevo Convent

The Diveevo Convent is a special world. At the entrance to it there is a Pilgrimage Center. It is possible to stay there for the night or stay if you have an identity document - a passport or driver's license.

The schedule of the Diveyevo Convent can be seen at the entrance. It is open to the public from 5 a.m. until late in the evening. At 23:00 its gates are closed for the night.

All pilgrims know how to behave correctly in the Holy Monastery. Well, those who come on an excursion need to understand that foul language, smoking and alcoholic drinks are strictly prohibited here.

There is a sense of calm and a kind of prayerful silence in the monastery. At the same time there are crowds of people around. You should behave quietly so as not to disturb the monastic way of life.

From the video you will learn everything about the Diveevo Convent

What time to visit the monastery

People rush to the shrines at the call of their hearts exactly when they should be here. The timing of the trip is also chosen based on priority desires. The nature of the monastery reflects the natural beauty of all seasons. Therefore, you can opt to visit the monastery during your favorite season.

From May to September the opportunity to swim in healing springs is added. The mildest months for this are May and September. In May, mosquitoes appear near the water, people stock up on protective equipment. If it is more important to take part in special events or memorable ones, get acquainted with the Orthodox calendar in advance.

The monastery is crowded on weekends and church holidays. Therefore, it is better for those who like less crowds to visit the days when multi-day fasts take place. During such periods, fewer festive events are held, and the influx of pilgrims decreases accordingly.

There is less influx of people, slightly lower prices, discounts and promotions are organized more often in the winter months. The exception is during the New Year holidays.

What can be cited from the Seraphim-Diveevo Monastery

There are many souvenir shops and small shops on the territory of the monastery. Father Seraphim's crackers, consecrated in his cauldron, are considered an exclusive souvenir. They are inexpensive - 35-45 rubles, available for sale in all stores. They are made in the monastery. By the way, very tasty and crispy.

As a gift for believers, you can purchase beautiful scarves for visiting churches that are consecrated on the relics. They sell soil and grass from the Holy Canal, as well as blessed oil. For believers these are very expensive shrines.

In the shops you can buy church utensils, magnets, books, icons and blessed sets of wax candles for home use. I bought small souvenirs for my mother - a magnet, crackers and blessed candles.

Diveyevo Convent: photos of souvenirs

Travel tips

The Holy Trinity Seraphim-Diveevo Convent requires compliance with the rules for visiting godly holy places. I would like to give some advice for those who are planning to go there.

  1. Filming is prohibited inside temples and cathedrals. You can take photographs on the territory of the monastery.
  2. There are no problems with parking. For motorist pilgrims and tourists, it is located right on the territory of the monastery and is completely free.
  3. Women and even little girls must wear long skirts and cover their heads inside cathedrals and temples.
  4. You need to venerate the relics of saints correctly - with your lips and forehead, then bow.
  5. In holy springs, you need a towel for bathing, and women also need an undershirt. If you didn’t take it from home, you can buy it nearby in shops.

Make your trip to the holy place a joy for your soul. Don’t forget about the main purpose of the trip, don’t fuss and engage in empty conversations, try not to judge your neighbor, and perhaps God will allow you to fulfill your deepest desires.


The time spent in Diveevo is worth devoting to repentance for sins committed, enjoying the beauty of the temples, looking inside your soul and answering many questions for yourself. You can slowly think about your life and decide how you can improve a lot in it and fix something.

The trip to the Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery was interesting and eventful, it will remain in my memory for a long time. I definitely want to come back here in the summer to swim in the Holy Springs, since this time it was very cold outside, and I couldn’t plunge into the icy water of the spring.

To the places of my travels in Russia I added one more place - the Diveevo Convent, where I was able to feel the grace of the Holy place and understand a lot about myself.

Please write whether you liked my story, whether the article was interesting and informative, whether you would like to visit Diveevo? I will be glad to hear your opinion in the comments. With sincere respect to you, author of the online diary, Olga

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