Museums of Kazan - the most complete overview, marks on the map, photos, reviews, ticket prices

We have collected the main Kazan museums dedicated to the history of the city and region, art, the work of famous people who lived and worked in Kazan, national cuisine and even nostalgia for the Soviet era.

  • If you are in Kazan with a child, then there is a separate selection of children’s interactive museums in Kazan that are worth visiting
  • The most important Kazan attractions, in addition to museums, are in this article.
  • If you have one or two free days left in Kazan, here is a guide to the cities and attractions of Tatarstan, where you can get from Kazan in 2-3 hours.

National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan

Address: st. Kremlevskaya, 2 Telephone: Opening hours: Tue, Wed, Sat, Sun 10:00 - 18:00, Thu 13:00 - 21:00, Fri 10:00 - 17:00, Monday closed, last Wednesday of each month - sanitary day. Ticket price: 150 rubles, first Wednesday of the month - admission is free.

This is a museum of national importance - the largest in Tatarstan. Its history goes back 120 years, since it was founded in 1895. The basis for it was the personal collection of Andrei Likhachev, supplemented by other artifacts.

Nowadays the museum's funds number more than 900,000 exhibits (scientific, musical and literary) that relate to the history of Tatarstan. Among them is the Tatar ethnographic collection or the carriage of Empress Catherine II, in which she sat during her visit to Kazan.

One of the halls is dedicated to manuscripts and ancient books, among which are the “Moabit notebooks” (poems by Musa Jalil, composed by him in the Moabit prison). In the hall with decorations there is a Bulgarian collection of gold jewelry - the only one in the world. In addition, in the museum you can look at figurines from Egypt, artifacts from the Ananyinsky burial grounds, copper dishes, religious drawings, lamps and much more.

The most interesting museums in Kazan - a list of the main Kazan museums with addresses and prices

Many great figures of science, culture and politics were born and lived in Kazan. Others simply visited the city, leaving their mark on it forever. All this is captured and lovingly preserved in the museum collections of Tatarstan. In this article, I have highlighted the Top 10 main museums in Kazan, which I recommend everyone to visit when visiting the city.

Museum of Happy Childhood

The Kazan Museum of Happy Childhood houses iconic items of the Soviet era in the form of toys, school supplies and uniforms, pioneer and Komsomol paraphernalia. Its analogue is the Museum of Socialist Life, where celebrities of the past left their memorabilia.

When my friends and I, who were born in the USSR, walked around the halls of these museums, we experienced nostalgic feelings. But the children saw what their fathers and mothers played and what desks they studied at. Here you are allowed to touch backpacks, primers, forges and much more. In essence, this is a kind of retrospective, covering the life of a Soviet person from nursery to the army and demonstrating rarities of that time.

Opening hours: both museums are open daily, seven days a week, from 10:00 to 20:00. How much does it cost: entrance to each museum will cost 250 rubles. for an adult and 150 rub. for a child; Moreover, if you buy a ticket to one museum, then tickets to the second will be at a discount of 50 rubles. Where is it located: the address of the Museum of Happy Childhood is Universitetskaya St., 9, and the address of the Museum of Socialist Life is Universitetskaya St., 6, that is, they are located very close to each other; Both are just 5-7 minutes walk from the main transport ring of Kazan - Tukay Square.

Chak-chak Museum

The museum is located in a real Tatar house, in which the life of the local residents is recreated. Visitors are told about the rituals and customs of the Tatars: how weddings were played in the old days, tables were set for holidays and what dishes were prepared. How in the far corner of the house, like a giant icicle, there stood a sweet crystal - only in this form was sugar sold then, and quite expensively. That's why ordinary people pampered themselves with delicate honey.

Museum employees in national costumes conduct master classes on preparing real traditional chak-chak, which I described in detail in this article. This museum is one of the most popular among tourists, which is not surprising. It's warm and cozy here. A particularly touching ritual is drinking tea from a samovar and in saucers, accompanied by honey chak-chak and berry marshmallow.

Opening hours: daily from 11:00 to 19:00, seven days a week. Museum tours begin at 11:30, 13:00, 14:30, 16:00 and 17:30. How much does it cost: on weekdays tickets cost 450 rubles. adults, 350 rub. for children under 14 years old, and on weekends both for 50 rubles. expensive. Where is it located: the Chak-Chak Museum is located at Paris Commune Street, 18; You can get there by bus No. 5, 6, 23, 56, 72 and 74 or trolleybus No. 3 and 5 to the Galiaskar Kamal Theater stop, as well as by tram No. 3 and 5 to the Paris Commune street stop.

Museum of Natural History of Tatarstan

To get to know the flora and fauna of the republic, its geology and mineral resources, I advise you to visit the Museum of Natural History of Tatarstan. The entire exhibition is presented in an interesting interactive form, so that the excursion will appeal to representatives of different ages.

The first section is dedicated to the Earth and the astronomical field. Nearby is a collection of minerals and fallen meteorites. Here we learned how the formation and production of oil, bitumen, and coal occurs. In six paleontological zones you can trace the evolution of vertebrates and see the skeletons of ancient fossils found on the territory of Tatarstan.

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Opening hours: the museum is open from 10:00 to 18:00, on Friday from 11:00 to 20:00, closed on Monday; The box office stops selling tickets half an hour before the museum closes. How much does it cost: 250 rubles. for adults, 150 rub. for students and pensioners, free for children under 18 years old; You can also purchase an audio guide for 200 rubles. Where is it located: the museum is located on the territory of the Kazan Kremlin, the easiest way to get to it is by metro to the Kremlevskaya station.

Museum of the Old Tatar Settlement

The Tatar Bistese Museum, located in a picturesque area of ​​Kazan, offers an opportunity to get acquainted with the formation of the settlement. Actually, I would say that the Tatarskaya Sloboda area is an open-air museum in itself, so be sure to take a walk among its painted houses and ancient mosques. Here is my ready-made walking route.

The museum also displays antiques, and historical video footage and black-and-white photographs of local residents in folk costumes help to understand the customs and family values ​​of the past. The biography of great people who left their mark on culture and science has been restored. A large screen shows mosques from the 18th century. The tour ends with a traditional Tatar tea party. Other very authentic museums in Sloboda, which are also worth visiting if possible, are the Kayum Nasyri Museum and the Gabdulla Tukay Museum, dedicated to famous Tatar writers.

Opening hours: daily from 10:00 to 19:00, seven days a week. How much does it cost: 400 rubles. entrance to the museum + 250 rub. tea party upon request. Where it is located: in the area of ​​Staro-Tatarskaya Sloboda at Kayuma Nasyri St., 38, it is directly opposite the Apanaevskaya Mosque.

House-Museum of V.I. Lenin

No less impressive is the house-museum of V.I. Lenin, recreating the Kazan life of Vladimir Ilyich. As a university student, he lived with his family in a building that is a monument of wooden architecture that has preserved its original appearance.

During his stay in Kazan, the fate of the future leader was determined. In the interior, which replicates the furniture arrangement, you can see original certificates, photocopies, and the revolutionary’s student card. Members of the Ulyanov family and their relatives participated in the creation. By the way, on one of our trips to Kazan, we rented an apartment for daily rent in a building where there was a chess club in which Volodya Ulyanov played.

Opening hours: Tue-Sun - from 10:00 to 17:00, Mon - closed; The last Wednesday of the month is sanitary day. How much does it cost: 150 rubles, reduced price - 50 rubles; first Tuesday of the month entrance to the V.I. Museum Lenin in Kazan is free. Where is it located: at Ulyanov-Lenin St., 58; The nearest stop on Tolstoy Street, where buses No. 29 and 90 stop, is located 400 m from the museum, about 5-7 minutes on foot.

Panorama Museum of the History of Kazan

The theme of history on a larger scale is continued by the City Panorama museum complex. Scientists, artists, designers, and engineers worked to implement the idea using digital technologies.

The museum surprises visitors with unique layouts, interactive stands, virtual tours, and educational games. Documentary chronicles and photographs highlight the stages of the city's development. In conclusion, you can take a photo with Peter I and other figures, and also have a snack in a café-tram, illusoryly traveling through the ancient streets of Kazan.

Opening hours: daily from 10:00 to 18:00, on Friday - from 11:00 to 20:00; The ticket office closes an hour earlier. How much does it cost: for an adult 550 rubles. for an adult; for schoolchildren, students and pensioners - 300 rubles; Children under 6 years old have free admission. Where it is located: at Dzerzhinsky street, no. 7, it is next to the Black Lake park. You can get here by bus No. 22, 28a and 89 to the KAI stop, or just walk from the Kazan Kremlin, it will take only 7-10 minutes (~500 m).

Museum of Konstantin Vasiliev

Kazan artist Konstantin Vasiliev painted in an unusual manner. The paintings depict the nature of the Volga region and the North in close connection with strong-willed people. The drawing of details in the works is amazing, it turns out so piercingly truly. The most beautiful pictures!

A rich collection of paintings is also presented in the Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan, where you can find paintings by I.I. Shishkin, I.E. Repin, V.V. Kandinsky, as well as collections of artists of Tatarstan.

Opening hours: Konstantin Vasiliev Gallery is open daily from 10:00 to 18:00, closed on Mondays. The Museum of Fine Arts is also open from 10:00 to 18:00 daily, but seven days a week. How much does it cost: an entrance ticket to the Vasiliev Gallery costs 160 rubles for adults, 60 rubles for schoolchildren and students. Entrance to the Museum of Fine Arts will cost 300 rubles. adults, 150 rub. for students and pensioners, free for schoolchildren. Where is it located: the address of the Vasiliev Museum in Kazan is Bauman St., 29/11, you can reach it from the Ring - the main transport intersection, where almost any transport stops, including the metro (Tukaya Square station). The address of the Museum of Fine Arts is Karl Marx St., 64. The nearest stop is Tolstoy St., 100 m from the museum. Buses No. 22, 28, 89, as well as trolleybuses No. 2, 3, 5, 7 and 8 stop here.

National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan

The largest cultural and educational institution in the Volga region is the National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan. It is based on the legacy of A.F. Likhachev, who was an archaeologist, historian and collector. Later the materials were replenished by patrons.

The funds contain artifacts found during excavations of burial grounds, ancient scrolls, manuscripts, and weapons. The museum's pride is its numismatic collections. A spectacular exhibition of festive dresses and jewelry. A valuable exhibit is the carriage of Catherine II.

Opening hours: Tue-Wed and Sat-Sun from 10:00 to 18:00, Mon - closed, Thu - from 13:00 to 21:00, Fri - from 10:00 to 17:00. How much does it cost: 150 rubles. standard, 75 rub. preferential. Where is it located: the address of the national museum in Kazan is Kremlevskaya street, no. 2, you can reach it from the Spasskaya Tower of the Kazan Kremlin in a couple of minutes, and the most convenient way to get there is by metro to the Kremlevskaya station.

Museum of Islamic Culture

This is the only museum in the country that is dedicated to the culture and history of Islam among the Turkic-Tatar peoples of the Volga and Urals regions. Its collection contains more than a hundred exhibits, divided into three main themes and eras: Muslim civilization from Bulgar to Kazan, the transformation of Islam on Kazan soil in the period of the 18th - 21st centuries, the book culture of the Tatar people.

The museum is equipped with various interactive multimedia stands, installations and tablets that introduce visitors to the Tatar view of Islam, showing religion as a source of culture, education and a rich written tradition for Muslims.

Opening hours: from 9:00 to 18:00 daily, seven days a week. How much does it cost: adults - 200 rubles, students and pensioners - 100 rubles, children under 18 years old - free. Where it is located: on the ground floor of the famous Kul Sharif mosque in the Kazan Kremlin, which is conveniently accessible by metro to Kremlevskaya station.

Literary and Memorial Museum of A.M. Gorky and F.I. Shalyapin.

Lovers of literature and art should definitely look into the Literary and Memorial Museum of A. M. Gorky and F. I. Chaliapin, which is located in the building where young Peshkov worked as a baker’s assistant. Interesting are the exhibitions with personal items, archival documents, photographs, and the writer’s library.

On the second floor of the museum there is a collection of the Kazan singer Fyodor Chaliapin: his records, a gramophone on which you can listen to them, theatrical attire, iconography, many letters and posters. Today, literary readings and creative meetings are held here. A very atmospheric museum with the spirit of brilliant personalities!

Opening hours: Tue-Wed and Sat-Sun - from 10:00 to 17:00, Thu - from 12:00 to 20:00, Fri - from 10:00 to 16:00, Mon - closed, last Wednesday of each month - Sanitary day. How much does it cost: 100 rubles. for adults, 50 rub. — discount ticket; The first Tuesday of every month is free for everyone. Where is it located: at Maxim Gorky St., 10. Directly opposite the museum is the Karim Tinchurin Theater stop, where buses No. 10, 30, 35a, 54, 63 and 91 stop, as well as trolleybuses No. 3, 5, 7, and 8.

If you go to Kazan with a child, you can find children’s museums for him on the pedestrian Bauman Street. There are more than a dozen of them, the most fun, exciting and entertaining. I listed and described them in detail in this separate article.

Museums of Kazan on the city map

This map shows the sights, museums and galleries of Kazan. All of the museums listed above are marked with yellow markers.

By clicking on the marks, you can find out the details of each of the marked places. If necessary, change the scale of the map using the “+” and “-” buttons.

In addition to the museums described in the article, one should not forget about the open-air museum complexes, which are included in UNESCO heritage sites. I talked about them in all colors and with maximum usefulness in detailed articles - Sviyazhsk, Great Bolgar and the Kazan Kremlin.

Of course, this list of Kazan museums is not limited to just a dozen. But I included in it the most interesting museums, which from different angles convey the rich history and heritage of Tatarstan to the maximum extent possible.

Museum of the 1000th anniversary of Kazan

Address: Pushkina, 86 Phone: Fax: E-mail: Website: Opening hours: Tue-Sun – 11:00-17:00 Cost: 75 rubles.

The Museum of the 1000th Anniversary of Kazan tells about the history of the city’s emergence and development from ancient times to the present day. It is located in the building of the National Cultural Center, near Freedom Square, on the banks of the Kazanka River.

A branch of the museum is located in the Kazan City Hall; symbols of city government and archival documents about the history of local government are stored here.

The museum's collection contains about 50 thousand exhibits of archeology and ethnography, numismatics and cartography, historical documents and book rarities, works of fine and decorative art.

The exhibition presents ancient lost monuments, including the legendary Kazan Gate - a symbol of independence. The city key, made by analogy with the Bulgarian keys, was restored to the gate.

The museum also contains exhibits telling about the stay of the royal persons Peter I, Nicholas I and Catherine the Great in Kazan. The exhibition concludes with materials devoted to the history of the city during the USSR period and modern Kazan.

The building of the Kazan National Cultural Center offers a magnificent panorama of the city, and below there is a promenade along the Kazanka River with a bicycle path.

Museum of Socialist Life

Address: Ostrovsky st., 39/6 Telephone, E-mail: Website: Opening hours: Mon-Sun – 11:00-19:00 Cost: adult - 250 rubles, children - 150 rubles.

The Museum of Socialist Life is a unique place where everyone takes a trip to the already forgotten 70s–80s of the twentieth century.

This is a real communal apartment in a house built in the mid-19th century: brick walls, old wiring, cast-iron radiators. Not only the interior, but also the exhibitions match the museum: “USSR from Space”, “Toy: Made in the USSR”, “Female Beauty in the Soviet Union”, “Jeans as a Cult”, “Countries of the Soviet Pioneer”, “Bad Habits in the USSR” ", "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame" and many others.

The main theme of the Museum of Socialist Life is the positive emotions that arise in visitors when looking at objects from the 70s and 80s, which you can pick up without fear of dropping or spoiling, because in order to break what was “made in the USSR” you have to try hard.

The exhibits were not selected on the basis of special value (although there are some) or quantity. What is important is the history that is associated with each thing, and the emotions that it can awaken. As soon as you take up table hockey or look into an old kaleidoscope, half-forgotten memories arise in your memory.

Museum of Happy Childhood

Address: Universitetskaya, 9 Opening hours: Mon-Sun – 10:00-20:00 Cost: adult - 250 rubles, children - 150 rubles.

Branch of the Museum of Socialist Life. The Museum of Happy Childhood is the very place where every adult can feel like a child, plunge into the happiest time and for a moment again become a carefree schoolchild or the most mischievous girl in the yard.

The exhibition, collected from things and objects familiar to everyone, starting from a recreated school class and ending with the real moped that every boy dreamed of, will take you, like a real time machine, to a whole era - the era of youth and youth, which is sometimes so lacking in our busy adult lives.

Cost of a trip to Kazan in 2019-2020

Food prices in Kazan 2019

Of course, the cost of food depends on a person's preferences. Some go to expensive restaurants, some eat snacks, and some cook at home. Therefore, everyone chooses the option that suits them.

There are quite a few canteens in Kazan, where lunch for one will cost 200-300 rubles. If you want to go to a cafe in the evening, then you should expect to spend 700-1000 rubles per person; restaurants will be even more expensive. And, of course, throughout the city there are points of both local fast food and chain restaurants.

Hotel prices in Kazan in 2022

For family travelers there are many alternatives to suit every taste and budget, for example:

  1. All inclusive hotels.
  2. Holiday homes, hotels and boarding houses.
  3. Housing in the private sector from the owner.
  4. Daily housing. This is sometimes more profitable than hotels...

To find out how much a room costs in Kazan, you should look at the date of your trip on specialized websites, since prices greatly depend on this. The cost of hotels in Kazan starts from 1000 rubles, a bed in a hostel costs from 450 rubles.

The cost of daily housing in Kazan will be higher than hotel rooms. You can find out how much it costs to rent an apartment in Kazan on local ad sites. The average price for a one-room apartment is 1500-2000 rubles.

Transport prices

Tourists appreciate the developed public transport in Kazan. The cost is budget, but the trips are quite comfortable. The cost of a bus ticket in Kazan is 27 rubles. The same is the cost of travel in Kazan by trolleybus, tram and metro.

Like other cities, there are network taxi services here. In Kazan, the cost of a trip will be approximately the same as in other large cities.

Vacationers with any preferences and budget will be able to find where to go with children in Kazan. Theaters and water parks, historical attractions and modern entertainment - this city has it all. Everyone can choose what to see in Kazan and where to go with children.

Museum of Natural History of Tatarstan

Address: Kremlin Phone: , +7 (843) 567-80-37 E-mail: Website: Opening hours: Tue-Thu – 10 :00-18:00 Fri – 12:00-21:00 Cost: adult - 200 rubles, children - 80 rubles.

The Museum of Natural History of Tatarstan is a scientific and educational institution and a center of information about the geological history of the republic, mineral resources, fossils, flora and fauna.

An interactive approach is used here. You can weigh yourself on the world’s only “cosmic scale” and find out how much you would weigh on the Moon, Mars, Sirius and Venus. You can admire the collection of minerals and learn how they are mined. By looking through the eyepiece of the interactive telescope, you can observe celestial objects.

In all halls, in addition to the exhibits familiar to the visitor’s eye, there are multimedia touch kiosks, monitors, and plasma panels that most fully reveal the theme of the exhibition. The museum constantly hosts excursions and additional exhibitions, as well as various events to popularize science among schoolchildren. A unique exhibit is also kept here - a slab with imprints of traces of an ancient parareptile animal of the Permian age (255 million years).

Quest rooms: for the smart and inquisitive

All family members will be interested in finding themselves in rooms that hide many mysteries and secrets that must be solved in order to get to the exit. Players will have to be smart and attentive.

The rooms start working from 10:00 and their doors are open for aspiring detectives until 18:00. Themed room options for family fun:

  • "Predator Kids"
  • "In Space"
  • "Minotaur Kids"

Cost – from 500 rub. per person.


Interesting options for children are also offered by “Quest Country”

Centers where you can plunge into the extraordinary world of science and understand the nature of the origin of certain phenomena are also great for schoolchildren and children.

Museum of weapons "Spirit of the Warrior"

Address: Kazan, Sheikmana proezd, 16/1 Website: Telephone: Opening hours: daily from 10:00 to 18:00 Ticket price: Adult ticket - 250 rubles, children's and student tickets - 150 rubles, children under 7 years old free. There are many benefits with free entry.

On the territory of the Artillery (Cannon) yard of the Kazan Kremlin there is a weapons museum “Spirit of the Warrior”.

The museum's exhibition is a collection of materials that reveals the history of weapons and weapons of the Tatars and their ancestors in a historical and cultural context. Visitors are offered archaeological materials characterizing weapons from the Late Bronze Age to the Golden Horde era. Attributes of ancient warriors: military weapons, richly decorated horse equipment, belts and jewelry introduce museum visitors to the culture and everyday life of the Meotians, Scythians, Sarmatians, Huns, Horde, Tatars in wartime and peacetime.

The presented exhibits allow us to clearly trace the history of the development of weapons from the first bronze daggers to steel Horde sabers, from bronze chariots to iron horse harness, from bronze arrowheads to iron Tatar-Mongol cuttings.

In addition to archaeological objects, the museum presents graphic works by corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts Valery Blokhin, as well as sculptural reconstructions of warriors from various eras presented in the exhibition, made by master Alexander Bochkarev. Thus, paintings and sculptural reconstructions allow visitors to imagine the warriors of the past and combine their perception of the objective world with its embodiment in miniature.

Kazan Kremlin

Address: The Kremlin, like the Hermitage that is part of it, is located on the square. Millenniums. From the Kremlevskaya metro station you can walk in ten minutes, first along the street. Bauman, and then along the street. Sheinkman.

Tickets: Entrance to the complex is free, but when visiting museums, ticket prices vary.

Opening hours: When entering through the Spasskaya Tower, the museum is open around the clock. Passage through the Tainitskaya Tower from May to September is open from 8:00 to 22:00, during the rest of the year - from 8:00 to 18:00.

The centuries-old history of the Kazan Kremlin is full of dramatic events. Now the military past is behind us, and now the Kremlin is a huge museum complex where you can walk around all day. All the main attractions of Kazan are concentrated in it. And how beautiful he is!


The Kremlin is the oldest part of the capital, which includes a variety of museums and monuments of Russian history. It is also the residence of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan and has been protected by UNESCO since 2000.

The complex includes:

  • Kul Sharif Mosque;
  • Blagoveshchensky cathedral;
  • Defensive structures;
  • Cannon Yard;
  • Governor's Palace;
  • Public places;
  • Junker School;
  • Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery;
  • ;
  • Museum of Natural History of Tatarstan;
  • WWII Memorial Museum;
  • Museum of Islam.

It takes up to two days to explore the complex, but a quick tour takes only an hour and a half.

Interesting Facts

  1. The Museum of Natural History makes the strongest impression on visitors: facts about space, animals, plants - all in an interactive form for children and adults.
  2. The Syuyumbike Tower is shrouded in legends that can be heard from the guide. Nobody knows why it was built and by whom.
  3. If girls are going to visit a mosque, they should wear closed clothes in advance. Capes may be given upon entry.

Art Museum

Address: K. Marksa, 64 Phone: Website: Opening hours: Tue, Wed, Fri-Sun – 10:00-18:00 Thurs – 10:00-20:00 Cost: adult - 200 rubles. , children's - 70 rub.

The State Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan (Museum of Fine Arts) is one of the largest treasuries of art in Tatarstan and Russia. It is located in the historical part of the city in a mansion of the early 20th century - the former residence of the commander of the Kazan Military District, General A. G. Sandetsky.

The territory of the museum includes the mansion itself, which houses the main exhibitions, as well as a small park, a storage building and a children's creativity center, a scientific archive, a library and a conference room.

The museum has one of the significant collections in the Volga region - more than twenty-five thousand exhibits. Visitors can get acquainted with works from the collections of Old Russian, Russian, Soviet, national, Western European art, collections of graphics and decorative arts.

Museum branches:

  • National Art Gallery "Khazine" in the Kazan Kremlin;
  • Exhibition hall of ancient Russian art in the bell tower of the Epiphany Cathedral;
  • Gallery of Contemporary Art, where collections of contemporary artists are presented, a photo gallery is open, master classes, creative meetings are held, and interest clubs operate;
  • Center for aesthetic education with an exhibition hall, classroom, computer class.

One of the museum’s favorite projects of Kazan residents and city guests is the International Festival of Improvisational Music “JAZZ at the Sandetsky Estate”.

Where to go with children in Kazan

The list of museums and theaters for children in the capital of Tatarstan is quite extensive; you can find entertainment according to age and interests.

Kazan Kremlin

The constant attention of tourists, including children of any age, is attracted by this cultural center of the capital of Tatarstan

It reflects many centuries of this ancient land. In the stone and brick Kremlin you can admire the architecture of the 16th-18th centuries. Also on the territory of the Kazan historical complex there are buildings dating back to the 16th-19th centuries, various museums and exhibition halls, souvenir shops and cafes.

Taken from

Excursions in the Kremlin are held around the clock and are free for adults and children.

House of entertaining science and technology

Among the popular tourist places in Kazan that are never empty is the House of Entertaining Science and Technology. Both children and adults enjoy visiting this science center. Modern interactive exhibits clearly and simply tell about natural phenomena and the surrounding world. Visitors learn with interest how this or that technology works and take direct part in popular science experiments. The center regularly hosts various entertainment programs with a scientific focus.

Park of entertaining sciences "Laboratorium"

No less interesting exhibitions related to science can be viewed in this center. More than fifty museum exhibits introduce children and adults to the principles of mechanics, optics, kinematics, acoustics, thermodynamics, mathematics, astronomy, physics, etc. The park operates on the principle: learning through entertainment, which contributes to the rapid development of children's intelligence. In addition, in the small planetarium, which is located on the territory of the park, you can learn the basics of astronomy and watch a themed film.

Museum "Mishkin House"

The International Museum of Author's Toys is the hallmark of Tatarstan in the development of children's creativity. Here, a world of fabulous imagination of handmade masters will open up for children and their parents.

Each museum exhibit will be of interest to young visitors, who will not only get acquainted with the history of the origin of children's toys, but will also be able to take part in creating the exhibition through creative master classes.

Museum of Happy Childhood

The children will be interested to know what toys their parents had, school supplies and books, sports equipment, school uniforms and everyday clothes.

This cultural center is popular not only with children, but also with adults.

The Wax Museum

In the wax museum, children will be able to see many different characters, both those who once lived on Earth and fictional ones. These are political figures, historical figures, cultural and artistic figures, heroes of different eras and nationalities.

The guide will tell you many interesting facts that will be useful for the mental development of the children.

Museum of Illusions

On Bauman Street there is a museum of illusions filled with interesting exhibitions and installations. Children of any age will be delighted by visiting this exhibition, where they will be able to plunge into an unusual world of illusions and look at the world around them from a different point of view.

Here you can visit the giant’s house, ride a giant bicycle, and take pictures on the deck of the Titanic.

Museum of Illusions in Kazan. photo

Museum of Bicycle Culture

Among the exhibits of this cultural center are about 50 bicycles produced in different countries of the world: England, Germany, Latvia, Russia, France, Switzerland, Japan - from 1869 to the present day.

The collection of this two-wheeled vehicle is complemented by documents that trace the development of cycling in our country and the world. It also contains a large number of thematic books, miniature models, various accessories, films and photographs of famous cycling fans.

Zoo museum

Any child will be interested in visiting the zoological museum - one of the oldest and richest repositories of this type both in Tatarstan and Russia.


In 8 halls of this scientific center of the city there are collections that will be of interest to children and will certainly expand their horizons and knowledge about the past of planet Earth.

Tatar Avyly (“Tatar Village”)

Address: Republic of Tatarstan, Zelenodolsk district, Isakovo village Phone: + Website: VKontakte group Cost: 200 rubles, children under 7 years old free. Master classes are paid additionally (100 rubles each)

The unique open-air ethnographic museum “Tatar Avyly” recreates the life and way of life of a medieval Tatar village; it presents examples of wooden architecture, preserves ethnographic traditions, and shows national cuisine, crafts and legends of the indigenous people.

Here you will get acquainted with the history and culture of the inhabitants of medieval Tatar villages. The exhibition complex is presented in the form of houses and outbuildings typical of Tatar villages of various strata of society of that time - peasants, artisans and merchants, with tools, household utensils and furniture of the 15th-19th centuries. The museum is a convenient visual platform for conducting practical classes to study the history and culture of the Republic of Tatarstan and organize leisure time.

There is a petting zoo for children. Here you can meet an ostrich, look at peacocks and other ornamental birds. Enjoy riding a horse, pony and even a donkey, and enjoy national cuisine.

Mass cultural events are held annually on the territory of the museum: the festival “Uynagyz, garmunnar” (from Tatar - “Play, harmony”), a team-family interactive game “Victory is ours”, a holiday for children “Plow Day”, horse racing, a product fair folk craftsmen and the sale of agricultural products, the game “Journey to the Land of Craft Knowledge.”

House-Museum of Vasily Aksenov

Address: K. Marksa, 55/31 Phone: +7 (843) 238-62-32 E-mail: Website: VKontakte Group Working hours: Mon-Fri – 10:00-18:00 Sat – 10:00-16 :00

The house-museum of Vasily Aksenov, a famous writer, is located on one of the central streets of Kazan in an old mansion. It recreates the atmosphere of Soviet times and Aksenov’s office.

The work of the House-Museum is based on the concept of Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov himself: “This should be a literary and jazz club. There should be a small auditorium... Something that would open the doors to the sprouts of the city's intelligentsia. Where would creative people meet..."

Every month the house hosts thematic meetings with famous writers and poets, as well as literary and musical evenings. Every year in November the museum hosts the literary and music festival “Aksenov Fest”. The festival was first held in Kazan in 2007 and was dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the writer. It was attended by Vasily Aksenov himself, Andrei Makarevich, Bella Akhmadullina and many other famous poets, writers and musicians. At the same time, the Star Ticket award was established to support young talents.

The opening of the Vasily Aksenov House-Museum took place on November 13, 2009 in the house where the writer spent his childhood. This building is a typical 19th century city manor with a mezzanine and basement. In the 1930s, the house was turned into a communal apartment, where, after the arrest of his parents, the future writer lived with his relatives. V. Aksenov’s childhood and youth are closely connected with the capital of Tatarstan, so it is no coincidence that many of his stories are filled with Kazan stories.

House-Museum of V.I.Lenin

Address: Ulyanova-Lenina, 58 Phone: E-mail: Website: Opening hours: Tue-Sun – 09:00-18:00, ticket office 10:00-17:00 Cost: 150 rubles.

The V.I. Lenin House-Museum is located in a wing of the former Orlov house, built in the 1870s in the historical part of Kazan. Here, in 1888-1889, the Ulyanov family lived in a rented apartment upon their return from the village of Kokushkino, the place of V.I. Lenin’s first exile.

The house-museum of V.I. Lenin is a memorial one. It has preserved the unique atmosphere of that time. The historical and biographical exhibition presents illustrative and documentary materials revealing the Kazan period of V.I. Lenin’s life, authentic things that belonged to the Ulyanov family and their relatives. Among them is an inkwell that V.I. Lenin brought from Kokushkino; photograph of graduates of the Simbirsk gymnasium in 1887; chess donated to the museum by D.I. Ulyanov, brother of V.I. Lenin, and others.

The building is also of particular value as a monument of wooden architecture and architecture of the second half of the 19th century, which has survived to this day. It is surrounded by a small garden and park area. The museum has a cinema hall, a buffet, exhibition areas, and a theater gazebo. Tourists are offered a sightseeing tour “Meet the Ulyanovs”, a costume tour “Visiting Mrs. Orlova” and a tour of the museum garden “From the First Mountain... to the present day”.

House-Museum of V.I. Lenin was opened on November 7, 1937. Dmitry Ilyich and Maria Ilyinichna Ulyanov, Anna Ilyinichna Ulyanova-Elizarova, as well as their cousin N.I. Veretennikov took part in the creation of the museum and the restoration of the furnishings of the Ulyanov family apartment.

Attractions and entertainment centers for children in Kazan

Many parents, coming for the weekend, wonder where to go in Kazan with their children. It's amazing to see that there is a huge amount of entertainment in the city. To manage everything, you should plan your holiday in Kazan with children and what to see in advance.

Family resto-park “Fun Jump”

There is entertainment for children of all ages. This amazing place has in its arsenal a rope and game labyrinths, a trampoline arena and a climbing wall, trolls, an area for the little ones, a tower with a foam pit, a dodgeball arena, and a cozy family restaurant.

Address: Resto-park "Fun Jump" is located at Chistopolskaya street, 69 in the building of the MILLENNIUM shopping center

daily from 10:00 to 22:00.


The trampoline center is located in the FUN24 indoor amusement park. There are more than 30 attractions, including bowling, laser tag, a roller rink, a billiards area and much more. “Distance” is a huge space with various trampolines on which both kids and teenagers can jump.

st. Mazita Gafuri, 46.

By the way, getting here is very simple:

Monday - Friday from 10:00 to 06:00, Saturday from 09:00 to 06:00, Sunday from 06:00 to 06:00.

Karting "Fast and Furious"

In karting, a child will be able to try on a uniform, ride in a sports car and feel like a real racer. There is also bowling, billiards, mini-golf, a shooting range, karaoke and a children's room.

Address: Karting is located on Orenburgsky tract 5 B, art. metro station "Ametyevo".

Monday - Thursday 12:00 - 00:00, Friday 12:00 - 2:00, Saturday 10:00 - 2:00, Sunday 10:00 - 00:00, holidays 10:00 - 2:00.

Rope town "Sky Park"

The perk features various rope structures ranging from 1 to 20 meters above the ground. They are suitable for visitors of different ages and physical fitness. Children will be able to test their courage and overcome their fears.


  1. Gorky Park - on Ershova St., 1
  2. Gorkinsko-Ometyevsky Forest - Pobeda Ave. 69

Opening hours: on weekdays from 12:00 until dark, on weekends and holidays from 10:00 until dark.

Park "Kyrlay"

This park has many outdoor attractions. There are carousels for small children and extreme slides for older children. There is also a panic room, a Ferris wheel and a race track.

Address: The park is located on Odnostoronka Grivki Street, 1a

Opening hours: on weekdays: from 11:00 to 23:00, on weekends from 10:00 to 23:00.

City of professions "KidSpace"

The entertainment center is built in the form of a miniature city. A child can try himself in different professions: a car dealership worker, a veterinarian, a confectioner, a banker, a doctor, a journalist, an athlete and others.

Address: Yamasheva Ave., 115A, Kazan Arena stadium (Sector C, entrance 58).

Opening hours: Monday, Tuesday - non-working days, Wednesday - Friday: 14.00 - 20.00, Saturday, Sunday: 10.00 - 20.00

Chak-chak Museum

Address: K. Nasyri, 11 Phone: E-mail: Website: Opening hours: Mon-Sun–10:00-20:00 Cost: 350 rub. (400 rub. on weekends) adult ticket, 300 rub. (350 rub.) for children

The chak-chak museum is dedicated to the main Tatar delicacy.

The museum exposition will tell guests in an interactive form about the history of the national dish, which contains no less information about the historical and cultural heritage of the people than clothing or even language. The Chak-Chak Museum is located in an old merchant's house on the territory of the historical reserve Old Tatar Settlement.

In the Chak-Chak Museum, in a homely atmosphere, you can drink fragrant tea from a samovar, try several types of Tatar dessert, including not only the traditional chak-chak, but also baursak, and somehow almond tosh (prepared according to the notes of the Tatar educator Kayum Nasyri). During tea drinking, they will tell you how chak-chak is prepared and share the secrets of preparing other Tatar dishes. Over a cup of tea you can plunge into the history and life of the Tatar people, learn a lot of interesting things about their traditions and customs.

The museum also displays national Tatar clothing, which everyone can wear and take a photo as a souvenir.

Gallery of dolls “Fragile Dreams”

Europe's largest collection of masterpieces by world-famous doll designer Hildegard Gunzel. The dolls are so perfect that they look like they are alive: they have glowing beautiful faces, meaningful eyes, real soft hair. They are dressed in sophisticated outfits made from expensive fabrics, handmade lace, and designer jewelry.

At your service - viewing a unique collection of dolls, teddy bears and paintings, a cozy cafe, a unique souvenir shop and much more. Photos and videos on mobile phones are allowed in the gallery.

Duration of the excursion – 70 minutes. At the end of the tour, they show a short educational film about how dolls are “born” in Frau Gunzel’s workshop.


Address: Kremlin Phone: E-mail: Website: Working hours: Tue-Thu, Sat-Sun – 19:00-17:30 Fri – 12:00-20:30

The exhibition is the first representative office of the State Hermitage in Russia, introducing visitors to collections of world art, culture, and history from the collection of the St. Petersburg museum. “Hermitage-Kazan” is located in the building of the former Junker School on the territory of the Kazan Kremlin.

At thematic exhibitions that change every six months, you can enjoy exhibits from the collection of one of the largest museums in the world. In the exhibition halls, works of painting, graphics and decorative and applied art, historical and cultural collections are exhibited. The center hosts interactive classes, the quest game “In Search of Treasure,” master classes, and lectures from employees of the State Hermitage.

Hermitage Kazan center

Address: The museum is located on the territory of the Kazan Kremlin, on the square. Millenniums. From the nearest metro station “Kremlevskaya” you can walk to the square along the street. Bauman, and then turn onto the street. Sheinkman. Immediately after Khazine is the Hermitage.

Tickets: For adults – 200 rubles, for pensioners and students – 100, for schoolchildren – 80

Opening hours: Every day from 10:00 to 18:00. On Friday from 11:00 to 20:00.

The first branch of the State Hermitage was opened for the 1000th anniversary of Kazan in 2005. The new museum center occupies a huge area and is constantly being updated with new exhibits. In addition, scientific meetings and lectures are constantly held here. The Hermitage lives!


The first exhibition in 2005 was dedicated to the Golden Horde. Since then, the exhibition halls have constantly changed themes. Guests of the museum can get acquainted with historical collections, works of decorative and applied art, painting, and graphics. Each floor has its own theme: from the era of dinosaurs to the Tretyakov Gallery.

The building contains several halls, among which there are computer classes for working with students and schoolchildren, conference rooms where video conferences are held, and meetings between students and famous cultural and educational figures.

Interesting Facts

  1. The museum changes exhibitions frequently. They write about them in posters. For example, at the exhibition of imperial porcelain, almost all floors will be filled with porcelain, and other exhibits will be removed. When the theme is not chosen, you can fully enjoy the variety of “native” exhibits.
  2. Originals of world-famous paintings are often brought to the Hermitage. They are worth seeing!

Museum of E.A. Boratynsky

Address: M. Gorkogo, 25/28 Phone: E-mail: Website: Opening hours: Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat – 10:00-18:00 Thurs – 12:00-21:00 Cost : 100 rub. — adult ticket, 50 rub. - children's

The E.A. Boratynsky Museum is the only museum in Russia dedicated to the poet Evgeniy Abramovich Boratynsky (1800-1844), a master of elegy and philosophical lyrics, a friend of A.S. Pushkin.

The museum is located in a unique architectural monument, a pearl of wooden architecture - a noble estate built at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries. Three generations of the poet’s descendants lived in this estate.

The museum’s collection includes memorial items and the Boratynsky archive, lifetime editions of works, other exhibits donated by the poet’s descendants and their Kazan friends, as well as a unique lifetime portrait of L.N. Tolstoy. In the estate you can also see a valuable desk, at which, according to family legend, Alexander Pushkin himself worked during his stay in Kazan in September 1833.

In addition to excursions, visitors are offered such projects as “Suare at the Boratynskys” and “Evening Museum” - such evenings were traditional in the poet’s family. The museum, which has preserved the “warmth of the Boratynsky House,” is very popular among Kazan residents and guests of the city.

Museum of Kayum Nasyri

Address: Paris Commune, 35 Phone: E-mail: Website: Opening hours: Tue-Sat –10:00-17:00 Fri – 10:00-16:00 Cost: 50 rub. — adult, 30 rub. - children's

Kayum Nasyri (1825–1902) - an outstanding Tatar scientist, educator, historian-ethnographer, linguist, writer who laid the foundations of the modern Tatar literary language. The house in which the museum is located is located on the territory of the historical reserve Old Tatar Settlement and is a restored monument of Tatar wooden architecture of the 19th century.

The original building in which K. Nasyri lived was restored to its original location, its internal layout was preserved, and one of the rooms was recreated. The most valuable exhibits are unique memorial items: a madrasah textbook on logic copied by Kayum Nasyri with the personal seal of the scientist, his chronometer watch, cane and chest, personal belongings given by relatives.

Here is presented the ethnographic material that Kayum Nasyri collected in his homeland - in the Tatar villages of the former Sviyazhsk district. On the territory adjacent to the museum there is a picturesque garden created based on the materials of Kayum Nasyri’s book “Flowers and Herbs,” which tells about the medicinal plants of our country.

In addition to excursions, the museum hosts interactive programs based on the legacy of Kayum Nasyri: “Meetings in the Museum Garden”, “The Secret of Abu Gali Sina”, “Medicinal Plants - Gifts of Summer”, “Tea Party in the Old Tatar Settlement”, “Day of Knowledge in the Museum” scientist."

Bauman Street


many museums are located on the pedestrian street Bauman and its continuation Petersburg street. During a break from the cultural program, we recommend taking breaks for snacks in numerous cafes and restaurants: your legs will rest and your head will calm down.

At the end of the street, on Gabdulla Tukay Square, there is a famous meeting place: a clock with an Arabic dial.

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