Arzamas. Attractions, photos, route on the map, what a tourist should see

Arzamas is the oldest city in the Nizhny Novgorod region (since 1578). Founded by Ivan the Terrible. It developed as a merchant city and preserved many architectural monuments.

The city is especially revered by believers, since the temples and churches date back to the buildings of the Golden Age. Their total number is about 30. The city is also associated with the work of Gaidar, who spent his childhood and youth here.

A visit to Arzamas can be combined with a trip to Nizhny Novgorod (110 km to the north). What else is worthy of attention in the region near Arzamas - read in this review of everything interesting that is in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Where is Arzamas

The small picturesque town of Arzamas is located 400 km east of Moscow and 112 km south of Nizhny Novgorod. Place coordinates: 55.3949º, longitude 43.8399º. The location of the old Russian city at the intersection of major highways of road and rail transport makes it possible to get to it from different directions using almost any type of transport.

There are two railway stations in the city with the same names: “Arzamas 1” and “Arzamas 2”. They can be reached both by electric trains and by long-distance trains. In order to come to Arzamas by train from Nizhny Novgorod, you need to set off from the Moskovskaya railway station. Travel time will take no more than 3 hours.

From the Shcherbinka bus station in Nizhny Novgorod, buses depart hourly towards Arzamas. You can also get there by bus from Nizhny Novgorod from the stop at the railway station and from the Nebo shopping center. Travel time will be from 2 to 3 hours. The bus station in Arzamas is located in the historical center of the city at st. Lenina, 21a.

It is not possible to fly to Arzamas by plane: there is no airport in the city. But fans of air travel can fly to the airport in Nizhny Novgorod, and, after making a transfer there, get to Arzamas by taxi or regular bus.

Lenin Street

Lenin Street is one of the oldest streets in Arzamas; it includes the former Rozhdestvenskaya and Novo-Moskovskaya streets. Lenin Street begins in the village of Vyezdnoye, runs through the center of Arzamas and ends in the village of Kirillovka.

Arzamas bus station

On Lenin Street, directly opposite the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, there is the Arzamas bus station. This whole thing looks so-so. The administration plans to move the bus station to another location and create a pedestrian zone here.

In fact, it would be cool if the entire historical center of Arzamas was completely given over to pedestrians. Now it’s very difficult to be a pedestrian in Arzamas; instead of walking, taking selfies and enjoying the views of the old city, you have to constantly vary between passing cars and buses and swallow dust from under the wheels.

There is some unknown accumulation of garbage in the parking lot between the bus station and Starogorodsky Square.

Adjacent to the bus station on the left is the Church of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, built in 1802. It was built at the expense of parishioners who were engaged in fur dressing. Furriers stored raw materials and finished products in the cathedral's basements.

Church of the Nativity and Smolensk Church

If you are a lover of church architecture, you should definitely take a walk along Lenin Street to the Churches of the Nativity of Christ and Smolenskaya.

The Church of the Nativity (white) of 1852 is one of the latest churches in Arzamas. The Warm Church is an example of a temple from the eclectic period, made in the Russian-Byzantine style.

The Cold Smolensk Church (blue) was built a little earlier - in 1792-1797. During Soviet times, it was almost completely dismantled.

Houses on Lenin Street

What else can you see on Lenin Street? Without a doubt, Lenin Street could boast of beautiful buildings with wooden carvings, or classic stone columns, if all these houses were not in such a terrible condition.

Wow, what a beautiful carved wooden gate! If anyone wants to take a closer look, here is the address: st. Lenina, 34.

There are a lot of abandoned and burnt houses.

This house has been in this condition since 2016 for sure.

Russian realities are harsh and merciless.

Weather in Arzamas

Arzamas is located in central Russia, which is characterized by a continental climate. Summer in the city is never too hot. The thermometer in the warm season rarely exceeds 25ºС.

The cold period begins around mid-October. And only in early April does real spring come to the city. There are very few sunny days in winter, but severe frosts were extremely rare.

Up to 800 mm of precipitation falls annually in Arzamas. In winter, you can see a lot of snowdrifts in the city, and in summer there are warm showers with thunderstorms several times a week. The weather here, as in other cities in the middle zone, is often changeable: a hot sunny day becomes cool, and the cloudless sky is covered with dense rain clouds.

Arzamas, whose sights can be visited with benefit at any time of the year, is pleased with the weather: the absence of piercing winds and high air humidity will allow lovers of winter travel to enjoy the beauty of the old snow-covered city.

The intoxicating smells of meadow grasses and the aroma of fragrant pine needles will fill with joy a warm summer day spent on the outskirts of Arzamas. The cozy streets of a small town, enveloped in the aroma of greenery, will leave the best memories of your trip.

Religious buildings of Arzamas

Arzamas, whose sights attract pilgrims from different parts of the world, has been considered one of the spiritual centers of Russia since the beginning of the 19th century. Among them are the famous Sarov and Diveevo monasteries, built not far from the city. According to experts, many sights of the ancient Russian city are valuable cultural heritage of Russia.

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery

The foundation of the first monastery in Arzamas was carried out by decree of Ivan the Terrible in 1555. In the 80s of the 16th century, the Russian Tsar handed over Arzamas to his son Fyodor, who was particularly pious and paid attention to the structure and arrangement of monasteries.

In 1638, construction of a cathedral of the same name began on the territory of the monastery. The Transfiguration Cathedral is one of the first stone structures in the city that has survived to this day.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, the main cathedral of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery has housed a functioning city archive. Several years ago, the archive was moved to another location, and in the summer of 2015, the first liturgy was held in the cathedral after a long break. The Transfiguration Cathedral is located in the historical center of the city at the address: Archive Town, 2.

Resurrection Cathedral

Among the famous sights of Arzamas is the Resurrection Cathedral. The structure was erected in honor of the victory of Russian soldiers over the French in the 2012 war.

It is important to note that the cathedral was built with donations from citizens; no money was allocated from the city treasury for construction. People not only donated money for the construction of the temple, but also took an active part in its construction.

Architect of the Resurrection Cathedral M.P. Corinthian participated in the construction of St. Isaac's and Kazan Cathedrals in St. Petersburg. Some experts note the similarities between the cathedral in Arzamas and the churches of the northern capital.

Church services are held in the cathedral only in the warm season: from April to October. In winter, the temple is not heated, and the ministers move to the Life-Giving Spring Church, built near the temple. The carved iconostasis of the church amazes visitors with its grace and beauty. The Resurrection Cathedral is located on Cathedral Square, 19. The journey from the city center will take about 20 minutes.

St. Nicholas Monastery

A convent is located near the Resurrection Cathedral. It was founded in 1580. St. Nicholas Monastery is famous for an unusual craft: knitted needlework. Beginning at the end of the 19th century, multi-colored woolen boots decorated with floral patterns began appearing on the nun's property.

Residents of Arzamas appreciated the beautiful shoes and began placing orders for the creation of new models. There were too many orders to fulfill, so over time, city residents themselves mastered this unusual method of knitting women's shoes.

Church of the Nativity

Arzamas, whose attractions attract tourists from different countries, has the Church of the Nativity of Christ. The building is located at the address: st. Lenina, 43. The majestic white stone building of the temple was built in the middle of the 19th century with donations from the wealthy merchant Zayashnikov.

For a long time the church was abandoned. After a long break, church services began to be held in the temple in 1990. At the end of the 20th century, the temple was transferred to the Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery, whose servants set up their own courtyard on the territory of the temple.

A few words about the city of Arzamas

The city of Arzamas is located on the right side of the Tesha River, one of the tributaries of the Oka River, at a distance of one hundred and twelve kilometers from the city of Nizhny Novgorod. The area of ​​the town is 35 square meters. km, and the population is approximately 105 thousand people.

Arzamas is an important regional center of science, industry and culture

Historical chronicles of the city

Arzamas was founded in 1552 (although the main version is 1578) by decree of Ivan the Terrible as a fortress that defended the borders of the Russian state from conquerors. It received its name in the Erzyan language - one of the varieties of Mordovian, and is translated as “native land”.

In the 17th century, Arzamas became the most important transit point on the route to the southeastern part of the country. Trade and craft industries begin to develop here, leather, furrier and felt industries are formed. Arzamas became popular thanks to onions and geese, which could be bought in the city. And its inhabitants received the nicknames “Lukovniki” and “Gousatniks”. Leather products were also produced here, which were supplied to European countries, for example, England and Germany.

The 18th century was marked by the formation of the Arzamas province, and the city itself acquired the status of a district town. Trade was gaining momentum, merchants were getting rich, which had a good impact on the appearance of Arzamas. Dozens of major trade routes passed through the settlement. The middle of the 18th century is considered the beginning of a golden age for the city in Arzamas: the population grew, industry developed, and the city was transformed. In the next century, thirty-six temples were built here, which were not inferior in scale and beauty to the capital’s churches.

Arzamas to this day preserves the cultural heritage of past centuries

Currently, Arzamas is a city that combines rural and urban lifestyles. Here you can find modern establishments and entertainment clubs located near wooden houses with a vegetable garden in the yard; expensive cars often get stuck in traffic jams caused by cows and sheep walking along the streets of the city.

Museums of Arzamas

In Arzamas you can visit interesting museums that contain valuable information about the history of the city and the people who lived in it many years ago.

Museum of the Russian Patriarchate

The museum is located on Cathedral Square in the center of the old city. The building housing the museum's exhibits is considered an architectural monument. Experts are confident that the building is of historical value, because it is the only example of what a city magistrate looked like in the mid-18th century that has survived to this day.

The museum is a unique project of interaction between the Orthodox Church and government authorities. The exhibition is presented with rare materials from the life of Patriarchs Sergius and Nikon, who were natives of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Also in the museum you can learn a lot of interesting things from the life of the Patriarchs who lived at the beginning of the 20th century. Entrance to the museum is free.

Literary Museum A.P. Gaidar

Small museum of A.P. Gaidar is located on Gorky Street, 18. Talentedly selected materials about the life and work of the writer will not leave lovers of Russian literature indifferent. Close to the modern building in which the main exhibition is presented is the house of the writer’s family. The furniture and things that surrounded A.P. were preserved in it. Gaidar in his childhood.

Museum entrance prices:

  • adult visitors – 90 rubles;
  • pensioners – 70 rubles;
  • students – 70 rubles;
  • disabled people – 50 rubles;
  • schoolchildren - 50 rubles;
  • preschoolers - free.

A single ticket for entry to both museums is not sold; visiting each is paid separately.

Historical and Art Museum

History buffs will be interested in visiting the Arzamas Historical and Art Museum. The museum is located on Cathedral Square. It contains exhibits telling about the development of the city and region since their foundation. The museum was founded in 1957.

The museum's collection is presented by:

  • archaeological finds;
  • a collection of unusual fabrics from which clothes were made several centuries ago;
  • porcelain collection;
  • old coins;
  • old printed books;
  • painting and graphics.

The exhibition of the Arzamas Historical Museum consists of 4 departments:

  1. Antiquities of the region.
  2. The city and its inhabitants of the late XIX - early XX centuries.
  3. Art department.
  4. Arzamas goose.

A visit to the museum will cost adults 50 rubles, for schoolchildren and students the entrance fee will be 30 rubles, preschool children can visit the museum for 20 rubles.

Sovetskaya Street

Sovetskaya Street is also one of the oldest streets in the city. Its historical name is Progonnaya Street . There is a whole story associated with this name, which can also be included in the list of attractions of Arzamas.

Arzamas geese

Since the 16th century, Arzamas has been famous for its geese: large, snow-white, meaty, pugnacious and very hardy. The Arzamas people selected individuals based on their weight and fighting qualities for meat and for fun. Up to 20,000 geese were raised here every year.

Externally, Arzamas geese were very beautiful: the plumage was mostly white, the neck was long, short orange legs, a massive beak and blue eyes.

Goose in the History and Art Museum

Arzamas geese were well adapted to harsh conditions; all summer they grazed independently in flooded meadows, eating only pasture, and only with the onset of cold weather did they come home. In the fall, the geese were prepared for sale: they were intensively fed with grain and potatoes, thanks to which the carcasses had very good shape and the meat was of excellent quality.

Goose on the street Karl Marx

The fatted goose was driven under its own power from Arzamas to Moscow, which is no less than 450 km. To increase the survival rate of birds on such a long journey, they were first driven through spilled pitch (resin), and then through river sand, so that peculiar “shoes” appeared on their flippers. The street on which this mass “ritual” was held annually began to be called Progonnaya.

Even now, the beautiful snow-white goose could easily be a brand of the city, not only on paper.

Goose on Cathedral Square

Houses on Sovetskaya (Progonnaya) street

We highly recommend taking a walk along Sovetskaya Street (formerly Progonnaya) from Cathedral Square to the city administration. On this street you can find a fairly large number of high-quality wooden buildings.

Kazan Church, built in 1792 in the classicist style.

At the intersection of Sovetskaya and Gorky streets there are several very tasty houses.

Khanykov's house is the main attraction of Sovetskaya Street. Wooden merchant mansion 1805-1815. buildings, prominent and monumental. Everything in it is made of wood, even the columns.

Address: st. Sovetskaya, 21

Since 1925 the house has been divided into apartments. Of course, it is a very honor to live in an architectural monument of federal significance, but it seems that the residents do not really understand how big a responsibility this is. Some of the windows have already been replaced with plastic ones, and some kind of obscenity has been done to the front door.

From a distance the house is beautiful, up close too, but it requires major restoration.

There is another residential building nearby, and I would like to say thank you to those people who live here and take care of such beauty.

It would be great if the administration somehow supported the few keepers of history that the city has left.

Perhaps then the streets would not be completely filled with half-plastic mutants.

And then someone stole the spire. Well, admit it, who did it?

A little further along Sovetskaya Street is the administration of the city of Arzamas.

Opposite the administration is Stupin Square and the temple in honor of the Icon of the Mother of God “The Sign”. Global changes are planned in this park.

Monuments in Arzamas

Walking along the picturesque streets of Arzamas, it is worth paying attention to the unusual monuments located in different places of the city.

Monument to Internationalist Soldiers

The monument is located in a small park not far from the Polytechnic Institute on Kalinin Street. There is an inscription on the pedestal stating that the honor and courage of the soldiers do not fade before eternity.

The figure of a young soldier, sitting on his helmet on a pedestal and mournfully lowering his head, is the personification of the destructive power of any military action.

Arzamas goose figurine

Not far from the Reavil restaurant, near Cathedral Square, you can admire a funny bronze figurine of the Arzamas goose. This monument is dedicated to the famous goose breed. Arzamas geese are squat, they have a relatively short neck and bright yellow legs.

The goose is considered one of the symbols of the city. He is depicted on the flag of Arzamas. Every year the city hosts a bright event - a culinary festival called “Arzamas Goose”.

Eternal flame and memorial complex

Opposite the monument to internationalist fighters on Kalinin Street there is a memorial complex dedicated to the memory of WWII soldiers. The complex is represented by a spacious square with an eternal flame, cannons, an alley of heroes and a board of honor.

Walking around the eternal flame, you can see a mosaic wall on which bowed banners are depicted. On the Memory Alley there are busts of Arzamas residents who became heroes of the Soviet Union.

Don't miss the most popular article in the section: Metro Nizhny Novgorod. Diagram, map, description.

Interesting places in the city

Murom, whose attractions are popular among tourists, is famous for its Orthodox shrines, ancient objects and modern architectural solutions.

Monument to Ilya Muromets

The great knight was a real person, and according to legend, he came from the village of Karacharovo located near Murom. In 1999, in the central part of the city, on the territory of Oksky Park, local residents erected a monument to their famous fellow countryman. Ilya Muromets is depicted in the image of a monk-hero: in military armor, from under which the monastic robe is visible.

In his right hand is a sword held high, and his left hand holds a cross pressed to his chest. Near the pedestal there are figures of griffins resting their left paws on a shield. The height of the monument from the pedestal to the blade is 21 m. The author of the monument is the sculptor V.M. Klykov.

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery

The monastery is the oldest building on this land; it was first mentioned in 1096. According to the chronicle, the community appeared on the site of the farmstead of the first local prince, Gleb. For a long period it served as one of the main defensive city lines. After the construction of the Transfiguration Cathedral and the attack by Lithuanian troops, the monastery suffered.

After this event, the monastery territory was rebuilt several times. A stone fence, several churches and outbuildings were erected. Later they founded a religious school and built a bell tower. The entire temple complex occupies a space of 200 m long and 150 m wide. Currently, there is a functioning men's monastery here.

Cable-stayed bridge

The cable-stayed bridge, built in 2009, was voted the most beautiful pontoon in the country by popular vote. A bypass highway has been laid along it, skirting the city and connecting Arzamas and Vladimir. The structure, 15 m wide, has a length of 1.4 km and stands on 3 main supports - 2 on each bank and one in the center.

Their height is more than 85 m. The length of the cable-stayed spans is 230 m. Before the construction of the new bridge, its functions were performed by an old pontoon, which could only be used in the summer. In winter we crossed the river by ferry. This problem was solved in 2 years of construction work with 8 billion rubles.

The throughput capacity of the structure is about 5 thousand cars per day. The structure can be seen from many points in the city. The cable-stayed bridge is located in the Navashino district, in the southern district of Murom.

Monument to Peter and Fevronia

Saints Prince Peter and Fevronia are considered protectors of family and devotion. This influenced the fact that in Murom in 2012 a monument was created called “Love Union - Wise Marriage.” Located near the Holy Trinity community, the bronze sculpture represents two massive figures of spouses placed next to each other.

Peter holds a sword in his hands, which represents power and fortitude. St. Fevronia covers the shoulders of her beloved with a veil, which personifies female wisdom. Behind them, on a pedestal, at the feet of the couple, lurks a rabbit, which serves as a symbol of the couple’s unity with the surrounding wildlife. People who come here rub the animal's nose for good luck.

Monument "Murom Kalach"

A monument dedicated to the “Murom Kalach” was erected in the settlement in 2012. This event coincides with the 1150th anniversary of the founding of Murom. The small sculptural composition is located near the central bazaar, near the Noble Club restaurant complex. The above baked product is considered an ancient pastry in Rus'.

According to legend, Murom kalach began to be made back in the 14th century. It was baked using a special technology, and nowadays the recipe for making real wheat round bread is considered lost. According to legend, when Catherine II visited the city and tried the baked goods, she granted the settlement a new coat of arms depicting 3 rolls.

The architectural form of the product is made of granite at the expense of local entrepreneur I. Zinoviev. Together with the pedestal, the sculpture has a height of 180 cm, the width of the composition is 1 m, and its weight is 100 kg. Sprayers are installed near the sculpture, thanks to which the stone baked goods have the smell of fresh bread. Object location: pl. 1100th anniversary of Murom.

Architectural structures in Arzamas

Arzamas, whose sights can surprise everyone with their beauty and uniqueness, makes you feel the subtle connection between the modern world and the life of the city several centuries ago.

Water tower

Opposite the Memorial complex dedicated to the victory in the Second World War, at the intersection of Karl Marx and Kalinin streets, there is an old Water Tower. The foundation of the tower was laid in May 1911. The building was used for its intended purpose until 1971. At this time, new pumps were put into operation and the water tower was disconnected from the network.

Currently, the tower is considered one of the decorations of the old city. On the upper tier of the structure they installed the coat of arms of Arzamas and the figure of a deer, which is a symbol of Nizhny Novgorod.

Ancient magistrate's building

For local governments, by decree of Peter I, special buildings with town halls or main chambers were built. Court sessions and meetings of merchants took place in these premises. The Arzamas Magistrate was built on Cathedral Square in 1721 in the very center of the city. The building is two-story, the lower floor was not used for its intended purpose, and its premises were rented out.

The uniqueness of the building lies in the fact that it has not been rebuilt and has retained its original features. Currently it houses the Museum of the Russian Patriarchate.

Alekseevsky Novodevichy Convent

One of the oldest architectural monuments of Arzamas is the building of the Alekseevsky Novodevichy Convent. It was created in the 17th century by royal decree. The complex included the Resurrection and Assumption churches and the hospital building. The church monastery was surrounded by a high wall with a bell tower, behind which were located other buildings of the monastery and the cells of the monks.

At the beginning of the 20th century, some of the buildings were destroyed and the monastery was abolished. A military unit is located in the premises of the monastery that have survived to this day. The building is located on Sovetskaya Street.

Smolensk Church in the village of Vyezdnoye

Of course, the Smolensk Church is quite visible from Arzamas itself, but if you have free time, you can go to it across the bridge. A city bus runs from the center of Arzamas to the opposite bank, costs 25 rubles.

At the beginning of the 19th century in the village of Vyezdnoye there were two stone churches, both of them were very dilapidated, and the parishioners of the village forgave them to build one new one instead of two. In 1803, construction of a new temple began, which lasted 12 years. It was the largest church in the Nizhny Novgorod province at that time.

In 2007, the Smolensk Cathedral and the bell tower included in its ensemble became objects of cultural heritage of federal significance.

Natural attractions of Arzamas

Among the natural attractions of the city, the beauty of the local arboretum, the magnificent views that open to tourists after descending into the Balakhonikha Cave, and the city beaches, which are very popular in the summer, are highlighted.


In the 60s of the 20th century, a plot with a total area of ​​12 hectares was allocated for the cultivation of rare plants on the territory of the city park for recreation. The territory was divided into 28 squares, between which smooth alleys were created.

Plant lovers can take a long walk along the alleys and look at more than 145 species of trees and shrubs growing here.

Balakhonikha Cave

The cave, located in the Arzamas region in the village of Balakhonikha, has not been sufficiently studied. Therefore, this natural attraction is popular among both tourists and specialists.

The area of ​​the cave is 54 hectares. The total length is 48 km, the highest height is 3 m. The cave is located near a gypsum quarry near a steep rock. The entrance to the cave is narrow, its arch consists of several cracked hemispheres. The vault is reflected in the crystal clear water that flows along the bottom of the cave.

The air temperature in the cave does not exceed 3ºС.


Free city beaches are located in the city center. In the heat, the beaches of Arzamas are very crowded, because not only local residents come here, but also tourists who come to relax as savages.

On the beach there is a designated area with paid sunbeds. There are cafes with delicious homemade food within walking distance. For lovers of active pastime on the beach, the city has all the necessary infrastructure. Lifeguards and medical personnel work on the central beach.

Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist in Torg

Founded in the 15th century, it became widely known in 1612, when from its porch Minin called for the creation of a militia. Initially, the church was wooden, but in the second half of the 17th century it was rebuilt at the insistence of the landowner Dranishnikov. His family became supporters of the Old Believers and fled the city. The head of the family remained committed to Orthodoxy and wanted to restore his honor.

During the 19th century, the temple was reconstructed several times, “overgrown” with new buildings. The Alexander Nevsky chapel, bell tower, and altar were erected. With the advent of the USSR, the abbot of the monastery was shot, and the building was transferred to the needs of a sports school. In the 90s, the temple was returned to the church. And by 2005, a complete restoration was carried out.

Modern objects in Arzamas, interesting to visit

In Arzamas, anyone can have a good rest by visiting local nightclubs, modern shopping centers and pampering themselves with natural products purchased at the city's markets.

Karaoke club "Kara-Bass"

Karaoke club "Kara-bass" is open to visitors daily from 12:00 to 24:00. The club is located at 9a Zhukovskogo Street on the ground floor of the Golden Lion restaurant. A cozy hall, modern music and lighting equipment create a unique holiday atmosphere. The average bill per person will be from 1500-2000 rubles.

Central Market

For several centuries, Arzamas was famous as a trading city. When coming here, you can’t help but visit the central market, which is located at Cathedral Square, 4A. It is important for tourists to remember that the market is closed on Mondays.

All other days of the week the market is open from 8:00-17:00. Lunch break from 12:00 to 13:00.


The shopping center is located at st. Kalinina, 46. It houses a cinema, a large hypermarket, a large number of modern chain stores, and designated areas for a quick snack and entertainment for children. A sufficient number of parking spaces have been created around the shopping center. Taxi service workers are on duty at the main entrance.

What are the surrounding areas famous for?

To visit a village and not visit its surroundings is simply a crime:

  • every day, except Monday and Tuesday, from 10:00 to 16:00 you can go to the village of Lvovka;
  • If you go further south from the village, then you should definitely visit the Luchinnik grove. Thanks to its elevation, the clearing offers stunning views of the surrounding area, and if you are tired of walking, you can quench your thirst with clean ice water from a real spring.

Wide Maslenitsa in Boldino
When visiting Boldino during the most non-tourist season - winter, you can catch such holidays as “Maslenitsa”, “Yuletide fortune-telling” and Russian-folk gatherings. The village of Bolshoye Boldino is worth visiting, and preferably more than once. This place is famous for its special ecology and strong energy. If possible, you should spend a few days traveling and then the trip will leave an indelible mark on your soul.

Interesting places to relax with children

In Arzamas you can have a good time with your children by visiting interesting places for recreation and entertainment.


For people who love active recreation, the trampoline offers its services, which is open to visitors from 10:00 to 22:00. The center is located at st. Pobeda, no. 9.

Adults and children will be able to have a lot of fun on the trampolines, go through unusual routes in a difficult labyrinth, and climb to the highest heights of the climbing wall. The trampoline center has a special area for the youngest visitors.

Park named after A.P. Gaidar

A recreational park for children and adults is located in the city center on Lenin Avenue.

In the warm season, you can go on various rides and visit special pavilions where they play tennis and chess. On the territory of the park there is a postcard football field and an equipped area for playing volleyball.


In the village of Bebyaevo, Arzamas district, there is a zoo on a high hill, where children are brought from different villages and cities of the Nizhny Novgorod region. You can sign up for a tour daily from 8:00 to 17:00.

The territory of the zoo is 2.5 hectares. It houses enclosures for donkeys, camels, buffaloes and pens for ostriches. In the zoo you can see raccoons, lynxes and foxes. Little visitors will be delighted and surprised by the huge models of dinosaur figures.

Parks, buildings and entertainment

Park of Culture and Leisure named after. Gaidar

Address: Lenina Ave., 1A Telephone: +7 (83147) 2‒10‒05 Website: Opening hours: 10:00 – 20:00, Mon-Sun (summer season)

It is the central park of the city, established in 1957 as a city park of culture and recreation. The area of ​​the territory is 30 hectares. The park houses 21 attractions, an arboretum with rare plants from Asia, Europe, Australia and North America, a children's playground, a chess club, a natural area with a pond, as well as a memorial area and several monuments.

During the period of tsarist rule, there was a cemetery and a church in the park.

The park got its name in honor of the writer Gaidar, who showed interest in children's problems. It is one of the best parks in the country and has been awarded many medals from VDNH.

Cathedral Square

Address: pl. Cathedral

It is the main square of the city, on which there are 2 churches, a monastery and a cathedral. In different historical eras the square changed its name. Until 1926 it was called Red Square, under communism - Lenin Square.

Since 1991, the square was renamed Cathedral, as it was called since the formation of the city.

The main attraction of the square is the Resurrection Cathedral with 5 domes and 48 columns - a monumental building of the early 19th century by the Corinthian architect. Nearby there is a park and a sculpture of Lenin.

Victory Park

Address: st. Karla Marksa, 53 Opening hours: 24 hours a day

The park is a small square with memorial buildings in memory of the Great Patriotic War and the heroes who gave their lives for the future of the country.

It was built in 2000 and dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the liberation from the Nazi invaders. The history of the war is presented in the form of an alley of memorable dates on memorial stones (5 pieces).

On the 70th anniversary, a Stela for teachers of the war years was erected and Lilac Alley was planted. In the center of the park there is a bust of Zhukov, a monument to border guards, and there are also samples of equipment from the post-war years (MIG-21, BTR-80). Of greatest interest are the information stands telling about life during the war years.

Tverdov's House

Address: st. Verkhnyaya Naberezhnaya, 12 Operating hours: not operational

The house is valuable as a monument of architecture and urban planning of the 19th century. It is under federal protection.

Characterizes ancient architecture, typical of the Arzamas region - rustic classicism (wooden buildings on a stone base). The house is distinguished by the presence of large columns planed from solid wood. Courtyard buildings and plantings have also been preserved: a stable, an apple orchard, a bathhouse, an outbuilding, a barn, a cellar and a carriage house.

The two-story house with a mezzanine contains 7 rooms and a main hall. The building is located on the oldest embankment of the city, offering beautiful views from the hill surrounded by the Kremlin.

Khanykov's House

Address: st. Sovetskaya, 21

The construction dates back to the beginning of the 19th century. The landowner and merchant Fyodor Iraklievich Khanykov lived in this house. Like many other noble estates, it is made of wood.

In those days, landowners were looking for provincial craftsmen who were ready to build a house according to the owners’ personal design. The two-story manor also has wooden columns and a mezzanine. Characterizes the last years of the era of landowners, when cities were built with money and according to the ideas of the nobles.

Currently the monument is in need of reconstruction. It is listed in the property register as a residential property in which families live.

Seating rows

Address: st. Gostiny Row (starting from Cathedral Square)

Arzamas was one of the largest merchant centers of the Volga region. At the beginning of the 17th century. near Cathedral Square, the construction of wooden retail shops began, which gradually occupied the territory of several streets.

In the old days, this place was a haven for merchants. After the fire in 1726, the streets were lined with stone and brick buildings without a single style (1903 - the construction of Muravin's last shop).

Today the living rooms are used only for trade. Low-rise buildings of the late 18th century. - 1823 - several reconstructions took place.

The rows are a lively open-air shopping pavilion.

Route for exploring Arzamas on your own for 1 day

How to spend 1 day in Arzamas:

  1. You should start your sightseeing from Cathedral Square.

    Cathedral Square of the city of Arzamas

  2. Enjoy the views of the Resurrection Cathedral and St. Nicholas Monastery.
  3. Go to the Museum of the Russian Patriarchate.
  4. Take a look at the city's Central Market.
  5. Visit the Historical and Art Museum.
  6. Get to Kalinina Street and visit the memorial complex with the eternal flame.
  7. Admire the Water Tower, which is located near the memorial.
  8. Go to the monument to internationalist soldiers.
  9. Drive to Gorky Street and visit the A.P. Museum. Gaidar.
  10. If you want to take a walk in the fresh air, get to Lenin Street and visit the recreation park named after A.P. Gaidar.

Epiphany Church

Recommend a place



The Epiphany Church is located in the city of Arzamas, Nizhny Novgorod region of Russia. The temple is located on the territory of the Nicholas Convent.

There are several versions about the date of construction of the temple, but the most reliable one points to 1811. As historians note, the church project was developed by local architects. Since that time, the building has been rebuilt 5 times, acquiring new architectural features.

A special feature of the church building is its two-story layout. The first floor is occupied by cells for sick nuns and a hospital church, and the Church of the Epiphany itself is located on the second floor. The church is one of the buildings that forms the appearance of the Cathedral Square of Arzamas. Not far from the church there are other buildings of the monastery, including the famous Holy Gate.

Hotels in Arzamas

Every tourist who comes on vacation to Arzamas can choose a comfortable hotel room based on their budget.

  1. Hotel "Reavil" is located in the historical center of the city on Karl Marx Street, 10. From it you can quickly reach the Cathedral Square, where the main attractions of the city are located. A day's stay in a standard double room will cost 3,700 rubles, accommodation in a suite will cost 7,800 rubles. A family room with a double bed and two single beds will cost 5,200 rubles.
  2. For those who want to save money on accommodation, it is worth considering the Lux Hotel, which is located at Lenin Street, 198. There is a tour desk and several shops on the hotel premises. A day's stay in a double room with two beds will cost 1,300 rubles, the price of a single room will be 1,050 rubles, and a deluxe room will cost 2,000 rubles.
  3. The Yasnaya Polyana hotel complex is located a 10-minute drive from the city in the village of Polyana, Arzamas district. Visitors to the complex have the opportunity to exercise on site and take leisurely walks by the pond. They offer a visit to the Russian bathhouse and sauna. A comfortable four-bed room will cost 4,600 rubles, a double room with two beds will cost 1,800 rubles.
  4. Panther Hotel, located at Volodarskogo Street, 83 B, is very popular among visitors to Arzamas. The hotel has a restaurant, sauna, bowling alley and billiards. A double room at the hotel will cost visitors 2,100 rubles, a suite will cost 3,200 rubles.
  5. Hotel Bunin is located on Lenin Avenue, 146. Advantageous location and excellent value for money. The cost of a double room is 3,100 rubles, a triple room will cost 3,900 rubles, a two-bedroom suite costs 5,600 rubles.

Where to eat in Arzamas

Where to eat in the city:

  1. Cafe "Sorento" is located at Lenin Avenue, 121 D. This place offers Italian, Russian and Japanese cuisine. Food prices are low. The average bill per person will be 350 rubles.
  2. Restaurant "Castle de Santi" located at Gorky Street, 8A. Visitors can have a delicious lunch, order coffee to go, and in warmer months the restaurant has a summer veranda. The average bill will be 600 rubles.

  3. You can have a quick and inexpensive snack at the Grill and Coffee cafe , which is located at st. Kalinina 19V. American, Italian and Russian cuisine is available to visitors. The average check will be 400 rubles.
  4. Restaurant "Golden Lion" is located at Zhukovskogo Street, 9A. Visitors are offered dishes of Russian cuisine; special attention is paid to grilled meat in the menu. The average bill is 1,500 rubles.
  5. The Yesenin Pub restaurant is located on Lenin Avenue, 210A. The cuisine in the restaurant is mixed, there is a coffee to go service. During the opening hours of the establishment, you can not only eat delicious food, but also listen to pleasant live music. The average check will be 1000 rubles.

How to get around Arzamas

When you come to see the sights of Arzamas, you can get around the city using local taxi services. Taxi prices are reasonable: one trip around the city will cost from 70 to 100 rubles. There is no metro in Arzamas. The transport network is represented by 14 city routes.

The fare for a bus or minibus costs about 20 rubles. The last public transport routes operate from 22:20 to 23:00.

The sights in Arzamas can be seen in one day. The most popular places to visit are located in the city center close to each other. Walking along the narrow streets and enjoying the beauty of Orthodox cathedrals, the traveler has a good opportunity to take a break from the hustle and bustle of modern life and get a new charge of positive energy.

Article design: Mila Friedan

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