How was the population census in Syzran? (2021)


(Samara Region)

OKATO code:
City since:
1781 City of regional subordination
Syzran district
Telephone code (reference phone)


Deviation from Moscow time, hours:
Geographic latitude:
Geographic longitude:
Altitude above sea level, meters:
50 Sunrise and sunset times in the city of Syzran


Syzran: maps

Syzran: photo from space (Google Maps) Syzran: photo from space (Microsoft Virtual Earth)

Nearest cities. Distances in km. on the map (in brackets along roads) + direction. Using the hyperlink in the distance , you can get the route (information courtesy of the AutoTransInfo website)
1Oktyabrsk13 (19)IN
2Obsharovka26 (373)IN
3Shigons29 (33)NE
4Volga region34 (337)YU
5Novospasskoe (Ulyanovsk region)48 (46)Z
6Radishchevo (Ulyanovsk region)52 (83)SW
7Terenga (Ulyanovsk region)62 (64)WITH
8Bezenchuk67 (238)IN
9Kuzovatovo (Ulyanovsk region)67 (76)NW
10Twigwort68 (305)SE
11Zhigulevsk73 (81)IN
12Tolyatti74 (104)NE
13Staraya Kulatka (Ulyanovsk region)74 (104)SW
14Dukhovnitskoye (Saratov region)77 (254)YU
15Khvalynsk78 (95)YU
16Nikolaevka (Ulyanovsk region)84 (83)Z
17Chapaevsk85 (213)IN
18Starotimoshkino (Ulyanovsk region)88 ()NW
19Sengilei92 (117)WITH
20Novokuibyshevsk98 (201)IN
21Pavlovka (Ulyanovsk region)103 (136)SW
22Rozhdestveno105 ()IN
23Barysh105 (140)NW
24Ivanteevka (Saratov region)107 (293)YU
25Evlashevo (Penza region)109 ()Z
26Samara109 (167)IN
27Novoulyanovsk110 (127)WITH
28Kurumoch110 (131)IN
29Volzhsky113 (139)IN
30Krasnoarmeyskoe115 (227)SE

a brief description of

Located on the right bank of the Volga (Saratov Reservoir), at the mouth of the river. Syzran, 137 km west of Samara. Port. Large railway node Near Syzran is the Moscow-Samara highway.

Territory (sq. km): 136

Information about the city of Syzran on the Russian Wikipedia site

Historical sketch

Founded in 1683 by voivode Prince G.A. Kozlovsky as a fortress on the high steep bank of the Syzran River, near its confluence with the Volga, on the site of the Syzran settlement (4th century BC). The fortress was part of the Syzran serif line. Name by river Syzran, where the fortress was located. In the description of the 18th century. the hydronym is indicated in the forms Syza, Syzan from the Tatar syza “ravine, beam”; the element -ran can be explained as an indicator of the Chuvash initial case, corresponding to the Russian preposition from, i.e. the name is Turkic and means “ravine river; flowing from a ravine.”

From 1717 in the Astrakhan province, from 1728 in the Sinbir province of the Kazan province. Since 1780, the district city of Syzran of the Simbirsk governorship (since 1796 - Simbirsk province).

In 1856, in the district city of Syzran, Siberian province, there were 10 churches, 2907 houses, 361 shops.

In 1874 the Syzran-Vyazemskaya railway was built, in 1876 - the Farmers-Orenburg, in 1898 - the Moscow-Ryazan railway. Syzran was a major transshipment point for goods from railways to Volga ships and vice versa. In 1880, 18 km above Syzran, the Syzran (Alexandrovsky) bridge across the Volga was opened - the largest in Europe in the 19th century. (now within the city of Oktyabrsk).

At the end of the 19th century. In Syzran, the main industry was flour milling. Syzran ranked 4th in Russia in grain processing, second only to Nizhny Novgorod, Saratov, and Samara.

In 1906, the city was severely damaged by a fire that destroyed 3,540 buildings, incl. 6 churches and a convent.

Since 1928, Syzran has been in the Middle Volga region (since 1929, a region), since 1936, as part of the Kuibyshev region.

In the 1920-30s. a hydroelectric power station was built (1929), the Kashpir oil shale plant (1932), the Suran oil field was created (1937), a clothing and furniture factory was opened (1935), and a food concentrates plant (1936).

During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45, locomotive (1941) and oil refinery (1942) plants were established.

In 1942, the working villages of Batraki (22.3 thousand inhabitants, 1939) and Kashpirovka (5.4 thousand inhabitants, 1939, PGT since 1932) became part of Syzran.

In the post-war period, the city's industry developed intensively; the Syzran Thermal Power Plant (1947), a soot plant (1967), etc. were put into operation.

In 1997, the urban settlement Novokashpirsky was included in the city.

Municipal indicators

Number of births, per 1000 population7.
Number of deaths, per 1000 population17.419.820.119.8
Natural increase (decrease), per 1000 population-10.2-11.9-10.7-10.4
Standard of living of the population and social sphere
Average monthly nominal accrued wages, rub.1370.5273845596481
Average housing area per inhabitant (at the end of the year), sq.m.19.62020.421.7
Number of preschool institutions, pcs.46363534
Number of children in preschool institutions, thousand people5.
Enrollment of children in preschool educational institutions (at the end of the year), as a percentage of the number of children of the corresponding age, %6567
Number of daytime educational institutions (at the beginning of the school year), pcs.38383938
Number of students in daytime educational institutions, thousand people24.522.72017.4
Number of doctors, people.751687678655
Number of nursing staff, people.2469234823492233
Number of hospital institutions, pcs.9999
Number of hospital beds, thousand units1.
Number of medical outpatient clinics, pcs.26252224
Capacity of medical outpatient clinics, visits per shift, thousand units.
Number of registered crimes, pcs.2837247021682643
Persons who committed crimes were identified, persons.1691148312621255
Economy, industry
Number of enterprises and organizations (at the end of the year), pcs.2140252927232911
Number of operating enterprises by type of activity: mining (at the end of the year), pcs.4
Number of operating enterprises by type of activity: manufacturing (at the end of the year), pcs.64
Number of operating enterprises by type of activity production and distribution of electricity, gas and water (at the end of the year), pcs.22
Volume of shipped goods of own production by type of mining (in actual prices), million rubles.30.4
Volume of shipped goods of own production by type of manufacturing (in actual prices), million rubles.17350.2
Volume of shipped goods of own production by type of production and distribution of electricity, gas and water (in actual current prices), million rubles.1270.1
Volume of work performed by type of activity “Construction” (until 2004 - volume of work performed under construction contracts), million rubles.120.9138.993.8214
Commissioning of residential buildings, thousand sq.m. of total area25.420.9912.5
Commissioning of residential buildings, apartments3472301135
Commissioning of preschool institutions, places0000
Commissioning of educational institutions, places0000
Commissioning of hospital facilities, beds0000
Commissioning of outpatient clinics, visits per shift0000
Number of bus routes (in intracity traffic), pcs.29322317
Number of tram routes, pcs.00
Number of trolleybus routes, pcs.11
Length of operational trolleybus lines (at the end of the year), km3.6
Number of passengers transported by buses per year (in intracity traffic), million people.42.745.634.37
Number of passengers transported by trams per year, million people.0
Number of passengers transported by trolleybuses per year, million people.1.30.8
Number of residential telephone sets of the city public telephone network, thousand units.33.636.740.443.7
Number of payphones of the city telephone network (including universal ones), pcs.107176
Trade and services to the population
Retail trade turnover (in actual prices), million rubles.1416.25011.26404.49978.2
Retail trade turnover (in actual prices), per capita, rub.7553271763434054676
Index of physical volume of retail trade turnover, % compared to the previous year98.1106
Public catering turnover (in actual prices), million rubles.71.1126.7211.9432.3
Index of physical volume of public catering turnover, % compared to the previous year124.4123.1
Number of stores, pavilions (at the end of the year), pcs.9243
Sales area of ​​shops, pavilions (at the end of the year), sq.m.14556.96408.4
Volume of paid services to the population (in actual prices), million rubles.375607.512581972.1
Volume of paid services to the population (in actual prices), per capita, rub.20003294674610806
Volume of household services to the population (in actual prices), million rubles.72.8100.4145.5233.2
Volume of household services to the population (in actual prices), per capita, rub.3885447801278
Investments in fixed assets (in actual prices), million rubles.337.21097.71236.11385.2
Share of investments in fixed assets financed from budgetary funds in the total volume of investments, %14.6116.715.4

Data sources:

  1. Regions of Russia. Main characteristics of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation: statistical collection. Goskomstat of Russia. - M:, 2003.
  2. Regions of Russia. Volume 1. Statistical collection. Goskomstat of Russia. - M:, 2001. p. 385
  3. Regions of Russia. Basic socio-economic indicators of cities. Statistical collection. Rosstat. - M:, 2005. p. 251
  4. Transport in Russia: Statistical collection. Rosstat. - M:, 2005. pp. 119, 129
  5. Regions of Russia. Basic socio-economic indicators of cities. 2006. Statistical collection. Rosstat. - M:, 2006. p. 247


Enterprises of the oil refining, petrochemical and chemical industries: PA "Plastik", carbon black plant. Factories: turbine building, Syzranselmash and others.

Furniture factory. Sewing association "Volna". Plant of food concentrates, etc.

To the south of Syzran, near the village of Novokashpirsky, there is mining and processing of shale.

Main enterprises


OJSC "Syzran Oil Refinery"
446009, Samara region, Syzran, st.
Astrakhanskaya, 1 Offers:
gasoline, diesel fuel, fuel oil


JSC "Plastic"
446025, Samara region, Syzran, Saratovskoye highway, 18th km.
synthetic resins, polymer films, plastic products


OJSC "Tyazhmash"
446010, Samara region, Syzran, st.
Gidroturbinnaya, 13 Offers:
oil and gas equipment, turbines, mills, conveyors


OJSC "Syzranselmash"
446016, Samara region, Syzran, Pristansky descent, 21
parts for cars, spare parts for agricultural machinery


OJSC "Syzran Garment Factory"
446001, Samara region, Syzran, st.
Sovetskaya, 31 Offers:
Tailoring of outerwear


JSC "Obuvprom"
446020, Samara region, Syzran, st.
Kamyshinskaya, 1 Offers:
Children's shoes

Culture, science, education

Branch of the Samara Polytechnic Institute.

Drama Theater named after A.N. Tolstoy.

Museum of Local Lore.

Composer A.I. was born in Syzran. Ostrovsky, the writer A.N. studied at a real school. Tolstoy. In 1919, the writer K.A. lived in Syzran. Fedin.

Universities of the city

Syzran branch of Samara State Economic University
446022, Samara region, Syzran, Lyudinovskaya st., 23

Syzran Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots (military institute)

446007, Samara region, Syzran, Military town WWW:

Branch of Samara State Technical University in Syzran

446001, Samara region, Syzran, st. Sovetskaya, 45 WWW:

Museums, galleries, exhibition halls

Local Lore Museum of the Syzran City District 446001, Samara Region, Syzran, st. Dostoevsky, 34 Phone(s) Website:

Architecture, sights

Architectural monuments of the 17th - early 20th centuries: Spasskaya Tower of the Syzran Kremlin (1683), Nativity of Christ Cathedral (1741). Churches: Fedorovsky Mother of God (1738), Ilyinskaya (1776), St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (1813), Ascension (1852-57).

Cathedral of Our Lady of Kazan (1864-72). City Bank (1863). Railway Station (1874).

Population by year (thousands of inhabitants)

Syzran - reviews from those who moved

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Mongora van Laf
01/29/2022 at 22:04


Syzran is a wonderful city!!! The top areas are Mongora and Nizhny Zasyzran!!!! I'm from St. Petersburg myself, but! It cannot even be compared with this heavenly town, imbued with its own aesthetics!

This city is beautiful!! But there is one minus - Mongora after nine in the evening. There's no better place to be. Drug addicts and drunks are crawling out of every crack! Nightmare! But my grandfather once worked near school 33, and he constantly found syringes, bags and snus! Poor young people, what should they do here??? Have fun of course!!! The place is great for walking, there is even McDucknex and KFS!! Like for this, let young people not run away from this city of the future! The climate is magical! Not like in St. Petersburg. In summer +30, in winter -30. Grace! Thanks to this city for the past, present and FUTURE! Everyone come to Syzran!!! P.S. I’m shocked by the negative comments! Asshole liars! Stupid Muscovites and St. Petersburg! Go to your concrete jungle (ruins)

I agree with Alexander that Syzran is the second Venice.

01/08/2022 at 05:54


I was born and live here. Beautiful city, beautiful Volga. And in general there are many beautiful places that you can visit. I like that it is not as busy as, for example, Samara and Tolyatti.

12/06/2021 at 16:43


A hole is a hole. Lack of medicine, work, medicine, culture...... A haven for drug addicts and alcoholics. Complete desolation.

It’s funny to hear that they want to make a large tourist cluster out of sysran... HEAL YOUR BRAINS... ))))))

08/11/2021 at 22:21


They say that in Soviet times there were a lot of factories and work, but now I can’t believe it - the main problem of this city is the lack of work and prospects. We need a large industrial complex, or at least the creation of a tourist infrastructure similar to that in the cities of Suzdal, Murom, Veliky Novgorod. There is something to show, but no one wants to develop it

06/12/2021 at 00:42


With the arrival of darkness, Syzran turns into a sanatorium of Satan: disgusting drunken faces, fights, stabbings, yelling, swearing: and everyone endures. I just want to puke at what a burp society has turned into here. In the summer, microdistrict 4 was simply unbearable: drunks in Drabadan spent the night screaming and squabbling. One day I wanted to change this place, make it better, brighter. But now, returning here, I understand more and more that nothing can be saved here and all this is romantic nonsense mixed with nostalgia.

Count (school 17)
06/08/2021 at 22:03


Everything is the same as in other cities and more magically in the country, I was born in this city, 4 years ago I moved to a big city because of work, I want to return less and less, although at first I was very drawn to it. Sometimes I imagine what would have happened if all our peers and classmates had not dispersed, but lived and built their lives like our parents. It’s the 21st century, there are pensioners in the city, young people who have nowhere to go, or those who don’t want to leave their parents for various reasons, but also, of course, the elite who sit in warm places. The city is good, the nature is cool, it’s warm in the summer (I say because I live further north), I come here in the summer and can’t breathe. Lately it’s been developing, although before that, as they wrote below, one friend squeezed and sucked out so much that it seemed “the grass won’t grow for 50 years.” Come visit Volga, beautiful sunsets and old merchant houses will welcome you with open arms. It’s hard to say what impressions those who saw the city for the first time had; each city has its own atmosphere and zest. The city at the junction of the three regions of Samara, Ulyanovsk, Saratov has gathered the mentality of different people, of course the merchant roots make it clear, and everyone is trying to get something out of their neighbors, but you can turn a blind eye to all this. I think that the city will be reborn, new generations will get tired of big cities , not everyone is smeared with honey, someone gets a job, but for others there is no point in working for the same money, and they will definitely return home. You need to go to Syzran in a mood with nostalgia and romance, and then it will be an unforgettable adventure!! !!!!!!!!!!!!

02/17/2021 at 16:49


The most wonderful city. Volga with countless islands (Venice). There are a lot of natural monuments in the area. Adequate people (until 23.00) And actually after, if you can’t handle it yourself. The drivers are all politeness itself! (well, there are potholes on the roads) There is not much work for young people (you can’t chew out pensioners) The best thing for northern pensioners. Climate 500 +++.

12/23/2020 at 21:59


It’s a pity what’s happening to the city, Simonov has to wait for retribution for his deeds, they’ve already written to Putin about how he divided school 10

10/21/2020 at 12:58 pm


Well, proud Armenian real men of Syzran. why don’t you go to fight and defend your country. Go and die with honor, or shame on your entire family

10/11/2020 at 14:27


When we drove into the city, I saw right at the entrance to the city a lot of terribly disgusting sexist advertising, pictures of women’s breasts, it was simply disgusting, they didn’t even stop. In any other city, such insults and humiliation of women would be tolerated, but here they shove it in your face everywhere, hinting that in this city women are not people, but stupid meat for relieving themselves, I’m from the provinces, but this is just a natural collective farm. Apparently your men are so trash that the only thing they can boast about is self-assertion over women, because they are nothing of themselves

02/17/2021 at 17:00


Were you able to evaluate the City based on its advertising billboard? Name yours, I’ll go and have a look (by the way, on Mongor there is a banner with two charming….. about three meters away, when I’m driving in the morning I spy it, I think about taking a photo next to it.

05.08.2021 at 11:40


You can immediately evaluate Syzran by how cheap housing is there. Dorm room 18 sq.m. 350-400t. In Khabarovsk there is 1 million 300 tons. So where is life better?

Guest of the city
05.29.2020 at 21:43


What's wrong with having a lot of private sector? Is it better to live in a concrete kennel among concrete boxes and asphalt? Who likes what. Yes, private houses are generally not as beautiful as in Europe. Here they write that people are so bad and they are to blame for it. What does it have to do with people? If these people are given the opportunity to earn good money, then their houses will be no worse than in Europe. Stop scolding this city, and especially the people who live here. Has every resident of the city done something bad to you personally? I'm sure not. Look at yourself. Many of those who scold this city and its inhabitants write simple words with errors. From here we can draw conclusions about who writes all these dirty tricks...

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Previously, Syzran was like a kind of Milan in small Italy, real estate prices were cosmic, an ordinary collapsed house in 2014 cost 1.5 million. People are at their posts, and everyone says that they know everyone, although it’s not clear what’s the use of this. Sometimes they know more about you than you do. The majors of Syzran have a lot of money, and with their luxurious life they made Syzran Milan. There were many boutiques and thieves who were looking for rich suitors. But the crisis has put everything in its place, no one needs real estate in the city now, the majors have left, fortunately there is no one to steal and sell clothes at exorbitant prices, and it has become a quiet town with an elderly population. You can still come and wax nostalgic about past times for a week, but there’s nowhere else to go


I have been living in Syzran for 13 years!!! I have been to many small cities in Russia. But I’ve never seen such a HOLE anywhere!!! In Syzran there is a private sector, dirt and dust all around!! Corruption is on every corner!! In general, there is nothing for young people to do here at all!!

Uncle Petya

I don’t think that people living in Syzran are very different from people living in other cities. In any other city there are good and bad people. Those who live in big cities always usually become arrogant and criticize smaller cities or villages, and at the same time the people who live there. Although they did not build these cities and have nothing to do with them. The one who wants to see the trash heap sees it, the one who wants to see the Kazan Cathedral sees it. Here it probably depends more on the person himself, what is inside him. A kind person will not write nasty things about the city and people he does not know. An evil person will of course write all sorts of nasty things. First you need to get rid of internal negativity yourself. Understand the reasons for your negativity. Blame others less. With internal negativity it will be bad everywhere, in Syzran and St. Petersburg and Moscow......

Yayaya Yayaya

I, too, have been living in St. Petersburg for 3 years. During this time I managed to fall in love with this city, but Syzran will still remain the most dear and beloved place on earth. And when I looked at the photos... I was filled with nostalgia! I was there not long ago and wanted to go again. some feeling of dissatisfaction, as if I didn’t see everything and everyone! but despite all this, I can’t stay there for a long time, after all, a big city is very different from a small city, even from my native one...


I have not moved to this city, since I have lived here since childhood. As a child, I loved my city very much, but as I grew up, I began to understand what a HOLE it is! If we talk about the advantages, then this Volga coast is the only place that I expensive in Syzran. Disadvantages - everything else - lack of paid work, prospects, educational institutions, a huge number of shops and shopping centers with such a low level of solvency of the population. If you managed to find a warm workplace here, your life will be more or less stable. Otherwise In this case, you will find a sad life in this city and a constant desire to leave it! Many eke out a miserable existence here! Syzran is a city for older people. I do not advise young people to move to this city and I myself am happy to leave it!


I am shocked by Syzran and the mentality of the locals! I came from the Caucasus for work. I won’t say that the city is downright terrible, yes! dirty yes! The roads are crap but overall it’s not that terrible, just an ordinary province. But damn, the number of drunks and the manners of the locals is terrible, there are very pubs every 30 meters, heaps of drunks on the street, mothers with cigarettes and beer. Swearing and ignorance on every corner, 70% of the population are simply wretched people, for those who want to know the meaning of the word redneck, you can safely go to Syzran, here you will understand what we are talking about. There are no normal doctors here. Of course, there are normal people, but there are very, very few of them here. Mainly bio-waste.


We were in Semyon's cafe. They sent me out without explanation. People don’t go to Semyon for a walk. Sadly. That some cops decide where to walk.....

Nikolay Gerasimenko

After graduating from Kazan University in 1967, he worked for eight years in the editorial office of the Syzran newspaper “Red October”. I have the warmest memories of the city and its inhabitants. It’s sad that I will no longer have the opportunity to visit here again, go around the Obraztsovskaya site where I lived, and go fishing on the Volga , in the winter to cheer for the Torpedo hockey team, and in the summer for the Tyazhmash football team... Thank you, Syzran, for the good memory of you!

Ekaterina Savicheva

I have been regularly visiting this town for three years...

I don’t like it, but I’m drawn to it by my parents, friends... in short, sometimes nostalgia takes its toll, and I come to Syzran.

There really is nothing to do here!

Violetta Savina

I also grew up in Syzran. But staying here is more expensive. there is a path only for those with technical brains, and humanitarians have nothing to do. no prospects. I always wanted to be a journalist, I worked at the BBC for two years, but you need a professional education. I left, for example, although it’s nice to come back only because my parents live here.


One thief, judge, and bandit. Still a bunch of dirty gypsies, drugs, unemployment and knee-deep dirt. Lack of sidewalks, I’m generally silent about roads - they weren’t, aren’t and WILL NOT BE! There is nowhere to study, hospitals are dilapidated, there are no doctors, telephone connections are from the 20s... In short, she was crap, and she will die as crap.


It's a shame that this famous city is dying. By the will of fate we are thrown into your city. And such negativity is painful to listen to.


In Syzran everything is very decent. If everyone only said good things, then they wouldn’t criticize the town. You just don't know the history of the city. Read, go to the local history museum, then you will understand everything. And the fact that there is no owner in the city, that’s why there is dirt, and the people themselves are sloppy, but these are not bastards. Once upon a time the city was very clean, there were many fountains. But its appearance and condition did not depend on our attitude towards the city. There is a good proverb: “There is no point in blaming the mirror if your face is crooked.” Let's take care of what is left of our ancestors, especially since Syzran is a historical Orthodox city!


Syzran is the best and favorite city!!! I agree with all the so-called spiteful critics that the countryside sucks and is dirty, there is a lot of private sector, etc., etc.. I agree, but I’m translating this into a channel of positivity and hope. I, too, am infuriated by these epn..e roads and the craftsmen who repair them there. THERE IS NO MAYOR-MANAGER! Preferably young and creative. Let him steal, but so that he is not ashamed of the city (Muscovites and other St. Petersburg residents steal from you too!) I lived half my life in Western Siberia, there are cities like Switzerland, it’s pure, it’s a pity to spit. BUT, guys, for some reason young people are trying to get away from there and away, you won’t be satisfied with cleanliness and like five-nine-twelve-story buildings alone.

And Syzran is an old merchant town, and there is no reason for it to strive for skyscrapers and glass offices. Townhouses in the private sector are just new, tasteful, and landscaping, landscaping, landscaping! Take the USA - there is only one high-rise New York, the rest is all in houses. AND IT'S COOL! It's Individual. Syzran is unique. The owner just needs a skillful one!



Having your own Kremlin and many places where you can eat


no roads

People in the city of Syzran are very aggressive, there are no roads, there is no work at all. Just beer stores and a pawnshop

Yulia Dyachenko

I would love to stay in Syzran. It’s normal for a family to live here and raise children. But building a career is problematic. Everywhere at any decent company, in order to get a good job you need to have connections. And so, sit on your average statistical salary (which won’t even get you into the middle class, so what if everyone lives like that) and keep quiet.

Still, I don’t want to. I want not just money, but a normal, decent life. At least a two-room apartment and not a Khrushchev apartment; the car is not a six; eat what you want, and not what you have enough money for; Once a year, go somewhere with your family on vacation: to the sea, abroad, but so that you can calmly and without worrying that if you go on this excursion now, you won’t be able to buy yourself an autumn jacket. In my opinion, these are not high demands from life. And in our city, such a standard of living is difficult for a simple family to achieve, even if they try very hard.

In big cities they don’t look at whose relative you are. And they evaluate your ability to work and professional qualities. And the salaries there are strikingly different.


Syzran is a very beautiful city. Personally, this city gave me a start in life, and having lived in it from 1996 to 2008, I still remember part of my life - service, wedding, children, divorce and forced departure to another city...



A beautiful area near the eternal flame.


All the rest.

I lived here since I was born, there is a dump next to the house. It accumulates here and is removed once a month! If you go a little further than the center or, for example, go down to Moldova, then there is no Internet there, or rather there is, but it’s very bad! Wi-Fi cannot be installed here; satellite is very expensive. They are trying to restore abandoned parks, but they are not doing very well. There are no street cleaners in the city and they hardly remove the ice. There are few monuments. In the summer it’s terrible on the beach, the sand is covered in fragments and branches! There are a lot of beer caps and bottles in the water, resulting in infection and amputation of the leg... A terrible city. I don’t know what to say, it’s terrible here and if you want to go to a dirty, unattractive village with 2 high-rise buildings, go here! The most terrible city of your life! Please don't come for anything!!!



Mongora is the only modern and more or less clean urban area. There is also a very beautiful, majestic five-domed Kazan Cathedral.


The city is completely destroyed, it’s scary to look at it!

It so happened in my life that fate brought me to the small town of Syzran and I stayed there for six months! So this is what I want to tell about him and not only about him, but about people too! ?

Let's start with the city: The city is completely broken, it's scary to look at it! In the center of the city, worse than in a run-down village, surrounded by houses that are in disrepair and people live there!!! The roads are broken, you need to walk with caution. The city center is terribly neglected, but I’d better not say anything about what’s going on on the outskirts...

As far as I know, Syzran is an ancient city on the Volga, which was founded in 1683. And the modern coat of arms of Syzran was approved by Tsarina Catherine in 1780. In the center of the city there is a wonderful and very beautiful, majestic five-domed Kazan Cathedral. It takes your breath away when you are there! And in Syzran there is the Holy Ascension Monastery, which was built in 1685. The history of this old, small provincial town is interesting. St. Petersburg, compared to Syzran, is still very young :) But that’s not what I’m talking about.

Also in Syzran there is the Mongora district with a pine forest - this is the only modern and more or less clean urban area.

As for work: So there is unemployment!!! On average, a person receives from 7 thousand rubles... And if suddenly someone is lucky with a job, then FOR a lot of money in QUOTES - that’s from 11 thousand rubles and above, you already need to work day and night, tirelessly!!! And those who already earn over forty are considered very big money for Syzran, then such an arrogant person is considered rich, he is already held in high esteem and they bow at his feet with respect. But not everything is so sad, there are people who live very well. If you have money, then you can live happily there like in any other place!

And as for the people: there are very envious, greedy and evil people who look into each other’s pockets and count money! If you are currently in a difficult situation and you feel bad, no one will lend a helping hand, but rather they will begin to belittle, press and destroy such a person!!! It is very difficult to survive in such a provincial town!

Everything in the stores is very expensive. There are stores in St. Petersburg that are much cheaper than there!

One plus is that transport is cheaper than in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

As for young people: it seems far from modernity and reality.

Having lived there, I accumulated more negatives than positives.

This city needs to be raised from scratch, developed, restored, repaired, and first of all, demolished houses where people still live!!!


I’ve been living here for 7 years, of course I’m not a native resident, but I have something to say.

  1. There is work in the city, but to earn a decent living you will have to work for yourself. The most prestigious place among city residents is the SNPZ; most of the population says that it is impossible to get a job there without connections, but I know people who managed it without problems.
  2. Half a billion rubles, which were spent in 2013 on the restoration of roads, seem to melt away with the snow. I’m talking about corruption, the quality of roads and the fairness of working people at the same time.
  3. The people are thieves, many boast of stealing copper from the factory or draining gasoline after a flight. In general, everyone is very good at what, while everyone criticizes the stealing power, a paradox!
  4. In some areas you can still run into local punks, but this is only true for the outskirts.
  5. The city knows how to be beautiful.
  6. The city has a good technical university, a helicopter school, an art college, and a medical school. college, lyceum, gymnasium, private school and a whole scattering of children. kindergartens, schools and colleges are easier.
  7. The most popular holiday destination in summer is the tourist centers located in the area.
  8. There is a lot of private sector in the city.
  9. New buildings appear, but rarely. Mostly shopping centers are being built (not even disdaining the territory of schools!).
  10. Recently, many different interest clubs have been appearing in the city, exhibitions are opening and various festivals and events are taking place. Young people are no longer left to their own devices.
  11. The Syzran Drama Theater will soon celebrate its 100th anniversary.
  12. Despite some obvious shortcomings, this city has its own charm that I wouldn’t trade for anything!


I lived in Syzran for 17 years - from birth until I left for Moscow to study. It was a difficult time - the war and post-war life. And I don’t need another childhood and youth that I had in Syzran. Syzran is my small homeland. She gave me friends, better than whom I never had. She gave me my favorite teachers. She gave me everything!!! Thank you, Syzran!!!


It’s all true, the first time I visited Syzran I was surprised by the empty trash heap in the pile of garbage surrounding it!!! Broke the bumper in a hole on one of the central streets!!! An article was posted on an openly Bandera website where, to illustrate the supposedly “terrible” life in Russia, Syzran was taken as an example!!! Apart from the Syzran residents, I have not heard a single positive review about this village from anyone in the whole country, and from the Syzran residents too!!! I have traveled the length and breadth of Russia, been to a variety of cities and regions, but 100% Syzran is one of the worst!!! And the author described this place in very soft tones - a cross between the film “Mad Max 2” and Tarkovsky’s “Stalker”... one word: horror

Alexey Sergeev

Yes, Syzran is one of the worst cities. Despite the fact that the city has and has had opportunities for development in many ways even greater than those of the best cities in the world. Volga, reservoir, the most powerful railway in the country. But, but, but this does not have any positive effect on anything in this place.

The question is why, because the devastation and filth on the streets is not anyone’s fault, but a direct consequence of the devastation and filth in the minds of the townspeople themselves.

I know personally and I just talked - the impression is that 90% have a mental disorder such as long-term depression. In Syzran there are no cheerful and cheerful people, only gloomy, sad, angry faces.

Everyone blames everyone, deputies steal, cops steal. Everyone is to blame except themselves, prosecutors, governors, directors. In short, Syzrans are almost all whiners.

But get your ass off. greasy sofa and go do at least something - insert glass, go disperse the drunks in front of the entrance, remove the garbage, fix the fence. These people moan and whine and curse. Everyone and everything, but they don't do anything

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