Kirzhach. Sights, photos, history, what a tourist should see in one day

The small town of Kirzhach is located in a surprisingly picturesque place in the Vladimir region. The city, entwined with an intricate ribbon of the river of the same name, with snow-white churches and ancient buildings, is attractive with its discreet, calm, provincial beauty.

In the ancient city, first mentioned in the princely will of Ivan I Danilovich Kalita from 1332, many historical sights, centuries-old monuments of temple architecture and civil architecture have been preserved.

Architectural landmarks

House of Culture

The district House of Culture is located on the central city street Gagarin. The snow-white building in the spirit of Soviet classicism was erected in the 60s of the 20th century. The entrance group of the representative building is surrounded on both sides by porticoes supported by 3 columns with a stucco finish. The original roof of the building with decorative arches is made in the shape of converging triangles.

Inside the building there is a concert hall, a library, an archive, and study rooms. The local cultural center, whose doors are hospitably open from 10:00 to 18:00, attracts original, creative people. The House of Culture operates 24 clubs of various types, uniting more than 1 thousand like-minded people.

The subjects of interests are varied: folk dances, children's choreography, pop music, filming, military school.

Boarding school

Kirzhach, whose sights for the most part do not pretend to be significant or particularly complicated, is rich in monuments of civil architecture of the 20th century. On quiet Leningradskaya Street there is a house built in the 1910s by the widow of industrialist Arsentiev to house an orphanage.

The building still fulfills its historical purpose: children from a specialized school live within its walls around the clock and receive knowledge. The two-story building of the classical style looks like a noble mansion of the 18th century. The central entrance is decorated with a covered gallery with a spacious stone balcony on top.

The balcony façade protrudes slightly forward, showcasing decorative columns and tall windows with arched finials. The multi-figured silhouette of the building with an accented entrance lobby gives an idea of ​​the provincial chic of a bygone era. It is interesting that the house built by the manufacturer's family as a shelter is much more beautiful and richly decorated than their personal mansion.

Shopping arcades

Trading rows, or Stone Rows on the central Sennaya Square, appeared in the city in the 50s of the 19th century. The large shopping arcades have survived to this day. The small building with an open gallery was demolished in the second half of the 20th century. In its place now stands the House of Culture.

The building is a muted red color with white and beige accents and looks colorful. A series of identical arches supported by square pillars are attached to the façade of the building. The covered gallery is decorated with antique-style lamps.

The monument of civil architecture is not lifeless. The building's areas are still reserved for retail. The plans of the administration of the Vladimir region include the reconstruction of the Small Trading Rows and the improvement of the spatial composition of the central square of the city.

House of Smirnovs

Kirzhach, whose sights are mostly located in the historical center not far from each other, has a distinctive ensemble of urban planning monuments of the 18th–20th centuries. At 26 Gagarin Street, there is a house that belonged to the family of the tradesman Ya.F. at the end of the 19th century. Smirnova. Now the building is occupied by the cultural department of the district administration.

The interior has been changed several times, but the appearance of the building has not been affected by time. The symmetry of the layout of the two-story building in a desaturated red color is emphasized by the central placement of the main entrance and paired windows on the sides.

The elegance of the building is given by a white cornice with a geometric protruding pattern along the roof line, corner decorative inserts and figured brickwork of the interfloor belt.

Former Arsentiev house

The historical center of the city is rich in another interesting monument of urban architecture of the 19th century. The ancient house at number 37 on Gagarin Street originally belonged to the most famous family of the city - the Arsentyev manufacturers. Fashionistas of the century before last sewed their best outfits from velvet and silk produced in the factories of the rich.

One of the last representatives of the dynasty, Mikhail Ivanovich Arsentyev, lived in the two-story mansion, who served as head of the city administration from 1916. The floors of the building are built using different materials: the first higher floor is built from stone, the second from round, strong logs.

The color contrast of the pale red stone tier and the dark chocolate wooden top gives the building an artistic originality. The façade is decorated with white narrow transverse inserts at the ground floor level. In the mansion there is currently a small exhibition hall opened by the Regional Folk Culture Center from 9:00 to 18:00.



  1. ^ a b c d
    Resolution #433
  2. ^ a b c
    Federal State Statistics Service of Russia (2011).
    “All-Russian Population Census 2010. Volume 1" [All-Russian Population Census 2010, vol. 1]. All-Russian Population Census 2010 [All-Russian Population Census 2010]
    (in Russian). Federal State Statistics Service.
  3. "26. The size of the permanent population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2022.” Federal State Statistics Service. Retrieved January 23, 2022.
  4. ^ a b
    State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics.
    Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization, Metrology and Certification. No. OK 019-95 January 1, 1997 “All-Russian classifier of objects of administrative-territorial division. Code 17 230”, Ed. changes No. 278 / 2015 dated January 1, 2016. (State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics. Committee of the Russian Federation on Standardization, Metrology and Certification. No. OK 019-95 January 1, 1997 Russian Classification of Administrative Objects (OKATO). Code 17 230
    As amended by Amendment No. 278/2015 dated January 1, 2016).
  5. ^ a b c d f
    Law No. 36-OZ
  6. "On the calculation of time." Official Internet portal of legal information
    (in Russian). June 3, 2011. Retrieved January 19, 2022.
  7. Post office. Information and computing center of OASU RPO. ( Post office
    Search for postal facilities ( Search for postal facilities
    ) (in Russian)
  8. “All-Union Population Census of 1989. The actual population of union and autonomous republics, autonomous regions and districts, territories, regions, urban settlements and villages Vladimirskie Vedomosti”, No. 114, June 20, 2007 (Administration of the Vladimir Region. Resolution No. 433 dated June 13, 2007 On the register of administrative-territorial formations and units of the Vladimir region
    As amended by Resolution No. 169 of March 5, 2015
    On amendments to the Decree of the Regional Governor dated June 13, 2007 No. 433 “On the register of administrative-territorial formations and units Vladimir region".
    Valid from the date of official publication.).
  9. Legislative Assembly of the Vladimir Region. Law No. 36-OZ of April 27, 2005 “On granting the Kirzhach district and newly formed municipalities included in its official status as municipalities and establishing their boundaries,” as amended. Law No. 113-OZ of August 10, 2009 “On amendments to the Law of the Vladimir Region” On granting the Kirzhach district and newly formed municipalities included in its composition the status of municipalities and establishing their boundaries “”. Came into force on the date of official publication (April 29, 2005). Published: “Vladimirskie Vedomosti”, No. 140, April 29, 2005 (Legislative Assembly of the Vladimir Region. Law No. 36-OZ of April 27, 2005 On giving the Kirzhach district and its constituent municipalities the corresponding status of municipalities and establishing them borders
    As amended by Law No. 113-OZ of August 10, 2009.
    On amendments to the Law of the Vladimir Region “On giving the Kirzhach district and its newly created municipalities the corresponding status of municipalities and on establishing their boundaries
    .” Valid from the date official publication (April 29, 2005).

Religious sites

Holy Annunciation Convent

Kirzhach is famous for its temple buildings. The pearl among the city's attractions is the Holy Annunciation Monastery, built in 1358 by Sergius of Radonezh and his student Roman. The basis of the monastery ensemble is the Annunciation Cathedral, the Spasskaya Church and the Church of the Glory of All Saints.

History has not preserved the glorious names of the architects who built the Annunciation Cathedral, as well as the exact date of construction. Presumably the cathedral was built during the reign of Ivan III at the end of the 15th century: the religious building has architectural forms typical of that era.

The main volume with one chapter in the form of a helmet is raised to a high basement. A temple with 4 pillars creates the impression of harmony, lightness, and artistic integrity. The beauty of the skyward building is given by the tiered completion with pyramids of kokoshniks and the internal system of arches and stepped ceilings.

In the lower floor of the temple there is a throne of St. Roman of Kirzhach, in which the miraculous relics of the saint rest. The Spasskaya Church, conceived as the family tomb of the boyar family of the Miloslavskys, was erected in 1656. The building of strict and clear lines is a simple quadrangle, erected on the basement.

The main volume is originally completed not with traditional domes, but with an elegant tented bell tower.

The yellow facades are richly decorated with snow-white details, emphasizing the Russian style of the building. Windows with stucco frames and semicircular kokoshniks look beautiful. The building is connected to the Annunciation Cathedral by a gallery equipped over the ceiling of the ground floor. This method of connecting two religious buildings is a rare phenomenon in Russian temple architecture.

Don't miss the most popular article in the section: Metro Nizhny Novgorod. Diagram, map, description.

The church in honor of All Saints, built in 1869 in the Russian style, dominates the overall appearance of the monastery ensemble. The tall, 5-tier bell tower built above the main volume impresses with its monumentality and beauty. The magnificent belfry, topped with a single onion dome, can be seen from various parts of the city, carrying the ringing of bells far and wide.

The doors of the monastery at the address: Gagarin Street, building 27, are open to believers from 8:00 to 17:30. Pilgrims are attracted here not only by the beautiful architectural forms of the temples, but, to a greater extent, by the main monastery shrine - the ark with the relics of St. Roman of Kirzhach and a well with miraculous water, dug, according to legend, by Sergius of Radonezh himself.

Kazan Church in Zarechye, Kirzhach district

The temple dedicated to the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is located 30 km from Kirzhach in the rural settlement of Zarechye in building 67 on Svetlaya Street. The brick prayer building in the eclectic style was created in 1887. The picturesque temple with 4 pillars and a raised central part is crowned with 5 decorative azure domes and a multi-tiered high bell tower.

The red facades with elegant snow-white arches, lancet windows, and figured stonework look amazingly colorful and elegant. The harmony of architectural lines and dimensional relationships, the golden onion shining in the sun above the bell tower, and the beautiful authentic fencing along the perimeter of the church courtyard form an amazing, complete spatial canvas.

At this time, services are canceled due to the reconstruction of the building.

Church of St. George the Victorious (Ilyinskoe village)

St. George's Church in the ancient village of Ilinskoye, erected on a hill, fills the entire surrounding space. The wooden church in the village was founded in the 16th century. In the 20s of the 19th century, a stone structure was erected in its place. The prayer building with three chapels is decorated in the spirit of classicism.

The octagonal main volume rests on a quadrangular lower tier. The snow-white temple with a multi-tiered bell tower rising up is covered with sky-colored domes and crowned with gilded domes. The church contains two ancient icons with images of the Great Martyr George and Nicholas the Wonderworker. Currently, restoration work is being carried out in the temple.

Flora and fauna

There are few fields around the city, but forestry predominates here. Other areas are considered the breadbasket of the Vladimir region.

The dense vegetation of the Kirzhach forests was formed in the post-glacial period. Kirzhach, like the entire region, is considered perhaps the most wooded area in the center of Russia. The common tree species here are pine and birch. Around the city there is a fence of dense pine groves, where walking is useful for the treatment and prevention of any respiratory diseases.

Lingonberries, blueberries and blueberries grow in huge quantities in the pine trees near Kirzhach, and local residents collect and sell them. The city is also surrounded by vast swamps, so blueberries, cloudberries, and cranberries grow here in abundance. There are a lot of swamps here, even in the floodplains of rivers; they are easy to find through the dense, tall thickets of reeds and sedges.

The forests here are mixed, and often old local species are interspersed with artificial plantings made during the USSR. This can be easily seen while walking through the forest.

In the vicinity of Kirzhach, 56 species of mammals, 240 species of birds, 5 species of reptiles, 10 amphibians and 34 species of fish have been recorded.

There are especially many squirrels of different colors in the forests around the city - red, gray, gray-brown. They roam over vast distances throughout the region.

The most common aquatic rodent is the beaver. There are a lot of them here and it’s easy to spot a beaver burrow both from the river and from the shore. There is also a common muskrat, which has lived on the banks of the Klyazma since time immemorial.

Many floodplain reservoirs that do not freeze to the bottom contain reserves of aquatic vegetation - reeds, sedges, reeds, water lilies, pondweeds.

Of the 240 species of birds, only 50 species are sedentary. Taiga bullfinches, waxwings and many other birds fly to the surrounding forests of Kirzhach for the winter.


District History, Local Lore and Art Museum of Kirzhach

Kirzhach, whose sights form a classic set for Russian provincial cities, is fully revealed in its museum exhibitions. The collection of the historical museum, housed within the walls of an ancient building of the 19th century at 52 Gagarin Street, is rich in rare examples of various subjects.

Connoisseurs of unusual monuments of applied art are shown a collection of patterned “Argunov” carvings depicting fairy-tale characters: dragons, brownies, mermaids, magical birds. For history buffs, there is an exhibition dedicated to the founding and formation of the city. Tourists are especially interested in the space-themed exhibition.

It includes samples of equipment, food for astronauts, letters from Yuri Gagarin, photographs, and bibliographic books. The museum welcomes guests from 10:00 am to 17:00 pm. Entrance fee is 30 rubles, excursion service - 50 rubles. Children under 16 years old visit the exhibition halls free of charge. Day off is Monday.

Museum of the Vladimir Militia of the Patriotic War of 1812

In building 36 on Gagarin Street there is an exhibition dedicated to the glorious pages of Russian military history. The prologue to the creation of the museum was the installation on the facade of a one-story building of the 19th century in honor of the Russian commander, participant in the famous Battle of Borodino, P.I. Bagration.

There is a legend that a wounded general stopped in this house while passing through. Materials for the exhibition were collected throughout the region. The exhibition, clearly illustrating the heroic contribution of the local militia to the victory of the Russian banner over Napoleon's troops, operates in the same manner and at the prices of a local history museum.

Ethnographic Museum-Estate of Galina Maslennikova (Zarechye)

A unique museum dedicated to hand-made silk weaving is located in the former estate of manufacturer S.I. Dumnova on Tsentralnaya Street, 19, in the village of Zarechye. Having no analogues throughout Russia, the fishery existed in the 19th century only in the Vladimir province. The tradition of silk weaving has completely disappeared, leaving only magnificent examples of the original work.

The initiator of the creation of the museum is the granddaughter of the manufacturer, the famous doll maker Galina Maslennikova. She purchased a dilapidated family home from the state and completely recreated the original appearance of the mansion and its interior furnishings. The well-kept courtyard houses a log cabin where silk production machines, collections of antique fabrics and unusually beautiful dolls are on display.

The interactive visiting program allows excursionists to feel like respected guests in the home of a hospitable owner, treating them to cabbage soup, pies, and porridge from the Russian oven.

You can visit the estate on a one-hour excursion with tea, or you can spend a weekend: live in an old house, learn to work on a loom, make a simple doll with your own hands, listen to folk songs.

The estate opens its doors wide to guests on Friday from 14:00 to 20:00, on Saturday and Sunday - from 08:00 to 20:00:

Excursion with tea450 rub.
Excursion with a real Russian lunch750 rub.
Weekend holiday with accommodation
  • for adult travelers - from 4,500 rubles.
  • for children - from 1800 rub.

Team Nomads

Kirzhach is a river in the Vladimir region of Russia, a left tributary of the Klyazma (in two small sections in the lower reaches it forms the border with the Moscow region). One of the most beautiful rivers in the Moscow region, a lot of forest, convenient banks, picturesque nature! There is good fishing on the river. The name of the Kirzhach River comes from the words kerzhi, kerch or kersh, which mean “left” in different dialects of the Moksha or Erzya language. The name of the Kerzhenets River, a left tributary of the Volga, has a similar origin. The Annunciation Monastery is located on the river. The length is 78 km, the greatest depth is 4 m, the greatest width is 70 m. The area of ​​the basin is 1820 km².









Kirzhach River

Klyazma pool

It is formed from the merger of the Small and Bolshoi Kirzhach near the village of Ivashevo. The city of the same name is located on the Kirzhach River. The main direction of the current is from north to south. The mouth at the confluence of the Kirzhach and the Klyazma in the area of ​​the village of Gorodishchi, 10 km from Pokrov.

Hydrology The height of the source is 137 meters, the height of the mouth is 116.5 meters, the river slope is 0.64 m/km. It freezes in November and opens in the first half of April. They are a typically flat river - they have a low slope, a slow flow, and a large tortuosity of the riverbed. Characterized by relatively high spring floods, low summer and relatively stable winter low water (annually repeating seasonal water levels in rivers). In spring the floodplain fills up. Below the city of Kirzhach there is a sandy bottom and shores; the right bank is elevated, the left bank is low. For 27 km below the city, a fairly wide (10-20 m), deep and fast river flows in high hilly banks. There are often snags, stones, and fallen trees in the riverbed. Below the mouth of the Molodyn tributary, the forest retreats from the water, the banks become open - meadow and swampy. In this section the river forms channels and oxbow lakes. From the mouth of the Sheredari tributary, the channel widens to 50 - 70 m, the bottom and banks are sandy, sand spits are exposed. The valley is wide, in the lower reaches it is swampy, with numerous channels and oxbow lakes.

oxbow of the Kirzhach River (old bed)

Tributaries The largest tributaries of the Kirzhach River are left ones. These are the Sheredar, 51 km long, flowing into the river 1.5 km northeast of the village of Ostrovischi, Vakhchilka (23 km), flowing into the city of Kirzhach and Molodan (16 km), flowing near Staroye Seltso.

Tributaries (km from the mouth) 16 km: Sheredar river (lv) 18 km: Lachushka river (Lachuga mouth) (pr) 34 km: Molodan river (lv) 61 km: Vakhchilka river (lv) 78 km: Maly Kirzhach river ( pr) 98 km: Shorna river (lv) 103 km: Bachevka river (pr)

Hydraulic structures Previously, there were many mills on the river, for which a dam was built. Currently, there are dams: below Ilkino, below the village of Krasny Oktyabr as part of Kirzhach in the area of ​​​​the village of Ilyinskoye - the remains of the dam and the ruins of the turbine room of a mini-hydroelectric power station. below the left tributary of the Molodyn there is a destroyed dam in the village of Gorodishchi[] Fineevskaya State District Power Plant Kirzhach River

Ruins of the Fineevskaya hydroelectric power station Due to the shortage of electricity, full power supply to agriculture from state power systems was impossible for a long time, since it could slow down the pace of industrial development. On February 8, 1945, the Government adopted a resolution “On the development of rural electrification.” There, in particular, it was stated that the construction of rural electrical installations serving individual collective farms was carried out by collective farmers at the expense of these farms and agricultural loans. Power plants became the property of collective farms. Inter-collective farm hydroelectric power stations were built on a shared basis by the interested collective farms. When constructing small hydroelectric power stations, it was recommended to use existing water mill dams. On September 13, 1945, by order No. 1611 of the People's Commissariat of Agriculture, the Glavselektrostroy office was created in Vladimir (from October 1954 it was transformed into the Selelektrostroy Construction and Installation Department). She was entrusted with carrying out rural electrification of the region[5].

In 1954, the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution that abolished all previously existing restrictions on rural electrification[6]. State farms, collective farms and machine and tractor stations were given the opportunity to connect to state energy systems. Since January 1955, the maintenance of rural electrical installations has been carried out not by Selelectrostroy, but by the specialized office Selelectro. Worn-out and obsolete hydroelectric power stations and thermal power plants are gradually being dismantled. The Fineevskaya hydroelectric power station (on the Kirzhach River, power 280 kW) was one of the last to be dismantled in 1967. The modern press mentions the intention to build a mini-hydroelectric power station on the Kirzhach River. According to some sources, local authorities believe that bringing generation closer to consumers will significantly increase the reliability of the energy system of the Kirzhach region and will reduce fees for connecting new consumers.

Quite rich in fish (bream, ide, asp, roach, perch, ruff, burbot, gudgeon, bleak, chub).

The river is available for kayaking from May to September.

merger of Big and Small Kirzhach

History The lower part of the course and the confluence of the Bolshoy Kirzhach River into the Klyazma on the map of the Moscow province of the Russian Atlas of 1792. The river is described in the Military Statistical Review of the Department of the General Staff in 1852: “The Kirzhach River has a double name: before joining with two other small rivers 8 versts above the provincial town of Kirzhach near the village of Ivasheva, it is called Small Kirzhach, and from there it already receives the name Big Kirzhach . It originates in the Aleksandrovsky district behind the village of Chernetskaya, near a mountainous hill, from the adjacent swamp area, known as the Berendeyev swamp; flows from north to south through the districts of Aleksandrovsky and Pokrovsky. The length of its course is 102 versts, the width at the beginning of the Bolshoy Kirzhach is 11 fathoms, at the end 25 fathoms, the depth at the beginning is 3/4 arshins, in the middle 4 1/2, at the end 6 arshins. The banks in Alexandrovsky district are more open, and in Pokrovsky district they are covered with various kinds of forest. There are two copper-brass factories on the river, one near the city of Kirzhach, the other near the village of Borodino, and a writing and paper factory near the village of Smolkevo.

Bridges: on the road from Aleksandrov to Yuryev, near the village of Legkova, on stilts, 3 fathoms long; on a country road, in Aleksandrovsky district, near the village of Romanovsky, on stilts, 30 fathoms long; on the road from Sergievsky Posad to Yuryev, in the city of Kirzhach, there is a bridge on rafts, and in the spring there is a ferry crossing; along the highway from Moscow to Vladimir on 3 stone arches 40 fathoms long.

There are only 18 mills on this river; Of these, only one is about four posts, the rest are about two and three. In the 1890s, near the village of Kirzhach, Pokrov-Slobodskaya volost, there was a free zemstvo ferry that operated in the spring. Kirzhach River


The Kirzhach River, the left tributary of the Klyazma, is formed from the confluence of the Bolshoy and Maly Kirzhach rivers (sheet 5) at a level of 137 m and flows into the Klyazma at the 495th km at a level of 111 m. The length of the river is 63 km, the average slope is 0.413 m/km.

From the confluence of Kirzhachi to the city of Kirzhach 15 km, from which to the mouth 48 km.

The Kirzhach River flows southwest past the village of Deminovo on the left bank and the villages of Savino and Ilyino on the right. The river, winding strongly, rushes south past the village of Lisitsino to the city of Kirzhach. Along the right bank of this section, parallel to the river, the Aleksandrov-Orekhovo-Zuevo railway line runs. The city of Kirzhach is a regional center in the west of the Vladimir region. Here is an architectural complex of monuments from the 15th to 18th centuries. In the city there is the Kirzhach station of the Aleksandrov-Orekhovo-Zuevo railway line. The dam near the Red October factory is to be demolished. Below the city the bottom is sandy and there are beaches. The right bank is steep and high. The river flows south, receiving Vakhchilka on the left, beyond the mouth of which we pass the village of Shelkokolbinata on the left bank, the village of Pikovo and the village of Fedorovskoye on the right.

For 27 km below the city, a fairly wide (10-20 m), deep and fast river flows in high hilly banks with villages far from the water and good places for moaning. There are often snags, stones, and fallen trees in the riverbed, but these obstacles are not difficult. The river below the city of Kirzhach is accessible to beginners. The banks are sparsely populated: below Fedorovsky, the Borisoglebskoye churchyard is on the left bank, the village of Ileikino (the platform of the same name on the Aleksandrov-Orekhovo-Zuevo railway line, about 1 km to the water) and the Bogorodskoye churchyard on the right. The river changes its direction from south to southeast and winds strongly to the village of Ilyinskoye, located on the right bank. When the water is low, the dam (50 m) will have to be carried out along the right bank. Below the mouth of the left tributary of the Molodyn, the dam is destroyed, the forest recedes from the water, the banks become open - meadow and swampy. In this section, the river forms channels and oxbow lakes, and in order not to make a mistake, you need to follow the flow. Near the village of Plotovtsevo (on the right bank) opposite the church on the left bank there is a bridge across the river. Below the village of Andreevskaya the river valley widens, the riverbed winds strongly among fields and meadows, the banks are overgrown with bushes, and there are few good parking spots along a distance of 15 km.

From the mouth of the left tributary of the Sheredari, the Kirzhach again turns south and does not change this direction until the mouth. The shores here are again picturesque, hilly, covered with forest. The channel widens to 50-70 m, the bottom and banks are sandy, sand spits are exposed. Villages and many pioneer camps appear on the banks. Good parking 3-4 km below the mouth of the Sheredari. The current weakens and the backing of the dam is felt. Near the village of Kirzhach (on the left bank) the river is crossed by the Gorkovskoye Highway (M7). Near the mouth, near the village of Gorodishchi, the final removal of the dam is ahead, and after a few hundred meters the Kirzhach flows into the Klyazma. Kirzhach River

Big Kirzhach River.

The Bolshoy Kirzhach River, the left source of the Kirzhach, is formed near the village of Pokrov (sheet 6). The length of the river is 70 km.

Shorna River.

The Shorna River, the left tributary of the Bolshoi Kirzhach, is formed near the village of Nefetinino (sheet 6) and flows into the Bolshoi Kirzhach at a level of 144 m.

Small Kirzhach River.

The Maly Kirzhach River, the right source of the Kirzhach, flows from the swamps near the village of Chernetskoye (sheet 5).

The route can begin in high water near the village of Legkovo, where a bus goes from the city of Aleksandrov (12 km), 25 km from the mouth. The river is narrow, shallow, very winding, with sparsely wooded banks, littered with snags and fallen trees. During high water, Maly Kirzhach is only accessible to a sports group; during low water, the river is almost impassable.

From Legkovo the river flows south past the numerous villages of Ledyurevka (on the right bank), Rozhdestvenno (on the left), Burkovka (on the right), Belteevka (on the left), Fedorovskoye (on the right), Vyazmino (on the left), Bolshoye and Maloye Shimonovo (on the right), Gavshino (on the right), Petrakovo and Rozhanovo (on the left), Pogorelki and Starovo (on the right), Melekhin and Artemyevo (on the left). From the village of Burkovki to the village of Rtishchevo, a forest often approaches the right bank. Below the village of Artemyevo, Maly Kirzhach passes under the railway bridge of the Alexandrov - Ivanovo line and at the village of Ivashevo, located on the right bank, merges with Bolshoy Kirzhach.

Sheredar River.

Sheredar is a river in Russia, flowing in the Vladimir region. The mouth of the river is located 16 km along the left bank of the Kirzhach River (it is its largest tributary). The length of the river is 51 km, the drainage basin area is 269 km². The source of the river is located east of the village of Voskresenskoye, 12 km from Kolchugino. Further, Sheredar receives two streams, starting near the village of Bakinets and going around it. Near Myzzhelovo it receives a tributary of the Utrik. In its middle course it flows through a swampy meadow floodplain, where many nameless streams flow into the Sheredar. To the east of the settlement Bolshie Gorki receives a tributary Voleshka. It flows into the Kirzhach 1.5 km northeast of the village of Ostrovischi at a level of 117 m. It flows through the settlements of Khmelevo, Zheludyevo and Voskresenye. The width in the lower reaches is 5-6 meters. It freezes in November and opens in the first half of April.

MOLODAN Molodyn, Molodan is a river in Russia, flows in the Kirzhach district of the Vladimir region. The mouth of the river is located 34 km along the left bank of the Kirzhach River. The length of the river is 16 km, the drainage basin area is 103 km². The source of the river is located in a forested area 7 km southeast of Kirzhach. The river flows south; the villages of Polutino and Trokhino are located near the river.

VAKHCHILKA Vakhchilka is a river in Russia, flowing in the Kirzhach district of the Vladimir region. The mouth of the river is located 61 km along the left bank of the Kirzhach River. The length of the river is 23 km, the drainage basin area is 99 km². The source of the river is in a wooded area 17 km northeast of Kirzhach. The river flows to the southwest, passing through the villages of Beltsy, Zheldybino, Vlasyevo (in the village on the river there is a dam and a dam), Arefino, Efanovo. In its lower reaches it flows along the southeastern outskirts of the city of Kirzhach. Before the mouth of the river there is a dam and reservoir, also known as Lake Krutoe. In 2012, during repair work at the waterworks, it was almost completely drained. Currently, the lake is a landmark of the city, along the banks of which pine trees grow. A favorite place for fishermen, both summer and winter fishing. Kirzhach River

REPORT ON RAFTING ON THE KIRZHACH RIVER Shorna – Bolshoi Kirzhach – Kirzhach June 2005

Author: Georgy Dremin (Elektrogorsk)

Group composition: 1) “Taimen-2”: Shchepetilnikov Eduard, Kalinovsky Vitaly, Trubkin Nikolai Ivanovich; 2) “Taimen-2”: Vasily Shvets, Dima Shvets (7 years old); 3) “Neva-2”: Dremin Georgy, Kapustin Andrey.

Walking days: two. The beginning of the route is the left bank of the Shorna River, somewhere between the villages of Aleshki and Timoshkino in the northwestern part of the Vladimir region. The length of the route is 45 km. The end point is the city of Kirzhach. We got to the starting point by minibus from the city of Elektrogorsk. First we moved along the road leading from the Gorky highway to Sergiev Posad, then we turned towards the city of Kirzhach and, having passed it, drove along the road leading to the city of Kolchugino. Near the village of Zherdevo, the main road turns left and crosses the Aleksandrov–Yuryev-Polsky railway line. Immediately after the railway crossing, the main road goes to the right, and we moved straight towards the village of Afanasovo. Having passed it, in the next village of Savelyevo we turned right and, after covering five kilometers of a bumpy dirt country road, we reached the Shorna River. The width of the river in this place does not exceed 5-7 meters.

Judging by the atlas of the Vladimir region, released in 2003, the village of Aleshki should be somewhere here. But the local residents we met, in the form of two poorly slept men, knew nothing about the village of Aleshka and stubbornly called this place the village of Timoshkino. However, on the opposite bank, the bell tower of a dilapidated church peeked out from behind the trees. The closest similar building, again judging by the atlas, was only in the village of Frolishchi. We arrived at the beginning of the route around ten o'clock in the morning. Assembling the boats and breakfast took two hours, and we started safely around noon.

The first impression of the Shorn River turned out to be purely positive. Not wide, overgrown with algae and water lilies, the river slowly meanders through the lowland, covered on all sides by bushes. Good sunny weather and complete desertion on the banks contributed to an idyllic perception of the Central Russian landscape. However, after half an hour of sailing, as soon as the first houses of the village of Timoshkino appeared on the right bank, we encountered the first difficulties in the form of a blockage of trees that had fallen across the river. One member of our group had to climb waist-deep into the water and pull away logs in order to guide the kayaks through the blockage. As soon as we passed one blockage, we found ourselves in front of the next. Here we had to use an axe.

However, an hour later we found ourselves near the village of Yasnaya Polyana. Here the river overflows into a picturesque pond and is lost in the thickets of reeds. After reconnaissance on the shore, they found out that the river here was dammed. A dam of inclined concrete slabs is built under the bridge. Kayaks from the pond to the dam can be carried along a ditch along the road (). While crossing the dam, you can practice rafting techniques in fast water. That's what we did for an hour. Immediately behind the dam there is a small threshold.

Beyond Yasnaya Polyana, the Shorna River continues to meander through a plain overgrown with bushes and forests. This part of the route left the impression that the river winds much more intricately than is reflected on the map with a scale of 1:100,000. The current here is faster, obstacles in the form of protruding logs, inclined trunks, sharp turns and sandbanks do not allow you to relax. We encountered two more large rubble. A two-handed chainsaw works well. Near the village of Klimkovo, the Bolshoi Kirzhach flows into the Shorna. Downstream the river is called Bolshoi Kirzhach, although the Shorna at its confluence is much fuller.

Historians believe that the name of the Kirzhach River, as well as the Kerzhenets River, which flows through the Nizhny Novgorod region, comes from the word “kerdzhi”, which is preserved in the Mordovian language and means “left”. The river is so named, apparently because it is the left tributary of the Klyazma. The first mention in Russian chronicles of a village on the Kirzhach River dates back to 1328, i.e. to the time of Moscow Prince Ivan Kalita. In 1358, Sergius of Radonezh founded the Annunciation Monastery on the banks of the Kirzhach River .

About three kilometers after the confluence of the Bolshoy Kirzhach, within the village of Nedyurevo, the river is blocked by a collapsed concrete bridge. It is impossible to get through under the low-lying beams. We made an awkward drift along the left bank. A little further there is a ford across the river and a beach with children swimming. The obstacle race was so exciting that we missed not only lunch, but also the next snack. We only came to our senses at about five in the afternoon. It should be noted that seven-year-old Dima, thanks to his male upbringing, behaved impeccably all the way, helping his dad row as best he could. We sailed for the next six kilometers, choosing a suitable parking lot. Among the attractions, I remember the large iron rusty automobile bridge hanging over the river. At about half past seven we stopped for the night on the left bank. The tents were set up on a flat meadow. It turned out that at this point the river makes a 180-degree turn, so a pine forest about two hundred meters from us, which we were counting on as a source of firewood, turned out to be on the opposite side of the river. Still, we were not left without fuel.

The rest of the day and evening were spent around the fire, preparing dinner. Swimming in cool water went well with small doses of red wine. After sunset, fog descended on the meadow. It spread in a thin but dense layer over the grass. Barbecue and the singing of a nightingale completed the already beautiful picture of the day.

The next day, despite the weather forecasters' threats, the weather continued to please. We left early, at fifteen minutes to ten, driven by the knowledge that on the first day we could not complete the first half of the route. About fifteen minutes later we came across a road bridge. Apparently it connects the villages of Smolnevo and Trutnevo.

Kirzhach River St. Nicholas Church - Selivanovskaya Mountain

An hour and a half later the railway bridge appeared. A kilometer below him, the river suddenly goes to the right, a rocky bottom is exposed, and the flow accelerates sharply. For some time the river drags the kayak along the rocks. About two hundred meters below this site on the left bank there is a good parking lot with a beach.

The road bridge, indicated on the map just below the railway bridge, has been destroyed and is not in use. It apparently burned out. Finally we reached the confluence of the Malyi Kirzhach. The river here becomes noticeably fuller. There are no more rubbles. The traces of civilization are more noticeable. More people began to appear. There are fishermen sitting here and there. By two o'clock in the afternoon we reached the village of Ilkino. One and a half kilometers from it there is a platform where electric trains from Aleksandrov to Orekhovo-Zuevo stop. But our path lies further towards the city of Kirzhach.

Three kilometers below Ilkino, the river is blocked by a dam, which is not indicated in any way on our map. The water drop is one and a half to two meters. The water rolls down the concrete slabs and then flows rapidly between large stones. We circled along the right bank. There are many summer residents from Moscow near the dam. The city of Kirzhach welcomes travelers sailing along the river of the same name with three hanging pedestrian bridges, one more beautiful than the other. Young naiads and undines splash in the streams of water below them. A little further downstream on a high steep bank you can see the belfry and walls of the Annunciation Monastery. On the territory of the monastery are the Annunciation Cathedral and the Church of the Savior, which are architectural monuments of the 15-16 centuries. Kirzhach River

A kilometer below the monastery, the river turns left and flows under a road bridge. At four o'clock in the afternoon we stopped on the right bank, a little short of reaching the bridge. It is better to dismantle the kayaks immediately behind the bridge so as not to bypass the swampy pond. Immediately behind the bridge are the remains of a destroyed dam. In ancient times, the famous Stromynsky Highway ran through this bridge, leading from Moscow to Vladimir. Modern cab drivers agreed to take us in a gazelle to Elektrogorsk for 1,200 rubles. If we had not negotiated with the cab drivers, we would have had to move with all our belongings to the railway station, which is located a kilometer from the bridge, and wait for the train to Orekhovo-Zuevo.

Summary: The route turned out to be more dynamic and intense than expected during its preparation. On the first day of sailing, the river did not allow us to relax for a minute. This, as well as the almost complete desertion of people on the banks, despite the weekends, constitute the main advantages of the route. The main dangers are associated with rubble and submerged logs.

FISHING ON THE KIRZHACH RIVER Fishing report: January 31, 2015, January 31, 2015, Kirzhach, Winter Zherlitsy river. Catch: 1-3 kilograms Weather: Thaw, +2 , Snow, Rain, Hail Bait/bait: Carp

In general, the weather was not ice, so to speak, at first it rained, then it snowed suddenly. I got to the river on foot, about 1.5-2 km. At 8.20 I was there, put the first girder, walked away a couple of meters and “voila” the flag went off, well, I think it was poorly secured, I went up and didn’t check (I didn’t believe that a pike could take it so quickly)))) In general, I hooked it early in the end got off. Well, I think it’s not a problem, I planted a new crucian carp, set up 5 baits and went to the tent to drink tea, the time was about 8.50, half an hour later the flag went off in the same place, and in the end I managed to film the capture of my first winter trophy) Weight 1,400

Fishing report: December 19, 2013, December 19, 2013, Kirzhach, Zimnie Zherlitsy river, Mormyshka. Catch: 3-5 kilograms Place of fishing: the city of Kirzhach, the largest pool behind the cannery

Hi all. On December 19, I decided to go fishing, on the first ice on the river for the first time, so there were concerns about the strength of the ice, since the weather was constantly changing. I was thinking about going to catch some live bait so that the next day I could go and set up the girders in the morning! Well, just in case, I took 5 zherlits with me, you never know! I'm there at 12.00! I quickly catch live bait and within an hour I have 15 live bait roach! It’s 13.00 I’m thinking of setting up several girders, last year I fished on this pool several times, the result was 0 for pike! As soon as I placed 5 zherlits, one of them worked! I go up to it, it reels, then there’s a pause, I think now it’ll go again and I’ll drag it, but the reel stays still! I pull it out, there is no live bait, it’s a shame, I didn’t even find out who ate the roach so neatly! I put in a new live bait and went on to catch roach, by the way, sometimes I came across a pretty good one!!!!!!!!! After 5 minutes the flag lights up, this time without misfiring and the beauty weighs 1.5 kg on the ice!!! Then, after 10 minutes, two more girders are triggered at once and two pikes slightly smaller than the first one on the ice!!!!!!! I decide to stay until the evening since there is such a bite, but until 16.00 there was no more rise!!!! The roach pecked well and sometimes even very good!!!!! PS the next day, not a single rise!!!!!


SOURCE OF INFORMATION AND PHOTO: Team Nomads Wikipedia website. Surface water resources of the USSR: Hydrological knowledge. T. 10. Upper Volga region / Ed. V. P. Shaban. - L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1966. - 528 p. Kirzhach - article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia Tourist Water Encyclopedia information about the object in the State Water Register Kirzhach River // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg, 1890-1907.


Memorial at the site of Yuri Gagarin's death

In 1968, a fighter piloted by the world's first cosmonaut Yu.A. crashed. Gagarin and the commander of the aviation detachment V.S. Seryogin. The plane crashed 18 km from Kirzhach, near the village of Novoselovo. There is still no clear opinion regarding the reasons for the plane crash. According to the official version, the fighter went into a tailspin, turning away from an unknown target.

However, no objective evidence of this version has been published. 7 years later, a monument was erected at the site of the death of the crew. The 16 m high granite stele follows the contour of an airplane wing. Portraits of fallen pilots are engraved on it. The stele is edged in a circle with a strip of dark, mourning-colored mineral. Not far from the monument there is a wooden guest house with a museum hall.

The exhibition features photographs, books, and personal belongings of fallen Heroes of the Soviet Union. You can visit the memorial freely, any day of the week. A hundred meters from the crash site of the fighter is St. Andrew's Church, built in the first quarter of the 19th century. At the time of the disaster, the temple was in a dilapidated state.

During the search for the fallen fighter, the prayer building served as a landmark. The space squad led by A.A. Leonov took an active part in the restoration of the temple.

The church is decorated in an unusual style. Next to the images of Christ and the Apostle Andrew, the faces of the saints who patronize the first space detachment are drawn, and a spacecraft and the galactic sky are also depicted. The ensemble of the belfry is represented by 9 bells, named in honor of the astronauts who died throughout the history of star flights.

Airplane UTI Mig 15

To the memorial complex in honor of Yu.A. Gagarin and V.S. Seregina, the UTI Mig 15 is turned on. The device is a copy of the fighter on which the deceased pilots made the fatal flight. The aircraft brand has gone down in history forever, being associated with the name of the first cosmonaut.

Immediately after the disaster, the crash site was carefully studied. The volume of collected remains of the aircraft amounted to an unprecedented amount - 90% of the weight of the entire device. A study of the materials showed that all systems of the crashed plane were functioning properly until the collision with the ground. The fighter, placed on a stone pedestal, is a kind of honor to the trouble-free technology.

Nature of Kirzhach

The local landscapes are delightful with their true Russian beauty. There are many natural monuments in the region. In the village of Smolnevo, a linden alley has been preserved, planted during the improvement of the noble estate of Count Saltykov. The age of 75 park linden trees is about 150 years.

The park vegetation surrounded by oak forests, reflected in the waters of ponds covered with duckweed, looks stunningly beautiful. It’s as if the views of the Sherna River from the territory of the former Vyazemsky estate came straight out of the paintings of great Russian landscape painters. From the 19th century estate, located in the village of Berezhki, what remains is a park included in the list of natural monuments.

Abandoned parklands mixed with forest vegetation into a single picturesque green canvas. The rustle of leaves, sun glare on the river surface, tremulous gusts of wind carrying the aroma of meadow grass give complete immersion in the harmony of nature, a break from the frantic rhythm of modern life and the annoying noise of the metropolis.

In the village of Filippovskoye there is a spring with healing water, named in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

According to legend, the age of the source is about 6 centuries. The place with the miraculous spring is beautifully decorated. A stepped wooden staircase leads to it, a carved font was built under a figured roof and there are places for relaxation. Pilgrims from all Russian lands flock here, firmly believing that water has miraculous powers and relieves many diseases.

Active recreation in Kirzhach

Kirzhach, whose sights turn the city into a wonderful place for a contemplative journey, offers many options for active recreation. There are several tourist centers in the area that provide equipment for fishing, river rafting, bicycle tours, and ski slopes.

Several sports clubs offer horseback riding in the picturesque surroundings and horse riding lessons. Particularly popular is the Zabava horse yard, located 1 km from the city in the village of Korytovo. The price for a group lesson is 600 rubles, the cost of a horseback ride is 1200 rubles.

The local airfield is famous for the fact that the first group of astronauts trained here. Nowadays there is a flight club “Strizh” on its territory, which teaches parachute jumping. An experienced instructor who acts as a guarantor of safety in the sky is at the service of lovers of thrills. The price of one air flight is from 2200 rubles.


Holidays in small towns with fairly developed infrastructure are increasingly popular among metropolitan residents. It is in Kirzhach that you will find everything you need for an active or quiet holiday in nature.

Located just 90 km from the capital, Kirzhach can delight its guests with large farms where you can buy food, you can rent boats for going down the Kirzhach River, as well as bicycles and ATVs.

And after an active holiday, visit local restaurants, Russian and Turkish baths, and hotels. Outdoor recreation in Kirzhach will be remembered for a long time by all tourists!

Where to go with children

One of the interesting offers of the city for young travelers is small productions of the original children's theater "Owlet", telling about the adventures of an owlet traveling through the Kirzhach land. The performances are based on the books of Evgeny Fedorov, the initiator of the opening of many city cultural sites and monuments.

The theater building occupies building 30 on Gagarin Street, and is open from 9:00 to 17:00 on weekdays. The ticket price is 100 rubles. In the city, on Selivanova Mountain, there is an observation deck “Zaichushka”, from which you can simultaneously admire the beautiful landscapes of the river floodplain and the ancient buildings of the central part of the city.

Children love to take pictures next to the bronze sculpture of a kind fairy-tale character named Zaya. 30 km from the city there is a place that not only conquers children's hearts, but also evokes strong emotions in adults. This is the first domestic airfield for airships.

There are currently two aircraft in the hangar. A project to build several more flying machines is currently underway. An airship hovering in the air is an amazing picture, similar to the animated footage of a science-fiction film.


The climate of Kirzhach is moderate continental. Seasonality is clearly expressed here - a real Russian winter and almost a Crimean summer. We can say that the geographical position of this old Russian town is extremely advantageous.

Kirzhach in winter

In winter, the icy air of the Arctic blows from the Barents Sea to Kirzhach and despite global warming, the winter here is harsh - the air temperature drops to -40 °C.

For the same reason, frosts are not uncommon in May, destroying the first shoots of fruit trees and vegetables.

But in summer, the warm Central Asian air sharply increases the temperature to +38 °C.

In general, the climate in the city is humid continental with an average annual temperature of 4.4 °C.

Kirzhach is located in the third Volga time zone, where the time should be an hour ahead of Moscow. But despite the time zone, Kirzhach still lives according to Moscow time.

City coordinates on the world map:

56'15.806°C. w. 38' 86.853° east. d.

If you show Kirzhach from the height of an eagle's flight, you will not be able to immediately see the city in the dense green forest. The forest lands here are rich in dozens of species of trees, shrubs, and grasses - there are more than 1 thousand species in the vicinity. It seems that Kirzhach is drowning, that he is lost in the forest.

What to see in 1 day

Walking is especially romantic. In a small town with a compact location in the center of all interesting cultural sites, it is not difficult to build a convenient tourist route. Buses run from the station towards Gagarin Street: 104, 106, 108, 4, 7. The bus ride takes no more than 5 minutes.

You should start the tour by visiting the main city attraction - the ensemble of the Annunciation Convent. Near the monastery there is a House of Culture, Shopping Rows, and Smirnov's House. Further up the street are the Museum of Platbands, the Museum of the Vladimir Militia and the Museum of Local Lore.

Kirzhach. Museum of Platbands.

In the area of ​​houses numbered 30 to 34, the asphalt has been replaced with red paving stones and old cobblestones, on which the ancestors of modern townspeople walked. Stylized cast iron lanterns and decorative benches line the atmospheric walkway.

Next comes the park area. You can turn onto Vladimirskaya Street, go around the park and exit onto Leningradskaya Street. A walk along this road will lead to an old house built at the beginning of the 20th century by the widow of a local manufacturer for an orphanage. If time permits, it is worth visiting the memorial complex at the site of Gagarin’s death. A taxi ride costs about 450 rubles. will take 25 minutes.

The provincial, quiet town of Kirzhach is a pleasant place for a tourist holiday. It can become a memorable intermediate point of a trip to Sergiev Posad or Vladimir, or it can be the final goal of a weekend trip. The city does not have famous sights, but there is a lot to see.

Article design: Ilchenko Oksana

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